Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dose of Reality on Guantanamo Detainees

Listen to this from the New York Times:

The emergence of a former Guantánamo Bay detainee as the deputy leader of Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch has underscored the potential complications in carrying out the executive order President Obama signed Thursday that the detention center be shut down within a year.

The militant, Said Ali al-Shihri, is suspected of involvement in a deadly bombing of the United States Embassy in Yemen’s capital, Sana, in September. He was released to Saudi Arabia in 2007 and passed through a Saudi rehabilitation program for former jihadists before resurfacing with Al Qaeda in Yemen.

His status was announced in an Internet statement by the militant group and was confirmed by an American counterterrorism official.

“They’re one and the same guy,” said the official, who insisted on anonymity because he was discussing an intelligence analysis. “He returned to Saudi Arabia in 2007, but his movements to Yemen remain unclear.”

The development came as Republican legislators criticized the plan to close the Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, detention camp in the absence of any measures for dealing with current detainees. But it also helps explain why the new administration wants to move cautiously, taking time to work out a plan to cope with the complications.

Almost half the camp’s remaining detainees are Yemenis, and efforts to repatriate them depend in part on the creation of a Yemeni rehabilitation program — partly financed by the United States — similar to the Saudi one. Saudi Arabia has claimed that no graduate of its program has returned to terrorism.

“The lesson here is, whoever receives former Guantánamo detainees needs to keep a close eye on them,” the American official said.
You think?

But check out the Wall Street Journal's lead editorial today, in any case, "
Obama and Guantanamo":

Campaign promises are so much easier to adhere to when they're strictly hypothetical, as Barack Obama is discovering. The then-President-elect said 10 days ago on ABC that while he still plans to close Guantanamo, "it is more difficult than I think a lot of people realize" and that "many" of the enemy combatants are "very dangerous."

Merely for gesturing at this reality, Mr. Obama suffered the blunt-force trauma of his left-wing allies, and the panicked transition leaked new details on the Administration's intentions last week. On Tuesday the Pentagon halted military commissions at Guantanamo for 120 days, and reports as we went to press yesterday said Mr. Obama would sign an executive order today that the base be closed within a year. This was after he told the Washington Post that closure might take even longer. Isn't responsibility fun?

The first practical question is where to transfer Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the 245 or so other remaining Gitmo prisoners. Dangerous enemy combatants can't simply be released into the streets. The Obama camp says that after reviewing the classified files, it will try to repatriate as many as safely possible. But 60 already cleared for release remain because they may be persecuted by their home countries. And even Mr. Obama's vaunted diplomacy is unlikely to convince rights-protecting countries to resettle people he believes are too dangerous to release in the U.S. -- and the more willing Mr. Obama is to release prisoners, the more difficult this problem will become.

One suggestion is moving the remaining prisoners to Kansas's Fort Leavenworth, but state politicians are already sounding a red alert. The military base is integrated into the community and, lacking Guantanamo's isolation and defense capacities, would instantly become a potential terror target. Expect similar protests from other states that are involuntarily entered in this sweepstakes.

In any event, this option merely relocates Guantanamo to American soil under another name. The core challenge is not a matter of geography but ensuring a stable legal framework for detaining and punishing fighters engaged in unconventional warfare against the U.S.
There's more at the link.

The Journal makes the interesting point that now that Obama's in office, he's the one dealing with the brainless leftists who have no clue as to the next steps on Guantanamo detainees. This includes even hysterical "experts" like
Glenn Greenwald, who's been harping about the "criminal" anti-terror policies of the Bush military commissions all week, while alternating between praise and poised-condemnation of Obama's "promising" actions on the "corrosive" lawlessness of the Bush administation's policies on Guantanamo, military commissions, "black sites," and who knows what else.

Sometimes the right thing to do (the Bush program) is so intuitively obvious that the warped opposition of the netroots hordes signifies nothing less than abject Bush derangement and the pursuit of raw nihilist power.

Another Democrat Skips Out on Taxes

I haven't written about Tim Geithner's "mistake" of failing to pay payroll taxes, and my sense is this issue should disqualify him as Treasury Secretary. But the Democratic-controlled Senate Finance Committee approved him for the post anyway, so he'll soon be joining President Obama to work on the White House's economic recovery program.

When he gets there he'll join Chief of Staff Rahm "
The Knife" Emanuel, who was alleged earlier to have skipped out on property taxes at his Chicago home (and then perhaps even used his political muscle to harrass the free-speech rights of the blogger who pulled the scoop from Cook County records). Of course, Emanuel, as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, failed to disclose their official roles on the boards of family charities in violation of congressional ethics laws. That's interesting, since some have suggested that Emanuel's personal charity, the Rahm Emanuel and Amy Rule Charitable Foundation, was apparently listed as a primary residence to avoid paying property taxes (although, again, these tax allegations were denounced on the left as "smears").

The Democrats and taxes? What is it with these folks?

No one should be surprised, it seems, that the child of Camelot, that tireless public advocate, Caroline Kennedy, has withdrawn her name from Senate consideration because of tax and nanny issues?

not at all:

Problems involving taxes and a household employee surfaced during the vetting of Caroline Kennedy and derailed her candidacy for the Senate, a person close to Gov. David A. Paterson said on Thursday, in an account at odds with Ms. Kennedy’s own description of her reasons for withdrawing ...
Boy, it hasn't even been two full days and the Democratic "culture of corruption" is picking up a new head of steam. And just think: This is a Kennedy we're talking about here! Who would've thought the daughter of JFK would be just another two-bit Democratic tax-cheat?

This really is something.

Middle East Studies and Israel's Gaza Incursion

Here's a sample from Cinnamon Stillwell's essay today, at FrontPage Magazine:

Strip away the clichés and the vacuous newspeak blaring out across the servile media and its pathetic corps of voluntary state servants in the Western world and what you will find is the naked desire for hegemony; for power over the weak and dominion over the world’s wealth.
This quote is from Jennifer Loewenstein of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Cinnamon Stillwell links to Lowenstein's essay, "If Hamas Did Not Exist: Israel Has No Intention of Granting a Palestinian State," published at the extreme left-wing and anti-Semitic newsletter Counterpunch.

See the full article at FrontPage Magazine, "
Hamas’s Academic Cheerleaders."

President Obama's First Day

A new chief executive's not going to solve the world's problems on "day one," but President Barack Obama seemed somewhat undistinguished on his initial day in office.

Barack Obama

Just hours after a long day of inaugural ceremony and celebration ended, President Barack Obama took up a pressing schedule on Wednesday, his first full day in office.

From retaking the oath of office, to reining-in Vice President "Loose Lips" Biden, President Obama looks to be ironing out some move-in kinks over the first couple of weeks. Perhaps that's natural, although Obama's predecessor, President George W. Bush, had spent lots of time around the White House during the presidency of G.H.W. Bush, and in some sense he seemed especially "fit" for the job.

