Saturday, June 19, 2010

Figures: Obama Attacks GOP Obstructionism!

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled weekend blog-programming to bring you this hilarious update on President Barack Jimmy Carter Obama. That's right, the dude's looking to be a one-termer. See, "U.S. Voters Split on Obama Re-Election in 2012." No surprise then that Republicans are just laughing at the president, who long ago abandoned bipartisanship to ram through the most unpopular legislative agenda in decades. I mean, if his congressional program was even a percentage as good as he claims, RINOs like Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe would be helping the Dems avoid a filibuster. So this is what you get instead:

See also Gateway Pundit, "Obama Says He “Won’t Rest Until Leak Is Stopped”… Then Attends Nationals Baseball Game." (Via Memeorandum.) But see Doug Mataconis for a contrary take, "President Obama Attends Baseball Game, Conservative Blogger Freaks Out."

Okay, now back to our more invigorating weekend blogging, LOL!

In Defense of Koman Coulibaly?

No harm no foul?

not if NYT's got something to say about it:
Since our justice system grants even the most incorrigible defendants the right to an attorney, consider me his [Koman Coulibaly's] public defender. Ladies and gentlemen, may I direct your attention to the photograph below:


Actually, R.S. McCain's having none of it, "U.S. Robbed of Winning Goal in World Cup Soccer Game vs. Slovenia."

Referee Koman Coulibaly Blamed for United States' 2-2 Draw With Slovenia ... UPDATE! Coulibaly Could Face Expulsion!"

Weekend Gulfapalooza Cartoon Roundup!




More cartoons at Theo Spark's.

Also from across the pond, "BP Chief at UK Yacht Race as Oil Spews in Gulf of Mexico."

RELATED: At Flopping Aces, "The Greatest Ecological Disaster in the History of the United States and Obama Tells Us We Need Windmills," and from Mort Zuckerman, "World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur" (via Memeorandum).

New Ads Try to Shock Men Into Going to the Doctor's Office

Well, if more physicians looked like Dr. Cynara Coomer there'd be no need for these ads!

Of course, conservative guys stay in shape with hot weekend Rule 5 blogging! So give it up for Washington Rebel's, "Saturday Rebel 5 Festgate."

Saturday Morning Workout With Alisyn Camerota!

Hot women. The real reason folks watch Fox News:

RELATED: Wonderful conservative Opus 6 has been a great sport with my
Rule 5 hotness blogging. She left a friendly comment on last night's post, "Sarah Brandner Body Painting (Probably NSFW)." I'm still trying to get her to give it up for the team with some boob-quake action, but to no avail. She makes up for it with smokin' hot blogging on the issues of the day. See, "Santa Ana, CA ICE Raids Put Damper on Illegal Participation In Census."

Israel is Endangered Today Like Never Before

From Caroline Glick at JPost and RCP:

Israel is endangered today as it has never been before. The Turkish-Hamas flotilla two weeks ago precipitated a number of dangerous developments. Rather than attend to all of them, Israel's leadership is devoting itself almost exclusively to contending with the least dangerous among them while ignoring the emerging threats with the potential to lead us to great calamities.

Since the Navy's lethal takeover of the Mavi Marmara, Israel has been stood before an international diplomatic firing squad led by the UN and Europe and supported by the Obama administration. Firmly backed by European and largely unopposed by Washington, the UN is moving swiftly towards setting up a new Goldstone- style anti-Israel kangaroo court. That canned tribunal will rule that Israel has no right to defend itself and attempt to force Israel to end its lawful naval blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Fearing this outcome, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu bowed to US President Barack Obama's demand that Israel set up an Israeli inquest of the Mavi Marmara takeover and permit foreigners to oversee its proceedings.

Netanyahu also agreed to scale back Israel's blockade significantly, and allow international bodies to have a role in its far more lax enforcement. Netanyahu has made these concessions with the full knowledge that they will strengthen Hamas in the hopes that they would weaken the international onslaught against Israel.

Unfortunately, it took no time at all to see that his hopes were misplaced. Even before Netanyahu announced these concessions, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon already announced that they make no difference to him or to his friends in Washington and Brussels.

They will move ahead with their plans to appoint a new kangaroo court charged with asserting that Israel has no right to defend itself.

