Monday, February 8, 2016

California Issued 605,000 New Driver's Licenses to Illegal Immigrants in 2015

Flashback to January 3, 2015, "Illegal Aliens Begin Getting Driver's Licenses in California."

Well, the state sure went to town issuing licenses to illegals.

At the Los Angeles Times, "California issued 605,000 new driver's licenses for immigrants in the U.S. illegally last year":
Judith Benitez had gone most of her adult life without knowing how to drive.

The 35-year-old woman from Mexico who is in the U.S. illegally would ask family members for rides to pick up her children from school. Trips to the grocery store or the doctor's office were complicated.

That changed last year when Assembly Bill 60 was implemented, granting people in the country illegally the right to obtain driver's licenses in California. Benitez, who lives in Lemon Grove, learned to drive and was among those in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles the day the law took effect.

"Truthfully, it was an extremely emotional time because having a [driver's] license isn't just any little thing," she said. "We feel a little more protected."

An estimated 605,000 licenses were issued under the law last year, accounting for nearly half of all new licenses, according to the California DMV. Nearly 400,000 of the licenses were issued during the first six months.

"We believe that this new law increases safety on California roads by putting licensed drivers behind the steering wheel," spokesman Artemio Armenta said.

Gov. Jerry Brown signed the measure into law in 2013, further establishing California as a national leader on immigrant rights. The legislation was authored by Assemblyman Luis Alejo (D-Salinas), the son of farmworkers.

Brown in August signed a trio of immigration-related measures, which included elimination of the word "alien" within California's labor code to describe immigrants in the country illegally. The new laws also included allowing noncitizen high school students to serve as election poll workers and protecting immigrant minors in civil lawsuits.

Licenses granted under the law have "federal limits apply" printed on them, which means that unlike California law enforcement, law enforcement officers in other states and federal officials aren't obligated to accept the licenses as a valid form of identification.

State leaders and law enforcement officials have said the law will improve road safety because more drivers will be licensed and be more likely to be insured...
And people wonder why Donald Trump's campaign took off last year. It's not "racism." Sometimes it looks like government does more to help people who're here illegally that it does for its own citizens.

That's sad.


Peyton Manning's Mom Wants Him to Retire

A great story.

From Sam Farmer, at the Los Angeles Times, "Peyton Manning caps his career with second Super Bowl title, and his mom says it's time to retire."

Panthers Quarterback Cam Newton Walks Out of Press Conference After Loss in #SB50 (VIDEO)

Not too classy.

At the Newark Star-Ledger, "WATCH: Panthers' Cam Newton refuses to answer questions, storms out after Super Bowl loss to Broncos":

SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton just gave his critics all the ammunition they need.

Already under fire for how he conducts himself on the field, Newton went silent after his team's 24-10 loss to the Denver Broncos on Sunday in Super Bowl 50, sulking at the podium and essentially refusing to answer questions.

The press conference came to an abrupt ending when Newton got up and left, at the same time a Broncos player was overheard loudly saying how the Denver defense wanted to force Newton to throw the ball.

The press conference was very similar to the ones Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch had during last year's Super Bowl, when he was clear in saying (by not saying anything) that he didn't want to be there...
Obviously, there's loads of commentary on this, and probably will be for a long time. Newton needs to grow up, and fast.

In any case, at the New York Post, "Cam Newton now must face a sickening reality ."

Wade Phillips Earns First Super Bowl Title

Heh, folks on Twitter were asking if the defensive coordinator could win the MVP.

At CBS News 4 Denver.

Gloria Steinem Apologized for Comments She Made About Young Women on 'Real Time with Bill Maher' (VIDEO)

I don't know.

It's not just Steinem. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright made some fairly offensive comments at a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton the other day as well. See the New York Times, "Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright Scold Young Women Backing Bernie Sanders." There's video of Albright at that link.

And from CNN yesterday:

ADDED: From Ann Althouse, "'There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!" said Madeleine Albright":
Do Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton believe in torturing their political enemies? That's what Hell is. Eternal torture. Maybe you think it's just a big joke or no one could take it literally. Well, if you don't believe in the religion that other people cling to, just leave it alone.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New Hampshire Ahead of Tuesday's Primary (VIDEO)

The latest Franklin Pierce-Boston Herald poll has Bernie Sanders leading Clinton 51-to-44 percent, a seven-point lead. See, "Franklin Pierce-Herald poll: Clinton, Sanders just 7 points apart."

That seems kind of off to me. Sanders has a 13.2 percent lead in the RCP average as of Saturday. Maybe the Pierce-Herald poll's an outlier. Either that, or nobody knows what the hell is going to happen up there. The polls on the Democrat side have been all over the place.

In any case, watch, via WMUR News 9 Manchester:

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Amber Lee's Monday Forecast

It was 86 degrees today when I went for a salsa run around 2:30pm. (I had to run back out for salsa after making a major beer run a little earlier, heh.).

And it's going to be hot like that tomorrow.

Panthers Cornerback Josh Norman Congratulated Peyton Manning as He Walked Off the Field (VIDEO)

That was really nice. Very sportsmanlike.

Watch, "Peyton Manning Congratulated Walking off the Field."

And on Twitter:

PREVIOUSLY: "Denver Broncos' Dominating Defense Defeats Carolina Panthers in #SB50."

Denver Broncos' Dominating Defense Defeats Carolina Panthers in #SB50

Honestly, I thought Cam Newton was going to make the Broncos look like old ladies, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Man, the Broncos defense seriously shut them down. It's was just staggering.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Broncos rely on defense to beat Panthers in Super Bowl 50":

Peyton Manning triumphantly completed what could be his final season with a Super Bowl title.

The Hall of Fame-bound quarterback can thank the Denver Broncos defense for making it possible.

Linebacker Von Miller on Sunday led an onslaught that threw NFL most valuable player Cam Newton off his game and gave the Broncos a 24-10 victory over the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50 at Levi’s Stadium.

Miller, voted the game’s most valuable player, forced two fumbles, one that defensive end Malik Jackson recovered in the end zone for a touchdown, C.J. Anderson rushed for a touchdown and Brandon McManus kicked three field goals as the Broncos won the Super Bowl for the first time since winning consecutive titles in the 1997 and 1998 seasons.

The victory gave Manning his second championship in four Super Bowl appearances. The Broncos finished with a record of 15-4. They are now 3-5 in Super Bowl games.

Broncos Coach Gary Kubiak, a longtime Broncos backup to legendary quarterback John Elway, won the title in his first season. Elway won his first title as the franchise’s general manager.

The Broncos sacked Newton seven times. Miller had 2 1/2 sacks and linebacker DeMarcus Ware had two.

Manning completed 13 of 23 passes for 141 yards, with an interception.

Newton completed 18 of 41 passes for 265 yards, with an interception and two fumbles. The Panthers finished the season with a record of 17-2.

The Broncos led, 13-7, at halftime and benefited from some good luck early in the third quarter...
Keep reading.

Donald Trump Moves to 22-Point Lead Over Marco Rubio in New Hampshire Tracking Poll

Following-up from yesterday, "Donald Trump Stays Steady at 21-Points Ahead of Marco Rubio in New Hampshire Tracking Poll."

It wouldn't have caught any shifts from last night's debate, although I don't think Trump hurt himself. If anything, Rubio's numbers should tank a bit before Tuesday, and maybe some of the governors will move up.

Via UMass Lowell:

Marco Rubio Responds to Debate Debacle on 'This Week' (VIDEO)

Following-up from last night, "Marco Rubio Was Flummoxed, Speechless After New Hampshire's #GOPDebate," and "WATCH: Chris Christie Pummels Marco Rubio During New Hampshire's Crucial #GOPDebate (VIDEO)."