I noticed also that Obama is returning some informality to the Oval Office. Unlike President George W. Bush, who steadfastly maintained a coat-and-tie rule for visitors to the oval office, and who himself always wore a suit when working there, President Obama
took off his jacket while sitting at the president's desk yesterday, in essence rollling back the button-down mannerism of his predecessor.

When I started at LBCC, I always wore a coat and tie for lectures. For various reasons I am dressing more casuallly now, although I miss dressing up, and I'll be going back to more formal dress at some point (I need some new clothes mostly, but also my mood and teaching style has been more casual).

There's something to that professionalism that is meaningful. Dress signifies seriousness and decorum. When Bush came in with his crisp White House style, a corporate élan, it was a stark difference from the Bill Clinton years, where it was reported that early in that term, young White House staffers would address senior U.S. military commanders visiting the president with a "What's happening, bro?" or some other casual greeting to that effect.

We'll see how things turn out, and change is good and refreshing, but that's another thing that I always admired about President Bush. His style and graciousness is something that I'll never forget.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Socialist Hopes for the Obama Presidency

Today's Wall Street Journal features a roundup of commentary from folks like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and ex-con junk bond-king turned philanthropist Michael Milken.

But Katrina vanden Heuvel's
opening essay is a socialist eye-opener:

Mr. Obama has a mandate for change. People support reconstruction of America's crumbling physical infrastructure, and of our society. Here are a few steps I hope Mr. Obama will take: Reverse our deepening economic inequality by using this country's still immense wealth to assure that all Americans have the health care, housing and education they need; re-engage the world with wisdom and humility about the limits of military power; cut billions from wasteful defense budgets that empty our treasury without making us more secure; tackle the deep corruption in a financial system that consistently favors corporations over workers; respond with urgency to the climate crisis with an Apollo-like project to make America a clean-energy innovator; restore our tattered Constitution; protect a worker's right to organize; define a new spirit of sacrifice and service; clean up our elections; and reaffirm his campaign-trail commitment to end not just the war in Iraq but also "end the mindset that took us into" that war. Do not endanger the promise of this administration by escalating militarily in Afghanistan, further draining resources that are vital for rebuilding here at home.

Obama Retakes Oath of Office

President Obama has retaken his oath of office after the flubbed delivery seen at the video:

Obama and Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts had both seemingly stumbled over the 35-word oath during Obama's swearing-in as president on Tuesday, leading some to question whether he had properly committed the Constitutionally-mandated speech act that made him president of the United States.

A president is required by the Constitution to say: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

At the inaugural, Roberts had mixed up the words, saying instead: "...that I will execute the office to President of the United States faithfully..."

And so, at 7:35 p.m. today, according to the White House pool report, Roberts re-administered the oath in the Map Room of the White House.

"We decided it was so much fun -- " the first time, Obama joked while sitting on a couch.

Obama stood and walked over to make small talk with a reporter as Roberts donned his black robe.

"Are you ready to take the oath?" Roberts asked.

"I am, and we're going to do it very slowly," Obama replied.

Obama raised his right hand, leaving his left at his side.

The private swearing-in ceremony, sans Bible, took 25 seconds.

After a flawless recitation, Roberts smiled and said, "Congratulations,

"Thank you, sir," Obama replied, to a smattering of applause.
Now, who messed up the oath? Watching the video it looks like Obama was pre-ejaculatory.

Initial reports have Obama jumping ahead of Roberts, for example:

Separated by a Bible used by Abraham Lincoln at his first inaugural, Roberts asked Obama: "Are you prepared to take the oath senator?"Obama indicated he was, and Roberts started reciting - and Obama repeating - the 35-word oath that is prescribed by the Constitution.

But at one point early on, Obama paused, as if grasping for the next words. Roberts helped him over the brief awkward moment, repeating a few words to get Obama back on track.
Later news stories reported Justice Roberts as having flubbed, for example, "Obama, Chief Justice Roberts Stumble in Recitation of Presidential Oath."

In watching the video above - which is provided by the secular-left news outlet and Obama propaganda organ - it's looks like Obama jumped the gun. Roberts did misstate the "faithfully execute" portion, but the iteration could have begun with Obama's halting first attempt to recite "I so solemly swear..."?

Obama's Un-Lincolnesque Inaugural Address

Barack Obama's inaugural address was far below expectations, as I noted briefly in this morning's post. So I find in interesting that William Safire, the great American expert on language and former Nixon speechwriter, has given Obama's address a mediocre review:

Our 44th president’s Inaugural Address was solid, respectable, uplifting, suitably short, superbly delivered, but — in light of the towering expectations whipped up that his speech might belong in the company of those by Lincoln, F.D.R. and Kennedy — fell short of the anticipated immortality.

It’s for others to cover the majesty of this inaugural moment, the happiness and pride that swept through the unprecedented throng, and the impact of being present in person or through television of a genuinely historic moment. My assignment is to consider the speech itself.

After the first stumbling presidential oath-taking I can recall — as much the fault of the Chief Justice as the incoming president, but it’s not something they can rehearse — President Barack Obama properly reminded us at the start that he was taking office in the midst of a crisis. He used the phrase “this generation of Americans,” reminding some of J.F.K.’s “torch has been passed” line or Roosevelt’s following phrase “has a rendezvous with destiny,” but today’s speaker showed no sign of its resonance. Late in the speech, he said that “the spirit of service” was “a moment that will define a generation,” but the two thoughts were unconnected.

Obama was wise not to blame only the capitalists for the sinking economy, as F.D.R. angrily had done; instead, he called it a “consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices.” That was an unexpectedly tolerant note, but which he stepped on with an imperious, lecturing pointer phrase about meeting challenges: “Know this, America.” That get-this tone is better directed to the Russians.

He got into a good rhythm with a cheer-up paragraph, reminding us of America’s productive workers and inventive minds, our capacity undiminished, setting up his warning against “standing pat.” (I once wrote a line for Nixon, “America cannot stand pat,” which got a glare from the First Lady — we never used that phrase again.) Obama topped that passage with a warmly familiar metaphor: “Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.” That worked.

He was not above using the old straw man “those-who” device, scorning “some who question the scale of our ambitions” and “what the cynics fail to understand.” He skirted the controversy about harsh interrogations with a facile “As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals” — when there are times when that painful choice cannot be “rejected.” Obama followed that soon enough with a paragraph appealing to hardliners, promising to “responsibly leave Iraq to its people” — hawks can hope the operative word is “responsibly” — and “forge a hard-earned peace in Afghanistan,” which is a dovish way of saying he may have to risk the doves’ charge of “Obama’s war.” A soundbite that will echo is “We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense” followed by a tough message to terrorists: “You cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.”

