Saturday, March 3, 2012

James Q. Wilson, 1931 – 2012

He was one of the great old-school political scientists.

The Los Angeles Times has an obituary, "James Q. Wilson dies at 80; pioneer in 'broken windows' approach to improve policing." Born in Denver and raised in Long Beach, Wilson spent 25 years at Harvard but moved in 1986 to UCLA's Anderson School of Business mostly to be back home on the West Coast. More on that from the Times:

In 1961, he joined the faculty at Harvard University, where his scholarship on policing drew the attention of President Johnson's administration. He was invited to join a presidential commission on crime, which sparked an inquiry that eventually became the focus of his professional work.

"The standard question was why did people commit crimes. I wanted to ask why people don't commit them," he told the New York Times in 1998.

Many of his books tackled thorny questions of crime and race, such as "Crime and Human Nature," co-written with Richard J. Herrnstein and published in 1988.

"Even to allude to the possibility that races may differ in the distribution of those constitutional factors that are associated with criminality will strike some people as factually, ethically or prudentially wrong," they wrote. "We disagree."

Wilson's views won favor among neoconservatives, not a popular faction at a liberal bastion like Harvard.

In 1986, after more than 25 years at Harvard, he moved to UCLA's Anderson School of Management, where, some colleagues suggested, the more conservative atmosphere was a welcome change.

But Wilson, referring to his early years in Southern California, said he just wanted to come home. He later taught at Pepperdine.
VIDEO: "Annual Lecture with 'Ronald Reagan Professor of Public Policy' James Q. Wilson at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California" (parts 2-4 at the link).

Kathy Shaidle Assesses the Legacy of Andrew Breitbart

It's an excellent interview all around, but Kathy makes some especially perceptive comments toward the end where she mentions that Breitbart was an entrepreneur who had set himself up so that he couldn't be fired. That's a crucial point. Because when you work for someone else your right to free speech in inherently restricted by the potential impact (or fallout) of such speech on the employing institution. William Jacobson alluded to this the other day when he mentioned the "restraints" that hindered so many of us conservatives from fully speaking out and challenging the left's fascism.

In any case, more on that later.

The video c/o Blazing Cat Fur:

EXTRA: I'm linking to Protein Wisdom again for a reminder of how effective Breitbart really was --- and also as a reminder of what we're up against. Don't let Andrew's death have been in vain. Keep the flame burning and hoist the banner of liberty. That's the legacy. To keep up the fight.

Andrew Breitbart at O.C. Tax Day Tea Party, April 15, 2009

Breitbart often reminisced about attending his first tea party in Orange County.

My good friend Megan Barth was the event's main organizer. She can be seen in the blue shirt behind Andrew at the clip. Megan has also posted an essay to Facebook, "Andrew Breitbart — A Tribute":

Some of u are probably sitting in this internet/Facebook audience saying, Who in the "H" is Megan Barth, and how does she "know" Andrew Breitbart?

Well, I can't say that I do know Andrew. I have not been to his house; I have not broken bread with the man; I have had a cocktail with him....ok maybe two or three, but, true, I do not "know" him. But, I know him for one of my greatest memories that he selflessly gave to me. The first time I called him and asked him for a favor, he didn't hesitate to say yes.

In March of 2009, I asked him to speak at a Tea party Rally in Santa Ana on April 15, 2009. I had left him a message on his cell phone--the number which I had received from a mutual aquaintance. An hour later, I get a call back and he says, "Megan Barth? Andrew Breitbart. What is this tea party thing about and oh yeah, Count me in." And, two weeks later, he was speaking at his first tea party on a chilly and windy day, in front of a crowd of over 2000, at the "Circle of Flags." He brought with him his fiery friend, Gary Graham, and his father in law Orson Bean. They each spoke to the crowd with such conviction, fun, kindness and passion. It is a day that I will never forget.

After that day, I would run into him at various events and he would jokingly refer to me as "his first." I always made sure I shook his hand or gave him a big hug, not only because I so appreciated him for coming to speak on that day in April, 50 miles from Brentwood, but appreciating him and thanking him for being all that inspires me.

Andrew encapsulated/emulated everything that I found good and decent and honorable. His love of family and country, his tenacity, his strength, his humor, his fire that he so tirelessly gave--he didn't seem to want for anything else but for the truth, and, of course, to piss off liberals. The truth, you see, and honesty, isn't a commodity. You don't find it often and you don't find it easily. Andrew's fight in order to bring truth and light to the masses was like David fighting Goliath. Andrew had this slingshot and the MSM, the Giant, had the narrative. Yet, Andrew beat them with that slingshot, head on. He wasn't afraid. He stood his ground. He took the battle to them and outsmarted their best generals. He exposed their false narrative--which is the Giant's ironic weakness. Andrew showed all of us that the impossible can be the possible...particularly with the truth on your side. It ain't gonna come easy and it ain't gonna come cheap. Andrew, today, gave his life for it. His family, that stood behind him and with him, made it possible.

When I heard the news this morning, I started screaming, "Why Why Why God!! Why him? " Why take a man from his wife and four children? What did he do? He had so much more to do! Why now, God? Why?! "

And then, after talking to my 3 parents (yes, I have 3. 4 actually, but I talked to 3 of them), and scouring the blog roll and Twitter/Facebook feed, I was reminded that the only answer to these and many more questions, is the one that we all will eventually find, and with the truth and the spirit of Breitbart on our side, we will all come to know, "Why." The truth will be Andrew's legacy as it has been our, my, inspiration.

Andrew leaves behind a pair of shoes which cannot be filled. He was a one in a million, a happy warrior, a truth seeker, a torch bearer. There are millions of those who he has inspired that are ready and willing to carry that torch--and that is what must be and will be done. He wouldn't have it any other way. He designed the battle plan. He deserves no less.

In his own words from the upcoming "Hating Breitbart"


Rest in peace and thank you, my friend, for absolutely everything.
More updates throughout the weekend.

Andrew Breitbart – Warrior – Franklin Center Remembers

Via Nice Deb:

Dana Loesch Remembers Andrew Breitbart

Again, I'm just posting these as I view them. I know Dana and she's quite an inspiration in herself. And as she shares her memories we again hear adjectives like "fearlessness" and "truthfulness" that were the guiding principles of Breitbart's model of citizenship. I'll be continuing my coverage all weekend.

Via Big Journalism:

Friday, March 2, 2012

Loose Flukes

Well, actually, there's some disagreement over whether Sandra Fluke is indeed "loose," but she's certainly playing up her 15 minutes for all they're worth.

Michelle says no: "Sandra Fluke is not a “slut.” She’s a femme-agogue tool; DCCC, Emily’s list fund-raise off of Rush." But Dana Loesch says, hey, not so fast: "Republicans Fall For Manufactured Story"( via Memeorandum).

The truth is somewhere in between, but what's just too perfect is fluke's canonization by the progressive left media complex, personified with utmost perfection by MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, who must have mentioned a half-dozen times that President Obama personally called the Georgetown "co-ed" in a show of reproductive solidarity. If all of this sounds too good to be true, complete with Fluke's crocodile tears on national TV, that's because it is:

Did you watch?

That lady's a pro, and I mean at milking the sympathy for women's reproductive health, not at, well, you know what I'm saying. More at Los Angeles Times, "Sandra Fluke: Obama 'was so kind'."

And see Doug Ross, who's not falling for the act: "Got Slut? The Left Launches a Coordinated Attack Against Rush Limbaugh."

