Sunday, November 27, 2016

Shop Amazon Accessories

Thanks to all of my readers and visitors for shopping through my links.

I hope everybody's having a great Thanksgiving weekend.

Shop here, Amazon 9W PowerFast Official OEM USB Charger and Power Adapter for Fire Tablets and Kindle eReaders - Plus, All Kinds of Other Stuff.

Also, AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning to USB Cable - 6 Feet (1.8 Meters) - Black.

BONUS: From Lynne Cheney, America : A Patriotic Primer.

Also, Best Books of the Month.

USC Finishes Season 9-3 After Horrendous Start (VIDEO)


I wrote about the horrendous start back in September, "Lane Kiffin's Revenge: Alabama Beats USC 52-6 in Season Opener."

It wouldn't be so lopsided if the teams were to meet again today. USC's now got one of the hottest programs in the country, having won their last 8 starts, culminating with a crushing victory over Notre Dame yesterday.

And last night I was rooting for Utah over Colorado so SC would win the division. They still have a chance to go to the Rose Bowl, depending on how things shake out elsewhere. And what would the New Year be without SC in the Rose Bowl?

At LAT, "USC beats Notre Dame for eighth win in a row but will not play for Pac-12 title":

After he hurdled Notre Dame’s last defender, Adoree’ Jackson had enough time as he raced down the sideline to contemplate his touchdown celebration.

It was Jackson’s third score in USC’s 45-27 win over Notre Dame on Saturday. What was the best way to mark both USC’s stunning turnaround, from a 1-3 record to one of the hottest teams in the nation at 9-3, and the best performance of Jackson’s magnificent USC career: Front flip? Or Heisman pose?

“I told them I was going to do a front flip and then do the Heisman pose,” Jackson said. “But I was so tired from the kickoff return.”

As Jackson was celebrating (he went with the Heisman pose) a sizeable portion of the fans in attendance turned their energies to more important proceedings.

And that is how a “Let’s go Utah!” chant broke out at the Coliseum, for what was probably the first time.

To win the Pac-12 South Division, USC still needed help. Utah would kick off against Colorado shortly after the game’s end. If Utah defeated Colorado, USC would win the division.

USC’s players filed out of the locker room and marched through a postgame spread quickly after the game. Then they rushed through the rain, clutching their taco bowls, to pack into dorm rooms and apartments to watch, with disappointment, as Colorado fended off Utah, 27-22.

The outcome didn’t eliminate USC from the Rose Bowl, but it did make its path more complicated. Washington, the North Division champion, is a contender for the College Football Playoff. Colorado, the South winner, is more of a longshot.

If the Pac-12 champion reaches the playoff, the Rose Bowl would select the next best Pac-12 team, most likely based on CFP ranking. Washington was ranked No. 5, Colorado No. 9 and USC No. 12 before this weekend’s games.

Some players were keeping expectations in check.

“I think we’re going to San Antonio” for the Alamo Bowl, receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster said. “But I think the Rose Bowl, we worked so hard and we deserve it.”

The Cotton Bowl also remains an option if the Trojans ascend high enough in the rankings to earn an at-large bid.

Any of the possible destinations seemed like fantasy after September, when USC began its season 1-3, shackled with two Pac-12 losses in two tries.

Saturday evidenced the team’s evolution...

Harry Stein, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist


It's a good time to break this book out again — or to put on your Christmas gift-giving list!

At Amazon, Harry Stein, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All.

BONUS: ICYMI, Jamie Glazov, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror.

Record High Polarization

At Gallup:

Apocalyptic Thought in the Age of Trump

I like this piece, from Alison McQueen, at Foreign Affairs, "The Dangers of a Doom and Gloom Mindset":

The third response [to the election of Donald Trump] is a full-throated embrace of the apocalyptic worldview—one that divides the world into good and evil, vilifies opponents, and pushes the battle for ultimate justice to its violent consummation. This cosmic vision animated the European wars of religion. Today, its main champion is ISIS.

It is wise to note that we have already witnessed a similar level of polarization during the U.S. presidential campaign, as both nominees attacked each other using apocalyptic rhetoric. At a rally in Ocala, Florida, Trump told his supporters, “The election of Hillary Clinton would lead, in my opinion, to the almost total destruction of our country as we know it.” In Palm Beach, he called the election “a moment of reckoning” and “a crossroads in the history of our civilization.”

Clinton and her supporters met these bleak prophecies with their own messages of doom. Clinton concluded a New York Times Magazine interview with an ominous warning, “I’m the last thing standing between you and the apocalypse.” And maintained a “Trump Apocalypse Watch,” which used a scale of one to four horsemen to indicate the likelihood of a Trump presidency and, by extension (and only half-jokingly), the end of the world. As the campaign drew to its bitter finale, the media played on the drama. “The end is near,” announced TIME Magazine in a headline that was both reassuring and ominous.

But if both sides fail to back down from this apocalyptic standoff, we can expect deepening polarization, mutual obstruction, and the embrace of more extreme policies and tactics. When one’s opponent poses an apocalyptic threat, almost anything goes.

That is why it is vitally important that we change our mindset. We shouldn’t see Trump’s victory as a harbinger of the apocalypse. Those who oppose Trump would do better to see it as a tragedy. A tragic worldview takes its bearings from the likes of the playwright Sophocles, the historian Thucydides, the theologian St. Augustine, and the political thinker Max Weber. Despite their deep differences, these thinkers recognize the difficulty of reaching settled solutions to our deepest disagreements. They see the dangers of both hubristic certainty and passive resignation.

Further, the tragic worldview does not deny the stakes of politics, or the reality of what can be accomplished. Instead, it calls upon us to return again and again to the work of politics—what Weber called the “strong and slow boring through hard boards.” For some, like Senate Democrats and Republicans who opposed Trump, this work will involve difficult and sometimes repugnant compromises. For others, such as governors and state legislators, city police departments, and citizens, the work of politics will call for resistance and protest.

