Thursday, January 23, 2014

Glenn Beck's Got Some Rethinking to Do...

I've said many times on this blog that I don't hate.

I had to say that explicitly, because I was always being attacked as a "hater" by idiot leftists, like Repsac3 and his horde of deranged nihilists. There's a difference between vehemently opposing the left's radical Gramscian agenda and "hating liberals." There's also a difference between "hating" someone and choosing not to associate with someone because they don't share your values. I mean, honestly. At this point how many Muslims am I going to be hanging out with? Muslims would literally have to renounce their entire religious belief system before we'd get along, since the Koran commands the faithful to kill the infidels. But hey, call me a "hater" because I choose to avoid people like that. And "hating" homosexuals? Talk about feeding into the phony regressive meme about "homophobia." Frankly, if you're not baring your butt cheeks for same-sex leftists you're a "hater"! And liberals? Well, liberals aren't liberal, a point I've made here over and over again. Beck needs to really think through his points carefully. I don't hate liberals. I don't like Marxists and choose not to be around them because they stand against everything that's right and decent in this world. They stand against me. Is that hard to understand?

In any case, see iOWNTHEWORLD, "Glenn Beck – 'If you hate a person because they are a liberal I don’t want to have anything to do with you'," and Robert Stacy McCain, "Glenn Beck’s #LGBT Agenda?"