Andrew Breitbart: Los Angeles Times Obituary

I know folks will forgive me for the late news. As I mentioned, I was unable to blog yesterday, so I'll be catching up on the commentaries and videos on Andrew Breitbart.

Here's Robin Abcarian and Scott Gold at the Los Angeles Times: "Andrew Breitbart dies at 43; conservative Internet entrepreneur who took on the left."

And ICYMI, the moving segment with Jonah Goldberg on Fox News yesterday:

Plus, some good stuff at Blazing Cat Fur.

Progressives Rejoice at Death of Andrew Breitbart

Tuesdays and Thursdays are day-long slogs for me on campus. They're not big blogging days either, and I was busy at home Thursday evening, so I was unable to post on Andrew Breitbart. I got to my office yesterday morning at 7:00am. I logged onto my computer and loaded American Power into the browser as I do every day. As I scrolled down the blog to check my scheduled overnight posts, I noticed the headline at the Memeorandum widget far down the page: "In Memoriam: Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)." I thought that was a mistake. How could this be? Was he killed? Murdered by a leftist attacker? Or he was depressed about something and had taken his own life? What? And then I read the brief obituary at Big Journalism, which indicated he'd died of natural causes.

I gave examinations yesterday so I was able to continue reading. I was in a funk. I knew Andrew Breitbart. While we weren't friends, I'd spoken with him on numerous occasions and I'd blogged at least a half dozen major events where Breitbart was a speaker or major participant. I was starting to feel devastated. I kept reading around the 'sphere. I visited Robert Stacy McCain's, where, in a relatively brief post, he said that "our own sense of loss of our friend and ally — a powerful and innovative force [in] conservative New Media — is inconsequential compared to the fathomless pain experienced by Andrew’s wife and four children, who should be in our prayers." And I thought, yes, that's right. Breitbart was just 43 years-old. I still couldn't believe it. And then checking Memeorandum further, I clicked on some progressive blogs. I admit being surprised by some respectable commentary, for example, by Melissa McEwan at Shakesville, who wrote, "I am not glad he's dead. I would have preferred instead that he'd lived long enough to change his mind." But that's probably the nicest thing progressives wrote about him all day. In fact, Scott Lemieux posted a two-sentence entry at Lawyers, Guns and Money, claiming he was "sad" that the reports of Breitbart's death were "accurate." And right on cue, Carl Salonen was striking up the band, boasting about how the "world is a happier place this morning."

Salonen Breitbart

Well, Salonen needs no introduction. And his disgusting comments are 100 percent the real deal. Indeed, I read the entire LGM comment thread and it only gets worse. Progressives wanted Breitbart dead. They got their wish.

And that was pretty much how it went. See Charlie Spiering at the Washington Examiner, "Liberals celebrate death of Andrew Breitbart."

Also, Glenn Reynolds was updating on Breitbart throughout the day, and he included this:
And reader Jonathan Rubinstein writes: “The outpouring of ghoulish and sophmoric hatred at the death of Andrew Breitbart is a warning to us all that the remaking of America is not a conversation over coffee in the late afternoon. The real struggles that are ahead have hardly begun. Politics is ruthless and the failed political class will not go quietly. The disgusting comments are not a tribute to the decline not of civility — there has never been much in America — but the complete disintegration of self-respect. We will engage, we will remake America, we will miss Breitbart but there will be many more joining the struggle.”
I'll be writing a memorial later. It was a sad day. I am praying for Breitbart's family.

EXTRA: Again, more later, but it's worth adding some responses to the despicable loser David Frum. See AoSHQ, "That About Wraps It Up For David Frum," and Yid With Lid, "David Frum is a Low-Life Scumbag."

ADDED: From Zilla of the Resistance, "A Great American Hero Has Died."

MORE: From Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom: "As the “educated” crew at LGM are so interested in what I have to say."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Natalie Goleniowski, 5-Year-Old with Down's Syndrome, Becomes Child Model in Britain

This is such a beautiful story --- it makes me so happy and warm.

Natalia goes by the name "Natty," and she had heart problems when she was born. Her parents didn't know if she'd live. Natty had heart surgery when she was 2. See London's Daily Mail, "'It's wonderful that others see what we see in her': Parents share joy as five-year-old girl with Down's Syndrome becomes child model."


In other news, scholarly "experts" at Oxford University are out with a new research paper arguing that newborn babies are "morally irrelevant" and killing them after birth would be no different than aborting a fetus in the womb. Really. See Telegraph UK, "Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say."

I'm not at a loss for words. I just think the enormity of the inherent evil here speaks for itself. So I'll let others comment on this one and I'll save my outrage for another day. The beauty of people like Natty shines one million times brighter than those oh-so enlightened "experts" and their impossibly depraved "scientific" findings.

See The Western Experience, "Hedonism and Decadence: New Virtues of Western Civilization."

And an excellent discussion from Jonah Goldberg, "The Pro-Life, Pro-Infanticide Consensus."

Plus, more at Grim's Hall and Power Line (via Memeorandum).

BONUS: From Steven Ertelt at Life News, "Ethicists in Australia Call for “After-Birth Abortions”."

Deadly Tornadoes Strike the Midwest

The main story's at the Wall Street Journal, "Pre-Dawn Tornado Cuts a Deadly Swath Through Downtown Harrisburg, Ill."

But see also the Chicago Tribune, "Deadly tornado: 'Like a bomb went off'."

Plus, at CNN, "Massive storm system claims at least 12."

Sports Illustrated: 'Not the UCLA Way'

I saw this interesting headline at the Los Angeles Times yesterday afternoon: "UCLA: Gene Block, Dan Guerrero respond to Sports Illustrated story."

Guerrero and Block are UCLA's Athletic Director and Chancellor, so no doubt something was going down. So, I checked Sports Illustrated, and here's the story: "Partying, Players Disrespecting Program Led to Problems at UCLA."

Read it all at the link.

Shell Sues a Dozen Environment Groups Over Arctic Drilling

Now that's what I'm talking about!

At Los Angeles Times, "Arctic Ocean drilling: Shell launches preemptive legal strike":
Reporting from Seattle—

Royal Dutch Shell launched an extraordinary preemptive legal strike Wednesday against opponents of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean, filing suit against more than a dozen environmental organizations likely to challenge its plan for drilling exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea this summer.

In a petition for declaratory relief filed in U.S. District Court in Anchorage, the oil giant seeks to have the court rule that the U.S. government complied with federal law when it approved Shell’s oil spill response plan for upcoming exploratory well-drilling in the Arctic.

The move is a clear attempt to beat environmental organizations to court and avert potentially costly delays for a project on which Shell has already spent $4 billion without drilling a single well.

The oil company launched a separate petition against Greenpeace, whose activists last week boarded the drilling rig now moored in New Zealand and scheduled to begin drilling in the Arctic in July. Six activists, including television actress Lucy Lawless, climbed the rig before being arrested.

A hearing was underway Wednesday afternoon in federal court in Anchorage on the company’s request for a temporary restraining order prohibiting Greenpeace from engaging in “illegal and dangerous actions” tied to the upcoming offshore drilling program.

“This is a very unique legal approach. I’m not sure anything like this has ever been done before,” Shell spokeswoman Kelly op de Weegh told the Los Angeles Times.

Gay Archie Comic Books

Look, I don't really care that much about this. Hopefully the market will signal to Archie Comics that queer is not normal and that after a while, everyday families just get tired of the politically correct bullshit. Mostly, though I reject the radical left's attempts to slur opponents of this ploy to normalize homo-marriage as "homophobes." They're not. They just don't think this queer is the new normal stuff is all that peachy-keen all-American. It's not.

