Thursday, August 25, 2011

Progressives Go Nazi on Katy Perry After She Tweeted 'Pray for Israel' in Support of Jewish State

At Hot Air, "Twitterverse couldn’t take it when Katy Perry tweeted, “Pray for Israel”." And at The Blaze, "POP STAR KATY PERRY ATTACKED AFTER TWEETING AN APPEAL FOR HER FOLLOWERS TO ‘PRAY FOR ISRAEL’."

And see especially Michelle, "What happened when Katy Perry tweeted “Pray for Israel”."

Progressive Hate

Progressivism is an ideology of hate and death. Same satanism, different day.

With Glenn Beck by the Temple's Walls

From Barry Rubin, "Glenn Beck’s program in Israel went off without a hitch."

Gotta Love Those Ukrainian Protesters

At The Other McCain, "Not All Feminists Are Ugly and Humorless."

If the video gets pulled, check: "Naked Protest in front of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Kiev, Ukraine."

And the headline at Instapundit: "NSFW: The Ukraine Girls Really Knock Me Out. They leave the West behind."

Apple's Deep Bench

See Wall Street Journal, "Apple Has Deep Bench":

There are few chief executives who are as closely identified with a company as Steve Jobs has been with Apple Inc. Now that he is stepping down as chief executive— although he will be chairman—it will largely be up to his deputies to make sure that the company continues to stay ahead of the competition with trend-setting products and services that impress consumers.

Since Mr. Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 after being ousted in 1985 from the company he founded, he has brought the company back from the brink of bankruptcy, revived its Macintosh computer business and played an unusually important role in the introduction of ground-breaking products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad.

As CEO, he provided a charismatic persona and sharp instinct for knowing what consumers want. But his bench is considered a strong management team that has largely stayed out of the limelight until now.
Continue reading.

RELATED: At New York Times, "Without Its Master of Design, Apple Will Face Challenges."

Libya Could Be Unstable For a Long Time

Lively discussion from Jeremy Scahill, on Morning Joe.

China Backs Libya Rebels

Just now they're backing the rebels?

At Reuters, "China turns to Libya rebels, urges "stable transition'."
China urged a "stable transition of power" in Libya and said on Wednesday it is in contact with the rebel National Transitional Council, the clearest sign yet that Beijing has effectively shifted recognition to forces poised to defeat Muammar Gaddafi.

Obama Vindicated on Libya?

An "In the Arenda" debate, at Politico.

Here's Soren Dayton:
I think that the whole "lead from behind" argument on Libya is a bit of a red herring. The U.S., along with allies and a UN resolution, enforced a no-fly zone. Clearly, getting rid of Qadhafi was the right thing to do. However, the process left quite a lot to be desired. There is already talk of much less support for the next UN resolution because the military activities went well beyond the scope of the UN resolution. It will be much harder to get the next resolution.

At the same time domestically, Obama clearly violated the War Powers Act, something he claimed earlier to hold dear. He showed himself a hypocrite while aligning much of the GOP against the intervention. However, Congress showed its utter incompetence in not claiming some degree of authority over the situation.
Actually, I like John Yoo's take on the war, although I wasn't so gung ho on it myself. See, "We Don't Need U.N. Approval to Save Libyan Lives." But also from Smitty at TOM, "Who Should Be Embarrassed, Mr. Yoo?"

Allen West on Libya, Egypt, etc.

Via Legal Insurrection:

Libya's Limitless Potential, for Good or Evil

From Victor Davis Hanson, at National Review:
The U.S. is in no mood to follow up our military intervention with a postbellum reconstruction program, and we have no idea which factions among the rebels will assume power, or even the nature of the various special interests. So, until the dust settles, no one quite knows whether this is 1917 Russia, 1979 Iran, 2003 Iraq, or 2011 Egypt and Tunisia, or a little of everything.

Sources: Michelle Obama Spending $10 Million in Taxpayer Money on Vacations

At London's Daily Mail, "Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10m in public money on her vacations" (via Memeorandum).

