Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Reince Priebus and Newt Gingrich Reportly Planning 'Trump Intervention' After 'Disastrous 48 Hours'

Following-up, "Here's Jonathan Karl on the Trump Campaign Pandemonium, Mentioned Earlier (VIDEO)."

Here's the latest, from Bloomberg, "Priebus, Gingrich Said Planning Trump Intervention: NBC":
RNC Chair Reince Priebus, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani hope to persuade Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to reset his campaign, NBC reports, citing unidentified sources.
Here's the NBC report, "Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours."

Earlier at ABC it was a disastrous "24 hours." Now NBC's going with the "48 hours."

Hell, the whole year's been disastrous from the left's perspective. I'll concede though that MSM types really think Trump's going down for the count this time.

Trump Was Cracking Wise About the Crying Baby, But for the Leftist Media it's DEFCON 3 (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Here's Jonathan Karl on the Trump Campaign Pandemonium, Mentioned Earlier (VIDEO)."

Here's more on the Trump pandemonium at ABC News, "24 Hours of Trouble for Donald Trump."

I saw the video yesterday, but thinking more about it now, and really seeing it in context, he wasn't just speaking his mind. He was mostly just joking around. Yeah, the baby screaming was a nuisance, but he made light of it. That's his personal side. You don't see the personal side of politicians. I've been around them for two decades now, and they're the most guarded people you'll ever see. That is, they're totally fake. They won't utter a word that might damage their electoral prospects. It's stultifying. And that's why Trump's such a breath of fresh air.

I tweeted it yesterday, but today I'm seeing the lighter side of this. For the MSM hacks, there's no humor in politics. They've literally got to destroy The Donald.

Here's Jonathan Karl on the Trump Campaign Pandemonium, Mentioned Earlier (VIDEO)

Previously, "Top Republican Party Officials Exploring Options Should Donald Trump Quit."

ABC News finally uploaded the videos.

Watch, "Donald Trump Feuds With the GOP."

The party's biggest "frustration" is that while Hillary's totally vulnerable, and the GOP's got the best chance at the White House in a decade, Trump keeps committed these "unforced errors."

I only agree up to a point. The so-called "errors" are magnified exponentially, while blockbuster reports on Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are almost completely ignored. Case in point: the administration's stunning $400 million ransom payment to Iran, blogged here, "Obama Administration Secretly Shipped $400 Million in Cash to Iran as Hostages Were Released."

Jessica Simpson Almost Got a Breast Reduction

Which would've been a national tragedy, heh.

At Us Weekly, "Jessica Simpson revealed in the September 2016 issue of Women’s Health magazine that she once considered getting a breast reduction, but ultimately decided against going under the knife."

Here's the cover shot at Women's Health.

PREVIOUSLY: "Looking Great! Jessica Simpson Posts Revealing Photo on Twitter Days After Confirming She's Expecting Second Child."

She's a glorious woman.

#Angels' Cam Bedrosian Shuts Down #Oakland A's to Record First Career Save (VIDEO)

I guess Huston Street's gone on the DL since that disastrous blown save on Sunday.

Cam Bedrosian was in to close last night. The Angels were ahead 5-4, so it was a maximum save situation. And boy did Bedrosian come through. It was very nice.

From Susan Slusser, at the San Francisco Chronicle, "Poor defense leads to A’s 4th loss in row - and why Marcus Semien is unlikely to get a break soon."

And from Pedro Moura, at the Los Angeles Times, "Marte, Bandy homer while Bedrosian closes the door in Angels' win."

Plus, video at MLB, "8/2/16: Bandy, Marte homer to power Angels past A's."

Collette Francisco, 9-Years-Old, Brought to Tears by Puppy for Her Birthday (VIDEO)

At London's Daily Mail, "'Tell me this is not a dream!' Heartwarming moment a nine-year-old girl is left in tears after finally getting the puppy she always wanted."

And on YouTube, "Girl Bought to Tears as She Receives Dog for Birthday."

Donald Trump Won't Back Down on Khizr Kahn

Again, I'll post more as the morning rolls on, but leftist MSM types are truly in their element amid the so-called Trump campaign meltdown.

I read this NYT piece, which is interesting, FWIW.

It's worth a read, in any case, for some background. The "Khantroversy" is supposed to be the "gravest crisis" of the campaign.

Muslims Firebombed Bus in Paris Last Week; U.S. Media Dead Silent, Lest They Hurt Hillary's Campaign

Well, here's the video on Twitter, "BREAKING: Muslims Firebomb Bus in Paris yelling Allahu Akbar."

And at Gateway Pundit, "BREAKING: Muslims Firebomb Bus in Paris (VIDEO)."

But the story dates back to July 28th, which was the same day as Hillary's acceptance speech in Philadelphia.

At France Bleu, "Un bus de la RATP incendié à Saint-Denis." And Le Figaro, "Un bus incendié dans une cité de Saint-Denis."

Arutz Sheva has it thins morning, however, "Watch: French teens set bus ablaze, shout 'Allahu Akhbar' - Muslim teenagers threw a molotov cocktail at a bus in Paris, screaming "Allahu Akhbar." The bus became a conflagration."

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency Guide to Avoid Deporation

Well, if you're illegal, you'll be safe at schools, daycare facilities, hospitals, and places of worship (church sanctuaries), at the least.

Here's the website, "U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Sensitive Locations FAQs."

Via Instapundit, "HENCE, TRUMP: Obama Admin Has Online Guide Telling Illegals Where They Can Avoid Deportation."

Sarah McDaniel for Treats Magazine

At London's Daily Mail, "Playboy's clothed cover girl FINALLY poses naked: Model who starred as first non-nude Playmate of the Month strips down for very sexy shoot in Treats! magazine."


RELATED: "Playboy Magazine's First Non-Nude Issue."

The Fruits of Unfettered Immigration

At Cold Fury, "NOT WHO WE ARE: The fruits of unfettered immigration":
I mentioned a grim prediction from Vox in an update to an earlier post. This one is…uhh, grimmer? More grim?
It’s hard for the older generation to realize things are as bad as they are. Trapped in memories and increasing isolation, they have no idea what the USA has become. It’s all but impossible for the younger generation to realize what they have lost, or more precisely, of what they have been robbed.

Conservatives have betrayed America. Progressives have destroyed it. What remains is the tattered remnants of a nation that still cannot grasp that not only is it not stronger, healthier, and more powerful than ever before, but it is on the verge of collapsing under the weight of its invaders. The USA is like a cancer-stricken patient whose oncologist keeps assuring him that the cancer cells are white blood cells that are strengthening his immune system...

Mike writes, "He’s gonna get accused of all sorts of racism for the rest of it. But not by me. I don’t necessarily agree with every last word of it, but I think it’s on the beam overall."

Woman is Strangled to Death and Dumped in a Bog Marsh While Going for a Jog in Broad Daylight in New York

Well, the crime rate's going back up in New York, so this is no surprise.

