Sunday, January 18, 2009

About the Comments

Here's this from one of the leftist commenters at my post yesterday: "I have noticed a lot of your former commenters have abandoned this page."

This is the second or third time I've seen observations like this in the comment threads at recent posts. Some of the lefties apparently sense a victory of sorts, that they've defeated me, or driven away readers. So, I thought I'd respond and put things in perspective around here.

Yes, some commenters have decided they'd rather not participate in the comment threads. As noted previously elsewhere, I routinely get e-mails from readers thanking me for my work here, and urging me to keep it up. Norman Gersman, a fine man who wrote
a guest post at American Power two weeks ago, is one example.

But let me share, by permission, a couple of remarks from readers who wish to remain anonymous:
Donald ... you've given me a lot of hope over the past year. One day I hope, my friend, we will clink our glasses and discuss our world and the greatness of our country together!

Keep the home fires burning, while I am reluctant to post in your blog due to some nefarious posters, I do appreciate your existence, because it gives me a sense of security to know that you are out there, with my similar interests and beliefs at your core!
I have highlighted the key portion above on the nature of the "progressive" commenters. The adjective "nefarious" is particularly interesting in this context, as it's defined as "extremely wicked" and its related and synonymous terms include "abominable," "debased," and "heinous," among many others.

These words correspond with the feelings of another reader here, who often tells me she is "horrified" at the unspeakable monstrosity of the left's ideological amorality and the ready nihilism in the threads:

Donald ... I just got caught up on your blog, since yesterday ...

To say that the commenters are really bad, is being too kind. Honestly, I can hardly read them, anymore. They make me sick. After reading the few that were posted the last time I checked, I kept asking myself 'whose children are they ... what kind of people instilled in them, the horrible mindset that they have? ...

I am really sick in my very soul, Donald. I can't believe that there are people like that, who really think like that. It sickens me in a way that I can't even describe. And to think that for every single one of the worst commenters, there are thousands more, with even worse, and more depraved ideologies. Knowing that it is only going to get worse after the inauguration, only makes it more devastating. I can't believe that things will ever be right in our country again ... not ever.

The radical progressives, the perverted, God-hating liberals laugh in His face, and deride people with true morals, and reverence for God. If only they knew how short their time will be for doing that, and the terrible consequences of it. Those commenters think that they are so clever, and laugh at you for your determination in exposing them for what they are ... but did you notice that Repsac3 ... Why do they keep coming back, I wonder? I don't comment anymore, because I don't want any of them ever coming to my blog, for any reason.

Again, these readers are anonymous. I wish they could comment on my blog, and they may sometime, but it's up to them if they feel safe and not unclean. People know that I try to respect most commenters, even those who disagree with me, and people of all persuasions are free to participate at my house, as long as they don't attack me or other posters with racism, anti-Semitism, or personal threats.

But let me dwell on Repsac3 for a minute, since my second reader above mentioned him. While he's by no means the only one causing literal fits of incredulity and moral horror, Repsac3 and his "progressive" blogging alliance truly illustrate what's wrong with the contemporary ideological left in American politics today.

I use the term "nihilist" frequently. Nihilism as philosophy goes back to Friedrich Nietzsche and the ideology of nothingness. But there are many strands, and some more recent philosophers describe a "postmodern nihilism" that's closest to my usage. Hyperdictionary suggests nihilism is a "complete denial of all established authority and institutions," and Merriam-Webster discusses nihilism as "a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths."According to Wikipedia: "Postmodern and poststructuralist thought deny the very grounds on which Western cultures have based their 'truths': absolute knowledge and meaning, a 'decentralization' of authorship, the accumulation of positive knowledge, historical progress, and the ideals of humanism and the Enlightenment."

Perhaps folks can quibble on the fine details and epistemological foundations. I simply use "nihilist" as my shorthand for the radical secularists who are out to destroy America's traditional culture and institutions.

Repsac3 has long had a particular obssession with my blogging, and he's made an endless project in futility of trying to put me down. He does not make arguments, nor does he write his own essays. He offers usually unrelated red herrings and evasions, and shifts the burden of proof away from central assertions identifying his "progressive" anti-American project. He denies his postmodernism while constantly spouting its central tenets. When confronted with the extreme radicalism of groups like International ANSWER, the leading hardline Stalinist organization which has been leading demonstrating against Proposition 8 and Israel's Gaza incurson, Repsac3 writes long, incoherent disavowals that such protesters have anything to do with "progressives."