At ABC News:

Heh. 'Bern Your Enthusiasm' (VIDEO)

I had to watch last night. And it was good.

Via SNL:

If Bernie Sanders Loses, His Supporters May Bail Out Come November

Yeah, because Bernie's cool, and Hillary's the non-motivational candidate. Or, well, she'll motivate voters to skip the general election if she's the nominee — or vote for Donald Trump!

At the Los Angeles Times, "If Bernie Sanders loses, his backers may not be there for Hillary Clinton in November":

Gio Vanecchia is so enamored of Bernie Sanders that he made a five-hour drive with his wife and infant son from South Jersey on Saturday morning to catch a glimpse of the progressive firebrand.

But what if Sanders loses the Democratic nomination? Asked whether he will be there to vote for the Democrat in November should Sanders falter, the 34-year-old union mechanic reacts as if the question is insane. There is not a chance, he insists, that he would ever support Hillary Clinton.

“She’s establishment,” Vanecchia said. “Most of the guys I work with think she’s a criminal.”

Usually, that sort of primary-season hostility means little when the general election rolls around. Even after bitter battles, voters generally coalesce around the goal of beating the opposing party.

But Sanders voters are a unique lot, and Clinton campaign strategists are growing concerned about whether they will be there for her should she be the Democratic pick.

This is not a group that is particularly loyal to the Democratic Party. While liberal Democrats make up a big chunk of Sanders’ support, many other backers are independents. Some mistrust the party so much that Sanders supporters booed the party chair when she took the stage Friday night at a dinner at which the candidates spoke.

Vanecchia’s second choice for president is Donald Trump.

Before a single ballot has been cast here, Clinton is already reaching out to the voters she knows will be deciding against her in Tuesday’s primary, particularly the younger ones, who so far are showing her campaign little love.

At a rally in Manchester on Friday, Clinton had a message for New Hampshire’s young voters: “I know you may not be for me now, but I am for you,” she said. She made the same gesture Saturday at a town hall at New England College in Henniker, an event her campaign advertised on the “Students for Sanders” Reddit page.

But even such olive branches turn off some Sanders voters...
Keep reading.

Cars Fall Through the Ice at Lake Geneva's Winterfest (VIDEO)

At Fox News 6 Milwaukee, via Memeorandum, "“Unbelievable:” 15 vehicles fall through ice at Lake Geneva's Winterfest."

And at WISN News 12 Milwaukee:

More on YouTube, "Michele Fiore Reports From Lake Geneva Winterfest."

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Marco Rubio Was Flummoxed, Speechless After New Hampshire's #GOPDebate

Heh, I can't stop laughing!

From Hunter Walker, at Yahoo Politics, "Marco Rubio and his team assess the damage from his duel with Chris Christie":

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Moments after the Republican debate ended Saturday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie walked over to Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, shook his hand, and offered some customary words of encouragement.

Rubio stared mutely back, looking flummoxed, Christie told close aides moments later, according to one Christie adviser who was in the room.

Christie and his team were buoyant after the New Jersey governor mauled Rubio in a one-on-one face-off in the first half-hour of the debate, repeatedly mocking Rubio for what he called his lack of experience and accomplishments. It was, clearly, a bad night for Rubio. The question now is: Who benefits from the fallout?

Rubio came into the debate with momentum, following a surprisingly strong third-place finish at the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 1. But he got in trouble Saturday starting with the very first question that came his way, which was about “readiness to be president.” The senator, who said he was “proud” of his record, then attempted to shift the discussion to President Barack Obama...
Keep reading.

Amber Lee's Super Bowl Sunday Forecast

You've got a high pressure system and some mild Santa Ana conditions.

It's in the low 80s tomorrow and even warmer temperatures expected Monday.


CNN Rips Ted Cruz for 'Flat-Out Lie' Blaming Network for Iowa Caucus Dirty Tricks — #GOPDebate (VIDEO)

This is harsh — for the Cruz campaign!

Tom Foreman excoriates Cruz for his "flat-out lie" about the network's Iowa caucus coverage, at the clip below.

At Politico, "CNN rips Cruz as feud escalates":

CNN came out swinging against Ted Cruz Saturday night after the Texas senator once again tried to blame the network for his campaign's use of its report to tell Ben Carson's Iowa Caucus supporters that their candidate was dropping out of the race.

"What Senator Cruz said tonight in the debate is categorically false," a network spokesperson said in a statement. "CNN never corrected its reporting because CNN never had anything to correct. The Cruz campaign's actions the night of the Iowa caucuses had nothing to do with CNN's reporting. The fact that Senator Cruz continues to knowingly mislead the voters about this is astonishing."

Right as the Iowa caucus was beginning, CNN reported that Carson was not flying directly to New Hampshire and would instead fly to Florida for some days off and to get a fresh set of clothes.

Messages sent out to Cruz supporters at the caucuses made it seem as though Carson was suspending his campaign, and urged them to convince Carson supporters to jump to Cruz, who ended up winning the Caucus...

And at CNN, "Ted Cruz is wrong about CNN's reporting." (Via Memeorandum.)

Roadside Memorial to LaVoy Finicum Removed from U.S. 395; Patriots Restore (VIDEO)

Jeez, just let it stay up for a few days.

His funeral was only yesterday.

Following-up from yesterday, "About Two Dozen People Visited LaVoy Finicum Memorial on U.S. 395 Today."

At KOIN News 6 Portland:

WATCH: Chris Christie Pummels Marco Rubio During New Hampshire's Crucial #GOPDebate (VIDEO)

They traded blows, for sure, but Marco Rubio ended up worse for the wear.

Seems to be the consensus, even though Rubio otherwise had a good night.

And I love the headline at Politico, "GOP HUNGER GAMES: Marco Rubio takes the brunt of the blows, as the candidates desperately try to score points ahead of Tuesday’s primary":

MANCHESTER, N.H. — With time running out before the New Hampshire primary, the top Republican rivals desperately tried to land knock-out punches at Saturday night’s debate — and most of them were aiming at Marco Rubio.

Rubio’s adversaries went after the Florida senator from all angles, eager to slow his momentum by portraying him as a lightweight leader whose campaign has been lifted by little more than lofty rhetoric.

Chris Christie led the charge, slamming Rubio for memorizing talking points and for his thin record in the Senate, as he declared that Rubio “simply does not have the experience to be president of the United States.”

Christie urged Republicans not to make the “same mistake we made eight years ago” in electing a first-term senator, Barack Obama. Jeb Bush eagerly joined the Rubio pile-on. “We’ve tried it the old way,” Bush said, echoing Christie’s warning of an Obama repeat act.

When Rubio repeated himself by pivoting three times to the fact that Obama is carrying out his flawed plan for the White House — saying he “knows exactly what he's doing" — Christie pounced. “There it is, the memorized 25-second speech,” Christie declared. “There it is, everybody.”

When Rubio listed some of his Senate accomplishments, Christie hammered him on that, too, in particular Rubio’s backing of a bill cracking down on Hezbollah, and his spotty attendance record for Senate votes. “That’s not leadership,” Christie said. “That’s truancy.”

Rubio tried to hit back at Christie over attendance, only to have it boomerang. The Florida senator pointed that Christie only reluctantly went back to New Jersey for 36 hours during a big snow storm. "That had to shame you into going back,” Rubio said.

