For an outfit like Charlie Hebdo, it takes phenomenal courage. But it's a stand that must not falter, the stand against fanatical Islamic jihad. You can't fucking cave to the terrorists.
It's Zineb El Rhazoui. What a lady!
At Jihad Watch, "Journalist quits Charlie Hebdo because it now bows to jihadis’ demand: “Mohammed is no longer depicted”":
As I noted here, Charlie Hebdo has not only surrendered but switched sides. Most of the Western media has likewise surrendered, along with major figures of the intelligentsia, the Catholic Church, and more. What none of them seem to realize, or to care about, is that if you bow to jihadis’ demands in any detail, you will not get peace. You will only encourage them to issue more demands. Self-censorship and refusal to draw Muhammad is not charity, or good sense, or prudence. It is condemning our children and our children’s children to lives of violence, harassment and misery.More.
“Charlie Hebdo has gone soft on extremists: quitting journalist,” by Laurence Thomann, AFP, January 6, 2017:
Paris (AFP) – One of Charlie Hebdo’s most outspoken journalists said on Friday she is quitting the French satirical magazine because it has gone soft on Islamist extremism.
Zineb El Rhazoui accused the weekly of bowing to Islamist extremists and no longer daring to draw the Prophet Mohammed.
Her parting shot comes on the eve of the second anniversary of the jihadist massacre that almost wiped out the controversial magazine’s staff.
“Charlie Hebdo died on January 7”, the day the gunmen attacked the magazine killing 12 people, El Rhazoui said in a damning interview with AFP.
She said she felt Charlie Hebdo now follows the editorial line the extremists had demanded “before the attack — that Mohammed is no longer depicted”.