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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query W. James Casper. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Stalking Hate-Troll Repsac3: Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling

Truly bizarre.

It's been since January since anyone's paid attention to Walter James Casper III, who Robert Stacy McCain eviscerated at the time, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

And no one would now be paying the hate-addled racist any attention, except of course Casper's been trolling my Twitter convos like the creepy-ass racist cracker he is. What a genuinely sick bastard. Truly clinical.

Recall yesterday I had a couple of long exchanges with Professor Rebecca Martínez, blogged here: "Wave of Unaccompanied Alien Children Swamps the United States — #BorderInvasion." So I was just reviewing things, and I see that the stalking racist asshat Repsac was jumping into my conversation with Professor Martínez, with links and lame rebuttals to points I'd made. I know. I know. The lady was struggling as it is, but man, that is some creepy shit. Like a child who has no friends on the playground, who gets his butt kicked repeatedly, and bleats waahh waahh waahh when his stalk-obsession is getting just too much attention.

As Robert wrote in January:
The conflict between Casper and Professor Douglas is not about politics, nor is it about Professor Douglas.

That is to say, Casper’s espousal of left-wing political ideas is not the reason for his behavior, but simply a pretext, and if he weren’t harassing Professor Douglas, he’d be harassing some other target, selected more or less at random. There is, of course, a specific history to the conflict between them, but it is ultimately irrelevant. There are plenty of people every bit as left-wing as Casper who are not obsessive stalkers, and there are other conservative bloggers who might just as easily become targets for stalking, if ever they attracted the attention of such a grotesquely deformed personality as Casper. Walter James Casper III has spent years smearing and harassing Professor Douglas, trying to get him fired from his job. This could (and in fact, often does) happen to any blogger who has a day job.

To get an idea of the pathetic nature of Casper’s obsession, he has devoted an entire blog, called “American Nihilist,” to his anti-Douglas jihad. In the past six months, that stalker site has attracted an average of about 15 visitors a day. By contrast, Professor Douglas’s blog has averaged nearly 2,000 visitors daily.
Pathetic. Pathological too.

Tania Gail warned me years ago that Repsac was stalking her all over the Internet, and she was going to kick his ass if he got in her face. Because Reppy's a cowardly Internet troll who's been repudiated relentlessly for years. He's gonna come to a hard end one of these days. People have his number. He needs to back the f-k off.

Here's the hate-freak troll stalking my Twitter convo:

Interestingly, this Rebecca woman is just like racist Repsac3 --- closed-minded, conspiratorial and rabidly partisan to the exclusion of decency, morality and simple logic. My friend Plaidy on Twitter basically rolled her eyes at this sad little woman:

Yeah, people like this never do get it. (It'd be sad if they weren't truly terrible, terrible losers.) That's why racist Repsac trolls and stalks my every comment online. He gets some sick perversity turn-on by tweeting inane responses to people I'm engaging online. Demonic fatal attraction man. F-ker better watch it. Folks got his number, you know, boom! one of these days or something.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

W. James Casper is a Coward, a Fraud, and a Liar

Well, again, I hadn't planned on engaging this debate too much further, but my ace commenter and good friend Jan bravely ventured over to enemy territory today to repudiate the vile hatred that boils at American Nihilist. I've already attempted to talk reason with these people, but that's impossible, as I noted in an earlier post.

I'm not linking American Nihilist directly, as I rarely send traffic to epic asshole W. James Casper. Here's the Google link for the thread. I take my hat off to Jan, wading through that muck of pure dreaded evil. A cesspool of cowardice and lies. Repsac3 refuses to answer questions because he's ASFL and a sick little stump of a man. Jan states:
"I don't think that anyone should be falsely accused of just isn't right. We all have faults, no one is perfect, but I don't see the good in making false accusations, or trying to make others look bad."
And here's the cowardly W. James Casper's total spineless dodge:
I'm not sure what you meant by that... but I'm hoping that it's placement in the comments of this particular post are not simply a matter of happenstance...
It'd be funny if this wasn't so serious and evil. It's a straigthforward statement. I posted the details to my final comment at the previous thread yesterday. W. James Casper refuses to acknowledge the facts. His allies have "falsely accused" me of sexual harassment, impersonation, civil rights violations (alleged mandatory requirements of exploitative materials), etc. This is fact. And coward W. James Casper runs like a burnt chicken. The whole thread's one big fraudulent scam. And W. James Casper's lying. He writes earlier at the post:
Why has he been using my full name in his recent posts (or, what he thinks is my full name, anyway), when he and I had a conversation several years ago about my preferring to use this screen name online? Don't you think he's attempting to do me some harm by doing so?
Hello? No one's doing any "harm" to W. James Casper. I've never contacted his employer and W. James Casper blogs publicly, and he's done so as long as he's been stalking me and attempting to get me fired. He's a fraud, cheat, liar and coward. Here's his PuffHo page, with his name displayed for the entire world:


W. James Casper's avatar is a slithering reptile, and it's available on all his blogs, Twitter, and social networks. He's lying when he alleges he's being violated or "outed." The fact is he's an accomplice to bad acts that have crossed the line of propriety. When my good friend Jan called him out he went limp, avoiding the statement with "I'm not sure what you meant by that..."

Wrong. W. James Casper knows exactly what Jan meant by that. But his evil program of hatred forces him to lie and equivocate. He's like a vampire exposed to the sun. He's dying when forced with the truth.

That's what I have on my side: The truth and goodness. W. James Casper has lies and deceit.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Continuing Lies by Cowardly Hate-Blogger W. James Casper in Left's Demonic Workplace Intimidation Campaign

W. James Casper continues to lie about his involvement in the long campaign of workplace attacks that have been repudiated by the army of righteous conservatives in recent weeks. (See: "Online Disagreements and the Offline World We Live In...")

Typically, the epic coward at American Nihilist ignored the universal moral approbation directed against all of those making the attacks. Further, he's now justifying the attacks by saying that both sides do it and that it's not just a progressive thing, or something. Casper keeps claiming that "right-of-center" bloggers are also among those who've launched demonic campaigns. And that's just more lies. Specifically, Casper is lying about E.D. Kain's ideological attacks of workplace harassment. I blogged about E.D. Kain because he betrayed me and a number of other bloggers who he burned by pulling the plug on Neo-Constant without even so much as a thank you or acknowledgment of their contributions. Kain did that because he embarrassed himself by selling out the right to join up with the likes of communist Freddie deBoer. I didn't like it. I blogged about it. I make no apologies. That's life. And Erik Kain's a cowardly little prick and Andrew Sullivan wannabe. I don't like him. But I never lied about him. I never contacted him personally. I simply wrote about my disagreements online. I wrote the truth. And for that E.D. Kain contacted my employer not once but twice. As many have pointed out, including law professor William Jacobson at the time, it's extremely bad form to contact someone's work, especially if you're unhappy that someone posted things about you that are entirely true, no matter how inconvenient. That is, you don't have a right to harass someone for speaking their mind, but that's what E.D. Kain did and that's what W. James Casper has endorsed. Indeed, that's who James Casper is.

W. James Casper, who, folks will recall, endorsed racist attacks against me by The Pale Scot, praises the workplace campaigns as not only deserved but effective:
Donald barely mentions any of the people who contacted LBCC, anymore...
That's another malicious falsehood. There's only one person I've stopped mentioning, one of the asshats at Lawyers, Guns and Money, and that's because there's a legal arrangement in place that prevents me from making references to this asshole at the blog. As for the others, they haven't been worth my time, but it's not because their attacks have been effective, as racist W. James Casper claims. In fact, that's just more lies from Comrade Racist Repsac3. I called out E.D Kain in June, for example: "Erik Kain of Forbes: Wishy Washy Pussy." And I'll continue to call him out when I see fit. Kain's a weasel. He'd prefer the world not know about his cheap ass ideological opportunism, so he attempted to get someone fired rather than just debate the issues like a man. And for the record: E.D. Kain long ago came out as a progressive. Despite this, W. James Casper, for over a year, has been spreading a disinformation campaign about how Kain's allegedly right-of-center. He's not, and he said so himself at the hardline progressive blog Balloon Juice: "Why I am Not a Conservative."