This is part and parcel to the postmodern project. As Dr. Sanity indicates this morning, "don't waste your time looking for any sense or consistency in the contradictory demands and rhetoric of the political postmodern demagogues. They will say whatever they need to say in order to obtain and keep power."

Indeed. It is all about power, and more: To Repsac3 and his allies, traditionalism is all a joke. Conservatives are just plain evil. They are a bunch of clinically-deranged extremists spouting racism and archaic values of hierarchy. Repsac3 has literally said he is "laughing" at me and my readers, and he's created a whole new blogging platform to prove it: "American Nihilist."

At risk of feeding the monster, I'm responding here nevertheless to respond in general to this attack on traditionalism, and also to express my disappointment with what's franky the childishness in folks like this. A look at
the blog, first of all, shows the inclusion of links to J.D., who is not welcomed at American Power because of his rancid anti-Semitism. Repsac3 links to Andrew Sullivan as well, an anti-Semitic who last year proved beyond any doubt that radical progressivism and wild homosexual licentiousness are acceptable practices at the top levels of mainstream journalism. Repsac3 also links to The Swashzone, a group blog to which he belongs, and whose proprietor has sent to my inbox empty yet wicked e-mail threats against me and my family.

These are bad people, and while it may be a "waste" to chronicle and repudiate them, recall that this is why I initially started blogging, as I wrote in April 2006: "No other single topic or object of analysis in my entire career as a political scientist has worried me as has contemporary anti-Americanism."

People like this have no foundations of universal right and good. They prescribe to a cultural self-actualization of "free to be me" and the denial of Judeo-Christian nationalism. Repsac3 has identified himself as Unitarian, which has been described as a "theologically liberal religion" that rejects the bulk of Christian tradition. That makes sense. In response to my post yesterday defending the Anglo-Protestant model of American national identity, Repsac3 said "I see our traditions & ways of thinking ... taken from our varied national & religious backgrounds."

There you have it: varied national and religious backgrounds ... that is, a postmodern relativism of equality of all groups, traditions, cultures, and norms. With that, it is impossible to denounce the evil in our midst and in the world, because all cultures have moral equivalence and relative worth. It's no wonder that people like this have invested so much hope and irrational love in Barack Obama, himself America's first truly postmodern president. These people hate America, and they'll destroy this country or die trying.

Only God knows if the next fours years will go well for the United States. My readers, as seen in the e-mail comments above, are concerned and even fearful of a virtual end times. I am trying simply to fight the good fight, and I know that what I do is grounded in a humble decency that has not forsaken this country's values for a radical secular humanism that is truly nihilist, anti-American, and self-evidently dangerous.


shoprat said...

You are being stampeded by the extreme left because you tell the truth and are dangerous to them. Dictators and wannabee dictators can't stand to have their words challenged so they need to silence you. I've noticed on a lot of blogs that the extreme left has turned really nasty in the last couple of months. Their hatred for those who don't agree with them just oozes from their words. Don't stop.

Reliapundit said...


AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Shoprat. Things have gotten very nasty, that's for sure.

AmPowerBlog said...

Reliapundit: I'm always up for a little debate, and I don't like to screen comments. I delete quite a few actually, so what we're looking at are simply the "progressives" who are threatened by the truth I speak.

jill said...

Standing up for traditionalism is not without cost, apparently. God bless you.

Stogie said...

Donald, that comment about your commenters no longer posting here was strange. I have noticed that your commenters and comments have grown greatly in number since you started this blog.

So many of your detractors simply resort to insults because they have no argument. The misnamed commenter Truth 101 comes to mind, and Tim too. Both these commenters qualify as trolls -- nothing of value to add, just a tedious, nonstop barrage of innuendo and insult with a few Democrat talking points thrown in.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Pundette!

Comes with the territory, I guess...

AmPowerBlog said...

