Monday, August 19, 2013

Perhaps Idiot Political Scientist Scott Lemieux Should Read the Wall Street Journal

If he did, he might come across charts like this one below, which plots U.S. Census data on the surge in black voting participation over the last few election cycles. Voting rates for blacks were trending upward even before Barack Obama ran for president. It's a long term trend.

But idiot leftists are desperately grasping for the flimsiest limb on which to hang their RAAAAACISM! allegations, hence Perfessor Lemieux's deluded headline at Lawyers, Gangs and Muggers, "The National Review: Standing Athwart the 15th Amendment Yelling “Stop” Since 1957."

Oh, and asshole Lemieux links to the hilariously stereotypical leftist (and perpetually wrong) Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine, "Modern Vote Suppression Better Than Jim Crow, Still Pretty Bad."

Yes, "modern vote suppression" is so bad that blacks are only at 66 percent voter turnout in 2012. We're all Bull Connor now.

Black Turnout photo ED-AR149_1hilla_G_20130818171803_zps626d963e.jpg

GRAPHIC SOURCE: WSJ Review & Outlook, "Hillary's Racial Politics."