And that's yet another example of the kind of routine lies spread by Racist Repsac3.

Now I probably wouldn't be commenting on this again, but some of Racist Repsac3's lies are particularly egregious. For example, there is no moral equivalence between the left's campaign to get me fired and the right's response to whatever happened years ago to Jeff Goldstein. The fact is that a deranged progressive troll named Deborah Frisch threatened Goldstein's family. See: "Blog blunder fells UA teacher." And at Black Five, "Dr. Frisch (did I mention she's a psych[o] professor at the University of Arizona?) has repeatedly and quite disturbing levied DEATH THREATS against Jeff's 2 year old child."

When someone makes death threats it's damned right for people to be concerned. But I don't endorse workplace attacks for any reason. And I take exception to W. James Casper's sick moral relativism. In Casper's nihilist hate world, speaking my mind on my blog is tantamount to making death threats like those of Deb Frisch against Jeff Goldstein's 2 year-old child. And let's be clear about this, THAT IS EVIL. W. James Casper is consumed by hatred of difference. My conservative posse stood up because they saw evil directed against me, by Carl Salonon, E.D. Kain, Alex Knepper, the atheists, and now Captain Fogg. Am I forgetting anybody? Because that's a progressive thing. IT'S THE LEFT THAT DOES THIS.

[Added: I did forget somebody, Captain Fogg's sleaze-blogging ally, (O)CT(O)PUS) of The Swash Zone: "Libel Blogger David Hillman (Swash Zone) Workplace Harassment Fail."]

And to top it off, Repsac3 alleges that I had it coming. No, asshole W. James Casper. It's never okay to campaign against someone's work because someone legally spoke their mind on a blog. Hey asshole W. James Casper, there's no justification for it, and everyone can see through the bullshit and lies that you're spewing. You are a hate-blogger and stalker. I close the comments to my posts (like this one) not for ideological reasons, but because you are banned. YOU ARE BANNED, GET IT, STUPID FUCK? You are not to comment here because I said so. But you have no values, no morals, so you continue your hate campaign, attempting to harass and intimidate at my comment threads. You are a stalker. You long ago crossed the line, and that's what my conservative posse called out, and that's what your own commenter has ridiculed. It's not funny anymore: YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE.

Stop the hate. Stop the intimidation. Stop the threats against me. Stop endorsing, promoting, supporting, republishing, distributing, and football spiking the workplace attacks against me. These are designed for one thing and one thing only: to do me harm because progressives can't stand the light of truth being flashed on their ideological hatred. And that's why you continue to back the attacks. And that's why you have escalated to a personal campaign against me and my family.

Stop contacting me, W. James Casper. Stop attempting to intimidate me. And for God's sake, stop lying about your involvement in all of these attacks. American Nihilist has been the one-stop shop for the workplace attacks against me from day one. You are a sick, sick asshole. Quit e-mailing me. And get some help:


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hate-Blogger™© W. James Casper and the Pro-Pedophilia Movement

W. James Casper = RACIST = REPSAC3 is all about live and let live and if it feels good do it. When conservatives express traditional moral values he attacks them as bigots. Like the endless progressive claims of "racism," W. James "Barebacker" Casper screams "BIGOTRY!!" like a headless horseman charging along full-steam until the word is denuded of all meaning. It's just an epithet for attacking folks because they find, say, male-on-male anal intercourse deviant and they don't believe that marriage can be defined outside of its essential meaning as biological union of man and woman for the lifelong purpose of love and regeneration of family. Same-sex partners cannot do that. And society is being forced to change the normative and legally accepted practice of marriage and turn it into something that it's not. And as we've seen in recent posts, today's truly extremist hatred and demonology is the exclusive domain of the progressive left. And W. James Casper is right up there as among the worst of the worst radical hate-bloggers in the world. No facts can get inside that warped mind. No outrage is evil enough to make W. James Casper speak up and cry, "Enough!'' Hate envelops all sense and meaning and moral right. Decency has been obliterated. Frankly, the dude's insane, so obsessed with this blog that it's consumed him. He's been warned of his perversion, and he's even admitted he can't stay away. It's a clinical derangement, no doubt. A sick stalker and hate-blogger, God help him. And while that's just sad, even worse is how badly he's being used by the netroots progressive fever swamp goons, who'd put a bullet in his head faster than sharing their last crust of bread. That's what communists do. They've driven God from their realm. Death and excoriation of the good is all that's left for them. It's pathetic.

In any case, considering that no social perversion is out of bounds for W. James Casper's sick socialist rim-station ideology, I'm putting money on it that he's down with the APA's push to legalize pedophilia. All American Blogger has a big write-up, "The Shadow Sexual Revolution – The Push To Legalize Pedophilia."
The current movement to legalize and normalize pedophilia may seem unrealistic to some. I have yet to have someone agree with me when I claim that it will be legal in the next 25-30 years. But there are many, as I have detailed here, who see pedophiles as an oppressed minority. They see the road to freedom as being the same road homosexuals marched down. The first step would be the removal of pedophilia as a mental illness, a move the APA has already considered. Then, using the research of Kinsey and others mentioned above, the move would be made to abolish the age of consent. With the seeming support of science, this could be possible and it would effectively legalize pedophilia. With the legal burden lifted, the effort would then shift to normalization and acceptance. This is done by pedophiles casting themselves as a minority, a victim of a culture that rejects them. March after march makes the sight of a fifty year old man giving a six year old boy a deep tongue kiss nothing more than a sign of America’s tolerance, regardless of who gets hurt.

There are some things we should not tolerate. The legalization and normalization of pedophilia is one of those things.
W. James Casper repeatedly claims that we shouldn't object to consenting homosexual couples engaging in any sex acts they see fit. Well, 5'll get you 10 that W. James Casper will offer the same kind of weaselly moral-free logic on the legalization of pedophilia debate. Hey, gay men knitting? Fine and dandy! Rim-station partying between CONSENTING adult homosexual extremists? No problemo!! Man-boy CONSENTING relations? Well, for Hate-Blogger™© W. James Casper, the more the merrier, right??!! Whoo hoo!! Nihilists of the world unite for some rough man-boy action!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

W. James Casper: 'I Was in the Pool!!'

Here's a follow-up to "W. James Casper H8® — Was That Wrong?"

And you know, it's just sad. W. James Casper claims to have children too. Poor kids. Probably would be better off as wards of the state. The bad dad sponsors so much hatred and threats at his website it's almost criminal that he's got any custodial responsibilities. (That is, if he's not lying about actually having a family, and considering the epic loser status we're dealing with here, well, who the hell knows?!!) W. James Casper's moral compass is more shriveled that George Costanza's scrotal sac: "I was in the pool!! I was in the pool!!" And note how W. James Casper's got even less hair than George, and twice the weight, as far as I can tell, so hey, it's a pretty good fit, ASFL:

RELATED: "W. James Casper is a Coward, a Fraud, and a Liar."

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Justina Jensen and Walter James Casper III

See New Hampshire Union Leader, "Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally."


Justina Jensen, charged with felony prostitution in New Hampshire, and convicted on a similar charge earlier this year in New York.


Walter James Casper III, a.k.a. Repsac3, progressive hate-blogger, busted repeatedly by conservatives for ultra-creepy online harassment and stalking.