Bratton quit yesterday too, so weird timing.

At London's Daily Mail, "Woman is murdered after going for an evening jog near her New York City home: Karina Vetrano, 30, vanished yesterday while jogging near Howard Beach."

And on Twitter:

Donald Trump Campaign Memo Calls on Surrogates to Make 'Urgent Pivot'

Well, it's apparently pandemonium at the Trump campaign, which is why I got up early to blog. I'll be posting links and such throughout the morning, until I get tired and go back to bed.

For now, though, here's Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "Team Trump to surrogates: Operation Urgent Pivot has begun."

Top Republican Party Officials Exploring Options Should Donald Trump Quit

I don't think Trump's a quitter.

And we still have three more months until the election. The mass media hacks arre out to get his scalp, if it's the last thing they do.

At Bloomberg, "Senior GOP Officials Exploring Options If Trump Drops Out: ABC News":
“I am told that senior officials at the party are actively exploring what would happen if Trump dropped out, how to replace him on the ballot,” ABC News’ Jonathan Karl says on “Good Morning America.”
I don't see video; it's still early on the West Coast.

But on Twitter:

Michelle Goldberg Puts Mother of 5-Year-Old Migrant Rape Victim on Trial

From Pamela Geller, at Breitbart, "Slate Puts Mother of 5-Year-Old Rape Victim on Trial":

Michelle Goldberg photo 51dd04fa-9233-46fe-853b-e91af3c2dd53_zpsg9sjr93m.jpg
Slate magazine on Sunday published “If You Want to Live Here, You Need to Live by the Rules Here,” a 5,000-plus word exposition of the Muslim migrant rape case in Twin Falls, Idaho. Author Michelle Goldberg subtitles her piece: “A sexual assault case involving refugee children in Idaho. A microcosm of America in the age of Trump.” That tells you all you need to know: Goldberg and Slate are using this case to demonize opposition to the Democrats’ suicidal policies regarding Muslim migrants.

Goldberg doesn’t care about the five-year-old rape victim in Twin Falls in the slightest degree. In fact, throughout her lengthy piece and in texts with the victim’s mother, she puts this little girl and her family on trial.

Goldberg’s agenda is further exposed by the fact that throughout her wordy article, she doesn’t deign to include a full description of the attack itself. The closest Golberg comes to this is her account of the victim’s mother’s brief description of the video that the attackers took while they were raping the girl: “Her fiancé, she said, told her it showed oral sex as well as their daughter being urinated on.” But Goldberg follows this with prosecuting attorney Grant Loebs waxing “indignant at all the misrepresentations still swirling around about the case. ‘I’m a lifelong conservative Republican, and the behavior of the right-wing alternative press on this is atrocious.’” Loebs’ own dishonesty I have shown in a previous article.

The full exchange between Goldberg and the victim’s mother, whom Goldberg calls “Lori,” reveals how manipulative and deceitful Goldberg is. In text messages since shared with me, Goldberg appears determined to make the rape charge out to be some kind of cynical money-making scheme, questioning Lori about the GoFundMe page that was set up for the family — as if the family was claiming their daughter was raped by Muslim migrants only to make money. Goldberg presses Lori about the one-day suspension of the GoFundMe page in the wake of false charges that the rape claim was a “hoax” – was Goldberg hoping to expose the whole thing as a “hoax” as well?

In reality, the family is desperately poor and have not yet been able to move out of their apartment, where they have been living right next door to the rape suspect. Without any resources or powerful allies, they are going up against the well-greased leftist/Islamic machine in the media, law enforcement, refugee resettlement programs, and more.

In her text exchange, Goldberg repeatedly tries to manipulate Lori into reflecting Goldberg’s point of view. She disputes Lori’s account of what happening, at one point asking, “Wait, I thought there was no rape?” Lori has to remind her (spelling as in original): “Forced oral sex is a rape mam.”

Meanwhile, the victim’s mother told me this: “This is what my daughter has told me: that they grabbed her at knifepoint and forced her into the laundry room and told her that if she tried to leave, they would kill her. The seven-year-old boy took her clothes off. She tells me he put his private in her mouth and peed in her mouth, and put it in her private, and then peed all over her. And she said they recorded her, too… She also told the emergency room CARES doctor that they had a knife as well, and they found on her neck a cut. Then the day after, they claimed it was a scratch, when in fact it looked like a cut.”

Lori’s fiancée told me what he saw on the video: “I watched the 8-year-old boy push my daughter up against a wall and pull her pants down and his pants down; he then attempted to penetrate her from behind. She was able to run away and crouch in a corner shaking in fear while the boy danced around naked laughing at her. I stopped watching after that.”

How is it that Goldberg found these facts unremarkable, too insignificant to report?

Goldberg repeatedly asks Lori manipulative questions designed to depict Lori as having an anti-refugee agenda: “I’m just asking if you agree with those who want to make it a story about refugees, or if they’re taking advantage of your family’s tragedy.” “Are they not being charged because they’re refugees, or because they are minors?” “Did you worry about having people from the Middle East in your complex before, or only since this happened?”

Then in her article, Goldberg compares Cambodian refugees of the 1980s to what’s happening now. But this is a whole other thing: no previous group of refugees or immigrants has had a holy book that sanctions the sexual enslavement of non-believing women (cf. Quran 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). Goldberg does not, of course, discuss that. Instead, she writes: “At first glance, it might seem like an odd idea to bring traumatized foreigners to a remote, conservative American farming town.” But don’t worry: Michelle Goldberg will convince you otherwise.

Goldberg quotes Zeze Rwasama, whom she identifies as “the director of the CSI Refugee Center and a Congolese refugee himself,” saying: “The integration process happens faster than in big cities,” he said. “In small towns like this, everyone knows everyone. People are approachable.” Yeah, and rape-able, with a political and media machine ready to come to the aid of the rapist.

Further tilting the playing field, Goldberg writes: “Refugee advocates insist that the vast majority of Twin Falls citizens support the newcomers.” Who are these “advocates”? Has there been a vote, a referendum?

Zeroing in on her agenda, Goldberg also says: “This mounting demonization of refugees in Twin Falls has coincided, of course, with the rise of Donald Trump.” Of course, blame Trump. The fact is, this is not a which-came-first, the chicken or the egg thing. Anti-jihad and anti-sharia sentiment led to the rise of Trump, not the other way around. But Goldberg relentlessly pushes her agenda, looking for witnesses who call members of the counter-jihad group ACT “pure racists.” It’s plain slander.

Who is really looking to exploit the story here?
Goldberg's vile.

Really vile. Her book, "The Means of Reproduction," literally made me want to throw up while I was reading it.

But keep reading Pamela, in any case.

