Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where Are the Obama Anti-War Protests?

Obama is taking a firm stand on counter-terror policies in South Asia, as evidenced by U.S. military operations against terrorist sanctuaries in the Pakistani hinterland.

Here's the Washington Post's article, "2 U.S. Airstrikes Offer a Concrete Sign of Obama's Pakistan Policy":

Two remote U.S. missile strikes that killed at least 20 people at suspected terrorist hideouts in northwestern Pakistan yesterday offered the first tangible sign of President Obama's commitment to sustained military pressure on the terrorist groups there, even though Pakistanis broadly oppose such unilateral U.S. actions.

The shaky Pakistani government of Asif Ali Zardari has expressed hopes for warm relations with Obama, but members of Obama's new national security team have already telegraphed their intention to make firmer demands of Islamabad than the Bush administration, and to back up those demands with a threatened curtailment of the plentiful military aid that has been at the heart of U.S.-Pakistani ties for the past three decades.

The separate strikes on two compounds, coming three hours apart and involving five missiles fired from Afghanistan-based Predator drone aircraft, were the first high-profile hostile military actions taken under Obama's four-day-old presidency. A Pakistani security official said in Islamabad that the strikes appeared to have killed at least 10 insurgents, including five foreign nationals and possibly even "a high-value target" such as a senior al-Qaeda or Taliban official.

It remained unclear yesterday whether Obama personally authorized the strike or was involved in its final planning, but military officials have previously said the White House is routinely briefed about such attacks in advance.
Readers of this blog know that I called for exactly this response in November and December after terrorists laid siege to Mumbai. I'd actually like to see cross-border commando raids as well, but there's hope.

Now, anyone even remotely familiar with U.S. military command and control knows that U.S. airstrikes cannot proceed without approval from the top. But that doesn't stop
antiwar airheads from blaming the loss of "innocents" and "children" on the Bush administration:

The airstrikes were part of a program begun by the Bush administration and authorized to continue by President Obama, but he himself does not personally authorize each strike.
It does no good to blame Bush at this point. Obama could stop the drone attacks at a moment's notice. For all the tortured reasoning from the left, the Obama administration has no choice but to play hardball with hard military power against the foes of America and the West. The U.S. raids will send the possible signal of U.S. posture and intentions. The Obama adminisration is letting it be known to hostile audiences worldwide that American policy will display continuity and even escalation of pressure in the face of radicals who are committing acts of violent mayhem around the world.

So where are the Obama administration antiwar protests? As we can see, those on the left so far will only blame Bush - they're irked that Obama's "
continuning Bush's policy" of military force.

World Can't Wait has decided they'll protest the "evil BushCo":

... when such promises of continued wars of terror are being made it is a time to continue the resistance that is needed in the face of this. And a group of activists who recognized this moment gathered at D.C.’s Union Station and brought into sharp focus the disconnect between what the people of this country and the world hope for and what Obama has promised. For a solid hour a dramatic action was led by World Can’t Wait and joined by members from Arrest Bush, and Code Pink ...
Yeah, Code Pink, the folks who received tickets to the inauguration from the inside Democratic connections in Congress. World Can't Wait has said they're going to "stand up to this" no matter who the president is, but there's no announcement of planned protests at the page.

There's no mention of Obama at
After Downing Street either, amid all the ads for t-shirts and posters exhorting folks to "Arrest Bush and Cheney."

And ANSWER's got an announcement up for a "Palestine Public Forum & Teach-In" in Los Angeles, where activists can learn "the real aims" behind the media's lies on "The U.S./Israeli War on Gaza." And the group's national page features a poster promoting a "March on the Pentagon" to end the "occupation" of Afghanistan and Iraq that features President Bush's mug - in March 2009! By God, Bush will have been gone for two whole months, and they'll still throwing shoes at the vile "BusHitler"!

The hypocrisy is exquiste, but consistent of the hard left, in any case.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

On a serious note considering it's me Professor. Could this also be a start of us siding with India should things blow up between it and Pakistan?

Anonymous said...

I went to the World Can't Wait website, to the article you linked, which is entitled, "Conviction and Courage in the Face of the Obama Disconnect: Speaking Truth inside D.C.’s Union Station." In it are references to "World Can’t Wait activist Raphael" and "Another WCW activist, Emma."

"Conviction and courage," huh? Apparently not enough conviction and courage to even use their own names.

repsac3 said...

Obama's been President for almost 4 whole days, Donald... You don't think you might be rushing things a little bit? I guarantee that should Obama continue Bush's WOT, there will be protests... (It's exactly what I always said, Don... The "socialist, Marxist, ???" organizers of these protests never were Democrats or mainstream US liberals. We agreed with their stance on the war--as some of us will again, should Obama not make those changes--but we never did buy into the rest of their spiel.)

(And by the way... Doesn't that link/quote discussing the World Can't Wait action in Union Station belie the rest of your post? Were they not protesting against Obama continuing Bush's actions?)

repsac3 said...

Phillipe, you are a font of interesting information... I had no idea that the little green men were supporting Obama, too...

(Or... were they...?)

In any case, thanks. I'll reply to your comment as soon as I have the time for more than just a quick few sentences.

AmPowerBlog said...

"And by the way ... Doesn't that link/quote discussing the World Can't Wait action in Union Station belie the rest of your post? Were they not protesting against Obama continuing Bush's actions?)"

Repsac3: I generally ignore your trolling, and your total ignorance and refusal to see facts and reality, but I addressed your point at the post:

"World Can't Wait has said they're going to "stand up to this" no matter who the president is, but there's no announcement of planned protests at the page."

