Thursday, January 9, 2014

House Republicans Preparing Plan for Immigration Overhaul

I had to read that headline twice, at the New York Times.

And here's the House GOP's press conference yesterday: "1/8/14 Republican Leadership Press Conference." They're not talking about immigration reform. Jobs and ObamaCare --- the "Obama economy" --- is the focus. I'm not sure what Republicans hope to gain by agreeing to immigration reform, especially amnesty, since nothing's gonna pass without some kind of legalization.

From the article:
Rebecca Tallent, a longtime immigration adviser to Senator John McCain of Arizona whom Mr. Boehner recently hired, has been spearheading the effort out of the speaker’s office, working with other key Republican lawmakers: Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority leader; Representative Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida, who has been pushing for a broad immigration overhaul; Representative Bob W. Goodlatte of Virginia, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee; and Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, his party’s 2012 vice-presidential nominee and chairman of the House Budget Committee.

The goal of the principles is to gauge the Republican conference’s willingness to tackle immigration this year, as well as to receive feedback from lawmakers before embarking on a legislative strategy.
Well, there's your clue. Rebecca Tallent? And she was "a longtime immigration adviser" to John "Complete the Dang Fence" McCain? Michelle Malkin has the flashback, "Johnny-come-lately McCain: The sickly smell of desperation."

Yeah, maybe Speaker Boehner's got some desperation going on as well. And rumor has it he may be retiring, so perhaps he wants some kinda legacy besides the mainstream media's "obstructionist" laurels.