Friday, January 9, 2009

The Problem of Ann Coulter

I have criticized Ann Coulter at this blog, in no uncertain terms. But she looks fabulous in the video available at Tigerhawk, where she is interviewed on the CBS morning show with Harry Smith:

Watch CBS Videos Online
Harry actually gets to the core of the problem of categorizing Ann Coulter: Is she a satirist, pundit, public intellectual, or comedian? Ann neither writes nor says anything more extreme or offensive than many a left-wing comedian, and she is very often as funny. Her problem - apart from the rank double standard that the press applies to the controversy in her humor compared to, say, Bill Maher, Al Franken, or Michael Moore - is that she wades into serious territory more often than most humorists and often within the same work. To some that makes Ann an "irresponsible" pundit, not a humorist, and it is that categorical confusion that drives the chatterers crazy.
Yes, she does drive the "chatterers" crazy. For example, the nihilist Newshoggers crew in their recent post, "Ann Coulter is Just William Ayers in 6" Heels."

Yeah. Right.


shoprat said...

Criticize her when she has it coming and praise her when she earns praise. Do that to everyone and I think you do.

Some of those people are probably fantasizing about Ayers in 6" heels. (Has she ever bombed a building?)

Gayle said...

"Ayers in 6" high heels". Ugh! LOL, Shoprat.

I like Ann Coulter. Even when I think she's a bit too brutal at least the woman says what she really thinks and I can only admire that.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Shoprat!

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Gayle: She's a little over the top for me, but she makes some great points, and she pisses off the left!

Tapline said...

DD, I'm with you. I think she comes on strong, but I like what she has to say. Even for affect.....stay well...Great post, by the way.....

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The chick has made millions saying and writing what right wing fools want to read and hear. I tip my hat to her for her success at capitalism.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

She also had a great interview with Matt Lauer (sp?) on the Today Show. I wasn't an Ann Coulter fan. I am now. I'm going to buy all her books. She socked it to 'em on the Today Show on how Sarah was interrogated and Obama was PR'd to hilt by the MSM in interviews. I've decided she's the She has a "niche". I'm sure I don't agree with her on all things... but her voice is needed. She's blunt, cutting even in her language. We need to cut through the bull and she's needed. She did awesome. So I'm a new fan.

Yeah, Donald... I thought she was a little over the top for me, too, at least on her speaking - but Obama times call for Coulter measures. lol I changed my view of her. Especially given these interviews. She hasn't so much "reinvented herself" as the left created a clear needed "niche" position for her sometimes sharp tongue and "over the topishness" - since the left is so whacked out in favor of their Obama-antichrist.


DFS said...

Overall I like Ann Coulter. She certainly can be over the top, but no more so than Bill Maher or the women on the View. In fact, (most of the time) I think she actually has legitimate points to make and at least tries to give some references.

In the video itself Harry Smith laments her sophomoric humor and the shallowness of her arguments, but then turns around and lets out an "oh, so it's all the liberals fault" when talking about children born out of wedlock. That, to me, was an attempt to condescend & brush aside any discussion of actual points she brings up. The same sort of simplicity he laments in her.

Of course, Ann Coulter is not personally aiming to have these serious discussions herself. Her niche, as you will, is humorously (or humorlessly, depending on your viewpoint) attacking liberal positions.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Tapper!

AmPowerBlog said...

What "right wing fools," Truth101?

You certainly haven't made any great rebuttals to my posts of late. Mostly rants ...

AmPowerBlog said...

Grace! I'm not suprised!

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks DFS!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It is a testament to the cleverness of my replies to your deluded posts that you change your post every ten minutes in a vain effort to run away from me Professor.

I know your ego must be suffering because I only noticed one of your "disciples" gave you the obligatory "Great post Donald" schtick. If it helps you go to sleep later, I still think you run a good blog.

AmPowerBlog said...

Indulge in self-veneration, Truth101, if that makes you feel better.

Righty64 said...

Actually, Ann was on local talk radio with Al Rantel. He is a huge Ann Coulter fan. But, he engaged her in referencing President-elect Obama as B. Hussein Obama. He thinks that is over the top. A lot of back and forth and she did not back down. I think that she gets a little over the top. But, read her books. They are well written and well researched. BTW, why is she so over-the-top? I am not sure but i'll offer that she is doing some projecting. And, her opponents often do not get it.

JBW said...

You can tell by reading her books that Coulter is a smart woman. That, combined with the fact that her friends insist that she doesn't say the things she does when there aren't cameras around and that Bill Maher considers her a good friend says to me that a lot of what she says and writes is an act.

She's a performance artist who has made millions spewing her bile to the eager right in this country. I don't believe for a second that she actually believes most of the things she says; as I said, she's too smart to believe all of that idiocy.

Truth101 is right, she's a great capitalist and a shrewd marketer. And if you agree with most of what she says you're most likely a deluded sucker.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Donnie Baby! You're the one that with the anal need to be told your posts are "great" by your right wing enablers. I'm happy just speaking the truth.

Reliapundit said...

coulter is AWESOME.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

I think JBW may be right on her being an act. lol I honestly thought that when I saw her before. I thought she was running a game and being ridiculous on purpose just to be like a media carnival act. lol

Even so, I still like the act... and she says some biting things that have truism to them.

Besides, Olberman is a carny if I ever saw one. And if he believes his own act - he's nuts.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

Great Post, Donald!!

(repeated that just for T101)


Anonymous said...

My main problem with Coulter is she's just shrill, and uninteresting. And factually challenged. And NOT hot at all (but she sure tries to be!)

She's also a known plagiarist.

I yawn in her general direction.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Great comments Tim and Grace. You two are real America lovers. God bless you both.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

Great Comment to you two T101.

Why, if Benedict Arnold hadn't said it first, you would have,

“If your great umbrage would care to meet my high dudgeon at 12 paces, I would be happy to entertain you at dawn.”

Benedict Arnold quote


AmPowerBlog said...

"... And NOT hot at all ..."

She's not a sexual vixen, if that's what you mean. But she's an attractive woman, IMHO.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I actually agree with JBW. Ann and Rush are performers who wrap their views in schtick. They are effective in that they get their views out.

I've read all her books and I like to think I can separate her acting from her real point. I enjoy her and Rush and I listen to them every chance I can. I believe their point is well taken.

As for Harry, watching him hyperventilate over Jennifer Anniston was disgusting. Talk about sophomoric, his interview was juvenile in a voyeuristic way. A true professional. Nice job Harry.

BTW, Nice post Dr.D. (salivating)

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...


Didn't you think my play on words of "benedict arnold" vs. "patriots" was funny??

Oh, come on... I'm waiting for an "umbrage" comeback.


Stogie said...

"The chick has made millions saying and writing what right wing fools want to read and hear. I tip my hat to her for her success at capitalism."

Yeah, Troll 101, she says things we want to hear -- like the truth about the utter depravity of the Left of which are you such a shining example.

JBW said...

Whoa, Grace and LaOT agreeing with me: perhaps I should rethink my Coulter stance; I suddenly find myself aligned with the forces of right-wingia. Now is when I shudder.

And Stogie, such hostility! T101's a pretty good guy, perhaps you just don't know him well enough. Or me either. I live in the Bay Area too but I don't hide behind an online persona; perhaps we should have a beer together, tough guy.