To his oratorical credit, the president did not strain for quotable quotes. “A nation cannot prosper when it favors only the prosperous” was a nice insertion with an eye toward Bartlett’s, and I liked “the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve,” though it is not in the league with “the mystic chords of memory.” Obama’s “know that you are on the wrong side of history” message to Muslim extremists concluded with “we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist”; that is quotable if it is original, but I think I’ve seen it before. His “this winter of our hardship” is a well-turned phrase about discontent, even if not as Shakespeare punned it, “made glorious summer by this sun of York.”
I've been thinking about this "quotable quotes" meme all day. As noted, I watched the speech in full early this morning and thought it impressive. Yet, at this rate, Abraham Lincoln's under no threat of being knocked off the pinnacle of American presidential oratory.

Obama's a campaigner. If his actually governing reach rises to half the level we saw in his near-Biblical campaign speeches - ALL HAIL THE GREAT OBAMA! - we'll be practically born-again as a people.

The jury's still out for now though.

So Much for Live Streaming the Inauguration...

Yesterday wasn't my best day.

I started out feeling the history of the moment. I am one for history, and the pageantry of America's traditions is unmatched in the modern world. I did not vote for Barack Obama, but as I've said before, he is my president. Thus I wasn't so pleased with Grace's comment, nor was I that happy about Tim's digs about the "partisanship of hate" at this blog. What really bummed my morning was the darned live streaming online. I should have known better. At first I thought it was just my classroom. But my colleagues told me that servers and video feeds were overwhelmed by demand, so watching the inauguration speech online didn't work. That's what it is. I hadn't planned on making a big deal out of it anyway, but as the morning came and the hour of the oath of office approached, the weight of history was crushing. I had the live feed for my 7:30 class and Representative John Lewis was being interviewed by Brian Williams on MSNBC. As one who stood with Dr. King, and as one who was beaten as a civil rights demonstrator, it's hard to find more authenticity on the subject of overcoming our oppressive history. It was a great learning moment for the students. The 9:00am class wasn't so lucky. The live video wasn't working on any of the big websites. We got a couple of snippets of Barack Obama's speech, and then I shut it down and started my regular class.

I'd say next time I'll get a TV setup for the room, but there won't be a next time like that. We just don't see that kind of mass participation in politics. And if Barack Obama energizes a new generation to engagement in civic life, that alone will be an accomplishment not achieved in either Democratic or Republican administrations in the last 30 years.

I watched Obama's inaugural speech this morning, the whole thing, on C-Span, so that's better. I needed just to sit down and take it in. It was good but not great. He offered a few lines that reaffirmed our exceptionalism, but the address was far from Lincolnian, so perhaps the analogies to Abraham will cease.

Last night, I had to run errands before picking up my youngest son, and I watched a little news before I helped my boy with his homework. So, it was disjointed news day all around. By bedtime, reading online, I was disturbed by the reports of the tremendous disrespect shown to President Bush. And so these last gasps of Bush derangement must really be seen as setting the table for the next four years. Here at my blog and at the nation's capital, folks did not heed Obama's call to transcend the bitter discords of our partisanship. Now that the celebrations are over and the hard work of governing is to begin, folks can jettison the simplistic platitudes of brotherhood and focus on the realism of governing and opposition.

It's the idealism in me that seemed to suggest, by my sense of right, that folks would put rancor aside for the day. But folks were just wicked. The chants of "na na na na, hey hey, goodbye,"
mocking President Bush, reportedy accompanied by one-fingered salutes, indicate that transcendence is not on the menu for the left's hardliners. Indeed, Code Pink's Medea Benjamin and Desiree Fairooz, sat within 100 feet of President Obama as "The One" delivered his address. How would the most disrespectful protest celebrities, those who disrupted the states of the union and flashed bloody hands in front of Secretary of State Rice be allowed so close to this new president? Members of Congress scored them tickets, it's being said. And for all of those who keep telling me that hardline leftist "don't represent the base of the Democratic Party," we'll ... you can just kiss my ass on that one.

Arrest Bush at Inauguration

The big lie is over. The nihilist left has their man in the White House now. Racial recrimination got a reprise in the Reverend Joseph Lowery's benediction, said to be "
hardly the sort of post-racial note Obama could have wanted." My jaw dropped yesterday while watching Howard University's Professor Daryl Scott on C-Span, who said that President Obama would "grind down" the terrorists like President Bush had not. The reference was to Obama's remark that "for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that, 'Our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken. You cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you'." Where was the leftist solidarity on "grinding" down our enemies when President Bush spoke over and over again of the long struggle before us in defeating the scourge of radical Islam? The grinding down began in 2001, when the Bush administration took the fight to the enemy in Afghanistan, and finished the work of the international community by toppling the murderous regime of proliferation in Baghdad. The left and their historians will try to rewrite the Bush years, but it's not going to work. I won't let it. People of tradition and perspective won't let it. The time to ante up is now, and those who for so long have demonized the conservatives aren't ready to quit, so I say, we'll join you in the arena of partisanship, if that's your play, if that's what you want. The recuperative powers of the nation will work their healing ways irrespective of Barack Obama's accession. He is the great facilitator at this piont, but this nation is too strong and too proud to let the window dressing of black authenticity march as the true source of healing and rebirth. It has to come from within all of us, to move past this second civil war of the last decade. So far the left isn't ready for it.

A commenter at
Sister Toldjah's place, Carol, noted this in response to Jeremy Lott piece yesterday at the Guardian:

I’m already tired of people saying we should “give our new president a chance”. I believe President Obama is either a total liar or the best con man ever. Either way the hatred will never stop for President Bush and I’m not going to sit back and keep my mouth shut as proof I’m not just like them. I’m not like the Bush haters. It’s hard to put faith in a man who only cares about polls, not the welfare of this country. Only time will tell who is honest and patriotic. I know I am. Is Obama?
I'm not going to "shut up" either. I will be respectful, and I'll never call for the execution of my president for fighting with all his powers to defend the nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But the new era is here - a day of history and wonder now gives way to years of work. Part of that work, that mighty load we bear as conservatives, is to hold our new leadership to the majesty and responsibility of their stations. This country deserves no less.

Photo Update: Tigerhawk.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama: 44th President of the United States

Considering how President-elect Barack Obama has strained the comparisons between himself and Abraham Lincoln, I'm tempted to post a picture of "The Audacity of the Dope."

But I too am caught up in the monumental importance of the day, so out of respect for the president-elect, who will be sworn in today, I am posting the new president's official White House portrait:


Consider this post an open thread. Please share your thoughts on the historic importance of the day.

Our Unavoidable Impatience

I read last night before going to bed, and I prayed. I prayed to God for my friends and family, and for our country as we embark on this new era of politics. I said a prayer too for the people of Israel, and also for the loved ones of readers to this blog who have struggled with illnesses. I want people to be well, and I hope our country remains strong.

