Saturday, February 22, 2014

Harvard's Sandra Korn and the Leftist Crusade for 'Academic Justice'

When I first read about Harvard radical-feminist activist Sandra Y.L. Korn and her crusade for "academic justice," I was reminded of the classic piece from Zombie a few years back, "Justice Justice."

As Zombie notes, for the radical left, any and all political issues devolve to some form of "justice." Because who really can oppose justice? Americans are if anything a people committed to justice, especially in the late-20th century, when the United States made more legislative and political efforts to ensure civil rights and justice than any other nation in history. When you confront a decent, law-abiding citizen with the accusation that they are denying others justice you are wielding a powerful club of guilt over an otherwise innocent member of the polity. Leftists will hammer you with demands for justice, and you'll will submit:

Sandra Korn photo Sandra_YL_Korn_Harvard_zps9ebf7270.jpg
The trend started with the two justice titans: “economic justice,” and “racial justice.” And someone must have thought: Why stop there? Soon we started seeing demands for “environmental justice” and “reproductive justice.” And then the floodgates were opened. The global warming scare brought us “climate justice“; the drive for socialized medicine became “health care justice“; amnesty for illegals transmogrified into “immigrant justice“; and on and on it went. By now we have

food justice
housing justice
gender justice
workplace justice
farmworker justice
urban justice
media justice
disability justice
transformative justice
birthing justice
prison justice

…to name just a few. Go to any protest or visit a left-wing Web site and you’ll find dozens more “justices” that need immediate resolution.

Want to give your hobby the veneer of righteousness? Just think of a noun, affix the word “justice” after it, and voilà: You’re part of the solution! Yes, it’s that easy.
So, hey! It's just another skip and a jump to "academic justice."

In any case, be sure to read Korn's piece at the Harvard Crimson, "The Doctrine of Academic Freedom: Let’s Give Up on Academic Freedom in Favor of Justice."

And as always, I tweeted the piece over to Robert Stacy McCain, who's been doing a seminar on radical feminism of late, and he came up with this, "‘The Second Time as Farce’: @sandraylk’s Recycled Marcusean Marxism":
Most of us who lived through the 1960s and ’70s have no desire for a repetition of that carnival of radical errors. Unfortunately, many of those who do remember that era fondly are leftist academics who have turned American university campuses into cauldrons of radicalism, where they inculcate in their young protégés a misplaced nostalgia for an idealized make-believe version of the Sixties. Brainy youth at elite institutions are therefore filled with an obsolete revolutionary zeal to “smash the system,” as if the Establishment today were as oppressive as the administration of Clark Kerr, the hapless liberal whose misfortune it was to be president of the University of California when the Berkeley “Free Speech Movement” erupted.

Because today’s radical youth do not know the actual history of the Sixties, but only what they have been taught about the Sixties by leftist academics, the students are ill-equipped to avoid the typical errors of radicalism, and seem not to realize how stale and predictable their supposedly “innovative” ideas actually are.

And so we come to Harvard senior Sandra Korn’s celebration of the hippie student mau-maus who protested psychology professor Richard Herrnstein’s research about heredity influence on IQ...
Keep reading.

And then see Bruce Bawer, "Harvard’s Rebel Without a Clue":
Ms. Korn, I further discovered, is not only a prolific columnist – writing regularly for both the Crimson and the Harvard Political Review – but an active member of Occupy Harvard, the Progressive Jewish Allliance, the Student Labor Action Movement, and BAGELS, “Harvard’s group for bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgendered Jews.” In her columns, she’s paid tribute to the Black Panthers, celebrated the Occupy movement, and chided those who cheered Kim Jong-Il’s death. She’s opposed allowing ROTC back onto the Harvard campus, one reason being that “[i]nternational students…from countries not allied with the United States” might object to their presence. She’s criticized Harvard’s plans to distribute lecture courses on the Internet as the latest development in “a long history of imperialism in which U.S. elites have told an increasingly globalized world that what they thought was best.” She’s written that “[w]hile violent resistance through Hamas is not right,” it’s “not incomprehensible,” given that “non-violent resistance cannot make the international community pay attention to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza.” And she’s dismissed as “Islamophobia” any statement of the objective fact that anti-Semitism is a core element of contemporary Palestinian identity.

Speaking of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, summer before last Ms. Korn went on a free ten-day trip to Israel courtesy of Taglit-Birthright Israel, then wrote a column savaging the “right-wing rhetoric” she was fed – by which she meant that, for example, her tour guides displayed an unapologetic pride in Israel and were honest about the systematic inculcation of anti-Semitism in Palestinian schools. While in Israel, she wrote an article lamenting that the country – which some of her family members admired half a century or so ago as “a workers’ nation, a socialist utopia” – has now “adopted capitalism with fervor,” an action which she plainly deplores. She is, indeed, no fan of capitalism. More than once, she’s ranted about the fact that many Harvard graduates get jobs in finance. In one column (reprinted by The Nation, where she was an intern) she savaged Harvard’s Office of Career Services for steering students toward Wall Street, and wondered aloud whether they do so in order “to guarantee wealthy alumni donors.” She concluded her piece by underscoring the need to “destroy…the well-paved road between the Ivy League schools and Wall Street.” When she went to England last summer to do “research” at Trinity Colllege, Cambridge, she found stuff to complain about there, too: “Why do the fellows here dine in the same hall as undergraduates but on a raised platform apart from them?”

In the wake of the 2011 Mumbai bombings, Ms. Korn was outraged – not at the terrorists, but at Subramanian Swamy, an Indian politician and Harvard economics lecturer who responded to the atrocities with an article about how “Muslims of India are being programmed by a slow reactive process to become radical and thus slide into suicide against Hindus.” Ms. Korn and some of her confederates jumped into action, agitating for Harvard to – as she put it – “discontinue its association with an offensive figure.” The action succeeded; Swamy was banished....

Who, then, is this fierce critic of American empire, this enemy of capitalism, this scourge of Wall Street? Well, as it turns out, she’s from the affluent suburb of Basking Ridge, New Jersey, where she grew up in a house at 61 Darren Drive that was purchased in 1998 for $800,000. (If you check it out on Google Maps, it looks like the very image of the American dream: a peaceful paradise of large, pretty houses separated from the quiet street by broad, manicured lawns dotted with shade trees.) Her parents are Elizabeth A. Korn, a pediatric endocrinologist, and William D. Korn, whose own Harvard degrees are in economics and business administration and whose website describes him – the father of this proud 99-percenter – as follows:
Bill Korn is a veteran technology executive with more than 30 years of experience managing fast growth businesses. As Chief Financial Officer for seven companies he has raised over $250 million of capital, including debt and equity financing. Bill has completed seven acquisitions, including negotiating terms, arranging financing, performing due diligence and integrating teams. He has successfully created many successful partnerships and joint ventures.
The bio goes on for several more paragraphs, providing details of his years at IBM and other corporations and his involvement in the National Association of Corporate Directors and the New Jersey Economic Growth Council.

Sandra Korn is, then, the child of two parents who, taken together – to judge by their CVs – personify pretty much everything she’s rebelling against. She’s a product of precisely the kind of upper-class American suburban life for which she has professed an ardent class contempt. And she’s about to collect an immensely valuable diploma after utterly squandering a magnificent, world-class opportunity to actually learn something. Instead of grasping this opportunity, she’s spent the last four years marinating in her own ideology by writing articles, participating in activism, and taking “courses” that are about nothing more than Being Ideologues Together.
There's still more at the link, but it's hard to disagree with a key part of Bawer's conclusion: "To the extent that this young woman represents the next generation of the American elite, America is doomed – period."

What to do? Well, push back against these idiots, since their programs have a long lineage in regressive leftist "hate speech" codes on America's campuses. For example, see FIRE's piece on Korn's leftist intolerance, "‘Harvard Crimson’ Column: Time to Get Rid of Academic Freedom":
Korn’s case for “academic justice” is quite similar to the cases put forth for establishing “hate speech” laws that curb free expression, as well as many of the defenses of campus speech codes. The argument posits that there are opinions and ideas out there that, if spoken or publicized, harm listeners. Why shouldn’t we be able to censor such expression and punish those responsible for it? Just like the case for hate speech laws, the case for academic justice falls into the same trap.