We must arm ourselves, “with that steadfastness of heart which can brave even the crumbling of all hopes,” as Weber once counseled. “This is necessary right now, or else men will not be able to attain even that which is possible today.” The tragic worldview is not a popular one. Its insistence on seeing the world as resistant to progress, unresponsive to virtuous intentions, and capricious in its rewards for goodness does not offer much consolation. But it may be the best hope.

Heh. How Leftists Respond to People Who Voted for Donald Trump


I meant to post this earlier. So hilarious.

Kellyanne Conway Unloads on Mitt Romney — Trump Supporters 'Feel Betrayed' (VIDEO)

She's told Donald Trump how she feels about it, so it's up to the PEOTUS.

I'm for John Bolton, who's actually a real diplomat. Besides, who more to piss off the radical left than Bolton, heh?

At Politico, "Conway unloads on Romney" (at Memeorandum).

BONUS: At Althouse, "Kellyanne Conway's almost-perfect go-to answer for anything."

Leftists Still Foaming at the Mouth Almost a Month Later

It's going to be a long four years, which I hope will be long eight years, heh.

From the letters at USA Today:

The Electoral College was created by our elitist Founding Fathers who did not think the common man had the wisdom to vote. And now Americans are stuck with a misogynist, racist, ignorant, bigoted money grubber as president.

Therefore, I hope for the failure of Trump and his administration. I applaud any individuals who try to bring it down. He will never be my president or the president of fair-minded Americans. The idea that Trump will be president makes me ashamed to be an American.

Reba Shimansky
New York

President Barack Obama's Statement on the Death of Fidel Castro

Is this even surprising.
O's so bad even left-wing journalists have excoriated him.

On Twitter:

And see Gateway Pundit, "Compare and Contrast: DONALD TRUMP vs OBAMA on Tyrant Fidel Castro’s Death."

Emily Ratajkowski in Mexico — NSFW

At the Mirror U.K., "Emily Ratajkowski flaunts her EXTREME curves as she goes topless to entertain friends with impromptu beach dance."

And at Barstool Sports, "Emily Ratajkowski Went Topless In Cancun and It Is Probably Not Safe for Your Workplace."

Definitely not safe for work.

Humberto Fontova, The Longest Romance

Now we're getting somewhere.

I think folks'll be just fine reading Humberto Fontova.

At Amazon, The Longest Romance: The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro.
Fidel Castro jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin during the Great Terror. He murdered more Cubans in his first three years in power than Hitler murdered Germans during his first six. Alone among world leaders, Castro came to within inches of igniting a global nuclear holocaust.

But you would never guess any of that from reading the mainstream American media. Instead we hear fawning accounts of Castro liberating Cuba from the clutches of U.S. robber-barons and bestowing world-class healthcare and education on his downtrodden citizens. “Propaganda is vital—the heart of our struggle,” Castro wrote in 1955. Today, the concept is as valid to the Cuban regime as ever.

History records few propaganda campaigns as phenomenally successful or enduring as Castro and Che’s. The Longest Romance exposes the full scope of this deception; it documents the complicity of major U.S. media players in spreading Castro’s propaganda and in coloring the world’s view of his totalitarian regime. Castro’s cachet as a celebrity icon of anti-Americanism has always overshadowed his record as a warmonger, racist, sexist, Stalinist, and godfather of modern terrorism. The Longest Romance uncovers this shameful history and names its major accomplices.

#TrudeauEulogies: Twitter Goes Nuts Over Canadian Prime Minister's #FidelCastro Comments

Just crazy.

I mean, really crazy stuff.

At Blazing Cat Fur, plus some:

Fidel Castro's Death Confirms the Depravity of the Left

From Lloyd Billingsley, at FrontPage Magazine, "Pig Latin Perishes at Last":

Fidel photo CyNP-h1UQAAQSmo_zpspc3rnz3x.jpg
In Fidel Castro’s Cuba, Vincent Canby of the New York Times noted in his review of Nestor Almendros’ Improper Conduct, “playwrights, doctors, poets and painters as well as more ordinary folk such as tour guides and hairdressers, a number of whom spent time in one or more of the country’s forced-labor camps.”

And as the late Susan Sontag observed: “The discovery that homosexuals were being persecuted in Cuba shows, I think, how much the left needs to evolve.”

More than three decades later, the response to the death of Fidel Castro confirms that the left has not evolved at all, and may even be worse than during the dictator’s heyday. As Paul Hollander showed in Political Pilgrims, that was about as bad as it gets.

“Fidel sits on the side of a tank rumbling into Havana on New Year’s day,” wrote New Left icon Abbie Hoffman. “He laughs joyously and pinches a few rumps. . . Fidel lets the gun drop to the ground, slaps his thigh and stands erect. He is like a mighty penis coming to life, and when he is tall and straight, the crowd immediately is transformed.”

For American leftist writer and academic Saul Landau, Fidel Castro was “a man who has been steeped in democracy,” and “a humble man.” For Angela Davis, American academic and Communist Party candidate for vice-president in 1980 and 1984, “Fidel was their leader, but most of all he was also their brother in the largest sense of the word.” And so on, to a pitch of absurdity perhaps best captured by Norman Mailer, who said of Castro:

“You were the first and greatest hero to appear in the world since the Second World War, the answer to the argument of commissars and statesmen that revolutions cannot last, that they turn corrupt or total or eat their own.” Castro did all that, and more, but on his exit, more than 60 years too late, the left cut loose a torrent of hagiography.

British Labour Party boss Jeremy Corbyn said Castro “will be remembered both as an internationalist and a champion of social justice.” He did have “flaws” but Corbyn did not elaborate.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Fidel Castro was a “remarkable leader,” who “made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.” He was also “a controversial figure,” but the prime minister, son of pro-Castro prime minister Pierre Trudeau, did not say what might have caused the controversy.