AS BAD as all of this is, in truth, it is unimportant relative to the other consequences of the flotilla incident. The impact of the diplomatic campaign now being waged against Israel will be felt in the medium and long term. In the immediate term, Israel is facing two threats that dwarf what it faces from the UN.
More at the link.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sarah Brandner Body Painting (Probably NSFW)

Let me recommend once more Sarah Brandner's pictorial at Sports Illustrated. She's a very beautiful woman, and more than worthy for a leading turn in the weekend's Rule 5 postings.

Related goodness at Bob Belvedere's, "They Don’t Make ‘Em Like That Anymore: Gaye Rennie," and earlier from TrogloPundit, "Pure Hotness Shania Twain Single Again and Back on the Market."

BONUS: At Blazing Cat Fur, "
Because it's Friday... and it's Audrey Hepburn."

WikiLeaks to Release Video of Alleged U.S. 'Massacre' in Afghanistan

At ABC News (via Memeorandum):

I wonder how badly doctored the Afghanistan video will turn out to be? As readers will recall, almost everything about the WikiLeaks Apache video was manufactured and wrong. The folks at Jawa Report so thoroughly eviscerated WikiLeaks they should be up for a Pulitzer.

Meanwhile, check out this passage buried in
Glenn Greenwald's long (even unusually long for Rick Ellensburg) essay on WikiLeaks and Wired's reporting on whistleblower Brad Manning:

Any rational person would have to acknowledge that government secrecy in rare cases is justifiable and that it's possible for leaks of legitimate secrets to result in serious harm. I'm not aware of a single instance where any leak from WikiLeaks has done so, but it's certainly possible that, at some point, it might. But right now, the scales are tipped so far in the other direction -- toward excessive, all-consuming secrecy -- that the far greater danger comes from allowing that to fester and grow even more. It's not even a close call. Any efforts to subvert that secrecy cult are commendable in the extreme, and nobody is doing that as effectively as WikiLeaks (and their value is not confined to leaking, as they just inspired a serious effort to turn Iceland into a worldwide haven for investigative journalism and anonymous whistle-blowers).

This Manning detention -- whether it was by design or just exploited opportunistically -- is being used to depict WikiLeaks as a serious national security threat and associations with it as dangerous and subversive. Just in the last week alone, several people have expressed to me fears that supporting or otherwise enabling WikiLeaks could subject them to liability or worse. There's no reason to believe that's true, but given the powers the U.S. Government claims -- lawless detentions, renditions, assassinations even of American citizens -- that's the climate of intimidation that has been created. This latest incident is clearly being used to impede WikiLeaks' vital function of checking powerful factions and imposing transparency, and for that reason alone, this is an extremely serious case that merits substantial scrutiny, along with genuine skepticism to understand what happened.
Who decides the current national security regime has gone too far in "the other direction"? Of course, just to get that initial concession from Greenwald on the necessity of governmental secrecy is something. And notice how the rest of the quote implies that Greenwald himself isn't in fact rational, ha!

Referee Koman Coulibaly Blamed for United States' 2-2 Draw With Slovenia ... UPDATE! Coulibaly Could Face Expulsion!

At WaPo:

Modern soccer has turned the penalty area into a wrestling ring, and that's what cost the United States victory in its World Cup match against Slovenia on Friday.

Maurice Edu committed no foul as he scored from just over six yards.

However, just about every other player in the penalty area was holding, grabbing, pulling or pushing as the U.S. free kick sailed in to the 18-yard zone.

Referee Koman Coulibaly of Mali saw one of several fouls. Unluckily for the U.S., he saw the only one committed by an American, defender Carlos Bocanegra.

Bocanegra had his arms around Slovenia substitute Jejc Pecnik and was preventing him from jumping for the ball.

Coulibaly was ideally placed to see the foul he called. He was 10 yards away from Edu as the striker hit the ball home, but the Bocanegra-Pecnik grappling took place just one yard away, in the referee's direct line of sight.

The 39-year-old referee, who has been officiating in tough African competitions for 17 years and called the final of the African Cup of Nations between Ghana and Egypt earlier this year, didn't hesitate to do his job.

But he couldn't see everything in the penalty area. So Coulibaly missed two American players being held and grabbed in different parts of the penalty area by Slovenian players.

Also, at SI, "Americans, and the World, Should Be Outraged at FIFA, Ref Coulibaly."

Added: at NYT, "U.S. Rallies, but Third Goal Is Disallowed."