Plus, more here.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Not All U.S. Muslim Soldiers Are Equal

From Michelle Malkin:
Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient Captain Humayun Khan died heroically. But his exceptional courage in Iraq and his Muslim father’s post-Democratic convention histrionics on TV do not erase the security threat posed by killer warriors of Allah infiltrating our troops.

Don’t take my word for it. Ask all the forgotten Gold Star moms and dads who have lost their children because politically correct pushovers at the Pentagon looked the other way at the Muslim military menace.

Don’t take my word for it. Just re-read the ignored warnings issued by Muslim soldier Nidal Hasan, the vengeful mass murderer who gunned down 13 service members — including a pregnant private first class who lost her life and her child — and wounded more than 30 others at Fort Hood in 2009.

Two years before his rampage, while a senior-year medical school resident in psychology, U.S. Army Major Hasan delivered a 50-slide PowerPoint presentation to classmates and military superiors at Walter Reed. It was titled “The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military.” Quoting chapter and verse, Hasan illuminated “what the Koran inculcates in the minds of Muslims and the potential implications this may have for the U.S. military.”

Hasan cited the Verse of the Sword (“I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah”), explained “offensive” and “defensive” jihad and summarized the concept of “abrogation” — in which warring verses of the Quran trumped “peaceful verses.”

In Slide 11, Hasan bemoaned: “It’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims.”

Slide 48 warned: “If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that they are fighting for God against injustices of the ‘infidels;’ i.e.: enemies of Islam, then Muslims can become a potent adversary i.e.: suicide bombing, etc. We love death more then you love life!”
Under Conclusions, Hasan recommended that the Department of Defense “allow Muslim Soldiers the option of being released as ‘conscientious objectors’ to increase troop morale and decrease adverse events.” Cowed military superiors ignored the presentation, just as they had dismissed complaints from fellow students who noted Hasan’s exaltation of Sharia over the Constitution and support for suicide bombings.

“Adverse events” was Hasan’s euphemism for bloody jihad attacks and betrayals by Muslim soldiers against their own fellow U.S. soldiers. He included a case I’ve never forgotten: Traitor Hasan Akbar, the 326th Engineer Battalion Muslim-American soldier who lobbed stolen hand grenades and shot his M-4 automatic rifle into three tents filled with sleeping commanding officers at the 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade operations center in Kuwait in 2003.

Capt. Christopher Seifert, 27, and Maj. Gregory Stone, 40, died during the fragging. Fourteen others suffered wounds from grenade shrapnel.

Willful blindness to a Muslim-American soldier’s fundamental internal conflict of loyalties led to those murders and injuries. Despite several incidents of insubordination and prior invocation of his Islamic beliefs to skip out of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Akbar’s superiors sent him to Kuwait — and put him in charge of clearing land mines.

A decade later, in 2013, former Muslim-American Navy veteran Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and an accomplice were convicted of plotting to kill officers and employees at a Seattle military recruiting center. The would-be killers wanted to retaliate against “the American military presence in the Middle East” and to prevent our troops “from going to Islamic lands and killing Muslims.” The co-conspirators cited Nidal Hasan’s Fort Hood attack as inspiration.

In March, U.S. Air Force vet and avionics weapons systems expert Tairod Nathan Webster Pugh, who declared himself a “Mujahid,” was convicted of providing material support to ISIS. Last spring, 22-year-old Army National Guard specialist Hasan Edmonds was arrested on his way overseas to join the Islamic State. He had plotted attacks on his Illinois National Guard Armory, police stations and courts.

Over the years, I’ve reported on many more of Allah’s soldiers in American uniforms, including...
Keep reading.

Boy Shouts 'Take That Bitch Down!' (i.e., Hillary Clinton) at Donald Trump Rally; Leftist Media Goes Nuts

Look, we had eight years of the left's "climate of hate" when George W. Bush was in office, and now all of a sudden mainstream media outlets are outraged that some kid yelled "take that bitch down!" at a Donald Trump campaign rally?

Because, you know, we have an "objective" press.

At WSJ, "Boy’s Crude Chant Draws Attention at Trump Rally."

Obama Administration Secretly Shipped $400 Million in Cash to Iran as Hostages Were Released

And this was the same weekend that the administration concluded the nuclear disarmament accord with Tehran.

So, the U.S. paid ransom, in cold-hard cash, which just happened to grease the palms of Iranian arms negotiators.

The Wall Street Journal has the bombshell story, "U.S. Sent Cash to Iran as Americans Were Freed":

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward.

Wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies were flown into Iran on an unmarked cargo plane, according to these officials. The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland, they said.

The money represented the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran to resolve a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed just before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

The settlement, which resolved claims before an international tribunal in The Hague, also coincided with the formal implementation that same weekend of the landmark nuclear agreement reached between Tehran, the U.S. and other global powers the summer before.

“With the nuclear deal done, prisoners released, the time was right to resolve this dispute as well,” President Barack Obama said at the White House on Jan. 17—without disclosing the $400 million cash payment.

Senior U.S. officials denied any link between the payment and the prisoner exchange. They say the way the various strands came together simultaneously was coincidental, not the result of any quid pro quo.

“As we’ve made clear, the negotiations over the settlement of an outstanding claim…were completely separate from the discussions about returning our American citizens home,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said. “Not only were the two negotiations separate, they were conducted by different teams on each side, including, in the case of The Hague claims, by technical experts involved in these negotiations for many years.”

But U.S. officials also acknowledge that Iranian negotiators on the prisoner exchange said they wanted the cash to show they had gained something tangible.

Sen. Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas and a fierce foe of the Iran nuclear deal, accused President Barack Obama of paying “a $1.7 billion ransom to the ayatollahs for U.S. hostages.”

“This break with longstanding U.S. policy put a price on the head of Americans, and has led Iran to continue its illegal seizures” of Americans, he said.

Since the cash shipment, the intelligence arm of the Revolutionary Guard has arrested two more Iranian-Americans. Tehran has also detained dual-nationals from France, Canada and the U.K. in recent months...
Keep reading.

Megyn Kelly's been covering this, with Marc Thiessen on right now laughing at the administration's denials of a quid pro quo.

I'll have updates, because this should be a blockbuster story with lots of staying power, but with the leftist Democrat media complex, it's practically crickets with stuff like this.

How's the 2016 Election College Map Shaping Up? (VIDEO)

Greta Van Susteren was on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" yesterday.

Cenk Uygur predicted a Donald Trump win in the Electoral College, and Greta agrees with his analysis going forward (not as of yesterday though).

Watch, on Twitter, "How is the 2016 election shaping up? Share your fantasy electoral map with us."

Meanwhile, I've never heard of Mike Shannon, but he's predicting a Hillary Clinton blowout in the fall.

I've gotta say, after that NBC poll with the 8-point spread this morning, and that was after CNN's poll Sunday with the 9-point spread, it's definitely not going too well for Trump right now.

But we'll see. We'll see.

