Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Race-Baiting Leftists Attack Fox News' Adam Housley and Wife Tamera Mowry, Actress of 'Sister, Sister' Fame

My wife is white and I'm just not around that kind of abuse. Once we were married the novelty wore off (on her side of the family), and frankly I'm not often around the kind of leftist black race-baiters who would attack my wife for "stealing" a black man. But Tamera Mowry's long been abused by that kind of leftist racism.

At London's Daily Mail, "'I was called a white man's w***e': Child star of Sister Sister tearfully reveals years of sickening online abuse for mixed-race marriage to Fox News reporter."

Ms. Mowry spoke out about the attacks on Oprah's show, "Tamera Mowry Responds to Critics of Her Interracial Marriage - Oprah: Where Are They Now? - OWN."

Hat Tip: National Review.