" ... nothing of value to add, just a tedious, nonstop barrage of innuendo and insult with a few Democrat talking points thrown in ... "

Thanks Stogie! I try to have debate and discussion, but it does get to be a lot sometimes, and you can see from the e-mails that readers have noticed your point above.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Things have picked up around here since I showed up Professor. And the attacks on me by your disciples shows them for the closed minded right wingers they are. They all praise you for a cut and paste. I actually read it and try to engage you. Your answer is generally to quickly change the post.

I ask you to show the same intellectual honesty I show Professor. I'm proud to part of Respac's Nihilist crowd. But I won't change my mind about Israel and the ridiculousness of proportional response to attacks on her. How do you feel about birth control? Unions? Your side calls those that are of different opinons America haters. I call us all America Lovers. That's why we protest outrage. Making our Nation a "More Perfect Union" requires the involement of all of us. Not just those that agree with you Professor.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...


You stated that you wanted to pick up an ax handle because you view Governor Palin as a "scab", etc. So you wanted to pick up an ax handle and confront her. How do you claim to be virtuous while stating that you want to pick up an ax to deal with Palin, because you don't agree with her??

You attack Donald like he's just not inclusive or tolerant because he has his own views - and yet you want to get out an ax handle as your response to Governor Palin seeking public office and expressing her opinions.

How do you rationalize your intolerance, your desire to suppress and silence and remove from the public square those with whom you don't agree - to block others from free expression and participation in our political processes - and yet you say that Donald is guilty of expressing outrage against things that are worthy of outrage... like terrorist attacks, etc.??

AmPowerBlog said...

" ... Your side calls those that are of different opinons America haters ... "

They are America haters, Truth101. The question is which side you want to be on?

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Grace: I don't remember the axe handle line, but it doesn't surprise me a bit.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...


I"m sorry to hear about you receiving email threats to you and your family. That's awful. Here's a paragraph from what you stated,

"People like this have no foundations of universal right and good. They prescribe to a cultural self-actualization of "free to be me" and the denial of Judeo-Christian nationalism. Repsac3 has identified himself as Unitarian, which has been described as a "theologically liberal religion" that rejects the bulk of Christian tradition. That makes sense. In response to my post yesterday defending the Anglo-Protestant model of American national identity, Repsac3 said "I see our traditions & ways of thinking ... taken from our varied national & religious backgrounds."

There you have it: varied national and religious backgrounds ... that is, a postmodern relativism of equality of all groups, traditions, cultures, and norms. With that, it is impossible to denounce the evil in our midst and in the world, because all cultures have moral equivalence and relative worth. It's no wonder that people like this have invested so much hope and irrational love in Barack Obama, himself America's first truly postmodern president. These people hate America, and they'll destroy this country or die trying."

Yes, we have varied religious and national backgrounds from the left that so irrationally loves Obama. That makes for political differences. That makes for a desire for different political and economic systems. We're as different in our core values and beliefs and what we want to see in freedom and liberty and life as night is from day.

I think you stated it very well. I'm of the opinion that America went terminal 11/04/07 and dies 1/20/09. That's how I see it. But I believe in resurrection power. Some will see a resurrection within the USA and maintaining one nation as we have in the past. But I just don't see it that way. I think there will be a split. However, if America could rise again in her glory and beauty here in the same formation, I'd rejoice in that. I just don't see it happening. That's not what I see happening in the near future. However, I think you wrote with excellence what's really at the heart and core of the matter - and that's why you are so "put upon".

Thanks for the blogging.


El Jefe Maximo said...

Hey Donald, keep it up. Your liberal commenter saying you (and the rest of us) are out there alone is full of it, just trying to spread discontent. After the election, I went on sabbatical for a bit through Christmas. But it's about time to move out of winter quarters and back into the field. I suspect Obama and crew will soon make our side all the supporters we shall need.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Just know this Donald. While your right wing "friends" will be cheering on the Governator's budget cuts at California's fine universities, the Brothers and Sisters of my Union will be supporting you and your students.

Good to hear from Grace. At least I know the Rapture hasn't started yet.

Norm said...

One only has to watch your Live Traffic Feed to see the many people from all over the world who read your posts to understand just how so very important you are to our country and the all countries.

When we realize how many people your posts are influencing then these few ridiculous posters are of no importance at all. They are as nothing as their beliefs.