The woman, Justina Jensen (pictured at top), was caught attempting to turn tricks with with a 16-year-old girl. According to the police prosecutor, Jensen "was convicted of a similar charge earlier this year in New York." I find that pretty amazing, because she sure looks ashamed at her mug shot, which is posted at the Union Leader's report. Maybe whatever self-recrimination she feels at the time of arrest dissipates upon release. In other words, a woman like this is a sociopath who has no firm underlying moral code. The numbers are too small, but my sense that's a pattern that's particulary prevalent on the left, considering the outbreak of criminal activity that's been taking over the occupy movement. See: "Not a political movement; a crime wave!" And the immediate comparison I had was to my deranged stalker Walter James Casper III (pictured at bottom above), who has now escalated his campaign of harassment to include personal e-mail stalking and threats. Like Jensen, there is no bright line of wrongdoing for Walter James Casper. He's perhaps even worse, for at his photo above, which is not Photoshopped, there's a bit of a diabolical smirking in evidence. And it turns out that when the Independent Realist blocked Walter James Casper from commenting at his blog, criminal Casper tracked him down on Facebook, and Independent Realist blocked him at that location as well. See Independent Realist's reply to me from last week:

Thank you Dr. Douglas for the kind words and links to the Realist. I am afraid that the longer Walter (Walter James Casper, III) continues with his delusional rantings, the further he will slip down into the depths of his paranoia. There is nothing that we can do other than to block him from our blogs and such (I've already had to block him from my blog and Facebook page), and simply allow him to rant on his own site. Eventually he will alienate himself from even his own followers as they begin to realize the depth of his illness.

And as Walter is reading this blog, I would offer him this advice: seek professional help and seek it now. Do not wait.
See the whole thing: "Repsac3, W. James Casper - The Final Word."

WALTER JAMES CASPER III = RACIST REPSAC3! A sociopathic poster manchild for the progressive left. Dude, you're clinical. Get some freakin' help before you hurt someone!

PREVIOUSLY: "Continuing Lies by Cowardly Hate-Blogger W. James Casper in Left's Demonic Workplace Intimidation Campaign."

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dana Pico Closes Common Sense Political Thought

My friend Dana has ended his blog. See, "The death of CSPT." Dana emailed to sound me out before he went ahead and pulled the plug. Here's my response:
Close it down only if it's not fun for you, Dana.

I'm sorry you lost Sharon and any others. Would they come back to your blog if you screened commenters? It's the Internet. I went to comment moderation because I had one troll, W. James Casper, who runs a whole blog designed to mock and ridicule me, and now to organize attacks on my employment. Casper always has to have the last word and he's "never wrong", so after allowing him for years I finally started moderation, and my comment section basically died. But I don't blog for the comments. I blog to get my ideas out there. Comments and great commenters are an added bonus, but it's also extra work. So, I'd only close it down if losing a great commentariat is a bummer for you. Otherwise, keep blogging and go with the flow. I love the winter photos, so you'll always have things others would like to read and repost.

I went over there to check the comments, because Dana said that things had gotten personal at the threads. Folks were making threats and posting real names and workplace information. Here's one comment at this post:
Hube, now you go public with a private email! That is a breach right there.

If you don’t know what you did to out me, that’s on you, Hube. I choose to use my first name on this blog, which both you and Hitchcock arbitrarily revoked. Is this what you call behaving with honor in public.

All I ask of you, and Hitchcock, is that we keep our discourses civil, free from the personal attacks. Apparently that is too much to ask of you, Hube.

So yes, Hube, if the personal attacks continue, in retaliation your identity will then be revealed by me, as you have already done to me. Disagree with me all you want, that is fine, but cease the personal attacks. Do I have to spell out to you what a personal attack is? Perhaps, as a warning, I should point out to you first if you use one. Or just take a look at every Hitchcock post addressed to me – there you will find a million examples. Since Dana has refused to follow through on his requests for civility, ignored by you and Hitchcock, I will act when I am victimized and bullied by you too.

And don’t forget, Dana, your blog is in the public domain. You can certainly maintain your devotion to free speech and simultaneously exert your influence in order to minimize the personal attacks, which certainly contaminate your blog. What has happened to your standards, Dana?
One of the other commenters enters after that to suggest it's not fair to pull Dana into a fight between those two. But actually, it's Dana's house, and Dana has decided that things have deteriorated out of control and he wants to start fresh.

Now, compare that to my stalker and demonic hate blogger Walter James Casper III. That hate-blogger has repeatedly claimed that he started American Nihilist as a joke, but once the blog become the online repository for attacks against my workplace, not once has Walter James Casper rejected the attacks or denounced the hate. To this day commenters there, some of the very people who have launched attacks against me only to get burned, continue to scheme and organize for additional rounds.

If Walter James Casper III had even a shred of the decency as my good friend Dana Pico he'd call it a day at American Nihilist and pull the plug. Casper said it was all supposed to be a joke. Now some commenters have decried Walter James "Costanza" Casper III for his "legalisitic" blogging that has just become a "drag." But Casper is driven by pure hatred. Even after being roundly denounced around the Internet as a clinical stalker and sociopath, he continues his smears and lies for no other purpose but to destroy me. He's even taken his attacks to my personal space, sending threats and taunts via email. Hate-blogger Walter James Casper III should look to the example set by Dana Pico. Sometimes things just get out of control. Dana Pico has denounced the threats and hatred. He's giving it a fresh start on another blog. Walter James Casper should also denounce the threats and hatred and give it up. Retire American Nihilist and start fresh in an effort to salvage any thread of decency that might be left.

PREVIOUSLY: "Continuing Lies by Cowardly Hate-Blogger W. James Casper in Left's Demonic Workplace Intimidation Campaign."

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Anti-Semitism, Socialism, Crime and Public Defecation

Following up on my earlier entries: "Occupy Wall Street and the Jews," and "Christmas Smear: MSNBC Hack Ed Schultz Slurs Tea Partiers as 'Sewer Rats' — Assploding Hypocrite W. James Casper Hardest Hit!"

Walter James Casper III continues the lies and distortions, claiming that, for some reason, for him to be called out for his racist, anti-Semitic support for the criminal Occupy Wall Street movement isn't "politics." Nope. Wrong. It's political --- and criminal, and socially deviant, and deranged. Here's the whining man-child prevaricating like a blithering freak:
Even when he does use social or political terms, their denotative and connotative definitions bear no resemblance to what I stand for politically or socially. For Donald, there is no difference between calling someone a communist or racist, and calling that person a fuckwad. As used by Dishonest Don, these political and social labels are nothing more that ad hominem insults and rhetorical ejaculations.

These are like the rants of a child who's been busted for stealing down at the local drugstore. The manager calls the parents and the child caught red-handed mumbles as if he didn't know that stealing was wrong.

Walter James Casper III is a racist who has endorsed the Occupy Wall Street program, tweeting "Occupy wherever you are." To date Walter James Casper has chosen to lash out in anger rather than explain why in the world he would endorse a movement that is anti-capitalist, anti-American, and anti-Jew. By exhorting people to Occupy wherever they are --- a literally global statement of solidarity --- Walter James Casper has given approval and sanction to all the horrible acts of rape and violence, property destruction and public defection, and racist eliminationism --- acts all in the name of the Occupy program. THAT IS where Walter James Casper stands "politically or socially."

This is what the movement is about. People have been reporting on this for months. Bill Whittle nails it at the video above. Progressives justify the hate by attacking the non-existent 1%. By his refusal to even address what's been repeatedly pointed out and documented, Walter James Casper III acts no differently than a petulant child who refuses to take responsibility for his actions --- which is exactly what the occupiers do, blame everyone for their problems but themselves. But we know this. Walter James Casper has basically cried out over and over again, "was that wrong?" Yes, you scumbag loser. It's wrong. After launching a hate blog, recruiting progressives to harass my work and threaten my means to earn a living, after sponsoring and defending racist white-supremacist statements at an attack blog and in comment threads elsewhere, and now after endorsing on Twitter the Occupy Wall Street movement, all Walter James Casper III can do is whine like a spoiled brat that it's all some kind of conspiracy, some wicked pack of lies. WAAAHHH!!! Well, it's not. When you lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas, and Walter James Casper III is the king progressive fleabag and neo-commie Jew hater. It's on the record. Walter James Casper III's tweet of endorsement is on the record. And as always, I will continue to point the spotlight on the hate. I will continue to stand up against the hatred, lies, and anti-Americanism. I will continue to highlight evil in the real world, the world as it is, and not the make believe, irresponsible world of demonic man-children racist hatred. Walter James Casper's world. Stupid criminal idiot.