So, if you go over to comment, just tell the freaks at "The New Civil Rights Movement" that they aren't civil and gay marriage isn't a civil right. See: "One Million Moms Attacks Toys R Us: Remove Gay Archie Comic Books" (via Memeorandum).


"I was 15 when 'The Monkees' began on TV, and Davy was absolutely perfect..."

That's an Althouse-style headline drawn from Althouse's post on The Monkees' Davy Jones, who died yesterday of a heart attack at the age of 66.

See: "Goodbye to Davy Jones."

And more at Zilla of the Resistance, "Rest In Peace, Davy Jones."

BONUS: London's Daily Mail has a report, "Monkees singer Davy Jones dead at 66 after suffering massive heart attack in his sleep."

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rick Santorum Ties Mitt Romney in Michigan Delegate Count: Focus Shifts to Ohio as Key Battleground for Super Tuesday

Rick Santorum's been getting ripped off in the momentum department throughout this year's campaign. The former Pennsylvania Senator actually won the Iowa caucuses. But as ABC News reported when the official winner was announced, "that’s like calling back a winning touchdown two weeks later." Right. And so now here's the news that Santorum in fact tied Mitt Romney in the Michigan delegate count, but it doesn't matter much in terms of mainstream media perceptions. CNN has the report, "Romney, Santorum tie for Michigan delegates." And also at Catholic Bandita, "Santorum Campaign: Michigan Result a ‘Disaster’ For Mitt Romney":

The Santorum campaign stressed that the media should not be reporting in any way that Michigan was a win for Romney considering that the Romney campaign has continually stressed that they are only concerned with delegates and the delegate count here is a tie in Romney’s home state. Also, the Romney campaign outspent Rick Santorum anywhere from 2-1 to 4-1 according to various estimates and so this can only be considered a “disaster” for Mitt Romney or, at best, a tie.
We'll see if the point gains traction throughout the week.

Meanwhile, check New York Times, "Ohio Offers Chance for a Santorum Rebound."

And National Journal, "Can Santorum Broaden His Base?" (That point is addressed at the interview above, in which Martha McCallum asks Santorum about his comments on women from his speech last night.)

Mitt Romney Looks Ahead to General Election

It's an avalanche of political news this morning, but the Romney team has tuned out the white noise to focus on the White House.

Huffington Post reports, "Mitt Romney Ad Raises Cash Off Obama's 'Kill Romney' Strategy."

There's still Super Tuesday, of course, what I've been calling Romney's last hurdle. If he gets over that without too much damage he'll pick up a big boost in political perceptions. But the going doesn't look easy. As noted last night, Gingrich and Santorum have advantages in their home and backyard states (Georgia and Ohio) and losses for Romney in those bellwethers will deny him additional momentum for the weeks after that. This is apparently what the RNC wanted --- a prolonged primary process --- but it increasingly looks like a really bad idea. See Charles Krauthammer on that at RCP video, "Krauthammer: Long Primary Process Has 'Diminished' GOP Brand."

And no doubt the Democrats are banking on that. See National Journal, "Michigan and Arizona: Bruising GOP Primaries Brighten Obama’s Prospects."

I'll have more later...

Sandra Fluke, Reproductive Rights Activist, Congressional Testimony on Contraceptives: Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Just Gotta Have It!

Well, you really do have to listen to the video. This Sandra Fluke lady is no fluke!

From Craig Bannister at CNS News, "Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control, Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate."

And from Tina Korbe, at Hot Air, "Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control."

25 Suspected Anonymous Hackers Arrested in International Raids

At Los Angeles Times, "25 suspected Anonymous hackers arrested in international sweep."

Well, let's hope they keep up the good work, since Anonymous just declared war on the U.S.:

Ohio School Shooting Suspect Confesses

At New York Times, "Ohio Shooting Suspect Confesses, Prosecutor Says":

CHARDON, Ohio — The fatal shooting rampage in a high school in this quiet suburb of Cleveland remained a puzzle on Tuesday, with prosecutors saying that a student had confessed to the killings and had told them that he did not know his victims and chose them at random.

Prosecutors said the student, T. J. Lane, 17, admitted taking a .22-caliber Ruger semiautomatic pistol to Chardon High School on Monday and firing 10 rounds at four students at a cafeteria table. He has not been formally charged, but prosecutors said it was likely that he would be tried in an adult court.

Three of the victims — Russell King Jr., Demetrius Hewlin and Daniel Parmertor — have died. Two others were wounded. One has been released from the hospital.

“This is not about bullying, this is not about drugs,” said David P. Joyce, the Geauga County prosecutor. “This was an effect of one lone gunman. He chose his victims at random.”

Mr. Lane appeared in court for the first time on Tuesday, wincing as the prosecutors read the accusations against him. Dressed in a crisp khaki-colored shirt and dark low-slung pants with a thick belt, he sat in a wooden chair with his back straight, speaking in barely audible tones to the judge, Timothy J. Grendell, in Geauga County Juvenile Court. His face crumpled briefly into tears as he was led away, and he appeared to whisper the words “I am so sorry” to two aunts and his grandfather, Jack Nolan, who is also his legal guardian.

The police have until Thursday to charge Mr. Lane.
More at that top link.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mitt Romney Wins Michigan and Arizona Primaries

Mitt recaptures the momentum.

At Washington Post, "Mitt Romney wins Arizona, Michigan primaries."

Mitt Romney won both of Tuesday’s Republican presidential primaries, routing Rick Santorum in Arizona and narrowly securing Michigan, his birth state.

The victories will provide an important boost for Romney, a former Massachusetts governor who has sought to cast himself as the GOP’s inevitable nominee. He has now won primary contests in six states: New Hampshire, Florida, Nevada, Maine, Michigan and Arizona.

“We didn’t win by a lot, but we won by enough. And that’s all that counts,” Romney told supporters in the Detroit suburb of Novi on Tuesday night.

He said nothing about Santorum in his speech, instead criticizing President Obama at length and trying to boil down a complicated economic message.

“I’m going to deliver on more jobs, less debt, smaller government,” Romney said. Later, he returned to another three-point message about government: “I’ll make it simpler, smaller and smarter.”
More at that top link.

And at Los Angeles Times, "Romney takes Arizona and Michigan primaries: Wins ease concerns over protracted battle for nomination."

March 6th is Super Tuesday, and so tonight's wins for Romney were crucial in helping the erstwhile frontrunner restore some of his previous glory. That said, even with some renewed momentum Romney's got some big challenges: Newt Gingrich is leading by double digits in Georgia and Rick Santorum leads in Ohio and Tennessee. I'll have more on this later. Meanwhile, check Christian Science Monitor, "Mitt Romney: Will Michigan, Arizona wins restore aura of inevitability?"

Santorum Up in First Raw Votes Out of Michigan — UPDATED!!

From CNN's Situation Room: "1% of #Michigan votes are in. Santorum 41%, Romney 37% Paul 12% Gingrich 7%. Still very early."

UPDATE: CNN and the other networks called Arizona for Mitt Romney at 6:00pm PST. And right now it looks like Romney's pulling out a lead in Michigan. With 23 percent of precincts reporting, Romney leads Santorum 41 to 38 percent --- and that's an 8,000 vote margin. So, we'll see how it goes ...

6:25pm PST: Professor Larry Sabato tweets: "My best MI contacts tell me they believe Romney will win by a few points in the end."