We all should realize that shoprat is correct in that you, professor, are a danger to our enemies. I believe that their efforts to silence you and other friendly bloggers will increase over the next couple of years. Today's threat by Pelosi against members of the Bush administration is just the beginning of their attack on free speech. No word on investigating Sen. Schumer for destroying Indy Mac for his investment buddies on Wall Street; or Sen. Dodds "Friend of Angelo" mortgages from Countrywide; or how money from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae influenced Cong. Frank (not to mention the no show job he got his boyfriend for nine years); or Cong. Rangel's violations of the IRS code. If Pelosi wants a fight, we are going to give them one.

Meanwhile, your blog is important to all of us...don't stop. Ignore the morons.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for reading, Grace!

The Obama administration will be a test of the very values for which he say's he'll protect and which he'll swear to uphold. I'm trying to remain optimistic...

AmPowerBlog said...

Well, El Jefe, send me the links when you get them, because I like to spread around the good stuff. And thanks for coming back to visit!

AmPowerBlog said...

Truth: I support my union and I don't think Schwarz... has been so great a governor. You're evading the central issue of this post, which demonstrates your postmodern denialism.

AmPowerBlog said...

Your readership is important, Norm, and thanks for your support.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So does that make me a postmodern denihilist?
What I got from your post is that mostly you don't like Respac and comment moderation is a pain. We agree on comment moderation.

The peopel that email you don't like it when commenters disagree with you. They apparently wish you would not allow opposing views. Castro doesn't like opposing views. But I don't call your fans commies like your disciples attempt to paint those on my side. I do call them deluded. I stand by my description of them as strongly as you stand by your description of my friends as nihilists.

Van Zan said...

Don, I think you should be proud that your blog draws so many commenters, even if you don't like a lot of us.
I would note that there is the odd commenter who is both very hostile and actually to the extreme Right of you rather than the moderate or far Left, or did I miss that you mentioned them as well?
Personally I've learned a lot here, seen some nuances I would not have known about otherwise. So... "thank you" anyhow.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Plus Don, think of the service you're providing. If us nihilists weren't here we'd be out nihilating and stirring up trouble for Lord knows who. If Bush finds out about this maybe he will get that Medal of Freedom to you before Tuesday at noon. Congratulations Brother. Solidarity!

Fetiche Nouvelle said...

This is my first visit to American Power, and I'm impressed. I'm going to suggest that Fran link to you.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thank you, Philippe. You're always welcomed to comment.

AmPowerBlog said...

Van Zan: If you're talking about Grace, she doesn't speak for me, and she's not a threat to our culture the way the hegemonic left is...

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Fetiche Nouvelle!

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...


No, no rapture yet. I have never enjoyed study of eschatology or rapture... given that if I accomplish my personal goal... there's "no way out". God has to "hit me over the head" to get my attention. I haven't even "watched" politics for years. I believed the press about Obama and thought he was a centrist Christian - til I read blogs like this one and started learning the facts behind the image. I even volunteered for Palin (McCain I wouldn't have - so it was for Palin.) For me to get pulled into watching politics is remarkable. I wouldn't if there wasn't, to me, a real "eschatological significance" potential that now I'm going to watch unfold. If it wasn't for that, I'd ignore it all, honestly and go about my business of work-a-day life. (I'm pretty sure God got my attention here about Obama.) But I'm back to working 10-12 hour days M-F and Saturdays a pretty full day. So, no rapture - just back to work... you know... so I can pay Obama's tax increases. (And working towards pulling up stakes in the North - wanna pay cash for a house in the South - and prepare for the potential of a Great Depression as well as the fracture of the USA when this and other calamaties occurs.) I'll typically be the "first" to see what's coming. Like a canary in a coal mine. Folks will at first think I'm a lil "cuckoo". Goes with the territory of eagle eye vision. But, we'll see if I'm right. I didn't "flinch" at Y2K and never have at anything else - thinking ANYONE was potentially the 666 beast. But I'm watching Obama - and if I'm not "in the know" somehow in ways beyond me... it will pleasantly surprise me. I leave room for that occasion cause I'm merely human and I can be wrong. But I've never had so strong a "sense".