Friday, January 27, 2012

California Penal Code Section 646.9 on Criminal Harassment and Cyberstalking: Statement of Warning to Hate-Blogger Walter James Casper III

Okay, this has gone on long enough.

I am herewith setting out my policy on harassment and stalking and I'm affirming for the record that I'm playing for keeps.

For some reason racist hate-blogger Walter James Casper III thinks this is all fun and games. I warned him not to comment here and that if he does comment I will approve those as a record of harassment, which I will report to Google. Casper's contacts here at this blog are unwanted and unsolicited. I am within my free speech rights to post commentary and criticism on politics and ideology. And I am particularly within my rights to identify and highlight criminally derogatory and racist speech directed against me. And thus I will continue to monitor Casper's hate blog American Nihilist. Importantly, since Casper sponsored workplace attacks against me, and since he has contacted me personally by email with threatening statements, I ceased all direct contact with him at his blog or elsewhere online. And I have also repeatedly warned Walter James Casper III not to contact me or to comment at this blog. It's all on the record.

As is within my free speech rights, I highlighted Casper's dishonesty and stupidity in an essay today: "Oops! MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Spews Hatred of American Exceptionalism: Racist Attack Blogger Walter James Casper III Caught Lying Again!"

Comments are closed at that post to prevent harassment. Casper commented at an unrelated post, against my wishes, since he is banned from commenting here. After I updated the post, Casper ignored the admonitions yet again with another comment in violation of my rights:
repsac3 said...

"Walter James Casper is now in likely violation of Google's terms of use. He is banned from commenting here and he is abusing his Google privileges. I am now approving all of hate-blogger Walter James Casper's comments and submitting them to Google as a record of the harassment."

I'll get around to the rest of Dr. Douglas' nonsense if / when I have the time, but I did want to briefly comment on this bit...

There is no "term of use" that forbids anyone from submitting comments to any blogspot blog, and I find it awful hard to believe that anyone at Google is going to reprimand a person for one for one [sic] comments in response to posts where that person is called out by name, no matter how vociferously the blog owner asserts his right to malign a person at his blog without being called on it at that same blog. (I'm willing to bet I could submit a comment or two in response to every post at this blog, and Google still would not act -- Dr. Douglas should consider himself lucky I only submit comments to some of the posts where he attacks me by name.)

That said, if Google does agree with Dr. Douglas, and contacts me pointing out the term I am violating, I will most certainly stop doing so. I suspect, however, that should Google respond to Dr. Douglas' specious "Mommy, he's making faces at me!! Make him STOP!!!" pleas at all, it will be to tell Dr. Douglas that he ought to grow up and stop whining. One cannot throw the first punch, and then scurry to hide behind his mother's skirt complaining about the return punch.

And seeing as he intends to approve of my comments, anyway, perhaps Dr. Douglas would be so brave as to not delete the comment sections on posts mentioning me--or maybe, just not moderate his blog in the first place. (though the latter'd prolly take more guts than Dr. D. has, anymore... Golly forbid folks actually disagree with him on his own blog...)

Say hi to our Google overlords for me... ...and thanks for approving my comments...

January 27, 2012 5:53 PM
Actually, there are indeed "'terms of use' that forbid" Casper from harassing me in the comments. According to Blogger's "Terms of Service":
2. Proper Use. You agree that you are responsible for your own use of the Service, for any posts you make, and for any consequences thereof. You agree that you will use the Service in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence and all United States export control laws.
Walter James Casper is engaged in a malicious, persistent, and willful pattern of abuse that is prohibited under California state law (see below). As such, Casper's comments here are a violation of Blogger's terms of service. Moreover, here's the statement from Google's "Reporting abuse - Blogger Help" page:
We strongly believe in freedom of expression, even if a blog contains unappealing or distasteful content or presents unpopular viewpoints. We realize this may be frustrating, and we regret any inconvenience this may cause you. In cases where contact information for the author is listed on the page, we recommend that you work directly with this person to have the content in question removed or changed.
Here are some examples of content we will not remove unless provided with a court order:

Personal attacks or alleged defamation
Parody or satire of individuals
Distasteful imagery or language
Political or social commentary
Thus, this is to inform Walter James Casper III of my effort to "work directly with this person" to stop his comments on this blog. THIS IS A FORMAL LEGAL WARNING TO CEASE AND DESIST FROM COMMENTING AT THIS BLOG. Hereafter, I will consider any new comment posted here a "personal attack" within the purview of the terms of service and I'll append the comment to this post and send it to Google as a legal complaint and report on abuse, harassment, and cyberstalking.

Here's California Penal Code Section 646.9 on Criminal Harassment and Cyberstalking:

(a) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family, is guilty of the crime of stalking, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, or by imprisonment in the state prison.

(b) Any person who violates subdivision (a) when there is a temporary restraining order, injunction, or any other court order in effect prohibiting the behavior described in subdivision (a) against the same party, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years.  

(c) Every person who, having been convicted of a felony under this section, commits a second or subsequent violation of this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three,
or four years.

(d) In addition to the penalties provided in this section, the sentencing court may order a person convicted of a felony under this section to register as a sex offender pursuant to subparagraph (E) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 290.

(e) For the purposes of this section, "harasses" means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that seriously alarms, annoys, torments, or terrorizes the person, and that serves no legitimate purpose.  This course of conduct must be such as would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and must actually cause substantial emotional distress to the person.  

(f) For purposes of this section, "course of conduct" means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. Constitutionally protected activity is not included within the meaning of "course of conduct."

(g) For the purposes of this section, "credible threat" means a verbal or written threat, including that performed through the use of an electronic communication device, or a threat implied by a pattern of conduct or a combination of verbal, written, or electronically communicated statements and conduct made with the intent to place the person that is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family and made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family.  It is not necessary to prove that the defendant had the intent to actually carry out the threat.  The present incarceration of a person making the threat shall not be a bar to prosecution under this section.  

(h) For purposes of this section, the term "electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to, telephones, cellular phones, computers, video recorders, fax machines, or pagers. "Electronic communication" has the same meaning as the term defined in Subsection 12 of Section 2510 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
See the full text here or here.

I will also report new instances of abuse and harassment to the Irvine Police Department and the Long Beach Police Department. Here is the record of harassment published previously, with one of Casper's emails warning me to "reconsider" or else: "Continuing Lies by Cowardly Hate-Blogger W. James Casper in Left's Demonic Workplace Intimidation Campaign." And American Nihilist's long pattern of abuse, intimidation, and workplace harassment is chronicled at this post as well.

The harassment stops now. Walter James Casper III has no right to comment on this blog. If he feels he has been maligned or libeled he can take proper legal recourse. I have legal representation and I am prepared to defend my free speech rights in a court of law.

