Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stoned Citizens Will Further Burden the Dependency Society

More and more folks are speaking out.

And now, don't miss Emily Miller, at the Washington Times, "Obama’s cultural legacy is legal marijuana blowing through America":

You can go into a store in Colorado and buy marijuana to get stoned for kicks, but you cannot purchase a 40- or 60-watt light bulb. This is the state of affairs in America after five years of President Obama’s liberalism, which has misguided the public on what are the actual dangers to society.

On New Year’s Day, Colorado became the first state to allow the purchase of marijuana for recreational use. Anyone over the age of 21 can buy pot over the counter to smoke at home to get high. Washington state also legalized cannabis, and sales will begin there in June.

Colorado is being watched by other loosey-goosey states that may jump on the drug-decriminalizing bandwagon. Twenty-one states and the District of Columbia already allow for sales of marijuana for supposedly “medical” use.

Crime-ridden Washington, D.C., is actually considering a ballot initiative to legalize the drug. The Washington Times reported exclusively Tuesday that if the measure is approved by voters — and, most critically, by Congress — residents would be allowed to grow marijuana in their homes and transfer up to an ounce.

This demonstrates how activists are totally uneducated about the severe consequences of smoking pot.
Cully Stimson was a prosecutor in drug court in San Diego and has served as a military trial judge.

“There’s already a significant number of D.C. residents involved in the criminal justice system,” the senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation told me in an interview. “By telling them that marijuana is a medicine and not a drug, then legalizing it, you’re going to have a stoned, dependent community that is even worse than today.”

Mr. Stimson, a former defense attorney, has written extensively on drug policies and the dangers of marijuana. He predicts that Colorado’s social experiment will fail badly.

“Nothing positive will come out of it,” he stated. “You’re going to have lower test scores and a class of people who are unemployable because they are stoned all the time. People are going to die on ski slopes, on the roads.”

The think tank expert further explained, “Countries that have legalized marijuana have experienced negative social effects. They’ve seen more dependency — marijuana is highly addictive and a gateway to harder drugs — and more crime and a bigger black market because the drug cartels undercut legal sellers and also target youth.”