UPDATE: At FanHouse, "Referee Koman Coulibaly Could Face Expulsion From World Cup."

Lady Gaga Joins BP Boycott

At CNN, "More Musicians Join BP boycott":
Korn and the Backstreet Boys lead the way by turning their summer tours into BP-free odysseys, and a slew of musicians have followed suit.

Lady Gaga, Creed, Godsmack, Disturbed, Rise Against, Slightly Stoopid, Rob Zombie, Megadeth, Black Label Society with Zakk Wylde, Anthrax, Filter, Hellyeah and Flogging Molly are all bypassing BP fuel for other options, according to a statement.

Early estimates show about 100 buses, vehicles and trucks belonging to committed musicians are involved in the boycott.
No word if Gossip Boy is joining her.

Gaga Twitpic

See also WaPo, "Korn Urges Artists to Boycott BP With Tour Buses."

PHOTO CREDIT: With Perez Hilton at Twitpic.

Obama Administration Files to Challenge Arizona's SB 1070

At Fox News, "Obama Administration Planning to File Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law," and Hot Air, "Breaking: WH Will Sue Arizona Over SB1070" (via Memeorandum).

This should be a battle to warm conservative hearts. You've got Governor Jan Brewer standing on principle to secure the southern border. She's got roughly two-thirds of Arizona voters backing her, and probably that nationwide. One the other hand, we've got the hardline leftist base of the Democratic Party hammering the Obama administration on "comprehensive reform" (amnesty). And lord knows we're talking about more than a few elderly precinct workers in Pasadena and Poughkeepsie. But also important is the controversy's shaping up as an epic battle over federal-state relations. And this is where various conservatives should be able to join together. In the tea party era is hard not to be for more limited government if you're a Republican. While folks might differ on economic vs. social issues, on immigration most factions can rally under the banner of devolution of governmental power to state and local officials. I imagine it's only the editorial board at the Wall Street Journal, and perhaps a few of the folks at Cato or Reason, who oppose making a stand with Arizona on this one. But if you watch the way Sarah Palin's playing it, I think you'll have a good feel for which way the winds blowing as fas as the November elections go.

At the viddy, Gov. Brewer on Greta's last night.
Some good stuff:

RELATED: "Meg Whitman, '100 Percent Opposed to Amnesty', Launches Spanish-Language Ad Blitz in California."

Meg Whitman, '100 Percent Opposed to Amnesty', Launches Spanish-Language Ad Blitz in California

Toward the end of the GOP gubernatorial primary this spring, former E-Bay CEO Meg Whitman claimed to be aggressively tough-on-borders and 100 percent opposed to amnesty. Here's the big ad buy that aired right up to the June 8th election:

On immigration, I will secure our border. And I'll send in the national guard if necessary. I say no driver's licenses, no sanctuary cities, and absolutely no amnesty. Period.
Whitman was endorsed by former California Governor and Prop 187-sponsor Pete Wilson: "I know how important it is to stop illegal immigration, and I know Meg Whitman. Meg will be tough as nails on illegal immigration."


Now Whitman's launched a "
Latino outreach" campaign ad buy as "part of a comprehensive, multimedia effort to engage Latinos during this crucial election year":

Anncr: Meg Whitman is a different kind of candidate. She is a business leader ready to fix Sacramento, ready to create more jobs and better schools in California. She respects our community. She is the Republican who opposes the Arizona law and opposed Proposition 187.

She means real change. She has a specific plan for A New California. With more jobs, better schools and less bureaucracy.

Text: More jobs, better schools, less bureaucracy.

Anncr: She includes all of us. Meet Meg Whitman. A different kind of candidate, and the Governor California needs.
The main story's at LAT, "Whitman launches ads on Spanish-language TV stations."

It's to be expected. I almost rolled over when I first saw Whitman toughening-up on immigration as her poll numbers wilted amid attacks from Steve Poizner. And while she's always been "kinder, gentler" on the issue, this switch-a-roo sets a new record for crass political pandering. Meanwhile, she's already sunk another $20 million into her campaign,
bringing her total funding up to $91 million so far. Amazingly, Whitman so might anger the conservative base that die-hard opponents of McCain-Feingold might well start backing limits on wealthy self-funded non-voting amnesty-loving flip-flopping RINOs.

