Friday, January 3, 2014

Enough of the Homos: Time for Some Hot, Sexy Women!

Whenever I've had it with too much of the homo-psychos, I cruise over to Angry White Dude to have a good laugh, "WHAT GAYS SHOULD LEARN FROM THE DUCK DYNASTY DEBACLE":
[T]he overwhelming number of Americans don’t care one little damn where you stick your unit. AWD has said since the inception of this blog that I don’t care if you sleep with snakes. PETA might but I don’t give a damn. Not my business until you make it my business. Start telling me that I have to accept this or must agree with that and there’s where the trouble starts. I don’t force my heterosexual, supa-sexy lifestyle on you in any way so leave me the hell out of your gay reindeer games.

Homosexuals might also take note that the vast majority of normal Americans are tired of being told we’re the ones with the problem when we don’t accept aberrant behavior. More and more who sat idly on the sidelines while political correct rules were being forced upon them are starting to stand up and speak out! Just look at the Chik-fil-A buycott a few years ago. Or the Duck Dynasty debacle. Heterosexuals are still the vast majority and a whole hell of a lot of us are for traditional marriage and believe in traditional American values. A&E backed down not because they aren’t a bunch of wacko leftists in Nueva Jork. They did so because they were going to lose millions of traditional American viewers who would take with them their traditional American dollars!
More at that top link.

And here's some hot feminine loveliness, at Egotastic!, "Alice Goodwin Goodness for 2014 Time Keeping."