Former Soviet boss Mikhail Gorbachev said Castro “strengthened his country at the time of the toughest American blockade” and led his county “onto the road of independent development.” For Chinese president Xi Jinping, “dear comrade and true friend” Fidel Castro made “immortal contributions to the development of socialism around the world.”

Likewise, for French president Francois Hollande, Fidel Castro “represented, for Cubans, pride in rejecting external domination.” Vladimir Putin, called Castro, “a wise and strong person,” an “inspiring example for all countries and peoples,” and a “sincere and reliable friend of Russia.”

President Obama, who like those Olympic referees in 1972 put time back on the clock for the Castro dictatorship, recalled, “the countless ways in which Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives, families, and of the Cuban nation.” The U.S. president also hailed “the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him.” Muslim leaders were also fond of the man.

In 2006, the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan wrote to Fidel Castro:
“I firmly believe that Allah (God) has chosen you and the Cuban people to begin this process of servicing human needs, thus setting the stage for all people of goodwill to emulate this mode of service to others.”
In 2014 Farrakhan said: “Fidel Castro made solidarity among the peoples the reason of his existence.” In similar style in 1992, Iranian Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameini said “it is his personality to believe and rely on people.”

The apologists might have consulted the various Amnesty International reports, which hardly capture the full picture. With no apology to Francois Hollande, Fidel Castro allowed the Soviet Union to impose complete domination of Cuba. That helped Fidel Castro drive a prosperous nation to sub-Haiti levels of poverty. His repression was such that Cubans flee at the first opportunity, leaving everything behind, at great risk to their own lives. That is why the Straits of Florida have become a graveyard without crosses...
Keep reading.

Image Credit: Bosch Fawstin.

Jill Stein Praises Fidel Castro: 'A symbol of the struggle for justice...'

I'm rolling my eyes.


PREVIOUSLY: "Jamie Glazov, United in Hate."

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Julia Cooke, The Other Side of Paradise

One thing I'm not seeing today: Up-to-date biographies of Fidel Castro. The one's that are being touted are literally decades old, like Tad Szulc's, Fidel: A Critical Portrait (1986), and Robert Quirk's, Fidel Castro (1993).

I'll keep looking.

Meanwhile, here's Julia Cooke, The Other Side of Paradise: Life in the New Cuba. (The book's got very nice review, and it came out just a couple of years ago.)

Added: Don't forget Ann Louise Bardach, Without Fidel: A Death Foretold in Miami, Havana and Washington.

Hillary Clinton Campaign to Participate in State Recount Efforts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania

At Bloomberg, "Clinton Campaign Will Participate in Stein's State Recounts."

The headline now reads, "Clinton Recount Plan Draws Sore Loser Jibe From Team Trump":

Hillary Clinton’s campaign will participate in vote recounts of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan if they take place, drawing a rebuke from Donald Trump’s team that the Democrat is being a “sore loser” and part of a “ridiculous” effort.

If Green Party candidate Jill Stein initiates recounts in those states as she intends, the Clinton campaign “will participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides,” Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias said Saturday in a post on the blogging website He added that he doesn’t expect the action to overturn Trumps election.

Trump focused on Stein, not Clinton, in a response. “The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, ‘We must accept this result and then look to the future,”’ he said in a statement.

Kellyanne Conway, who was Trump’s campaign manager and is now a senior adviser, was less conciliatory. “What a pack of sore losers,” she said in a statement. “After asking Mr. Trump and his team a million times on the trail, ‘Will HE accept the election results?’ it turns out Team Hillary and their new BFF Jill Stein can’t accept reality.”

“Rather than adhere to the tradition of graciously conceding and wishing the winner well, they’ve opted to waste millions of dollars and dismiss the democratic process. The people have spoken. Time to listen up. #YesYourPresident,” Conway said...
Yeah, sore loses and hypocrites.

Now it's Hillary Clinton who's a threat to our democracy.

Read Babalú Blog for Best Castro Coverage

I probably should've been linking Babalú more frequently over the years, but it's never too late.

See, "A death worth celebrating: Cuba’s ‘Beast of Birán,’ dictator Fidel Castro, finally dead at 90."

Scroll around here.

And see Val Prieto on Twitter.

Fidel Castro photo Fidel_Castro_-_MATS_Terminal_Washington_1959_zpspbyu5bbt.jpg

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Amazon Fire 7" Tablet Hot Discount Today: $33.33

Here, Amazon Black Friday 2016 Tablet Deals and Discounts.

This is it, Fire Tablet, 7" Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB - Includes Special Offers, Black.

More, Amazon Basics - Electronics.

Also, Deals in Computer Accessories.

And, Save on Camera Cases and Bags.

BONUS: Shop Carhartt Jackets.

Ann Louise Bardach, Without Fidel

I'm looking around for some of the best biographies of Fidel.

This one looks like a good place to start. I love the title.

At Amazon, Ann Louise Bardach, Without Fidel: A Death Foretold in Miami, Havana and Washington.

Mayra Veronica Cuban Rule 5


She's spicy Cuban hot, lol.

Hat Tip: Twitter.

Also on Instagram.

What a babe!

Castro's Obituary at the Miami Herald

I'll start this one after I've finished NYT's, heh.

Fidel Castro, Cuba's Communist Dictator, Dead at 90

I still haven't finished this obituary. I started reading it on my phone last night when I got in bed, and I turned on the Michigan/Ohio State game when I got up.

I'm loving the commentary on Twitter though.

More later.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Post-Thanksgiving Cartoon Roundup

At Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

And from the most excellent Ben Garrison:

Heidi Klum the Day After

The day after Thanksgiving, at Drunken Stepfather, "HEIDI KLUM HAS NIPPLES OF THE DAY."

She's still got it.

BONUS: "Heidi Klum Topless Bikini Photos: Tulum, Mexico."

Terror Fires Sweeping Across Israel (VIDEO)

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Inside the Terror Fires Raging Across Israel."