I have no idea if there really IS a rapture. I don't think there will be a pre-trib rapture, though, from how I read the scripture in passing - and I wait for the Holy Spirit to give me direct revelation and don't try to "figure it out". God will let me know what I need to know without great "inquiry" into these matters. But it's rather amazing when the Word, it appears to me, starts being enlivened "rhema" about Rev. 12,13,18 in relation to the USA. I'm not "into" eschatology. It just started... coming alive... which could be "rhema" and God making me a "canary in the coal mine"... leading indicator. I won't rule that out either.

So, the nihilists on the blog here - how bout you stop attacking me because I'm apostolic prophetic... and not 100% sure whether it's my humanity or Holy Spirit giving me so strong a sense of what is to come. How bout you just... deal with it. God works through me in miracle working power - and it can be the "banality of prophecy" sometimes... that it can just seem like a "knowing" and it turns out to be bullseye. I don't know of it's intuition or just humanity yet - my sense of things. But there are those who see things first - and I may be seeing what is to come. It wouldn't be the wisest thing in the world to just "figure I'm nuts" or something. Let me tell you what, I'm in preparation. The wise person sees the danger coming and prepares.

Just deal with it. Donald may not agree with me or see what I see - and that's okay. I hope he's right. Cuz if I'm right, it's pre-ordained and nothing will stop incredible acceleration of world violence as the apocalypse approaches or occurs. Sigh. lol Shees. It sure does really seem to me to be the way the Spirit functions when I'm being "apprised"... so we'll see bout that.


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Well Grace Baby. If you really had a "Here am I Lord. Send me" moment, I will convert. But I have grave doubts as to God wanting you to be our Joan of Arc figure and lead a secession of Christians against our Nation.
This is one thing I have in common with Neal Bortz. He has the courage to call the baby ugly. I have the courage to call Grace nuts.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Some of us have lives as well, so while we read all the time, we may not have time to comment. Especially when a four year old wants to play.

Anonymous said...

As you know, I have always thought that your reader comments suffer due to using as the base for the site, and having dropped Haloscan commenting as long as you are using blogspot. The format shapes the message, to some extent.

Still, you do have a dedicated core of readers; with them, you certainly do well!

Greywolfe said...

I have no idea if my comments are valuable to the argument but I will continue to put in my two cents worth, even when no one is willing to give a penny for my thoughts.

As for Respac3 and tim and others of their ilk... Well, they are what is being pumped out of public education at both primary and post high school level. History is being rewritten by the victors. And unfortunately, right now in America Caesar is in power and Rome is burning.

Keep writing my friend. Their attacks are attempts at bringing your moral down so you may quit. You keep writing and I'll keep reading. It's been a hell of an education reading you posts.

Van Zan said...

Don, I was definitely NOT talking about Grace...
I was talking about someone hostile to you. Copperhead or some such.

Anonymous said...

"The radical progressives, the perverted, God-hating liberals laugh in His face, and deride people with true morals, and reverence for God."

This is the kind of tripe I have no time for. And they don't have to worry about me visiting their pathetic jingoistic blogs.

I think people overreact here. I'm probably just as bad as the next.

While Donald argues for "traditionalism," whatever happened to respecting your president elect, and not knocking him down before he even takes office.

It is, in a sense, it's own particular brand of political nihilism. And it's downright unpatriotic too.

Congrats Donald, you and your whole rag tag bunch here have done the very same thing you continually denigrate.

Greywolfe said...

Once again, Tim shows his ignorance. When a person takes office and continually runs his pie hole about the different ways he's going to screw the country and the Constitution, it's not unpatriotic to point it out.

It's not nihilism to fight for traditional beliefs. Beliefs that state that man can govern himself better in his day to day life than Government can. That he should say what happens to the money he earns and how it's spent. That the government is NOT the answer to life's problems, it's the cause of most of them.

Fighting to restore those values is extremely patriotic. Fighting against them is nihilism.

Tim, stop trying to drag people down and try to put a little effort into your education on what this country was and could be again.

Unknown said...

Greywolfe: I don't need to be lectured by you, thanks very much.

