Thursday, June 8, 2017
Stop Lying to Us
My new Townhall is up! ||
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) June 8, 2017
The most significant revelation that came out of the most recent London massacre of disarmed British subjects was not the bloodshed itself, but the pathetic sissy whining, in the midst of throats being slashed, at the Brit who refused to adhere to the comforting lie that the Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah were not Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah.
The left would rather you lie and die than tell the truth and live.
It’s exhausting being lied to 24/7 about the big issues, and don’t start with the “but what about Trump?” nonsense because…well, what about Trump?
Does Trump pretend that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam because to admit the Islamic State has something to do with Islam is an admission that the unquestionable idea underlying multiculturalism – that every culture is wonderful except the Western culture that brought about 95 percet of the learning and science that is making the grinding poverty and disease that was heretofore man’s fate a thing of the past – is an utter fraud?
Does Trump pretend that we are morally or scientifically bound by a non-treaty that was non-submitted to our elected representatives to solve the non-problem of climate change at the price of our non-employment and non-prosperity?
Does Trump blame Russians for the utter repudiation of Felonia von Pantsuit’s poisonous ideology of greed and huggy fascism? Does he contend Hillary skipped those icky workin’ folks in Wisconsin and Michigan because Putin tricked her?
I keep trying to find the big Trump “lies” and they always seem to end up being disagreements with liberal orthodoxy.
But for the so-called elite that seeks to rule us, it’s all lies, all day, every day, about everything, since they can’t be honest because we normals reject what they want whenever we are exposed to the truth and are allowed a say. So their go-to move to impose their sick will is to obscure or hide the truth, and try to suppress our voices...
'The left wants the rest of us to believe that Trump is some sort of strange aberration from an otherwise genteel elite society, when in fact he was created by the increasingly profane media overculture, and his mere presence in the White House is driving leftists into even cruder levels of discourse and violence...'
This Aslan dude's been running a scrubbing marathon, no doubt.
The Todd Akin thing goes back five years ago. I'll bet there's a treasure trove of hatred pockmarked all through this guy's timeline.
Some of CNN host Reza Aslan’s other disgusting and hateful tweets are mysteriously disappearing. The cable network star drew controversy when he called Donald Trump a “piece of shit” last weekend. He lamely “apologized” and declared, “That’s not like me.” Except, of course, it is...Keep reading.
Lawrence Paul Hebron, Islam Exposed
March Against Sharia — Nationwide Protests Set for June 10, 2017 (VIDEO)
She's fired up at the video.
And see WND, "Anti-Shariah rallies planned for 28 U.S. cities June 10":
ACT! for America is planning a nationwide “March Against Sharia – March for Human Rights” on June 10 that so far has 28 cities signed up to participate.
Organizers say they will be taking a public stand against female genital mutilation, honor violence, the blasphemy and apostasy laws, among other elements of Shariah that are increasingly showing up in American society.
Brigitte Gabriel, the founder of ACT For America, said America is now starting to experience some of the same atrocities of Shariah that her family escaped in Lebanon decades ago.
“We want to increase awareness about certain practices that are starting to happen in our country with the rise of Islamic immigration, because we are now hearing about female genital mutilation, like the cases in Detroit recently announced by the Department of Justice,” she told WND. “Who would have thought in 21st century America, after what women did working so hard in defense of women’s rights that we’d be talking about little girls being horribly mutilated, and that 513,000 girls are at risk of this barbaric Third World procedure, according to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control].”
ACT! will also shine a light on honor killings and honor violence.
“It’s already here in America,” Gabriel said. “We’re seeing girls being killed simply for wanting to wear makeup. Under our Constitution they deserve the same rights and protections.”
She said U.S. feminists are “completely silent on this issue, and that is why we are trying to humanize this issue by putting names behind these atrocities. On our website we have faces of girls and woman who have been killed in the name of honor by their husbands in America. We want to personalize these faces so when people hear about honor killing and FGM they know it is happening here in America to American girls and women, not just in Pakistan or India or Saudi Arabia.”
Scott Presler, one of the organizers of the event, said the left will try to paint the rallies as “Islamophobic” and anti-Muslim, because that’s what the left always does in its defense of the Islamist agenda.
If radical leftists want to hold counter protests in favor of female genital mutilations, honor killings and the death penalty for former Muslims who have left the faith, they are more than welcome to do so, he said.
“You cannot be pro-Shariah and call yourself a feminist – that is called fake feminism, people like Linda Sarsour are fake feminists and hypocrites,” said Presler, referring to the leader of the Women’s March on Washington after Donald Trump was elected president...
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Theresa May on Cover of the New Charlie Hebdo
What's up with all the beheading of heads of government?
At Althouse, "'Too much is too much!' says the severed head of Theresa May on the cover of the new Charlie Hebdo."