And folks might weigh Ann Althouse's comments policy in relation to the policy I'm setting forth here. She writes:
I have started deleting all the comments of one of our most conspicuous commenters for reasons I am not going to discuss. I ask all of my commenters to take some extra care with your comments now. Don't be a troll and don't feed a troll. If you are a troll, I may target you for deletion next. If you feed a troll, you may soon find that your comment refers to a comment that has been deleted. Let's raise the level of discussion around here. I have many great commenters that I love having as my guests. Others are being destructive and need to stop. If you're someone I'm targeting for deletion -- and I'm deleting all your comments regardless of content -- you need to go away permanently. You are on notice that I consider you to be harassing me, and I will contact Blogger about your account if you do not desist.
Althouse is a professor of law, so she certainly knows something about harassment and stalking. And recall that Walter James Casper III has long been trolling my comments. Indeed, I went to comment moderation to help prevent his trolling. But comment moderation has not been effective, and I have had to disable comments to some posts on occasion to prevent malicious attacks. When I did that, Casper then started harassing me by email. These emails I consider personally threatening to me and my family. And as such they're considered criminal activity under California state law. Hereafter I will update this post with any comment here from Walter James Casper III, or with any other form of unwanted personal contact, and I will submit a complaint of abuse and criminal harassment to Google and to the proper legal authorities.

Walter James Casper III is hereby notified under the law.

Comments on this post are closed.

UPDATE: (1-28-12 8:20am PST) Walter Jamers Casper III is on record that he wants to be known as a criminal harasser. Here's is his comment in violation of this policy:
repsac3 said...

In reply to: California Penal Code Section 646.9 on Criminal Harassment and Cyberstalking: Statement of Warning to Hate-Blogger Walter James Casper III

Sorry, Dr. Douglas, but I will not allow you to attempt to intimidate me with specious threats. My answer now is the same as it was the last time you made this kinda noise, back in September (and probably before that too, though it ain't worth the search):

If you really believe I am in violation of any federal or state law or ISP/Google/??? term of service because I submit a comment or two to your moderated blog against your expressed wishes, often in reply to American Power blog posts where you discuss me by name, I cordially invite you to make your reports to Google, the Irvine / Long Beach police department, Homeland Security, or whoever you feel you need to.

The time has come to fish or cut bait.

January 28, 2012 4:22 AM
UPDATE: (1-28-12 8:45am PST) Here's the complaint sent through the Blogger help page:
A man named Walter James Casper III used to be a commenter on my blog years ago. He became obsessed and abusive and started an entire blog to attack me personally and to threaten me with harassment. His co-bloggers at the blog, called "American Nihilist," have contacted my workplace to complain about my blogging, trying to get me fired. These attacks are violating my free speech rights and causing me and my family personal strife and emotional duress. Walter James Casper has also sent me personal emails of a threatening nature. These are completely unsolicited, as I have never exchanged emails with him at any time. I have written about the harassment and threats at my blog and Walter James Casper claims he has a right to respond in the comment section at my blog. While I have moderated comments, or even disabled comments, Casper continues to harass me with additional attempts to comment, with threats, and by email. I will also be filing police reports and contacting my attorney about these issues. My complaint is in no way an attempt to suppress Casper's free speech rights. This is only to notify Blogger of a terms of use violation, since Casper's threats are illegal under California state law, Penal Code Section 646.9, which makes cyberstalking and online harassment a crime. Casper's Blogger profile name is "Repsac3" and this is his Blogger profile URL: Thank you for your attention to this matter.
I will also be notifying the police of Walter James Casper's harassment next week.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Deranged Stalker Walter James Casper III Fires Up the Criminal Hate-Blogging for the Holidays

Walter James Casper III, a.k.a Comrade Racist Repsac3, Commissar of State Security, People's Commissariat for Internet Affairs, decided this weekend to fire up his criminal fascist attack-machine over at the progressive hate-hole American Nihilist. I'm not linking. Folks can Google it. Check Racist Walter James Casper's Thanksgiving posts. What is especially demented are the pathetic, lewd and sexually-charged attacks on my wife. These people would rape my wife! This is what Walter James Casper's all about. The criminal adult sick fuck loser proves once again why a large number of my readers choose to contact me by email rather than publish their real names at the comments. Still, some readers refuse to be intimidated. My friend Rusty Walker, for example, sent this note a week or so back:
Just a quick note of praise to you: I know many on here share with me, a personal thanks for your continued great posts in Americanpower; your vigilance against the far-Left university professors that sow misguided and misrepresented seeds of dissent in the vulnerable minds of our youth. As a conservative professor you are unique in California, essential. You are an important element in sanity vs. Utopianism, capitalism against socialism; and a reminder of the importance of democratic and family values; and every now and again we must thank you for what at times is a thankless job. Like you always say, "It's tough out here!"

And for the record, deranged stalker Walter James Casper III put on the snake charm in Zilla's comments. "Stand Against Evil - Never Let it Win." I've spoken to Zilla about it and she's not fooled. She knows James Casper is all about evil and the Devil's program is built on stealth, lies and deceit. Those are words that describe the unbridled hatred of ultra-ASFL Walter James Casper III. See: "Justina Jensen and Walter James Casper III," and "Continuing Lies by Cowardly Hate-Blogger W. James Casper in Left's Demonic Workplace Intimidation Campaign."

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Holly Hobby Lobby Responds to Leftist Hatred: Walter James Casper III Spews More Leftist Hate

Repsac3, "Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling."

Haters gotta hate, trolls gotta troll, and stalkers gotta stalk.

Words Walter James Casper lives by, sadly for the idiot loser.

I was following Holly Fisher when she was tweeting about her baby's heart condition and the cruel effects of ObamaCare. She then started getting a lot of attention with her hip Hobby Lobby photo, and the left's hate just rained down after that. After her picture of the American flag, the Bible, and her rifle, leftists went full DEFCON on this sweet lady, and Walter James Casper responded with some faux denunciation of the prog demons, then spewed that whatever happens to her she "deserves" it. Casper's an evil man (a scourge chronicled here for years). He could have just respected the woman's right to speak her mind. He could have just denounced leftist hate and left it at that. But no, demonic Casper had to cast his hateful spell on the woman and her child, wishing bad omens on her, saying that she deserved the hate.

Casper's number is up. Folks have him pegged. He needs to watch his back. Word is folks are tired of the trolling. Mastic's on the map, if you know what I'm saying yo.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bwahaha! Robert Stacy McCain Eviscerates Egghead Avatar Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III

I had no idea, but yesterday I slept in as I usually do, and it was probably early afternoon before I even checked my Twitter feed and my SiteMeter. And what do you know? Nothin' but hilarious lulz when I saw Robert Stacy McCain's epic smackdown of the reviled obsessive stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper III, a.k.a Repsac3.

See, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

Even better has been the lulz on Twitter:

Now, this might deserve another post, but I'll append it here for now, but once again, with his psychotic ramblings in response to Robert Stacy McCain's glorious beatdown, demented troll Walter James Casper also reminded us that he's a pathological liar. (I should probably create a tag for "Demented Psycho Liars" just for Repsac, but as it turns out you hit the motherload searching the nav-bar for "James Casper Liar." Seriously, every other word that comes out of this guy's mouth's a f-king lie. And I hate liars, which is one of the main reasons I hate communists. They're disgusting liars, and in Repsac's case, a disgusting liar and communist, but that goes without saying. Here's just one for reference, "W. James Casper is a Coward, a Fraud, and a Liar.")

It turns out that the butt-hurt has been so bad that hate-addled Reppy's literally been online 24-7 obsessively attempting to shoot down all the hammering snark that's been ripping him apart all over the web. The thread at Robert Stacy McCain's is so funny you have to stop and hold your side! Repsac's so stupid. Folks have been DMing me with even more lulz slamming the asshole. Zilla was rolling at how Repsac "soiled himself" in the comments at the Other McCain. I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a hate-filled psycho douchebag.

Nowhere are there better lulz than at "Hate-sac's" own dung-hole stalk-blog, American Nihilist. The repulsive and proven liar Carl Salonen, one of Repsac's key blog-stalking allies, wondered how "Speedo" (Robert Stacy McCain) "noticed [Donald's post] you if you hadn't said word boo to him or AssProf in months?" And on cue, hate-troll Casper lies through his sh*t-stained teeth in response, "In all the years that AssProf has been lashing out, this is the first time Speedo has ever deigned to take any obvious notice of Don's lil obsession." I admit even being surprised at how carelessly racist Repsac's willing to spew lies. It's actually breathtaking, especially since Repsac himself is so obsessive-compulsive he's actually recorded the times that Robert Stacy McCain has taken "obvious notice" of Casper's deranged stalking.