Michelle Obama

Image Credit: The People's Cube.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Baby Tossed From Parking Structure Dies: Mother Sonia Hermosillo, Charged With Attempted Murder, Got Parking Validation After Alleged Crime

At LAT, "Baby dropped from parking structure dies."

Also, "Mom got parking validated after baby allegedly dropped from garage," and "Mother suspected of throwing baby from garage was 'calm, stoic,' police say."

Hurricane Irene

At Miami Herald, "Bahamas taking a battering from Cat 3 Hurricane Irene," and USA Today, "Powerful Hurricane Irene menaces Bahamas." Also at New York Times, "Hurricane Irene Gains Strength as It Batters the Bahamas."

Journalists 'Captive' at Rixos Hotel in Tripoli

A live blog at Telegraph UK, "Libya live: British journalists 'captive' in Tripoli hotel."

Parrots in Irvine

I didn't have my camera. But I was out with the whole family last night and we stopped at 7-11 for refreshments. My wife and oldest boy went in and I waited with my youngest in the Jeep. Next thing I know I see this woman walk out of the 24-Hour Fitness across the parking lot and she comes over near us with her mouth just gaping. She looked like she was talking to herself and I didn't see a phone or a headset. I said to my son, "What is that lady doing?" We had the music on loud so I couldn't hear anything outside. But then I looked over at the wild olive trees and I saw them. Wild parrots were munching away. I've never seen them before. Indeed, I didn't even know we had them. So checking online, the O.C. Register has this, from 2006, "Parrots prosper in Orange County":
Parrots might be gravely endangered in their native rain forests, but not in Orange County, where they've taken up residence in large flocks, attracting both love and hate from people who share their space.

There's a mystery attached to the birds' presence. No one is exactly sure how they got here. One popular theory is that their ancestors escaped from commercial bird importers, surviving because they were wild birds that knew how to forage for food. Another is simply that they migrated north from rain forests in Central and South America.

Large flocks exist in Orange, Santa Ana, Tustin and elsewhere in the county. Some flocks can number hundreds of birds. They generally eat fruit and nuts of exotic plants that, like themselves, have been imported from tropical climates.

Amazon parrots found here include endangered red-crowned parrots, lilac-crowned parrots, red-lored parrots, white-fronted parrots, yellow-headed parrots and blue-fronted parrots. They can be distinguished by stocky bodies and short, squared tails. Mitred parakeets are also common here.
More from Oscar Gonzales.

P.S. My smarty-pants oldest son comes back and I say, "Hey, check out those parrots!" And he says, "I saw them. They escaped from PETCO."

More Cuts Likely to California Higher Education

At LAT, "State colleges, universities may need to make more budget cuts":

Students starting the school year at California Community Colleges this week will pay higher fees and have fewer courses from which to choose. At California State University campuses, students will find their classes packed, fewer library books available and the ranks of part-time faculty thinned.

That dismal picture could worsen if the state's financial problems force colleges and universities to make additional budget cuts mid-year, leaders of the systems said Monday during a conference call with reporters.

As it is, the state's 112 community colleges will offer 5% fewer classes this fall, Chancellor Jack Scott said. Based on projected annual demand, an estimated 670,000 students who otherwise would enroll in at least one class will not be served, he added.

Community college students, whose fees already have risen to $36 per unit for this school year from $26 last year, are likely to face a further increase if state revenue doesn't meet projections. State funding to the two-year colleges was reduced $400 million for this year. Further cuts would trigger an additional $10 per unit fee increase for spring 2012.
Continue reading.

I think it was $10 to go to community college back in 1979. That's when the state still promised a basically free college education to all those who could benefit.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rebels Prepare for Libya Transition

At WaPo, "Libyan opposition leaders prepare for transition":

BENGHAZI, Libya — With rebel fighters celebrating in the streets of Tripoli on Tuesday, opposition leaders in this eastern Libyan city now face tough questions about how they will guide the country through what is expected to be a tumultuous transition.

Some observers have begun to question whether the rebels — ostensibly led by the Benghazi-based Transitional National Council — are up to the task of restarting a failed economy after six months of war, restoring peace, and assuring Libyans and foreign benefactors that they are capable of leading the country.

