Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Know What You're Doing, Baby

A couple of the comments threads are getting a little testy today, so I thought we'd better lighten things up with some sounds. Please enjoy Dionne Farris, "I Know" (video starts shortly):

I know what you're doing yeah yeah
I know why you dialed my number
I know what you're doing yeah yeah
I know why you care

I know what you're doing yeah yeah
I know why you say you love me
I know what you're doing yeah yeah
And I don't think it's fair

I know why you dialed my number
I know why you say you're mine
I know what you're doing,

And it's not, gonna work, this time (2)

I know what you're doing yeah yeah
I can never sing in that key
I know what you're doing yeah yeah
And you're the one to blame

I know what you're doing yeah yeah
I know why you can't forgive me
I know why you're singing lost love
The lyrics haven't changed

1-I can recognize the symptoms
You should know I've changed my mind
I know what you're doing
And it's not, gonna work this time
Hey hey hey, said it's not gonna work this time...

I know what you're doing, baby
I know why you call my name
I know why you say you love me
but I can't say the same
(repeat 1)


kreiz1 said...

LOVE that song, Donald. Nicely chosen.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Kreiz!

Anonymous said...

Love it :)

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Beloved Mama!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This post only made me angrier.

AmPowerBlog said...

Truth101: Why?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sorry Professor. On the advice of Grace I wentout and got a bottle of the blue stuff. I've been all silly since then. I'll go back to Rolling Rock and try to give you a real live enemy as soon as this blue stuff wears off.