Here's the tweet from December 10, 2012:

And then on Casper's stalk-blog he psychotically records the moment on the very next day, "IRT: This Twitter post) - Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 6:00 AM - American Power: Epic Loser Walter James Casper III 'Isn't a Very Effective User' of Twitter..."

Clearly not only is Repsac a demented troll and pathological liar, he's not very smart. Why keep an objectively obsessive-compulsive record of every thing that your target's written about you online if you can't even be bright enough to cite those mentions in later iterations when you're trying to destroy your enemy? It's like the old saying goes, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

And if that's not enough, Walter James Casper is one of the key trolls who's responsible for the "troll rights theory" of stalking and harassment, and Robert Stacy McCain links to my report on Casper's stalking here, "Imaginary ‘Rights’ You Don’t Have, You Sad and Disgusting Troll, Bill Schmalfeldt."

Now I admit, these are gobsmackingly "obvious" examples of the numerous times that Robert Stacy McCain has taken notice of the repulsive Casper. Indeed, Robert doesn't like Casper at all it turns out, and has thrown down a warning in the comments:
Tell you what, Casper: You go nurse your hurts in your own dark corner of the Internet and don't give me another excuse to take notice of you. That's gonna be a win-win, see? Because I've got no shortage of weirdos to pay attention to, and you really don't want me on your case.
Now, if he were smart (he's not, of course, but bear with me), Walter James Casper would probably steer clear of Robert Stacy McCain, particularly regarding the comments. Because while I've recommended that hate-troll Casper be banned wherever he shows his horrifically ugly mug, Robert's not one to ban people outright. He likes his stalkers to leave attack trails and comments that end up providing enough rope for them to hang themselves. And with all that Robert's going through these days --- and I'm talking not just about the Kimberlin harassment and lawsuits, but also all the normal hard-left attacks that conservatives deal with from the psycho left on a daily basis --- I'd be the last person to push my luck with him when he lays down a clear warning to back the f-k off.

Years ago, a reader of my blog had resources from one of those background research sources that for a fee will provide personal information on people. The reader sent me a file on Repsac. I think it even included a photo of his home in Mastic, New York, which I gather is on Long Island (or that included a link to a photo online). If I recall it was an older one story home, apparently on a street corner, with a large-trunk tree on the front lawn. The place looked kinda run down. That's the basic description, if memory serves me. Not sure. There was a street address as well. There was other information too, about family members. I already know where Casper went to high school and (surprisingly, because he's so retarded) college. Some of this information is easily found just by a quick search for "Repsac3" on Google. But some is definitely proprietary. Basically, hate-addled Walter James Casper's ripe for a doxing. And not just a quick Internet search doxing. We're talking about a full professional investigation-style doxing. All this is speculation, but hey, stalkers do face consequences sometimes, and if anyone deserves the honors it's the universally reviled Repsac3. Frankly, what pisses people off is not only that Repsac's a despicable troll (truly evil, in fact), but that he maintains a stalking hate-blog along the lines of Breitbart Unmasked.

These are all just ruminations and speculation, but you never can be too careful.

In any case, I'll probably need some additional posting to catalog both the epic lulz and the endless lies. Here I'll just conclude with a couple of the objective truths from the commenters at the Other McCain:
Casper & Schamlfeldt: separated at birth? (And may God have mercy on any womb that birthed them...) -- Texlovera.
Get a life ... Your whole blog is about DOUG [Donald Douglas]. You're just a crazy moonbat. You must be bored out of your damned skull. Have you thought about getting some meds for this psychosis? -- Mad Jewess Woman.
Hell, even some folks I know on medication understand that ignoring is the best policy. Or at the very least understand that being a creepy stalker is not a good thing. Just sayin'. -- La Pucelle.
That's all for now, lol.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

W. James Casper's Demonic Band of Progressive Totalitarians

I was notified of yet another round of workplace attacks at the college.

I don't yet know who's once again contacting my employer (I should know next week), but I've got a clue. It turns out that Captain Fogg left a comment at stalking hate-blogger W. James Casper's hell-hole, American Nihilist (check the comments at the top result):
I certainly don't participate in what anyone but you would call retaliation, but then I'm not as worried as you that I've stepped over the line of common decency. You in fact, have good reason for retrospection and introspection. At this point I worry for the public at large and for students taught by you. I think you sound dangerous. I almost expect to see you in some headline some day.

I have no problem with people being called to task for harm they might have done to others. As an educated man, you certainly can distinguish between justice and retaliation even if you're somehow unable to get any point across without behaving like a foul-mouthed and spoiled little boy with serious self-esteem and impulse control problems.

How this makes me improperly retaliative or dishonest in your eyes, is beyond me, but then I know more about electrical engineering than about abnormal psychology.

So do you think people need to know about how you express yourself or is someone "retaliating" for quoting you? You either stand behind your words or you have your nose rubbed in them. It's up to you.

Was it you who showed up out of the blue at The Impolitic raving about impotence and penises and stupidity and all that after a rather dry assessment of Mitt Romney? Seems odd that you could dare to accuse anybody of excess after that repetitive example of your obsessive and obscene program of hounding and punishing anyone who writes anything you disagree with. The only reason I'm here is that you were there.

Frankly I think you're so far beyond the bounds of responsible civilized behavior that some public light should be shed on it and you know it because you wouldn't be squirming and squealing about persecution if you didn't know damn well how inappropriate it is for a teacher of young people to be what you are. You've got a body of "work" out there and it speaks for itself and it doesn't speak well of you.
I'll know more later about this. Folks can read the whole comment thread at that top Google result. I have no idea what Fogg is talking about with "retaliation." But I can say that this is the new line of attack from W. James Casper's demonic band of progressive totalitarians. It's a variation on the old line: "Dr. Douglas has no business being in front of a classroom." And so in the progressive mind, this is reason enough to mount campaigns of libel and workplace harassment for the sole purpose of getting me fired. This was the attack of the atheists some time back, during the Elizabeth Edwards backlash. This was the same basic attack launched by Carl Salonen and one of the asshats at Lawyers, Guns and Money. And this has been W. James Casper's latest ploy to continue his hate campaign of sponsoring threats against my livelihood. Now it's not just that I'm conservative, but that I use salty language in responding to these assholes. Yep, they're assholes and dickwipes and I have no problem pointing it out. So now, yet again, we've got the same bunch of idiots down with the defecations on Wall Street screaming like stuck pigs and contacting my employer? Heaven forbid I used some profanity! Fire that man! He's a danger to the commons! Fogg mentions Libby Spencer's The Impolitic, where I commented last week. But those comments have been deleted, so there's no actual record of what Fogg's talking about. And that's it exactly: If someone disagrees with comment at a blog they can delete it, or they can moderate them in advance. But for stalking asshats like Casper and Fogg it's always about contacting my employer, and making libelous allegations. Notice above how Fogg claims I'm "dangerous." That would be perfect, wouldn't it, to allege that "Donald Douglas is a danger to his students and the college community, and he shouldn't be permitted anywhere near a classroom full of impressionable kids"?

I'll have more on this later.

I just love how classic this is. Every time these people attack they prove one more time just how demonic they are, just like the mob.

PREVIOUSLY: "Libel Blogger David Hillman (Swash Zone) Workplace Harassment Fail." And, "Carl Salonen Libelous Workplace Allegations of Child Pornography and Sexual Harassment at Long Beach City College."