For one, a regime of academic justice would surely demand fealty to a legion of nebulous concepts over which people disagree wildly—not the least of which is the notion of “justice,” which has been intensely debated for thousands of years, frequently at the cost of tremendous loss of human life. Just as the Supreme Court famously declared in Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15, 25 (1972) that “one man’s vulgarity is another’s lyric,” one man’s idea of “justice” may vary significantly from another’s. This does not mean that one is right and one is wrong. Yet it seems safe to say that there is one acceptable concept of justice in Sandra Korn’s framework, and that is Sandra Korn’s. FIRE has seen where this leads before. Columbia University’s Teachers College, for instance, has litmus-tested students in part on how they conformed to Columbia’s concept of “Respect for Diversity and Commitment to Social Justice.” The University of Delaware forced students in its residence halls through a coercive, invasive “treatment” program where they were forced to adopt highly politicized positions on sensitive topics.

Another major obstacle to this kind of value-based system is that such systems nearly always establish hazily-realized ideals as rules and trust their enforcement to those in positions of power. Proponents of such measures tend not to see much problem with this, because it is hard for them to imagine anyone having values different from their own....

Hence the danger of Korn’s position that “[o]nly those who care about justice can take the moral upper hand,” when dismissing bipartisan criticisms of the American Studies Association’s decision to boycott Israeli institutions. Korn’s argument presumes we have all the answers and can therefore stop asking the questions. It takes the position that “bad” speech should be silenced, rather than challenged with more speech. In that respect, Korn’s “social justice” framework is no different from any other form of censorship.
More at the Jewish Press, "Sandra Korn’s Academic Totalitarianism."

So, fight back against these totalitarian freaks and privileged hypocrites. Sandra Korn is a perfect representation of today's radical left. Intolerant, hateful, and hypocritical. Don't let the f-kers get away with it.

Leftist Mayor Bill De Blasio Jaywalks as He Preaches Road Safety

Well, certainly the hypocrisy's no surprise, but so soon?

Via Slone on Twitter.

More from Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage, "Bill de Blasio Announces Crackdown on Traffic Violations, Gets Caught Speeding."

Fascism, Russia, and Ukraine

An excellent, expert account of the crisis in Kiev, from Timothy Snyder, at the New York Review.

Large Chunks of Ice Hurling Toward the Pavement at New York's One World Trade Center

Man, that's gnarly!

At Popular Mechanics, "Why Is So Much Ice Falling Off One World Trade Center?"

Obama Stays Silent About Ukraine — Until Now, When It's Too Late for the Scores Gunned Down in Kiev

From the New York Post, in December:
No one’s calling for President Obama to declare war on Russia. But when it comes to a battle between a foreign tyrant and a people fighting for their free future, the president needs to let the Ukrainians — and the world — know America is not ­neutral.
And from last night, at Reuters, "Obama's Syria 'red line' has echoes in his warning to Ukraine":

U.S. President Barack Obama's stern warning this week to Ukrainian officials was the closest thing to a "red line" moment he has had since his threat in 2012 to act against the Syrian government if it used chemical weapons.

But Obama's admonition on Wednesday to not "step over the line" in cracking down on mass protests rocking the Ukraine raised questions on whether he would be any more effective at matching words with deeds than he has been in Syria's three-year-old civil war.

His decision to lay down another rhetorical "line" in a geopolitical crisis left many foreign policy experts puzzled, especially given the limited options he has at his disposal for dealing with the Ukraine's spiraling conflict.

"Hasn't he learned his redline lesson?" tweeted Robert Danin, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington.

Obama's choice of words evoked comparisons to the chemical weapons "red line" he established for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and then failed to enforce with military action last year, something critics say undermined U.S. credibility.

Obama warned only vaguely at a summit in Mexico of unspecified "consequences" in the event of escalating violence in Ukraine.

But despite the rhetoric, the White House made clear on Thursday that there were limits to how far the United States would go in punishing Ukrainian officials.
Well, foreign policy's been pretty much FUBAR since Obama took office, but Ukraine now, much like Syria last summer, demonstrates just how badly the American public has been served by this White House. (And at the video above, a reminder that Mitt Romney was right about the biggest problems facing U.S. national security. My, what a missed opportunity we had in the last presidential election. A damned shame.)

More from the New York Times, "Amid Fence-Mending, Another U.S.-Russia Rift."

WhatsApp Co-Founder Jan Koum: From Food Stamps to Billionaire

The kind of rags to riches story that progressives can't stand.

At Director Blue, "Your awesome, progressive-crushing juxtaposition o' the day: Ana Marie Cox beclownment edition."

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Flees Kiev

At Telegraph UK, "Ukraine crisis: Viktor Yanukovych leaves Kiev for support base":
US official plays down suggestions embattled president has fled the capital.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has flown out of Kiev to visit Ukraine's second largest city Kharkiv, considered his eastern political base.

A US official said the embattled president made the trip to attend a meeting. Two key allies, parliamentary speaker Volodomyr Rybak and presidential administration chief Andrei Kluyev, were also reported to be on board the aircraft.

"Our information, and I talked to the foreign minister about half an hour ago, is that President Yanukovych has gone out to Kharkiv... to some kind of a meeting that is taking place out there, and that he has now arrived," the official said.

Asked about rumours that Mr Yanukovych had "fled" Kiev, after signing a deal with the Ukrainian opposition, the official appeared to play down the suggestion.

"As you know, it is not unusual after he makes large political moves for him to visit the east, where his base is," the official said.
Also at LAT, "Deal to end Ukraine unrest appears to show Viktor Yanukovich the exit."

And Hot Air, "Apocalypse soon: Ukrainian president reportedly flees Kiev."

Leukemia Patient Julia Boonstra: 'I am not better off' under #ObamaCare

I've seen it already thousands of times, but the amount of literally volcanic hatred the left spewed against Leukemia patient Julia Boonstra is simply astounding.

See my earlier entry, "Leftist Hate Mail — Julia Boonstra Edition."

And then listen to Ms. Boonstra's interview with Megyn Kelly at the clip. She liked her plan. She liked the certainty of it,  and she was happy. What is wrong with that? We're supposed to be free and self-sufficient in the country. But no. The left has other ideas. They've got a state collectivists plan and you better be on board or else!

Fergalicious! Stacy Ferguson Flaunts Hot Post-Pregnancy Body in Calvin Klein Underwear Video

At Gossip Cop, "Fergie Goes Topless in New Calvin Klein Underwear Video — WATCH HERE!"

And London's Daily Mail, "She's one sexy mama! Fergie goes topless on a bed wearing just her Calvin Klein undies in sultry video campaign."

Young 'Knuckleheads' Need Them Some #ObamaCare Mofo!

She's a vile woman.

At the Weekly Standard, "Michelle Obama: 'Young People Are Knuckleheads,' Which Is Why They Need Obamacare."

And from Townhall, "Michelle Obama Calls Young People "Knuckleheads," Says They Need Obamacare."

Leftist Hate Mail — Julia Boonstra Edition

Well, all that leftist civility bullshit went out the window a long time ago anyway.

Here's the latest Democrat leftist-collectivist two-minute hate:
Donald Douglas
to me

Hello Donald: Listen you God-damned, spineless, shit-spewing, clueless, misinforming, America fucking asshole and listen good. America deserves the truth not your baseless, nigger-hating, partisan, fact-challenged bullshit and disinformation. I refer specifically today to your Julie Boonstra propaganda and misinformation campaign.  If you can't talk and blog with truth and minimal intelligence maybe you should do something else for a shovel dog shit. Fuck you, fuck your kind and fuck your God damned incompetent, worthless parents for raising such a lying sack of shit as you. I hope I have the chance to spit in your God damned face, if not, I'll just wait and shit on your grave. Learn some respect for the truth before some nigger teaches it to you with a tire iron up your clueless ass. Fuck you for fucking this country you lying little shit.  Do America a great service - drop fucking dead, asshole.  You're nothing but a cancer on truth, intelligence and progress - you're existence is offensive to any real American.

Hate Mail photo ScreenShot2014-02-21at21615PM_zps0f5d622a.png

PREVIOUSLY: "How Long Until Democrats Demonize Leukemia Patient Julie Boonstra for Excoriating #ObamaCare?", and "Vicious Leftists Attack Julia Boonstra as 'Not Really Harmed by #ObamaCare'."

Fresh Spasm of Violence Hits Ukraine — Political Deal Calls for Early Elections

ICYMI, here's Sarah Kendzior's awesome piece from yesterday at Politico, "The Day We Pretended to Care About Ukraine."

