Friday, January 17, 2014

President Obama Speech on NSA Reforms: Draping the Banner of Change Over Surveillance Status Quo

The full speech is here, "President Obama Speaks on U.S. Intelligence Programs."

I went back to bed and missed it, although I've seen numerous clips on CNN by now.

And here's the big story at the Wall Street Journal, "Obama Says NSA's Mass Collection of U.S. Phone Data Will End: President Also to Require Court Order for Search of Information."

Folks'll be talking about this all weekend, and I already need to dump my browser tabs with more on this, but I'm intrigued how Glenn Greenwald took to the Guardian today to denounce the administration. Greenwald left the newspaper in a cloud over his partner's arrest as a courier for stolen documents. Greenwald's no longer a "journalist" in the traditional sense. He's now joined the rogue's gallery of hackers and cyberterrorists as a full blown danger to public safety. He's a traitor who'd face arrest if he stepped foot back in the United States.

In any case, here's his piece, "Obama's NSA 'reforms' are little more than a PR attempt to mollify the public." (Also at Memeorandum.)

And here's Greenwald on the far-left Alex Wagner's show on the socialist MSNBC network.