I think I can see this as true satire, whereas not so much with Kathy Griffin, but you be the judge.
And from the comments at Althouse, "This is quite different, though, from the Griffin bit. That it has to be explained is kind depressing, though..."
And at Pamela's, "Charlie Hebdo’s beheads U.K. P.M Theresa May."
WATCH: Kate Mara on Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
I'm going to see "Megan Leavey" this weekend.
Video here, "Kate Mara Turned Fiancé Jamie Bell Into a Bigger NY Giants Fan Than Herself."
And at London's Daily Mail, "'He's the bride!': Kate Mara says fiance Jamie Bell is doing the wedding planning as she puts on busty display in LBD on Tonight Show."
London Bridge Must Not Fall Down
Iconic London Bridge is not falling and must not fall down, my fair lady. The attack on innocent citizens in the area on June 4, 2017 makes it a symbol of the need for the struggle of civilization against Islamic barbarism to continue. That struggle requires changes in policies of Western democracies. The soft power of humanity so far is not sufficent to eliminate Islamist dominated terrorism, to prevent, detect, and destroy it.
Britain is fully aware of the urgent need for change. It has suffered an attack by vehicle and knives in London on March 2017 when five were killed, the attack in Manchester at a concert on May 22 when 22 were killed, and now the latest manifestation of evil on June 3, 2017 when three terrorists used a van to mow down pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbed people at random in bars and pubs in nearby Borough Market which is always busy on a Saturday night. The three murdered 7 and injured 48 before being killed by London police. The motive was unmistakable as one of the villains while stabbing an individual shouted, "This is for Allah."
Enough is enough. An Islamic terrrorist is not a freedom fighter, but an evil murderer, seeking the most deadly venue, and must be recognized as such. It is insufficient to respond to these Islamist murderers by limited remarks as did new French President Emmanuel Macron wih "My thoughts go out to the victims and their loved ones," and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, "Awful news..we're monitoring the situation." Trudeau, like the character Fagin in Lionel Bart's musical Oliver, is apparently "reviewing the situation to see if a fellow can be a villain all his life."
What is frightening are three things. One is that the murderers were obeying the ideology and instructions of major Islamic terrorists, especially ISIS calling for killing non-believers, "Crusaders," by using weapons, fire, and vehicles in shopping malls, restaurants and clubs. The killers attacked soft targets not with bombs that may need technical skill of some kind or even guns, but by vehicle and knives.
The second is the apparent considerable network of support for the killers; more than 12 people have so far been arrested in connnection with the attack on June 3. The third aspect is that the attack came during Ramadan, giving the lie to the supposed peaceful religious nature of life and faith. In cynical fashion one of the killers even wore an Arsenal shirt, the emblem of the London soccer club perhaps dear to many of the victims.
President Donald Trump may have been too quick to condemn London Mayor Sadiq Khan and perhaps to misunderstand his remark after the attack, "no reason to be alarmed," and his suggestion there were more important things to worry about. But Trump's remark did not deserve a response such as that from CNN's Reza Aslan that Trump's renewal of call for a travel ban was a "piece of s..." and that the President was an embarrassment to the US and to humankind.
The truth is otherwise. One does not have to be in accordance with Trump's tweets to acknowledge certain facts. The Islamist terrorists, a minority of the Muslims in the world, are extremists who are the embarrasment to their own religion and to humankind, and are believers and activists in favor of creating a way of life incompatible with western democracy. They reject systems based on the rule of secular law, and advocate Islamist rule to be established by jihad, holy war and terrorism.
Meaningful action is essential...
Vox Day, SJWs Always Lie
Social Justice Warriors have plagued mankind for more than 150 years, but only in the last 30 years has their ideology become dominant in the West. Having invaded one institution of the cultural high ground after another, from corporations and churches to video games and government, there is nowhere that remains entirely free of their intolerant thought and speech policing. Because the SJW agenda of diversity, tolerance, inclusiveness, and equality flies in the face of both science and observable reality, SJWs relentlessly work to prevent normal people from thinking or speaking in any manner that will violate their ever-mutating Narrative. They police science, philosophy, technology, and even history in order to maintain the pretense that their agenda remains inevitable in a modern world that contradicts it on a daily basis. The book is named after the First Law of SJW: SJWs always lie. SJWs ALWAYS LIE is a useful guide to understanding, anticipating, and surviving SJW attacks from the perspective of a man who has not only survived, but thrived, after experiencing multiple attempts by Social Justice Warriors to disqualify, discredit, and disemploy him in the same manner they have successfully attacked Nobel Laureates, technology CEOs, broadcasters, sports commentators, school principals, and policemen. It analyzes well-known SJW attacks as well as the two most successful examples of resistance to the SJW Narrative, #GamerGate and Sad Puppies. Written by Vox Day, Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil and three-time Hugo nominee who is described as the most hated man in science fiction by Black Gate and the Wall Street Journal, SJWs ALWAYS LIE is a powerful weapon in the cultural war against the thought police.