Christie shot back — “The shame is, Marco, you would actually criticizes someone for showing up to work."
Keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Explosive Jeb Bush/Donald Trump Exchange on Eminent Domain Sparks Boos at #GOPDebate (VIDEO)."

UPDATE: Linked at iOTW Report. Thanks!

Plus, at the Los Angeles Times, "Fierce exchanges mark Republican debate, as Marco Rubio is hit hard."

Still more, at BuzzFeed, "Under Attack, Marco Rubio Malfunctions — And Repeats the Same Line Four Times."

Explosive Jeb Bush/Donald Trump Exchange on Eminent Domain Sparks Boos at #GOPDebate (VIDEO)

That was something else, no doubt.

At ABC News, "Donald Trump Sparks Boos at GOP Debate."

And at Politico, "Trump shushes Bush, and the crowd boos":

Donald Trump shushed Jeb Bush during a feisty exchange between the two Republican candidates on eminent domain.

Trump was asked a question about eminent domain and he defended it, provoking Bush to interject that Trump used it to build a "limousine parking lot for his casino in Atlantic City."

When Bush moved to interrupt the real estate mogul, Trump raised one finger to his lips.

"Quiet," Trump said to Bush. The audience booed, and Trump said the booing was because of all the wealthy donors in the audience.

"The RNC told us we have all donors in the audience. And the reason they're not loving me is I don't want their money," Trump said, as the crowd continued to boo.

During the exchange he also said eminent domain was important because without it there wouldn't be roads or other essential public works.

"Without eminent domain, you don't have roads, highways, schools or anything. eminent domain is an absolutely necessity for a country," Trump said.

Trump also accused Bush of "trying to be a tough guy," to which Bush responded by asking Trump how "tough" he had to be when, per Bush's accusation, Trump attempted to use eminent domain to seize property from an elderly woman.

Awkward! Candidates Take the Stage at New Hampshire GOP Debate (VIDEO)

Via WMUR News 9 Manchester, "There was some confusion as the Republican presidential candidates took the stage Saturday at the final GOP debate before the New Hampshire primary."

I'll say.

Jeb Bush 'Is Not Far from Third Place' (VIDEO)

Call me skeptical.

If Jeb Bush comes in third on Tuesday I'll take the hot ghost pepper challenge, lol. (I'm not sure if I know where to buy the hot ghost pepper, but I'll worry about it Jebbie comes in third, heh).

At WMUR News 9 Manchester, "Andy Smith of the UNH Survey Center dissects recent poll numbers ahead of the GOP debate."

Smith claims Jeb's got a shot. Well, I did blog Jeb this morning, "Jeb Bush Was Supposed to Be New Face of Conservatism, But GOP Rivals Outpaced Him (VIDEO)."

Maybe Barbara Bush's stump speech will win over a few voters. I'll bet she'll siphon some of John Kasich's supporters, ha!

Pure Evil: Iraqi Migrant Rapes 10-Year-Old Boy at Vienna Pool

When are these European "elites" going to wake up? European law enforcement officials can't keep up with security in the wake of Germany's New Year's Eve rape attacks.

There's going to be continent-wide violence pretty soon. It's going to be a civil war.

At Instapundit, "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH: Iraqi migrant rapes a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna and tells police it was a ‘sexual emergency’ because he hadn’t had sex in months."

U.S. Air Force Fighter Jets to Patrol Skies Over Super Bowl 50 in Santa Clara, California (VIDEO)

You'll see some of the most aggressive counter-terror security measures ever implemented for a big-ticket event.

Via CNN:

Donald Trump Stays Steady at 21-Points Ahead of Marco Rubio in New Hampshire Tracking Poll

The latest numbers from the UMass Lowell poll out of New Hampshire.

He's back up a little from yesterday, "Donald Trump Holds 19-Points Lead in UMass Lowell Tracking Poll with 3 Days of Post-Iowa Caucus Data."

New York Crane Collapse Investigation (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "Construction Crane Collapse in Lower Manhattan Kills One Person (VIDEO)."

At CBS News 2 New York:

Temperatures Near 90 Degrees in Southern California

It's ridiculously hot out.

I stepped out to get the newspaper and I thought I was going to boil over.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Winter gone? Temperatures nearing 90 degrees in Southern California with gusty winds."

And Kristen Keogh's got the weekend forecast. Again, who can complain with the Super Bowl tomorrow?

The New Debate Over Socialism (VIDEO)

From this morning's "Cashin' In," on Fox News.

Jonathan Hoenig is especially good, heh.

Watch, "New Debate Over Socialism As Sanders Gains More Young Supporters."

Jeb Bush Was Supposed to Be New Face of Conservatism, But GOP Rivals Outpaced Him (VIDEO)

His campaign's just sad.

It's always been sad. He's been hated from the get-go. Nobody's wanted him. Nobody's wanted a third Bush term. Now the question is how he can bow out without disgracing his family even further?

At the Los Angeles Times, "Fight or flight? In New Hampshire, Jeb Bush's sagging campaign faces reckoning":

When Jeb Bush entered the presidential race, he had a vision of a transformative candidacy that would remake the Republican Party, attracting young people and minorities — especially Latinos — with a vibrant new image based on solid conservative principles.

Now it has come to this: A dismal finish in the Iowa caucuses, a slog through New Hampshire and a growing wish in the party that Bush would step aside or, at least, tone down his campaign so he doesn't hurt someone more likely to win — such as Marco Rubio, who reflects much of what Bush hoped to accomplish when he ran.

It is, he tells audiences, an exciting and joyful experience.

But for others watching, who know Bush and his family personally, or who witnessed his firm command as Florida's two-term governor, the spectacle is sad and disheartening to see. “It bothers people because they believe he deserves better,” said Susan MacManus, who teaches political science at the University of South Florida and has closely followed Bush and his career for decades.

Stepping into a Bush campaign event can seem like a voyage to the past.

The family lineage is evident even without the ritual invocation of his mother — who campaigned alongside Bush in New Hampshire on Thursday night — his father and, sometimes, his oldest brother, both former president. There is the awkward syntax, the preppy manner and, above all, the unfashionable reverence for elected office and the sanctity of the political process.

Noting that businessman Donald Trump has used profanity three times in a recent speech — Bush had obviously counted — he insisted, “Look, I'm no fuddy-duddy. But this should be at least [PG]-rated. I mean, we're running for president of the United States. There are children listening to this stuff!”

The issues he talks about — term limits, a balanced-budget amendment — were moldy when his brother sought the White House 16 years ago and some of his language can sound oddly old-fashioned as he warns against abusing a president's executive powers, “Oh, my goodness gracious!” or throws a session open to questions with an exuberant, “Give me some doozies!”

There is a hopeful Bush scenario in New Hampshire: a strong finish in Tuesday's primary, which sends him roaring into the next contest in South Carolina, where he emerges as the favorite of those in the Republican Party desperate to stop the insurgencies of Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.It seems improbable, however.

New Hampshire rescued Bush's father, then-Vice President George H.W. Bush, after he stumbled in Iowa in 1988. The state tripped up his older brother, the front-running George W. Bush, and almost cost him the GOP nomination to a surging John McCain in 2000.

This time, though, Jeb Bush rests far back among the also-rans, easily overlooked but for the bombardment of TV and radio advertisements savaging Trump and, especially, Florida Sen. Rubio, a former protégé-turned-campaign-nemesis.

The onslaught has angered many Republicans, including lawmakers on Capitol Hill, who see it as gratuitous, hopeless and, worse, potentially damaging to a candidate some have started to see as their best general election candidate after Rubio's strong third-place finish Monday night in Iowa. Bush appears unmoved.