And the front-page story at this morning's Los Angeles Times, "Snipers kill 20 protesters in Ukraine; allies turn against Yanukovich."

More at the Wall Street Journal, "Dozens Dead in Ukraine as Fresh Violence Flares in Kiev: Ukrainian Capital Plummets into Renewed Bloodshed," and "Ukraine Deal Calls for Early Elections, New Coalition: Presidential Elections to Be Held Between September and December."

And then see Foreign Policy, "Think That Kiev Agreement Will Hold? Think Again."

Charles Krauthammer: Climate Change 'Is a Matter of Almost Theology'

From Dr. K, at the Washington Post, "The myth of ‘settled science’":

I repeat: I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier. I’ve long believed that it cannot be good for humanity to be spewing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I also believe that those scientists who pretend to know exactly what this will cause in 20, 30 or 50 years are white-coated propagandists.

“The debate is settled,” asserted propagandist in chief Barack Obama in his latest State of the Union address. “Climate change is a fact.” Really? There is nothing more anti-scientific than the very idea that science is settled, static, impervious to challenge. Take a non-climate example. It was long assumed that mammograms help reduce breast cancer deaths. This fact was so settled that Obamacare requires every insurance plan to offer mammograms (for free, no less) or be subject to termination.

Now we learn from a massive randomized study — 90,000 women followed for 25 years — that mammograms may have no effect on breast cancer deaths. Indeed, one out of five of those diagnosed by mammogram receives unnecessary radiation, chemo or surgery.

So much for settledness. And climate is less well understood than breast cancer. If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing? And how is it that the great physicist Freeman Dyson, who did some climate research in the late 1970s, thinks today’s climate-change Cassandras are hopelessly mistaken?

They deal with the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans, argues Dyson, ignoring the effect of biology, i.e., vegetation and topsoil. Further, their predictions rest on models they fall in love with: “You sit in front of a computer screen for 10 years and you start to think of your model as being real.” Not surprisingly, these models have been “consistently and spectacularly wrong” in their predictions, write atmospheric scientists Richard McNider and John Christy — and always, amazingly, in the same direction.

Settled? Even Britain’s national weather service concedes there’s been no change — delicately called a “pause” — in global temperature in 15 years. If even the raw data is recalcitrant, let alone the assumptions and underlying models, how settled is the science?

But even worse than the pretense of settledness is the cynical attribution of any politically convenient natural disaster to climate change, a clever term that allows you to attribute anything — warming and cooling, drought and flood — to man’s sinful carbon burning.

Accordingly, Obama ostentatiously visited drought-stricken California last Friday. Surprise! He blamed climate change. Here even the New York Times gagged, pointing out that far from being supported by the evidence, “the most recent computer projections suggest that as the world warms, California should get wetter, not drier, in the winter.”
Keep reading.

Hundreds of Thousands of Public Sector Workers Face Cutbacks from #ObamaCare

Hey, what about no one being harmed by this Democrat-collectivist monstrosity?

At the New York Times, "Public Sector Cuts Part-Time Shifts to Bypass Insurance Law."

Commentary from Jonathan Tobin, "New ObamaCare Losers: Public Employees":
[Kathleen] Sebelius was as wrong about the question of ObamaCare’s impact on employment as she was about the rollout of the law’s website. But the problem for the administration isn’t just a credibility gap that was already as big as the Grand Canyon. It’s that the ranks of ObamaCare losers are now growing and being filled by people that are the backbone of the Democratic Party. That means the real myth about ObamaCare is the assumption that once it goes into effect it will be transformed from an unpopular law to a beloved national institution like Social Security.

The findings of the Times report validate the conclusions of the Congressional Budget Office study released earlier this month on the impact of ObamaCare on employment. Though administration figures like Sebelius have been orchestrating a campaign seeking to deny these facts, the Times story illustrates the futility of this effort. Municipalities and public institutions around the country have been cutting the hours of their workers in order to avoid paying for their health care. Thus even though the point of the Affordable Care Act was to get more people covered, the unintended consequence of its passage was to cut the pay as well as deprive a significant population of public-sector workers of their chance to get insurance from their employer.

As the article notes, public workers are being especially hard hit because municipal employers can’t pass along the increased costs of the insurance mandates to consumers the way private companies can try to do. Instead, they must cut down on the number of those they employ. But rather than reduce the ranks of those public employees getting expensive benefits and pensions that often are far more generous than those received by the taxpayers who pay their salaries, the people losing out in the ObamaCare squeeze are those at the bottom end of the wage scale.

These findings once again point out the problem with the administration’s belief that their ObamaCare troubles are merely the result of a rough rollout and will soon disappear. It is true that millions of Americans who are either poor or have pre-existing medical conditions will be net winners as a result of ObamaCare. But unlike government entitlements like Social Security and Medicare, ObamaCare has also created a vast number of net losers who are losing coverage, losing jobs, or getting their hours and possible benefits cut.

The fact that a large number of those losers are members of a demographic that is a key element of the Democratic base is a potential political disaster for the president’s party. Rather than going away as the midterms approach, if the Times is to be believed, it is getting worse. In this case, the Democratic focus on income inequality appears to be pertinent. But rather than being able to blame the plight of low-income workers on the wealthy or the Republicans, it is President Obama’s signature accomplishment that is to blame.
Yeah, Democrats are wrong alright. And they'll stop at nothing to destroy critics of this monumental failure of far left-wing ideology.

Vicious Leftists Attack Julia Boonstra as 'Not Really Harmed by #ObamaCare'

Well, that didn't take long at all, less than twenty-four hours, to be precise.

Indeed, right on cue: "How Long Until Democrats Demonize Leukemia Patient Julie Boonstra for Excoriating #ObamaCare?"

It turns out WaPo's Glenn Kessler ran a fact-check on the Americans for Prosperity ad featuring Boonstra, who lost her health insurance under ObamaCare, was terrorized and traumatized by the initial problems with, and is now stressed out by the dangerous variability of her out-of-pocket expenses. As noted at the Detroit Free Press a couple of weeks ago:

Julia Boonstra photo julieboonstrajpg-78a41e8e31c4273f_zpsced705b4.jpg
Boonstra was diagnosed with leukemia five years ago and relies on daily oral chemotherapy. In October, Boonstra was among an estimated 225,000 Michigan residents who received notices the health insurance they purchased on the individual market would be discontinued for not meeting new standards under the law. She said she was covered under a Blue Care Network private plan with a $1,100-a-month premium but low out-of-pocket costs.

Boonstra was dogged by technical difficulties on the federal health care exchange website and panicked she would be unable to keep her University of Michigan doctors and lifesaving treatment. Ultimately, she enrolled in a new Blue Cross Blue Shield plan through an agent where her premiums were cut in half at $571, but she pays higher out of pocket costs. She’s still seeing her U-M oncologist.

“I just want my plan back, I really do,” said Boonstra, 49, a mother of two. “It was extremely expensive and there are things as far as oral chemotherapies that need to be done to reduce the cost. ... But I was covered and I made having a great health plan a priority for me and that was taken away from me.”
Ms. Boonstra liked her existing coverage. She believed the president, who (falsely and repeatedly) said she'd be able to keep her plan. She was lied to. And she was terrorized by the bureaucratic nightmare of the ObamaCare website rollout.

But none of this matters to the despicable Democrat-collectivist healthcare trolls, most prominently the brainless Mother Jones derp Kevin Drum, who uses Kessler's sleazy attack on Boonsta's nightmare experience to blanket-slur Republicans for their opposition to the president's ObamaCare clusterf-k: "Has Anyone in America Actually Been Harmed by Obamacare?" (via Memeorandum):
Boonstra herself is naturally unavailable for comment, and the best an unctuous AFP spokesperson could do to defend this ad is to point out that Boonstra's costs are a little more variable than in the past. Instead of paying a flat $1,100 per month plus low out-of-pocket costs, she sometimes pays more in a single month until she hits her annual out-of-pocket max. That's it.

This ad implies that Boonstra flatly can't afford coverage anymore. It implies that she could no longer see her old doctor. It implies that Obamacare is killing her. None of this is true. Boonstra's care is better and cheaper than it was before. The only downside is that her payments are slightly more erratic than in the past.

So here's my question: if this is the best AFP can do, does that mean that no one is truly being harmed by Obamacare? Hell, I'm a diehard defender of Obamacare, and even I concede that there ought to be at least hundreds of thousands of people who are truly worse off than they were with their old plans. But if that's the case, why is it that every single hard luck story like this falls apart under the barest scrutiny? Why can't AFP find someone whose premiums really have doubled and who really did lose her doctor and who really is having a hard time getting the care she used to get?

