Monday, July 19, 2010

To Build or Not to Build? Mosque Protests Go Nationwide

This was in Sunday's Los Angeles Times, "Planned Temecula Valley mosque draws opposition."
Muslims throughout Temecula and Murrieta have saved up for years to build a mosque to replace the plain white industrial building, tucked between a pipeline company and packaging warehouse, where they now gather to pray.

But as the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley moves ahead with plans to build on a four-acre plot of vacant land near Temecula's gentle hills and invading housing developments, plans for the new mosque have stirred hostility in this mostly conservative community in southwest Riverside County.

Along with increased traffic and noise, opponents fear the mosque would clash with Temecula's rural atmosphere and, they say, possibly turn the community of 105,000 into a haven for Islamic extremists.

But what about 1st Amendment protections for freedom of worship? Are folks in Temecula a bit intolerant? Or are we now going to prohibit the construction of mosques whenever there's local opposition?

This Temecula case doesn't seem to be anything like the opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque, which is clearly an example of Islamic Jihad's imperial conquest. New York Muslims will literally be praying on a battle zone where bodies are still being recovered.

And some even bigger names are speaking out on this now ...
Sarah Palin, for example, on Twitter. And at ABC News: "Sarah Palin Joins Chorus Slamming Ground Zero Mosque: Palin Calls on 'Peace-Loving Muslims' to Oppose Mosque Near 9/11 Site."


Dana said...

Maybe if, instead of building a mosque near the old World Trade Center site, they sent the money to actually build something in Gaza, they'd actually do some good.

Of course, our Muslim friends only pay lip service to the Palestinian cause; they don't actually care about them.

Stogie said...

I've thought about this quite a bit, and I don't think the 1st Amendment should protect Islam. It is not just harmless worship, but a totalitarian ideology that seeks to violently overthrow our Constitution and democracy and replace them with Sharia law. The extensive cultural disruption and non-assimilable nature of Islam in Europe has already been clearly noted. Do we want the same problems over here? I think not.

The Constitution, as someone has said, is not a suicide pact. In the 1950s, when we were being undermined by communists "boring from within," would we have allowed communist training centers throughout America? And if they had called themselves "a religion," would that have made it all okay?

AmPowerBlog said...


I'll add your comments in a post I'm going to write a bit later in an update.

Grizzly Mama said...

As an American, raised with American values and beliefs in freedom of religion, I am uncomfortable with even having this debate. BUT...after what we have witnessed of islam in the last ten years, I don't want it anywhere near me or mine. I've become very intolerant of islam - I despise islam's influence in the world and in America. It's a hateful, nasty, intolerant political system. In no way should the Cordoba mosque be allowed anywhere near ground zero. As for Temecula - not sure what to say except that a vast majority of Americans will not be dhimmified and the fight appears to be on. Bring it on. I would hate to see what happened to large swaths of Philly happen to Temecula. Parts of Philly are nasty with radical islam. It's disgusting, and it won't take much for the fuse on this culture war to be lit.

soulful dancingbear said...

these comments appear bigoted to me. I'm sure all of your homophobias are based in reality as well...

what do any of US know about it or Islam for that matter- (let alone sarah palin who seems to think she knows a lot about everything just because she can twitter).

even NYC mayor bloomberg is in favor of it & believes american values are founded on tolerance, diversity & equality.

you all sound like 'extremists' to me. I may not like what you believe or promote, but I accept it as a part of this grand experiment started over 200 years ago.

in the mean time, good luck on those border walls, because the day they are built to keep people out?? is the same day it will keep people in. in either case- freedom has lost & then you have really handed the terrorists a win.

piece ya'll

feliz Navidad & happy Hanukkah

Beth Lunsford said...

I think Islam is a serious threat to America's security. It's plain & simple. Every military conflict today is because of muslims.

concerned human said...

One point that seems to be overlooked in all of this drama is . . .Would a Christian Church be accorded the same rights in Islamabad or Beirut or any other Islamic state dotted throughout the world? I think not, so what would you do, yes the constitution says certain things, however circumstances have changed drastically, Most of America seems to eschew Christian values these days. I have lived in a peaceful Islamic country, no drug problem, no petty larceny, no violent crime etc etc, however the people also seem to have lost their zest for life, they are over-controlled by sharia laws etc. Just something to think about!!

Anonymous said...

American Born People you BETTER keep your eyes on militant islam. This is not a religion but it is labeled under that scapegoat in order to get a strong foot hold in and of this country.
WAKE UP! Americans and I'm not talking about naturalized residents and guests of the U.S.A.

Not an ostrich said... is NOT about religious freedom. That is no more than a "race card". Simply put..if you are not of the islam/muslim religion you are the infidel or (enemy) of the koran belief.

no sheeple said...

bahop why don't you go live down by Ciudad Juarez or in Syria for that matter perhaps you would like it better. I wonder how long you would last. It is rationalized thinking like yours that has this country not knowing right from wrong. There still IS wright and wrong in society last time I checked.

soulful dancingbear said...

because it's sheeple like you (who probably watch faux news) that keep proving my point...

when this country becomes homogeneously black & white (like you seem want?) it's no longer the country you (or I) defend....

Islam is religious system. radicals use it for their political beliefs, just like you use UR religion for or your own scary myopic agendas. if you believe in 'right to life' & try to force your values on others who don't? IMJ -that's terrorism as well.

maybe if you actually stepped outside this great country& interacted with other cultures (rather than trusting faux news to think for you?) - you might gain a perspective about what really makes it so great.

in the mean time? good luck on that fence...