Chrystia Freeland's a Bloody Idiot
Oh boy, I'd love to let Ottawa have a piece of my mind. No extended deterrence for you!
At Blazing Cat Fur, "Good Manners Backed by Muscle Mark Canada’s Approach to the World, Chrystia Freeland Says."
So, #Canada's gonna "lead the world"? That's a laugh riot alright.
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) June 6, 2017
Key section of Canada foreign minister's speech: we'll work with the US wherever possible, but the US might not lead the world anymore, so.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) June 6, 2017
Islamic State Claims Deadly Attacks on Iranian Parliament and Khomeini Shrine (VIDEO)
At the Guardian U.K., "Iran: 12 dead as Islamic State claims attacks on parliament and shrine":
At least 12 people have been killed and dozens more injured in Tehran after gunmen and suicide bombers attacked the Iranian parliament and the mausoleum of the founder of the Islamic Republic.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks on the highly symbolic sites, publishing a brief video that purported to show the assailants inside the parliament. If an Isis role is confirmed, this would be the first attack conducted by the terror group inside Iran.
The parliament assault began when four gunmen armed with rifles burst into the building complex. One of the attackers reportedly blew himself up inside as police surrounded the building.
Gunfire could be heard from outside as police helicopters circled overhead, entrance and exit gates were closed, and mobile phone lines from inside were disconnected.
“I was inside the parliament when shooting happened. Everyone was shocked and scared. I saw two men shooting randomly,” one journalist at the scene, who asked not to be named, told Reuters.
ran’s leaders sought to play down the attacks, with neither President Hassan Rouhani nor supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei making a statement by early evening.
Attacks are highly rare in Tehran and other major Iranian cities, although a Sunni militant group named Jundallah and its splinter group, Ansar al Furqan, have been waging a deadly insurgency, mostly in more remote areas, for almost a decade.
Isis, which adheres to a puritanical strain of Sunni Islam, considers Shias heretics and has carried out numerous attacks against Shia civilians, in Iraq in particular. But this assault, which appeared to have a higher degree of coordination and planning than recent Isis-claimed attacks in Europe, would be a significant escalation...
Conservative Student Lexie Kaufman Flees Emerson College After Year of Harassment
At Legal Insurrection, "Conservative Student Flees Emerson College Over Harassment."
After #LondonBridge Jihad, Security Debate Sharpens in British General Election (VIDEO)
Whatever happens, Islamic jihad should be the top priority, but as always, expect nothing to change. Indeed, if Corbyn's able to win, expect things to get worse. Much worse.
But see the Telegraph U.K., "FINAL DAY OF CAMPAIGNING: General Election 2017 Tories on course for majority of 100 after latest forecast - the eight charts that show how Britain will vote."
And at the Los Angeles Times, "With British election looming, security debate sharpens as two bridge attackers publicly named":
Three days before a British general election in which security concerns have surged to the fore, Scotland Yard acknowledged Monday that the extremist Islamist views of one of three slain attackers who carried out a weekend terrorist strike had been known to investigators.
On the first weekday after the ramming-and-stabbing attack on and near London Bridge that killed seven people and injured dozens more, Londoners and visitors held a moment of silence amid a solemn vigil on the banks of the Thames — but they also resumed their workaday routines.
Commuters streamed on foot past police barricades and heaps of memorial bouquets. The bridge itself reopened, though some streets near the attack scene remained closed off.
Police for the first time publicly identified two of the three dead attackers — Pakistan-born Khuram Shazad Butt, 27, and Rachid Redouane, 30, who had said he was of Moroccan and Libyan extraction. News outlets scrambled to learn more about them, redoubling questions about the plotting that preceded the attack, and whether it should have come to authorities’ attention.
With an increasingly hard-fought general election set Thursday, fallout from Saturday’s attack took on ever-growing political significance.
Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party was still favored to win the largest share of seats in Parliament, but a poll published Monday by the organization YouGov suggested her party would fall 21 seats short of a 326-seat majority, while the rival Labor Party stood to increase its share.
For the last month, May has attempted to cast as the election’s centerpiece the terms of Britain’s exit from the European Union and her ability to provide stable leadership during fraught negotiations with the EU. Instead, she found herself forced to defend having presided over the cuts of thousands of police jobs during her six-year tenure as home secretary, the top security job.
Her chief rival, Jeremy Corbyn, said the prime minister should resign over the police cutbacks — a position he walked back somewhat by urging voters to let Thursday’s election be a referendum on that.
May, for her part, pointed to beefed-up security already in place, with more measures to come. “This was an attack on London and the United Kingdom, but it was also an attack on the free world,” she said Monday.
