Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Roundup of the Roundups

Okay, back online so let's get things going here.

Theo's Hotties
Here's yesterday's entry at Maggie's Farm, "Saturday morning links."

Also at the Political Hat, "News of the Week (January 12th, 2014)."

And see the Other McCain, "Roundup on Teachers Accused of Having Sex with Teenagers." Added: "FMJRA 2.0: Frisby."

Plus, Linkiest rounds up the links. As does John Hawkins at Right Wing News.

More at Instapundit.

And huge linkage at Proof Positive, "Best of the Web* Linkaround."

At First Street Journal, "From Around the Blogroll."

Wrapping this one up is Theo Spark, "Sunday Best..."

Added: At Dead Republican Party, "DeRP’s Views You Can Use 01.10.2014."