In related news, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's going all out in her battle against the Obama administration's war on SB 1070. See, "
Gov. Brewer Very Disappointed in Obama Snub, Vows to Beat Feds in Court Over Illegal Immigration Law" (via Memeorandum). Also at Nice Deb, "'Unacceptable!': Obama Breaks Promise to Jan Brewer."

Wouldn't You Want Dale Peterson Watching Your Back?

Dale Peterson endorses his former opponent, John McMillan:

And in other campaign news, "Whitman launches ads on Spanish-language TV stations." And that deserves a post all to itself --- coming up shortly!

Killer Ronnie Lee Gardner Executed by Firing Squad

At New York Times, "Utah Executes Murderer by Firing Squad." And at ABC News, "'He Will Never Assault Anybody Again'."

It's extremely fascinating. Death by gunshot's obviously more humane than the peace industry's lethal injection horror show. Gardner's attorney's made an 11th hour appeal to stop the execution, but the wheels of justice kept rolling despite late efforts to slow things down. Watch for
the international outcry all weekend as criminal rights groups attack the U.S. as "barbaric." And the circumstances surrounding the case would seem to give death penalty opponents ammunition. Gardner's victim, attorney Michael Burdell, was a pacifist who opposed capital punishment. Attorney's for dead-man-walking Gardner invoked Burdell's name in speaking out out against the execution, saying that "Michael Burdell's voice has never been heard."

Couple of videos below. I wonder if someone's got a hidden mini-cam clip of this guy's death? Gardner's arms kept twitching after the shots fired, apparently. And it's hard to keep that stuff off the Internet in this day and age:

Raw Video: Lakers Fans Riot After NBA Victory

The main story's at LAT, "Despite heavy LAPD presence, violence breaks out after Lakers' victory." But check out the video:

Jose Lara on O'Reilly Factor

O'Reilly is too easy on this guy Jose Lara. But what's interesting his how Lara makes no arguments based on sound argumentation. He claims for example that Arizona's law is unjust BECAUSE city councils and civil rights groups around the country have denounced it. That's not argument. He also claims not to indoctrinate students. From I've heard, that whole Santee High School in Los Angeles is one anti-American hate dump. And remember, this is a guy in the classroom supposedly teaching young people "social studies." I get chills thinking about the sick ideology that's being instilled --- and remember, I marched with thousands of people like this on May 29th. They hate the United States. Maybe probing that hate might be O'Reilly's next line of questioning for these tools:

'We Care About the Small People'

Kinda creepy, although not sure if in the way Ace suggests:

See also, "BP Chair: Sorry for 'Small People' Remark on Gulf; BP chairman sorry for referring to 'small people' hit by Gulf oil spill; says spoke 'clumsily'."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm Gonna Be Your Number One...

I'll be posting some beautiful blonde Sarah Brandner for my Friday night blogging, so stayed tuned. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the music, so overnight folks can enjoy a little beautiful blonde Debbie Harry, "The Tide Is High" (Wikipedia entry here):

Chris Matthews Special on MSNBC: 'Rise of the New Right'

Both parties, and both ideological perspectives, have their extremists. And one of the more interesting things about American politics is how each side labors to brand the other as outside the mainstream. Which side is winning? The conservatives, libertarians and tea partiers, who've been making the case that the Obama-Democrats are pushing a socialist-authoritarian regime on the country. It's not extreme to suggest it. They've been proving it in spades, with Obama's Oval Office disaster on Tuesday just the latest in the left's long propaganda campaign to bring about the communist cap-and-tax system of economic statism. Meanwhile, the left's media elites strain to portray the tea party movement as gun-toting terrorists about to kill and maim legions, the most recent example being Chris Matthews' one-hour special last night. I watched it, but check Lori Ziganto's piece, "Chris Matthews’ “Rise of The New Right”: Delusional Neo-Communist Propaganda":

Last night, MSNBC aired a Chris Matthews special, labeled a documentary, called The Rise of the New Right. I decided to take a quick break from my radical right wing extremist acts like bitterly clinging to my guns and my Bible, whilst fiendishly drawing Hitler moustaches on Obama photos, to watch it. I know. Apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment. However, while absolutely infuriating, it was simultaneously hilarious and almost took my mind off the distressing shortage of windmills in this country.