It is not too early at all. ANSWER is planning a protest in March - in MARCH - against Bush's Pentagon. It's all Obama's war now. He can stop it if he wants, but all you can do is deny and distort what I've written, in total BDS fashion.

That's all the troll-feeding I'll be doing today.

repsac3 said...

Thank you for the reply, Donald. Until you deleted those two comments at the other post, I'd thought you'd went blind.

Your lead was "Where Are the Obama Anti-War Protests?" The answer my friend, was blowing in your post, right where I pointed it out.

The poster for the ANSWER protest in March says right on it "Let's End The Criminal Occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan." Yes, it does have Bush's face & a whole lotta shoes on it. But it'd be silly say that makes it a purely anti-Bush protest. Especially not when the words I quoted are there in full view.

AmPowerBlog said...

"Yes, it does have Bush's face & a whole lotta shoes on it. But it'd be silly say that makes it a purely anti-Bush protest."

Okay, I'm breaking my pledge to not feed the trolls folks.

But I just want point out to all of my readers how Bush derangment syndrome warps the minds of those afflicted by it.

Hmm, let's see?

Bush's picture. Check! Shoes. Check! At Bush's last press conference in Iraq an outraged journalist threw his shoes at the president. Check! No mention of Obama for the March protest. Check! No mention of Obama at the ANSWER homepage. Check?

Yep, all of that's pretty silly dear readers.

Behold the workings of the postmodern brain, a specimen that has been damaged by years of intellectual neglect and constant feeding of leftist indoctration, anti-Christianism, and anything goes license.

And don't forget, people, there's no omission at the post that World Can't Wait - the other group in question - and its claim that it will protest "any president." So far, of course, not one of these groups has posted one word on their websites to denounce the killing of the "innocents." Not one of these groups has posted Obama in flyers and downloads to protest neo-imperialism and war crimes.

Actually, it's only a matter of time for the neo-Stalinists to turn even on Obama. The rest of the Obama cult will, of course, continue to blame the "evil" BushCo regime. Or they'll make lunatic ravings about how "silly" are observations on the abject hypocrisy of it all.

Anonymous said...

Donald: Not all of us are pacifists, so I'm not having big problems with drone attacks. I'm all for high tech fighting that does eliminate the enemy.

Muslim fanatics want us dead, and think nothing of collateral damage, and in fact welcome it. To our credit, we do not intend to create collateral damage.

Not all of us are against the use of force. As you know, my biggest problem with Bush was the the way he waged that particular war, and the bungled nature of the whole venture. I am still cynical of that, despite the outcome. That cannot and will not change. The ends do NOT always justify the means.

I think you will find, perhaps, that not all of us are against conflict. The fringe, sure. But you want all of us to be in the same boat here, and we are not.

repsac3 said...

Donald, you seem determined to believe as you wish, and God bless you for it. But permit me to point out one last thing...

It is not too early at all. ANSWER is planning a protest in March - in MARCH - against Bush's Pentagon. It's all Obama's war now. He can stop it if he wants, but all you can do is deny and distort what I've written, in total BDS fashion.

If, as you say, it's Obama's war starting now, why in God's name do you claim that the March, 2009 protest will be aimed at Bush's Pentagon? If it's Obama's war, wouldn't it also be Obama's Pentagon?

(For the record, I agree it's now Obama's war... ...AND Obama's White House, Pentagon, State Department, and that it was Obama's Inauguration weekend when those folks you quote from/about were @ Union Station... So who were those protests @ Union Station last weekend really aimed at? Who will the one's in March be aimed at?)

Just somethin' to consider...

Anyone else think that "Season's Greetings" shoe poster Donald's on about might be from last Christmas... You know, back when Bush was still President? Yeah... Me too. (No proof, mind you. I'd venture a guess & say Donald spends more time at ANSWER sites than I do... But still, I think it likely.)

Actually, it's only a matter of time for the neo-Stalinists to turn even on Obama.

Exactly. These umbrella groups about which Donald is whining are not about Bush, or Obama, or anyone else. They're about being anti-war, and about their own little political & social agendas, be it communism, socialism, racism, freeing Mumia, freeing Peltier, whatever... Always has been, always will be. That's what I've been saying since the first right winger made the first sweeping generalizations about anti-war protesters (or Democrats, or liberals, or whatever...) at the first rallies.

And Donald, my good man... Anytime you want to link to or quote all that Bush Derangement type stuff I post, you just go right ahead. I'm sure you can back those BDS "observations" about me with the goods, right?)

AmPowerBlog said...

"If, as you say, it's Obama's war starting now, why in God's name do you claim that the March, 2009 protest will be aimed at Bush's Pentagon? If it's Obama's war, wouldn't it also be Obama's Pentagon?"

Don't ask me, Reppy, ask ANSWER. You'd think for an event almost two months in the future they'd get their presidents right.

But of course, they cant. Obama's not the enemy. The evil BushCo was and still is, which is why we're still seeing calls to "arrest Bush," for example at the inauguration, and in the halls of Congress. That's right, your base and your party (you can quit denying you're Democrat) are both pushing for war crimes prosecutions. We will never see the kind of BDS represented by folks like you and the street protesters against Obama. He's the one, and you defend and deny and prevaricate because you don't want to be pinned down.

It's postmodern nihilism. You'll be back with another totally nonsensical reply, because that's what postmodern fools do. They have no core principles and they dance and evade as soon as really tough moral issues come up.

repsac3 said...


I leave it for the readers here to decide for themselves.

Average American said...

Donald, get used to it. There are plenty of those on the extreme left that will blame everything on Bush until AT LEAST 2012.