Max Abrahms, a political scientist at Northeastern University who has studied the impact of terrorist attacks on elections, said both Conservative and Labor leaders “are trying very hard to seem tough on terrorists,” adding: “There’s no question the attack in London will affect the election.”
Both candidates have also had to deal with another unexpected factor: President Trump. On Sunday and Monday, the president sharply criticized London’s Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, with whom he previously feuded.
Corbyn denounced the presidential tweets; May defended Khan but refrained from directly criticizing Trump, who is highly unpopular in Britain...
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
#LondonBridge: Sadiq Khan Should Be Ashamed
The more we find out, the scarier it gets. READ:
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) June 6, 2017
I commend Piers Morgan. There's something I never thought I would hear myself say.
I watched him interview Sadiq Khan on GMB this morning and he was 100% more professional than I would ever have been.
I can imagine coming round to find Sadiq lying on the floor with camera three lying across his limp body, and me wild-eyed, legging it down the South Bank.
He appears to show no conception of the horror our capital city is facing, keeps repeating London is the safest city in the world, and refuses to connect the glaringly obvious dots between Islamic Extremism and the attacks on our children.
He said he could not comment about the 23,000 individuals identified as 'subjects of interest' still at large because this is an ongoing investigation.
He would not answer why we did not do more to the lock up the attacker - Khuram Butt - who went on to be the Butcher of London Bridge because the police operation was still live.
It's a mantra we keep hearing from any of the people who are supposed to be keeping us safe. The Met Commissioner said it yesterday. Boris Johnson repeated it this morning.
How convenient.
Well I'm calling them on this.
I'd like to believe there are good operational reasons for taking over two days to tell us who the killers were.
But I can't help suspecting that it's more about dodging difficult questions and managing the flow of news that is bound to make people bloody angry.
Waiting until our initial horror and rage at the original attack dissipates before releasing information that will make us furious all over again.
And giving themselves time to get their stories straight before the sh*t hits the fan.
Similarly, whenever I hear a top cop or a politician start an interview with a paean of praise to the courage of the rank-and-file officers who helped stop Saturday's massacre, I can't help feeling they are being treated as human shields.
Nobody admires our ordinary police officers more than me and the courage of those who faced down the three maniacs in Borough Market – armed sometimes with just a baton – leaves me in awe.
This is not about the brave officers on the ground. Uniformed, on duty or off. Changing into riot gear on the sidewalk behind their vans. Dancing with our little girls to bring some reassurance to our fear. They are warriors. They should be rewarded. One and all.
But equally if the people at the top were doing their jobs properly, the brave bobbies on the street wouldn't need to be quite so much in harm's way. Sadiq Khan, the investigating officers, MI5, Theresa May - I've lost confidence in all of them.
As a twitter user - Sam White commented; 'Jihadis are cleverly evading the authorities by appearing in documentaries about jihadis with the word jihadi in the title'.
We now know the London Bridge, Manchester and Westminster attackers were all known to counter-terrorism agencies.
The mostly recently named of the three attackers on London Bridge, Youssef Zaghba - even told the Italian authorities why he was flying to Turkey in 2016. 'I'm going to be terrorist,' he said. Police were called and he was prevented from flying.
Authorities confirm complete dossier on him would have been forwarded to MI5 in April 2016 after he travelled to the UK.
His London accomplice Khuram Shazad Butt, 27, a British citizen of Pakistani descent, was well known to authorities and reported repeatedly by members of the public, now frustrated nothing was done.
Band of Brothers at the Eagle's Nest
Either way, phenomenal photo, and some of the greatest Americans.
PREVIOUSLY: "D-Day 73rd Anniversary."Dick Winters and Easy Company (Band of Brothers) at the Eagle's Nest, Hitler's residence— History In Pictures (@HistoryInPix) June 6, 2017
Shop Books on D-Day
* Jonathan Gawne, Spearheading D-Day: American Special Units in Normandy.Thanks for your support!
* John C. McManus, The Dead and Those About to Die: D-Day: The Big Red One at Omaha Beach.
* Cornelius Ryan, The Longest Day: The Classic Epic of D-Day.
More blogging tonight.
D-Day 73rd Anniversary
Also, at the Heavy, "D-Day 2017: 73rd Anniversary Photos of Normandy Beach Invasion."
And watch, "President Reagan's Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, D-Day at Point-du-Hoc - June 6, 1984":
James Holland, The War in the West
Also from Holland, The Rise of Germany, 1939-1941: The War in the West, Volume One.