I read last night from Martin Luther King's "
Letter from Birmingham Jail." I didn't quite finish. More reading tonight. I closed the book at this passage, and decided to post it here for folks to think about if they by chance visit my blog on today's historic day:

We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God given rights. The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward gaining political independence, but we still creep at horse and buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say, "Wait." But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate filled policemen curse, kick and even kill your black brothers and sisters; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky, and see her beginning to distort her personality by developing an unconscious bitterness toward white people; when you have to concoct an answer for a five year old son who is asking: "Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?"; when you take a cross county drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you; when you are humiliated day in and day out by nagging signs reading "white" and "colored"; when your first name becomes "nigger," your middle name becomes "boy" (however old you are) and your last name becomes "John," and your wife and mother are never given the respected title "Mrs."; when you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what to expect next, and are plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of "nobodiness"- then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over, and men are no longer willing to be plunged into the abyss of despair. I hope, sirs, you can understand our legitimate and unavoidable impatience.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank You President Bush

I've been formally studying politics for twenty-five years, but I truly came of political maturity during the G.W. Bush years of 2001-2008.

To my great pride as a blogger, I have published an essay today, President Bush's last full day in office, at Pajamas Media: "
George W. Bush’s Legacy: Moral Vision."

President Bush, 1-20-05

Readers can read the essay at the link, and the comment thread is certainly an interesting case of Bush derangement syndrome.

But for the present post, let me share the letter to the president by Eric at Tygrrrr Express, "
Dear President Bush" (cited here at midstream):

I could spend hours praising your 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, in addition to your many fine qualities in terms of how you treated every day human beings.

Yet to me you will always be the man that kept us safe. I will always see you through the prism of September 11th, 2001. I will always well up with emotion when I think of you standing with that firefighter on September 14th, three days after the attacks. I still hear your voice exalting Americans. “I hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and pretty soon the people who knocked down these buildings will hear from all of us!” They heard us loud and clear.

I will go to my grave believing that the Iraq War was the legally and morally right thing to do. Reconstruction has been tough, but Saddam is gone. The world is absolutely better off for this. The collateral effects included Khadafi of Libya voluntarily giving up his weapons programs. This was a direct result of your leadership. You labeled Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as the “Axis of Evil.” You were right, and one of those three is no longer led by a dictator out to threaten the world. When your critics declared that the Iraq War was lost, you doubled down, ordered a surge, and brought in General David Petraeus. Not only did you hire the best and brightest, you let them do their jobs, and get those jobs done right.

On September 20th, 2001, you told us that America, “would not falter, and would not fail.” You let us know in January of 2009 that we “did not falter and did not fail.”

If anybody wants evidence that America is still a beacon for the world to admire and emulate, just look at your successor. Only in America could his election be possible. As expected, your graciousness and kindness towards him and his family is sincere. Some say you were a divider and not a uniter. This is totally false. You reached out to your critics, and they never accepted your hand of friendship. Your political enemies were the ones who polarized this nation. Your successor mentioned the other day that he thinks you are a good person. His critics need to hear this over and over again. Despite their obsession with division, you remained kind to the end, and were able to unite people that were willing to let decency override partisanship.
Read the whole thing here (and leave a nice word or two in the comments).

Eric makes clear as well that this administration's record in black political inclusion and support for AIDS eradication in Africa, among other areas, is unsurpassed.

Thank you President Bush. You will be deeply missed and our country is better off for having you.

Photo Credit: Wordsmith at Flopping Aces, "
8 Years of 'Failed Policies'."

More Americans Joining Military Amid Jobs Downturn

The New York Times reports on the trend in armed services recruitment, with more Americans "joining the military, lured by a steady paycheck, benefits and training."

Well, the daughter of one of our good blogging friends,
Dana at Common Sense Political thought, is among the numbers of new enlistees. This has triggered some understandible emotions at the Pico residence:

Well, Autumn’s big day is coming: her recruiter is coming tomorrow at 1100 to pick her up for transport to the Harrisburg Military Entrance Processing Station. We had thought this would occur on the 20th, but her actual processing starts early on the 20th, so the Army is transporting her up on the 19th. As it happens, I had a couple of vacation days to use, and I took off tomorrow and Tuesday, so the change won’t be a problem for me.

After processing, she’ll be on a plane to
Fort Jackson, South Carolina, for nine weeks of basic training ....

So, she leaves in about 14½ hours for the biggest, hardest test of her life. We’re all really proud of her.
I really admire folks like Autumn. My hat's off, thanks all around, and good luck!

See also the interesting discussion from "
xbradtc," "Recruiting in tough times ... ":

I recall a meeting at the Indianapolis War Memorial ... Our battalion commander ... reminded us that the nation’s people did not exist to serve in the Army, but rather that the Army existed to serve the nation. The whole point of the service was to help the nation achieve peace and prosperity. “If I catch you hoping for a recession, I’ll nuke you into next year!” T’was a lesson I took to heart.

More than once, I found potential recruits who were wholly qualified, but had no great desire to serve. If that young man or woman had a solid plan, they had my best wishes. Often, when you spoke to a young man or woman, they would immediately tell you, “I’m going to college.” Fair enough. But a few probing questions would soon tell you that they had no idea what they were going to college for, what they wanted to study, how that major would help them, how they planned to pay for school or pay off student loans. Those were the folks that I would recruit.

A Final Gasp of Bush Derangement

PrivatePigg's posted an outstanding essay on the noxious Bush derangment on the ideological left, "Bush Says Farewell: One Final Round of BDS:"

You know, I have plenty of friends on both the right and left side of the aisle, and most of them are pretty great people, pretty level headed, and pretty reasonable, even when I disagree with them. But I can name probably one or two people who can only be described as … out there. Based on my own human experience and interaction alone, I’d say these people are a minority of the population. However, when one ventures over to the left side of the blogosphere, an unusually high number of bloggers seem to fall into that second group of people: out there. And I don’t mean “out there” because I disagree with them, but “out there” because they have a seemingly impossible time keeping even the slightest bit of perspective in their political outlook. It’s one thing to make a point, it’s another thing to simply write a post so full of over-the-top hyperbole that you can’t help but picture some weirdo at his computer furiously typing away while completely flipping his shit over some non-event. Meanwhile the Earth still rotates, America still exists, and tomorrow will be nearly identical to today for roughly 99% of the American populace. One can’t help but picture said blogger being really pleased with himself once he has released his pent-up fury, feeling as if he’s really “zinged!” the President with his prose, when, in fact, he’s more-or-less regurgitated the bare outline of someone else’s talking points, filling in the gaps with inane adjectives to describe Bush, the White House, or the US itself - adjectives that have no business being used outside of discussions about the Holocaust, Stalin’s purges, etc. The blogosphere must surely be unrepresentative of liberalism today, I tell myself.
It's a long, long post, but PrivatePigg does a great job of demonstrating that the trend he sees is not "unprepresentative of today."

The other day, when the
New York Times came out with a final survey on President Bush's dismal public approval ratings, there was an eruption of huzzahs! across the leftosphere, as those numbers obviously confirmed the leftist wet dreams of "the worst president in history."

