Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama to Restore American Moral Standing Worldwide

Wasn't Barack Obama supposed to restore American standing in the world? I guess these protesters in Iran didn't get the memo:

Obama Effigy

"But... But... I thought our moral authority would be restored!? The Iranians must mistake Obama for a racist George W. Bush in black face. Yeah! That sounds just about right!"


Norm said...

Teheran wishes to prove to the Muslim world that in their eyes a President Obama is no different from a President Bush. I think they are scared that a President Obama just might have the charismatic ability to do something positive in the Middle East. Things are going to get interesting.

AmPowerBlog said...

Actually, on foreign policy I'm somewhat hopeful about Obama. But we'll see Norm.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

Yeah... that's what we really need. A man who will placate the Islamic radicals. Maybe we need to institute Sharia Law so that America has moral standing worldwide. So, what we really need is "popularity" like some Hollywood "Idol" show gone DC. I think the left thinks that political races are American Idol contests and we're supposed to elect idols to office. I think they are delusional. What are leftists thinking?? They must be truly dumb.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As an American, I'm happy that the wackos in Iran recognize that Obama is not their friend.

AmPowerBlog said...

Well, Grace, the Iranians think Obama's the devil too. So, we have to see how it turns out. He may be foolish if he thinks he can negotiate with evil regimes.

AmPowerBlog said...

Truth101: But Obama was supposed to restore America's reputation. He's failed miserably in that respect. And he wants to negotiate with these people.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that the left will all the sudden find this sort of stuff tasteless.

Someone left a comment on my site after I posted on this same subject.

"I have a strange feeling that liberals will become rabidly patriotic. And they may even add a second verse to “Bomb, Bomb, Iran.”

Hey, maybe he will usher in a new era.

Thank you, this post made me smile awfully early this morning."

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I would have thought a professor of political science would know that Obama isn't president yet.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Jason...

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...


I cannot see the left becoming "rabidly patriotic". Rabid, yes... but not anything like you or I would be in love for America. Sadly. I wish I could envision it differently. But I see Obama's "patriotism" to the UN = the world. He "campaigned" in Europe as a "citizen of the world". He's going to want to take away our national sovereignty. The "rabid patriotism" I see coming from the left is Obamaworship and defining that as "patriotism" and I believe it will be rabid (already is, imo). Obama is going to be set on a course of destroying national sovereignty in Global Poverty Initiative type stuff. The people don't even have a concept of America as the right does in dedication to the founding principles, Constitution, DOI, etc. To them, Obama IS history... in the making. Obama is working very hard to "redefine" America's history as socialist... and socialism as "the spirit" of America. He'll try to redefine everything, center it in himself, and not even let on that we're breaking from our foundations to become something we never were or desired to become. But people are so ignorant and so rabidly "Obama" that they will view Obama worship as being patriotic - and us as being "racist" because we hold to the reality of our heritage, national sovereignty, and view of the American "experiment" via the Constitution. I see "rabid"... but I don't see it as anything positive. Things are only going to get worse - and it's false hope that the left will become more sane rather than more rabid, imo. We're about to see this nation come undone. Personally, I'm preparing to pull up roots and move South... hoping for a divorce... and believing it will happen. I'm working my tail off at work, I'm going to work on my book, I'm moving forward - because I expect greater rabid behavior.

Oh, how I wish you and Donald were right. :) I'd celebrate, rejoice, and say, "I was wrong. And I'm so happy you were right." I can only see progressive insanity coming... unfortunately. Obama is going to ask us to embrace Muslims and Palestine and try to "remake America" in an Islamic/socialist manner - ie. Marxist Black Liberation Theology. He's going to manifest politically what is inside of him religiously... and that's what it is, imo.


Anonymous said...

Grace: I think, again, that you overstate the case. Just slightly.

No one in America has that much time for Islam, or Marxism. And no president is going to change that. IMHO.

If Obama pisses off Iran, that's not a bad thing right now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a photoshop, dude!

Anonymous said...

Anybody see Bono's comments at the pre-inauguration festival? He basically said that people had written America off, that people said that America was for the Americans. But now that Obama has been elected, "everything has changed." People realize America is different... Yada yada. He basically said that Obama has ALREADY completely repaired our standing in the world. He basically said that with Bush as President people were tired of America and had written her off. By merely electing Obama, we havre cured ourselves.

Exit question: what if he actually turns out to be a bad President? What if, God forbid, he is a national security nightmare?

I understand that people are hopeful that Obama will restore our standing worldwide. But Bono was unequivocally saying that Obama already had.

Iranian people are actually pretty cool and pretty pro-American. They are educated, they like fine clothes, a nice meal, etc. All this stuff is staged by the government, a bunch of two-bit despots.