If this is happening to a lot of people, finding a dozen or so of them shouldn't be hard. But apparently it is. So maybe it's not actually happening to very many people at all?
This is wrong --- and vicious --- on so many levels. It's not just ridiculous. It's reprehensible.

Forget Kessler's idiotic fact-check. The reality is that Boonstra may well pay so much more in a single month as to make her medications unaffordable, just as the ad indicates; and yet the ghoulish Drum pounces on this woman with the incredulous, "That's it!??" "How dare you Boonstra refuse to sacrifice for the collective?!!"

You see, leftists simply won't tolerate citizens who resist being violently coerced into government programs they don't need, programs that impose hardships and inconvenience, and that take away individual choice and self-sufficiency. We can't have that under the Obama regime. These Democrat collectivists will say, "You will have ObamaCare and you will like it, or else!"

I mean, seriously. The RealClearPolitics polling average for the last month has public support of ObamaCare at 38.4. (Just over half --- a simple majority --- oppose this statist healthcare monstrosity.)

But for radical leftists, you must sacrifice for the social good!

See the idiot tool Ron Chusid's lame defense of this Obamanation, "If Obamacare Is So Bad, Why Can’t The Right Wingers Find Real Losers Under Obamacare?":
While a small minority of us are paying more, a tremendous number of people are now able to obtain coverage who could not obtain it in the past because it was too expensive or insurance companies would not cover them due to per-existing medical conditions. I have patients in this situation who could not obtain coverage in the past but have been covered since January. With all the bogus complaints about people losing their coverage, the significant number is that zero people can now be dropped by their insurance because they become sick, and zero people have to fear losing their insurance should they stop working.

On top of all these benefits, the Affordable Care Act will help the economy. The recent Congressional Budget Office Report, frequently distorted by Republicans, shows that the Affordable Care Act will reduce unemployment, help decrease the deficit, and allow more people to leave large corporations to start small businesses. The effects of this freedom from the “insurance trap” cannot be scored in a CBO report, but should provide a tremendous boost to the economy.

"Bogus complaints" of millions of Americans ("a small minority") whose existing coverage was ripped out from under them by this disastrous legislation. And look at the pile of lies Chusid heaps on in that second paragraph quoted above: No, the CBO report wasn't "distorted by Republicans"; no, ObamaCare will not "reduce unemployment"; no, more people will not "leave large corporations to start small businesses"; and no, there is no such thing as an "insurance trap." God, this Chusid clown's a shameless liar.

But then again, I predicted that leftists would demonize Ms. Boonstra, especially so since the "evil" Koch brothers are the financial backbone behind AFP's political advertising, and here it comes:
This lady is a liar. The numbers don't add up and her medication is covered. This is a scam This is a disgusting attempt at getting her "10 minutes" of fame all based on a GOP lie. Rep. Walberg, the Koch Brothers, and Ms. Boonstra should be ashamed for this charade. There is enough in the ACA to ridicule without making up lies and stories for sympathy. A liar is a liar. How do you look in the mirror each morning ??
I rest my case.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

How to Tell You're Having a Heart Attack?

News you can use, at CBS This Morning, "Heart health: Breaking down myths and reality."

Is a Boycott of Israel Just?

From the letters to the editor, at the New York Times:
Regarding “In boycott, a political act or prejudice?” (Page 2, Feb. 12): It’s galling that in a piece on the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (B.D.S.) movement, launched in 2005 by Palestinian civil society in response to Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights, Jodi Rudoren frames her story in terms of B.D.S. echoing the anti-Semitic boycotts of Nazi Germany, quoting several Israelis harshly critical of B.D.S. and just one Palestinian supporter. Ms. Rudoren even seems to endorse allegations that B.D.S. is anti-Semitic and directed at Jews rather than Israel and Israelis, writing, “Avoiding a coffee shop because you don’t like the way the boss treats his employees is voting with your wallet; doing so because the boss is Jewish — or black or female or gay — is discrimination.” Contrary to what Ms. Rudoren and the quoted B.D.S. critics suggest, the movement does not target Jews, individually or collectively, and rejects all forms of bigotry and discrimination, including anti-Semitism. B.D.S. is, in fact, a legal, moral and inclusive movement struggling against the discriminatory policies of a country that defines itself in religiously exclusive terms, and that seeks to deny Palestinians the most basic rights simply because we are not Jewish.

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Ramallah, West Bank

The writer is a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and head of the P.L.O. Department of Culture and Information.
Yes, of course Hanan Ashrawi would deny BDS anti-Semitism. She's an Israel-loathing, Jew-hating terror-apologist of the first order. And that's to say nothing of her organization, the P.L.O, one of the bloodiest terrorist organizations in the history of the Middle East.

Screw Ashrawi and the stinking camel she rode in on.

More letters at that top link, FWIW, the assholes.

Hi Donald Douglas: You Have a New Stalking Troll-Rights Follower Harasser @Repsac3 on Disqus

A few weeks back, fresh off Roy Edroso commenter Selwyn Hollis' workplace harassment, I received this notification from Disqus: "Repsac3 is now following you on Disqus."

Right. My stalking troll rights harasser --- no, my lying stalking troll rights harasser who lies constantly about his ghoulish obsession with me and this blog --- adjusted his Disqus settings to follow my every single comment posted to the Disqus system.

Nope, no sick obsession there. You see, Disqus lets users follow any commenter at the system through the dashboard settings. So, any and all comments I make, no matter where I make them, would be aggregated among Repsac's follows at the system. And why? Well, despite denying that he's sick psychopath intent to inflict harm, harassment and evil on his political enemies, Repsac3 was no doubt hoping to find some off-color comments by me to forward to my place of employment in one more pathetic attempt to have me fired. He's done it before with his sponsorship of workplace harassment at American Nihilist. So this is just one more episode of systematic and criminal workplace intimidation and political recrimination.

Recall, as Robert Stacy McCain wrote in January, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III":

Troll-Rights Harasser Repsac3 photo c942833b-bdb0-4476-9426-fb7c429413f3_zpsb08082ce.png
Professor Donald Douglas has spent years fighting one particularly obsessed troll, Walter James Casper III, who might actually out-rank Bill Schmalfeldt in the Stalker Hall of Shame, because Casper has been cyberstalking Douglas for more than five years.

Among the significant characteristics of cyberstalkers is the disproportionality of their obsessions. Professor Douglas is not an academic celebrity or influential media personality. He’s a professor of political science at Long Beach City College in California. It is not as if he’s at Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, Yale or some other big-money “prestige” school, and yet the fact that Professor Douglas is (a) conservative and (b) a blogger is sufficient to justify in Casper’s sick mind the most insane forms of stalking behavior.

Another characteristic of cyberstalkers is their resort to psychological projection: They are not obsessed with you — no! — you are obsessed with them, and don’t you dare accuse them of harassing you — of course not! — you are instead harassing them.

This kind of “accuse the accusers” tactic serves two purposes for the troll: First, it is a psychological rationalization by which he justifies his behavior and, second, it serves to obfuscate the situation in the eyes of law enforcement or other authorities.

Something else: The conflict between Casper and Professor Douglas is not about politics, nor is it about Professor Douglas.

That is to say, Casper’s espousal of left-wing political ideas is not the reason for his behavior, but simply a pretext, and if he weren’t harassing Professor Douglas, he’d be harassing some other target, selected more or less at random ... despite such clear evidence that no one else shares his obsession, Casper continues doing what he does, apparently with no other purpose except to annoy the target of his weird fixation.

Fish gotta swim. Birds gotta fly. Stalkers gotta stalk.
And remember, no one knows more about psychopathic leftist Internet trolls than Robert Stacy McCain. Don't miss his update yesterday on the Kimberlin lawsuit, "In Which @AceOfSpadesHQ Becomes a First Amendment Cause Célèbre."

In any case, as you can see with this deranged Disqus following situation, Repsac's still gotta stalk --- the f-king perverted homo-loving loser. Oh, and did I say Israel-loathing, Communist-loving, ObamaCare-shilling hack partisan dirtbag? Yeah, well that too. Walter James Casper III's got it bad --- which is why he's been ridiculed and repudiated across the entire conservative blogosphere. He's universally reviled, in fact. It's an impressive feat.