6:48pm PST: With 50 percent reporting, CNN has Romney up 41 to 38 percent over Santorum, and Romney's up 21,000 votes. Some analysts are already calling a Romney win in Michigan.

7:08pm PST: Here's the headline at LAT, "Romney takes Ariz. primary, Mich. race still tight."

7:19pm PST: CNN just called Michigan for Romney.

7:22pm PST: Here's National Journal, "Romney Wins Michigan in Home-State Cliffhanger."

'Storm the Embassy'

Until later, enjoy some Stray Cats:

Fifty man taken captive in a hostile foreign land
Scorchin' sun beaming down onto miles and miles of sand
A mideast country being ruled
By a man who thinks it's fun
To hold our people in return
For a sjah that's on the run

I think it's funny
Freedom takes money

It's a heartache and it's hard luck
Well that's tough shit
Man it's no fun
Storm the Iranian embassy
Before they start shootin' down you and me

Scourge of suits in control
Of the diplomatic mess
While the nations of the world
Look on and they care less
The Soviet Union won't agree
To an economic plan
And then they laugh and march their troops into Afghanistan

Orders from Moscow
Invade Teheran now

It's a heartache and it's hard luck
Well that's tough shit
Man it's no fun
Storm the Iranian embassy
Before they start shootin' at you and me

A nation worries and reads the papers
Hoping that no-one has died
Hearin' rumours that the hostages
Will soon be tried as spies
Demonstrations on the street
Saying that the end is near
The man from New York Times on vacation
Wants to know what happened here

Agressive acts now
We want the best now
Fifty moms crying
Is my son dying ?

It's a heartache and it's hard luck
Well that's tough shit
Man it's no fun
Storm the Iranian embassy
Before they start shootin' at you and me...
RELATED: From Max Boot, at Commentary, "Paying the Price in Egypt and Iran."

INSPIRATION: Linkmaster Smith.

How to Define Rick Santorum?

From Kim Strassel, at WSJ, "The Race to Define Rick Santorum":

Troy, Mich.

The Michigan primary, and possibly the Republican presidential nomination, may come down to this one question: Who is Rick Santorum?

Is he, as the former Pennsylvania senator avers, a consistent "full-spectrum" conservative, a pioneer on tough policy, and the only candidate who can provide a clear contrast with Barack Obama? Or is he, as his opponent Mitt Romney argues, little more than a Bush-era big-spender, a political insider?

Michiganders will make that choice Tuesday, as an estimated 1.7 million voters go to the polls. Mr. Romney may be Michigan's native son, but the state has become Mr. Santorum's to lose. His early-February victories in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri vaulted him to the top of national polls and to a double-digit lead by mid-February in the Great Lake State. Yet Mr. Santorum has been steadily losing ground and enters in a dead heat...
Continue reading.

Strassel makes the point that Romney wins by tearing down his opponents with Blitzkrieg negative advertising, a point William Jacobson has made over and over again.

Meanwhile, Nate Silver has this, "Michigan Forecast Update: Romney's Lead Looks More Tenuous" (via Memeorandum).

Pamela Geller on Pennsylvania Zombie Mohammad

Via Atlas Shrugs, "VIDEO: Pamela Geller on SUN TV with Ezra Levant on Sharia Justice in Pennslyvania."

'The Con Artist'

We can't afford a sequel, via Nice Deb.

Japan Barely Avoided Nuclear Worst-Case Scenario During Fukushima Disaster

A fascinating report, at New York Times, "Japan Considered Tokyo Evacuation During the Nuclear Crisis":
TOKYO — In the darkest moments of last year’s nuclear accident, Japanese leaders did not know the actual extent of damage at the plant and secretly considered the possibility of evacuating Tokyo, even as they tried to play down the risks in public, an independent investigation into the accident disclosed on Monday.

The investigation by the Rebuild Japan Initiative Foundation, a new private policy organization, offers one of the most vivid accounts yet of how Japan teetered on the edge of an even larger nuclear crisis than the one that engulfed the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. A team of 30 university professors, lawyers and journalists spent more than six months on the inquiry into Japan’s response to the triple meltdown at the plant, which followed a massive earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that shut down the plant’s cooling systems.

The team interviewed more than 300 people, including top nuclear regulators and government officials, as well as the prime minister during the crisis, Naoto Kan. They were granted extraordinary access, in part because of a strong public demand for greater accountability and because the organization’s founder, Yoichi Funabashi, a former editor in chief of the daily newspaper Asahi Shimbun, is one of Japan’s most respected public intellectuals.

An advance copy of the report describes how Japan’s response was hindered at times by a debilitating breakdown in trust between the major actors: Mr. Kan; the Tokyo headquarters of the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power, known as Tepco; and the manager at the stricken plant. The conflicts produced confused flows of sometimes contradictory information in the early days of the crisis, the report said.

It describes frantic phone calls by the manager, Masao Yoshida, to top officials in the Kan government arguing that he could get the plant under control if he could keep his staff in place, while at the same time ignoring orders from Tepco’s headquarters not to use sea water to cool the overheating reactors. By contrast, Mr. Funabashi said in an interview, Tepco’s president, Masataka Shimizu, was making competing calls to the prime minister’s office saying that the company should evacuate all of its staff, a step that could have been catastrophic.

The 400-page report, due to be released later this week, also describes a darkening mood at the prime minister’s residence as a series of hydrogen explosions rocked the plant on March 14 and 15. It says Mr. Kan and other officials began discussing a worst-case outcome if workers at the Fukushima Daiichi plant were evacuated. This would have allowed the plant to spiral out of control, releasing even larger amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere that would in turn force the evacuation of other nearby nuclear plants, causing further meltdowns.
More at that top link.

Smokin' Angelina Jolie on the Red Carpet at Oscars

Well, when Angelina was announcing the awards for best screenplay and so forth I told my wife she looked fabulous. Man, that's some style.

And Telegraph UK has some video from the red carpet:

And check the slideshow, "Oscars 2012: Red carpet fashion best dressed."

BONUS: At London's Daily Mail, "And the award for best breakout star goes to... Angie's right leg: Miss Jolie's lithe limb attracts attention, mocking and 15,000 Twitter followers."

EXTRA: At WaPo, "Oscars red carpet Polyvore remix: Dressing down the best-dressed."

Monday, February 27, 2012

One Dead in Shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio

The New York Times is updating at The Lede blog, "Ohio High School Shooting Leaves 1 Student Dead and 4 Wounded."

And at the Cleveland Plain Dealer, "Chardon High School shooting: A guide to what happened and how word spread."

CHARDON, Ohio - The chilling actions of a teenager as he systematically shot Chardon High School students sitting at a cafeteria table were captured by surveillance video at Chardon High School, which also showed the chaos afterward.

According to a source who viewed the video, the student - identified by fellow students as T.J. Lane -- sat down by himself at a table in the cafeteria around 7:30 a.m. Within moments he reached into a pack or a bag. He pulled out a .22-caliber handgun.

Lane walked around his table and stood behind students identified by classmates as Russell King, Demetrius Hewlin and Nick Walczak, all juniors and friends. Russell and Nick were waiting there before catching a bus to Auburn Career Center.
Also, "1 student killed, several hurt in shooting at Chardon High School; suspect in custody."

UPDATE: At New York Daily News, the death toll is now at two, "Ohio high school shooting kills two students, suspect in custody."

And at Fox 8 Cleveland, "Teachers’ Heroic Actions During Chardon High Shooting," and "Community Deals with Chardon High School Shooting at Vigil."