BONUS: Hey Fogg, here's the link to the properly spelled "Muphry's Law," and you can thank your idiot hate-sponsor RACIST = REPSAC3 on the origins of your epic self-douche. BWAHAHAHA!!!!!

EXTRA: The only reference to "penises" I can think of would be "Captain Fogg Just Can't Go Long!" And that's a parody, protected by the First Amendment. But hey, progressive totalitarians hate free speech!!

NOTE: Comments are closed. Readers who'd like to comment may reply to me by e-mail (at my Blogger profile) and I'll add comments in updates to this post.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

W. James Casper Continues Campaign of Intimidation and Criminal Harassment

An apology to readers: I've been in and out all day today, and I've also been trying to get progressives to take responsibility. So, here's an update to my post from the other day: "Progressive Trolls? Update on W. James Casper, Commissar of State Security, People's Commissariat for Internet Affairs."

I'm currently in the process of getting written apologies and retractions from the criminal progressives who mounted campaigns of workplace intimidation, and as W. James Casper has been a ringleader, by his own words, I'm putting this comment here for the record:

You recruited bloggers to harass, ridicule, and intimidate:

'I intended for American Nihilist to be a one off joke on the silly "nihilist" meme you created. I sent invites to all the "nihilsts" I could find, thinking we'd all just have a quick laugh at the expense of the silly little meme, & that'd be it... But some of 'em wanted to sign up, and once they did, and started writing--in character--it became something better than the one off joke I intended...'


These are your words. They are posted at your own blogs. You thought it be just a laugh, but quickly escalated into workplace intimidation and outrageous campaigns of harassment. THAT IS ILLEGAL. YOU HAVE LEGAL LIABILITY AND YOU ARE ON RECORD. Your very words show you ORGANIZED a conspiracy. And you have people currently in your threads making threats, issuing taunts, and spiking the football.

YOU've not denounced a bit of it. Why? Answer that. Why? Because I blog and "attack" people. That's what you say repeatedly. Because I blog and "attack" people you decided to round up a lynch mob. YOUR words. This is what you have done and continue to do. YOU are on record.

YOU are the administrator of this blog and YOU thought it perfectly fine to publish this.

When that was posted you didn't reject it. YOU didn't repudiate it. YOU endorsed it and clapped about how my my college administration should "be aware of his antics." Then later you pulled the post when your lackey left you hold the bag of sh*t. YOU f**ked up. It was never the right thing to do. Always an evil act. It's done. It's on record. YOU are the accessory to make this happen. That sucks you got used. But you recruited people who then f**ked you up. Sucker!! You deserve it. It's you who organize the hate. Make it right by apologizing.

And YOU continue to promote the hate. YOU consort with criminal progressives who continue their campaigns. YOU are doing this. YOU sponsor it right here in this thread. THIS thread.

YOU pledged an intimidation campaign: "As long as Donald Douglas is posting a public blog that accepts comments, I'm going to continue to comment on what he posts, whenever and wherever I choose'

I banned YOU. But you publicly admitted my wishes were to be disrespected and that you would taunt, harass, and intimidate "whenever and wherever I choose."

And one of those places was my college. YOU had henchmen do it for you so you could claim plausible denial. But the cat's out now. YOU are liable.

And YOU ignore, deny, distort and blow off the facts of YOUR evil as some 'crazy paranoid allegations'.


Don't deny. Don't ignore. Don't dismiss. Don't prevaricate.

Man up to your program. THIS is what you do.

These are your words. YOU recruited all you could find to harass, ridicule and intimidate. YOU endorsed, as the admin, a campaign by (O)CT(O)PUS. And YOU have defended all the others right here in this thread. YOU do not denounce the hate and criminal activity.

YOU are the ringleader of hate. THIS is a hate site. I POINT OUT your evil action. YOU deny because you're without a shred of decency.

You need to be right with goodness in the world and issue that apology!!
I know some readers wonder why I deal with this, and believe me, it's not fun. But since my college has been involved there are a lot of loose ends legally that I'm working to wrap up. W. James Casper harbors a clinical hatred for me and he's long mounted a war of personal destruction. I can't impinge his free speech rights, but he's got no legal right to his continued campaign of criminality and the politics of personal destruction. He's a sad man, I know. But he's more than the laughingstock of the progressive left. He's Satan's henchmen working to destroy those of good will who stand up for what's right. I'll keep fighting because that's what you do: Never back down to the mob. It only emboldens them and they will kill and maim even more. This is what these people are about.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reader Comment on W. James Casper Campaign of Misogyny and Criminal Harassment

Okay, I thought I was done with W. James Casper's ring of hatred, but reader Jan e-mailed. And she's right: RESPAC = CASPER = RACIST = MISOGYNIST = CRIMINAL HARASSER. The blog is a ring of organized hatred, and Kevin Robbins indicates that he'd rape commenter Jan if he wasn't homosexual. As always, this is what progressives are all about:
I've never been so disgusted!

I've been following this for awhile, but haven't been over to his site, until today. I went with an open mind, determined to try to see both sides of the story if I could, and what I saw was worse than I thought.

I don't know how anyone could say that his site is not one of hatred, ridicule, and pure maliciousness! If it is supposed to be humorous, as he claims, I wish someone would show me where to find the humor!

I certainly didn't find the comment from Kevin Robbins, in reference to me, humorous at all! And all because Repsac was commenting on a comment that I had posted on your blog last year. I had no idea that he had replied to that comment on his blog, but now they are milking it for all its worth, I guess.

They seem to take some delight in being as vulgar, evil, and hateful as possible, as evidenced by this comment from Mr. Robbins:
Kevin Robbins said...
So much hilarity Don. Really glad Reppy invented you.

'Some of my commenters, Jan for example, have risked their safety to enter into your comment threads to point out your evil.'

Don't worry Jan is safely tied up in the Rim Station basement. Soon as I get my Snidely Whiplash moustache grown out it's the railroad tracks for her. Hope Amtrak is on time.

Lucky we're all such fags over here or we'd be having our way with her. Well, late for mutual hummer time. Toodles Donnie! And don't worry you are still the wingnuttiest wingnut on the internet. Sorry was that derisive?
I think that pretty much demonstrates the calibre of his commenters, and their mindset.

Good luck, Professor, in ever getting an apology out of that bunch of....never mind. I won't say, because I don't want to sink to that same level.

I do wonder, though, if they would like to have anyone say such things about their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, as Mr. Robbins said about me?

Maybe not, since they seem not to care how cruel, or unkind, they can be, anyway.
Background is here: "W. James Casper Continues Campaign of Intimidation and Criminal Harassment."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ban, Block and Report Walter James Casper III in 2013

Walter James Casper III was banned from this blog in April 2010. I wrote at the time that "I rarely ban radical leftist commentators" but that I was getting tired of Repsac's disgusting racism and rank stupidity. I'd also grown tired of this idiot's perpetual lies and taunting harassment even when proven wrong beyond any doubt. That's not debate or engagement. That's stalking and harassment. A few months back, after Walter Russell Mead prohibited commenting at Via Media, Vox Day wrote:

Walter James Casper
Vox Popoli is not, and will never be, an echo chamber. There are not, and will never be, any topics that are definitively outside the scope of permissible intellectual discourse ... The only commenters whose participation I will not tolerate is those who repeatedly lie, who demonstrate proven intellectual dishonesty, and who simply refuse to admit it when someone else has publicly shown them to be wrong. If you are not at least capable of acknowledging that you could be wrong about an idea, no matter how near and dear it is to you, then you will probably be better served commenting at a place where your ideas will not be questioned or criticized.
More than ever, that's key. The complete intellectual dishonesty and moral bankruptcy of a person who refuses to admit that, you know, he might have been wrong about something. It is, in a word, anti-intellectual. It's also morally bankrupt. That is why Walter James Casper III was banned.