Look, like it or not (and you and Donald and everyone else are in the Not category) Obama is now our president. Or at least he will be on Tuesday. Deal with it. And know that no president has ever just taken over and turned us into a communist/socialist state. Or consorted with terrorists. Or any of the b.s. that you constantly peddle.

But when Bush was shredding our constitution, you sat back and said not a word.

The reason I consider Donald and his ilk hypocritical is for this very reason.

AmPowerBlog said...

"So, the nihilists on the blog here - how bout you stop attacking me because I'm apostolic prophetic... and not 100% sure whether it's my humanity or Holy Spirit giving me so strong a sense of what is to come. How bout you just... deal with it. Go"

Cool comments, Grace!

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for reading, Vegas Guy, and have fun with your kid!

AmPowerBlog said...

Can't stand Haloscan, Dana. I don't notice that much difference either way, although I miss the track-back function, so you have a point.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I'm still with you. My schoolwork has taken up much of my time. As Vegas said, I still read everyday. Sometimes I don't have time to comment.

Of course, some of the comments are a pain, but I do get a laugh out of them. I spent a whole career as the object of some hateful conduct. Your skin gets thicker and it serves to make your morals and values a little more precious to you.

Just wanted to express support.

AmPowerBlog said...

Greywolfe: I read all the comments and I try to reply to most folks, even if it's just to say thanks ... so, thanks!

AmPowerBlog said...

"While Donald argues for "traditionalism," whatever happened to respecting your president elect, and not knocking him down before he even takes office."

Hardly, Tim. Obama's the president-elect, and I'm a citizen-journalist on this blog. I'm not joining the media/education/progressive Obama cult nexus, and in fact I'll be putting up a post on just that exactly here in a little while.

AmPowerBlog said...

Who is "Legender"?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was me. Another handle I use in my other line of work!

No Sheeples Here! said...


I greatly respect the diligence with which you post your articles and the careful thought used in them.

Reliapundit gives sage advice when suggesting moderating comments that are vitrolic and off topic.

Truth 101 and Repsac3 are tanatmount to garbage trucks that have filled up and must dump their contents.

Do not let them steal your joy or diminish your peace. You are RIGHT and they are wrong.

You have the support of your readers and the stupidity of the aforementioned "garbage trucks" is on display for all to see.

Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish--Euripides

AmPowerBlog said...

Hi No Sheeples:

I don't moderate, but I do delete abusive, profane, racist, and anti-Semitic comments. The rest just get thrown into the marketplace of ideas, and it's mostly garbage.

Thanks for your support!

Anonymous said...

Even in Australia, Donald has readers that visit and read his posts, and sometimes even comment. His blog may express the views from the right of centre, but those from the left are decidedly more venomous, especially if you disagree with their viewpoint, on no matter what the subject may be. It would seem that those from the left need to be told what their views should be while, those from the right seem to be able to actually make their own opinions without blindly following what they are told.

cracker said...


Larry Bird, (A Basketball Champ) was once asked, when playing against The Lakers, "Does it bother you, when the crowd boos at the announcement of your name?"

Birds Reply "They dont boo nobody's pal"

Your flock is your flock sir,

to moderate is to keep the fish in the barrel. Its also a sign of entropy

Dont let Commentors get the best of you, Proffesor. allow them to help you fine tune your positions....or reconsider them....either way it pushes you towards an ultimate destiny, and a higher level of proffesionalism.

Best Regards

Joubert said...

Not all of your regular readers leave comments. I seldom do because what am I to say: "I agree with you, Donald?"

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...


I generally don't read comments anymore when I blog-surf, unless the mood strikes me. It has nothing to do with intimidation but in getting bogged down in endless debates on multiple blogs. Sometimes productive, often a time-waster. I can't even keep up as it is with the commenters on FA. It's gotten to a point where I seldom respond to comments left on my own blog.

It's just about time=management.

You link and blog to a lot of useful stuff, so you haven't lost me as a reader even if I don't take the time to comment.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks PA Pundits! I guess Norm wasn't kidding that we've got readers from all over the world!

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Cracker ... I'd be kidding if I said the comments don't grate me down, but I'm a fighter, and my ideas are right, or so I believe.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for your support, Patrick. I know many don't comment, but thanks for doing so tonight!

AmPowerBlog said...