The State Department's a 'Hotbed of Resistance' Against President Trump
At the New York Times:
Important @MarkLandler read on State Dept as "hotbed of resistance," as career diplomats start speaking out on Trump
— Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) June 6, 2017
Breitbart's Katie Mchugh Fired for Politically Incorrect Tweets
I did notice that intrepid Twitter scavengers dug up some of the woman's old tweets, and indeed she posts some whack stuff. For example, she tweeted in favor of repealing the 19th Amendment as a method of rolling back welfare programs? I doubt I'd go for stripping women of the suffrage to get a handle of welfare, but it's not a fire-able opinion.
I think I noted yesterday that I'm not really into getting people fired for their views. Kathy Griffin's a special case. I don't feel sad for her, and as Ace noted, sometimes it's necessary to become the left to fight the left. But be careful what you wish for: the revolution always eats its own, and what goes around comes around. This kind of boycott-attack-character assassination and recrimination-style of politics will leave very few survivors. I've been down this road myself (Scott Kaufman and Carl Salonen come to mind).
In any case, via Twitter:
Wow - Breitbart’s Katie McHugh is out at Breitbart after making horrible remarks after London attack— Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) June 5, 2017
A Breitbart News editor said she was fired for the anti-Muslim tweets she made after a terror attack in London
— NYT Business (@nytimesbusiness) June 5, 2017
The old Katie McHugh tweets I'm seeing float by are astounding. Happy I wasn't following her but my god, what an awful person.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) June 5, 2017
'Wonder Woman'
The reviews were pretty enthusiastic, but then, you have to see it for yourself. Gal Gadot is lovable, but the movie itself is coherent and refreshing. I hope she stars in a whole bunch of sequels. Now that Wolverine's retired, I'll need something to keep me into the genre.
In any case, some links:
WONDER WOMAN, reviewed. She's quite a Gal.
— Justin Chang (@JustinCChang) June 1, 2017
Diana Prince, we’ve been waiting for you.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) June 2, 2017
The NYT review of "Wonder Woman," a blockbuster that lets itself have fun
— The New York Times (@nytimes) May 31, 2017
Wonder Woman is the rare — and most successful — female-led film in an overwhelmingly male superhero landscape.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) June 4, 2017
The turnout for "Wonder Woman" over the weekend was one of the best ever for a nonsequel superhero film
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 5, 2017
I want to send out the deepest and sincere THANK YOU to all of you who made this so. YOU have helped us make change. Amazing!! #wonderwoman
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) June 5, 2017
Is it Ethical to Have Children?
It's only unethical if you're a leftist anti-humanist.
FWIW, at the far-left Foreign Policy, "As Environmental Catastrophe Looms, Is it Ethical to Have Children?"
Monday, June 5, 2017
Marissa Miller 'iPod Bikini' in Jamaica (VIDEO)
Evelyn Taft's Clouds and Fog Forecast
And here the pleasant and lovely Ms. Evelyn, for CBS News 2 Los Angeles:
Thomas E. Ricks, Churchill and Orwell
Well, this is certainly timely.
At Amazon, Thomas E. Ricks, Churchill and Orwell: The Fight for Freedom.
Ontario Canada's 'Bill 89' Authorizes Government Removal of 'Trans' Children from Christian Homes
But then, this is exactly what leftists have been pushing for --- total power over the family unit, the demonization and destruction of God-fearing traditional parents.
At LifeSite, "Petition calls for repeal of ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing children to be taken from Christian homes":Petition calls for repeal of ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing children to be taken from Christian homes— (@LifeSite) June 5, 2017
TORONTO, June 5, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews has launched a petition for the repeal of the Kathleen Wynne Liberals’ Bill 89, which passed last week by a vote of 63 to 23.Keep reading.
Pro-family advocates warn the bill gives the state power to seize children from families that oppose the LGBTQI and gender ideology agenda, and allows government agencies to effectively ban couples who disagree with that agenda from fostering or adopting children.
“Make no mistake, Bill 89 is a grave threat to Christians and all people of faith who have children, or who hope to grow their family through adoption,” says Jack Fonseca, senior political strategist for Campaign Life Coalition.
“This is a direct hit against parental authority,” echoed Tanya Granic Allen, executive director of Parents As First Educators (PAFE), which along with the Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) has been at the forefront of lobbying against the bill.
Bill 89, or the Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017, repeals and replaces the former Child and Family Services Act that governs child protection services, and adoption and foster care services.
It adds “gender identity” and “gender expression” as factors to be considered “in the best interests of the child.”
At the same time, it deletes the religious faith in which the parents are raising the child as a factor to be considered, and mandates child protection services consider only the child’s own “creed” or “religion” when assessing the best interests of the child.
Pro-family advocates point to public comments by Minister of Child and Family Services Michael Coteau as evidence the Liberals will use Bill 89 to enforce a pro-LGBTQI, gender ideology agenda in the home.
Coteau told QP Briefing shortly after he introduced the bill that he sees questioning teenagers’ self-identification as LGBTQI or telling them to change as abuse.