Ban the Burqa

Pamela Geller writes at the Hill, "Yes, ban the burqa — it is a national security necessity."

I think CAIR, Media Matters, and the SPLC had a collective heart attack seeing this, lol.

Wisconsin's Edgewood College Investigates Heinous Crime of Post-It Note Hate Speech: 'Suck it up, pussies!'

That's awful, heh.

I mean the investigation, lol.

The Post-It Note's hilarious.

At Reason, "Student’s Reaction to Trump Win: ‘Suck It Up, Pussies.’ Police Are Investigating This Hate Crime: Edgewood College calls post-it-note a cowardly act of hate and intimidation."

Hat-Tip: Instapundit.

Black Friday Deals at Amazon

Okay, I'm back online.

I've got some blog posts coming up here shortly.

Meanwhile, shop Amazon, "Don't Miss Your Black Friday Deals.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Shop the Thanksgiving Store

More shopping opportunities, at Amazon, Thanksgiving Store.

BONUS: John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (Dover Thrift Editions).

Deal of the Day: Samsung 23.6-Inch Screen Monitor

Great deals.

At Amazon, Samsung S24E310HL 23.6-Inch Screen LED-Lit Monitor.

Lots more here.

BONUS: Donald Trump, The Art of the Deal.

Don't Like Trump's Cabinet Picks So Far? Too Bad — He Won

Well, leftists actually haven't accepted Trump's win. Now the big thing is a recount in the battleground states.

But see the letters to the editor, at the Los Angeles Times:
To the editor: Why “hard right”? Do you ever say “hard left”?

I’ll say it now: The Times is a biased, hard-left Democratic Party propaganda organ. Your coverage of the presidential election campaign was biased and partisan, with regular Trump bashing — not just in editorials and op-ed articles, but also news stories, book and art reviews and even sports.

Despite President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s post-election statements, your coverage of the transition is even worse. What are you, journalists or Democratic Party political operatives?

John Mellen,
Rancho Palos Verdes

I'm surprised that letter even got through, lol.

Still more.

Sports Illustrated 'Football in America'

Following-up from earlier, "Mike Pereira, NFL's Former Head of Officiating, Watches Several Games at Once at Fox News Studios, Wearing Ugg Boots Just Below the View of the TV Camera."

Today's the best football day of the year: Three games and turkey dinner. You can't beat it for loafing around like an unemployed basement-dwelling fever swamp leftist, heh. (They probably don't even like football, since it's heteronormative and patriarchal, lol.)


'Be Ruthless in Tracking Your Enemies...'

Here's Sarah Kendzior, who's all about bridging our divides, lol.

Mike Pereira, NFL's Former Head of Officiating, Watches Several Games at Once at Fox News Studios, Wearing Ugg Boots Just Below the View of the TV Camera

A really cool story.

At LAT, "Former NFL head of officiating Mike Pereira still gets to make the tough calls on games":

Beneath his natty three-piece suit, Mike Pereira wears thermal underwear. The millions of football fans who tune in every fall Sunday would have no idea that he’s clomping around in fur-lined UGG boots that are just below the view of the TV camera. His glass-walled workroom at Fox Sports studios, appropriately nicknamed the “Ice Cube,” has the thermostat twisted down to a crisp 50 degrees to combat the hot lights and keep everyone alert.

Without question, Pereira has the coolest job in the NFL...
Keep reading.

Don't Miss Your Black Friday Deals

I'll be posting lots of book links over the long weekend.

I love Amazon, mostly for the books, lol.

And thanks to all of my readers and friends --- and occasional visitors --- for shopping through my links. It's always appreciated!

Here, "Black Friday is Here! Skip the lines and shop Black Friday deals from anywhere, even your couch. We have thousands of limited-time Lightning Deals for you to choose from, exciting Deals of the Day, and savings on your favorite electronics, toys, jewelry, and more. These limited-supply deals will go quickly, but we'll add new deals as often as every 5 minutes so you can be sure to find a great deal!"

More, Carhartt Jackets.

BONUS: Daniel Walker Howe, What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 (Oxford History of the United States).

Wayne State University Police Officer Dies After Being Shot in the Head in Horrific Ambush Shooting

Interesting how we've witnessed a rash of police ambush attacks right after the election of Donald Trump. I don't think it's a coincidence.

Following-up, "Rising Ambush-Style Attacks on Police Are Hate Crimes."

At the Detroit Free Press, "Wayne State campus police officer dies after being shot."

Rising Ambush-Style Attacks on Police Are Hate Crimes

Time to start re-posting Heather Mac Donald's book, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

Via Amanda Carpenter, at Conservative Review:

Jimmy Kimmel's 'Politically Correct Thanksgiving Pageant' (VIDEO)

Jimmy Kimmel's the best, heh.

I literally lol'd at this.

Via Blazing Cat Fur, "Jimmy Kimmel Skewers SJWs with ‘Politically Correct Thanksgiving Pageant’."

WATCH: E-Cig Explodes Inside Man's Pocket!

Man, this is wild!

Via ABC News 7 Los Angeles:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's to all my readers and occasional visitors!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Christine Garcia, San Diego's First Transgender Police Officer, Removed from Transgender Day of Awareness Event (VIDEO)

She was removed from the event even after she helped organize it.

Because LGBTQ progs are so, well, progresssive.

At the S.D. Union-Tribune, "Transgender cop's uniform keeps her out of event she organized":

San Diego’s first transgender police officer was kept out of an event at the San Diego LGBT Community Center in Hillcrest last week because she was wearing her uniform.

The Transgender Day of Awareness, an annual event to honor those who lost their lives to anti-transgender violence, was held Nov. 17 at the facility on Centre Street.

Officer Christine Garcia, who publicly transitioned last year, helped plan the event and was part of the police department security detail that watched over a commemorative march down University Avenue.

After the march, when Garcia tried to enter the event as a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community, she was asked to leave because her police uniform could upset others in attendance.