Oh, and and just in case Repsac's harassing you, here's this on blocking the f-ker on Disqus: "Disqus publicly launches its new private profiles feature," and "Making your activity private."

Fish gotta swim...

Petra Nemcova Now Lives in Haiti

She was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated swimsuit in 2003.

She's got a foundation going nowadays, Happy Hearts Fund, and she lives in Haiti, of all places.

Venezuelan Beauty Queen Genesis Carmona Shot and Killed in Anti-Government Protests

At Mirror UK, "Beauty queen Genesis Carmona killed by gunmen in violent anti-government protests in Venezuela."

And Blazing Cat Fur, "Venezuelan beauty queen among six killed in continuing protests."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How Long Until Democrats Demonize Leukemia Patient Julie Boonstra for Excoriating #ObamaCare?

Ms. Boonstra is featured in this ad from Americans for Prosperity, via the Weekly Standard, "Ad: Obamacare 'Jeopardized My Health'."

Remember, when cancer survivor Edie Sundby took to the Wall Street Journal in November to slam ObamaCare after her insurance was cancelled, the devilish ghouls of the radical left, led by the despicable monsters at the Soros-backed White House mouthpiece Think Progress, viciously attacked her like wolves on an injured rabbit.

How long until the monstrous left goes after this woman, who is literally fighting to survive after the ObamaCare monstrosity eviscerated her existing healthcare coverage? Never forget: There's no depths to which leftists won't sink to demonize and destroy those who would dare resist their evil agenda.

More thoughts from Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "Democrats stuck in stage 3 of ObamaCare grief?"

The Left Wing Can't Contain Its Fantasies

Here's Russ smith, at Spice Today, taking down Michael Tomasky's enthusiasm, at the New York Review, for Elizabeth Warren and Democrat Party "populism" in 2016.

(This "populism" is just a euphemism for more of the same far left-wing socialist claptrap the left's been pushing forever now, but with an even greater urgency since President Obama's increasingly generating ire among hard core leftists for his inability to further advance the socialist's agenda.)

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina Beaten by Cossacks in #Sochi

They're now former members of the band Pussy Riot, having been kicked out for gaining too much popularity and media exposure.

And they're not falling out of the limelight, it turns out. At the Washington Post, "Whip-wielding Russian Cossacks attack Pussy Riot members near Sochi Olympics."

More at the Other McCain, "Olympic Pussy Riot."

Bwahaha! British High Court Rules Against Glenn Greenwald's Criminal Mule David Miranda

Well, they're criminals, as I reported earlier, "Glenn Greenwald Launches 'The Intercept' in Pathetic Diversion Against Impending Criminal Charges of Fencing Stolen Intelligence."

See Telegraph UK, "David Miranda loses 'illegal detention' fight":
Partner of journalist who exposed secret information leaked by Edward Snowden was held for nine hours at Heathrow under anti-terror laws.

The partner of the journalist at the centre of the Edward Snowden spying leaks has lost his High Court challenge that he was detained unlawfully last year.

Brazilian David Miranda was held for nine hours at Heathrow airport last August under counter terror laws after police discovered some 58,000 documents from the Snowden leaks cache.

His partner, Glenn Greenwald, was the writer who exposed the secret information stolen by the CIA contractor Snowden and published in the Guardian newspaper.

The articles, revealing information on the US National Security Agency and the UK’s GCHQ, caused a political storm and led to accusations that the leaks had put national security at risk.

Mr Miranda was stopped on August 18 at Heathrow as he travelled from Germany to Brazil.

And be sure to check Louise Mensch's feed:

And of course, the pitiful groveling at Greenwald's, who some day, God willing, will rot in jail:

'Republique' in Los Angeles Defends #ObamaCare Surcharge

Expect to be seeing lots more of this.

At Eater, "LA's Republique Defends Its 3% Health Care Surcharge."

And from Hot Air, "Video: L.A. restaurant now tacking on an extra three percent to cover its new ObamaCare costs."
What Republique’s really charging here is an uncertainty tax, just in case the administration reverses course yet again. Thank your president for it.

'Subpar': Anti-Obama Street Art Covers Santa Monica

Heh, at far left-wing Santa Monica at that. You gotta love it.

At Instapundit, "'The artwork, which features images of Obama golfing with the message, can be found on trashcans, in Porta-potties, and on street benches'."

Providence College Black Studies Program Issues the Trayvon Martin Award for Social Justice

At Weasel Zippers, "College to Award Annual Trayvon Martin Award for Social Justice to “Eliminate Racism”…"

All award nominees will be receive honorary PCP-like Watermelon Lean beverages as part of their participation in the program (to "eliminate racism").

Thailand Policeman Foot Blown Off by Protesters' Grenade

The dude's f-ked up.

At the Mirror UK, "Video: Horrifying moment riot officer tries to kick grenade away and has his foot blown off."

Watch it at the link, in slow motion.

Dozens Dead in Kiev Clashes

At NYT, "25 Deaths Are Reported in Fierce Clashes in Kiev."

Sandra Bullock and Alfonso Cuarón on 'Gravity'

I liked this interview of the pair at the Los Angeles Times, "How Alfonso Cuarón pulled Sandra Bullock into his field of 'Gravity'."

I saw this film over the holiday weekend as well. I just didn't have a chance to blog it before I saw "The Wolf of Wall Street," which was a riot.

More at CBS News This Morning, yesterday morning:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Severe Turbulance on United Airlines Flight Causes Injuries

At USA Today, "Passengers recount fears after turbulent United flight":

One woman hit the ceiling so hard it cracked the panel above her, passenger said.

Kerri Mullins had just taken a picture of the clear blue skies over Montana moments before she says she experienced the scariest 25 seconds of her life.

Mullins, from Arvada, Colo., was aboard United Airlines Flight 1676 from Denver to Billings when it hit turbulence so severe that people were tossed from their seats. Three flight attendants and two passengers were injured.

"I thought 'Wow! Yeah, this is it,' " Mullins said. "It's the most helpless feeling ever — to just be sitting there and not have any control over anything."

Mullins said the plane turned sharply to the right and started plunging.

"Everything flew out of everybody's hands," she said. "It was quite surreal."

Worst of all is a woman lost hold of her baby, which flew into another seat but was unharmed. At London's Daily Mail, "Extreme turbulence throws child from mother's arms and woman hits plane roof as five are hospitalized in United landing."

Kate Upton for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2014


Via Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 News Special Report: Kate. Upton. In. Space!"

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

More at Sports Illustrated Swimsuit on Twitter.

President Climate Change Plays Golf on Water Guzzling Desert Courses Amid California Drought

I just love that headline, at the inimitable Jammie Wearing Fools.

"Change bitches!"

Via Memeorandum.

Máximo Caminero, Florida Artist Lovingly Displayed by Fidel Castro, Destroys $1 Million Ai Weiwei Vase at Miami Exhibition

Interesting story.

The artist, Máximo Caminero, doesn't communicate well in English. Indeed, commenters at his studio's Facebook page use Spanish. And the link for his personal Facebook page isn't coming up in the search box, perhaps dropped down the memory hole amid the controversy.

In any case, here's the far-left Miami New Times, "Miami Artist Destroyed $1M Ai Weiwei Vase Because PAMM "Only Displays International Artists'."

And the New York Times has it as well, "Ai Weiwei Vase Is Destroyed by Protester at Miami Museum":

M photo Caminero_Facebook_page_zps019dec49.jpg
MIAMI — Officials at the recently inaugurated Pérez Art Museum Miami confirmed on Monday that a valuable vase by the Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei had been deliberately destroyed by a visitor in what appeared to be an act of protest.

A spokeswoman for the museum said the incident occurred on Sunday afternoon when a local artist, whom it did not name, walked into the waterfront museum and picked up one of the vases in an installation of Mr. Ai’s work titled “Colored Vases.” A guard asked the man to put it down, but instead he threw it to the ground, smashing it, the spokeswoman said.

The Miami New Times said Maximo Caminero, 51, was arrested.

Pérez Art Museum Miami, which opened with much fanfare during the Art Basel festival here in December, published a statement on its website saying that after the vase had been broken in the museum’s retrospective exhibit of Mr. Ai’s work, a security team “immediately secured the galleries and the person was apprehended.” Without mentioning Mr. Caminero’s name, the statement said that the museum was “working with the authorities in their investigation.”

