Sunday, April 27, 2014

Smokin' Conservative Dana Loesch Confronts Gun Control Activist Shannon Watts in Indianapolis.

At Instapundit, "ANTI-GUN BLOOMBERG MOM SHANNON WATTS HAS ARMED GUARDS: Watch What Happens When Dana Loesch Confronts One of Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Partners."

And at Twitchy, "Dana Loesch: Moms Demand Action bully had her security ‘push and run into me on camera’."

Leftist hypocrites. Man, it's one thing after another with these idiots. Ghouls and idiots. Never a day's rest for patriots. But then, freedom's depending on it.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bwahaha! 'No More Mister' Pulls Post Attacking 'Donald Douglas' for 'Curiously Incomplete Search Results' — LOL!

OMG this is too much!

Here's my earlier post, "Hey, 'No More Mister', It's 'Donald T. Sterling' Who Owns the #Clippers, LOL!"

So I go to click on the 'No More Mister' link and the post's gone. Deleted, heh.


And now it's replaced with this, "I had a post up here about Donald Sterling, and about blogger Donald Douglas's accounting of his political contributions..."

Read it at the link.

The idiot Steve M. thought he had some kinda takedown on old Donald (Donald Douglas, that is, and American Power), and it backfired, badly. Now he just looks like what he always looks like: a bloody f-king moron.

But oh, just check "No More Mister's" archives and it's post after post on Cliven Bundy and the horrible! racist! Fox News! OMG! Like I always say: leftist don't care about race --- indeed, they're the biggest racists --- what they care about is power, and they'll stop at nothing to delegitimize and destroy anyone who stands in their way.

Look, it's been a good day blogging. Hilarious. But Steve M. pulling an attack post against me? Priceless.

#NBA to Investigate Clippers Owner Donald Sterling's Racist Comments

At the New York Times, "N.B.A. Is Investigating Comments Attributed to Clippers’ Owner Donald Sterling."

Interesting is the quote from the Clippers' management essentially conceding the TMZ audiotape as authentic:

In the audio recording, a person identified by TMZ as Sterling can be heard chiding a former girlfriend, identified by the website as V. Stiviano, saying he was angry that she had posted a picture on her Instagram account of herself and Johnson.

“It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people,” Sterling is alleged to have said. He added later in the recording, referring to her Instagram postings, that “you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people.”

“Don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games,” the person identified as Sterling also said. “Yeah, it bothers me a lot that you want to promo, broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?”

Sterling’s wife sued Stiviano last month, asking for the return of cash, property, cars and other items that Sterling gave Stiviano.

The Clippers’ president, Andy Roeser, said in a statement Saturday that he was not certain whether the recording was authentic and that the club was investigating.

Mr. Sterling is emphatic that what is reflected on that recording is not consistent with, nor does it reflect, his views, beliefs or feelings,” Roeser said in the statement. “It is the antithesis of who he is, what he believes and how he has lived his life. He feels terrible that such sentiments are being attributed to him and apologizes to anyone who might have been hurt by them.”
PREVIOUSLY: "Liberal #Democrat Donald Sterling Caught on Tape Screaming Ugly Racist Epithets," and "Hey, 'No More Mister', It's 'Donald T. Sterling' Who Owns the #Clippers, LOL!"

Hey, 'No More Mister', It's 'Donald T. Sterling' Who Owns the #Clippers, LOL!

OMG this is hilarious!

The idiot Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog's all in a lather since I've been calling out Democrats as the rightful racist party that they are. But you know, I don't think citing those $250.00 contributions of Donald E. Sterling, who lives at 118 Beach Mountain Cove, Georgetown, Texas, are quite going to do it, lol!

Actually, Donald T. Sterling lives in Beverly Hills.

But I love the all caps, because authoritah!


Please, Steve M., do try harder, because this is too easy for me, you ASFL racist apologist, lol!

BONUS: My earlier post is linked at Gateway Pundit, Ed Driscoll, and Flopping Aces. Thanks!

And linked at Memeorandum.

PREVIOUSLY: "Liberal #Democrat Donald Sterling Caught on Tape Screaming Ugly Racist Epithets."

Avril Lavigne 'Hello Kitty' Music Video is Racist!

Heh, it's a celebrity racist extravaganza today, lol.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Avril Lavigne is not racist, she's only guilty of making bad muzak":

I am fresh out of my 3 week work Bubble which largely kept me away from monitoring pressing current events like the "controversy" over this irritating video made by Avril Lavigne. I mean racist? Really? What a crock. It was allegedly pulled from YouTube, but is back now and apparently hasn't been whitewashed like Katy Perry's crapola was because she offended Islam.

Avril is a pleasant young lady, I hope her music improves.
Yeah, she's a sweetie. But see Althouse, "Avril Lavigne picked a bad week to go all racist" (via Memeorandum):
Do you not see what's so cliven about it? Well, then, you might want to submit to Vox, the website that explains everything to the point needed by an adequately intelligent but generally pretty busy person...

ADDED: The Vox-shaming continues here.
Well, maybe the Vox-splainers will be all over Donald Sterling's racism as well, lol!

Liberal #Democrat Donald Sterling Caught on Tape Screaming Ugly Racist Epithets - UPDATED!!

UPDATE: Racist Donald Sterling is not a Democrat but a registered RINO.

This post is linked by Michael Hiltzik, at the Los Angeles Times, "Donald Sterling is a Republican, not a Democrat -- but does it matter?"

I have a response here, "Desperate Leftists: Beverly Hills Liberal Donald Sterling Is 'Registered Republican' OMG! TAKE THAT!! BLARGH!! OMG!!!":
The truth is that the racist Clippers owner is a classic, typically far-left liberal from L.A.'s typically progressive westside.

Desperate leftists can take that to the bank the idiot losers.


It's been almost like clockwork this last couple of weeks. Leftists got a squirrelly reprieve with the fake Cliven Bundy sideshow, but then the left gets back on track with their racist repertoire of hate. Seriously. It's too good. You just can't make up these far-left Democrat Party supporting leftists spewing vile racial epithets, all caught on tape. Clockwork baby.

I say it all the time: the Democrat Party is the country's natural home to racists and ethnic eliminationists. And now we have über liberal real estate mogul and sports owner, Democrat Party contributor and philanthropist, Donald T. Sterling in the news with yet another case of vile leftist racial hatred.

Here's the headline story at Memeorandum, "Clippers Owner Donald Sterling to GF - Don't Bring Black People to My Games, Including Magic Johnson" and on Twitter:

And there's a YouTube clip at the Independent Journal Review, "Explosive Audio: L.A. Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Shows Us All What Truly Ugly Racism Sounds Like." As it notes there:
Just for the record, Sterling’s record of political support is for two Democratic politicians: former California Governor Gray Davis and three-term Senator Bill Bradley.
Of course! Sterling's a liberal leftist Democrat of the first order! Also here, "Follow the Money: Political Contributions of NBA Owners."