“Guess what? This is not beanbag,” he said when a woman at a Laconia Town Hall meeting complained about the pile of attack mailers she has received from a pro-Bush political action committee, which has spent tens of millions of dollars attacking Rubio. “If you think it's ugly right now, wait till you get to the general election.”

With an edge to his voice, Bush offered this unsolicited advice to Rubio, who has complained about the barrage of negativity: “Get over it, man. This is politics.”

The former governor is 62, older than the 44-year-old Rubio but younger than Trump and both of the two Democrats running for president...
He might have to drop out after Monday night, but perhaps he's a glutton for punishment, or doesn't want to embarrass his family? I don't know. But the sooner he drops out the better --- it's been merciless on those who've had to watch.

PREVIOUSLY: "Stakes Are High in Tonight's GOP Debate."

FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Concession Speech After Finishing Third in 2008 Iowa Caucuses

Here's a preview of her Monday night speech coming up, after she loses New Hampshire to Bernie Sanders, lol.

For the life of me this woman can't get a break. In 2008, everyone thought she'd lock down an Iowa win and coast to the nomination. A year ago people were thinking the same thing about 2012.

The voters aren't cooperating with the party elites and the Clinton machine, obviously.

Via the Des Moines Register:

Deal of the Day: Braun 3040 Electric Shaver

At Amazon, Braun Series 3 3040 Wet and Dry Shaver, Electric Men's Razor, Razors, Shavers.

Plus, from E.J. Dionne, Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism, From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond.

And Matt Lewis, Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections (and How It Can Reclaim Its Conservative Roots), and McKay Coppins, The Wilderness: Deep Inside the Republican Party's Combative, Contentious, Chaotic Quest to Take Back the White House.

BONUS: From Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot.

Stakes Are High in Tonight's GOP Debate

Following-up, "GOP Debate Tonight."

At WSJ, "GOP Debate Preview: High Stakes for Candidates Saturday":
The Republican presidential debate night in New Hampshire Saturday will feature the smallest array of candidates yet, but the stakes are higher than ever: For several candidates, this debate could be their swan song.

Among the seven candidates on the stage, there are several for whom a strong showing in New Hampshire is a make-or-break affair. Unlike prior nights, there is no undercard debate.

The line up has been whittled to seven as three candidates have quit the race after poor performances in Iowa — former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Sen. Rick Santorum, and Sen. Rand Paul. Also missing is former Hewlett-Packard chief Carly Fiorina, who was excluded from the stage because she didn’t do well enough in Iowa or recent polls.

For the seven who remain, here is what they need to accomplish in the debate at St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, N.H...
Keep reading.

Behind the scenes of Playboy's First Non-Nude Issue (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Playboy Magazine's First Non-Nude Issue."

Via ABC News Nightline:

GOP Debate Tonight

It's an ABC News debate, co-sponsored by WMUR News 9 Manchester, New Hamphire.

Plus, "WBUR New Hampshire Primary Poll: Trump Leads Nearest Rivals 29-to-12 Percent."

More Than a Thousand People Flock to Kanab, Utah, for Funeral of Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum (VIDEO)

At USA Today, "Man killed in Ore. standoff remembered as father, patriot":

ST. GEORGE, Utah — An Arizona rancher who was shot to death in a showdown with law enforcement authorities in Oregon last week was remembered Friday as a man who loved his family, his God and his country during funeral services in Utah.

More than a thousand mourners dressed in Sunday best, some in cowboy hats and boots, gathered at a Mormon church near the Kanab airport for services paying tribute to Robert "LaVoy" Finicum of Cane Beds, Ariz., who died Jan. 26 following the monthlong siege at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

“I know my dad’s working just as tirelessly on the other side to protect his family and our freedoms,” one daughter said. Finicum’s 11 children spoke in quick succession during the services.

“He often commented to me about all the good people who were coming to see him and how it encouraged him,” Finicum’s wife, Jeanette, said.

One of those people was Cedar City resident Beth Stephenson, who wrote a condolence card for Finicum’s family while waiting for the funeral to begin.

Stephenson said she introduced herself to Finicum during his brief stop in Cedar City last month for a radio talk show interview before returning to Oregon.

Stephenson, who was working next door to the radio station, said she was impressed with Finicum’s sincerity so she decided to go to the station during a break in the interview.

“I had a strong feeling that he was doing the right thing. ... It was a really strong impression that this was a really great man,” Stephenson said...

PREVIOUSLY: "Supporters from Across the U.S. Gathered for LaVoy Finicum Funeral Services in Kanab, Utah (VIDEO)."

Democrats Use New Hampshire Primary to Frame Long Battle to Come

Following-up from earlier, "A Raging Battle Over the Democrat Party's Future."

At the Washington Post, "Clinton, Sanders use N.H. primary to frame long battle to come":
CONCORD, N.H. — For the Democratic presidential candidates, there are two urgent campaigns underway in New Hampshire.

The first is over the size of what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders agree is a likely Sanders victory here: Clinton is pulling out every stop to shrink what the latest polls show is a gap of 20 percentage points or more, while Sanders is striving for a win that would give his long-shot candidacy fresh momentum.

But the more consequential battle playing out on the ground here this week may be about what happens after New Hampshire — and which themes and issues will shape a potentially prolonged battle for the Democratic nomination.

At her appearances here this week, Clinton has tried to build a foundation to frame the choice before Democratic voters in the weeks ahead. “I’m a progressive who gets results,” she has said again and again.

It is not that Clinton is giving up on New Hampshire, a state where she in 2008 and her husband, Bill Clinton, in 1992 mounted comebacks. But however unlikely a victory in Tuesday’s primary may seem, Clinton is using the closing days of the New Hampshire campaign to set the tone for the contests in Nevada and South Carolina, as well as the dozens of big-state primaries and caucuses that follow in March and beyond.

Clinton plans to leave New Hampshire briefly on Sunday for a hastily arranged visit to Flint, Mich. She has regularly cited the lead-poisoned water crisis in the economically depressed and majority-African American city as an example of racial and economic inequality.

“Hillary is looking across a much broader and more diverse Democratic Party than the New Hampshire electorate,” said strategist Paul Begala, a Clinton loyalist. “An old professor of mine said there are parachutists and truffle hunters. Truffle hunters dig down real deep and focus on one thing, and parachutists look at the entire landscape. This is what’s going on here.”

The same could be said for Sanders. On Friday, the senator from Vermont accepted the endorsement of Benjamin Jealous, the former head of the NAACP. (Jealous was scheduled to join Sanders at a news conference at the historic town hall in Exeter, N.H., but a snowstorm snarled his travel plans, and the two men addressed reporters by phone.)

Sanders’s move was aimed at a much wider audience than predominantly white New Hampshire. It also comes as he is trying to boost his recognition and support among black voters, who account for more than half of the Democratic electorate in South Carolina, which holds its primary on Feb. 27.

But Sanders is hardly taking his eye off New Hampshire. Though his aides are trying to tamp down expectations, Sanders is doing everything he can to grind out a big win. His campaign is trying to frame the primary here as a test of general-election strength, considering the state’s large numbers of independent voters.

If he beats Clinton by a large margin, his advisers said, it would be a crucial springboard that gives immediate credibility to his insurgent bid...
Keep reading.

Raheel Raz, By the Numbers: The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics

This is awesome, via Big Government, "Viral Video by Muslim Woman Sparks Movement to Defeat Radical Islam." (Via Memeorandum.)

And the Clarion Project, "'By the Numbers': Watch Clarion's New Short Film."

