Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama Supporters Disrespect American Flag

The photo, from the Baltimore Sun, shows Barack Obama supporters with illegally altered American flags:

Obama Desecrate Flag

According to the United States Code:

* No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America ...

* The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.
Nice Deb has more. See also, Memeorandum.


Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

Yep, I'm just catching up on blogs this a.m... and saw that. Did you know that a rep from NY is trying to pass legislation to repeal the 22nd Amendment that limits the presidential office to 2 terms?? See... they want a minority dictator. They are overthrowing our nation and constitution on the basis of race. Race and socialism have become "one" - and they are going to tie "racism" to our constitutional form of liberty... and say it has to go on the basis of race. That these people think Obama is the nation is evidence they have no loyalty to the United States of America according to politics, history, and the ideology of our founders. We're seeing an overthrow of our government. It's already happened. They care nothing for the flag of the USA or anything the USA stands for, It's all about Obama and race. Race has been used to advance socialism and dictatorship - and the movement is going to grow, imo. The overthrow has already happened (he's not a US citizen - but race got him past that - and race is going to be the entire overthrow of our government in fruition that has already occurred).

It's the minorities who are the greatest racists - and will overthrow our government on the basis of their own racism - as they call our former history and our constitution and freedoms and capitalism "racism"... and act like they are the victims of it - and become the socialist oppressors for a totalitarian dictator. Ann Coulter knows what she's talking about. Their victimhood has overthrown America - and the MSM is sacrificing all our nation and it's freedom and liberty and history and capitalism to the altar of race and socialism... and Obama.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And I was hoping if the Professor could tell me where I could get one of those flags. What better way to show support for our Country and our next President. May God Bless Barack Obama and may God Bless America!

Anonymous said...

We should always show respect for our Flag. Did you notice that beneath your blogger profile on the right-hand side of your page are three banners that use the Flag as a backdrop for advertising purposes. Are these banners worse or better than the Obama flags?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That's why The Professor put up three more posts PDiddy. He screwed up so he's hiding it. Why these right wingers think they can fool us is a testament to their deludedness

Anonymous said...

Reppy, here... (who's been using the autofill feature so much he doesn't know his own password, anymore)

Gee... Take a quick break from playin' nick jr with the nephew, & find I'm the subject of a post, and Obama flags are unamerican...

When I get back home, I'll locate & post the pic I saw of a republican presidential candidate signing an American flag with a sharpie, & ask whether that's as unamerican as this Obama flag... Wonder what the thinkin' 'round here will be?

Till later, Gators...

repsac3 said...

As promised... Flag Rules and Regulations Scroll down to the section called "Flag Code Violations in the News"

I was wrong, however... The Republican in question was not a candidate for President. He was, & still *is* President--for 1 day, 3 hours, and 48 minutes more. And, it wasn't one violation of the US code as concerns the US flag, but two, on two different occasions... and that's not counting Republican Kid Rock, who appears on the same page...

And, what about those flags with images of 911 (often the towers, and the words "Never Forget") silkscreened onto them in a very similar way to this Obama flag? Unpatriotic, or is that also somehow different?

Me, I think the silkscreened flags--both Obama & 911--are technical fouls. Against the code, but still patriotic.

I've much more problem with writing on the flag, wearing a flag as clothing, and flag tissues, napkins, paper plates, and the like...

YMMV of course, but I'd rather see someone waving an "altered" flag in support of his/her President-elect or in memory of 3000 American dead, than witness that same person wipe their mouth on one, even if it is made of cheap paper...

Anonymous said...

What about not flying the flag in the dark, unless properly illuminated? I see that all the time.

What about those flag car banners that get shredded? Aren't flags that touch the ground, or get defaced, supposed to be burned? Oh wait, some idiots want to ban the burning of the flag!

So confusing.

For the record, wasn't that an American flag pin that John McCain was NOT wearing at his concession speech? Or was it the last debate. I can't remember.

Ema Nymton said...


When I have doubts on how to treat the flag of USA, I can use the following pictures as guides:


Average American said...

That flag in the picture is DISGRACEFUL! Millions of Americans have died protecting what that flag represents. A man that will be President in just hours should not condone such a disgrace, but I would not be one bit surprised if that wasn't one of the items available from his campaign.

Using a sharpie to desecrate the flag disgusts me also, and I don't care who did it, it is wrong. The pictures talked about are pictures with something other than a flag in them, and as such are fine.