“Although the museum can’t speak directly to intentions, evidence suggests that this was a premeditated act,” the museum’s statement went on. “As an art museum dedicated to celebrating modern and contemporary artists from within our community and around the world, we have the highest respect for freedom of expression, but this destructive act is vandalism and disrespectful to another artist and his work, to Pérez Art Museum Miami, and to our community.”

Mr. Caminero, a native of the Dominican Republic who has long lived in Miami, told the Miami New Times, a weekly newspaper, after his arrest that he had broken the vase to protest what he said was the museum’s exclusion of local artists in its exhibits.

Local news reports said he was charged with criminal mischief. Miami police officials would not confirm Monday evening that Mr. Caminero had been charged, but said they would address the issue on Tuesday morning.
More at the link. Mr. Ai is not pleased:
Reached by telephone in China, Mr. Ai said he had initially understood the vase to have been broken accidentally. But then he read a news report that the vase in Miami had been deliberately smashed, and questioned Mr. Caminero’s expressed reason for doing so.

“The argument does not support the act," Mr. Ai said. “It doesn’t sound right. His argument doesn’t make much sense. If he really had a point, he should choose another way, because this will bring him trouble to destroy property that does not belong to him.”

Mr. Ai said he had no idea whether the vase could be fixed or whether its loss would be covered by insurance. But he said he was not overly distressed by the breakage. "I'm O.K. with it, if a work is destroyed," Mr. Ai said. "A work is a work. It's a physical thing. What can you do? It's already over."
Well, it doesn't sound right if you're a normal, well-adjusted person not normally prone to railing against imaginary injustices. But this Caminero dude, by the looks of his Facebook profile, is some kind of passionate idealist motivated by "philosophy" and whose experience is rooted in the "day by day" of the "human struggle." A Marxist utopian, no doubt.

And as it turns out, his work is apparently appreciated enough to hang in the home of Cuban President Emeritus Fidel Castro. The Dominicana en Miami website tweeted a story titled "Fidel Castro y Máximo Caminero." The piece has been taken down, although the cached version is here. The caption reads: "In a recently published photo of Ignacio Ramonet during his meeting last December 13 in Havana, the work of Máximo Caminero ... Dominican painter hangs in the background."

Ramonet is the Spanish journalist featured in this report from the Associated Press, "Cuba's ex-president Fidel Castro appears in first new photo in months." The photo was picked up later by London's Daily Mail as an example of Cuba's state censors doctoring images of Dear Leader Castro. See, "Cuba found to be issuing doctored pictures of ailing former president Fidel Castro and photo-shopping his hearing aid."

I just love how Máximo Caminero, our artist of the "human struggle," gets the obviously huge props from Fidel. Someone down in Miami's Dominican community thought it important enough to tout Fidel's beloved endorsement of Caminero's work. Interesting how now the artist's actions might not reflect back so well on the revolutionary leader and the ideological bankruptcy of the Cuban people's regime. Shoot, Caminero's actions are being excoriated as those of a petulant child in the comments at the leftist Miami New Times, which makes sense, since leftist regressive socialists are petulant clowns fueled by childish notions that imaginary injustices justify the criminal destruction of world class pottery art.

Daily Kos Deletes Meteor Blades' Entry, 'Time to stop debating global warming deniers driven by invincible ignorance and self-interest'

Here's the background, from Ben Geman, at National Journal, "‘Meet the Press’ Host: Climate Segment Meant as Debate on ‘Policies’" (at Memeorandum).

Clicking through at Memeorandum you'll get an error result at Daily Kos:

The error was:
This diary has been deleted.


Time: 2014-02-18T04:51:11
But you can read this idiot Meteor Blades at the cached version here:

The global warming "debate" between Bill Nye and Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn shown above and engineered by the producers of NBCs Meet the Press Sunday attracted a fair amount of commentary beforehand and afterward. See, for instance, Kossack xaxnars solid post on the subject here, which includes a poll and an extensive and thoughtful comment thread, and Ben Germans write-up at the National Journal.

The whole affair was, of course, a phony debate since Blackburn is a climate science denier whose only direct challenge to scientific fact on the program ended in a failure in basic arithmetic, and Nye, who for all his rightly touted skills at presenting a broad range of science topics in an appealing way, never landed a knock-out blow or addressed what should have been the topic of the entire 13-minute segment—the politics of global warming.

Dont get me wrong. I appreciate Nyes exuberant demeanor and all he has done to get young people to understand and engage in science. And I appreciate his willingness to go head to head with Blackburn. Given the dreadful Meet the Press format based on the premise of false balance regarding climate change—something he had no control over—and given that he needs serious media combat training, Nye did an okay job.

But even if he had been spectacular, it wasnt the right job. Its way past time to stop politely coddling these deniers, stop treating their opinions as anything but scientifically illiterate nonsense and lies promoted by fossil fuel fools and mountebanks. Their well-honed use of the Gish Gallop—dumping so many exaggerations, half-truths, quarter-truths and outright fabrications into the conversation that their factually motivated foes cant keep up—works unless the counter-technique is to run a relentless, focused attack on a few key points without getting distracted. Doing that takes skill, passion and determination because its not something the typical radio or television host wants to happen.
Who knows why it was deleted? My bet is that there's at least one remaining adult in supervision over there, who against the odds was able to convince the Kos diarists that, hey, the essence of science is skepticism, and that if you're arguing there should be absolutely no debate over scientific findings you're the one who's actually "anti-science," doh.

But again, who knows? Adults in charge or not, leftists are just too stupid to even consider their own imbecility.

Monday, February 17, 2014

'The Wolf of Wall Street'

This is without a doubt the funniest movie I've seen in a very long time. And I had no idea. I didn't read the reviews. I only really heard about the movie when all the other Hollywood-awards buzz got going, and even then --- having seen serious productions like "12 Years a Slave" --- discounted the importance of this film. But it's a keeper. Not a "best picture" candidate in my opinion (it's nominated), although Leo DiCaprio's performance is as "best actor" award-worthy as anything I've seen this season. The movie's extreme portrayal of money-powered, drug-fueled, and sex-crazed out-of-control excess is so over-the-top it's a bit hard to take too seriously, which for me is what makes "Wolf" that much more compelling. It's a comedic no-apologies flash down the fast lane of "greed is good" high-finance debauchery. DiCaprio brings his role to life in a virtuoso performance, along with the very impressive Jonah Hill as his sidekick and partner in crime. And the smokin' Margot Robbie definitely heats up the screen (with a "fresh-face" attractiveness that's hard to resist).

That said, the movie's too long. I don't know? What, like three hours? And then there's the normative (ethical) questions: Does this film unquestioningly glamorize massive hedonistic gluttony and a literally mean-spirited commercial sensibility? (The scene where the broker-trainee is fired from Stratton Oakmont for cleaning a fishbowl on IPO day is brutal and made me feel sorry for the f-ker.) The Los Angeles Times captures the film's controversy over ethics:

Love it or hate it, "The Wolf of Wall Street," more than seemingly any other movie in the Oscar frame, has gotten audiences up in arms and debating it all through the holidays and into the final pre-noms stretch.
In any case, about those reviews which I missed. Check A.O. Scott at the New York Times, "When Greed Was Good (and Fun): DiCaprio Stars in Scorsese’s ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’"; Richard Brody at the New Yorker, "The Wild, Brilliant 'Wolf of Wall Street'"; and Betsy Sharkey at the Los Angeles Times, "Review: Scorsese, DiCaprio go hunting in 'Wolf of Wall Street'."

RELATED: At Business Week, "Jordan Belfort, the Real Wolf of Wall Street," and William D. Cohan, at the New York Times, "The Tame Truth About the Wolves of Wall Street."

Progressivism: Greatest Source of Death and Terror in the Twentieth Century

From Donald Sensing, "Progressivism means death and terror":
The irony of progressivism is that its policies almost always entail a return to the bad ideas and corrupt practices of ancient times. It is old barbarism in a new guise. What exactly is new about euthanizing the elderly, killing babies, celebrating promiscuity, and so forth? Even its more sophisticated notions of a “living Constitution” and a collectivist federal government (ideas which are hallmarks of the American Progressive movement) are simply glorified versions of tyrannies well known to the ancients.
And remember, such collectivist tyranny is always facilitated by the happy face of leftist fascism.

Click through for the full article at the link.

If you're shopping today...

Just click my Amazon store link below.

And if you're looking for books, may I recommend Gordon Wood's, The Radicalism of the American Revolution.