When leaders at the center learned what had happened they directly apologized to Garcia and San Diego police Chief Shelley Zimmerman.

“We do not wish to ever make any community member feel unwelcome at The Center – these officers are valued members of our community,” said Delores Jacobs, CEO of the center, in a statement.

Jacobs said the occurrence was a regrettable misunderstanding of the center’s already existing policy of inclusion, which seeks to acknowledge the concerns that members of the community may have without excluding others. Leaders have reviewed the policy with its staff since the event.

“While we need to support those that are uncomfortable and honor their reactions to valid and understandable difficult previous experiences, we also need to explain that… our LGBTQ San Diego police liaisons are a valued part of our community,” Jacobs wrote.

Longtime LGBTQ activist, City Commissioner Nicole Murray-Ramirez, said the incident was an outrage.

“Any officer, be they gay or straight, should be welcomed into our community center in uniform,” he said. “They protect our community and neighborhoods and make San Diego a better place.”
More video at the link.

Thanksgiving Message from President-Elect Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Via Legal Insurrection, "President-Elect Trump’s Thanksgiving Message to the Nation."

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Donald Trump Announces Cabinet Picks, Going Big on Diversity (VIDEO)

At the Los Angeles Times, "Trump reaches beyond loyalists and adds diversity with latest Cabinet picks."

There's video from the "All-Star Panel," at Fox News, here.

And at USA Today, heh, "Teacher unions smarting after many members vote for Trump."

Iggy Azalea Wet T-Shirt for 'GQ Australia'

She looks pretty freakin' fantastic.


At Egotastic!, "Iggy Azalea GQ Hottie With No Top On."

Shop Black Friday Deals Week at Amazon [BUMPED]

I'll post this link throughout the week.

Thanks so much for shopping.

At Amazon, Black Friday 2016 Deals Are Here.

BONUS: Colson Whitehead, The Underground Railroad.

Sean Hannity Pushing for Media 'Freeze Out' in New Trump Administration (VIDEO)

I won't be surprised if Trump indeed locks out some of the more egregious media hacks.

But see Politico, "Hannity calls on Trump to freeze out the press" (at Memeorandum).

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Fantastic Forecast

It's wonderful weather. It's expected to be warm on Thanksgiving.

Here's Ms. Jackie:

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media 'Never Prepared Themselves That This Guy Could Actually Win...' (VIDEO)

At great segment, from Hannity's earlier this evening.

She's so awesome. I can't wait to find out what position she's taking in the new administration.

Kendal Lee Schuler Sun-Bathing at Bondi Beach, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (PHOTOS)

At London's Daily Mail, "EXCLUSIVE: Leonardo DiCaprio's model ex Kendal Lee Schuler announces she is pregnant with first child... after unveiling baby bump during topless sunbathing session."


Donald Trump Disavows the 'Alt-Right'

Oh boy.

What a day.

From Rosie Gray, at BuzzFeed, "Trump Acknowledges, Disavows White Nationalist Alt-Right Movement."

Michael Hirsh, National Editor of Politico Magazine, Resigns After Posting Home Address of Richard Spencer to Facebook

Just after I denounced Richard Spencer earlier today, leftist media hacks are turning the guy into a sympathetic figure.

Man, politics are messed up right now. Sheesh.

At Poynter, "Politico editor resigns after posting address of White nationalist."

Also at Twitchy, "Politico editor resigns after posting home address of Richard Spencer, urging ‘decent Americans’ to pay a visit."

William Julius Wilson, The Bridge Over the Racial Divide

This book is certainly timely, although it came out 20 years ago. But reading it again, it's uncanny how it speaks to our current troubles. Perhaps it reflects the politics of the Clinton years, when Democrats were seeking something of a "third way" between the extremes of left and right politics. Whatever it is, we definitely need to find a way to bridge our differences, which by now have become an enormous chasm of ideological division and hatred.

In any case, at Amazon, William Julius Wilson, The Bridge over the Racial Divide: Rising Inequality and Coalition Politics.

Hat Tip: J.D. Vance, who cites Professor Wilson in his book, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis.

'Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul. I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away...'

I actually heard this one on K-EARTH 101 a week or so back. I think my son was driving the van and I didn't even notice he'd flipped the digital dial. K-EARTH plays a lot of 1980s "new romantic," like Duran Duran and A Flock of Seagulls, which while nice, probably wears after one or two listenings.

Not so with Dobie Gray. I could listen to him over and over again. I remember first hearing this song in 1972 on the radio when I was just 11-years-old. So beautiful --- and spiritual. I could never forget it.

And the song's author just passed away a few days ago, coincidentally and strangely, considering I'm just paying attention this. See Billboard, "Mentor Williams, Writer of Dobie Gray's 'Drift Away,' Dies at 70."

Anarchists Promise Inauguration Disruption – Bikers tor Trump to Ride

Well, January 20th promises to be an interesting day, heh.

At Blazing Cat Fur.

Rural Hispanic Voters Shifted to Donald Trump

Well, this certainly goes against the "racist" Trump voters smear.

At least 29 percent of Latinos supported Trump, which is more than those Hispanics supporting Mitt Romney in 2012.

Leftist are gobsmacked, I'm telling you.

At WaPo, "Rural Hispanic voters — like white rural voters — shifted toward Trump. Here’s why":

Many observers contend that Hispanic voters will shape the future of American politics. But it’s not yet clear exactly what their influence will be. There’s been debate about whether they may portend a permanent Democratic majority; vote according to ethnic backgrounds — Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban American; or hold political points of view that vary by economics or region, much like other Americans.

With the 2016 election, we have a new set of data to help us investigate this question. My county-by-county comparison of election results in 2016 and 2012, drawn from data available at,, and other sites, shows that rural white and rural Hispanic voters have a lot in common.

Or to put it another way, the election of 2016 revealed an urban/rural divide that was as strong as the white/Hispanic divide.