Down With Tyranny! had this:

Republican ideology is failed ideology. Even as he prepares to finally leave the office he first stole in 2000, Bush is loathed by the overwhelming majority of Americans. Even a third of confessed Republicans think he did a lousy job. The Republicans in Congress are held in even greater contempt. Greed and selfishness is not a valid philosophy of governance. The precise economic policies espoused by the Republican Party that drove this country into Depression with the consecutive terms of three clueless Republican hacks - Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover (1921-1933)- are a mirror image of what has been served up by Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and, worst of all, by far, Bush II.
Actually, this is even more than BDS, for when Bill Clinton's administration is thrown into the mix, we're looking at a brief for the proposed progressive-socialist agenda that's being hammered constantly by the denizens of the uncleansed netroots fever swamps.

These people are not "fringe" elements of the Democratic Party. This is the party's base. The great test for the Barack Obama administration this next four years will be not so much whether he fixes the economy or reinvests in society (these things will happen), but how well he resists the demands of secular-progressives for the institutionalization of godless socialism in the United States.

High Expectations for Obama's Inaugural Address

CNN reports that expectations are "monumental" for Barack Obama's inauguration address tomorrow:

President-elect Barack Obama's inaugural address is one of the most anticipated speeches in decades, with many expecting his words to be chiseled into marble some day.

Obama has said he has been studying previous inaugural addresses -- including President Abraham Lincoln's and the speeches President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave as he took office amid the Great Depression ....

Obama has already demonstrated his ability as a master orator, and many observers are looking for the new president's address to equal the great speeches by presidents Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

"He's got to give that great, soaring speech." CNN contributor David Gergen said. "I think the pressure is really on because of the historic nature of this presidency and also because of the extraordinary moment in which we find ourselves with this terrible recession."
I'll be teaching all day tomorrow, and my classes are in "smart" classrooms, so I'll likely be showing a little live streaming before I get into some of the lecture material (or at least that's what I'm hoping to do ... I'll play around online for some webcasts in the morning).

Obama will make a phenomenal speech, without question. His oratorical skills are probably halfway responsible for getting him to the Oval Office. The other half is the complete abandonment of a non-partisan press, a media establishment that has turned this era of change into a personality cult unheard of in the history of modern democratic governments.

Sister Toldjah suggests she's not interesting in watching Obama's speech, and with good reason:

How many of you will watch the inauguration tomorrow? I’m leaning towards not watching it. Not because I can’t appreciate a presidential inauguration in and of itself, and not because I don’t appreciate the historical significance of this particular inauguration. And no, far lefties, it has nothing to do with “jealousy.” But I’m seriously disgusted and disappointed with how Obama has treated the inaugural process with inviting the comparisons to Lincoln, as Betsy suggested above, which is just a another example of how he always paints himself as someone else and disrespects the office of the presidency in the process.

Gay Invocation Exclusion is Latest Leftist Uproar

Today is one of the most amazing holidays in my lifetime.

We have a Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday in which
a huge majority of black Americans agrees that America's historic dream of inclusion has arrived. It's also the eve of one of the most historic events in our history, the day when the entire country is anticipating the accession to power of the first black president of the United States, Barack Obama.

But there's a big controversy this morning over the Bishop Gene Robinson's invocation last night at Obama's Lincoln Memorial celebration.

Apparently, HBO excluded
Robinson's prayer from the national broadcast, and of course, the extremist gay rights lobby is screaming in outrage at the "bigotry." Some are suggesting that Barack Obama himself made the decision to exclude Robinson's invocation from the main ceremonies (Robinson's prayer was part of the "pre-show"), so on top of the backlash against Rick Warren we'll now have more gay protests against Obama's "hypocrisy of oppression."

It's probably better HBO didn't broadcast the prayer, which is almost exactly at odds with the message we should be having on this historic day. Here's
Sarah Pulliam's take on the controversy:

Gene Robinson, the divisive figure who was the first openly Episcopal gay bishop, led the invocation at today's inaugural kickoff.

Robinson prayed for God to "bless this nation with anger – anger at discrimination, at home and abroad, against refugees and immigrants, women, people of color, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people." He also prayed that God would bless us with "the understanding that our new president is a human being, not a messiah."

Overall, his prayer was not especially surprising, since Robinson had told the
Concord Monitor that it wouldn't be "especially Christian" and wouldn't use a Bible.
It's no wonder that Robinson's creating a schism in the Episcopalian church. But it goes without saying that the radical left, even supposed people of faith in the movement, will continue to leverage cries of racism and discrimination, all the more to further the radical agenda that seeks ultimately to destroy the goodness that today's holiday represents.

Black Americans Say King's Dream Fulfilled

A new CNN poll finds almost 7 out of 10 black Americans saying that America has lived out the true meaning of its creed, the dream laid out by Martin Luther King, Jr., August 28, 1963:

More than two-thirds of African-Americans believe Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision for race relations has been fulfilled, a CNN poll found - a figure up sharply from a survey in early 2008.

The CNN-Opinion Research Corp. survey was released Monday, a federal holiday honoring the slain civil rights leader and a day before Barack Obama is to be sworn in as the first black U.S. president.

The poll found 69 percent of blacks said King's vision has been fulfilled in the more than 45 years since his 1963 "I have a dream" speech - roughly double the 34 percent who agreed with that assessment in a similar poll taken last March.

But whites remain less optimistic, the survey found.

"Whites don't feel the same way -- a majority of them say that the country has not yet fulfilled King's vision," CNN polling director Keating Holland said. However, the number of whites saying the dream has been fulfilled has also gone up since March, from 35 percent to 46 percent.

In the 1963 speech, delivered to a civil rights rally on the Mall in Washington, King said: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

Has that dream been fulfilled? With the election of Barack Obama, two thirds of African-Americans believe it has," CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider said.

"Most blacks and whites went to bed on election night saying, 'I never thought I'd live to see the day.' That's what the nation is celebrating on this
King holiday: We have lived to see the day," Schneider said.
What explains the gap between black and white on the responses? Here's Captain Ed on that:

Glenn Reynolds says the difference between responses from whites and blacks comes from a guilt to which whites cling. I’m not certain that’s it entirely, although I think some on the hard Left like to use it as a crutch to justify their somewhat totalitarian policy demands. Without having American society to decry for its racist/imperialist bent, their policies of confiscation and elite control make no sense at all, to the extent they ever did. Acknowledging that a free-market, democratic nation can make that kind of progress knocks the legs out from under the International ANSWER/World Can’t Wait crowd.
And notice how the figure for saying we've achieved the dream has doubled since the poll asked these questions in March. Here's how DBP at Althouse's page responds to that:

Wow! Just since March, look at all the progress we have made as a nation! By this Summer we should be up to 100% ...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama Inaugural Ceremonies Inaccessible to Disabled

It's not a story that's getting a lot of coverage, but given the unprecedented adulation to an incoming presidential administration, readers might appreciate it.