Also, clicking through, "By the Numbers Movie – How We Measured the Stats."

Iowa Democratic Party Jiggered Precinct's Caucus on Election Night

At the Guardian UK, "Iowa Democratic party altered precinct's caucus results during chaotic night":
Shift of one delegate from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton raises questions about Iowa Democratic party’s management of first-in-the-nation vote.

In the Iowa Democratic party’s chaotic attempt to report caucus results on Monday night, the results in at least one precinct were unilaterally changed by the party as it attempted to deal with the culmination of a rushed and imperfect process overseeing the first-in-the-nation nominating contest.

In Grinnell Ward 1, the precinct where elite liberal arts college Grinnell College is located, 19 delegates were awarded to Bernie Sanders and seven were awarded to Hillary Clinton on caucus night. However, the Iowa Democratic party decided to shift one delegate from Sanders to Clinton on the night and did not notify precinct secretary J Pablo Silva that they had done so. Silva only discovered that this happened the next day, when checking the precinct results in other parts of the county.

The shift of one delegate at a county convention level would not have significantly affected the ultimate outcome of the caucus, but rather, it raises questions about the Iowa Democratic party’s management of caucus night.

The Iowa Democratic party had long been plagued with organizational issues around the caucus and failed to find hundreds of needed volunteers to oversee individual precinct caucuses just over a week before Monday. The result was a disorganized process that lent itself to chaos and conspiracy theories. Although Andy McGuire, the chair of the Iowa Democratic party, is a longtime Clinton supporter whose license plate once read HRC 2016, no one familiar with the issue has accused the error of being a partisan process. Instead, they have blamed simple mismanagement.

The party issued a statement early on Tuesday, detailing final delegate numbers that had Clinton winning the caucuses. However, the statement came shortly after party officials gave the impression to the Sanders campaign that no statement with results would be issued at all that night.

Instead, they were told “they would reconvene at 9am and let’s talk”. As of now, Clinton has a lead of just over two-tenths of a percent over Sanders in the overall apportionment of delegates in Iowa. This would equal an overall share of 23 delegates to the national convention for Clinton, to Sanders’ 21. The Iowa Democratic party has refused to audit the results.

The subject came up in Thursday night’s Democratic debate. Clinton expressed no opposition to the concept of an audit saying: “Whatever they decide to do, that’s fine.” Sanders was equally as relaxed. “Let’s not blow this out of proportion,” he said, adding,: “This is not the biggest deal in the world. We think, by the way, based on talking to our precinct captains, we may have at least two more delegates.”
Keep reading.

And see Jennifer Jacobs, at the Des Moines Register, "Iowa margin between Clinton, Sanders shifts as errors found."

Construction Crane Collapse in Lower Manhattan Kills One Person (VIDEO)

At the New York Post, "One person was killed and three others injured when a crane collapsed in lower Manhattan."

And at CBS News 2 New York:

Bernie Sanders Interrupts Press Conference, Rushes to Help Man Who Fainted (VIDEO)

Hat Tip: Ericka Anderson on Facebook this morning, who said, in so many words, that no matter what you think about his views, it's no doubt that Bernie Sanders is a kind and decent man.


Jackie Johnson's Weekend Forecast

More nice weather. I don't think anyone's going to complain for tomorrow's Super Bowl up north.

WBUR New Hampshire Primary Poll: Trump Leads Nearest Rivals 29-to-12 Percent

See, "WBUR Poll: In N.H., Democratic Race Tightens Slightly, Trump Stays Ahead on GOP Side."

Trump's numbers are consistent across the number of New Hampshire polls I've blogged. It's the "battle for the second" tier that's pretty unsettled. But Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are tied at 12 percent in the WBUR poll, although the CNN/WMUR poll had Rubio at 18 percent, which is a pretty good difference. See, "Trump Ahead by 11-Points in New Hampshire; Rubio Surges in 'Battle for the Second Tier' (VIDEO)."

It's been a crazy week.

The UMass Lowell poll is releasing numbers throughout the weekend, so there's still more data we'll have to look at before Tuesday's election.

So, check back, as always.

Friday, February 5, 2016

A Raging Battle Over the Democrat Party's Future

It's an ideological battle, although I don't think it's as big a deal as all the media people make it out to be.

The Democrats have been lurching leftward since the early Bush administration, especially post-2003 and the Iraq war. The Democrats became the party of defeat, attacking the Iraq war as based on a lie. John Kerry lost in 2004, but Barack Hussein won in 2008, and the party's been moving left ever since. Now with Bernie Sanders, the Democrats are out and out proclaiming their ideological socialism. No doubt some DNC folks aren't pleased with this candor, thinking it might hurt them in 2016, and Hillary's trying to appear progressive, but not too much so. She's hammering on the pragmatic "progressive who gets things done" meme. But it won't matter much. The cat's out of the bag. If a Democrat wins in November it'll be up to the Republicans in Congress to push back against further gains for socialist ideology in this country, and who's optimistic about that? Not too many GOP primary voters, by the looks of things.

In any case, at the Los Angeles Times, "In fight between Clinton and Sanders, a raging battle over Democrats' future":
The Democratic presidential campaign is most obviously a fight between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. It is also a contest over what kind of party Democrats want to have and what level of purity will be required to be part of it.

The party’s leftward swing this year, made obvious by the surge of support for democratic socialist Sanders and his call for political revolution, marks a direct reversal of the party’s shift to the center in the 1990s. That lurch, engineered by Clinton’s husband Bill and his allies, moderated the party after its loss of 5-of-6 presidential campaigns from 1968 through 1988 and ushered in a period of top-of-the-ticket Democratic dominance and, for a time, control of Congress.

Clinton's response to Sanders' strength has been to put forward her own brand of pragmatic liberalism and to insist that her plans are more achievable given Republican strength on Capitol Hill and a deeply-divided country. That is a less-than-satisfying response for many Democrats who want to seize on this campaign to pick a nominee who reflects the party’s more-liberal present and not its moderate past.

Both Sanders and Clinton are riding the impact of increased partisanship and polarization in the country, the same factors that have forced Republicans through internal bloodbaths.

A Gallup survey released earlier this year showed the growth of more ideological wings in both parties. Among Democrats, 45% identified themselves as liberal, up 6 points since 2011 and 16 points since 2000. The change has been driven in large part by a growing minority vote and the increasing youth of the party.

Republicans’ growing pains were the mirror image, with self-identified conservatives growing to 68% of the party, up 6 points since 2000.

The fight over what defines a Democrat will spark repercussions throughout the presidential race and into the general election, for the different answers suggest vastly different paths to the presidency.

Sanders' view is that by drawing enthusiastic support he can expand turnout nationally and in the states to create a mandate for his ideas.

"Democrats win when there is a large voter turnout, when people are excited, when working people, middle-class people and young people are prepared to engage in the political process," the Vermont senator said Thursday.

Clinton portrayed herself as the natural successor to President Obama and someone whose views would find support among both Democrats, independents and moderates who might be put off by Sanders’ inciting call...
Still more.

CNN Hypes 'White Nationalist' Robocalls for Donald Trump in New Hampshire (VIDEO)

Here's CNN the report, via Memeorandum, "Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists."

And Red State's Jay Caruso runs with the story, "White Supremacists Form a Super PAC. Take a Wild Guess Who They're Supporting?" (That's a safe link, to Caruso's Twitter feed. Red State and the National Review people completely lost it this last couple of weeks over Donald Trump. It's been pretty ugly, really.)