I would say that race is going to remain neck-and-neck going into the late-summer stretch, but the media is intent to pick apart every word Trump utters for political incorrectness, and it's going to have an effect.

Doutzen Kroes Bikini Paddleboarding in Ibiza

She's nice.

At the Sun U.K., "Stunning supermodel Doutzen Kroes reveals her incredible bikini body in Ibiza with husband Sunnery James and their children."

And Egotastic!, "Doutzen Kroes Paddleboarding."

Deal of the Day: Noon Virtual Reality Headset [BUMPED]

At Amazon, NOON VR - Virtual Reality Headset (NVRG-01).

And, Thermos Back to School Sale.

Also, Michael Holt, The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and the Onset of the Civil War.

Richard Ben Cramer, What It Takes: The Way to the White House.

More, from John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime, and Double Down: Game Change 2012.

John Sides and Lynn Vavreck, The Gamble: Choice and Chance in the 2012 Presidential Election.

BONUS: Theodore White, The Making of the President 1960.

Khizr Khan Scrubs Law Firm's Website from the Internet


You think he might've thought about this before trashing Donald Trump?

At Breitbart, "Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration."

Also, at Pat Dollard, "EXPOSED: Unhinged Trump Hater Khizr Khan Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Pushing Sharia, Immigration Jihad."

Walid Shoebat's doing the yeoman's work on this. I linked him up here, "Kizhr Khan Khantroversy Nontroversy."

Khizr Khan photo khan-law-shariah-575x729_zpscyo5ijyz.jpg

Long and Difficult Battle to Beat 'Entrenched' Islamic State in Libya (VIDEO)

I think we're getting a little "wag the dog" action from the Obama White House.

It's not like ISIS just hunkered down in Libya yesterday, or anything.

At WSJ, "Libya, U.S. Face Entrenched Islamic State":

Even with the U.S. launching airstrikes on an Islamic State stronghold in Libya, the battle to uproot the extremists from the oil-rich North African nation is expected to be long and difficult.

The U.S. began the attacks on Monday and struck again on Tuesday in support of a ground offensive to retake Sirte, a strategic port on the Mediterranean coast. But Islamic State is also entrenched in other pockets across the country, including parts of the eastern city of Benghazi, Libya’s second largest; Derna, another eastern city; and the western town of Sabratha, near the Tunisian border.

The competing militias and centers of power that have stoked Libya’s civil war complicate the fight against Islamic State. The chaos has given the group an opening to gain its first territorial foothold outside its self-declared caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

Libya has two rival governments—one that is internationally recognized in the capital, Tripoli, and another based in the east. The competing governments so far have refused to work together to defeat Islamic State or toward national unity, despite international efforts.

President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that he hopes combating Islamic State will help move Libya toward a functioning government, something he said would be “a long process.”

Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said that Mr. Obama’s authorization is limited to using U.S. air power to help Libyan forces allied with the Tripoli government retake Sirte.

In the quest to defeat Islamic State in Libya, international and regional powers have haphazardly supported competing factions, worsening the protracted civil war that allows the insurgents to thrive, said Abubaker Baira, a parliamentarian representing the eastern government.

“Unfortunately all sides of the Libyan conflict happily open their doors to this so-called military or political support, even if covertly, in the hope it will empower them against their domestic enemies,” Mr. Baira said. “What they don’t seem to realize is this only further entrenches this civil war that has gone on too long already.”

Western officials have worried that Islamic State was trying to establish Libya as a fallback alternative to its shrinking territory in Syria and Iraq, where it captured a large swath of territory in 2014...

And flashback, "Obama's Libya Intervention Created North Africa's Worst Terror State, Drug Trafficker, and Arms Exporter."

Iraq Veteran Gives Donald Trump His Purple Heart at Virginia Campaign Rally (VIDEO)

Hmm, I'm sure this will be all over the news today.

At McClatchy, "Trump receives Purple Heart from veteran: ‘This was much easier’":

Trump told the audience during his rally that “something very nice just happened to me. A man came up to me and he handed me his Purple Heart.”

As the audience aahed, Trump continued: “I said to him, ‘Is that like the real one or is that a copy? And he said, ‘That’s my real Purple Heart. I have such confidence in you.’”

“And I said, ‘Man that’s big stuff.’ I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier, but I tell you it was such an honor.”

Trump, who identified the veteran as retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman, then brought him up on stage and shook hands, holding the award up again for the crowd. According to records, Dorfman was wounded in action in November 2007 in Iraq.

The giving of the Purple Heart followed a days-long feud in the press between Trump and the family of Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq in 2004...

How Danish Bombshell Nina Agdal Stays in Shape While Still Having Fun? (VIDEO)

Via the New York Post, she's got a great champagne-vodka theory, heh.

Khizr Khan's Saudi Ties

From Robert Spencer, at FrontPage Magazine:
Are the Saudis trying to make sure that the candidate of their choice is elected President of the United States this November?

Khizr Khan is more than just the father of slain Muslim U.S. serviceman Humayun Khan and the mainstream media’s flavor of the moment in its ongoing efforts to demonize and destroy Donald Trump. As far as the Obama administration and Hillary campaign are concerned, he is a living validation of the success of their strategy against “extremism”: by refusing to identify the enemy as having anything to do with Islam, they draw moderate Muslims to their side and move them to fight against terrorism. By contrast, Trump, in their view, alienates these moderates and drives them into the arms of the terrorists.

That all sounds great. There’s just one catch: Khizr Khan, and the Clinton campaign, have extensive ties to the Saudis – far more extensive than any possible connection that Donald Trump’s campaign may have had to Russia’s alleged involvement in the leak of emails that revealed that the entire Democratic Party presidential nominating process was rigged from the start. Not that the mainstream media will pause from speculating about Trump and the Russians long enough to tell you any facts about Khizr Khan, Hillary and the Saudis.

Intelius records that Khizr Khan has worked at Hogan Lovells Llp. According to the Washington Free Beacon, “Hogan Lovells LLP, another U.S. firm hired by the Saudis, is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through 2016, disclosures show. Robert Kyle, a lobbyist from the firm, has bundled $50,850 for Clinton’s campaign.”

The Free Beacon added that the Saudi government has “supplied the Clinton Foundation with millions. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given between $10 and $25 million to the foundation while Friends of Saudi Arabia has contributed between $1 and $5 million.”

And so we were treated to the spectacle of an employee of a firm that is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia lambasting Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention, and then (lo and behold!) becoming a media darling as he excoriates Trump for his “black soul.”

Might the government of Saudi Arabia, which has spent countless bullions of dollars spreading the virulent and violent Wahhabi strain of Islam around the world, have any interest in making sure that a presidential candidate who speaks more forthrightly about the Islamic terror threat than any presidential candidate has since John Quincy Adams, and who has vowed to take concrete steps to counter that threat, is defeated? Is that why Khizr Khan, brimming with self-righteous indignation and misleading disinformation about the relationship of Islamic jihad terrorism to Islam, was not only featured at the Democratic National Convention but has dominated the news cycle ever since?