“I would consider that a form of abuse, when a child identifies one way and a caregiver is saying no, you need to do this differently,” Coteau said.
“If it’s abuse, and if it’s within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops.”
Coteau reiterated this to QP Briefing after Bill 89 passed Thursday...
Also, at Heat Street:
This is how totalitarianism is born.
— Heat Street (@heatstreet) June 5, 2017
Get Furious and Fight Back
Here's Katie Hopkins:
No more Keep Calm and Carry On.
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) June 5, 2017
Battle of Midway's 75th Anniversary in San Diego (VIDEO)
At ABC News 10 San Diego:
Shop Deals
Thanks again!
At Amazon, Today's Deals.
BONUS: Nabeel Qureshi, Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward.
After Britain Attack, Trump Feuds With London Mayor
I don't care what the MSM fags think.
That's the headline, cut-and-pasted above, from Memeorandum.
Plus, from idiot prog reporter Philip Rucker, at Wapo, via Memeorandum, "Trump reacts to London terror by stoking fear and renewing feud with mayor."
The leftist media is objectively pro-jihad.
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan condemns Saturday's terrorist attack on London Bridge and Borough Market #LondonBridge #LondonAttack
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) June 5, 2017
London Bridge Terrorist Was Carrying Irish identity Card
Seal Beach Paddleboarder's Close Call with Great White Shark?
At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:
Sunday, June 4, 2017
'Instructing Londoners to run, hide, and tell is a dramatic departure from the can-do, stiff-upper-lip, globe-striding empire of a century ago...'
From Jon Gabriel, at Ricochet, "In the Face of Terror, Londoners Told to 'Run, Hide, Tell'."
Sunday Cartoons
New #BenGarrison #cartoon A Change in the Weather #trump #ParisAccord #ParisClimateDeal #Algore #obama #Merkel more
— BenGarrison Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) June 3, 2017
Also, at Theo's, "Cartoon Roundup..."
Cartoon Credit: Ben Garrison.
Reza Aslan Apologizes
But I guess folks have turned up the heat, according to Heat Street, "Reza Aslan’s CNN Show Could Be in Jeopardy After Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’ Tweet."
I saw some of the outrage on Twitter. And now the idiot's just posted this:
I should not have used a profanity to describe the President when responding to his shocking reaction to the #LondonAttacks. My statement:
— Reza Aslan (@rezaaslan) June 4, 2017
Still Working on It: Richard Slotkin, Regeneration Through Violence
This is fine scholarship, to be savored and enjoyed.
See, Richard Slotkin's, Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600–1860.
Also, The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800–1890, and Gunfighter Nation: Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America.
It's Time to Change Our Response to Islamic Extremism
If jihadists nuked London maybe?
Until then, it'll be more of the same. Political correctness drives policy, and leftists control the establishment, even with Theresa May in power.
In any case, here's the redoubtable Douglas Murray, at the Spectator U.K., "Blind, bovine hope will get us nowhere – it’s time to change our response to Islamic extremism":
Blind, bovine hope will get us nowhere – it’s time to change our response to Islamic extremism
— The Spectator (@spectator) June 4, 2017
Last Sunday, I appeared on the BBC’s Sunday Politics to discuss the aftermath of the Manchester attack. I said what I thought, and various Muslim groups promptly went bananas.Keep reading.
This was not caused by my suggestion that this country should finally crack-down on British officials who spend their retirements working as shills for the House of Saud. Nor by my ridiculing of that modern European tradition whereby someone blows us up and we respond by singing John Lennon songs (and now Oasis too). Rather they objected to my simple two-word suggestion that we could all do with ‘less Islam’.
In a short film preceding the studio discussion, I mentioned that countries like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have very little Islam and very little Islamic terror. By contrast, France has a great amount of Islam and a great amount of Islamic terror. To most people it would seem obvious – to co-opt the immortal words of Donatella Versace – that ‘more means more’. Because although many communities are capable of producing extremists, only Islamic communities produce Islamic extremists. Of course some people don’t want to accept this fact. Not least because informed choices might result. For instance, it might help us weigh up the ongoing cultural benefits of large-scale Islamic immigration versus the down-side of dozens of obliterated lives every now and then...
Note: Murray's whole debate here is post-Manchester. Now we've had the London Bridge jihad, which goes only to prove his point. (And leftists will hate him all the more.)
Theresa May Won't Crack Down on Jihad (VIDEO)
The #LondonAttacks were painfully familiar — but Theresa May's response was not
— POLITICO Europe (@POLITICOEurope) June 4, 2017
#TheresaMay won't crack down. It'll be more of the same wishy-washy "Islam is a religion of peace" claptrap. #LondonBridge #Islam #Jihad
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) June 4, 2017
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Jennifer Delacruz's Marine Layer Forecast
Here's the fabulous Ms. Jennifer, for ABC News 10 San Diego:
ICYMI: W. August Mayer, Islamic Jihad, Cultural Marxism, and the Transformation of the West
At Amazon, W. August Mayer, Islamic Jihad, Cultural Marxism, and the Transformation of the West.