GOP Class War Hits First Industrial-State Primary of 2012

At Los Angeles Times, "Santorum and Romney fight their own class war in Michigan":

Rick Santorum, flaunting the fieriest populism in years by a GOP presidential contender, is waging a determined challenge against Mitt Romney, heir to a storied Michigan political dynasty. Romney had once been expected to cruise to victory in the state his father governed and that he won four years ago.

But Santorum was aiming for an upset that, as he says, would shock the Republican world. In the first industrial-state primary of 2012, he has cast himself as a fighter for working men and women against the "elites in society who think that they can manage your life better than you can."

The biggest threat facing the country, the former senator from Pennsylvania says, is a big government in Washington that is bent on expanding its reach ever more deeply into the lives of ordinary Americans. And he links Romney to those forces and to the plutocrats of Wall Street, while drawing implicit contrasts between himself and one of the richest men ever to seek the presidency.

Romney defended his wealth — and by implication the wealthy — during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday."

"If people think that there is something wrong with being successful in America, then they better vote for the other guy," he said. "Because I've been extraordinarily successful and I want to use that success and that know-how to help the American people."
More at that top link.

And also at LAT, "Romney, Santorum locked in dead heat."

Santorum's up 37 to 35 in that poll cited at the article above.

We'll see how it goes. I'll be checking around for more news. But see CNN, "Santorum adviser on Michigan: 'We have already won'." (At Memeorandum.)

Denver Anarchists Throw Urine Bombs at Police

At FOX31 Denver, "Protestors throw urine bombs at Denver police" (via Memeorandum), and KMGH-TV Denver, "5 Arrested In Anti-Police Protest: Activists Accused Of Spray Painting Graffiti On Cars."

There's video at that first link. The report indicates that this wasn't an Occupy protest. The anarchists were protesting police brutality, and it's an annual event apparently.

Still, those urine bombs have Occupy written all over them.

Obamacare Hurts Obama in Battleground States

At USA Today, "Swing states poll: Health care law hurts Obama in 2012" (via Memeorandum):

WASHINGTON – The health care overhaul that President Obama intended to be the signature achievement of his first term instead has become a significant problem in his bid for a second one, uniting Republicans in opposition and eroding his standing among independents.

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of the nation's dozen top battleground states, a clear majority of registered voters call the bill's passage "a bad thing" and support its repeal if a Republican wins the White House in November. Two years after he signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act— and as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments about its constitutionality next month — the president has failed to convince most Americans that it was the right thing to do.

"Mandating that you have to buy the insurance rubs me the wrong way altogether," says Fred Harrison, 62, a horse trainer from York County, Pa., who was among those surveyed and supports repeal even though he likes some provisions of the law. "It should be my own choice."

"It seems like it forces you to take health care (coverage), and you don't really have a say in the matter," says Beth Leffew, 26, a college student from Cincinnati. She says the president "didn't really listen to people" when they objected to the proposed bill. "It seems like he just shoved it right through Congress."
Also at Lonely Con, "Obamacare Still Unpopular in Swing States," Doug Powers at Michelle's, "Health Care Law Hurting Obama in Swing States," and Pirate's Cove, "Obama’s Signature Legislation, Which He Won’t Talk About, Hurts Obama In Swing States."

More On the Academy Awards

At the New York Times, "Loud Oscar Roar for ‘The Artist’: 5 Wins," and the Washington Post, "Oscars 2012: The comprehensive Academy Awards recap."

Plus, at the Los Angeles Times, "'The Artist' wins three top Oscars, including best picture."

Meryl Streep Wins Best Actress Oscar for 'Iron Lady'

I suppose this is a good time to post's video on "Iron Lady." Meryl Streep took home the Oscar for best actress for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher.

And see Los Angeles Times, "Oscars 2012: Meryl Streep wins for lead actress."

Meryl Streep won the Oscar for lead actress Sunday at the 84th Academy Awards, for her role playing former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in "The Iron Lady."

Though the film itself was greeted with mixed reviews, Streep's performance received universal acclaim. In the film, Streep portrays Thatcher throughout her life and career, beginning in her later years and looking back.

This was Streep's third Oscar for lead actress, but her first since "Sophie's Choice" in 1982. Additionally, it was her 17th overall nomination.
And lots more at Los Angeles Times.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

George Friedman Resigns as CEO of Stratfor

This would normally be an inspirational level of personal responsibility, although in this case I think Friedman has a point. Stratfor got pwned.

At Instapundit, "AN EMAIL JUST RECEIVED..."

And check CNBC, "Wikileaks Stratfor Memo Reminiscent of a Spy Novel," and Daily Beast, "WikiLeaks to Publish Stratfor Emails."

Added: At Sacramento Bee, "Stratfor Statement on Wikileaks," and Wired, "Wikileaks Pairs with Anonymous to Publish Intelligence Firm’s Dirty Laundry."

'Saving Face' Wins Oscar for Best Documentary Short Subject

Well, I hadn't heard of this one (and I'm moved by this), so I checked online for some information. There's a page at Wikipedia, and the Los Angeles Times reports, "Oscars 2012: 'Saving Face' wins for documentary short."

'Act of Valor' Dominates Box Office Weekend

Well, it's movie night, with the Academy Awards and all.

So, here's a movie-related post, via Los Angeles Times, "Box Office: Navy SEALs take out Perry, Aniston, Seyfried."

And from Ed Morrissey, "Film Review: Act of Valor."

Full Interview: Rick Santorum on 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos'

Well, here's your afternoon non-controversy. The progs are up in arms over Rick Santorum's comments on the separation of church and state. And you have to understand this: Progressive really are working for a complete separation of religion and public life. It's not just that folks of non-belief should be protected by constitutional doctrines against religious establishment, the left has gone on the warpath against people of faith, demonizing religion and hammering to destroy traditional values. That's what this is about.

At ABC News, "Rick Santorum: JFK’s 1960 Speech Made Me Want to Throw Up" (via Memeorandum):

There's lots of commentary at Memeorandum.

Israel Apartheid Week

William Jacobson reports, "'Israel Apartheid Week' Sickness Returns."

I visited UCLA last year on February 23. See: "Israeli Apartheid Week, Students for Justice in Palestine, UCLA, February 23, 2011." These people are basically terrorists. And Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA has an event planned for next week, a "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Panel." Check that link. The panel,, alternatively titled "Confronting Apartheid," features members of the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, including Professor Robin D. G. Kelley, who was recently interviewed at Mondoweiss: "‘A level of racist violence I have never seen’: UCLA professor Robin D. G. Kelley on Palestine and the BDS movement." Last week the university hosted a talk by anti-Israel propagandist Ilan Pappé, "The False Paradigm of Parity and Partition: Revisiting 1967." Professor Steven Plaut had this the other day on Pappé at FrontPage Magazine:
Pappe is a notorious fabricator, someone who claims proudly that facts and truth are of no importance. “Indeed the struggle is about ideology, not about facts. Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as we can that our interpretation of the facts is the correct one, and we do it because of ideological reasons, not because we are truthseekers,” the French newspaper Le Soir, has cited Pappe as saying.

Pappe is an expatriate Israeli who devoted one of his “books” to his sons with the wish that they may grow up in a world without Israel. His own University of Exeter recently chastised him for his infamous habit of playing fast and loose with facts. Pappe is best known as a fulltime anti-Israel propagandist who has done more than any other anti-Israel Israeli to promote the moral equivalence of “Nakba denial” with Holocaust denial. (For those who are unaware, “Nakba,” meaning “catastrophe,” is the term Arabs use to refer to Israel’s birth.) He is a “new historian” in the sense of pseudo-historian. His mission in life is to invent an imaginary Palestinian historic “narrative.” Nearly all those beating the “Nakba” drum today cite Pappe and his books about the supposed “ethnic cleansing” of Arabs by Israel in its war of independence.