Wordsmith: I respond to the comments when I can, which is intermittently. Frankly, blogging for me is about building community as much as making arguments, so it's important.

Anyway, you're right about reading the comments on so many blogs ... it's impossible.

Thanks for your support!

repsac3 said...

My reply

The highlights (Hit top or bottom link for full context):

I don't know where you folks get the idea that I'm in any way venomous or mean...

Mostly, I quote what people say verbatim, and then ask questions, or point out where I think the ideas I quoted were wrong or didn't tell the whole story.

Some folks here, I don't bother dealing with...

By now, pretty much everyone's seen my "discussions" with Donald about this whole nihilism thing. He "observes" that I'm a nihilist, I ask him to back it by posting the definition he's using and the words I spoke that fit that definition. Occasionally, he posts a definition, but he's never shown how any of my stated ideas or beliefs fit the one he posts.

Even here, in the post to which I'm replying, Donald offers several definitions and portions of definitions of "nihilist," followed by some generalizations, misparaphrased ideas, and out-n-out dishonesty about me. What you don't see, are actual quotes that prove I fit the definitions of nihilist he's offering.

Red herrings, evasions, and shifting the burden of proof: I don't think so... (In fact, I seem to recall recently suggesting that Donald did that last one, complete with examples & links)

He [Repsac] denies his postmodernism while constantly spouting its central tenets.

Allow me to simply point out the lack of quotes. Donald tells you that I constantly spout these things, but provides no evidence of my ever actually spouting them.

Long, incoherent disavowals: It is apparent that Donald found it either too long or incoherent, because contrary to what Donald suggests, that link does not lead to a disavowal that ANSWER protesters have anything to do with progressives.

I have said on other occasions that the vast majority of the people at ANSWER-organized anti-war protests are average Americans who don't give a tinker's damn about Stalinists or communism, and who agree that speeches about the Cuban five or mumia have no place at "out of Iraq" peace rallies.

Traditionalism isn't a joke. Much of it is serious stuff, which affects people's lives. I contend that not all traditionalism is good, however. Some is, to be sure. But some isn't.

Of course I don't believe conservatives are evil.

I can't speak for everyone Donald may wish to place in "my bunch," but I'm pretty certain I've not been spouting racism...

Laughing at Donald: Guilty as charged.

And yes, now there is a blog, made up of as many of Donald's enemies list of "nihilists" as we can find.

That said, we're primarily laughing at Donald, and primarily as regards his fetish for the term "nihilism." The rest of his readers & commenters are pretty safe from bein' snickered at.

People like this have no foundations of universal right and good.

Interesting, how Donald says this, only two lines before discussing my religious denomination (& kinda insinuating it's not a "real" religion besides, which I found a bit insulting.)

First off, Donald's post seemed to be defending the notion that America is what it is because it was founded & formed by white folks. (The title of the post was "White America's Nightmare Vision")

Specifically, I was replying to Jason's saying "And may I dare say, it [progress, and the "American Dream"] was created, governed, reformed, fought for, bled over, and advanced largely by White People."

If you believe that in saying that, I'm suggesting a postmodern relativism of equality of all groups, traditions, cultures, and norms, so be it. In fact, however, I am suggesting no such equality by that statement.

I am truly sorry Donald sees me as he does. I'm pretty sure I'm not as bad as he suggests, but I suppose I'm worse than I think I am, as well. I really hope that Donald--or one of his readers--takes up the challenge to quote my insults, red herrings, postmodern nihilism, lack of foundation for universal right & good, and whatever else you've got, back at me. I relish the opportunity to confront or defend my demons, but to do so I need someone willing & able to not simply name them, but actually point them out.

Full post: American Nihilist: Regarding Donald's American Power and Me

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

I felt compelled to add ... I'm sure I am one of many, who do not comment everytime I/we turn up to read a post or two, perhaps I should.

Keep up the good work Donald, what you do is appreciated by many...

~American Interests

Anonymous said...

Don't know if you keep such records, but is it possible that a post about comments has drawn the most comments? :)

Anonymous said...

A lot of us have real lives to live and just read the commentary and a select few comments. I generally scroll past the comments of the regular trolls for they have nothing of interest to say. Why read drivel?
Keep up the good work Donald. I check by every day.
If you were not doing an excellent job the left would not spend so much time trying to stop you.

