Monday, December 22, 2014

iOTW REPORT Ripped Off

This is a bummer, "I AM SO SICK OF THIS SHIT," and "It’s Christmas":
For every 1 post I make about credit-stripping there are 10 others that I am alerted to by the good people of iOTWreport and I do nothing about it. It just becomes another paper cut that contributes to your slow death.

Every once in awhile, though, I pop my cork and put up a post expressing my frustration. Seeing the idea I executed in a James Woods tweet, and retweeted over 1000 times, with no mention of iOTWreport, is tough to witness.

I signed off after my post, closed the laptop and watched Mission Impossible on Me TV. Metaphorical? You tell me.

For the record, I did not call out James Woods (he did nothing wrong) or Wayne Dupree (Dupree’s name being associated with this was news to me when I went back online. The post was updated by good people who try and help me because they witness first-hand how much damage is done by my loss of morale and interest in creating graphics when others benefit.)

I did not, and will not publicly name a person as a thief until they tell me straight out that they are the ones that stripped the credit off. Then I name names. And it is never rewarding, in fact, the reverse is true. The situation gets worse. Let me explain...
Keep reading.

Here's the original image, "He Built the Deaths of Many":

 photo blood_zps37c98c4d.jpg