Pappe was a lecturer in political science at the University of Haifa, but moved to resume a pseudo-academic propagandist position at the University of Exeter in the UK. Even other anti-Zionists have repudiated Pappe as a liar and fabricator. He openly calls for Israel to be exterminated and endorses Hamas terrorism. He considers Noam Chomsky insufficiently anti-Israel.

Pappe, who ran for the parliament in Israel on the slate of the Stalinist communist party and played a central role in fomenting boycotts of Israel in the UK and elsewhere, was also the central figure in the now infamous “Tantura Affair.” In this incident, Pappe coached a graduate student of his into inventing a non-existent “massacre” of Arabs by the Hagana Jewish militia (Alexandroni Brigade) in Tantura, south of Haifa, a “massacre” that Pappe claims took place in 1948. Not a shred of any evidence for any such “massacre” exists. Arab and other journalists who were present at the time of the battle that took place in Tantura reported no massacre. Arabs living in the town at the time confirmed that a battle did occur, but that after the battle the Jewish militiamen aided and assisted the townspeople, not massacring anyone. The graduate student in question was sued for libel by the veterans of the Hagana militia. He later admitted in court with his lawyer present that the entire massacre was an invention.

No matter – Pappe roams the world and continues to spread the lie about the imaginary Tantura “massacre,” a lie that has found its way into nearly every anti-Semitic web site and Neo-Nazi magazine on Earth, and even a handful of otherwise respectable mainstream journalists foolishly rely upon him. Pappe has lied about practically everything else, including about being “persecuted” by his own university in Israel. In fact, Pappe was never fired for his fraud and fabrication by the University of Haifa, although he should have been. (Some wags even suggested the university should be boycotted for not firing Pappe.) That did not stop Pappe from waving his stigmata as a “victim of Zionism” before the European anti-Semites promoting “divestment” from Israel. His recruitment by the University of Exeter proves how indifferent that school is to scholarly standards. His coming appearance as the star of the Harvard academic pogrom shows that things are not much better there.
Well, that's a pretty good flavor of what all this "Palestine Awareness" is about.

PREVIOUSLY: "Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government to Host Conference On the Extermination of Israel."

How Moderate Republicans Became Extinct

It's really amazing listening to this interview with Reihan Salam at the clip below. Salam is the co-author of Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream. Written with Ross Douthat, the book came out around the time of the 2008 campaign. The first half of the book is a tour de force on the changes in the Republican Party and general party realignment since the 1960s. The thesis is that the GOP can't hold onto the "Sam's Club" constituency --- which is basically the old working class Reagan Democrat types who have frequently shifted over to the GOP column since the cultural tumult of the 1960s. It's a fickle demographic, and the problem diagnosed in Grand New Party returns in Salam's new piece at Foreign Affairs, "The Missing Middle in American Politics." It's all fascinating from an academic perspective, and realistic in terms of our two-party system, but the notion of the "moderate Republican" is quaint. In seven minutes Salam mentions the tea party not once. So while all the talk of the old-style GOP moderates makes for some good establishment-style nostalgia, I think in the age of Obama it's not too risky to widen the perspective a bit. The economy will continue to be a huge issue through November, so those "swing voters" allegedly repulsed by the "fanatical" GOP candidates are hardly cemented into the Democrat column as if it were October 2008. More on that later. Meanwhile, here's this from Salam's essay:

The dominant ideology and style of today’s Republican Party would have been utterly alien to [Mitt] Romney’s father. In Rule and Ruin, the historian Geoffrey Kabaservice’s vivid account of the pitched ideological battles that shaped the postwar Republican Party, George Romney is cast as the last hope of a moderate Republicanism that has all but vanished. Born into poverty in a Mormon colony in northern Mexico, Romney rose to become the chief executive of the American Motors Corporation. There, he succeeded in taking on the Big Three car companies, scoffing at their “gas-guzzling dinosaurs” and offering sleek, fuel-efficient compacts that anticipated the later triumphs of the Japanese automobile industry. Like many self-made business executives of the time, Romney felt a deep sense of moral obligation, which flowed in part from his devout religious faith. As poor African Americans from the Deep South settled in and around Detroit, Romney made it his mission to better their condition. Shortly after his election as governor in 1962, Romney pressed for a massive increase in spending on public education and on generous social welfare benefits for the poor and unemployed. During Romney’s first term alone, Michigan’s state government nearly doubled its spending, from $684 million in 1964 to $1.3 billion in 1968. To finance the increase, Romney fought for and won a new state income tax, which would become a thorn in the side of future Michigan Republicans.

What separated Romney from liberal Democrats who were similarly eager to expand government was his conviction that he was doing God’s work on earth. Today, it is entirely common for Republican presidential candidates to describe the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as divinely inspired documents, as Romney did. But in the mid-1960s, as Kabaservice observes, such religiosity was unusual, at least for a moderate Republican. Kabaservice briefly speculates that Romney’s brand of moralistic progressivism might have resonated with many Christian voters who instead embraced a harder-edged form of conservatism infused with evangelical fervor. But Romney’s political program was badly undermined by the 1967 Detroit riots, which discredited the notion, fairly or not, that large-scale social spending was the most effective route to social uplift, at least among conservatives.

Disagreements on race and the Vietnam War fueled the split in the late 1960s between the radical New Left and the liberal Democratic establishment. But the upheaval of the late 1960s also divided the Republicans. Conservatives of that era saw themselves as defending the United States’ founding ideals against communism abroad and radicalism at home. Moderates, in contrast, sought to modernize the GOP: to keep up with the baby boomers’ shifting sensibilities on social issues and to share in their embrace of a more diverse and dynamic society. Some even praised what they saw, perhaps naively, as the freedom-loving spirit of the antiwar movement.

Yet as Kabaservice relates, the moderates never coalesced into a movement with a coherent program and ideology, despite Dwight Eisenhower’s earlier attempts to build a modern party that embraced the New Deal and a vision of responsible American global leadership. This failure left moderate Republicans in an awkward position. Those who shared the Democratic faith in activist government, tempered by a desire for decentralization and fiscal rigor, found themselves gravitating to the left. Those who shared conservative skepticism of big government, tempered by a recognition that Social Security and Medicare were here to stay, found themselves gravitating to the right. There was no glue to hold the two sides together.

Ultimately, Kabaservice argues, it was this lack of coherence that doomed the centrists within the Republican Party. The absence of a rigid ideology freed them to embrace creative solutions to emerging social problems, which proved useful when they were in power. But precisely because they were so allergic to ideology, the moderates were disinclined to rally the troops or to wage scorched-earth campaigns against their political enemies. Even when they had the advantage of numbers, as they did after Goldwater’s 1964 defeat, they routinely failed to coordinate their efforts, never managing to build the kind of grass-roots fundraising network that fueled the rise of the political right.
Continue reading.

What Has America Become?

I've read this letter before, but it hit home more closely this time.

Via Theo Spark, "A Letter to the Editor of a Small Northern Michigan Newspaper."


And the text is published in full at Questioning With Boldness…

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison Delivers GOP Weekly Address

Sen. Hutchinson will retire at the end of this Congress.

A genteel Southern lady:

Hollywood's Golden Age in Pictures

A compelling photo-slideshow at Telegraph UK, "Oscars glamour in Hollywood's golden age."

