Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Here's the Real #ObamaCare Homosexual Outreach!

You gotta check this out at AoSHQ, "Oh My: Footie Pajama Guy Wasn't the 'Gay Outreach' Effort of Obamacare's Minions. This [is] the Gay Outreach Effort":
It is hard to take the left seriously when it accuses the right in trafficking in easy, insulting stereotypes when it appears they do little but that themselves.
Boy, talk about some easy trafficking.

This advertisement is freakin' homo! See, "Get Enrolled."

And here's the website, "Out 2 Enroll":
What if I’m transgender?

Being transgender is no longer a preexisting condition – and insurance companies cannot refuse to sell you a plan or charge you more based on your gender identity. If you are a transgender person, you have the right to expect that your plan will cover the services you need as long as those services are covered for other people on your plan. These services may include preventive screenings such as mammograms, Pap tests, and prostate exams; hormone therapy; and mental health services. Depending on your plan, these services may also include surgical procedures related to gender transition.
Now that's progress!

UPDATE! Turns out Bob Belvedere's, uh, beaten me to the punch, "Vex Appeal."