Thursday, December 19, 2013

Obama to Nominate Max Baucus as Next Ambassador to China

This sounded funny when I first saw the news.

See LAT, for example, "Obama to pick Sen. Max Baucus as ambassador to China, officials say."

I haven't the slightest clue about Montana politics, but without even the least bit of research, this post at Yid With Lid sounds about right to me, "The REAL Slimy Political Reason Max Baucus is Being Sent to China."

Montana's governor's a Democrat who'll appoint Baucus' replacement (apparently Lieutenant Governor John Walsh), who'll then become the odds-on nominee in 2014, and eventually a Democrat incumbent in the general with better odds to hold the seat.

Boy, the Dems sure are desperate.

Yid With Lid isn't convinced, and neither am I, clue or no clue.