Review: 2012 BMW 328i

What's really interesting is that BMW downsized the engine to four cylinders.

But see LAT, "BMW 328i raises the bar as it takes a new path."

Imagine if Orson Wells [sic] was expected to improve on "Citizen Kane" every six years, or if Kobe Bryant's contract demanded that every time he put Nike to hardwood, he needed to score 60 points.

Such is the sphere of influence where BMW's 3 Series operates.

The company says one out of every three BMWs sold since 1975 is one of these compact sport sedans — that's 12.5 million in all.

Not only has the car been the automaker's most recognizable ambassador to the car-buying masses for the last 30 years, but with such volume comes corresponding profit.

If brand identity and corporate affluence weren't big enough burdens to bear for the 3 Series, consider that more than one rival automaker has lost plenty of sleep trying to capture the gestalt-in-a-bottle the car has long represented.

So, you know, no pressure on BMW in bringing this 2012 328i to life.

The biggest change for this new model, other than some interesting design choices, is the 328i's engine. Reflecting the trend toward smaller and more efficient, this model, starting at $35,795, is now moved by a 2.0-liter, turbocharged four cylinder.

Although size drops by two cylinders from the previous in-line six cylinder, this direct-injected turbo unit is up on power. Its rating of 240 horsepower and 260 pound-feet of torque is a gain of 10 horsepower and 60 pound-feet of torque over the old engine. BMW says the 328i I tested with an automatic transmission will go from zero to 60 mph in 5.9 seconds.

More at the link.

Shepard Fairey Pleads Guilty Over Obama ‘Hope’ Image

A report at the New York Times.

Image via Jim Treacher (c/o Instapundit).

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Syria Violence on Eve of Vote

At USA Today, "Syria violence spreads on eve of constitution vote":

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) – Syria has defied international calls to halt attacks on rebel enclaves and at least 89 people have been killed nationwide on the eve of a constitutional referendum that the opposition sees as a ploy by President Bashar Assad's regime.

Assad presented the revised charter — which allows for at least a theoretical opening of the country's political system — as an effort to placate critics and quell the 11-month uprising against his rule.

But the Sunday vote is unlikely to overshadow a new round of international condemnation and calls that Assad leave power.

The new charter would create a multiparty system in Syria, which has been ruled by the same family dynasty since Assad's father Hafez seized power in a coup in 1963. Such change as unthinkable a year ago.

After 11 months of bloodshed, however, Assad's opponents say the referendum and other promises of reform are not enough and have called for a boycott of the vote.

Assad was roundly criticized Friday at a major international conference on the Syrian crisis in Tunisia, where U.S., European and Arab officials began planning a civilian peacekeeping mission to deploy after the regime falls.

President Barack Obama said Friday of Assad's rule: "It is time for that regime to move on."

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Romney Campaign Prepares for Long Haul to the Nomination

At New York Times, "Prolonged Race Forces Romney Campaign to Recalibrate":

TROY, Mich. — Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses the Michigan and Arizona primaries on Tuesday, his advisers are warning donors and other supporters to prepare for a longer, more bruising and more expensive fight for the Republican presidential nomination that may not be settled until at least May.

That is prompting a new round of intensified fund-raising by his financial team, which had hoped by this point to be collecting money for a general election match with President Obama. The campaign is increasingly trying to quell anxiety among Republican leaders, while intently focusing on the mechanics of accumulating delegates needed to secure the nomination.

Mr. Romney’s aides said they were confident their sustained attacks portraying Rick Santorum as a Washington insider, and Mr. Santorum’s shaky debate performance in Arizona on Wednesday, had slowed their rival’s recent surge here in Michigan.

But Mr. Romney is by no means in the clear, they said, as he fights to avert a loss in the state where he was born and raised — and where less than three weeks ago he was expected to win handily, before Mr. Santorum’s surprise triumphs in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri.

Regardless of the results Tuesday, Mr. Santorum is preparing to fight on for weeks or months, enticed by new rules that award delegates in early primaries and caucuses based on each candidate’s share of votes. “The race is going to go a long time,” he said after addressing a meeting here of Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group.

The party’s new delegate system is a major contributor to the prolonged nature of the contest, along with the advent of supportive and well-financed “super PACs” that have helped Mr. Romney’s competitors stay in the delegate hunt when their candidacies might otherwise have withered without enough cash.

For many Republicans, the question is not just whether Mr. Romney will eventually capture the nomination, but at what cost.
Continue reading.

It seems to me that this is exactly the kind of prolonged campaign that the GOP National Committee planned for when they "back-loaded" the nomination process and shifted more delegates to proportional representation. I wrote about this at Pajamas Media in December, although at that time it looked like Newt Gingrich was about to permanently dethrone Romney's coronation. But the Times' piece has all sorts of examples of party insiders biting their fingernails about how the harsh primary battle will diminish the party's prospects against Obama in the fall. I think we hear the same worries every four years. Frankly, as Sarah Palin has said repeatedly, the long process will strengthen the nominee because the dirty laundry will have been fully aired and the MFM will have little left for those October surprises that work to damage the Republicans.

In any case, there's some polling out that substantiates the idea of a long campaign, at WSB-TV, "Gingrich holds commanding lead in Georgia" (via Memeorandum) and at Second Front, "Poll: Santorum comes from behind in Alabama three-way" (via Buzzfeed and Memeorandum).

Two U.S. Military Officers Shot and Killed in Kabul

At Los Angeles Times, "2 Americans killed in Afghanistan in new Koran-burning violence," and Blazing Cat Fur, "Two U.S. advisers killed by Westerner at Afghan Interior Ministry: officials (VIDEO)."

And at Telegraph UK, "Two senior American soldiers shot dead in Kabul":

Two Americans, believed to be senior US army officers, were shot dead by a gunman on Saturday in a secure area deep inside one of the most high-security buildings in Afghanistan.

The shootings came after five days of protests against the burning of copies of the Muslim holy book at an American base in Afghanistan.

A Taliban spokesman immediately claimed responsibility for the shootings. A Nato source said an "aggressive search" was underway for the gunman, who was believed to be Afghan.

The two officers, a colonel and a major, were killed inside the interior ministry in Kabul, where they had been advisers working with Afghan counterparts.
Continue reading.

And at USA Today, "U.S. condemns deadly attack on Americans in Afghanistan."

Santorum Was Right About Iran — When It Was Unpopular

A great piece from Michael Ledeen, at Wall Street Journal:

Rick Santorum doesn't fit any of the stereotypes of current foreign-policy ideologies. He's too idealistic to be a "realist," too conservative and too religious to be a "neocon," and too revolutionary to be a "paleocon." He's an old-fashioned, feisty patriot, in the mold of Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan.

Mr. Santorum's hatred of tyranny traces back to his grandfather Pietro, who took the family from Lake Garda in northern Italy to Pennsylvania's coal country to escape Mussolini's dictatorship in the 1920s. Pietro Santorum worked in the mines until he was 72 and, as Mr. Santorum often says, taught him "to treasure the gift of freedom [and] to have faith in God's grace."

Mr. Santorum believes the United States must lead the struggle for freedom throughout the world, on grounds of morality and national security, which he believes go hand in hand. He does not like the drift away from leadership and engagement in that struggle, especially under President Obama. He often quotes Lech Walesa's recent lament: "The United States was always the last resort and hope for all other nations," Poland's first post-communist president said. "There was the hope, whenever something was going wrong, one could count on the United States. Today, we have lost that hope."