Or perhaps, Alan Taylor's magisterial, William Cooper's Town: Power and Persuasion on the Frontier of the Early American Republic.

'A Bikini A Day' Founder Devin Brugman Blasts Bodacious Bikini in Miami Beach

At Egotastic!, "Devin Brugman in a Black Bikini on Miami Beach."

Here's her Tumblr, A Bikini A Day, which apparently took off upon launch.

More at The 305, "GIRLS: Devin Brugman of A Bikini A Day – (68 Photos)."

The Left's Failing Economic 'Wreakovery' After Five Years

From Michelle Malkin, "5 years later: How’s that Wreckovery working out for ya?":

 photo Poster_Redistribute_Employment_450_zpsee2f5423.jpg
On Feb. 17, 2009, President Obama promised the sun and the moon and the stars. That was the day, five years ago, when he signed the $800 billion “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.” President Modesty called it “the most sweeping economic recovery package in our history.” He promised “unprecedented transparency and accountability.” He claimed the spending would lift “two million Americans from poverty.” Ready for the reality smackdown?

The actual cost of the $800 billion pork-laden stimulus has ballooned to nearly $2 trillion. At the time of the law’s signing, the unemployment rate hovered near 8 percent. Obama’s egghead economists projected that the jobless rate would never rise above 8 percent and would plunge to 5 percent by December 2013. The actual jobless rate in January was 6.6 percent, with an abysmal labor force participation rate of 63 percent (a teeny uptick from December, but still at a four-decade low).

Five years after the Recovery Act, 10.2 million people are out of work. The number of able-bodied Americans who have simply given up looking for work or are “not in the labor force (but) who currently want a job” has exploded. By some estimates, a record 90 million-plus people are hopelessly sitting on the sidelines.

The unemployment rate for black Americans is 12.1 percent: nearly double the national rate. The Obama campaign excoriated President George W. Bush when it exceeded 10 percent under his watch. The black teen jobless rate is now a whopping record 38 percent. Some 50 million Americans remain below the poverty level. And 47 million are now on food stamps, a third more than when Obama first took office in the halcyon days of Hope and Change.

After $150 billion in stimulus and other spending on green energy boondoggles, what does the White House have to show for it? According to The Green Corruption Files blog, 32 Obama-backed environmental firms have gone bankrupt as of February 2014. These include crony-clogged Solyndra at a cost to taxpayers of $535 million; Beacon Power, $240 million; Abound Solar, $400 million-plus; Fisker Auto, $529 million; A123, $250 million; ECOtality, $100 million; and Ener1, $118.5 million. In addition, 22 other Obama green energy projects are now in dire financial trouble.

Unprecedented transparency? Section 1513 of the Recovery Act required the White House to submit a progress report every three months. Last year, blogger Doug Powers noted: “Under their own guidelines, the administration should have released 14 of these reports by now, but they’ve only submitted eight of them for public review.” Whatevs.

Obama promised an avalanche of “shovel-ready” jobs to build vital infrastructure before signing the Recovery Act. Instead, stimulus money went to wasteful makework and non-work, including: bridges to nowhere; a California project to photograph ants; a University of North Carolina computerized dance program; a privately owned martini bar and Brazilian steakhouse in Missouri; a bogus New Hampshire beauty school; and renovations to Vice President Joe Biden’s favorite Amtrak train station in Delaware. Somehow, stimulus “Sheriff” Biden overlooked the hundreds of millions in stimulus money steered to General Services Administrations junkets in Las Vegas and Hawaii, ghost congressional districts, dead people, and those ubiquitous stimulus propaganda road signs stamped with the shovel-ready logo.

In 2012, Ohio State University economics professor Bill Dupor reported that more than three-quarters of the jobs created or saved by the stimulus were government jobs. Dupor and another colleague also concluded that the massive wealth redistribution scheme “destroyed/forestalled roughly one million private sector jobs” by siphoning tax dollars “to offset state revenue shortfalls and Medicaid increases rather than boost private sector employment.”
America's being taken for a ride by liars and collectivists. But I repeat myself.

More at the link.

IMAGE CREDIT: The People's Cube.

Failing — Flailing! — Leftists Turn to Oppression to Silence Dissent

From Kurt Schlicter, at Town Hall, "Failing Liberals Turn to Oppression to Hold Onto Power":
If you’re a conservative, you don't need to silence the opposition.

In fact, we conservatives want liberals to talk, to make buffoons of themselves, to prove their folly. We want liberals to expound upon their ridiculous ideas, to show the world exactly what they're about. Nancy Pelosi? Give that tiresome woman a microphone. Chatty liberals are the best advertisement for conservatism.

But liberals just can’t have conservatives speaking. We’ll tell the truth, and that’s why liberals need to shut us up.

Their traditional intimidation tactics are wearing out. Calling someone a “racist” used to be a devastating moral indictment. Liberals’ promiscuous employment of the word first turned it into a cliché and then into an ironic punchline.

I know, saying that out loud is racist. And sexist. And cisgender heteronormative, whatever the hell that means.

So now liberals have stepped up to formal governmental repression. Take the IRS scandal – or ex-scandal, in the eyes of the mainstream media. The Obama administration, at the urging of red state Democrat senators who are about to lose their seats because of their track records of failure, are doing everything they can to turn the taxman loose on the organizations that are pointing out their track records of failure.

Sure, the liberals come up with excuses, with justifications, with rationales for this prima facie oppression. But understand that the left was never against political repression. The left is only against being repressed itself.

It’s open season on everyone else. Don't dare bow down to god whose name isn’t spelled "G – O – V – E – R – N – M – E – N – T." Today’s heretic hunters work for Kathleen Sebelius, ready to burn you at the stake for expecting grown men and women to come up with the dough for their own contraceptives. No one expects the HHS Inquisition!

The Federal Communications Commission just floated a trial balloon about going out to radio and television stations to evaluate reporters on how they cover the news. There was a time when journalists' response to a government inquiry into how they did their job would be "Go to hell, you goose-stepping bureaucratic flunky."

Not anymore. Now, their response is slavish submission to their progressive governmental dominatrix. When supposedly independent, iconoclastic liberal journalists let themselves to be dominated by the feds, their safeword is “Hillary.”

Liberalism has to muzzle the truth because it operates on lies. It is built on lies, fueled by lies, and creates an empire of lies.
Well, lying liars lie. That's what they do.

Keep reading.

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro Expels Three U.S. Officials

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Venezuela president expels three US consular officials."

And at the New York Times, "Venezuelan Leader Announces Expulsion of 3 U.S. Officials."

RELATED: At the Daily Beast, "Is This the End of Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela?"

Still more, at Instapundit, "NEWS FROM THE SOCIALIST PARADISE: Police seek Venezuela opposition leader as he tweets defiance."

Ethiopian Airlines Flight 702 Hijacked and Flown to Geneva

At the Wall Street Journal, "Authorities: Co-Pilot Took Control of Ethiopian Airlines Plane, Wanted Asylum: Police Arrest Co-Pilot of Flight 702 After Flight Forced to Land in Geneva."

Also at the Los Angeles Times, "Ethiopian plane hijacked to Geneva by co-pilot."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Vladimir Luxuria, Italian Transgender Communist, Arrested in Sochi for Flaunting 'Gay is OK' Banner

Like Marx said, destroy the family, bring down bourgeois capitalism.

According to Wikipedia:
Luxuria was a Communist Refoundation Party member of the Italian parliament, belonging to Romano Prodi's L'Unione coalition. She was the first openly transgender member of Parliament in Europe, and the world's second openly transgender MP after New Zealander Georgina Beyer. She lost her seat in the election of April, 2008.

Although Luxuria lives exclusively as a female, she has not undergone sex change surgery remaining physically and legally male. She has stated on occasion that she perceives herself as neither male nor female.
That gives you a little background on this disgusting trans-derp. They're always so flame-boyantly in-your-face about everthing, sheesh. Yet another depraved Communist homosexual.

See the Wall Street Journal, "Italian Gay-Rights Group Says Activist Was Detained, Released in Sochi: Former Parliament Member Vladimir Luxuria Was Protesting Russia Law Banning Gay 'Propaganda'":

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An Italian gay-rights association said Sunday that Vladimir Luxuria, a former Italian member of parliament who is a transgendered gay-rights activist, was detained but later released by police in Sochi after unfurling a banner that said "gay is okay."