Almost immediately, two things became rather apparent. Firstly, MSNBC’s NewSpeak definition of “documentary” is evidently “blatant fallacies and pure propaganda”. Secondly, it’s quite clear that Chris Matthews’ leg ‘tingle’ has moved into his brain, or what passes for some semblance of one. Either that, or he’s merely decided to embrace his cuckoo pants. Plus, he’s a big, fat liar. I feel no qualms about saying that, since Matthews spent a full hour demonizing me and people like me as violent, irrational racists. In fact, the entire show could be summed up like this:

Racists. Birthers. Guns! Evil scary militia groups that have the same “Don’t Tread on Me” flag!!! Chanting “USA, USA” and being fond of the Constitution and, you know, liberty is super scary and ominous. Also, racist. And violence fomenting. Plus, racist.

Big Black Boots, Long Brown Hair...

Stream-of-consciousness blogging alert!

I'm catching up on John Hawkins', "The Debbie Schlussel Experience Part 2: The Fixation." That, and YidWithLid's, "I Defended John Hawkins, So Debbie Schussel Spreads Loshen Hora About Me." That's some putrid trash Schlussel's spreading. Skim around on Twitter and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, Jet's "
Are You Gonna Be My Girl" is totally unrelated. Heard it yesterday and realized it had grown on me. Seemed off in a way when I first saw this video years ago, and don't know why since it's something Iggy might do, so Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. More later ...

Keith Olbermann Hammered at Daily Kos

Olbermann's post at Daily Kos: "Check, Please."

I dislike Markos Moulitsas even more the Olby, so maybe this is something of a sign of hope for the world, LOL!

At issue is the MSNBC host's attacks on Obambi, which are well deserved but verboten in the left's fever swamps, even for a swamp creature like Olby himself. Politico's got more, "
Keith Olbermann Leaves Daily Kos" (via Memeorandum).

Governor Jan Brewer Launches 'Keep Arizona Safe'

At USA Today, "Arizona launches legal defense website for immigration law."

The website is here:
Keep AZ Safe.

And check Gov. Brewer's website,
Secure the Border:

RELATED: From Dave C., "The Arizona Border, S.B. 1070 And A Viewpoint From An Officer Of The Law: Part I."

Katherine Heigl at Harper's Bazaar

The public relations office at Hearst Magazines sent the cover photo from their latest issue of Harper's Bazaar, featuring "Katherine Heigl Gets Real":


Bazaar photo shoot pictures at the link.

BONUS: Katherine Heigl at

RELATED: This entry should qualify for inclusion in this weekend's
Rule 5 roundup at The Other McCain. The Classical Liberal, it turns out, couldn't wait for the weekend, "Rule Tuesday!" See also, Bob Belvedere, "A Little Hump Day Rule 5: Laura Young."

More at
Irish Cicero and Theo Spark.

Peace Activist: Next Stop Iran?

Saw this yesterday, and hey, you gotta give it up for that Iraq/Iran bumper sticker. Note how the last letter at the gas-meter image rolls over to "N", which implies two things: Regime change Iran is the next stop on the American imperial agenda, and it's all about oil. Also interesting is how this "peace thug" activist boasts the full package: A Subaru with Berkeley and Yale stickers in the rear window, a "teach peace" bumper sticker, and --- it's a little small --- but that's an Obama-Biden sticker there at bottom-right:


RELATED: I wonder if Cape Cod high school teachers Marybeth Verani and Adeline Koscher drive Subarus?

Teachers Marybeth Verani and Adeline Koscher Protest Students Enlisting in the Military

I saw this story a couple of days ago but didn't have an embeddable video. At TigerHawk, "Peace Teachers."

The actions of two teachers at the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, have come under considerable criticism. There are likely first amendment issues here protecting the speech of the teachers, and perhaps helping to insulate them somewhat from possible disciplinary action (along with their union), but I would guess that there will be some people who are sympathetic to their anti-war position who would nonetheless question the appropriateness of holding up signs at an assembly recognizing graduating seniors who are entering military service ....

Ms. Verani states in the video above, "It was not against them at a personal level," demonstrating that she is tone deaf on this matter -- only six students are being honored at an assembly, and it is then and there that she chooses to exercise her right to dissent, and that shouldn't be considered personal? I love Michael Corleone's line from The Godfather as much as anybody -- "It's not personal, Sonny, it's strictly business," -- but this is at least a little bit personal. The teachers are either directly or indirectly criticizing the career choice decisions of six students in a public forum.
More at the link.