Mr. Santorum wants to restore the hope that America will rescue those for whom things have gone terribly wrong...
Continue reading.

Harvard's Kennedy School of Government to Host Conference On the Extermination of Israel

It's called the "One State Conference."

Caroline Glick wrote about it the other day, "Harvard, Jew haters, motherhood and Israel."

But there's a lot of additional commentary.

See for example, Leah Burrows at the American Jewish Committee, "Harvard under fire over Israel." And also at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, "Harvard to Host Conference Promoting Israel's Destruction."

And at FrontPage Magazine, "Harvard’s Academic Pogrom."

Plus, from the Anti-Defamation League, "ADL Letter to Harvard University regarding 'One State' Conference," and "Harvard's Statement in Response to ADL Letter on 'Offensive' Anti-Israel Conference Welcomed."

And at Big Peace, "Protest, Don’t Ban, Harvard’s Anti-Israel Conference."

Now, that brings us back to Glick's piece. The issue is not just the progressive left's campaign for the destruction if Israel, or that Stephen Walt was able to get an "Israel Lobby" conference going at Harvard. It's that our very institutions of cultural transmission have become so irreversibly corrupted that its frankly not safe for the education of people of decency, faith, and values. And I quote from the essay:
 ... today's crop of corrupt intellectuals of the Walt and Mearshimer variety with all their allies in academia and the media and the blogosphere and politics are seeking to delegitimize Israel - the collective Jew -- intellectually. Like the work of the eugenics champions of the late 19th and early 20th century, their work will provide Muslim Jew haters with the political leeway to murder Jews on a scale they could never have dreamed possible. Hence you'll never find a so-called "anti-Zionist" like Walt lose sleep over the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, but rather over the prospect of Israel preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

And this brings me to the second point. I read the CAMERA alert on my Iphone as I was feeding my newborn son. I looked out the window at Jerusalem and all I could feel was thankful to be living in the independent, free Jewish state of Israel. I am thankful that these pseudo intellectuals no longer can determine the future of my people, as they could in the 1930s. I am thankful that my children will in all likelihood not study in US universities but in Israeli ones that are not as demented as their American counterparts.

And here's a couple of disturbing thoughts for all the parents in the US who are about to put themselves in the poor house to pay for their children's university education.

The embrace of the cause of Israel's destruction by so many celebrity professors today is part and parcel of the destruction of the US higher education system.

At the Harvard conference, not a drop of truth will be spoken by any of the eminent Jew hating participants. Students who attend will be presented with lies dripping with moralistic gobbledygook and be told that they are enlightened for embracing this sewage.

The absence of truth from academic discourses is not limited to discussion of Israel. Rather, the ability of professors like Walt and his pals to prosper with their lies is a function of the general deterioration and corruption of academic institutions.

This general decline and indeed failure was highlighted last week by Prof. Peter Berkowitz in an article he published in the Wall Street Journal about Yale's totalitarian system of "informal justice" that allows the university to effectively destroy young male students' future by blackening their reputations on the basis of unsubstantiated and even anonymous allegations of sexual misconduct. The policies in place deny young male Yalies due process and enable witch hunts.

In his conclusion Berkowitz wrote that the abandonment of even the semblance of due process for male students on campuses is in line with the general deterioration or even disappearance of educational standards. As he put it:
At its best, university education has deteriorated into little more than random forays into the sciences, social sciences and humanities. But traditionally, and for good reason in a democracy, liberal education at its heart involved instruction in the principles of freedom.

If Yale and other institutions across the country were fulfilling their promise to educate students, then their faculties would teach that riding roughshod over due process shows ignorance of or contempt for the rule of law. Professors would be teaching that the presumption of innocence is rooted in a commitment to treating individuals as ends in themselves and not as a means to advancing some social goal or another, even if that goal is given the name of equality or justice. And students would be learning that our established and legitimate justice system does not presume guilt, because to do so is to fail to appreciate the limits of human knowledge and the propensity of those who wield power to abuse it.
Let's not forget that this is the same Yale University that saw fit to close its interdisciplinary center for the study of anti-Semitism last year because YIISA had the unmitigated gall to highlight contemporary "progressive" Jew hatred and its unwashed cousin Islamic Jew hatred.

CAMERA has launched an email campaign to try to fight Harvard's descent into Jew hating insanity. I think that it is good for what it's worth. But I have no expectations from that institution. The madness that has taken control of America's elite educational institutions is a threat to the US because it is robbing a generation of young people of the ability to think freely and critically about the world.

For me, the message is clear enough, as a Jew, a Jewish mother and a person who clings to my freedom, guns and religion, my job is to do everything I can to ensure that Israel remains strong and gets stronger so that today's corrupted elites can't touch us.
Recall my post a week ago, "Why Progressivism Should Scare the **** Out of You." I continue to deal with this kind of corruption at my college. It's not just "elite educational institutions." It's higher education and K-12 as well. Teachers and administrators are educated by the elite, the educational curriculum is designed by the elite, and faculty are held accountable based on the ideas and institutions created and enforced by the elite. Progressivism has metastasized deeply inside the institutions. I have learned this because I'm on the inside. I see how it's the normal course of events for the major agents of the educational bureaucracy to push socialism and the obliteration of traditional culture. I did not understand this years ago. My dissertation built on some of the theories of Stephen Walt, theories of alliance formation and the balance of power. Indeed, at first I didn't even understand the implications of Walt and Mersheimer's "The Israel Lobby." It's taken a while, but seriously, just look at the roster of participants at that conference. That is not an academic gathering. It's a political gathering to further organize for the elimination of the Jewish state. Being disguised as an academic conference and sponsored at the world's most prestigious university makes it all the more insidious. But these things fly under the radar and they work to pick away at the moral foundations of society, infecting the young and idealistic with ideologies that they might not fully comprehend in their hopes for a better world. But the world will not be a better place should the exterminationists win the day. And that's why I keep fighting for what's right. I would leave academe if I could, if I was financially able. But I'll be working on making that a possibility as soon as I can.

More on this later my friends....

Newt Gingrich Slams Obama for Afghanistan Koran Apology

A big report at London's Daily Mail, "'They don't deserve an apology': Gingrich slams Obama for saying sorry to Afghans over Koran burning as death toll rises to 23."

More at Bloomberg, "Gunfire Erupts as Afghans Protest Burning of Koran at Main U.S. Air Base."

BONUS: From Asra Nomani, at Daily Beast, "Outcry Over Afghanistan Quran Burnings Shows Misguided ‘Honor’ About Sacred Book."

"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, 'There is a price we will not pay'"

Via Theo Spark:

And that's the last part of Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" (1964)

Kate Upton Soaks Up the Attention

Well, Sports Illustrated is leisurely dribbling out the videos on YouTube, so the pace of bikini blogging has been pretty mild around here actually. And frankly, most of the other models are just as lovely as Kate Upton, so I'm looking forward to a little diversification of the coverage. I'll have more on that later. Meanwhile, here she is:

And see London's Daily Mail, "Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton raises temperature again as she steps out braless in a low-cut top."

More Women Seek Pay-for-Sex in No-Strings-Attached Situations

This is an interesting report, although embedding's disabled so check it out at the link: "Gigolos: Is It Prostitution?"

Is this immoral? Perhaps. But personally, it doesn't bother me because I don't see this as a lifestyle choice seeking to overturn societal institutions (like homosexuality and gay marriage, for example). Besides, the setting's in Las Vegas. I think folks should be able to cut loose out there --- "Sin City" and all that.