Since then, Walter James Casper III has continued to stalk this blog, claiming "trolling rights" to comment here whenever he pleases. See: "F*** You, Douglas! — W. James Casper = COBAG = Repsac3!!" Of course, no one has a "right" to comment on someone else's blog. The right to freedom of speech guarantees freedom from discrimination by government. Repsac3, despite claiming worldly expertise on politics and government, just doesn't get a basic point --- indeed, has no clue --- of public goods theory or the politics of pooled resources. So here's a lesson.


In denying his stalking and harassment --- criminal activity of which I have reported to the police --- Repsac3 claims that he was only "submitting comments to an area open to public comment, in rebuttal of posts attacking me by name." See that? He was only harassing this blog on the justification that the commenting system here is an area "open for public comment." The problem, of course, is that there's no such thing as a "public" blog open to "public comments." Put aside the obvious fact that Blogger blogs are owned by Google and not the U.S. or any state government (and hence privately owned), the individual proprietor of a blog, even a Blogger blog, retains all the rights to allow any and all comments at the site. But for some reason, serial harassers have claimed a "trolling rights" theory to justify their despicable harassment of people with whom they disagree and of whom they wish to terrorize. And this is after being repeatedly warned to cease and desist, the legal threshold over which Repsac3's actions became criminal. Robert Stacy McCain identified this criminal activity in the case of Kimberlin-Rauhauser bully Bill Schmalfedlt. By developing a psychotic theory of "public commenting," radical leftist harassers delude themselves that they have a "right" to torment their targets. A blog, of course, is nothing like, say, a public park. Anyone can use the park, regardless of whether they contributed to the provision of that park, a public good, through tax contributions or user fees to the government agency responsible for providing that service. In other words, there are distinct realms of consumption of good and services. The oceans are common pool resources that no single nation-state owns. The public good problem is the incentive for one state to use more resources than it would be allowed under existing norms, regimes, or legal treaties. Even in this case, an otherwise common resource is nevertheless restricted in its use by state actors, otherwise the common resources --- say fisheries --- would be depleted. In sum, Walter James Casper III has invented a system of "public commenting" that only exists in the dark recesses of his addled and hateful mind. There is no right to comment on someone else's blog, no matter the kind of commenting system the blog uses. To this day racist Repsac3 is a raging, roiling hate-filled loser who rues the day that I switched to Disqus commenting, which has a fabulous black-listing system to ban persistent harassment trolls such as the dick Repmaster Troll. Suck it up and get used to it, asshole. You're banned.


Criminal harasser Repsac3, in his deranged world of never entertaining an idea that conflicts with his communist ideological program, has also developed a theory of generalizations which, when deployed, is purported to reject any argument about the obvious and inherent anti-social and collectivists tendencies of the radical left. With this theory, Repac3 can justify in his mind that progressive collectivism is a benign, benighted system of thinking, the correct ideology to lift the human race, bring peace, and end racism and poverty through "social justice." The facts, of course, are exactly the opposite, as over a century of history have shown with communist ideologies of the kind that Walter James Casper consumes and promotes in his radical political identity and activities.


Repsac3, at his Twitter profile, claims he's against "sweeping generalizations." Indeed, when union goons are repeatedly caught out as violent thugs, and when the union leadership advocates violence, union backer Repsac3 denounces the "sweeping generalizations," stupidly claiming that it's only "individuals" committing violent acts, not the unions. Of course idiot Repsac3's spouting illogical bullshit. To be clear, generalizations are a form of argument to explain general tendencies. To say that unions are violent and thuggish is a generalization that is repeatedly demonstrated as true. The examples of individual union members who do not engage in violence or thuggery don't disprove the generalization. If one says that "seat belts save lives" the claim is not invalidated by the example of someone being killed in a car crash despite wearing a seat beat. It's a clear generalization that is borne out by experience. Further, if one argues that progressives favor high taxes to fund a massive state sector of public services and transfer payments, and that these programs violate the liberty of Americans, the point is not invalidated by a few individuals who identify as progressive but don't favor higher taxes. Take Occupy Wall Street as one example that Walter James Casper III loves to defend by attacking "sweeping generalizations." Occupy is a movement that has been marked by violent protest and thousands of criminal arrests. It's own website declares, with a closed-fist icon of violent resistance, that it's a movement for a worldwide revolution and "is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia." The original founder of Occupy's New York mobilization, Kalle Lasn, is a proven Jew-basher and anti-Semite. And the initial Occupiers in the streets demonstrated widespread anti-Semitism on a daily basis and research shows that Jew-hatred is not a bug but a feature of the movement. A few Judeophile supporters of Occupy Wall Street do not disprove the generalization that the movement is anti-Semitic, despite the deranged and desperate bleatings of Repsac3 to the contrary. Indeed, the Democrat Party from President Obama and Nancy Pelosi on down has declared their solidarity with the Occupy movement, but polls have shown that only minorities of self-identified Democrats support or sympathize with Israel as an independent state with the right to self-defense. The generalization that Democrats ---- who are public backers of Occupy Wall Street --- don't support Israel is borne out by the data.

Again, the fact of some union members who are not violent thugs, or some individuals who are not violent Occupy activists, or who are strong supporters of Israel, does not disprove the generalizations. A generalization is a general pattern, a statement of a tendency. If "Hatesac" is bothered by the generalization of progressive violence and hatred and bigotry, perhaps he should reject those ideologies rather than defend them.



Walter James Casper III has used his hate-blog American Nihilist to publish my workplace information with exhortations for progressives to contact my college administration, with the obvious intent to get me fired for my conservative advocacy and allegedly politically incorrect statements. The widespread understanding among free speech advocates is that it's not appropriate to get someone fired because of their political views. But Repsac3 offered his co-bloggers front-page posting time to launch ideological attacks on my livelihood. The fact is that Repsac3 always had --- and still has --- editorial control over the contents published at his blog. If he didn't, then the post targeting me would still be available at the blog. (It has been edited by the blog administrator, Repsac3, to remove my contact information, as it should have been from the start, but wasn't.) Of course, it should have never been published in the first place, under any circumstances, and the "personal responsibility" for the post rests not with the author but with the person who provided the pixels at the front of the hate-blog, Walter James Casper, the blog publisher of American Nihilist. No amount of dodging can possibly escape the truth, which is why Repsac3 has been universally condemned for his intimidation campaigns among conservative bloggers and free speech advocates. See: (O)CT(O)PUS, "DEFAMATION - DONALD STYLE," February 12th, 2009. After Carl Salonen and SEK launched their vicious libel campaigns at my workplace, Repsac3 praised those attempts to get me fired, remarking that such attacks worked in having me no longer blogging about those pricks. By such actions, which are logically unsupportable, Repsac3 objectively backs efforts to shut down his political opponents and he in fact befriends and embraces some of the most vile criminal goons populating the left's intimidation networks. Further, as the left's campaigns of lawfare and workplace intimidation have become widespread, Repsac3 has repeatedly defended the hate and laughed off attacks on conservatives has "wingnut" whining. This utterly bankrupt behavior puts Reppie up there with the main Kimberlin-Rauhauser henchmen, like Schmalfeldt. See: "Pray for Ten Thousand Angels."

These activities grow from Walter James Casper III's radical ideological commitments, which I have documented in recent posts:

* "Communists Angela Davis and Danny Glover to Headline Democracy Now!'s Inauguration-Night 'Peace Ball' in Washington D.C."

* "Far-Left Whack-Job Thom Hartmann Wants to 'Outlaw Billionaires'."

* "Harvard Grad, Occupy Wall Street Activist Busted on Bomb-Making and Weapons Possession Charges."

So, for all of my readers and blog allies, remember that this is a dangerous ideological opponent and political enemy who is working to do harm to those with whom he disagrees. Like Zilla of the Resistance has advised, the best remedy is to ban these assholes, block them from your comments sections and block and report them on Twitter for stalking and intimidation.