This has gone on long enough. The 28-page section of the 9/11 report detailing Saudi involvement in the September 11, 2001 jihad attacks were just finally released (albeit with substantial portions still redacted), after being kept classified for fifteen years by one President who held hands with the Saudi King and another who bowed to him. And for fifteen years, the U.S. has done little or nothing to free itself from dependence upon Saudi oil and develop alternative energy sources. Why not? We know the Saudis have kept the Clintons’ palms abundantly greased. Who else’s?

The big story of foreign influence in this presidential election is not some vague imaginings about the Russians supposedly hacking Democratic National Committee emails showing the Democrats engaged in indisputably unethical behavior. The real foreign influence story in this election involves the Saudis and the Democrats. Saudi influence in Washington must end. Khizr Khan represents an all-out effort by the mainstream media and the Democratic Party establishment to maintain that influence. In light of that, Donald Trump was right to answer his attacks, and should have been even stronger in his responses. It’s time for the United States of America to regain its independence.

The Left's 'Khantroversy' Has Had No Effect on Presidential Race in Battleground Pennsylvania

I first checked Ohio, which is basically tied according to RCP's average of polls for the Buckeye state, although the last surveys there were conducted before the Democrat convention and the Khantroversy.

But battleground Pennsylvania was surveyed by Public Policy Polling from July 29 to 31, so it should show any damage to Donald Trump since the shameless hate-America left started exploiting Kizhr Khan last Thursday. But frankly, it's really nothing.

Hillary Clinton has a narrow lead in the Keystone state.

At PPP, "Clinton has narrow lead in Pennsylvania":
PPP's newest Pennsylvania poll, conducted entirely after the Democratic convention, finds Hillary Clinton with a narrow lead in the state. She's at 45% to 42% for Donald Trump, 4% for Gary Johnson, and 2% for Jill Stein. In a head to head match up just with Trump she leads by 4 points at 49-45.

Both polls- in Pennsylvania and nationally- PPP has done since the Democratic convention basically suggest that the race is back where it was in June. In late June we had Clinton up 46-42 on Trump head to head in Pennsylvania and 48-44 nationally. Clinton now leads 49-45 in Pennsylvania and 50-45 nationally so it appears everything that happened in the month of July had minimal effect on the margins between Clinton and Trump, it just helped move some undecided partisans skeptical of their party's nominees off the fence and toward the candidates they likely would have ended up with anyway.

Hillary Clinton's seen a decent improvement in her image over the last couple months in Pennsylvania. At the beginning of June she had a -21 net favorability rating in the state at 35/56, and that's now improved 8 points to -13 at 40/53. Like we saw nationally Trump's had an improvement in his numbers too but it's not as good as Clinton's- he was at -25 at 34/59 in early June and has now shifted up to -20 at 36/56 for a net 5 point improvement...
PPP didn't survey respondents about Khan, so that's one caveat.

But the poll has a heavy sample of Democrats (49 percent of respondents voted for Obama in 2012 and 41 for Romney).

Given the breakdown, and the enormous media coverage nationally over Khan, Hillary should be up by almost double-digits in Pennsylvania.

It's time for Trump to move on from this fake scandal and get back to hammering the Democrats and the economy and corruption.

Donald Trump Damage Control

Yeah, this is a "Khantroversy," although that doesn't mean it's not damaging Donald Trump.

As I've been saying, he needs to ignore this fight and move on to attacking Hillary in the economy and corruption.

But some are talking like this is the fatal blow, that Trump won't recover this time. I say nah. But there's definitely some damage. And the sooner he's past it the better.

Meanwhile, here's Cathleen Decker's analysis, at the Los Angeles Times, "Trump mired in another day of controversy with family of soldier killed in Iraq":
The threat to Trump’s campaign comes largely in its timing. Fewer than 100 days remain before the general election, putting the campaigns in a period in which stumbles become more dangerous because there is less time to craft a recovery.

As important, any time taken to try to clean up campaign messes pulls attention away from issues with greater political upside. Only when he got to Columbus, Ohio, for example, did Trump mention the meager economic growth figures released last week; any emphasis on them had been obliterated by the feud between Trump and the Khan family...

RELATED: From Stuart Rothenberg, at WaPo, via Memeorandum, "Will GOP officials jump ship on Trump?"

Actually, "GOP officials" have been jumping ship since Trump's inevitability first became clear. The "Khantroversy's" just give 'em another excuse to bail out. Fuck 'em.

Hillary Clinton Up 50 to 42 Percent in NBC/SurveyMonkey Poll

Well, so much for my theory of under-sampling Republicans.

I suspect Hillary's gotten a decent bounce out of Philadelphia.

At NBC News, "Poll: Clinton Support Spikes Following Democratic Convention." (Via Memeorandum.)

So, I can go with that. The Survey Monkey poll's an online non-probability panel, but so far the results look fairly respectable.

And frankly, the race is tightening at the Los Angeles Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll, with Trump now barely ahead of Clinton, 45.3/43.1.

More at Hot Air.

After Bernie Sanders' Campaign, Pushing the Democrats Farther Left

From the far-left Harold Meyerson, at Dissent, "The Democrats After Bernie."

Actually, the most radical thing proposed in here is breaking up big banks. The rest pretty much sounds like the Democrat platform. I don't think Hillary's all that "centrist" as Meyerson makes her out to be. Bernie pushed her farther to the left, but she didn't go kicking and screaming.

Which is Better: Socialism or Capitalism? Which One Makes People Kinder and More Caring? (VIDEO)

I see so much hatred on the left, I'd be surprised if anyone but a conservative would be open to this argument.

But he's right.

Watch Dennis Prager, for Prager University:

Khizr and Ghazala Khan 'Trotted Out' for Political Opportunity

It's sickening.

Here's Salena Zito:

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Road to the White House Lies on the Lincoln Highway

From Salena Zito, a fantastic piece, "The Road to the White House lies on the Lincoln Highway between Ohio and Pennsylvania":

Near Chambersburg, on the 437-mile trip over the Lincoln Highway, a man named Eric, 54, sat in a diner and told how politics has impacted his life in a way he never imagined.

“I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 because I truly believed his inspirational vision for this country,” he said. “I really thought he was going to take us all together to the same place.

“Losing my job wasn't Obama's fault — happened long before him.”

By 2012, however, he realized Obama was not the change-agent he once thought. He also realized the economy was never going to return to the way it was; he adjusted, took two full-time jobs, cut back on his family's lifestyle and sat out that year's election.

“Don't get me wrong, his words are still inspirational — they are beautiful, in fact — but his actions are not, and his attitude toward me and my values, my traditions and my work ethic are personal,” Eric said.