It turns out that for a candidate and now president-elect who's supposed to be all about hope, change, and the promise of America, the more we learn about this man, the less we see of his concern for others and the more we see of his self-aggrandizement and
Lincolnian pimping (and mind you this is before he's done a single thing in office).

Apparently, most inaugural ceremonies will be largely
inaccessible to people with disabilities, AND the representative of the congressional inaugural planning committee, Carole Florman, has publicly suggested that the disabled stay home to watch the historic events on television:

Carole Florman, spokeswoman for the congressional committee, said her office is “very concerned” about the issue and is planning to be as accessible as possible, but circumstances outside of their control have created unique challenges.

“We can’t do anything about traffic, we can’t bring people closer for drop-off than the security perimeter will allow, we can’t do anything about the fact that the city is closing bridges,” Florman said. “This is of great concern to us.”

What Florman hopes for, she said, is for people — especially those with special needs, such as the disabled, the elderly and those with small children — to take seriously the potential for enormous crowds and dreadful weather, and plan accordingly.

“Some people may be better off trying to watch it on TV,” Florman said.
William Peace, author of the book The Bad Cripple, on his life dealing with paraplegia since the age of 18, add this:

Gee, thanks Ms. Florman. Now I know that not only were there circumstances beyond your control that prevent people with disabilities from attending the inauguration but you were also worried about our well being and safety. We disabled people are ever so fragile and dependent upon the kindness of others. This sort of antiquated thinking was used to prevent disabled children from attending public school (they were a fire hazard) or flying on commercial jets (they were a flight safety risk). The year is 2009 not 1959.

The fact is Obama is rapidly developing a reputation for holding events that are not accessible. He did this during the campaign and now in an event that is supposedly the most accessible inauguration in history his staff is telling people with disabilities they should watch the inauguration at home on TV.

About the Comments

Here's this from one of the leftist commenters at my post yesterday: "I have noticed a lot of your former commenters have abandoned this page."

This is the second or third time I've seen observations like this in the comment threads at recent posts. Some of the lefties apparently sense a victory of sorts, that they've defeated me, or driven away readers. So, I thought I'd respond and put things in perspective around here.

Yes, some commenters have decided they'd rather not participate in the comment threads. As noted previously elsewhere, I routinely get e-mails from readers thanking me for my work here, and urging me to keep it up. Norman Gersman, a fine man who wrote
a guest post at American Power two weeks ago, is one example.

But let me share, by permission, a couple of remarks from readers who wish to remain anonymous:
Donald ... you've given me a lot of hope over the past year. One day I hope, my friend, we will clink our glasses and discuss our world and the greatness of our country together!

Keep the home fires burning, while I am reluctant to post in your blog due to some nefarious posters, I do appreciate your existence, because it gives me a sense of security to know that you are out there, with my similar interests and beliefs at your core!
I have highlighted the key portion above on the nature of the "progressive" commenters. The adjective "nefarious" is particularly interesting in this context, as it's defined as "extremely wicked" and its related and synonymous terms include "abominable," "debased," and "heinous," among many others.

These words correspond with the feelings of another reader here, who often tells me she is "horrified" at the unspeakable monstrosity of the left's ideological amorality and the ready nihilism in the threads:

Donald ... I just got caught up on your blog, since yesterday ...

To say that the commenters are really bad, is being too kind. Honestly, I can hardly read them, anymore. They make me sick. After reading the few that were posted the last time I checked, I kept asking myself 'whose children are they ... what kind of people instilled in them, the horrible mindset that they have? ...

I am really sick in my very soul, Donald. I can't believe that there are people like that, who really think like that. It sickens me in a way that I can't even describe. And to think that for every single one of the worst commenters, there are thousands more, with even worse, and more depraved ideologies. Knowing that it is only going to get worse after the inauguration, only makes it more devastating. I can't believe that things will ever be right in our country again ... not ever.

The radical progressives, the perverted, God-hating liberals laugh in His face, and deride people with true morals, and reverence for God. If only they knew how short their time will be for doing that, and the terrible consequences of it. Those commenters think that they are so clever, and laugh at you for your determination in exposing them for what they are ... but did you notice that Repsac3 ... Why do they keep coming back, I wonder? I don't comment anymore, because I don't want any of them ever coming to my blog, for any reason.

Again, these readers are anonymous. I wish they could comment on my blog, and they may sometime, but it's up to them if they feel safe and not unclean. People know that I try to respect most commenters, even those who disagree with me, and people of all persuasions are free to participate at my house, as long as they don't attack me or other posters with racism, anti-Semitism, or personal threats.

But let me dwell on Repsac3 for a minute, since my second reader above mentioned him. While he's by no means the only one causing literal fits of incredulity and moral horror, Repsac3 and his "progressive" blogging alliance truly illustrate what's wrong with the contemporary ideological left in American politics today.

I use the term "nihilist" frequently. Nihilism as philosophy goes back to Friedrich Nietzsche and the ideology of nothingness. But there are many strands, and some more recent philosophers describe a "postmodern nihilism" that's closest to my usage. Hyperdictionary suggests nihilism is a "complete denial of all established authority and institutions," and Merriam-Webster discusses nihilism as "a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths."According to Wikipedia: "Postmodern and poststructuralist thought deny the very grounds on which Western cultures have based their 'truths': absolute knowledge and meaning, a 'decentralization' of authorship, the accumulation of positive knowledge, historical progress, and the ideals of humanism and the Enlightenment."

Perhaps folks can quibble on the fine details and epistemological foundations. I simply use "nihilist" as my shorthand for the radical secularists who are out to destroy America's traditional culture and institutions.

Repsac3 has long had a particular obssession with my blogging, and he's made an endless project in futility of trying to put me down. He does not make arguments, nor does he write his own essays. He offers usually unrelated red herrings and evasions, and shifts the burden of proof away from central assertions identifying his "progressive" anti-American project. He denies his postmodernism while constantly spouting its central tenets. When confronted with the extreme radicalism of groups like International ANSWER, the leading hardline Stalinist organization which has been leading demonstrating against Proposition 8 and Israel's Gaza incurson, Repsac3 writes long, incoherent disavowals that such protesters have anything to do with "progressives."

This is part and parcel to the postmodern project. As Dr. Sanity indicates this morning, "don't waste your time looking for any sense or consistency in the contradictory demands and rhetoric of the political postmodern demagogues. They will say whatever they need to say in order to obtain and keep power."

Indeed. It is all about power, and more: To Repsac3 and his allies, traditionalism is all a joke. Conservatives are just plain evil. They are a bunch of clinically-deranged extremists spouting racism and archaic values of hierarchy. Repsac3 has literally said he is "laughing" at me and my readers, and he's created a whole new blogging platform to prove it: "American Nihilist."