C17SeaBee said...

Like the piece you ran a few days ago about the manners of students towards staff in schools, colleges & universities, unless you go to a committed Christian College, you see the leftist agenda being openly played out. Whose children are these? They are those brought up by parents who themselves lack respect for or understand the effort it takes to strive for higher education past high school.
High school is a phase in education that is full of rebelliousness. So if a parent starts a family with only that amount of education, the children of those families pass on contempt and disrespect for those that have gone on to greater levels of learning.

Gayle said...

You have a total of 34 comments here so far that aren't yours, Donald. Doesn't look like the libs are scaring off many commenters to me! LOL!

You do great work and as long as you do the libs will hound you. What they don't know is that it's a compliment to the success of your posts. Liberal commenters don't scare most of us. For the most part - unless I feel like debating them - I ignore them.

repsac3 said...

For the most part - unless I feel like debating them - I ignore them.

Having asked you what I thought was a pretty good series of questions about something you said in the "Inaugural Prayer" thread a few days ago, I can attest to your ability to avoid paying the slightest bit of attention.

For what it's worth, I was disappointed, because I was sincerely curious about your thinkin' on the subject.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for visiting, Ottavio! And comment when you can.

AmPowerBlog said...

Dana: Norm's essay a couple of weeks ago generated about 65 comments. That was a great thread.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for reading, Dennis!

AmPowerBlog said...

C-17SeaBee: You are so right, and the left actually makes that behavior worse with the absence of moral education. I try to instill professionalism in class, and some kids have wonderful manners and politeness, but it's true.

Thanks for commenting.

AmPowerBlog said...

I think a lot of readers are rallying to the blog and what we do here, Gayle.

Thanks so much for your support!

Righty64 said...

Here is my two cents. I had some guy who refers to himself as Right Wing SNARKLE that had been trolling around by blog. He was so insulting to another commenter on my blog that I had to institute the comment moderation. I enjoy real debate and even a little bit of snarkiness. But I do not put up with insults and profanities. Bottom line is that it is always going to be hard for those of us defending tradition and what makes the United States the great nation that it is. Going against the tide is hard, but the reward of being able to possibly make someone think about things, that makes all of this worthwhile. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

AmPowerBlog said...

Mark/Righty: Right Wing Snarkle did that on my blog a while back, and I think I have a link on his blogroll. A real ass. I just delate people like that, who have nothing better to do than hassle people.

Gayle said...

"Right Wing Snarkle?" LOL! Thanks for the warning. :)

repsac3 said...

The comment count on this one is pretty impressive--even though it's your blog, I feel so darn famous (assuming everyone isn't isn't on that repsac-free diet that Gayle's been pushing, of course--& don't she look fabulous)--but there's still a long way to go until you make that 235 comment monster you helped create over at Bio's place last June.

I've been meaning to ask, though, Donald... I've read that snippet of the second e-mail over & over, and I just don't get it...

Those commenters think that they are so clever, and laugh at you for your determination in exposing them for what they are ... but did you notice that Repsac3 ... Why do they keep coming back, I wonder?

I see that this person mentioned my name (allowing you to write much of this post) but what in the heck was s/he trying to say about me? Was ... but did you notice that Repsac3 ... the whole sentence, or was there something more to it, fore &/or aft, that actually allowed it to mean something? And if so, why did you cut off the beginning &/or end of the sentence? I'd guess it wasn't flattering toward me or anything, but I also doubt it would've exposed any state secrets or forced you to reveal Superman's secret identity... So, what was the deal? Enquiring minds want to know...

repsac3 said...

But then, JQA was one of them Unitarians, and we all know how much those types hate America......

Lawyers, Guns and Money: A Point in Favor of John Quincy Adams

People like this have no foundations of universal right and good. They prescribe to a cultural self-actualization of "free to be me" and the denial of Judeo-Christian nationalism. Repsac3 has identified himself as Unitarian, which has been described as a "theologically liberal religion" that rejects the bulk of Christian tradition.

repsac3 said...

This used to appear under the "Links to this Post" section, below. Can't imagine where it went...

American Nihilist: Regarding Donald's American Power and Me