Monday, January 13, 2014

Wall Street Journal Illustrates Year-End Tax Changes Report with Militant Homosexuals

Another depraved example of how it's all about homosexuals these days. At the Wall Street Journal, of all places. (Well, they're pretty libertarian actually, especially on open-borders illegal immigration, which has always bugged me.)

Here's the piece, "Taxes: What's New This Time" (via Google), and the tax changes for so-called same-sex married couples is the very last section. But oh! The homosexuals had to be in your face all over the hard-copy of the newspaper:
Married same-sex couples must file as married taxpayers.

Following last year's Supreme Court decision, members of same-sex couples whose marriages are recognized under state or foreign law and who were married as of the end of 2013 must either file jointly or use married-filing-separately status.

In most cases, filing jointly will be the smart choice, because it will result in a lower overall tax bill. Members of same-sex couples who have entered into civil unions or domestic partnerships still are treated as unmarried individuals for federal tax purposes.
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Hat Tip: The Mad Jewess.