Run. Hide. Tell.
Well, video shows people running alright. The whole country's running. Britain's running away from reality, and it's killing them.
#Londonbridge #boroughmarket #vauxhall
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) June 3, 2017
This cell phone video shows people running for safety after a series of terror attacks took place in London.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 4, 2017
Claire Berlinski, Menace in Europe
I'll have more on the attack later, of course.
Meanwhile, at Amazon, Claire Berlinski, Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too.
Polar Bears: The Poster Child for Climate Change
Of course, that's not it. The issue is whether human activity is causing climate change, because the climate's been changing for hundreds of millions of years, before humans used fossil fuels to power their survival.
The true science is on the side of the skeptics. Progressives are akin to a quasi-religious cult.
In any case, seen just now at the New York Times, and the related article at bottom:
In a new ad for The New York Times, Josh Haner reflects on the effects of climate change on polar bears.— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 2, 2017
Polar bears’ path to decline runs through Alaskan Village— NYT National News (@NYTNational) January 1, 2017
New York Times Defends Decision to Identify Undercover CIA Agent
Of course they do.
And here it is, so casually reported:
In the @CIA he decimated core Al Qaeda. Now he'll run Iranian operations.
— Adam Goldman (@adamgoldmanNYT) June 2, 2017
Friday, June 2, 2017
Kathy Griffin Comedy Tour Cancelled
At TMZ, "Kathy Griffin Gets Ax from Last Theater in Comedy Tour."
Hat Tip: Conservative Treehouse.
New York Times: Trump's Paris Withdrawal is 'Win for Isolationists; Condemnation is Widespread...'
The left's reaction has been for the ages, no doubt.
President Trump announced that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 1, 2017
Kathy Griffin's Trump Decapitation Wasn't a Joke (VIDEO)
Watch, at the Rebel, "Ezra Levant reports on Kathy Griffin's sick joke. The photo was planned, staffed, staged, published, and certainly wasn't an accident."
Comedian Kathy Griffin Claims Her Career is Over: Donald Trump 'Ruined' Her Life
At Twitchy, "ICYMI ==> ‘He broke me’! Kathy Griffin cries that she’s the victim of ‘older white guy’ Donald Trump."
This is by far the funniest routine she's ever done.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) June 2, 2017
Demi Rose Steps Out in Crop Top in Ibiza
At London's Daily Mail, "Dirty Baby! Tyga's rumoured former fling Demi Rose looks bootylicious as she steps out in a slogan crop top in Ibiza... and sports Kylie Jenner's brother-in-law's Yeezy trainers."
WATCH: Kathy Griffin Press Conference (VIDEO)
(There's an even longer clip at ABC News 23 Bakersfield, "Kathy Griffin talks about the picture she posted of herself with President Donald Trump: Kathy Griffin is fighting back against the abuse and "death threats" she has received in light of controversial images released earlier this week that showed the comedian holding up a bloody head resembling that of President Donald Trump."
And at London's Daily Mail:
Griffin says that Trump 'broke' her and that she does not expect her career to recover from his family's attacks
— Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) June 2, 2017
The Sad Long List of Hillary's Excuses
SAD! The Full, Long List Of Hillary Excuses For Election Loss @realDailyWire
— Amanda Prestigiacomo (@AmandaPresto) June 1, 2017
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Kathy Griffin Losing It
Cutting off your Head to spite your brain @kathygriffin? flushed and fired. What's next? An arrest?
— BenGarrison Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) May 31, 2017
On Leaving the SJW Cult
I don’t yet know what to call this part of the left. Maajid Nawaz calls them the “Regressive Left.” Others call them SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) or the Alt-Left. The ideology is post-modernist cultural marxism, and it operates as a secular religion. Most are indoctrinated in liberal elite colleges, though many are being indoctrinated online these days. It has its own dogma and jargon, meant to make you feel like a good person, and used to lecture others on their ‘sin.’ “Check your privilege”- much like “mansplaining” and “gaslighting”- all at one time useful terms- have over time lost a lot of their meaning. These days I see them most frequently being abused as weaponized ad hominem attacks on a person’s immutable identity markers….a way to avoid making an argument, while simultaneously claiming an unearned moral highground in a discussion.RTWT.
Let's Thank Kathy Griffin
Kathy Griffin and the natural end stop for Leftist ideology:
— Melissa Mackenzie 🌐 (@MelissaTweets) May 31, 2017
Kathy Griffin should be thanked, at least, for being open about her aims. Her boldness gives the violent game away.