This isn't the first media outlet hyping the so-called "White Nationalist" support for trump. The group's robocalls were also reported in Iowa. The Washington Post covered them, sensationally, apparently. Jared Taylor, who's interviewed at the CNN video, responded to WaPo's report here, "Donald Trump, White Supremacism, and the Insanity of the WASHINGTON POST":

The Washington Post recently interviewed me for a story about robocalls I made to support Donald Trump in Iowa [Hear a white nationalist’s robocall urging Iowa voters to back Trump, January 12, 2016]

The reporter, Peter Holley [email him], was the usual bright young lad, and we had a 45-minute phone conversation that covered a lot of ground.

People who know nothing about racial dissidents call us “white supremacists,” so I explained why that’s wrong.
Me: “No, I’m not a white supremacist. If that’s someone who wants to rule over people of other races, I’ve never even met one. They’re extinct.”

Mr. Holley: “What about someone who thinks white people are superior to other people?”

Me: “I don’t think that. East Asians have higher average IQs, lower crime rates, fewer illegitimate children—they’re superior to whites in lots of ways. Do you want to call me a ‘yellow supremacist’?”
I went on to explain that “white supremacist” is the most morally-loaded expression of contempt for a white person in the English language. I told him it’s the equivalent of calling blacks ni**ers. If you want to say someone is so wicked and primitive that you needn’t pay attention to a word he says, you call him a “white supremacist.”

Well, Mr. Holley managed not to call me the equivalent of a ni**ger—but referred to me as “editor of the white supremacist magazine American Renaissance.”

When I emailed to ask him why AmRen is “white supremacist” he wrote back to say: “I think, given the content of your magazine, that’s not inaccurate.”

I suppose the best we can hope for from Washington Post is that it be “not inaccurate.”

So what did he call me? A “white nationalist.”

As I like to ask, what do you call a black person who prefers black culture and prefers to live and hang out with other black people? A black person. It’s the ones who don’t prefer black culture etc. who are called names like “Oreo.” It’s the same with Hispanics. “Coconut” is not a compliment.

But as soon as a white man says he prefers white people and European culture then you need a swear word for him. If you’ve been talked out of “supremacist” you go with “nationalist”—because it has the bomb-throwing aroma of Basque or Kurdish nationalism.

Years ago, I sometimes let people class me as a “white nationalist.” But I’ve since concluded that the term is hopelessly tainted. White advocate, race realist, identitarian—I accept any of those terms. But I can’t get the WaPo to use them anyway.

The less sophisticated-East Cost-liberal that a paper is, the better. Local community fishwraps have written touchingly straightforward stories about me. Even USA Today recently wrote “Taylor, who describes himself as a ‘white advocate,’. . . .” [White nationalists urge support for Donald Trump in Iowa, by Fredreka Schouten, January 12, 2016]

I tried to warn WaPo’s Mr. Holley about the Southern Poverty Law Center ($PLC to For the 100th time, I tried to explain how contemptible it is to look for people with whom you disagree, claim to read their minds, and then call them “haters.” It’s like “white supremacist.” “Haters” are so unhinged that what they say is sure to be rubbish, so if the SPLC’s Mark Potok says Jared Taylor is a hater that’s all you need to know about him...
Still more. (Via Memeorandum.)

That's all good.

Remember, though, I draw the line at flying the Confederate Flag. If you're going to insist flying it because is "heritage not hate," you've lost me. I'm sympathetic, but I just don't buy the "heritage" argument, even less so after spending all last summer reading Civil War history.

Supporters from Across the U.S. Gathered for LaVoy Finicum Funeral Services in Kanab, Utah (VIDEO)

There's video at the report.

Watch, at Fox News 13 Salt Lake City, "Supporters from across the country gather in Utah for funeral of LaVoy Finicum":

KANAB, Utah -- More than a thousand people from across the country gathered in Kanab Friday for the funeral of Arizona rancher LaVoy Finicum, who was shot and killed by authorities in Oregon during the standoff and protest at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

LaVoy's two eldest daughters spoke at a press conference after the services, saying they believe their father didn't break the law, but the federal government did. The family is calling for a private, independent investigation into LaVoy's death.

LaVoy Finicum's family said a lot of people in the past week have only focused on the way he died, but they said it's more important to focus on the way he lived

Horses with empty saddles galloped past LaVoy Finicum's family and supporters, as they carried the casket to his final resting place. It was one last ride for the lifelong rancher.

"We've often said LaVoy was born a century too late, you know, so the honor of being led off in a wagon and escorted by horseback is an honor for any cowboy,” said David Cluff, one of Fincium’s cousins.

Many of the people attending the funeral said they never even met LaVoy, but they wanted to be here because they share the same values.

"This is a great American patriot,” said Loie Corson, who attended the services. “I didn't know him, and I might not have done it the way he did, but I really feel in my heart that he tried to do it through the system. He tried to take the legal channels, and when you go up against the system: it's tough.”
PREVIOUSLY: "About Two Dozen People Visited LaVoy Finicum Memorial on U.S. 395 Today."

Megyn Kelly Discusses Her 'Bizarre' Feud with Donald Trump (VIDEO)

She's interviewed by George Stephanopoulos, who I normally try to avoid.

But it's an interesting clip, nevertheless. I have a lot of respect for Megyn Kelly, despite all the attacks Fox News has been getting from various parties, not the least Donald Trump.

Watch, via GMA:

About Two Dozen People Visited LaVoy Finicum Memorial on U.S. 395 Today

LaVoy's funeral was today in Kanab, Utah.

I'll have more on that.

Meanwhile, here's Cole Miller for KOIN News 6 Portland:

And watch here, "Hundreds attend LaVoy Finicum viewing," and "Sympathizers pack Utah town for LaVoy Finicum."

Donald Trump Holds 19-Points Lead in UMass Lowell Tracking Poll with 3 Days of Post-Iowa Caucus Data

Okay, following-up, "Trump Ahead by 11-Points in New Hampshire; Rubio Surges in 'Battle for the Second Tier' (VIDEO)."

Now, here's the latest from UMass Lowell, "FEB. 5: RACE TIGHTENING ON BOTH SIDES":
Today is the first release with three days of post-Iowa Caucus data. It appears that Clinton’s win in Iowa has led to a sizable bump. She now trails Sanders by 15 points, 55%-40%. Trump continues to lead his nearest Republican challenger by 19 points. Cruz and Rubio show moderate gains.
And see, "UMass Lowell/7News: Daily Tracking Poll of New Hampshire Voters, Release 5 of 8":
Trump Leads by 19; Race is Tightening

Meanwhile, after losing the expectations game in Iowa, businessman and reality television personality Donald Trump continues to lead his nearest Republican challenger by 19 points. Trump is garnering support from 34% of Republican primary voters; he is down two points from Wednesday’s release and four points since our first release before the Iowa Caucus. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who had previously gained in every day of our tracking poll, remains at 15%, unchanged from yesterday. Ted Cruz is at 14% (no change), John Kasich is at 8% (+1), Jeb Bush is at 8% (no change), Chris Christie is at 5% (no change), Ben Carson is at 4% (no change), Carly Fiorina is at 3% (no change), of Republican Primary Likely Voters 8% remain undecided.

Soft Support: 42% of Republicans Still Could Change Their Minds

Republican primary voters, however, are still making up their minds. In addition to the 8% who remain undecided, 42% say that they could change their mind...
Well, the "soft support" likely means that Saturday's GOP debate could have a real impact.

Stay tuned...