He gulped and tears welled in his eyes: “Politics and divisions have ripped my heart out. My kids come home and argue that racism is why I don't like Obama. That's not true, that could not be more untrue, but you can't even argue it, because then your argument becomes that you are racist.”

How could his country do this to him, to his family, he asked. “I have done everything by the book all of my life, and when I was handed a raw deal … I didn't complain, I put my head down and I just found a way to make it work.”

He's not alone...

Why Trump Resonates

Well, it's not like it's a mystery or anything.

Frankly, all the themes Trump's been hitting are now the themes the Democrat-left is jonesing to take up: economic growth, jobs, national security, patriotism. It's kind of a joke, frankly. And of course the media's in Hillary's tank, so that's a double whammy Trump's got to overcome.

He needs to talk about the key issues before the electorate. Don't get sidetracked on these peripheral issues, which the left will just use to bait him.


And click though at the link.

Lea Michele for Women's Health Magazine U.K.

Here, "EXCLUSIVE: Lea Michele Talks Selective Veganism, Body Confidence & Getting Naked."

Hat Tip: WWTDD, "Lea Michele Nude Body Honoring the Fallen."

More, at London's Daily Mail, "'I'm not perfect… but I love myself flaws and all': Fitness fan Lea Michele poses completely NAKED as she reveals her secrets to body confidence."

Clinton Retakes Lead Over Trump, 52 to 43 Percent in New CNN Poll (VIDEO)

Call me skeptical of that spread, to say the least.

According to CNN's methodology:

A total of 1,003 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones. Among the entire sample, 28% described themselves as Democrats, 24% described themselves as Republicans, and 48% described themselves as independents or members of another party.
I suspect CNN's under-sampled Republicans. Gallup had 28 percent identifying as both Democrat and Republican just over a week ago, with 42 percent identifying as independent. And the NBC/SurveyMonkey poll for the same period had 33 percent Democrats and 29 percent Republicans, with 36 percent independent (and 1 percent undecided).

Here's CNN's write-up, "Post-convention poll: Clinton retakes lead over Trump."

Compare CNN's 52/43 percent to the L.A. Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll, which tracks the same panel of 3,000 randomly selected respondents through November. Changes in the poll data reflect changes in the opinions among the respondents, not the opinion of a new sample of voters. As of last night, the Times has Trump up over Clinton, 46.2/42.1 percent.

Thus, according to the Times:
Because of the panel design, “we have the same people every time, so changes in the poll are really people changing their minds,” rather than the result of variations in who answers a particular survey, said Arie Kapteyn, the director of the USC Dornsife center, who pioneered the approach for the 2012 election while at Rand Corp.

The panel design typically shows less volatility than traditional polls. Four years ago, it proved more accurate than most other surveys in forecasting the election result, although “maybe that was beginner’s luck,” Kapteyn said.
So, again, as I've been saying, I expect the presidential horse race to even out in the weeks ahead, with Hillary Clinton enjoying a slight advantage in an average of presidential polls. Trump should be considered the underdog, and he's going to get hammered mercilessly by the left-wing press.

Democrats Are Using Khizr Khan to Advance the Cause of Global Islamic Jihad

Following-up from earlier, "Kizhr Khan Khantroversy Nontroversy."

From Robert Spencer, at FrontPage Magazine, "Khizr Khan, Servant of the Global Umma":
The mainstream media is wild with enthusiasm these days over Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim soldier, Humayun Khan, who was killed fighting in Iraq in 2004. Khizr Khan, brimming with self-righteous anger, spoke at the Democratic National Convention, where he delivered what the Washington Post dubbed a “brutal repudiation of Donald Trump.” Trump responded, elevating Khizr Khan to the status of full-fledged flavor-of-the-moment media celebrity. There’s just one catch: Khizr is using his son’s memory not to advance the cause of the United States, as his son apparently died trying to do, but to advance a quite different cause: that of the global umma.

The well-heeled and powerful backers of the global jihad – those who have enabled the Islamic State (ISIS), al-Qaeda, and other jihad groups to grow as powerful as they have today -- are enraged at Donald Trump. They are deeply worried by his call for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration into the United States, as that will make it much more difficult for jihadis to get into this country. They are anxious to stigmatize any and all resistance to jihad terror – and so, happily enough for them, is the Democratic Party, which has eagerly signed on to the longtime strategy employed by Islamic supremacist advocacy groups in the U.S., to demonize all effective measures against jihad terror as “bigoted” and “Islamophobic.”

So it was that Khizr Khan, in the full fury of his indignation at the DNC, trotted out a straw man, falsely claiming that Trump wanted to “ban us from this country.” Trump has said nothing about banning Muslim citizens of the U.S. from the country, only about a temporary moratorium on immigration from terror states. Even worse, all the effusive praise being showered on Khizr Khan in the last few days overlooks one central point: he is one man. His family is one family. There are no doubt many others like his, but this fact does not mean that there is no jihad, or that all Muslims in the U.S. are loyal citizens.

Khizr Khan is enraged at Donald Trump, but is Trump really the cause of his problem? Jihad terrorists, not Donald Trump or “Islamophobes,” killed his son in Iraq. And if Donald Trump or anyone else looks upon Muslims in the U.S. military with suspicion, it is with good reason: does any other demographic have as high a rate of treason as Muslims in the U.S. military? In 2003, a convert to Islam, Sgt. Hasan Akbar, murdered two of his commanding officers in Kuwait. In 2009, Major Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 Americans at Fort Hood.

Other than those attacks, a Muslim in the U.S. Navy discussed sniper attacks on military personnel. A Muslim U.S. naval engineer allegedly gave an Egyptian agent information on how to sink a U.S. carrier. In 2015, a Muslim National Guard soldier in Illinois planned an Islamic State jihad attack against a U.S. military base. Last February, a U.S. Army enlistee who vowed to “bring the Islamic State straight to your doorstep” pleaded guilty to attempting to detonate a car bomb at Fort Riley military base in Kansas. Just days ago, a U.S. Air Force veteran was convicted of trying to join the Islamic State.

Then there is the U.S. Muslim who gave the Islamic State U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, firearms accessories, and thousands in cash. Where are those uniforms now?

It is good that there are Muslims in the U.S. military who are loyal. But can we have a discussion about those who aren’t, and why they aren’t, and what can be done about it? Such a discussion is vitally necessary, but it wouldn’t serve the classic objective of the global umma, to increase the dar al-Islam (house of Islam) at the dar al-harb (house of war). Nor would an open discussion of Khan’s Sunday morning assertion on Meet the Press that terrorists “have nothing to do with Islam.”