The CNN host, Griffin, these students, and the terrified administrations who enable them, represent power through force, intimidation, aggression, and murder.
Calm exchanges of ideas no longer happen, because one side believes their side is the righteous side. The same zeal that animated towns people to burn the witch, animates the true believers on the Left. The only way to save the sanctity of the community is by eliminating the apostates. More and more people are becoming apostates. The illiberal professors are dismayed to learn this the hard way.
Burn them.
Brand them.
Behead them.
Kathy Griffin should be thanked for making the covert, overt. Her image beautifully reveals the truth of the ideology espoused on the Left: submit or die.
Sound familiar?
John Putnam Demos, Entertaining Satan
At Amazon, John Putnam Demos, Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England.
Paranoid Paleoconservatives
From Jamie Palmer, at Quillette:
A #longread by @jacobinism on the rise and political provenance of the alt-right:
— Quillette Magazine (@QuilletteM) June 1, 2017
Amber Turner Bikini on the Beach in Marbella
"Towie" is "The Only Way Is Essex," a British soap opera.
Don't care, though. I mostly like the bikini beach photos, heh.
Also at Saw First, "Amber Turner on the Beach in Marbella."
'My hatred of Kathy Griffin isn't a hatred of her — it's a hatred of the vicious caste-based system which says she has more rights than Sean Hannity, and more rights than you, and more rights than me...'
See, "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum — Again: It is imperative we begin emulating the left in its tactics..."
'Intersectional Quantum Physics'
But see the Other McCain, "Feminist Insanity at Taxpayer Expense: ‘Intersectional Quantum Physics’."
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Today's Deals
At Amazon, New Deals. Every Day. Shop Our Deal of the Day. Lightning Deals and More.
BONUS: Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.
Lebanon Bans 'Wonder Woman'
Gal Gadot's banned in the "Switzerland of the Middle East."
At the Los Angeles Times:
Lebanon officially bans “Wonder Woman” from theaters because its star, Gal Gadot, is Israeli
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) May 31, 2017
Corryn Mobley
Congrats To A Fellow Patriot On Reaching 2OK! 😁🎉🎉🎉🎉
— Shannon 🇺🇸 (@GeorgiaDirtRoad) May 31, 2017
Everyone Please Follow My Good Friend 👉🏻@Corrynmb! 😎👍🏻🇺🇸#PatriotAlert 🇺🇸 #FollowHer ✅
At Least 80 Killed in Massive Bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan
But OMG the Paris Agreement!
A major explosion rocked a diplomatic area near the presidential palace in Kabul, killing at least 80 people.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) May 31, 2017
U.S. to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement
Trump appears poised to announce U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) May 31, 2017
The #ParisClimateAgreement is non-binding. Leftist elites are losing their lunch over this lame, useless pact.— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) May 31, 2017
President Trump's Best Week in Office
Does Trump want the next four years to be like his foreign trip, or like the week before he left for Riyadh?
— Marc Thiessen (@marcthiessen) May 31, 2017
Mark Zuckerberg Calls for Universal Basic Income
He should pay for it with his own money.
Man who makes billions thanks to capitalism tells the rest of us we should want socialism. The Left, in a nutshell.
— Pete Hegseth (@PeteHegseth) May 27, 2017
Old Milwaukee's New Pin-Up Beer Cans
Here's the first look at Old Milwaukee's new pin-up girl beer cans.
— Maxim (@MaximMag) May 29, 2017
Is it Going to Be New Year's Eve with Andersoon Cooper and Kathy Griffin?
Here's Diana West with more, "Playing Beheadings for Laughs":
Even in this day of overexposure to the worst, the lowest, the ugliest, the most degrading, a severed head is still something else -- and it's still there. Even if Griffin were able to remove the bloody thing from the internet altogether (which she is not, given the explosion of copies all around), the image is still there, no matter how "sorry" Griffin is -- and I'm sure she is extremely sorry to be poised to lose, possibly, some very big, very mainstream gigs. It's there inside our own heads along with images of the real victims Griffin is also idiotically and toxically exploiting. Their real death's heads were also designed by other barbarians to shock and psychologically maim the living.UPDATE: She's fired.
The question becomes, how alive are the rest of us -- starting at CNN?
Richard White, Railroaded
At Amazon, Richard White, Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America.
Why Things Won't Go Back to Normal for Failed Elites
The media/Democratic flaying of #PresidentTrump. Will it bring America back to 'normal?' Or hide deeper problems?
— John Kass (@John_Kass) May 31, 2017
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz: President Trump Creating 'Chaos' (VIDEO)
At Truth Revolt, "Leaked Video: Starbucks' Howard Schultz Tells Workers Trump Creating 'Chaos' - Well this fosters a very inclusive corporate culture now doesn't it?"