'Alice in Wonderland' Stays No. 1 on DVD Sales Chart

At ABC News. Buy the video here.

Below: I bumped into this fellow on Hollywood Boulevard in March (while covering the ANSWER antiwar protest):

ANSWER LA March 20 2010

Dana Loesch in Playboy?

Actually, my friend Dana Loesch was just on Fox & Friends. And then I see her link in my Sitemeter referrals. So I'm laughing at the timing of Robert Stacy McCain's post, "Dana Loesch in Playboy?" ...
Oh, don’t you wish, you creep. The teaser from Instapundit was effective, however, and Dana explains ...
RTWT here.

No Leadership, No Solutions, No Clue: Obama Speech Resurrects Jimmy Carter Era

Hey, I love that title!

Published yesterday at Pajamas Media:


... folks are now making serious comparisons between President Obama and President Jimmy Carter. It’s easy to dismiss attacks on Obama as “Jimmah” as cheap political points, but when newscasts are opening with counts marking the crisis’ longevity — “Gulf Oil Spill, Day 57” — can it be long before one of the major networks gives Ted Koppel a lifeline for the original Nightline?

It is, of course, a solemn time in American politics, and the president may have missed an opportunity to demonstrate genuine leadership and originality. Economic uncertainty is unabated across the land, and American forces continue fighting foreign conflicts of uncertain resolution. Perhaps the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico has become the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Unfortunately, bland speeches offering refurbished climate change initiatives probably aren’t going to thrill a lot of pressed and worried voters.

RELATED: See Erick Erickson, "Barack Obama Embraces His Inner Jimmy Carter: Setting the Thermostat to 68 Degrees of Barack Obama."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday Lunch at Ruby's

I took my boys out to lunch yesterday at Ruby's Diner in Costa Mesa.

We had to run a quick errand first, though, getting some paperwork signed at the doctor's office. Look carefully below. My boys are heading into the new medical building. I love the flags (and I appreciate them so much more knowing that so many leftists don't):

June 2010

Ruby's is a SoCal 40's-style chain of diners. We visited the restaurant at South Coast Plaza's Crystal Court. It was mid-afternoon, about 2:30pm or so, and uncrowded:


The view from our table. That's Bristol Street out the window. A walk-bridge connects the main mall at SCP to the Crystal Court facility to the west:


Kids can play with the toy folding-box cars, this one a Chevy Bel-Air:


The restaurant wasn't empty. People are seated in a windowed section close to the entrance:


My copy of The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power. I never go anywhere without a book:

June 2010

The waiter brings our vanilla shakes:


This is my oldest son's bacon cheeseburger (I had BLT&A):


That's me, Dr. D. ---- publisher of American Power! Behind me, notice how the Art-Deco styling comes out in this shot. Look at the clock and the stools at the lunch-counter:


We stopped into the Apple store on the way back to the car. You'd never know we're just coming out of recession from the looks of it --- it's always packed:


Youth Suspect in Seattle Police Punching Case Had Prior Criminal Rap Sheet

Update on today's big viral video. The main story's at Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Police Guild: Officer Did Nothing Wrong in Videotaped Punch." That piece doesn't identify the teen girl suspect, but at the Seattle Times it turns out the girl, Angel L. Rosenthal, has quite a criminal record:

Rosenthal appeared Tuesday in King County Juvenile Court, where supporters said that she lives at the Virginia Miller House, a residential facility with behavior-modification programs for teen girls, but was in contact with her family. It's unclear why the girl is not living with her family.

King County Superior Court pro-tem Judge Ann Danieli found that Seattle police had probable cause to arrest Rosenthal for investigation of third-degree assault and obstruction. However, the judge agreed with the girl's defense attorney that she should be released ....

Rosenthal was charged in November with second-degree robbery. According to prosecutors, she punched a 15-year-old boy in the face while she and a group of youths were on their way to a rave in South Seattle last Aug. 28. The boy told police that his cellphone and $20 were stolen in the incident. A 14-year-old boy told police that he was punched in the head and his hat was stolen.

Authorities say the case was dismissed when the boys refused to testify.

In April 2008, Rosenthal was charged with third-degree theft after she allegedly stole a minivan in Tukwila, prosecutors said. Kent police said she used a screwdriver to break the ignition and start the vehicle.