What's hilarious is none of this is new. Sterling's far-left racist bigotry has been on the public record for a long time. See this Los Angeles Times report from black liberal Los Angeles Times columnist Sandy Banks in 2010, "Donald Sterling is generous, impolitic and eager to be liked":
You can't flip through our newspaper these days without spotting the giant ads Sterling buys promoting his awards and donations, his smiling face plastered among a jumble of names and cut-and-paste photos.

I wangled an invitation because I wanted to meet him. I was curious about the man -- and the motives -- behind the generosity. Sterling has been dogged for years by claims that he's a bigot. Was this simple image repair or true redemption, I wondered.

Two months ago, Sterling settled a housing discrimination lawsuit by the U.S. Justice Department for $2.7 million. Four years ago, he spent millions to settle a similar lawsuit brought by a fair housing group.

Both accused him of trying to exclude blacks, Latinos and families with children from renting apartments in buildings he owns.

Yet there he was last week playing Santa, handing out $1 million from his private charitable foundation to 10 high schools in South and East Los Angeles and 20 charities across Los Angeles County.

Like Skid Row's Para Los Niños, "another fabulous Hispanic charity in Boyle Heights, where I grew up," Sterling said.

And Roosevelt High, "with all the Hispanic kids," he said, "where nobody thought they could study and learn calculus until that teacher" -- Jaime Escalante -- came along.

Oops -- Escalante taught at Garfield High, which also received a Sterling grant.
And left-wing author and activist Earl Ofari Hutchinson, back in 2009, hammered Sterling's racism --- and took the NAACP to task for giving the Clippers owner a pass on his disgusting racist bigotry. See, "Put Donald T. Sterling's NAACP Award on Hold":
A Google search with the name Donald Sterling and racial discrimination found nearly 12,000 results. Not one of them even remotely had Sterling doing anything to further racial goodwill. The checklist of reported Sterling racial escapades include a Justice Department housing discrimination lawsuit and forced settlement, slurs and gaffes against Hispanics and African-Americans, and that includes two high profile Clipper players, the shooing of minorities away from his pricey Beverly Hills condos and rentals, and an overblown and failed promise to build a Homeless shelter on L.A.s skid row. Then there's the allegations and lawsuit by former Clipper General Manager Elgin Baylor that Sterling runs his operations like a Southern plantation.

The NAACP airbrushed this away and simply said that Sterling has been a gem in giving oodles of tickets away to needy inner city kids and ladling out some cash to charities and sports camps for them. How any of this ranks as a take the lead, storm the barriers battle against racial injustice is a mystery....

The issue is not what, whether or even if Sterling did anything to further the cause of racial justice and civil rights. He hasn't. The issue is what the NAACP is doing to further it.
While perhaps Ofari Hutchison's not persuaded that Sterling's done much in fact to help the black community, as LAT's Banks points out, the Clippers owner indeed has a long history of philanthropy for a litany of left-wing causes. Sports Illustrated, back in 2000, ran a major feature story on Sterling, critical of his success as an NBA owner but highlighting his liberal philanthropy, "Up And Down In Beverly Hills":
Many people believe that Sterling is playing a different game from the rest of the NBA owners. "I don't know how important winning is to Donald," says [Carl] Scheer, the team's general manager Scheer. "He seems more concerned mat his books are balanced, that he runs one of the few NBA franchises with no debt, that he can bring his friends to games." Those friends—a mix of Friars Clubbers and Merv Era celebs—show up en masse at Sterling's Malibu White Party, the extravagant tented barbecue-and-bubbly beach bash he often throws at his second home, a neo-Tudor oceanfront bungalow. The party is so named because guests are encouraged to dress all in white, as in The Great Gatsby. "Sterling's agenda is as much social as professional," says Los Angeles Times sportswriter Mark Heisler. "He loves the status that owning even a bad team confers."

He also enjoys the publicity he's received as a philanthropist. Southern California charities routinely fete Sterling as their Humanitarian of the Year. Since 1997, the title has been accorded him by the Vista Del Mar Orphanage, the Special Olympics, the Los Angeles Yeshiva, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation and the L.A. Police Historical Society. Not that every charity has found it easy to separate Sterling from his swag. Linda McCoy-Murray recognized that last summer when she phoned him to help sponsor a golf tournament in honor of her late husband, venerated L.A. Times sports columnist Jim Murray. Every pro franchise in California, according to McCoy-Murray had forked over at least $5,000 to her foundation, which provides journalism scholarships. Every pro franchise, that is, except the Clippers, which had memorialized Murray on the final page of last season's media guide. Sterling offered McCoy-Murray two season passes. "You know, that's wonderful," she remembers telling him. "but we're trying to endow a college scholarship fund. We could really use cash."
Sterling's a classic Beverly Hills-Hollywood schmoozer and left-wing philanthropist big shot, and the occasional leftist tight wad, heh.

Again, this is just one more case of leftist racism and bigotry, unfortunately too splashy of a celebrity story for the hopelessly biased leftist press to tamp down.

So, enjoy watching the sick racist Democrats squirm under the news of Sterling's racism. That is, until the next distraction squirrel! runs our from the bushes, lol.

Holocaust Denial and the Iranian Regime

From Reuel Marc Gerecht, at the Wall Street Journal (via Google):
Well, we know that there's at least one person who won't be marking Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday. "Observe that no one in Europe dares to speak about the Holocaust even though it's not clear what the reality is about it, whether it even has a reality, or how it happened," said Iran's ruling cleric, Ali Khamenei, in a March 21 speech. "Expressing an opinion or doubts about the Holocaust is considered to be one of the greatest of sins [in Europe] where someone can get stopped, arrested, sued or imprisoned for this offense."

The ayatollah's recent comments on the Holocaust were part of a longer speech that was a scorching stemwinder against the West and Iranians who embrace Western ways. Holocaust revisionism is part of Mr. Khamenei's resistance to a world organized around Western norms and history. Other strategies include developing Iran's nuclear program, making its economy more sanctions-proof, and maintaining a religious culture capable of closing the "cracks" opened by the allure of a deviant Occident.

Many observers, including some within the Obama administration, have sought to play down the matter of Iranian Holocaust denial. So have many Iranians and Westerners who sincerely want to get past the nuclear issue and see Iran reintegrated into the world—Holocaust denial is just too awkward and painful to examine. It's an aberration, many insist, nasty insecure rhetoric without roots in Persian culture. In truth it is a symptom of a worldview utterly at odds with our own. It strongly suggests that Mr. Khamenei's republic will endure great economic hardship to realize its dream of becoming a nuclear power.

Holocaust revisionism permeates and defines the Iranian regime. Former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad famously supported a research mission to Poland in 2005 to investigate whether millions of Jews could have died at Auschwitz. (Poland's foreign ministry turned down the request.) Today, in addition to Supreme Leader Khamenei, commanders of the Revolutionary Guard Corps—who oversee Iran's nuclear program and terrorist operations—embrace Holocaust-denial with gusto.

Even the "moderate" president elected last year, Hasan Rouhani, danced around the subject of the Holocaust in his interview last September with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, saying it was up to historians to decide—as if they hadn't already—the true "dimensions" of Nazi slaughter. Mr. Rouhani didn't deny that the Germans killed Jews, but he grouped them with other victims of Nazi barbarism.

The Tehran regime's Holocaust reflections spring in great part from two sources...
Keep reading.

#RNC Spokesman Furious GOP Lumped with Cliven Bundy — Furious!!

At Mememorandum, "RNC Spokesman Is Furious the GOP Has Been Lumped With Bundy (VIDEO)."

And one of the things I find amusing is how everyone's tripping over themselves running away from the guy. Myself? I think it's a fabulous story, and Mr. Bundy's tapping into a real sense of federal overreach. But honestly, as I wrote earlier, "Sounds as if the Bundy family may have bitten off more than they could chew." So it's way beyond that now. It's about the real racists attempting to turn an inarticulate old man into a Klansman, when the real Klansmen are in the Democrat Party killing people (and they always have been). Further, you've got stupid race-trading leftists attacking Mr. Bundy as satanic like it's nothing.

But it's understandable, in our PC-drenched culture. Leftists can scream "RAAAAACIST" and instantaneously shut down the discussion. Notice, though, that the idiots progs aren't messing with me, because they know I'll call 'em out on their lies and they know they'll lose. They'll be exposed as the ASFLs they are, everything. F-k 'em.

Bonus: I think Ron Christie's comments just destroy the leftist meme at the clip, and Carol Costello is the most brainless shill for the Democrats it's hilarious.

Doe-Eyed Jen Psaki Works That Hashtag Diplomacy!

Heh, from last year, "Doe-Eyed Jen Psaki Barely Survives Tough @JakeTapper Interview."

And this week at Twitchy, "Jen Psaki: ‘Let’s hope the Kremlin will live by the promise of hashtag’," and "Jen Psaki says Russians not following up their #UnitedForUkraine hashtag with actions."

Also, "State Department’s Jen Psaki triggers fresh round of ridicule after declaring it ‘wacky Friday’."

Jake Tapper is mercilessly easier on the doe-eyed spokewoman:

Bill O'Reilly Slams Media Hack Brian Stelter on Ridiculous Cliven Bundy Fox News Smear

O'Reilly takes a lot of heat from conservatives for his alleged "liberalism," but more often than not he's the most balanced commentator on the air. He eviscerates Cliven Bundy's slavery comments, for example, listing point by point the horrors of America's system of chattel slavery. But he's especially good here ripping CNN media hack Brian Stelter, who comes up with an outlandish claim that he's never seen any network run as much supportive issue coverage as Fox News has done on Bundy Ranch. In rebuttal, O'Reilly cites MSNBC's pathetic, month-long attack on Gov. Chris Christie's Bridgegate scandal, although an even better example would be the endless race-pimping coming out of the same network, on any number of stories, but captured particularly well in the Trayvon Martin coverage a couple of years ago. MSNBC's the left's network, pushing a far left agenda and constantly shilling for the White House. Those are simply facts. It's not a fact that Fox News has been endlessly pumping the Cliven Bundy story, although I think Sean Hannity sure got splattered by all this, and he's been doing some serious backtracking.

Harry Reid: A Joseph McCarthy for Our Time

From VDH, at RCP, "Reid Has Become a McCarthy for Our Time":
We should ask Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-Nev.) the same question once posed to Sen. Joseph McCarthy by U.S. Army head counsel Robert N. Welch: "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

Reid is back in the news for denigrating the peaceful supporters of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, a popular critic of the Bureau of Land Management policy, as "domestic terrorists."

McCarthy in the 1950s became infamous for smearing his opponents with lurid allegations that he could not prove, while questioning their patriotism. Reid has brought back to the Senate that exact same McCarthy style of six decades ago -- and trumped it.

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Reid libeled candidate Mitt Romney with the unsubstantiated and later-refuted charge that Romney was a tax cheat. "The word's out that he [Romney] hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years," Reid said.

Later, when asked for proof, Reid offered a pathetic rejoinder: "I have had a number of people tell me that." One wonders how many names were on Reid's McCarthyite "tell" list -- were there, as McCarthy used to bluster, 205 names, or perhaps just 57?

When asked again to document the slur, Reid echoed McCarthy perfectly: "The burden should be on him. He's the one I've alleged has not paid any taxes."

When the Koch brothers donated money that was used for political ads -- just as liberal political donors George Soros and the Steyer brothers have done -- Reid rushed to the Senate floor to question their patriotism: "These two brothers ... are about as un-American as anyone that I can imagine." The charge of being "un-American" is also vintage McCarthyite slander.

Reid also has a bad habit of racial bigotry. He once praised fellow Sen. Barack Obama because he was, in Reid's words, a "light-skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

When Reid was worried that he would not get enough Hispanic voters to the polls, he condescendingly lectured the Latino community: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK. Do I need to say more?"

Reid once singled out for damnation just one Supreme Court justice -- Clarence Thomas: "I think that he has been an embarrassment to the Supreme Court."

Reid has also brought back McCarthy's custom of vicious and sometimes profane insults.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Reid announced: "I can't stand John McCain." Of then-President George W. Bush, Reid said: "President Bush is a liar." Reid claimed that fellow Mormon Mitt Romney had "sullied" his religion.

When Gen. David Petraeus brought proof to Congress that the surge in Iraq was beginning to work by late 2007, Reid declared, "No, I don't believe him, because it's not happening."

He elaborated on that charge by labeling Petraeus -- at the time the senior ground commander of U.S. forces fighting in Iraq -- a veritable liar. Reid alleged that Petraeus "has made a number of statements over the years that have not proven to be factual."

When an African-American and Democratic appointee to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, William Magwood, opposed Reid on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste disposal site controversy, Reid called him a "first-class rat," "treacherous, miserable liar," "sh-t stirrer," and "one of the most unethical, prevaricating, incompetent people I've ever dealt with."

Like a pre-reform-era politician, Reid entered public service relatively poor and will leave it as a multimillionaire. He has granted lucrative favors to casinos and rich investors who hired his sons' legal firm. While in office he made considerable profits on private business and real estate deals. Some of those who donated to his campaigns got favorable government treatment.

Reid recently paid his granddaughter thousands of dollars from his campaign war chest to make jewelry gifts for his donors and friends. Only after a storm of criticism did he reimburse his campaign fund.

So how does Reid's reckless career continue with the Senate leader avoiding the sort of congressional censure that finally did in McCarthy? Why is there is no progressive muckraker to take on Reid the way that Edward R. Murrow once exposed McCarthy?

For the left, Reid's utility as an attack dog (like McCarthy's utility to Republicans) outweighs the downside of his crude bombast...
He's an abomination. An inhuman wretch. A pile of steaming refuse. And a Democrat (but I repeat myself).


PREVIOUSLY: "Harry Reid's Long, Steady Accretion of Power and Wealth — #Democrat #Corruption."

Ann Coulter on Cliven Bundy

Hey, careful on those political mascots.

My thoughts on all of this here, "Shiree Bundy Cox, Cliven Bundy's Daughter, Hammers Sean Hannity."

Another 'Uncle Tom' Weighs In on Bundy

It's Derrick Grayson, via iOWNTHEWORLD.

The man nails it.

But you're not supposed to think for yourself these days. And a black man agreeing with Cliven Bundy? RAAAAACIST!!!

And see, "Shiree Bundy Cox, Cliven Bundy's Daughter, Hammers Sean Hannity."

Lacey Banghard's Sexy Selfies

Love the accent!

At Zoo Today, "Lacey Banghard's Selfie Shoot - Behind the Scenes!"

Turn the Tables!

The tables turn, and when they do, show no mercy on the bastards.

RELATED: At the Other McCain, "Totalitarian Terror: Anti-Israel Campus Extremists Target Jewish Students." Show no mercy on these bastards.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Harry Reid's Long, Steady Accretion of Power and Wealth — #Democrat #Corruption

He's like an old time machine boss.

A two-part report from Adam O'Neal, at Real Clear Politics:
Contrary to popular belief, Reid arrived in Washington wealthy; he had a net worth of at least -- and likely more than -- $1 million, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Although Reid had spent most of the previous 15 years in public office, or pursuing public office, he still proved to be a robust earner. After his term as lieutenant governor ended in 1975, he would not return to public office full time until 1983. (The Gaming Commission is only part-time work.) All told, he worked at least 14 years as a private-practice attorney between 1964 and 1982.

As a former public official with strong political connections, he found lucrative work in Las Vegas. It appears his personal boom was simply part of the broader expansion of Nevada’s economy. Some attorneys at the time, particularly those with political networks, would occasionally receive payment in the form of real estate. Given Nevada’s rapid growth, such payments would become extremely valuable over time. It’s unclear if Reid received land as compensation then, but he certainly made good money and invested in real estate early on.

Theoretically, working as a lawmaker should have severely limited Reid’s earning potential. In the early 1980s, members of Congress received a salary of about $70,000 per year. Though pay has generally risen -- and Reid receives more than most lawmakers because of his leadership position -- he has never earned more than $200,000 per year in salary.

Yet, his estimated net worth peaked at around $10 million just a few years ago, and he has remained consistently wealthier than when he entered Congress. (Reid reported that his net worth in 2012 was somewhere between $2.8 million and $6.3 million. His 2013 financial disclosures will be released later this year.) As of 2012, real estate composed about one-third of his portfolio. The rest was made up of government bonds; stakes in energy, electronics, pharmaceutical, and chemical companies; and other investments. He also possesses significant mining claims potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

How did Reid manage to grow his net worth so significantly while raising a large family, on a public official’s salary, and incurring the expenses associated with maintaining two residences on opposite sides of the country? Reid has lived frugally -- before buying a house in recent years, he kept just a trailer in his hometown of Searchlight -- and he has made undeniably savvy investments.  More significantly, however, is his willingness to enter political and ethical gray areas to make money.

Reid has walked a fine line over the years, occasionally breaking rules or engaging in brazenly unseemly behavior during his pursuit of wealth. Further, he has also used his position to save money in ways that the general public can’t -- a practice that creates public relations issues and raises questions about the senator’s ethics. As for any illegal behavior or obvious wrongdoing, Jon Ralston told RCP, “There’s been some smoke but there’s never any fire on that.”

There may be quite a bit of smoke.
Keep reading. It's the part of the story to which Reid's political handlers objected, and RCP's included their objections bracketed in the text, in italics.

Heh, he's a shady fucker.

One of his the responses goes like this, "Senator Reid is not the first person in America to have made a profitable land sale and I suspect he won't be the last but the last time I checked there's nothing wrong with selling land."

Yep, everybody does it so stfu. Sounds like a two-bit criminal.

And at Part II is here, "Harry Reid's Long Coattails."

Reid is what's wrong with Washington politics. I'm astonished that a corrupt f-ker like this still remains on the public's dime. Damn. Just a disgusting specimen of crass political corruption and social decay.

33 Photos of Instagram Sensation Ashlyn Coray

At the Chive, "If Ashlyn hasn’t shown you the light, she has now (33 photos)."

Or go straight to Ashlyn on Instagram, here.

Connecticut Teenager Stabbed to Death Over High School Prom Rejection

Now this is senseless. At NYT, "Connecticut Teenager Is Fatally Stabbed by Fellow Student, Police Say."

Maren Sanchez photo BmE_bdCIcAA3RY5_zpse57ea89f.jpg
A 16-year-old student was stabbed to death by another student in the hallway of a Connecticut high school on Friday morning, the authorities said.

The victim, identified as Maren Sanchez, was attacked by a 16-year-old boy at about 7:15 a.m. on the first floor of the Jonathan Law High School in Milford, Chief Keith Mello of the Milford Police Department said at a news conference midmorning. Both Ms. Sanchez and the attacker, who was not identified because he is a minor, were students at the school.

School staff members tried to resuscitate Ms. Sanchez after the attack, Chief Mello said. She was pronounced dead at 7:43 a.m. at Bridgeport Hospital. The attacker was subdued by staff members and taken into police custody, Chief Mello said.

Chief Mello gave no indication of a possible motive, but said investigators were looking into reports that a dispute over the junior class prom, scheduled for Friday evening, could have prompted the attack. School officials canceled classes for the rest of the day and later announced that the prom was canceled as well.

“This is a very raw, a very fresh investigation,” Chief Mello said...
The New York Post isn't being so circumspect about the killer's motive, "Teen girl stabbed to death at school after rejecting prom invitation."

So, a beautiful young life cut short, and a family shattered, and you know the progressive "criminal justice" authorities will do everything possible to keep the killer from doing hard time. And don't even think about the death penalty. Not only are minors exempt, but Connecticut banned capital punishment in 2012.

How long will until another beautiful young life cut down? There's simply no deterrent, and victims' families get no justice. But we'll see. We'll see.

NYU's Students for Justice in Palestine: Israel's Existence is 'Flagrant Violation' of International Law

Follow-up from earlier, "'Manifestation of #BDS Hate' — Hamas-Linked Students for Justice in Palestine Targets Jews for 'Eviction' at NYU."

Remember, SJP's a Hamas-backed student group advocating the extermination of the Jews.

At Truth Revolt, "NYU SJP Denies Israel's Legal Right to Exist."

Also at the Other McCain, "Totalitarian Terror: Anti-Israel Campus Extremists Target Jewish Students."

Shiree Bundy Cox, Cliven Bundy's Daughter, Hammers Sean Hannity

Well played, leftists. Well played.

As many of have been saying, this whole Cliven Bundy "racist" affair is one monumental distraction. Frankly, as I said from the first get-go, Mr. Bundy's comments were simply inarticulate. But being raw as they were, the left pounced, screaming "racist" to the high heavens. Sadly, some of the biggest voices on the right refused to speak truth to the lies, and have stood down in the face of genuine regressive evil.

Pat Dollard has the comments of Cliven Bundy's daughter, "Bundy’s Daughter Slams Hannity: He’s ‘More Worried About His Ratings’ Than My Dad."

The Hannity clip is here, which aired a couple of nights ago: "Sean Hannity Addresses Cliven Bundy Racist Remarks on Fox News - 'Racist' and 'Bigoted'."

Some conservatives are urging folks to listen to the whole "context." At Truth Revolt, for example, "Unedited Tape of Bundy Emerges, Sheds Light on 'Racist' Remarks." And from top black conservative Bob Parks, "Update: Deceptive-Edit of the Day."

But no, I can't go there. Simply, Mr. Bundy's comments on their own were inflammatory enough for the left to gain traction.

As always, it's the hypocrisy and opportunism that's key here. Leftists will stop at nothing to drive conservative speech from the public square. While Bundy's daughter swears her father's not racist, his comments stand alone as a gift to the despicable race baiters on the left, who won't stop at Bundy. They'll go all the way to the top of the conservative ranks and the GOP to tar the right-wing as irredeemably racist.

As I wrote last night, the race-trading leftist Jamelle Bouie went all out to portray the entire conservative movement as racist, claiming arguments on things like the continuing black Democrat plantation should be banned from the public realm. Typical totalitarian leftists.

For a loser like Bouie, towering intellectuals like Walter Williams are Jim Crow racists whose views are beyond the pale. People like WSJ's Jason Riley, a black conservative, are somehow "white supremacists" to be banished from respectable society.

This is the state of intellectual debate today. Cliven Bundy simply stepped in it. The disgusting leftists picked it up and threw it America's collective face.

Crisis! Calamity! Disaster! Lime Shortage Puts Squeeze on Margaritas!

And Coronas as well!

At the Wall Street Journal, "Lime Shortage Drives Up Prices at Bars and Restaurants in U.S.: As Margarita-Fueled Cinco de Mayo Nears, Mexican Restaurants Ask Customers to Harvest From Home":
FULLERTON, Calif. — When Matador Cantina's general manager Dave Dennis saw recently that a sharp rise in the price of limes was putting the squeeze on this Mexican restaurant, he called his mother.

But the limes on the tree in her yard here weren't ripe. So he asked his staff to hit up their friends for limes. He got just a few. With his cantina in need of 1,000 limes a week to use in cocktails, Corona beer and food, he decided to go public.

"Bring us a bag full of limes and get a crafted cocktail for just 25 cents," Mr. Dennis posted on Facebook and Twitter. He put up a sign in the restaurant: "WE WANT YOUR LIMES."

Bars and restaurants across the country have been affected by what they are calling the "great lime crisis of 2014." And the timing could hardly be worse: It comes just as the fruit's highest-profile day of the year is approaching—the margarita-fueled Cinco de Mayo.

In Mexico, the holiday commemorates the Mexican army's victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. In the U.S., Cinco de Mayo is a big deal, too. Here it has evolved into a celebration of Mexican heritage, cuisine and drink.

Mexico, one of the world's largest lime exporters, supplies the U.S. with 97% of the limes it consumes, nearly 500,000 tons annually. But this past winter, heavy rains hit lime-growing regions such as Veracruz, said Mexican Agriculture Ministry spokesman Francisco Burguete, delaying the usual harvest and driving prices to an all-time high. A 40-pound crate of Mexican limes has been fetching more than $100 wholesale, four times the typical seasonal price.

By weight, Mexican limes are commanding a higher price than Mexican crude oil. Cruz Sandoval of Ingardia Bros. Produce in Santa Ana, Calif., which sells to U.S. restaurants, said, "All our customers want to know is when the lime price is coming down."

Sensing an opportunity, liquor producer Beam Inc., of Deerfield, Ill., has launched a social-media campaign urging consumers this Cinco de Mayo to "ride out the lime shortage with Hornitos Lime Shot," its tequila "with the flavor of refreshing lime."

"The best way to deal with the lime shortage is to sip lime cocktails," said Jared Fix, vice president of Beam's "mixables."

Mexican limes aren't just used in drinks, of course. Ceviche, a dish made of fresh raw seafood, is cured in lime juice. Limes are also de rigueur in guacamole and fish tacos. Thai cuisine, too, makes liberal use of limes.

In response to the shortage, things are changing north of the border. Alaska Airlines has scrapped limes from cocktails in coach. Mexican restaurants, which depend on drinks like the salt-rimmed, tequila-based margarita to drive traffic, can't take such radical measures.

When limes hit $100, "it was kind of def-con for lime juice," said Mike Barrow, beverage director of the Tacolicious restaurant chain in San Francisco, stressing the urgency of the situation.
Well, looks like there solid demand for limes, lol.

More at the link.

Kira Davis: 'This is an issue of freedom, and not racism...'


Kyra Davis steps off the plantation, holla!

At Barracuda Brigade, "Kira Davis ~> 'I Don’t Care if Cliven Bundy is a Racist."

Krya's thoughts almost perfectly sum up how I feel at this point. Hers and Dana Loesch as well, who's just been on fire on this issue for weeks.

Enjoy this video. This lady is so well grounded it's ridiculous:

#Ukraine Halts Military Push, Fearing Attack From Russia

At WSJ, "Ukraine Halts Military Push: Moscow's Saber-Rattling Leaves Kiev in Quandary; U.S. Unsure of Putin's Intent":

Ukrainian forces moved in on a pro-Russian stronghold Thursday, killing several militants in a firefight at a roadside checkpoint, but quickly halted their advance after Russia activated the thousands of troops it has massed just across the border.

Moscow's saber-rattling—launching new land and air military drills—left Ukraine's new government in a quandary: whether to risk pressing ahead with what it calls its antiterrorist operation in the restive east, or risk more bloodshed and provoking an invasion.

Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov, who had ordered the military operation to restart on Tuesday, vowed it would continue even as a security official in Kiev said the operation in the eastern city of Slovyansk had been paused for reworking. Ukraine's Foreign Ministry gave Moscow 48 hours to explain the military exercises along the border.

The Pentagon called those drills "exactly the opposite of what we have been calling on the Russians to do."

U.S. officials said they didn't know if the drills meant Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to intervene militarily in Ukraine. Some officials said they think it is a show of strength to reinforce his position before moving to reduce tensions and solidify his gains.

"We see movement, motion and activity," said a senior military official. "It looks like muscle flexing by Moscow. But is it more than that?"

President Barack Obama said Thursday in Tokyo that Russia hasn't been abiding by the spirit or letter of the international agreement reached a week ago in Geneva and intended to reduce tensions. Mr. Obama reiterated warnings that the U.S. is prepared to impose additional sanctions in days. Secretary of State John Kerry said Ukraine was holding up its end of the deal, but that Russia hasn't taken a "single concrete step."

Mr. Putin's tone Thursday was less strident than that of his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, a day before...
Continue reading.

Sick Leftist Jamelle Bouie Attacks Alleged Racist Rancher as Demonic 'Cloven' Bundy

Jamelle Bouie's one of those standard black leftist race-traders who claims moral superiority on the basis of skin color. Seriously, he's been around the leftist fever swamps for sometime now, and very little that he spews is exceptional or original.

But he did go off on a little rant yesterday on Cliven Bundy, slithering down to a pretty sick Biblical attack on Mr. Bundy as some kind of demonic figure of purported boilerplate conservative racism.

Here's his tweet attacking Mr. Bundy as "Cloven," which I forwarded to the editor of Slate David Plotz:

And here's the oh-so tolerant Bouie on Alex Wagner's MSNBC show last night:

As I posted yesterday, Bouie's just a typical leftist hypocrite: "Leftists Shamelessly Exploit Cliven Bundy Comments to Smear GOP as 'Racist'."

And I just love how Bouie's fellow regressive tweeps thought "Cloven" was an "awesome typo," the hacks.

I sent out quite a few tweets to some of the Slate folks. I'll update if I get a response, especially an apology.

Smokin' Dita Von Teese Launches Sexiest Lingerie Collection Yet

She definitely got it going on, heh.

At London's Daily Mail, "'I wanted a bra to create a voluptuous cleavage': Dita Von Teese launches (and models) her sexiest lingerie collection yet. And yes, there is lots of cleavage.

Seattle Mayor Says $15.00 Minimum Wage Won't Fly — Unexpectedly!

Heh, well I'm sure no one could have seen this coming, lol.

At the New York Times, "Seattle Mayor Says Effort to Build Agreement on $15 Minimum Wage Has Faltered":

 photo election_2013_sawant_party_poster_allyce_andrew1_zps53ee506a.jpg
SEATTLE — Mayor Ed Murray of Seattle said Thursday that his effort to build consensus behind raising the city’s minimum wage to $15, more than twice the federal rate, had faltered amid continuing differences between business leaders and labor unions that had been advising him on the issue.

“We’re stuck at the moment,” Mr. Murray said in a news conference where he had been expected to present a proposal for raising the wage to one of the highest in the country. Instead, Mr. Murray, a Democrat and former state senator who was elected last year on a promise to fight economic inequality, said the negotiations were continuing on a committee of elected officials and business and labor interests that he had appointed to develop a wage plan.

The mayor said that he was as committed as ever to a $15 minimum wage, with a cost of living adjustment mechanism that would push the wage to $17 over time — and that the committee had agreed in principle on that much as well. But after the committee could not reach agreement by a deadline this week, he said that he had decided to let it continue its deliberations to avoid having the issue placed before voters this fall as a ballot initiative, a move threatened by some labor advocates.

A protracted fight over such an initiative might lead to “class warfare,” the mayor warned. “I’m probably less optimistic than I was this morning, but I still remain optimistic. If this fails, we’ll try something else until we get to $15.”

Many owners of restaurants and other small businesses have said in recent days that a $15 minimum wage, especially if tips could not be counted toward that total, would lead to staffing cuts. Meanwhile, a socialist council member, Kshama Sawant — elected last fall on a specific plank to push a $15 wage and appointed by Mr. Murray to his committee — has kept up a constant drumbeat of pressure on the issue, saying she would oppose a gradual increase in the wage or any exemptions that would diminish its impact.

Washington already has the highest statewide minimum wage in the nation, at $9.32...
Keep reading.

And that Che-loving socialist Kshama Sawant just doesn't quit does she? Maybe she'll put Mr. Murray up before a firing squad if she doesn't get her way, heh.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Leftists Shamelessly Exploit Cliven Bundy Comments to Smear GOP as 'Racist'

I was getting a kick out of Dana Loesch this morning.

Listening to her radio show she was almost prophetic on the left's shameless hypocrisy. As always, leftists are the biggest racists --- Dana went down the line reciting their racist comments, from Bill Clinton to Harry Reid and then some --- but the lamestream media never misses an opportunity to smear Republicans.

At LAT, "Cliven Bundy's 'better off as slaves' remark about blacks draws fire." And again at Memeorandum.

'Manifestation of #BDS Hate' — Hamas-Linked Students for Justice in Palestine Targets Jews for 'Eviction' at NYU

Wow, things are getting really out of hand.

It's not enough to debate your opponents, or even protest them. You've got to intimidate them with totalitarian methods worthy of Hermann Göring's stormtroopers.

At Legal Insurrection, "Dorm storming at NYU targets Jewish students."

Following the links takes us to Laura Adkins at the Times of Israel, also tweeted by CiF Watch:

More from Pamela Geller, "Jewish NYU Students Targeted in Islamic Dorm Storming Attack":
Muslim thugs, like Hitler’s nazi youth, are targeting and tormenting Jewish students in greater number across US college campuses. Under the guise of BDS, or “Israel Apartheid” or other vicious  blood libels, these savages are out for Jewish blood.

Every Jewish parent in America who has been ignoring this growing trend or who thinks this doesn’t affect them is gravely mistaken.  And they will learn the hard way — through their children.

Leftwing Jews will have much to answer for.

The dorm targeted in this latest attack is very Jewish. It houses the Kcaf (kosher cafe) and it has the only shabbat elevator.

We have seen this happen before. We know what comes nest.

The vicious pro-Hamas Muslim group, “Students for Justice in Palestine frequently is the perpetrator of these dorm stormings, as happened at Northeastern University recently, resulting in SJP’s suspension.”

SJP should be outlawed at NYU as well.
More at Memeorandum.

'Bad Teacher' Not So Bad After All

"Bad Teacher" premieres tonight on CBS.

LAT has a review, "Review: 'Bad Teacher' pleasantly softens as a CBS sitcom."

Heh, that Ari Graynor is pretty hot!

Governor Rick Perry on 'This Morning' Discusses Property Rights

I'm listening to Dana Loesch on Radio America. She's talking about Bundy Ranch, Cliven Bundy, and the left's despicable race-bait politics. See, "On Cliven Bundy’s Remark *UPDATED: Video Link," and "Politico’s Jonathan Topaz’s Smear Attempt."

Here's the big roundup at Memeorandum, "A Defiant Rancher Savors the Audience That Rallied to His Side."

Sabine Jemeljanova #Rule5

I'm listening to Dana Loesch on Radio America. I'll have more heavy duty blogging later.

Meanwhile, here's Sabine:

Previous Sabine hotness at the link.

Why a Global Tax on Wealth Won't End Inequality

A review of Thomas Piketty's, Capital in the Twenty-first Century.

From Tyler Cowen, at Foreign Affairs, "Capital Punishment."

PREVIOUSLY: "Bill Moyers and Paul Krugman Use Thomas Piketty's Capital to Attack America's 'Ugliness' and 'Racism'," and "Thomas Piketty and the Renaissance of Collectivist Hatred."

NATO Can't Stop Russia Ukraine Incursion

At the New York Times, "Eastern Europe Frets About NATO’s Ability to Curb Russia":

OVER CONSTANTA, Romania — High over the Romanian border, a sophisticated NATO surveillance plane kept a close watch on Russian movements below. Its radar screens came alive with a cat-and-mouse game between a Russian surveillance jet buzzing an American guided missile destroyer in the Black Sea and a squadron of NATO fighter jets that chased it away.

It was a scene reminiscent of the Cold War, and NATO’s mission was meant to reassure allies that are feeling newly vulnerable to Russian threats after Moscow’s muscular intervention in neighboring Ukraine.

But it provided little comfort to NATO’s Eastern European members, which are growing increasingly nervous about Russia’s moves and the alliance’s ability, or even willingness, to counter them.

Today’s NATO, hollowed out by years of European military cuts and deployed mostly to help fight far-off battles in places like Afghanistan and Libya, is no longer as prepared to counter a newly assertive Kremlin, its own leaders acknowledge...
Yeah, we sent a few hundred troops to Poland, which no doubt has the Kremlin quaking.

But keep reading.

PREVIOUSLY: "Ukraine's Loss of Crimea Has NATO Examining Its Core Mission."

Aborted Babies Burned for Energy Production at Oregon Waste Facility

It couldn't happen here, right?

Remember last month, at Telegraph UK, "Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals."

Well, now From Steve Ertelt, at Life News, "Energy Plant in Oregon Burning Aborted Babies From Canada to Generate Electricity."

More at NewsBusters, "So Much For 'It Can't Happen Here': Fetal Waste Turned Into Energy in Oregon."

This Ad From GOP Senate Candidate Monica Wehby Will Make You Cry

At the Washington Examiner.

Obama's Foreign Policy is 'Minimal' and 'Laughable'

Charles Krauthammer, via NRO:

Fresno is No. 1 on California's Toxic Hit List

I've blogged Fresno's pollution before, "Menacing Air Quality in California's Central Valley."

But there's a new state pollution study out ranking Fresno as ground zero for environmental danger in the state, and I don't doubt it.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Fresno ranks No. 1 on California pollution list":
FRESNO — The state's new effort to map the areas most at risk from pollution features hot spots up and down California.

But nowhere are there more of the worst-afflicted areas than in Fresno — in particular a 3,000-person tract of the city's west side where diesel exhaust, tainted water, pesticides and poverty conspire to make it No. 1 on California's toxic hit list.

"I'm looking at this map, and all I see is red. We're right here," Daisy Perez, a social worker at the Cecil C. Hinton Community Center, said as she located the center of the red areas that represented the top 10% most-polluted census tracts in California. "It's so sad. Good people live here."

Pollution has long plagued the Central Valley, where agriculture, topography and poverty have thwarted efforts to clean the air and water. The maps released this week by the California Environmental Protection Agency show that eight of the state's 10 census tracts most heavily burdened by pollution are in Fresno.

For residents of the state's worst-scoring area, statistics tell only part of the story of what it is like to live there.

It's a place where agriculture meets industry, crisscrossed by freeways. The city placed its dumps and meat-rendering plants there decades ago.

Historically, it was the heart of the city's African American community. The Central Valley's civil rights movement was centered in its churches. People referred to it as West Fresno, which meant a culture as well as a place.

These days, young community workers call it by its ZIP Code — the "93706 Zone."

It's home to a Latino community — the children and grandchildren of migrant workers; to Hmong and Cambodian farmers; and to a minority African American community that includes those desperate to leave, and an old guard of those who say they will never abandon home.

"The voice of the community is still black. Because we're the ones who now have the wherewithal and time to speak," said Jim Aldredge, who took over running the community center when the city cut its budget. "Look, when you're just trying to survive, you don't have time to go before City Council and all that. Pollution data is the farthest thing from your mind when you're looking for your next meal."

Vox 'Explainer' Zack Beauchamp Owned by Free Beacon

This is just wow!

At Free Beacon, "Four Pinocchios for Vox ‘Explainer’ on ‘Everything You Need to Know About Israel-Palestine’."

Via Twitchy, "‘You just got pantsed’: Fact check destroys Vox Israel-Palestine ‘explainer’; Author attacks byline."

Facts are hard. Well, facts are hard for leftists.

'Because Obama is black and because he's a leftist he's completely protected by the press. Nobody holds him to account. We live in a kind of surreal universe where people will not say the truth. And the truth is that Barrack Obama is a menace to American security...'

It's David Horowitz, via Truth Revolt, "Horowitz: 'Obama is a Menace to American Security'."

Listen at the link.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

'Explosive New Controversy' Over al Qaeda Film at National September 11 Memorial Museum

Megyn Kelly has the story at the clip.

I'm simply flabbergasted at this idiot far-left clusterf-k Chloe Breyer, daughter of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. But she's a dyed-in-the-wool terror apologist and al Qaeda enabler. Islam is not a "religion of peace." That's probably the "Big Lie" of the current post-9/11 era. That's the same lie foisted by the Obama administration when it labels Nidal Malik Hasan's Fort Hood jihad murders --- where he screamed "Allahu Akbar" before opening fire --- as "workplace violence." Fanatical liars like Chloe Breyer are what's wrong with this country, and this mendacious evil doesn't stop with the War on Terror. It's an across the board assault of decency, an epic attack on moral standards of right and wrong, good versus evil. There's no excuse nor forgiveness for people who espouse such evil apologies for terror. Listen to that woman. Simply disgusting. Megyn Kelly, God bless her, remains very professional in handling the interview, but thank goodness for Brooke Goldstein, who calls out Breyer's lies as "incredibly intellectually dishonest." Seriously, this is enough to get your blood boiling. But then, we've been subjected to leftist evil as this for over 12 years since the attacks, and then some.

More at the New York Times, "Film at 9/11 Museum Sets Off Clash Over Reference to Islam":

Past the towering tridents that survived the World Trade Center collapse, adjacent to a gallery with photographs of the 19 hijackers, a brief film at the soon-to-open National September 11 Memorial Museum will seek to explain to visitors the historical roots of the attacks.

The film, “The Rise of Al Qaeda,” refers to the terrorists as Islamists who viewed their mission as a jihad. The NBC News anchor Brian Williams, who narrates the film, speaks over images of terrorist training camps and Qaeda attacks spanning decades. Interspersed are explanations of the ideology of the terrorists, from video clips in foreign-accented English translations.

The documentary is not even seven minutes long, the exhibit just a small part of the museum. But it has over the last few weeks suddenly become a flash point in what has long been one of the most highly charged issues at the museum: how it should talk about Islam and Muslims.

With the museum opening on May 21, it has shown the film to several groups, including an interfaith advisory group of clergy members. Those on the panel overwhelmingly took strong exception to the film, believing some of the terminology in it casts aspersions on all Muslims, and requested changes. But the museum has declined. In March, the sole imam in the group resigned to make clear that he could not endorse its contents.

“The screening of this film in its present state would greatly offend our local Muslim believers as well as any foreign Muslim visitor to the museum,” Sheikh Mostafa Elazabawy, the imam of Masjid Manhattan, wrote in a letter to the museum’s director. “Unsophisticated visitors who do not understand the difference between Al Qaeda and Muslims may come away with a prejudiced view of Islam, leading to antagonism and even confrontation toward Muslim believers near the site.”
And see Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary, "The Myth at the Heart of the 9/11 Museum Film Backlash":
Can you tell the story of the 9/11 attacks without frequent mention of the words “Islamist” and “jihad?” To anyone even remotely familiar with the history of the war being waged on the United States and the West by al-Qaeda, such a suggestion is as absurd as it is unthinkable. The 9/11 terrorists were part of a movement that embarked on a campaign aimed at mass murder because of their religious beliefs. Those beliefs are not shared by all Muslims, but to edit them out of the story or to portray them as either incidental to the attacks or an inconvenient detail that must be minimized, if it is to be mentioned at all, does a disservice to the truth as well as to the public-policy aspects of 9/11 memorials. But, as the New York Times reports, that is exactly what the members of an interfaith advisory group to the soon-to-be-opened National September 11 Memorial Museum are demanding.

After a preview of a film that will be part of the museum’s permanent exhibit titled “The Rise of Al Qaeda,” the interfaith group is demanding the movie be changed to eliminate the use of terms like Islamist and jihad and to alter the depiction of the terrorists so as to avoid prejudicing its audience against them. They believe that the film, which is narrated by NBC’s Brian Williams, will exacerbate interfaith tensions and cause those who visit the museum to come away with the impression that will associate all Muslims with the crimes of 9/11. They even believe that having the statements of the 9/11 terrorists read in Arab-accented English is an act of prejudice that will promote hate.

Yet the impulse driving this protest has little to do with the truth about 9/11. In fact, it is just the opposite. Their agenda is one that regards the need to understand what drove the terrorists to their crimes as less important than a desire to absolve Islam of any connection with al-Qaeda. At the heart of this controversy is the myth about a post-9/11 backlash against American Muslims that is utterly disconnected from the facts. But by promoting the idea that the nation’s primary duty in the wake of the atrocity was to protect the good name of Islam rather than to root out Islamist extremism, interfaith advocates are not only telling lies about al-Qaeda; they are undermining any hope of genuine reconciliation in the wake of 9/11.

As I first wrote in COMMENTARY in 2010 at the height of the debate about the plans to build a mosque in the shadow of the remains of the World Trade Center, the media-driven narrative about a wave of discrimination against Muslims after 9/11 is largely made up out of whole cloth. No credible study of any kind has demonstrated that there was an increase in bias in this country. Each subsequent year since then, FBI statistics about religion-based hate crimes have demonstrated that anti-Muslim attacks are statistically insignificant and are but a fraction of those committed against Jews in the United States. But driven by the media as well as by a pop culture establishment that largely treated any mention of Muslim connections to terror as an expression of prejudice, the notion that 9/11 created such a backlash has become entrenched in the public consciousness.

While the Ground Zero mosque was never built in spite of the support that the idea drew from most of New York’s elites and political leadership, the narrative that emerged from the controversy in which the need to absolve Islam from any ties to the terrorists or al-Qaeda has prevailed. And it is on that basis that the interfaith group protesting the 9/11 museum film may hope to force the institution to surrender....

But rather than think seriously about the implications of a significant segment of the adherents of a major world faith regarding themselves as being at war with the West and the United States, many Americans prefer to simply pretend it isn’t true. They tell us that jihad is an internal struggle for self-improvement, not a duty to wage holy war against non-Muslims that is integral to the history of that faith’s interactions with the rest of the world. They wish to pretend that the radical Islam that motivated al-Qaeda on 9/11 and continues to drive its adherents to terror attacks on Westerners and Americans to this day is marginal when we know that in much of the Islamic world, it is those who preach peace with the West who are the outliers.
Keep reading.

And yes, this whole controversy is rooted in the leftist evil that to speak the truth about September 11 is racist and intolerant. Leftists will bring about the permissive circumstances for yet more attacks on the U.S. and more murders of Americans.

ADDED: From Pamela Geller, at Atlas Shrugs, "Imams and Dhimmi Clergy Condemn Mention of “Jihad” and “Islamist” at 9/11 Museum Exhibit."

#Yankees Pitcher Michael Pineda Ejected for Pine Tar

I was watching the game but had to go pick up my son at his after school program and missed this (hat tip: Becca Lower).

At CBS Sports, "VIDEO: Yankees' Pineda ejected for having pine tar on neck."

Edward Snowden: Patriot or Traitor?

I bought a copy of the new Vanity Fair in hard copy last weekend at Harrah's Resort. That Snowden piece is probably 10,000 words. I don't love those long articles, although I'd recommend this one for anyone looking for a decent recap of all that's gone down with this idiot. He's a traitor IMHO.

See, "The Snowden Saga: A Shadowland of Secrets and Light."

Snowden Vanity Fair photo i1s-snowden-saga-pr_zps9f54e9eb.jpg

They've posted the entire piece, so have at it. I thought it would've been gated, but what do you know?