Trump Ahead by 11-Points in New Hampshire; Rubio Surges in 'Battle for the Second Tier' (VIDEO)

The story's at Newsmax, "CNN/WMUR Poll: Trump Has 11-Point Lead on Rubio":
Here are the results:

Donald Trump: 29 percent
Marco Rubio: 18 percent
Ted Cruz: 13 percent
John Kasich: 12 percent
Jeb Bush: 10 percent
Chris Christie: 4 percent
Carly Fiorina: 4 percent
Ben Carson: 2 percent
Jim Gilmore: 0 percent
And watch, via CNN.

I like that, the "battle for the second tier," heh:

And from yesterday, "Donald Trump Now Holds 21-Point Lead in New Hampshire Tracking Poll; Marco Rubio Scores Post-Iowa Bounce."

I'm going to take a look and see what's up with the UMass poll and will update. Stay tuned...

Deal of the Day: More Than 25% Off Select Bandolino Women's Boots

At Amazon, Bandolino Women's Boots.

Also, from David Bowie, Blackstar and Best of Bowie.

Plus, David Bowie Black Book.

BONUS: From Wendy Leigh, Bowie: The Biography.

California Republican Assemblyman Matthew Harper Walked Precints for Ted Cruz in Iowa

On Monday I was so excited about the caucuses I wrote that I wished I was in Iowa to witness them first hand, to say nothing of campaigning for the candidates.

Well, Assemblyman Matthew Harper, from Huntington Beach, did just that.

What a great story.

At LAT, "A California Republican went to Iowa for the caucuses. Here's what his weekend was like":

It's a vacation only political nerds could love: a trip to chilly Iowa in the lead-up to its famed presidential caucuses. California Assemblyman Matthew Harper, a Republican from Huntington Beach, booked his first-ever trip to the Hawkeye State months ago, before he even had chosen a candidate.

Last weekend, Harper, one of the more conservative members of the Assembly GOP caucus, spent 36 hours making calls and walking neighborhoods in support of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. He talked to The Times about his whirlwind trip when he returned...
I'm a political nerd, lol.

Keep reading.

Bernie Sanders Supporters Banned from Tinder After Stumping for Candidate on Dating App

OMG this is the most hilarious campaign ever.

Remember the Vanity Fair piece about Tinder last year? Totally salacious and bizarre, frankly. Robert Stacy McCain blogged it, "‘Hit-It-and-Quit-It on Tinder’."

So now some Sanders supporters are banned from the app after campaigning for the geezer Vermont senator and democratic socialist?

You can't make this stuff up!

At Reuters, "Sanders supporters banned from Tinder after campaigning on dating app" (via Memeorandum):

Stumping for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Tinder is getting some women banned from the online dating app after sending campaign messages to prospective matches.

Two women - one from Iowa and the other from New Jersey - confirmed to Reuters on Friday that they received notices from Tinder in the previous 24 hours that their accounts were locked because they had been reported too many times for peppering men on the site with messages promoting Sanders' candidacy.

Robyn Gedrich, 23, said she sent messages to 60 people a day for the past two weeks trying to convince them to support the U.S. senator from Vermont in his race for the Democratic nomination against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"Do you feel the bern?" her message to other Tinder users read, parroting a Sanders campaign slogan. "Please text WORK to 82623 for me. Thanks."

Gedrich, an assistant store manager at retailer Elie Tahari who lives in Brick, New Jersey, said a text would prompt people to start receiving updates from the Sanders campaign, as well as a link where they could sign up and volunteer. She has been unable to sign back into Tinder since logging off on Thursday.

Haley Lent, 22, a photographer from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, told Reuters in a Twitter message that she also got locked out of the app on Thursday night after sending messages trying to convince people to vote for Sanders the previous night.

Lent, who is married, said she talked to 50 to 100 people on the app. She had even bought a Tinder premium membership, which allows users to change their location, for a month so that she could reach people in New Hampshire and promote Sanders.

"I would ask them if they were going to vote in their upcoming primaries," she said. "If they said no or were on the fence, I would try to talk to them and persuade them to vote."

A spokeswoman for Tinder, which is part of Match Group Inc, owned by IAC/InterActiveCorp IAC.O, did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

And ICYMI, "The 'Sexist Double Standard' Behind Millennials' Support for Bernie Sanders."

The Political Betting Market and the Jeb Bush Campaign

So, yesterday I asked "Is there a betting market on when he's dropping out, because the wait is painful?"

And lo and behold, in my inbox this morning, "Political Odds – The Blather Before the NH Battle."

There's no odds on Jeb dropping out, although he's not highly favored to win the GOP nomination, heh:

Marco Rubio: 3/2
Donald Trump: 4/1
Ted Cruz: 5/1
Jeb Bush: 10/1
John Kasich: 12/1
Chris Christie: 12/1
Ben Carson: 25/1
Carly Fiorina: 40/1
Jim Gilmore, Paul Ryan, Michael Bloomberg, Mitt Romney and Clint Eastwood (field bet): 50/1

The 'Sexist Double Standard' Behind Millennials' Support for Bernie Sanders

In 2008, Hillary Clinton ran on a relatively genderless platform of competence and pragmatism. She was going to be the one ready to step into the chief executive role and pick up the "red phone."

This year I'm not sure what she's trying to do. Bernie Sanders is accurately hammering her on her flip flops between being a moderate and progressive. You can't be both, although Clinton would like to have that way.

In any case, she's playing the gender card to the hilt this year, including in last night's debate.

Full-on feminist-identity collectivists of course are down with Clinton simply because she's a woman, no matter how desperately the try to say otherwise (see, "An All-Caps Explosion of Stupid Gender Identity Politics").

But 87 percent of young people were going for Sanders in Iowa, so obviously that leaves a lot of other young women going for the Vermont senator.


Well, according to Catherine Rampell, at the Washington Post, it's because of Sanders' socialism, which is "a feature, not a bug" of his campaign. It's also because Sanders is totally authentic. He's like a social media star who tweets "#IWokeUpLikeThis." With his loose fitting suits, mussed up gray hair, and odd Brooklyn accent, it's like he "woke up just like this," and that endears him to young hipsters.

Yeah, he's pretty cool, I gotta admit, but mostly because it's amazing to watch him take on not just the Clinton machine, but the entire Democrat Party mainstream establishment. It's pretty fascinating.

In any case, more at Memeorandum.

(Oh, the double-standard is that professional women like Clinton can't get away with the all mussed up look. They've gotta be tight and pretty and all-together all the time. That a old guy like Sanders doesn't is totally sexist, man.)

Hillary Clinton 44 Percent, Bernie Sanders 42 Percent, in New National Quinnipiac Poll

It's within the margin of error. Basically, Bernie's got that dead heat thing going nationally with "Secretary" Clinton.

At Quinnipiac, "February 5, 2016 - U.S. Republicans Want Trump, But Rubio Is Best In November, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Dem Race Is Tied, But Sanders Runs Better Against GOP":
Donald Trump still leads the GOP presidential pack among Republican voters nationwide, with 31 percent, followed by Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas with 22 percent and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida with 19 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today. Dr. Ben Carson has 6 percent, with 9 percent undecided and no other candidate above 3 percent.

In the Democratic race nationwide, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has 44 percent, with Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont at 42 percent, and 11 percent undecided. This compares to a 61 - 30 percent Clinton lead in a December 22 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll.

Sanders and Rubio are the strongest candidates in general election matchups. If former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg runs, he hurts Sanders more than he hurts any of the top Republican contenders.

Among Republicans, 30 percent say they "would definitely not support" Trump, while 15 percent say no to Cruz and 7 percent say no to Rubio.

Sanders has the highest favorability rating among top candidates, while Trump has the lowest.