The charge was later amended to theft of a motor vehicle. Rosenthal was given a deferred disposition — charges would be dropped if she stayed out of trouble — because it was a first-time offense, said Ian Goodhew, deputy chief of staff for Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg.
More at the link.

The World Turned Upside Down

Listen to Melanie Phillips discuss her book, The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power:

Hat Tip: Mark Humphrys (more here).

Governor Chris Christie: Day of Reckoning

Via Pundit & Pundette:

James Carville Stars in New RNC Ad Hammering Obama's Oil Spill Response

At Weasel Zippers, "New RNC Ad Uses James Carville Against Obama, Asking “What Took You So Long?” – Video":

Also, at OTB, "Obama Oil Spill Speech Reax: Epic Fail" (via Memeorandum). And RWN, "The Right Side of the Blogosphere’s Reaction to Obama’s Speech."

Obama's Marxist Allies Move Forward on Healthcare, Socialist Agenda

At Key Wiki and New Zeal:


Democratic Socialists of America, is despite its deceptive name is the U.S.'s largest and probably most influential Marxist based organization.

Many of its several thousand members operate through the Democratic Party, New York's influential
Working Families Party and the organization also counts thousands of of labor unionists, religious activists, journalists and college professors in its ranks.

D.S.A. helped establish and continues to support the more than 80 strong
Congressional Progressive Caucus and is particularly close to "single payer" healthcare champions Rep. John Conyers of Michigan and Caucus founder Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Dr. Quentin Young of Chicago is the father of the "single payer" healthcare lobby in the U.S. he is also a former Young Communist League member, a long time D.S.A. activist and a one time personal physician and long time friend and mentor to Barack Obama.

President Obama, himself has a more than
25 year history of involvement with D.S.A. members.

D.S.A. means to use its considerable power and influence to push for completely socialized health care in the U.S. in the next few years.

PHOTO CREDIT: Looking at the Left.

David Petraeus Faints During Senate Testimony

Please join me in holding good thoughts and well-wishes for Gen. David Petraeus. It's amazing that this morning's Los Angeles Times is just now reporting on this, "Petraeus Appears to Faint During Senate Testimony." I'm almost positive folks had already analyzed the event up and down on Twitter more than 24 hours ago. Strange. I'd be interested to know how many Americans are just learning of the fainting spell this morning over coffee. It's good to have the legacy media in terms of resources and institutional expertise and memory. But man, it's not "breaking news" anymore. In any case, check for the picture at the link especially, which shows Petraeus leaning forward from the front. The videos, thankfully, show John McCain's questioning just as Gen. Petraeus is heard to fall forward; and it's fascinating to juxtapose the shorter clip at top with the longer one below. If you're a policy wonk, you'll get a kick out of this long discussion over the administration's July '11 pullout date for the Afghan deployment. McCain is obviously unhappy about that, and tries to get Petraeus to make the case for a longer stay for U.S. forces. See also, Jennifer Rubin, "Bipartisan Criticism of Obama Timeline for Afghanistan."

Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go

Feels like a rip-off when some radio stations play "Tainted Love" but cut off the second half of the medley, "Where Did Our Love Go?" Don't you love it (with no apologies to Gen X-ers, Gen Y-ers, etc.)? Really takes you back to the '80s:

Pre-Order The Post-American Presidency

"Truth is the new hate speech."

Remember that? It sums up not just the Atlas Shrugs battle against Pay Pal, but the battle all good moral folks are fighting in our post-reason world. More on the story at the blog, "
PJM Pamela's Paypal Power Play."

And remember, readers can pre-order, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America:


Why America Will Still Lead the World in 2050

Joel Kotkin at ReasonTV:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

World Cup Soccer Blogging

Professor Daniel Drezner's going for some World Cup blog traffic. See, "This Blog's Official Position About Soccer."

Meanwhile, I mainly wanted to get something more attractive at top after the downer of
President Obama's BP Oval Office address. This un-named totty c/o Theo Spark:


RELATED: At Sports Illustrated, "Body Painting: World Cup (Sarah Brandner, Abbey Clancy, Bethany Dempsey and Melissa Satta)."

President Obama's National Address on BP Crisis ... UPDATED!!

It was dreadful.

