Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Obama, Socialism and the Unlearned Lessons of Castro's Revolution

At Cambrian Dissenters:
Personally I have never subscribed to the view that socialists/progressives are afflicted by some kind of mental illness; I have always put their blind obedience to a failed ideology down to immaturity, delayed adolescence or a lack of normal intellectual abilities. Judging by the fact that they are surrounded by a mountainous amount of incontrovertible evidence, I may have to reassess my attitude.

Even historical facts fail to convince supposedly intelligent people that the continuous, abject failure of their socialist/progressive ideology is an aberration and a stain on humanity...
Keep reading. And then check this Twitter exchange here, and R.S. McCain's here (with the same "psycho").

BONUS: Via iOWNTHEWORLD, "Leftist Paradise – Cuban Bus."