We constantly are told this, but the repetition doesn’t make it true. In the first place, jihadis repeatedly make clear that they think what they’re doing has everything to do with Islam:

“Jihad was a way of life for the Pious Predecessors (Salaf-us-Salih), and the Prophet (SAWS) was a master of the Mujahideen and a model for fortunate inexperienced people. The total number of military excursions which he (SAWS) accompanied was 27. He himself fought in nine of these; namely Badr; Uhud, Al-Muraysi, The Trench, Qurayzah, Khaybar, The Conquest of Makkah, Hunayn and Taif . . . This means that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) used to go out on military expeditions or send out an army at least every two months.” — Abdullah Azzam, co-founder of al-Qaeda, Join the Caravan, p. 30

“If we follow the rules of interpretation developed from the classical science of Koranic interpretation, it is not possible to condemn terrorism in religious terms. It remains completely true to the classical rules in its evolution of sanctity for its own justification. This is where the secret of its theological strength lies.” — Egyptian scholar Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd

“Many thanks to God, for his kind gesture, and choosing us to perform the act of Jihad for his cause and to defend Islam and Muslims. Therefore, killing you and fighting you, destroying you and terrorizing you, responding back to your attacks, are all considered to be great legitimate duty in our religion.” — Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his fellow 9/11 defendants

“Allah on 480 occasions in the Holy Koran extols Muslims to wage jihad. We only fulfil God’s orders. Only jihad can bring peace to the world.” — Taliban terrorist Baitullah Mehsud

“Jihad, holy fighting in Allah’s course, with full force of numbers and weaponry, is given the utmost importance in Islam….By jihad, Islam is established….By abandoning jihad, may Allah protect us from that, Islam is destroyed, and Muslims go into inferior position, their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligation and duty in Islam on every Muslim.” — Times Square car bomb terrorist Faisal Shahzad

“So step by step I became a religiously devout Muslim, Mujahid — meaning one who participates in jihad.” — Little Rock, Arkansas terrorist murderer Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad

“And now, after mastering the English language, learning how to build explosives, and continuous planning to target the infidel Americans, it is time for Jihad.” — Texas terrorist bomber Khalid Aldawsari

All of these, of course, may be dismissed as “extremists,” although they were also all devout Muslims who were determined to follow their religion properly. And then there are the many passages of the Qur’an exhorting Muslims to commit acts of violence:

2:191-193: “And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of unbelievers, but if they give over, surely Allah is All-forgiving, All-compassionate. Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is Allah’s; then if they give over, there shall be no enmity save for evildoers.”

4:89: “They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of Allah; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper.”
Still more.

Donald Trump: 'I'm Afraid the Election is Going to Be Rigged'

He's right to be worried.

I mean, two of the three fall debates are scheduled opposite NFL football games, wtf?

And how about the Kahntroversy nontroversy? Trump needs to ignore the attacks and keep hammering on the economy and Democrat Party corruption.

That's going to be the winning argument. The polls are going to fluctuate.


#BlackLivesMatter Coalition Makes Demands, Wants Reparations for Slavery

Check out the title, heh: "A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom and Justice":
Black humanity and dignity requires black political will and power. In response to the sustained and increasingly visible violence against Black communities in the U.S. and globally, a collective of more than 50 organizations representing thousands of Black people from across the country have come together with renewed energy and purpose to articulate a common vision and agenda. We are a collective that centers and is rooted in Black communities, but we recognize we have a shared struggle with all oppressed people; collective liberation will be a product of all of our work.
"Collective liberation."

That's revolutionary rhetoric.

They're communists.

FIST photo blm_zpsrpd0ex7i.jpg

At AP, "Groups affiliated with Black Lives Matter release agenda":
The agenda outlines six demands and offers 40 recommendations on how to address them. To address criminal justice reform, for example, organizers are calling for an end to the type of militarized police presence seen at protests in cities like Ferguson, and the retroactive decriminalization and immediate release of all people convicted of drug offenses, sex work related offense and youth offenses.

The group also is calling for the passage of federal legislation, already proposed in Congress, that would create a commission to study reparations for descendants of slaves...

Angels Pick Up Ricky Nolasco from Twins in Trade for Hector Santiago

Well, I'm not that pleased.

Santiago's been pretty consistent of late, and I know he loved playing for the Angels. He's a patriot who'll be sorely missed.

And Nolasco? Is he any good? I have no idea.

At the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, "Twins trade Ricky Nolasco and Alex Meyer to Angels for Hector Santiago."

And the O.C. Register's Jeff Fletcher has some quick analysis on Twitter. The Angels look like they just wanted to do something before the trade deadline.

Julian Assange: More #WikiLeaks Material on Hillary Campaign to Come (VIDEO)

At Blazing Cat Fur.

And Assange interviewed at CNN:

Monday Cartoons

I couldn't resist.

Theo's got a nice amalgamation, "Cartoon Round Up..."

The Future of Freedom and Human Self-Determination Depends on Whether We Finally Kick You to the Curb Hard Enough So That You Can Never Get Up Again

From the irrepressible Mike at Cold Fury, "Defending the indefensible."

The global left always calls for more openness. More surrender of sovereignty. And more big government. Even the once-stalwartly "liberal" (classically liberal) Economist magazine has given up the ghost. It's dead to hard-left stultifying regressivism.

Huh? Again? Now What's the Purpose for This?

Following-up from previously, "Now What's the Purpose for This?"

More unreal smear journalism, at the New York Post. They must be trolling for traffic and newsstand sales?

Here, "Ménage à Trump - Today's cover: Melania Trump's girl-on-girl photo shoot revealed."

Sordid is putting it mildly.

Kizhr Khan Khantroversy Nontroversy

I'm just waiting for this all to blow over.

Did Trump disrespect Khan's family? Perhaps. But it's only an issue because the leftist press seized on it to further demonize the Manhattan real estate mogul.

It's going to backfire. New polls show Hillary erasing Trump's polling bounce, which really isn't news as that was bound to happen in any case. The presidential horse race is going to even back out and we'll see a tight campaign in the weeks and months ahead. I still think Hillary's going to take it, but it's a weird election year. Voter anger and frustration is through the roof, and some of those battleground states --- especially Ohio and Florida --- may indeed end up going for Trump.

We'll see.

In any case, here's the mainstream media take at NYT, "Donald Trump’s Confrontation With Muslim Soldier’s Parents Emerges as Unexpected Flash Point."

And naturally Memeorandum's all over it, "Khizr Khan was tricked into smearing Donald Trump."

Plus, a Twitter roundup:

I'm Not Getting an Eyebrow Tattoo

I've never thought of it, actually. But my wife's always bugging me about the gray hairs coming in on my eyebrows, and she breaks out the tweezers once in a while to boot, heh.

But getting them tattooed? An interesting hypothesis, I guess.

Not so for Bella Thorne. She went all in and shared the moment on social media.

Here, at London's Daily Mail, "Bella Thorne gets her EYEBROWS tattooed and shares it on Snapchat."

BONUS: "Beach babe! Bella Thorne strips down to a teeny weeny bikini as she poses for summer photos in new shoot for Galore."

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Amber Lee's Hot and Muggy Forecast

It was almost 80 last night at Angel Stadium, and humid!

