I stayed for an hour. Temperatures were pushing 100 degrees. Most folks driving by were supportive, although a few yelled "racist" slurs. But the South O.C. patriots are a good natured bunch. Close to 50 people turned out. They waved signed and used bullhorns to get the message out: Secure our borders. Except for the first few pictures, photos are posted mostly in semi-chronological order (and the third shot down, with the Arizona State flag at left, is a fellow named Jim who I met in Phoenix for "Stand With Arizona"):
This gentleman attended the July 3 tea party in San Juan Capistrano:
When the O.C. is ready to throw down, the revolution has surely begun. :)
[For a light hearted take on our present peril]
You will be live on American Freedom... South O.C. Patriots Rally for Arizona! Support Ar... American Power, Ca., tags..Donald Douglas, Orange County scheduled 10:09:00 PM
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