Flavio Romani of Arcigay-Associazione LGBT said that in a phone conversation on Sunday, Luxuria told him she was being held at a detention center in or near Sochi. Romani later said that Luxuria had been freed with no charges. Sochi police couldn't be reached for comment. Luxuria didn't respond to requests for comment.

Luxuria, who is transgendered, stood outside the main spectator entrance to the Olympics this weekend clad in a skirt with gay-pride rainbow colors waiving a rainbow umbrella and fan. Russians who were on their way to Saturday's U.S.-Russia hockey game stopped to take pictures with her. A few Olympic volunteers huddled nearby watching the scene, but didn't ask Luxuria to leave.

"I have come here with a rainbow flag because a man named Vladimir Putin is homophobic," she said.

When approached by The Wall Street Journal outside the Olympic Park on Saturday, Luxuria said she felt she might be arrested under a controversial law signed last year banning "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations." The law mandates fines for speaking in defense of gay rights or saying gay relationships are equal to heterosexual ones in front of minors. Critics say the bill is written so broadly that it could be used to crack down on nearly any public expressions of support for gay rights.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in January that gays should feel welcome at the Olympics so long as they "leave the children in peace."
More from the New York Times, "Transgender Former Member of Italian Parliament Detained in Sochi."

And from the excitable hate-addled extremist John Aravosis, at AmericaFlog, "Russians 'brutally' arrest former Italian member of parliament at Sochi Olympics."

Yes, "brutally." But don't those brutes like it that way?

What Happened to the Last Tasmanian Tiger?

A fascinating piece at Robert Krulwich's blog, "You're The Last. The Very Last One. Now What Happens?":
Tasmanian tigers weren't tigers. They were pouch-bearing (like kangaroos), doglike animals with tiger stripes on their backs. The last one was captured in 1933, we think, in southwestern Tasmania, south of Australia, taken to a zoo, and put in a cage. Here it is, three years before it died, in a 42-second film. As you'll see, it shows not the slightest sign of winking out: It's alert, very present, pacing about:

More at the link. The "tiger's" body was not preserved upon its death. Simply thrown away. Good thing there's a video clip, sheesh.

And check that link for the fate of two other extinct species, the auk and the passenger pigeon. Weird. I wonder how many other species have died out since then that we don't even know about. Probably countless examples, especially of organisms of unrelated phyla, like insects or worms.

'Snake Salvation' Pastor Jamie Coots Dead of Snake Bite

He was a snake-handling preacher who believed in faith healing. He bit the dust after a fatal snake bite.

Talk about practicing what you preach, man.


At the Lexington Herald-Leader, "Jamie Coots, well-known Middlesboro preacher, dies from snakebite":

A well-known snake-handling preacher from Middlesboro died after being bitten during a church service Saturday evening, according to police.

Jamie Coots was bitten on his right hand by a snake, according to a news release.

An ambulance crew and firefighters tried to talk Coots into going to the hospital, but he refused treatment, police said.

That is common among members of snake-handling churches, who believe in faith healing.

Coots, a third-generation snake handler, pastored a small church in Middlesboro.

He had been prominent among the small, close-knit circle of snake-handling churches in Eastern Kentucky, West Virginia, East Tennessee and Alabama for years, but he gained wider notice last year though a television program called “Snake Salvation” on the National Geographic Channel, which profiled Coots and his beliefs.

Paramedics were called to Coots’ church about 8:30 p.m. Saturday to check on a report someone had been bitten by a snake.

By the time they arrived, Coots had gone to his home nearby. The ambulance crew and firefighters went to his home, according to a news release from Middlesboro police.

The emergency responders told Coots about the danger of not going to the hospital, but he refused to go, police said.

The emergency crews left the house at 9:10 p.m. Authorities received a call less than an hour later indicating Coots had died, according to police. Coots was pronounced dead at his home...

Crazed Camel Attacks Man in Palmdale

Posted to YouTube here.

Pretty wild.

'All else being equal, it's better to avoid long-term hormone therapy and major surgery that removes a lot of tissue...'

That seems like good advice when you're trying to help your gender dysphoric pre-adolescent child.

But no!

To even raise these serious physical and psychological concerns makes you a transmisogynist hater! A disgusting evil hater, says (the major paragon of progressive tolerance) Professor of Political Science Scott Lemieux at Lawyers, Gays and Marxists, "Hateful Cranks, CanCon Edition":
Most of you probably haven’t heard of Margaret Wente, who I think Canadian journalism received in exchange for Charles Krauthammer and a hack to be named later...
Well, don't worry if you haven't previously heard of Margaret Wente, because Lemieux's here to assure you that she's a certified reactionary hater™!

Keep reading at the link (via Memeorandum).

And then, when you come down from the ecstasy of your two-minute hate, go over and read what certified reactionary hater Margaret Wente actually wrote, for example:
Suddenly transgender kids are everywhere – in the news, on Dr. Phil and in your neighbourhood. School boards have developed detailed transgender policies. Clinics to treat transgender kids have sprung up. A condition that used to be vanishingly rare, perhaps one in 10,000 children or less, now seems common. In a random sampling of 6th- to 8th-graders in San Francisco, kids were asked if they identified as male, female or transgendered – 1.3 per cent checked off the transgendered box.

What’s going on? To find out, I sat down with Dr. Ken Zucker, one of the world’s foremost authorities on gender identity issues in children and adolescents...

Gender dysphoria (formerly known as gender identity disorder) means being at odds with your biological sex. It’s not the same as being born with ambivalent genitalia, or being gay. The popular shorthand is “being born in the wrong body,” although that formulation probably does more harm than good. Sex-reassignment treatment is appropriate for some (although by no means all) adults who are unhappy with their gender identity, and some go on to live significantly happier lives.

But for kids, especially younger ones, the issue is much more problematic. Gender confusion is often temporary. About three-quarters of little kids who have issues with their gender – boys who want to be princesses, girls who throw their dresses in the garbage – will be comfortable with it by adolescence, according to Dr. Zucker. (Many of them will grow up to be gay or bi.) Gender confusion can also be a handy label for whatever ails a child (or her family). That’s why Dr. Zucker takes a watch-and-wait approach. He even advises parents of princessy six-year-olds to say, “You’re not a girl. You’re a boy.”

And in the hotly politicized world of gender politics, that makes him, in many people’s eyes, a dangerous reactionary. They argue that a child’s identity must be honoured, and that treatment should start sooner rather than later. They equate the watch-and-wait approach with the widely discredited practice of reparative therapy, which was a failed effort to turn gay kids straight. With the advent of powerful new drugs that delay puberty, the stakes in this debate are even higher. Start them early on puberty-blocking drugs, and their eventual transition will be easier. But which kids? What if you’re pushing them on a path they don’t need to go down? At what point do you start taking life-altering decisions for a child that will have enormous physical, social and emotional consequences?

Alice Dreger is a bioethicist and professor at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. She calls herself an (im)patient advocate who prefers evidence to ideology. She is a strong supporter of transgender rights. But she thinks the pendulum has swung too far.

One reason is that social norms have dramatically changed. It is now fashionable to embrace your diverse child. Parents who encourage their kids to change gender “are socially rewarded as wonderful and accepting,” while parents who try to take it slow “are seen as unaccepting, lacking in affection and conservative,” she says.

These days, parents who don’t like the slow-and-careful answer can shop for another one. Ms. Dreger is highly critical of what she calls the “hasty clinics,” which are happy to help a kid transition right away. “Parents don’t like uncertainty,” she says. “They’d rather be told, ‘Here’s the diagnosis, and it’s all gonna turn out fine.’” Teenagers can find fast help, too. Plenty of doctors are happy to help them out with hormone treatments just for the asking.

For some people, including some adolescents, transgender treatment is lifesaving. But these treatments are neither simple nor benign. They may, among other things, retard maturation, suppress your growth or render you sterile. And in the end, medical science cannot create a body that makes you forget you were born the other sex. “Some kids need it, but for the kids who don’t, it’s dangerous,” she says. “All else being equal, it’s better to avoid long-term hormone therapy and major surgery that removes a lot of tissue.”
Oh, preferring evidence to ideology? That is so evil you certified reactionary hater™!

I mean omg! How dare you use medical science? Only certified reactionary haters would dare to question the nurturing, loving politically correct zeitgeist of childhood transgender-norming movement! Traditional parents concerned about their child's emotional and physical well being? Certified reactionary haters™!

But hey, be sure to read the whole thing, you certified reactionary hater: "Transgender kids: Have we gone too far?"