Monday, July 5, 2010

Queers Against Israeli Canadian Apartheid

It's basic to anti-Western hatred. It all blends together after a while.

From Jonathan Kay, "
'Queers Against Israeli Apartheid' Declare Canada to Be An Apartheid state, Too."

Blazing Cat Fur has some viddy, and pics at Lumpy, Grumpy and Frumpy:

Also, at Five Feet of Fury, "Do 'openly Christian' cops get to stick crusader flags in their helmets?"

RELATED: "Old Rebel Does Toronto!"


Josephine said...

Hi, thanks for the link!

Blazingcatfur said...

Thanks for the link D. Youtube is truly nutty, 1 complaint and they banned it, not sure who would have filed it but no matter, it has been linked to across oceans now;)