NYT's has its report, "
In Oval Office Speech, Obama Presses BP on Compensation," and also Politico, "President Obama: 'We will make BP pay'." WSJ's got the text of the speech via Memorandum, and this should be leading by the end of the evening. I'll have more later, but the president was dishonest in claiming the feds have been on the scene since day one and Obama exudes no urgency in crisis. Most of all, the speech was mostly propaganda fear-mongering on the alleged dangers of environmental collapse. I'll have more later, but watch the clip. Dreadful:

UPDATE: Check Real Clear Politics, "Krauthammer: Obama Gave It A Shot, But The Story Will Not Be His Speech"; Chris Cillizza, "President Obama's Oval Office Address: First Thoughts"; and New York Times, "In Oval Office Speech, Obama Calls for New Focus on Energy Policy." Plus, more at Memeorandum.

Al Gore Extramarital Affair – An Inconvenient Truth?!!

Hey, found this at Jawa Report. Speculative or the real deal? See Star Magazine, "Exclusive: Al Gore Cheats with Larry David's Ex." And starting to get picked up, e.g., at USA Today, "'Star' Mag: Al Gore Affair Broke Up Marriage":

Al Gore

It was only a matter of time before the celeb mags started prognosticating about what really caused Al and Tipper Gore's marriage ended after 40 years.

On June 1, the couple said it was "very much a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration." Friends said they had "grown apart."

Now, Star magazine is reporting -- with no official comment or confirmation -- that the former vice president has been having an affair with Larry David's ex-wife, Laurie David. Larry and Laurie split in 2007. Laurie was a producer on Al's 2006 Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth.
No doubt most people knew all along, as I quearied wrote on June 1st, "any John Edwards moments for the Gores?"

IMAGE CREDIT: No Sheeples Here!

Taking Down Eric Boehlert

Patrick Frey and Matt Welch are just hammering useful tool Eric Boehlert of Media Mutters for America. We're talkin' utter devastation --- total Maximus Decimus Meridius takedown territory for the useful clown at MMFA.

Matt's piece is especially killer, "
Don't You Go Calling Obama an 'ex-state senator, 'Hater!'."

Turns out Boehlert can't get out from under
this comment:
And I don't even have to do a Google search to know for a fact that when President Bush was in office, there was nobody on staff at the Times, and certainly nobody writing off the opinion pages, who was allowed to so casually insult the office of the presidency on a regular basis.
Clear and unambiguous indictment, right?

So, Matt nails him on it,
for example:

As the Internet kidz like to say, let me Google that for you. There'll you see a Bush-era L.A. Times columnist – one of the most consistently popular among the paper's stable at the time – who used these phrases to describe Obama's predecessor:

* "Bubble Boy"
* "
willfully blind"
* "
distracted and incompetent"
* "
homegrown authoritarian"
* "
* "
a bad dream, a shameful, inexplicable interlude in American history"
* enabler of "
the so-called Big Lie theory of political propaganda, articulated most infamously by Adolf Hitler."
* "
if you dilute civilian control of the military, you end up with fascism or a Latin American-style military junta....we're already well on the way to having that kind of regime."
* "
being a citizen in George W. Bush's America is like being a passenger in a car driven by a drunk driver."
* "
I don't hate George Bush. But I sure hate what he's done to my country."

Incidentally, that columnist above, Rosa Brooks, has since gone on to take a job in Obama's Pentagon.


Well, except that obviously there's no meaningful reality for useful tool Eric Boehlert. He writes hopelessly in response, "Thanks to Matt Welch at Reason for proving my point about LA Times hating Obama."

I'll refer readers back to Matt Welch for more. But I'm thinking this is a good time to refer Eric Boehlert to Karen Alloy:

But to continue, go to Patterico for some epic smash-mouth politics: "Eric Boehlert: No, Seriously! Kick Me!" In what has to be the funniest investigation EVAH!! turns out Boehlert denied that he cross-posted his stuff to "Smirking Chimp," the Bush-era Bush-hating website. It's too good (so follow the links above), but Patterico went over there, signed up, and posted this:


There's lots more (so again, check those links). But hey, give it up for Patterico!

And FWIW, follow Boehlert's further circus performances on

'Death to Israel' (in Hebrew and Arabic)

See Jawa Report, "'Death to Israel' Shirt at Irish 'Peace' Protest."



RELATED: At Blazing Cat Fur, "Alleged 'Fauxtilla Peace Activist' Kevin Neish Too Stupid To Keep His Stories Straight."