Election analysts have noted that Donald Trump ran up the vote in rural, largely white counties in the Rust Belt and the Midwest. He flipped or narrowed Hillary Clinton’s margin of victory in others. Because these rural voters came out so strongly, states that hadn’t helped elect a Republican for a long time — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and most likely Michigan — delivered his electoral victory, however narrowly.

And here’s the surprise: many rural Southwestern counties with large Hispanic, predominantly Mexican populations, moved in Trump’s direction as well.

That wasn’t true in Southwestern states as a whole. States like New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas remained blue or became less red. Hillary Clinton got strong Hispanic turnout in Sun Belt metropolises like Las Vegas, Phoenix, and San Antonio.

But if you look closely at many largely Hispanic rural areas in these states, you find that Trump did better — and Hillary did worse — than did Mitt Romney or Barack Obama. Voting in these counties was much like that in similar counties in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

When postelection reports suggested that Trump performed surprisingly well among Hispanic voters, the polling firm Latino Decisions rejected the claim. The firm specializes in polling Latino voters, and enumerated the risks of relying on exit polls to understand that electorate’s behavior. The firm vigorously defended its own election eve polls, which suggested that Clinton would rack up historically wide margins from Latinos.

But Latino Decisions, in defense of polls it conducted leading up to the election, has focused on overwhelmingly Hispanic precincts in more urban areas, not the rural communities that tell a different story.

In dozens of rural counties throughout the Southwest, Clinton performed worse in 2016 than Obama did in 2012, as you can see in the figure below. In Guadalupe County, N.M., about an hour’s drive east of Albuquerque, she received 17 percent less of the vote than Obama did four years ago — 53 percent compared with Obama’s 70 percent. In several other counties where Hispanics accounted for half to nearly all of the population — Rio Arriba, N.M.; Costilla, Colo.; Greenlee, Ariz.; and Duval, Tex., for example — Clinton took home roughly 10 percent fewer votes than did Obama in 2012. In many more heavily Latino counties, her votes lagged behind Obama’s by 3 to 8 points.

Even in the South Texas counties that Latino Decisions has named bulwarks of Clinton support — the Rio Grande Valley below San Antonio, where she won between 70 and 85 percent of the vote — she didn’t do as well as Obama had done four years earlier. In Brooks County, which, according to the 2015 American Community Survey, is 89.5 percent Hispanic, Clinton’s tally was 3.9 percent less than Obama’s. In Zavala County, which is 93.1 percent Hispanic, it was 5.6 percent less. In Duval County, which is 88.8 percent Hispanic, it was 9.8 percent less.

Meanwhile, as you can see below, Trump did much better among Hispanics in the rural Southwest than Romney did. He received a greater share of the vote than Romney had in more than a dozen counties with large Hispanic populations: six percent more than Romney in Starr County, Tex., which is 95.8 percent Hispanic; 7.5 percent more in Costilla County, N.M., which is 63.6 percent Hispanic; and 9.1 percent more in Duval County, Texas, which is 88.8 percent Hispanic.

Clinton may have received more votes than Obama did in many parts of South Texas, where, as a politically-motivated student at Yale Law School, she knocked on doors in predominantly Mexican neighborhoods for the McGovern campaign. But Trump also received more votes in South Texas than Romney did. Clinton rallied thousands more voters, but so did Trump. His supporters there matched the enthusiasm of Clinton’s, just as they did in dozens of rural counties with large Hispanic populations in New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas.

In fact, two Colorado counties where Hispanics constitute about half the population flipped from blue to red. Conejos County, which is 53.7 percent Hispanic, went for Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016. So did Las Animas County, which is 42.6 percent Hispanic. In both counties, turnout was lower for Clinton than it had been for Obama, and higher for Trump than it was for Romney.

To be sure, some of these rural Southwestern counties are extremely small compared with the big cities where Hispanic support for Clinton was strong. In small counties, the Hispanic vote adds up to hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands — while in cities, it totals hundreds of thousands. Therefore, rural Hispanics won’t be credited with moving the needle much in one direction or the other.

So yes, there was a Hispanic “surge” in big Southwestern cities that helped Clinton hold on to New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada, and helped make Trump’s margin of victory in Arizona and Texas narrower than it had been for any Republican in two decades. But that ignores the vote in rural counties across the country — including those that are largely Hispanic — that led to Trump’s victory.

Why would Hispanics vote for Trump, despite his many anti-immigrant and anti-Mexican statements?

One answer: poverty. The Hispanic communities in the rural Southwest that moved toward Trump were some of the poorest in their states.

Take San Miguel, Guadalupe, and Mora Counties in New Mexico, whose populations are 77.1, 79.2, and 80.2 percent Hispanic, respectively. These three counties have New Mexico’s lowest median household income, highest rates of unemployment, and lowest rates of labor market participation. The median income in these counties for families with a head of household between the ages of 25 and 44 is between $25,000 and $30,000 per year, or about half the national median income ($55,000) for families with heads in the same age range. These counties lost, on average, about 5 percent of their population between 2010 and 2015.

In other words, they’ve suffered the same tough economic circumstances as did some of the Midwestern counties that handed Trump the election. They’re more similar to than different from other forgotten counties across the United States, where voters upended the predictions of pollsters and shouted against the status quo.

Ruben Navarette Jr. wrote in The Daily Beast that the election “boiled down to a brutish tug-of-war between Latinos in the battleground states of the West … and working class whites in the Rust Belt” — let’s add the upper Midwest — and “in the end, Trump found enough white voters to offset losses with Latinos.”

But that’s only partly true. In reality, many rural Hispanics and working class whites pulled on the same side of the rope.​

200 Racist Idiots Show Up at 'Alt-Right' Conference in D.C. and the Leftist Media Goes Berzerk

I've had enough of this.

The 'alt-right" is nothing. It's like some 4chan nightmare come to life. Seriously.