At risk of feeding the monster, I'm responding here nevertheless to respond in general to this attack on traditionalism, and also to express my disappointment with what's franky the childishness in folks like this. A look at
the blog, first of all, shows the inclusion of links to J.D., who is not welcomed at American Power because of his rancid anti-Semitism. Repsac3 links to Andrew Sullivan as well, an anti-Semitic who last year proved beyond any doubt that radical progressivism and wild homosexual licentiousness are acceptable practices at the top levels of mainstream journalism. Repsac3 also links to The Swashzone, a group blog to which he belongs, and whose proprietor has sent to my inbox empty yet wicked e-mail threats against me and my family.

These are bad people, and while it may be a "waste" to chronicle and repudiate them, recall that this is why I initially started blogging, as I wrote in April 2006: "No other single topic or object of analysis in my entire career as a political scientist has worried me as has contemporary anti-Americanism."

People like this have no foundations of universal right and good. They prescribe to a cultural self-actualization of "free to be me" and the denial of Judeo-Christian nationalism. Repsac3 has identified himself as Unitarian, which has been described as a "theologically liberal religion" that rejects the bulk of Christian tradition. That makes sense. In response to my post yesterday defending the Anglo-Protestant model of American national identity, Repsac3 said "I see our traditions & ways of thinking ... taken from our varied national & religious backgrounds."

There you have it: varied national and religious backgrounds ... that is, a postmodern relativism of equality of all groups, traditions, cultures, and norms. With that, it is impossible to denounce the evil in our midst and in the world, because all cultures have moral equivalence and relative worth. It's no wonder that people like this have invested so much hope and irrational love in Barack Obama, himself America's first truly postmodern president. These people hate America, and they'll destroy this country or die trying.

Only God knows if the next fours years will go well for the United States. My readers, as seen in the e-mail comments above, are concerned and even fearful of a virtual end times. I am trying simply to fight the good fight, and I know that what I do is grounded in a humble decency that has not forsaken this country's values for a radical secular humanism that is truly nihilist, anti-American, and self-evidently dangerous.

Obama to Restore American Moral Standing Worldwide

Wasn't Barack Obama supposed to restore American standing in the world? I guess these protesters in Iran didn't get the memo:

Obama Effigy

"But... But... I thought our moral authority would be restored!? The Iranians must mistake Obama for a racist George W. Bush in black face. Yeah! That sounds just about right!"

Anti-American Left Continues to Deny Success in Iraq

It's hard to believe we're still seeing this kind of stuff on the Iraq war, but here's LGM repudiating President Bush and the success of the "surge" counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq:

First, it's far from clear what role, if any, a 15% increase in total U.S. troop deplooyment [sic] in Iraq has played in the country's journey from something close to all-out civil war two years ago, to today's merely horrifying levels of sectarian violence (500 Iraqis are still dying in such violence each month, the per capita equivalent of another 9/11 attack in the U.S. every two weeks. This is what strikes Beinart as a marvelous success, requiring bipartisan hosannas).

That a relatively modest increase in the U.S. troop presence might in and of itself have played no role whatsoever (as opposed to, say, bribing tribal leaders in Anbar, and allowing Baghdad to become almost completely "ethnically cleansed," as well as the purely internal dynamics of Iraqi politics) is quite possible, yet Beinart is so eager to be the classic Beltway centerist [sic] voice of reason that he doesn't even consider that possibility.

Even more objectionable is Beinart's insistence that President Bush showed great courage by ordering the surge. Do we really need any lectures from conspicuously non-combatant warmongering pundits of military age on the meaning of that word? Two years ago Bush was a lame duck president facing a compliant and spineless Congress, who he knew full well would never have the political will to resist whatever new war strategery he deigned to jam down its collective throat. If he had admitted that the invasion of Iraq was a tragic mistake - now that would have required something like courage. Instead he "stayed the course," despite the immense damage his bull-headed idiocies have wreaked.

What else has the man ever done in his whole life but that?
The source for this bile? Why, Cernig, of course.

He and his LGM allies are taking issue with Peter Beinart's piece at the Washington Post, "
Admit It: The Surge Worked."

I'm not interesting in debating the point with these idiots. The anti-American left will twist, spin, contort, and defile the Bush administration's record on Iraq, while simultaneously spitting on the gallant civilian and military personnel who worked hard to secure success on the ground.

Tom the Redhunter has frequent Iraq reports from commanders on hand, but see Kimberly Kagan's oustanding overall assessment, "How They Did It Executing the Winning Strategy in Iraq."

Recall, too, that the Democratic defeatists in Congress declared the war lost throughout 2007.

On that, don't miss the report from Peter Feaver, who is a Harvard-trained security expert at Duke University, a former Bush administration official on military policy, and a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve: "
Anatomy of the Surge."

Obama Supporters Disrespect American Flag

The photo, from the Baltimore Sun, shows Barack Obama supporters with illegally altered American flags:

Obama Desecrate Flag

According to the United States Code:

* No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America ...

* The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.
Nice Deb has more. See also, Memeorandum.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

White America's Nightmare Vision

Jason at The Western Experience alerted me to the Atlantic's new cover story, "The End of White America?"

I see the story as a preview of things to come, as a premonition of at least four years under President Obama where the hordes of multi-culti PC guilt-mongers hammer the "evils" of white supremacy until the cows come home, all the while shaking down the "white power" system for endless race preferences and set-asides for the generations of "post-white" hip-hop coolsters who can barely read and to whom the term "
four-in-hand" is about as familiar a term as "a hand-written post-interview follow-up letter."

Yep, the times sure are a-changin'.

In any case, I've read
the article and what's really bothersome about it is all this discussion of white America "losing control" amid a "post-racial, multicultural landscape." While there may be some scholars and cultural pundits who are struggling with questions of white identity in the coming minority-majority era, it's frankly leftists who are all-consumed by these trends, and it apparently never occurs to the author of this piece (Hua Hsu, mind you, not James Hsu or Stephanie Hsu, but "Hua," all that much better for multi-culti authenticity), that whiteness is not going away anytime soon. Yes, there's the obligatory reference to cranks like Patrick Buchanan who have sounded the tocsins of the culture wars for decades. No, it's simply that by basically announcing that white culture's "got to go" they're preparing the coffin of America's history of achievement, greatness, and power.

has more:

The leftist and secular parts of the liberals in America are beside themselves over the election of Barack Obama. They see it as away to erase the past of America with a chance at a new beginning to remake America. That, of course, means destroying, forgetting, rewriting, replacing — however you choose to look at it — traditional America how it was and how it is today. In order to form a more perfect union, the current one is got to go.

That means doing away with the supposed hierarchy, the traditional image of America. I am talking about removing our “Whiteness” from the face of America. The liberals and the multiculturalist advocates have the hose and can’t wait to give the country a good white-washing.

To the leftist, the election of Obama can not be about the positive aspects and enduring qualities of an open democratic government based off Western culture. When in fact, the results of his victory are enabled because this country puts a premium on equality and opportunity for all. A man or woman can achieve the highest reaches of human possibilities by playing by the rules, working hard, and preparing for success. It is called progress. It is called the “American Dream.” And may I dare say, it was created, governed, reformed, fought for, bled over, and advanced largely by White People.
Yes, white people, and, particularly, their dominant culture of Anglo-American Protestantism, what the late Samuel Huntington described as the "American national identity."