Here's Amber Lee with the forecast from Monday:

Another Great Day Spoiled by Huston Street (VIDEO)

I took my family to Anaheim Stadium last night to see the Red Sox at the Angels.

It was great. Albert Pujols had the clutch home run and the Angels hung on to win 5-2.

But it wasn't so great today. I like Huston Street a lot (or I used to like him), but he's had so many blown saves this year it's just out of control. He's always been a "finger-biting" closer, but I just can't watch him anymore. The Angels were up 3-0 in the ninth and Street walked one and gave up a base hit. He struck out the next two, then Mookie Betts drove in a run on an RBI single. Then Dustin Pedroia just smashed a bomb over the center-field fence. Not to be outdone, Xander Bogaerts came up and smashed another homer to make it 5-3. It was totally demoralizing.

Can the Angels just get another closer, please?

Lady Gaga Denim Ensemble

She looks great!

At London's Daily Mail, "Lady Gaga reveals her slender figure in denim two-piece ensemble as she hits the studio after split from fiancé Taylor Kinney."

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoons photo Nut-Shell-600-CI_zps3e4v05tl.jpg

Also, at Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: A.F. Branco, "Hillary's Convention Speech."

Rania Khalek Interviews Seattle Socialist Kshama Sawant (VIDEO)

Lots of thoughts watching this interview.

For one thing, both of these women talk a freakin' mile a minute! It's kind of funny, especially since speaking that fast isn't necessary at all in a 15-minute interview for alternative media. Just slow down people, heh.

More substantially, though, would this lady Sawant, who's an out-and-out Marxist (I've blogged about her here), have supported Bernie Sanders as the Democrat Party nominee had he won the primaries? She's railing and railing against the two-party corporate hegemony of the Democrats and the Republicans, who represent the "ruling class," but had Sanders become the Democrat standard-bearer would that ideological principle have gone out the window at the moment of political opportunity? I mean, as it is Hillary's practically endorsing all the things Sawant's taking about --- single-payer health care, open-borders amnesty, anti-police "brutality" legislation, and what not. Never mind that Hillary's indeed beholden to Wall Street (corporate power is more and more leftist power these days, a sort of progressive corporatism). No, I expect it's not so much an "independent party" that Sawant all about. She wants a national political party to embrace the label of socialism unapologetically. The Democrats are almost there, actually. Their only roadblock to coming out full Marxist is the American people. Leftists still have to win elections. And when you start to over to flyover country the interests of the progressive urban elites are about as far away as you can get.

It's going to be interesting going forward, that's for sure. If Hillary wins Democrats will argue that Obama's election in '08 was the beginning of a long-term realignment founded on the coalition of transformation (minorities, younger people, and coastal elites). And she'll be emboldened to shed the mask of moderation and fully embrace the Alinskyite Marxism that's her true ideological pedigree.

More on this stuff throughout the campaign. As I always say, this elections about genuinely preserving the American republic. If the Democrats win, America's really going to see that fundamental transformation Obama promised. Hillary's going to be Obama's third term.

In any case, here's the interview:

Switzerland Sees Gun Sales Soar

This one's get a lot of retweets.

This is the Most Beautiful Thing

That's two babies.

A fawn and a toddler.

So beautiful. I could almost cry looking at that, considering everything else going on.

Now What's the Purpose for This?

Isn't there some last boundary of decency for this campaign?


The New York Post goes with the full nudes of Donald Trump's wife Melania. But why? They need the clicks?

Here's the image of the cover photo on Twitter.

And at Memeorandum, "Donald Trump thinks his wife will be a model first lady — and here's the proof."

James E. Campbell, Polarized [BUMPED]

This is a very interesting topic right now.

See James Campbell's new book, out this week, Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America.

Democrats Look to Reclaim Patriotism

Good luck with that.

The Dems are, and will always be, the hate-America party of the hate-America left.

From Cathleen Decker, at LAT, "Here's how Democrats are trying to reclaim patriotism from Republicans — and how Trump helps":

A sea of waving flags, standing ovations for generals and admirals and praise for police officers and President Reagan made last week’s nominating convention here unlike any Democratic conclave in recent memory.

In tone and content, whole stretches resembled a typical Republican convention — for good reason. The convention represented an effort by Hillary Clinton and fellow Democrats to reclaim ground lost as far back as the 1960s by taking advantage of Donald Trump’s idiosyncratic candidacy.

Their pitch was less issue-oriented than cultural — an attempt by Democrats to portray themselves as a haven for voters shaken by terrorism at home and abroad.

The attempt to transcend traditional differences between Republicans and Democrats has been made easier by Trump, who has scorned longtime GOP imagery and policy stances. Democrats have accused him of harboring an authoritarianism that runs counter to American values.

“The country is trying to find a balance and equilibrium,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart. Rather than dividing along the “hawk and dove” divisions of earlier decades, he said, Democrats are hoping to cast the election as “stability versus flailing around.”

“The show that they put on said, ‘This isn’t your old Democratic Party; this is a Democratic Party you can be comfortable in in 2016,’” he said.

The message was aimed at a wide range of voters who have leaned toward or voted wholly with Republicans in recent elections: married women, white women in particular, worried about national security; and both blue-collar and college-educated men.

Some of them turned away from Democrats as far back as the protesting days of the Vietnam era; others moved right in the 1980s either due to Reagan’s mix of sunny toughness or the Democratic party’s lean to the left; still more shifted to the GOP, at least for a time, after Sept. 11, 2001.

The Philadelphia emphasis on patriotic, sometimes martial, imagery came at a cost: Some convention speakers drew vocal objections from antiwar delegates on the party’s left.

Perhaps more important, Democrats spent relatively little time talking about the economy, which is likely to be a deciding issue in the fall. Clinton began emphasizing that issue this weekend on a bus tour of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

But the absence of a full-throated economic pitch from Clinton wasn’t as harmful as it might have been, because Republicans, too, spent little time at their convention talking dollars and cents.

The GOP convention in Cleveland, one week before the Democratic gathering, focused largely on the nominee himself. To the extent there were policy messages, some were at odds with Trump’s own positions. And nearly everything was overshadowed by harshly anti-Clinton rhetoric that focused more on the past, such as the extent of her responsibility for the attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, than on the feasibility of her plans for the economy.

The turf being played on by Democrats melds patriotism and appreciation for those in public service with regalia that wraps all of it together for television viewers...

Sabine Jemeljanova Enjoys Ice Cream

She's so beautiful.

More here.

Socialism Sucks

It does.

Not Katie Pavlich though, heh.

Nice Catch

That's a big fish!

'Suicide Before Clinton'

Some of those Sanders supporters are pretty hardcore, heh.

Bikini-Clad Policewoman in Sweden Takes Down Thief While Sunbathing in Stockholm


That lady's buffed!

At London's Daily Mail, "Bikini-clad policewoman in Sweden takes down and arrests unlucky pickpocket."