Richard Spencer got full fawning treatment at the Los Angeles Times last week, "'There's nothing wrong with being white.' Trump's win brings 'white pride' out of the shadows."

And noq, Sarah Kendzior, and I'm sure numerous others, got the Times to change their headline on yesterday's alt-right conference in D.C., with the new headline denoting "white supremacists."

But the thing is, they number in the low hundreds. They're nobodies. I mean, who knew racism would be so popular in the late-Obama interregnum?

But see Jamie Weinstein:

Still more, at the New York Times (seeing a pattern here?):

Seahawks Wide Receiver Doug Baldwin Flips Off Coach Before Throwing TD Pass to Russell Wilson

Well, as they say, there's been a breakdown in civility, heh.


'Alt-Right Founder Questions If Jews Are People...'

Fuck Richard Spencer.

This guy's 15 minutes are up. Flush 'im.

BONUS: At the Hill and Twitchy, expect to see more of this as the leftist media ramps up its attacks on Trump's "white supremacist" supporters (who, even if they are, make up less than 100th of one percent of the U.S. electorate; they're minuscule):

Donald Trump Has Been Facing an 'Avalanche' of Media Smears (VIDEO)

It's Kellyanne Conway, on the "Kelly File" last night:

White Anger, Racial Violence, Economic Despair

It's been two weeks, but leftist hysteria shows no signs of abating any time soon.

Here's Jeff Schechtman, at Alternet, "Election Reflection: White Anger, Racial Violence, Economic Despair, and the Worst Is Yet to Come — A Journalist's Dark View from Flyover Country."

This is an interview with Sarah Kendzior, and it's all transcribed.

(She's a little unglued, but interesting, as I've been saying.)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Jennifer Aniston Mentioned 'Sex Toys' in Front of Disabled Children on Live Television


And I thought Angelina Jolie was supposed to be the rebel (see, "Explaining the Enduring Pop Culture Fascination with Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie").

At London's Daily Mail, "'Did Jennifer Aniston just mention sex toys in front of disabled children?' Actress, 47, stuns viewers with live pre-watershed gaffe... as they marvel at her youthful appearance."

BONUS: Flashback, "Jennifer Aniston Mexico Bikini Pics!"

Well, Shoot, I Was Waiting for Trump's Purge Anarchy

Scott Eric Kaufman has died.

The hand of God swept to smite that asshole from the earth.

When I think of the one person I'd purge if purge anarchy was a possibility (in our times of troubles), it'd be SEK.

Sorry not sorry.

This was an evil person, a perfect representation of the evil the left produces. There is no redeeming quality. There's nothing redeeming I could even think of in his case. He was an all-around despicable person and I'm cheering his exit from this mortal existence.

Good riddance.

In any case, long time readers will get it. If you're a newbie around these parts, see "The Lies of Scott Eric Kaufman — Leftist Hate-Blogger Sought to Silence Criticism With Libelous Campaign of Workplace Harassment."

'Spread your tiny wings and fly away...'

I listened to Elvis Presley's cover of "Snowbird" yesterday on satellite radio.

It's Anne Murray, however, who had the biggest hit with the song.

Beneath this snowy mantle cold and clean
The unborn grass lies waiting
For its coat to turn to green
The snowbird sings the song he always sings
And speaks to me of flowers
That will bloom again in spring

When I was young my heart was young then too
Anything that it would tell me
That's the thing that I would do
But now I feel such emptiness within
For the thing that I want most in life's
The thing thing that I can't win

Spread your tiny wings and fly away
And take the snow back with you
Where it came from on that day
The one I love forever is untrue
And if I could you know that I would
Fly away with you

The breeze along the river seems to say
That he'll only break me heart again
Should I decide to stay
So little snowbird take me with you
When you go
To that land of gentle breezes
Where the peaceful waters flow

Spread your tiny wings and fly away
And take the snow back with you
Where it came from on that day
The one I love forever is untrue
And if I could you know that I would
Fly away with you

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Leftist Elitism Faces Hard Times in the West

From the stodgy Economist, a magazine to which I had a three-year subscription while in graduate school.

They used to be way more free market over there. Now it's all hand-wringing and whining. They've been corrupted like the rest of the leftist elite, and now they're bemoaning the populist tide.

Interestingly though, in this piece below, Lexington warns the Democrats that mimicking "right-wing" wing populism ain't going to work. Voters are not fools. They'll go for the real thing every time, heh.

See, "Democrats on the Brink." (Cached version to get around the subscription gate; also at Google here.)

Kendall Jenner Quits Instagram — And Then Restores Her Account (VIDEO)

She restored her account today, posting a flurry of new photos.

Frankly, no serious celebrity hottie in this day and age is going to spend a long time in social media "detox." And she's a hot chick.

At WWTDD, "Kendall Jenner Seems Simple":
There's a reason nature didn't evolve women who were both hot and smart. For the very same reason the vast majority of offensive tackles aren't majoring in engineering. Smart attractive women or smart huge strong guys in any reasonable number would quickly take over the species. The smart attractive women would refuse to fuck and the smart big men would spend their days inventing undetectable ways to spike the punch bowl.

Kendall Jenner recently announced she was leaving Instagram. The many millions of people who rely on Kendall Jenner's day to get through their own expressed dismay and shock. Somebody bought a fancy new belt that looked amazing. Theories on Jenner's abandonment ranged from the inane to the inane. Her followers don't have great range. But it was all so simple, as Jenner explained on Ellen...

Here's video, "Kendall Jenner Plays 'Hot Hands: Kardashian Jenner Edition'."

Plus, at EW, "Kendall Jenner returns to Instagram a week after deleting account."

Previously Kendall blogging is here.

The Electoral College Is in Play

Leftitsts hate the Electoral College and want to abolish it. Indeed, with Hillary winning the popular vote, outgoing Senator Barbara Boxer's threw a Hail Mary with a new proposed constitutional amendment in the Senate.