"Democrats nationwide are feeling the Bern as Sen. Bernie Sanders closes a 31-point gap to tie Secretary Hillary Clinton," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"And despite the Iowa setback, Donald Trump is way ahead of his GOP opponents."

"But that's not the whole story nine months before Election Day. In mano a mano, or mano a womano, face-offs with all contenders, Sanders and Rubio would be the candidates left standing," Malloy added.

"Although he is characterized as the New York counterpunch to Trump, Mayor Mike Bloomberg is more the nemesis of Bernie than he is of Donald." 
Still more.

In a national match-up, "Sanders thumps Trump 49 - 39 percent."

Ted Cruz and the Art of the Dirty Trick

Following-up from yesterday, "Ted Cruz Campaign Sent Voicemails to Iowa Voters Spreading Ben Carson 'Suspension' Rumors (AUDIO)."

From Amy Davidson, at the New Yorker:
There has never been a more tainted victory in the Iowa caucuses,” a spokesman for Ben Carson’s campaign said on Tuesday. He was referring to what he called Ted Cruz’s “abject lies” and, particularly, to what appears to have been a concerted effort on the part of the Cruz campaign to persuade voters at caucuses that Carson had dropped out. Carson himself told Fox News that his wife had had to personally refute that rumor at one caucus site—and once she had, he said, he won there. “Isn’t this the exact kind of thing that the American people are tired of? Why would we want to continue that kind of, you know, shenanigans?” Donald Trump put the charge in his own terms in a tweet: “Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”

That was only part of what Trump had to say. He threatened to sue Cruz; he made himself the champion of the honor of Ben Carson, a man who Trump has suggested is “pathological.” He tweeted that “the State of Iowa should disqualify Ted Cruz from the most recent election on the basis that he cheated—a total fraud!” Cruz had also sent out a mailer marked “Voter Violation,” which purported to contain information about voters and their neighbors, and was printed on yellow paper to look like a real ticket—which, as Ryan Lizza noted, was just the beginning of its problems. It was a “disgrace,” Trump said, adding what was, for a New York real-estate developer, the ultimate insult: “It looks right out of municipal government.” Cruz tried to dismiss it all as a “Trumpertantrum.” The problem was that, in the whirlwind of Trump’s rage, there were some hard objects swirling around and banging into Cruz’s story.

Cruz has said that he won Iowa by being uncompromising and clever, with all those data-driven, micro-targeted canvassing runs—part of what his campaign reportedly called the Oorlog Project. According to Sasha Issenberg, of Bloomberg News, it was “named by a Cruz data scientist who searched online for ‘war’ translated into different languages and thought the Afrikaner word looked coolest.” (“War” is cool; “war” with a hint of an illiberal siege mentality in its orthography is, apparently, coolest.) And it was, by all accounts, a get-out-the-vote drive like none other—even better than Barack Obama’s, in 2008, which had set the standard...
Keep reading.

The "art of the dirty trick." "Artful smears."

This is getting to the mos artful election ever, lol.

'Please Clap' - Jeb Bush Pleads for Seat-Fillers to Applaud (VIDEO)

Is there a betting market on when he's dropping out, because the wait is painful?


Via CNN:

Playboy Magazine's First Non-Nude Issue

At PuffHo, "Playboy's First Non-Nude Issue Is Here And It's Totally SFW," and London's Daily Mail, "Playboy debuts first nude-free issue: Instagram-famous model Sarah McDaniel poses for a sext on the cover of the redesigned magazine."

"Instagram-famous model" Sarah McDaniel is featured on the cover. She was at Bro Bible last year, "The Internet Is Losing It Over This 20-Year-Old Model With Different Colored Eyes."

Good for Playboy. They're making the transition away from the old-line men's magazine to the social media era.

Deal of the Day: iPhone 6S Case, Verus

At Amazon, iPhone 6S Case, Verus [Layered Dandy][Brown] - [Card Slot][Flip][Slim Fit][Wallet] - For Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S 4.7" Devices.

Plus, from Robert Gildea, Fighters in the Shadows: A New History of the French Resistance, and Marianne in Chains: Daily Life in the Heart of France During the German Occupation.

BONUS: From Robert O. Paxton, Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940-1944, and The Anatomy of Fascism.

Hillary Clinton Can't Shake Troubling Questions About Ties to Wall Street (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "Hillary Clinton Accuses Bernie Sanders of an 'Artful Smear' During New Hampshire Debate (VIDEO)."

What's going to be weird is if Hillary succeeds to forcing Sanders off his Wall Street attacks because of her allegations of "smears." What really are those smears? Is she claiming he's attacking her ties to the Israel Lobby? Now that's innuendo.

At the New York Times, "Hillary Clinton Is Again Put on the Defensive Over Perceived Ties to Wall Street":

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Hillary Clinton appeared frustrated.

Dozens of prominent economists and academic experts have endorsed her plans to regulate the financial sector. Her policies would “try to prevent the problems of the future,” she explained in Thursday’s debate, in addition to reining in “the excesses of Wall Street.”

So why do so many voters not believe it?

“I have a broader view,” Mrs. Clinton said, contrasting her plan to that of Mr. Sanders, whose anti-Wall Street message has turned him from a long-shot candidate to a serious contender for the Democratic nomination.

“If all we are going to talk about is one part of our economy, and indeed one street in our economy, we’re missing the big oil companies, we’re missing the other big energy companies,” Mrs. Clinton said. “We’re missing the big picture.”

The response provided a perfect opening for her populist opponent. “Madam Secretary, it is not one street,” Mr. Sanders said. “Wall Street is an entity of unbelievable economic and political power.”

In an election year fueled by the anger over the growing gap between rich and poor, Mrs. Clinton, who is widely viewed as too close to the financial sector, seems an imperfect messenger for change. She has developed sophisticated policy proposals that many economists agree would aggressively regulate the financial sector, but they have collided with the image that Sanders supporters and other political rivals have painted of her: Wall Street’s friend and defender...

Two NYPD Officers Shot in the Bronx; Suspect Dead (VIDEO)

Well, hopefully Black Live Matters' not fomenting a new wave of cop killings.

At CBS News 2 New York, "2 NYPD Officers Shot In Melrose Houses In The Bronx, 1 Suspect Dead."

Piers Morgan and Susan Sarandon Trade Twitter Barbs

I saw this in real time on Twitter.

At London's Daily Mail, "Piers Morgan and Susan Sarandon trade Twitter barbs and partially-nude photos in response to actress' ample display of cleavage during SAG Awards in memoriam segment."

Playboy Model Katie May, 'Queen of Snapchat', Dies at 34

She suffered a stroke.

You never know when you're going to go.

At London's Daily Mail, "Playboy model and 'Queen of Snapchat' Katie May dies after suffering 'catastrophic' stroke aged 34 leaving behind young daughter."

'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli Smirks, Takes the 5th, During Congressional Hearing (VIDEO)

Watch, at NBC News, "Martin Shkreli Testifies Before Congress and Annoys Congressmen."

And at USA Today, "Martin Shkreli pleads the Fifth, then tweets about 'imbeciles' in Congress."

LaVoy Finicum Speaks to the Press on 17th Day of Armed Standoff at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "LaVoy Finicum's Death in Oregon Occupation Prompts Memorials Across the Country."

Here's a video flashback, via the Portland Oregonian:

NFL Works on Gender Inclusivity (VIDEO)

I don't see what's the big deal.

Women love football. Will we see women quarterbacks and head coaches? Er, maybe, and that's not the point. It's about making the sport welcoming to both women and men, and opening up opportunities all around.

At CBS Evening News: