See also, Stop Islamization of America, "SIOA 911 MEGA MOSQUE PROTEST."
Monday, May 17, 2010
Pamela Geller on Huckabee!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Newt Gingrich Attacks Kagan Nomination and Obama's 'Secular-Socialist Machine'
And then there's Crooks and Liars goon John Amato, freakin' at Gingrich's FNS gig this morning, "Newt Gingrich says President Obama is Nazi-Commie "threat to our way of life":
Movement conservatives like Newt are very adept at talking around their far-out beliefs in a way that almost makes them seem reasonable. They know how to manage the language and play it like an instrument. His tone is muted, never going off pitch and always in control. That's their edge. Karl Rove does it as well.That take is pretty much over the top. Gingrich is a "last generation conservative." He can fire up a crowd --- recall my coverage of his American Solutions talk in February --- but I can't imagine too many tea partiers drooling at the chance to share a couch with Nancy Pelosi to talk up Al Gore's "Alliance for Climate Protection" global warming campaign. Gingrich is obviously gearing up for the 2012 GOP primaries, and last I heard he was still pushing for the GOP to be the "party of yes." But man, no doubt he'll be livin' down some of his famous bipartisanship over the next 18 months. One "Maverick" GOP presidential nominee is enough:
Gingrich, who has changed his religion almost as much as his wives then uses God to justify his odious assertions about the President and what he calls his "secular-socialist machine."
Gingrich was a bit surprised, methinks, that Wallace called him out on his "wildly over the top" attacks on Obama and I think it's because Newt is parroting the exact same beliefs as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and the Teas Partiers which have caused quite a bit of unrest for the GOP elders. And yet, Gingrich is one of the elders---never forget that.
BP Makes Progress in Capturing Gulf Oil Leaks
In contrast, Alyssa Milano sends us over to National Geographic where an additional click takes us to this headline: "Gulf Oil Leaks Could Gush for Years: "We don't have any idea how to stop this," expert says":
Yesterday a smaller dome was laid on the seafloor near the faulty well, and officials will attempt to install the structure later this week.The rest of the piece lays out all the worst case scenarios.
But such recovery operations have never been done before in the extreme deep-sea environment around the wellhead, noted Matthew Simmons, retired chair of the energy-industry investment banking firm Simmons & Company International.
For instance, at the depth of the gushing wellhead—5,000 feet (about 1,500 meters)—containment technologies have to withstand extremely high pressures.
Also, slant drilling—a technique used to relieve pressure near the leak—is difficult at these depths, because the relief well has to tap into the original pipe, a tiny target at about 7 inches (18 centimeters) wide, Simmons noted.
"We don't have any idea how to stop this," Simmons said of the Gulf leak. Some of the proposed strategies—such as temporarily plugging the leaking pipe with a jet of golf balls and other material—are a "joke," he added.
"We really are in unprecedented waters."
The spill is obviously a horrendous environmental disaster, but you'd think leftists would be the first to report progress on slowing the leaks. Amazing the progressive investment in environmental disasters.
Anti-Semite Noam Chomsky Denied Entry to Israel and West Bank
But Chomsky's a longtime enemy of the Jewish state, so it's good and right for Jerusalem to defend its sovereignty. And it's worth noting why. See, for example, Benjamin Kerstein, "Noam Chomsky and the New Anti-Semitism." And from Chomky's entry at Discover the Networks:
According to the website, Chomsky has made the following statements about Israel, Jews, and the Holocaust:
- “I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the holocaust (whether one believes it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence.”
- “I objected to the founding of Israel as a Jewish state. I don't think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.”
- Israel is “a state based on the principle of discrimination. There is no other way for a state with non-Jewish citizens to remain a Jewish state…”
- “Israel is virtually a U.S. military base, an offshoot of the U.S. military system.”
- “There are a great many horrible regimes in the world. To take just one, the world's longest military occupation. There's little doubt that those under the military occupation would be much better off if the occupation were terminated. Does it follow that we should bomb Tel Aviv?”
- “Of course [suicide bombers are] terrorists and there's been Palestinian terrorism all the way through. I have always opposed it….But it's very small as compared with the U.S.-backed Israeli terrorism.”
- “I mean you’d have to go back to the worst days of the American South to know what it’s been like for the Palestinians in the occupied territories.”
- “What this wall [separation barrier] is really doing is…helping turn Palestinian communities into dungeons, next to which the bantustans of South Africa look like symbols of freedom, sovereignty and self-determination.”
Of a pattern with this animus toward Israel is Chomsky’s involvement with neo-Nazis and Holocaust revisionism. This saga began in 1980 with Chomsky’s support of Robert Faurisson, a French anti-Semite who was fired by the University of Lyon for his hate-filled screeds. (“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie,” Faurisson wrote.) Chomsky penned a preface to a book by Faurisson, explaining that the latter was an “apolitical liberal” whose work was based on “extensive historical research” and contained “no hint of anti-Semitic implications.”
Also, an interesting discussion here: "Paul Berman on Noam Chomsky."
Surrendering the Supreme Court to the Left? Wake Up People ... Elena Kagan's Radical!
Well, yeah.I oppose Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. She has no judicial experience, and her main qualification is supporting Obama's radical and socialist views. In her senior thesis "Socialism in New York City (1900-1933)" she said "The story is a sad but also a chastening one for those who, more than half a century after socialism's decline, still wish to change America." One can conclude from her statement that she is disappointed America still hasn't achieved that lofty goal of becoming a socialist nation.
As dean at Harvard, she opposed allowing military recruiters on campus because she disapproved of the "don't ask don't tell" policy. The Supreme Court ruled against her.Concerning the First Amendment, she feels that free speech should be balanced on "the value of the speech against its societal costs." In other words, if the government says it's OK, then you can say it. And most importantly, she agrees with our president that our Constituition is defective. She feels the court's role is to protect the little guy even at the expense of the law. She believes our founders had "outdated notions of liberty, justice, and equality." She is most impressed with the changes in law that have led to "... the emergence of enhanced methods of presidential control over the regulatory state."
I don't believe Elena Kagan can be relied upon to provide an impartial interpretation of the Constitution. The founders set up a republic to keep the power with the people. Kagan believes the power should reside with the ruler, preferably a socialist ruler.
Not so hard to sink in, eh?
And no need to stop with op-ed analyses from everyday folks. We have Elena Kagan's own lamentations on the disaster of Ronald Reagan's election, "Nov. 10, 1980: Fear and loathing in Brooklyn":
Looking back on last Tuesday, I can see that our gut response — our emotion-packed conclusion that the world had gone mad, that liberalism was dead and that there was no longer any place for the ideals we held or the beliefs we espoused — was a false one. In my more rational moments, I can now argue that the next few years will be marked by American disillusionment with conservative programs and solutions, and that a new, revitalized, perhaps more leftist left will once again come to the fore. I can say in these moments that one election year does not the death of liberalism make and that 1980 might even help the liberal camp by forcing it to come to grips with the need for organization and unity. But somehow, one week after the election, these comforting thoughts do not last long. Self-pity still sneaks up, and I wonder how all this could possibly have happened and where on earth I’ll be able to get a job next year.A more "leftist left"?
Well, we got that now, you think?
But to hear the chattering classes tell it, Kagan's actually a conservative. See NYT, "On Speech, Kagan Leaned Toward Conservatives" (via Memeorandum).
That's bull, of course: "Elena Kagan — Worryingly Wobbly On the First Amendment."
And when Miguel Estrada, George W. Bush's failed nominee for the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, wrote a glowing letter in support of Kagan, the leftist press jumped on it with glee:
Talk about a class act.Jim Prevor responds at Weekly Standard, "The Right’s Supreme Court Acquiescence":
You'll recall that Miguel Estrada's nomination to a prestigious federal judgeship was blocked by Democrats and left-wing groups who grossly distorted his record and used every conceivable trick to keep the young, brilliant and, yes, conservative lawyer off the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit -- and out of contention for an eventual spot on the Supreme Court.
But now, rather than join some of his fellow conservatives in blindly lambasting Elena Kagan, Estrada has offered an elegant and earnest testimonial advocating the confirmation of President Obama's Supreme Court nominee.
Miguel Estrada became something of a conservative hero as he endured the abuse of the left during his nomination process for the Appeals Court. There may be reasons for Republicans not to go to the mat on Kagan -- the next nominee may be worse, the Republicans may not hold their 41 votes, it may distract from issues such as the economy, etc. -- but there is no heroism in simply surrendering the Supreme Court to the left, which is the practical implication of Miguel Estrada’s letter.Actually, no surrender. I'd rather fight than quit:
Image Credit: Bosch Fawstin.
BONUS: "Elena Kagan's Senior Thesis Princeton University," at No Sheeples Here! (But taken down at Red State following Princeton University copyright claims ... surprise, surprise, surprise!)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin: Secure the Border - Support Arizona
And here's the website and video for Brewer and Palin's "Secure the Border - Support Arizona": Also, on Twitter, Governor Brewer and Sarah Palin.
Hey, What About That 'Divisive Rhetoric'? Meg Whitman Gets Tough on Immigration
We need common-sense solutions to the problem of illegal immigration while preserving the many benefits our state derives from legal immigration.Yeah. Yeah. Soft and squishy. Let's not be too tough on the border-hoppers.
Too often, the rhetoric surrounding this issue has been overly divisive and disrespectful to Latino American citizens. The country needs to have a thoughtful debate about how we stop the tide of illegal immigration that strains budgets and angers taxpayers. But the immigration debate must take place in a measured way that reflects our national aspirations toward tolerance, hope and opportunity.
Now Ole Whitman's singing a different tune, "Meg Whitman bites back on immigration":
Front-running GOP governor candidate Meg Whitman goes on the defensive in her latest TV ad – an indication that Republican opponent Steve Poizner’s attacks on his rival are effective. His emphasis on the issue of illegal immigration is seeming timely – at least among Republicans – given Arizona’s new law and support for it among some Californians.
Chicago's North Shore Illegals Fear Unwanted Attention as Arizona Steps Up Immigration Enforcement
You gotta know that it's not just the folks up in Highland Park, North Shore, Chicago. Now that Arizona's getting serious, other states and localities are taking notice, and not just the sanctuary-city kind.
At Chicago Tribune, "Highwood keeps a low profile: North Shore Latinos fear controversy could bring attention to quiet community":
About a mile from Highland Park High School, where earlier this month officials decided to keep the girls basketball team from traveling to Arizona, a quiet North Shore community has been guardedly monitoring the firestorm that brought the nation's heated arguments over illegal immigration to its doorstep.
It is in Highwood — where boutique pubs, antique shops and the occasional Mexican restaurant line the small town's commercial strip — that most of Highland Park High's Latino immigrant students live, local activists and parents say.
For that reason, the school district's self-described effort to protect its students from controversy over an Arizona crackdown on illegal immigrants has brought concerns about an unwanted spotlight to Highwood — even though, according to some students, it appears that none of the girls on the current basketball team are immigrant, Latino or Highwood residents.
"I'm a little bit wary of the situation," said Highwood Ald. Quintin Sepulveda, who is Puerto Rican and the first elected Latino official in the town of roughly 4,100 residents. "As good as [the district's] intentions might have been, some of the people I know who live here, they're a little nervous."
The anxiety stems partly from the reality that some of Highwood's immigrant residents are in the country illegally, local activists said. But it also has to do with concern that the controversy will attract the attention of bloggers and radio personalities to this mostly middle-class town of wood-paneled homes, art galleries and outdoor festivals.
"I'm really afraid they're going to bring in (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and that they'll start doing raids here and that's going to be real bad for the community," said one local activist, who asked that her name not be published. "For years, Highwood has been known as a friendly enclave of immigrants from all over the place."
Griff Jenkins Interviews Social Justice Teacher Ron Gochez: 'I Am Against Capitalism'
And listen to the interview. Gochez confirms he's socialist, declaring "I am against capitalism," and he attacks tea party patriots as "violent racists."
What's especially noteworthy here is the statement from L.A. Unified defending Gochez's rights to freedom of speech:
The teacher in question was participating on his personal time and the views he expressed during the gathering were his own and do not represent the views or opinions of the district. There appears to be no direct violation of district policy.Some folks might cringe at this, for example, Todd Starnes: "‘Mexican Revolution’ Teacher Won’t Be Disciplined." But the issue is not so much Gochez's First Amendment rights (which should be protected), but the double standards. Radical left-wing hate speech is rampant in America's public schools, colleges, and universities. Diversity training, "institutional racism" indoctrination, and political correctness are poisoning kids' minds from Los Angeles to Denver to Boston and all points between. Just this week, in Hallsville, Missouri, a high school sophomore was disciplined for displaying a painting from his art class that depicted "President Barack Obama with a hammer and sickle symbolizing communism." And of course, also this week we had David Horowitz's confrontation at UCSD, where a Muslim student admitted support for a second Holocaust. Robert Spencer updates on that, "Muslim Students Association issues deceptive non-condemnation of UCSD student’s endorsement of genocide of Jews." And see my piece as well, "Mark Levine, Radical Pro-Islamist History Professor at UC Irvine, Calls David Horowitz a 'Liar' on Sean Hannity's."
With Arizona's big recent pushback on immigration and ethnic studies, we're really turning a tide in the political debate. For 2010, It's not just small government issues anymore. It's the whole neo-socialist reconquista agenda being pushed by today's Democratic Party establishment. And it's long pased time to give these creeps the boot.
Resurrecting Culture 11? Or, How Faux-Righty Conor Friedersdorf Gets Media Attention
This is becoming a familiar pattern for conservatives who want to waste a double buttload of cash:
- Create a new Web site;
- Promise something innovative and different; and
- Most of all, don’t call Stacy McCain.
Because I don’t anything about “making conservatism fun, light-hearted and accessible.”
Tucson Unified School District Under Fire for Ethnic Studies Program
At KGUN9-TV Tucson, "Does TUSD's ethnic studies program violate Arizona's new law?":
Tucson Unified School District has insisted repeatedly that its ethnic studies program does not violate the terms of Arizona's new law placing restrictions on such courses. Are those statements true? A closer look at TUSD's teaching materials casts doubt on some of TUSD's denials. But even so, that does not answer the larger question of whether students have a right to study the material or whether Arizona has a right to stop them ....
What are the facts?
9 on Your Side took a closer look. One of the textbooks that TUSD uses in its ethnic studies program is Chicano!, by F. Arturo Rosales. The book teaches the history of racism and oppression in the United States directed against the Mexican, Mexican-American, and Hispanic populations. As the name implies, a large portion of the textbook is devoted to the Chicano movement that sprang up to fight social injustice and to push for civil rights. There are some similarities between the Chicano movement tactics that the book documents and the tactics some TUSD students have practicing recently.
The cover of the book features graphic art of protesters with their fists in the air. Pages 248, 249 and 253 feature photographs of Chicano movement members with raised fists. The photograph on page 253 shows a student with a raised fist sitting in a classroom with other students; the text on that page makes the point that Chicano studies programs in the Southwest are "the most visible vestige" of the Chicano movement. A review of KGUN9 News footage over the past week shows many TUSD students raising their fists in the same fashion as those shown in the textbook.
Page 185 shows a picture of students walking out of school as part of a protest. Such student walkouts have been a major component of recent protests in Tucson against the ethnic studies restrictions and against Arizona's controversial immigration crackdown.
And then there is the brown beret issue. Pages 193 and 199 of the textbook show pictures of demonstrators wearing brown berets. The book acknowledges a link to Che Guevara as an inspiration for the berets. Interestingly, the textbook does not explain who Guevara was. Guevara was a Marxist revolutionary leader and a major figure in the Cuba's communist revolution, revered by some as an inspiration to the downtrodden, but reviled by others as a ruthless killer who bragged about personally shooting defectors.
More at the link (via Memeorandum).
Mark Levine, Radical Pro-Islamist History Professor at UC Irvine, Calls David Horowitz a 'Liar' on Sean Hannity's
Watch the clip. At about 5:00 minutes Horowitz questions Levine's defense of UC San Diego student Jumanah Imad Albahri (who refused to condemn Hamas during her exchange with Horowitz). Horowitz dismisses Levine as a "supporter of the Muslim Students Association," and Levine erupts furiously, calling Horowitz a "liar" and demanding that he "prove that I support them."
Well, if anyone's lying it's Levine. The fact is, Levine's been one of the biggest, most prominent supporters of UCI's MSA, which is considered the most radical Islamist campus cell in the nation. After MSA disrupted Ambassador Michael Oren's speech at UCI in February, Levine published a defense of MSA at the Los Angeles Times, "Unfairly Throwing the Book at the 'Irvine 11'." A longer version of Levine's defense is at the History News Network, "Shouting Down the Israeli Ambassador: Boneheaded? Perhaps... Illegal? Not So Fast."
And Jewlicious has an in-depth report of Professor Levine's support for MSA, "UC Irvine Developments, including a hint of hideous speech from a UC Irvine Professor." And see NewsReal, "Plastic Surgery for the Muslim Brotherhood: Can Mark LeVine Hide the Wrinkle?" That essay links to Levine's piece from January this year, "We Need More Radical Muslims," where he notes:
My radical friends and colleagues are routinely oppressed by their governments, attacked by conservatives, obstructed by the United States and ignored by the media and peace groups who should be highlighting their activities and struggles. This suggests they’re doing something right, and that we should be doing more to help them. Of course, that would be pretty radical; but how else to achieve the radical transformation that is necessary to bring peace and democracy to the Middle East, not to mention to America?Plus, in October 2008, Professor Levine organized a lecture at UCI featuring the Muslim Brotherhood's Ibrahim El Houdaiby. The event program is here, "'Religion and Democracy in the Middle East: A New Generation of the Muslim Brotherhood Takes the Stage', with Ibrahim El Houdaiby, leading young member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Cairo."
And the announcement includes the contact information at bottom: "This event is free and open to the public. For further information, please contact Mark LeVine, 949.824.8304."
According to El Houdaiby's entry at Discover the Networks:
Al-Houdaiby's views are supported by UC Irvine (UCI) professor Mark LeVine, who, along with UCI's History Department and its Center for Research on International and Global Studies, invited al-Houdaiby to be a special guest speaker at an October 2008 campus event.And the university's El Houdaiby event was co-sponsored by UCI's Middle East Studies Student Initiative (MESSI).
And of course, UCI's Muslim Students Association homepage lists MESSI as one of the co-sponsors of Israeli Apartheid Week. See, "Israeli Apartheid Week: A Call to Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel – May 10th – May 13st, 2010."
Co-Sponsored By:
Asian Pacific Students Association (APSA), Black Student Union (BSU), Indian Subcontinental Club (ISC), Kababayan, Middle East Studies Student Initiative (MESSI), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA), Pakistani Student Association (PSA), the Radical Student Union (RSU), Society of Arab Students (SAS), Worker-Student Alliance (WSA).
As Horowitz himself might say, "case closed."
'Machete' Coming to a Neigborhood Near You!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Marisa Miller Harley Davidson Summer 2010
BONUS: R.S. McCain's been posting all kinds of hot election coverage, and our good fellow Sir Smitty's gearing up for some epic weekend roundups.
UCI Muslim Student Union's 'Israeli Apartheid Week'
Videos below via Pamela Geller, "'You Jews!' 'You're the New Nazis!'- Malik Ali at UC Irvine," and Gary Fouse, "Day 4 of Hate Week at UC-Irvine":
I am very disappointed that Chancellor Michael Drake did not come out --- especially today --- and see and hear for himself what is going on on his campus especially in light of all the controversy that has given his university a very negative reputation when it comes to this issue. I would have hoped that Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, who continues to deny anti-Semitism at UCI, would have come out and listened to Ali. Ditto for Vice Chancellor Manuel Gomez-wherever he was.
More coverage at Gary's blog.
Outrageous: Ground Zero Mosque Riles 9/11 Families
Also, at Fox news, "Plan to Build Mosque Near Ground Zero Riles Families of 9/11 Victims." (Via Memeorandum.)
Plus, at Bare Naked Islam, "INSULT TO INJURY…Islamic terrorist-supporters want to open the Monster Mosque at Ground Zero on Sept. 11, 2011."
Public Still Backs Offshore Drilling
At WSJ, "Public Still Backs Offshore Drilling":
Public support for expanding the offshore hunt for energy is sturdy, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll suggests, even as a damaged well continues to gush crude into the Gulf of Mexico.
Meanwhile, the spill has taken a toll on support for offshore drilling among Senate Democrats, further hobbling the chances for climate-change legislation, which was unveiled by two senators Wednesday.
Six in 10 respondents to a survey carried out from May 6 to May 10 said they backed more drilling for oil off the U.S. coast. Some 34% said they "strongly" supported it, and 26% said they supported it "somewhat."
More than half of respondents —53%—also said they agreed with the statement that "the potential benefits to the economy outweigh the potential harm to the environment." Respondents in Gulf states were slightly more likely to support additional drilling offshore, with 63% of them saying they would approve of more rigs. The poll has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.
"Stuff happens like that, you still have to press forward, in my opinion," said David Mundy, a retiree in Mitchell, Ind. "We've got to get out of this dependence on oil from foreign countries."
Jane Oakes, an attorney living near Asheville, N.C., said she didn't see that there was a greater risk of accidents involving oil rigs than with tankers importing oil from overseas.
Many respondents said they wanted to see offshore drilling "controlled" in some way, but appeared confident that the risk of future accidents could be reduced and any damage from them limited.
"I'm surprised that the problem hasn't been resolved already," said Linn McCormack, a homemaker in northern New Jersey.
The muted public response to the disaster is a blow for environmental groups as they ready themselves for the energy debate. "If this isn't what it takes, what would it take?" said Neil Shader, a spokesman for the Wilderness Society, which advocates for public-land protection.
The disaster in the Gulf has complicated the Obama administration's push for an energy bill that addresses climate change.
President Barack Obama, Sen. John Kerry (D., Mass.) and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I., Conn.) had hoped to use support for more offshore drilling as a chip to win Republican votes for a broader bill aimed at cutting U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions 80% by 2050.
PARADE Magazine Preview: President Barack Obama, 'Message to the Class of 2010' – You Too Can Be a Community Organizer!
Two days before the inauguration in 2009, PARADE published a letter from Barack Obama to his daughters about what he hoped for them and all the children of America. And on Father’s Day last year, PARADE asked the President to reflect on what fatherhood meant to him. This year, since he could not be at every high school and college commencement, PARADE asked the President what message he’d like to impart to all the graduates in the Class of 2010 in the U.S. Here is an excerpt of the original piece written by President Obama, which appears in full in this Sunday’s issue of PARADE:"'A Message to the Class of 2010," by President Barack Obama":
That is your charge as graduates—our future is in your hands. The United States is still a land of infinite possibilities waiting to be seized, if you are willing to seize them.RELATED: At Weasel Zippers, on the president's Michigan Commencement, "Obama Knocks Fox . . ‘Debate Over More Or Less Gov’t Doesn’t Fit Our Times’ . . . Says He’s Trying To Bring Civility To Politics." (Full text is here, "Remarks by the President at University of Michigan Spring Commencement.")
While government plays a role in making a more prosperous and secure future possible for America, the final outcome ultimately depends on you and the choices you make from here on out.
Of course, each of you has the right to take your diploma and seek the quickest path to the biggest paycheck or the highest title possible. But remember: You can choose to broaden your concerns to include your fellow citizens and country instead. By tying your ambitions to America’s, you’ll hitch your wagon to a cause larger than yourself. You can choose a career in public service or the nonprofit sector, or teach in an underserved school ....
When I left for Chicago after college to be a community organizer, I, like many of you, had no idea what the future would hold for me. What I did know was that somehow, in some way, I wanted to make an impact on the world around me.
Lars Vilks Update: Muslim Mob Chants 'Muhammed, Muhammed' After Beating
Here's Jawa Report's captioned video with the aftermath, ten minutes long, which shows the bloodthirsty Islamists going wild:
RELATED: "Vilks website hacked as cyber hate grows."
And via Atlas Shrugs, "Lars Vilk: al Qaeda Won't Stop Me":
Added: AOSHQ links with, "Plans Announced To Erect Islamic Culture Center On Lars Vilks' Decapitated Body."
Canadian Embassy Shut Down as Protests Escalate in Thailand
At least eight people were killed and up to 121 injured during a day of violence between anti-government protesters and troops which drew months of stand-off in Bangkok closer to an endgame.More at the link.
Three of the wounded were journalists, including a Canadian cameraman shot three times and “gravely” injured during running battles in the streets of the Thai capital.
The violence was sparked by yesterday’s attack — possibly by a sniper — on a renegade army general, who is a key figure on the militant wing of the Red Shirt protests.
Dozens more were injured today, seven fatally, according to reports from hospitals, as troops used teargas and fired live and rubber bullets in an attempt to bring to an end two months of protests in which more than 30 people have died and more than 1,400 people have been injured.
PHOTO CREDIT: "Thai Red Shirt military advisor shot in the head."
And at NYT, "Thai General Shot; Army Moves to Face Protesters," and "Rogue General Shot During Thai Protests." Reports coming in that the general, Khattiya Sawatdiphol, has died. See, "Growing Anarchy in Thailand as Protesters Clash with Military," and "Rogue general killed in Thailand: Anti-government supporter is shot in the head while talking to a New York Times journalist."
AFL-CIO Leads Radical Left's Attack on Arizona's SB 1070
The Women’s Emergency Human Rights Delegation, which includes civil and women’s rights leaders, journalists, union leaders and organizers from the AFL-CIO, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), the National Domestic Worker Alliance (NDWA) and Jobs with Justice (JwJ), visited women at community centers in Phoenix on Mother’s Day to document the experiences of women in Arizona in the wake of the signing of the law. Ana Avendano, an assistant to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, was among the delegation.
Make no mistake: These groups are among the most hardline organizations on the radical left. NDLON is organizing the May 29th "NATIONAL CONVERGENCE TO STOP THE HATE." See also, "Unions Show How to Build a Boycott of Arizona."
Plus, AFL-CIO goons are pushing DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to yank Homeland Security from Arizona's border enforcement operations. See The Hill, "AFL-CIO wants DHS to stop working with Arizona state cops":
Labor group joins civil rights organization in callling on Napolitano to end programs because of immigration law.
One of the nation's most influential labor groups and a civil rights organization on Friday urged Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to end programs with Arizona law enforcement agencies over the state's controversial immigration law.
The AFL-CIO and the Leadership Conference penned a letter to Napolitano, saying that while the administration has said it is opposed to the law, they need to be doing more to protest it.
Young Girls 'Single Ladies' Video Stirs Controversy
Decked out in red midriff-baring tops and hot pants, dancers at a recent competition earned whoops and praise for their skilled moves and obvious talent.There's a GMA video at the link.
But what was an exhilarating performance has turned into an Internet firestorm -- the dancers gyrating on a Los Angeles stage to Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies" were as young as 8.
The girls' parents defended their daughters' performance at the World of Dance, billed as the largest U.S. urban dance competition, saying their daughters' moves and outfits were appropriate for competition.
"This is taken completely out of context," Cory Miller, father of one of the girls, told "Good Morning America" today. "The girls weren't meant to be viewed by millions of people."
It's a little much, and if we had girls I doubt my wife would approve of such a performance for our own children. But Melissa Presch, the dance mother at the clip, has a point that the kids are influenced by their pop culture environment. And a young girls dance concert seems way more natural than a JonBenét Ramsey beauty contest.
Bobcat Kittens Found in Orange County Neighborhood
Thursday, May 13, 2010
FBI Arrests 3 in Times Square Bomb Probe
Plus, Robert Stacy McCain has a huge scoop, "Terrorism at 39 Waverley Avenue?"
Erin Andrews' Hot Tango on DWTS
Elena Kagan's Senior Thesis
Hat Tip: Weasel Zippers.
RELATED: At New York, Times, "Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied" (via Memeorandum).
Also, from Aaron Klein, "Kagan's hero: 'Most liberal activist judge' in world, " and "Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit: Sided with kingdom in case brought by victims of terror attacks."
Caleb Howe Doesn't Like Roger Ebert
I just tweeted @ CalebHowe the other day, so it's strangely funny kinda coincidence. And the fits of apoplexy caused by this are simply astounding.
Even better is that Ebert couldn't let things go, wrote a big follow-up slamming his critics, and gets slammed in return.
BONUS EXTRA: Behold a radical secular demonologist take (hypocritical) exception to the right's clever use of (turnaround) demonology.
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Signs Legisition Banning Ethnic Studies Program
At NYT, "Arizona Law Curbs Ethnic Studies Classes." Plus, from LAT, "signs bill targeting school district's ethnic studies program":
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill targeting a school district's ethnic studies program, hours after a report by United Nations human rights experts condemned the measure.
State schools chief Tom Horne, who has pushed the bill for years, said he believes the Tucson school district's Mexican-American studies program teaches Latino students that they are oppressed by white people.
Public schools should not be encouraging students to resent a particular race, he said.
"It's just like the old South, and it's long past time that we prohibited it," Horne said.
Brewer's signature on the bill Tuesday comes less than a month after she signed the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration — a move that ignited international backlash amid charges the measure would encourage racial profiling of Hispanics. The governor has said profiling will not be tolerated.
The measure signed Tuesday prohibits classes that advocate ethnic solidarity, that are designed primarily for students of a particular race or that promote resentment toward a certain ethnic group.
The Tucson Unified School District program offers specialized courses in African-American, Mexican-American and Native-American studies that focus on history and literature and include information about the influence of a particular ethnic group.
For example, in the Mexican-American Studies program, an American history course explores the role of Hispanics in the Vietnam War, and a literature course emphasizes Latino authors.
Horne, a Republican running for attorney general, said the program promotes "ethnic chauvinism" and racial resentment toward whites while segregating students by race. He's been trying to restrict it ever since he learned that Hispanic civil rights activist Dolores Huerta told students in 2006 that " Republicans hate Latinos."
District officials said the program doesn't promote resentment, and they believe it would comply with the new law.
Nope. No ethnic resentment here.
BONUS: An absolute doozy of an attack by Michael Eric Dyson on Arizona's State Schools Superintendent Tom Horne (who comes back quite well, thank you):
Laura Bush on Larry King Live
Greg Gutfeld Ruffles Media Matters
I've never understood why anyone could watch Gutman and Red Eye. It's supposed to be humor, but it's just stupid and obnoxious. Completely non-funny at all. I would think that anyone who watches it is as sick as Gutman.
Sometimes you just gotta give it up for the other side, but hey, the whole world is evil when Fox News tops the Nielson ratings.
Stand With Arizona, May 29th, Tempe, AZ
And if you need any more reason to Stand With Arizona, just remember what it's like here in Los Angeles, "L.A. City Council votes to ban travel and future contracts with Arizona because of tough new immigration law" (via Memeorandum).
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Marisa Miller's 'American Bombshell' Military Appreciation
See also, "Marisa Miller Salutes the U.S. Military." And, "November is Harley Davidson Military Appreciation Month."
Plus, Harley-Davidson's press release, "Harley-Davidson salutes active and retired U.S. military personnel during first-ever “Military Appreciation Month”."
I'll update with Harley's more recent Marisa Miller campaign tomorrow.