But depraved progressives would be singing the glories of the system should Democrat electors engineer a "faithless" revolt come December, which a Colorado elector, writing at Daily Kos, says is possible (via Instapundit):
I am one of the Electoral College Electors from Colorado. This is by virtue of Hillary Clinton prevailing in Colorado (moving me from a nominated certified Elector to “actual” Elector). Late last week I canvassed half my fellow CO Electors beginning with Micheal Baca, who is mentioned here in the Denver Post article: Colorado presidential elector seeks to block Donald Trump from White House, also talked to numerous political reporters both print and national on line media, (AKA; John Frank the author of the above article and Kyle Cheney from Politico, author of this article, Here are the people who will cast the formal vote for president next month​, political science and presidential history university scholars, law school professors, political professionals, elected and government officials and I have come to this conclusion: INDEED THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE IS IN AN HISTORIC PLAY. Where this goes is speculation but sentiment is building that the Electors cannot sit by and be ceremonial.
Fuck 'em.

Donald Trump Slams 'Saturday Night Live' (VIDEO)

At USA Today, "Trump slams 'SNL,' doubles down on 'Hamilton'."

Alec Baldwin's prolly got a boner going while playing 'Trump' on the show.

I gotta admit I laughed at this clip, but for the most part I avoid the show, filled as it is with "idiots and losers."

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoons photo Catch-Up-600-LI_zpsj1nnkz9w.jpg

Also, at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

Cartoon Credit: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Hobos."

Rubbermaid No-Slip Cutlery Tray

It's a #1 Bestseller, at Amazon, Rubbermaid No-Slip Cutlery Tray, Large, Black.

Also, Cook N Home 12-Piece Stainless Steel Set.

Plus, Home and Kitchen - Gift Ideas.

More, AmazonBasics Apple Certified Lightning to USB Cable - 6 Feet (1.8 Meters) - White.

And, Diary of a Wimpy Kid # 11: Double Down.

Still more, Bill O'Reilly and James Patterson, Give Please a Chance.

BONUS: Michael T. Flynn, The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.

Save Up to 50 Percent on Logitech PC Accessories

At Amazon.

More here.

For example, Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover Mini for iPad mini 3/ mini 2/ mini - White.

Plus, Holiday Toy List 2016.

And, Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids Food Storage Container, 42-piece Set, Red.

Still more, Computers and Laptop Accessories.

Get the Amazon Echo - Black.

BONUS: Phyllis Schlafly, The Conservative Case for Trump.

Breitbart Looks to Expand Globally

Breitbart is reviled by leftists, obviously for getting the job done. Professor Melissa Zimdars, of Merrimack College in Massachusetts, even included Breitbart on her "scholarly" list of "fake" news sites. Actually, most "fake" news I read is on the left. For progs like Professor Zimdars, "fake" news is real conservative leaning news they don't like.

In any case, the folks at the Breitbart shop are looking for growth opportunities.

At LAT, "Breitbart News, fiery conservative outlet buoyed by Trump victory, aims to go global":
It all began a little more than 10 years ago in a basement in Westwood: a small army of young employees in T-shirts and shorts huddled over their laptops, determined to launch a news site that would shake up the world of conservative media.

At first, the site started by Andrew Breitbart was a simple news aggregation service. But in a few short years it evolved into an idiosyncratic voice combining original reporting, incendiary commentary and outright trolling, in keeping with the rambunctious spirit of its founder, who died in 2012.

As its popularity grew, many condemned its rhetoric as extremist, xenophobic, sexist and a platform for hate speech — accusations its leaders have denied. Others laughed it off as a journalistic lightweight catering to a far-right fringe known as the alt-right.

No one’s laughing anymore. As Donald Trump prepares to take office as president, the Breitbart News Network stands poised to become one of the most influential conservative media companies in the country. Stephen K. Bannon, the site’s controversial executive chairman, was a key figure in Trump’s campaign and has been named chief White House strategist.

For Breitbart, this could mean a direct line to the West Wing, a level of media access unprecedented in modern times, according to experts. While some believe this will turn the outlet into an extension of the Trump administration, leaders at Breitbart see it as an opportunity that will allow them to compete not only with conservative rivals like Fox News, but the entire media firmament, which it sees as dishonest about its left-leaning bias...

Saturday, November 19, 2016

ICYMI: J.D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy [BUMPED]

This one's on the top of my list. I'm reading this currently, and it's awesome.

At Amazon, J.D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis.

Poor, Poor Charles Blow

When sad leftists babble on about how their kids are going to be "alien" in their own country, all they're really saying is that they hate Republicans, they can't believe their candidate lost, and the only possible explanation for events is "RACISM."

It's not only stupid, it's wrong. (See this Scott Adams post for proof.)

At CNN, "J.D. Vance, author of 'Hillbilly Elegy', and CNN political commentator Charles Blow, talk about how divided American voters are feeling after the 2016 election."

Actually, it's mostly sad Charles Blow, but J.D. Vance does comment as well. He's a nice guy. A good guy, and obviously quite tolerant of idiots like Mr. Blow.

Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman in Bikinis


Plus, "No filter! Instagram models Devin Brugman and Natasha Oakley flaunt their natural curves in skimpy bikinis at Sydney's Bondi Beach."

BONUS: "Hillary Duff Bonking Her Trainer Paying Off."

Select Amazon Kindle eReaders Up to $30 Off

At Amazon.

Here, All-New Kindle E-reader - Black, 6" Glare-Free Touchscreen Display, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers.

BONUS: Joshua Clover, Riot. Strike. Riot: The New Era of Uprisings. (Kindle Edition.)

Why Jeff Sessions Has Conservatives So Fired Up

He's the ultimate antithesis of everything the Obama-left stands for, and I love it!

Following-up, "President-Elect Donald J. Trump Selects U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General (VIDEO)."

At the Daily Signal, "Why Jeff Sessions, ‘an Advocate for the Constitution,’ Has Conservatives So Excited."