Friday, August 17, 2012

Politically Correct Olympics on Verge of Fascism

From Yulia Latynina, at the Moscow Times, "The Most Politically Correct Olympics in History":
The London Games have gone down in history as the most politically correct Olympics ever. Moreover, it was political correctness in its worst form — on the verge of fascism.

First, the leadership of the Greek Olympic Committee removed triple jumper Paraskevi Papachristou from the games for the following joke she made on Twitter: "With so many Africans in Greece … the West Nile mosquitoes will at least eat homemade food!"

The joke is certainly offensive, but ruining someone's life over this matter — someone who has spent her whole life preparing for this competition — is pure fascism. It is the Ministry of Love punishing thoughtcrime.

In another case, a member of the German rowing team, Nadja Drygalla, was forced to drop out of the competition because of a comment that was made on Facebook. But she had nothing to do with it. It was her boyfriend, a former neo-Nazi, who complained of having to travel on a train "with blacks and Pakistanis."

Maybe the Olympic Ministry of Truth can answer one question for me: Why should Nadja Drygalla answer for the contents of her boyfriend's Facebook page?

What's next?

Disqualifying an athlete for the actions of his father? Or because another athlete's grandfather served in the SS? Or maybe because somebody's great-grandfather suppressed the Sepoy Rebellion in India?

But the most surprising aspect is the shameless double standards of the International Olympic Committee, or IOC. The Ministry of Love, standing by with a hot iron ready to dole out punishment for having politically incorrect boyfriends, turns out to be surprisingly tolerant of Nazism of another variety.

Take, for example, when several Lebanese Olympic athletes refused to train in the same room as Israelis. That is much worse than a tasteless joke on Twitter. It's pure racism. The IOC should have clearly said to the Lebanese athletes, "Your demand is contrary to the very spirit of the Olympic Games, so we are excluding you from the competition."

But instead of doing that, the committee simply put up a partition in the training room to appease the Lebanese racists and ensure that their tender feelings weren't offended....
I blogged a few of these example, but continue reading.

The enormously vile leftism is the main reason lots of folks revile the Olympic Games.