That identity is not proscribed by skin color. As Jason makes clear at the post, it is that identity that made it possible for this nation to overcome the extreme hierarchies of racial inheritance that consigned generations of blacks and people of color to horrendous discrimination and depredations of slavery and segregation, internment and persecution. That we have overcome is of no consequence to writers like Hua Hsu and his/her multicultural brethren. What is good is we now have a black man in the White House who will be more sensitive to cries of "racism" and outrages of race and class "exclusion" than any president in American history. By training and inclination, Barack Obama is one of "them," and that's not to mention the president-elect's skin color, not the color purple, quite - he not having slaved as a cotton-picker or a share-cropper - but dark enough for him to wear the thorny crown of racial guilt upon his brow.

Just today I read a piece at CNN entitled, "Race is Still an Issue for America." And of course it is. Race will be an issue as long as power is to be gained from racial identity, as long as dividends are paid from the politics of racial reparations.

In this sense, it's somewhat counterintuitive that the first black man to ascend to the Oval Office will simultaneously set back race relations to the days of the lunch counter sit-ins. It's that bad in America today, although we no longer have the de jure racial indecencies and injustices of decades and centuries ago.

White America's "nightmare vision," mentioned in the Atlantic's piece, is not found in the loss of "white majority power," but instead in the ideology of the multicultural left, an ideology that will never let white America live in what should be the coming of true multi-racial accomodation and peace.

Islamic Regimes Lead Gathering Storm of "Nuclear Express"

Cernig at Newshoggers reacted predictably to yesterday's Wall Street Journal report on Iranian nuclear proliferation, "Fresh Clues of Iranian Nuclear Intrigue."

Any time there's a new piece on the Iranian threat at WSJ or elsewhere, Cernig immediately denounces it as "beating the drums" for a new "neocon" war in the Middle East, or some other variant of hysterical left-wing antiwar posturing. In this case,
the Journal's authors cite strategic expert Gary Milhollin, who suggests that "There doesn't seem to be any real doubt or debate whether Iran is going for the bomb or whether Iran is using front companies to import things ..."

In rebuttal Cernig trots out - one more time - the cooked findings of an outdated NIE analysis from 2007, citing the author and political hack Thomas Fingar for authority (check
the link for more).

Apparently Fingar still denounces the worldwide consensus on Iran's capabilities and intentions, despite the conspiratorial pressures of the "political masters" of the capitalist classes and defense industry fearmongers. Meanwhile, Milhollin is turned out for the "evil" neoconservative that he is, having been a scholar at the vile American Enterprise Institute. (No outcry by Cernig on the wicked University of Wisconsin, of course, where Milhollin's an affiliate of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, which is based in Washington. U of W, of course, features one of the most prominent
anti-American Middle East Studies programs in the nation, so that's understandable.)

Well it turns out that Gabriel Schoenfeld's got
a review up today of Thomas Reed and Danny Stillman's, The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and Its Proliferation.

We have to be careful here, of course, since Schoenfeld is a former editor of Commentary (not to be trusted, those Zionists!) who holds a Ph.D. from that most totalitarian of institutions, Harvard University! Not only that, Reed and Stillman are past and present nuclear weapons designers working at the pinnacle of the U.S. military industrial complex (Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos, respectively), no doubt with both of them harboring diabolical designs for nuclear Armageddon with the Mideast's fanatical rogue nuclear despots!

Here's this
from Schoenfeld, in any case:

Reed and Stillman conclude that a fierce storm is gathering. They see the Islamic bomb - whether wielded by Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia or some unforeseen possessor of the murderous weaponry - bringing about a world in which "millions will die" and "more than one democratic society will be consigned to the dust-heap of history."
This is from "two of the world's foremost nuclear weapons experts," as the book blurb describes their work. Plus, on close inspection there's no evidence of ties to AEI, nor any alliance to the "evil" Kagan-Kristol cabal of the Washington neocon journalist-think tank nexus. What a relief!

But check back dear readers! Barack Obama has already appointed the "evil" Robert Gates as a "BushCo" holdover, so the corporate pay masters may still get their Persian "puzzle palace" thermonuclear war before we know it!

Foreclosure Crisis

I'm paying close attention to what's going on in the housing markets (as readers may recall), so this piece at the Washington Post is interesting, "The Growing Foreclosure Crisis":

Before Robin Bohnen and her husband, Shane, bought a $1.16 million Mediterranean-style house in an upscale Southern California suburb two years ago, they were not cash-strapped, debt-ridden or credit-impaired.

Now they are all of the above. Soon they also may qualify for one more distressing category: home lost to foreclosure.

"Wake me up, can this really be happening?" the 42-year-old Bohnen says. As she tries to describe how it feels to have the nation's financial crisis land in her living room, the phone rings. She ignores it. "It's probably the bank -- again," she says.

Bohnen once owed her comfortable lifestyle to the dizzying growth that transformed Southern California over the past decade, creating a boom that led many to believe their home values would keep climbing. As the owner of a furniture store born during the housing boom, she provided bean bag chairs and bedroom sets for the brand-new communities that easy credit built.

Now, she and husband just owe. They cannot afford their $6,400 monthly payment, and in this plummeting market, they wouldn't make enough on a sale to pay off their mortgage or recoup the 20 percent they put down to buy their Riverside County home.

They're "underwater," industry parlance for borrowers who owe more on their mortgage than their houses are worth. They have joined the growing line of homeowners seeking a break from their lenders.

Both the departing and incoming administrations in Washington have promised help on the foreclosure front, but providing help requires federal regulators to get their collective arms around the size and shape of the crisis. That isn't easy. No one agency collects information on every loan, every borrower and every delinquency.

But interviews and a Washington Post analysis of available data show that the foreclosure crisis knows no class or income boundaries. Many borrowers ensnared in the evolving mortgage mess do not fit neatly into the stereotypes that surfaced by early 2007 when delinquency rates shot up. They don't have subprime loans, the lending industry's jargon for the higher-rate mortgages made to borrowers with shaky credit or without enough cash for a down payment.

The wave of subprime delinquencies appears to have crested. But in October, for the first time, the number of prime mortgages in delinquency exceeded the subprime loans in danger of default, according to The Post's analysis.

This trend shows up most acutely in California and other high-growth regions, such as Arizona, Nevada, Florida and pockets of the Washington region, most notably in Prince William and Prince George's counties.

The recession has made it tougher for people to pay their mortgages, and crashing home prices have left many borrowers underwater, unable to sell or refinance their way out of trouble. One of every five mortgage holders now has a home worth less than the mortgage on it, according to First American CoreLogic, a firm that tracks mortgages and provided data for The Post's analysis.
There's more at the link.