Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Millennial Generation Abandons Obama

This is amazing, although not surprising.

From Ron Fournier, at National Journal, "Millennials Abandon Obama and Obamacare."

It's worth spending some time with both the article, and the complete survey, "IOP Releases New Fall Poll, 5 Key Findings and Trends in Millennial Viewpoints."

commenter at the Harvard page captures my thoughts exactly: "52% of Young Americans want Obama recalled. Wow. That's a stunning indictment of his failures."

We've got finals at my college next week and I'm into the wrap up mode in my American government classes. I discussed the survey in classes today. I've got a large number of die-hard Obama supporters among my students, especially minority students, but overall I'm seeing a lot of the same disenchantment with Obama on campus that we see at the poll. Young people especially hate the insurance mandate, because it's harming their interests directly. A number of other Obama disasters are more remote, and they're unable to make the connections. But as this White House has transformed the workplace into a part-time economy, more and more young people will be waking up to how disastrous this president's been for the country.

And by the way, the numbers on student debt at the poll are also devastating. America's youth are taking it up the ass for the left's ideological program of unicorns are rainbows. William Jacobson's got more, "Harvard Survey: Obama and Obamacare push Millennials support off cliff." (Via Memeorandum.)