The rebels have been plagued by infighting almost from the moment they first rose to challenge Col. Moammar Gaddafi, and the friction has not subsided despite celebrations on Tuesday as rebel fighters stormed the leader’s compound in Tripoli.

The top rebel commander was assassinated last month in a case that remains unsolved, but that has spurred furious accusations among various rebel factions. When an investigation of the killing bogged down, rebel council chief Mustafa Abdul Jalil dismissed his cabinet.

Concerns about the rebel leadership deepened on Tuesday after Gaddafi’s most influential son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, appeared in public despite rebel claims that he had been captured.

“The Transitional National Council is not without its problems,” said Geoff Porter, an analyst with North Africa Risk Consulting. “Its decision-making process is unpredictable and far from transparent. . . .This suggests that future dealings with the council are going to be prickly, challenging and uneven.”
That doesn't sound so hot. More at that top link.

Also at LAT, "Kadafi vows victory or 'martyrdom' in Libyan uprising," and NYT, "Qaddafi Defiant After Rebel Takeover." But see Chicago Tribune, "Rebels overrun Gaddafi HQ, say he's 'finished'."

'Under Pressure'

Well, I'm back to my weekday commute and tuning into The Sound LA regularly. And that's good. I had Foster the People on the brain there for a while.

Anyway, this should hold readers over until tonight when I'm back home and can blog. That Queen concert is something else, by the way, and David Bowie's live version is below. Until then...

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Heckled Off the Stage at Iowa State Fair

Oh, this is the best!

At The Other McCain, "Debbie’s Very Bad Day in Iowa":


Great coverage from R.S. McCain in Iowa. The dude couldn't get all that stuff posted at the time.

Courageous Trannies

Kathy Shaidle has some Canadian transsexual sick fuck losers she's dealing with. See: "The tyranny of trannies: even their failures, they insist, are ‘courageous’."

I posted on this previously, with reference to my (anti-)American pro-gay, possibly pro-pedo hate blogging ASFL W. James Casper: "'Trannies are pretty much at the bottom of any “courage” measurement system, somewhere below wedding planner and used car salesman'."

RELATED: The LULZ write themselves with these freaks. See, "'Asshole of the Day'," and "W. James Casper: 'I Was in the Pool!!'"

Steven Givler: The Ignorance of the New York Times

A fresh entry from my good friend, "The New York Times - Ignorance Times Twelve."

It's excellent. Steven puts the good word in for community college professors, people like myself, who the ASFL progressives like to disparage mercilessly. Pfftt. "Elite" pricks.

Libya: Key Role Played by Britain in Fall of Tripoli

Beats sharing an aircraft carrier with other mid-ranking powers, I guess.

At Telegraph UK:

The key role played by Britain in equipping and advising Libya’s rebel fighters for their final push on Tripoli was becoming clear last night as Col Muammar Gaddafi’s remaining forces staged a last stand around his bunker.

For weeks, military and intelligence officers have been helping the rebels plan their co-ordinated attack on the capital, and Whitehall sources have disclosed that the RAF stepped up raids on Tripoli on Saturday morning in a pre-arranged plan to pave the way for the rebel advance.

MI6 officers based in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi had honed battle plans drawn up by Libya’s Transitional National Council (TNC) which were agreed 10 weeks ago.
The constantly-updated tactical advice provided by British experts to the rebel leaders centred on the need to spark a fresh uprising within Tripoli that could be used as the cue for fighters to advance on the city.

But when it finally came, the speed with which it achieved its goal took everyone, including the rebels, by surprise.
Pretty cool.

Keep reading.

RELATED: At Legal Insurrection, "Uh oh, Saif al-Islam free and talking."

The Gettysburg Address

Delivered by President Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I spend time discussing the Gettysburg Address during my coverage of Chapter One in Bessette and Pitney's, American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy, and Citizenship. Yesterday, as I pulled the speech up onto the projection screen, I asked students in class what they thought of it. Not a single student raised their hand. And this has been a pretty lively discussion group so far, so they honestly weren't familiar with it. That's why I spend extra time on it. I feel it's important and also that students are shortchanged by not knowing so powerful a statement on human freedom. It's such a vital affirmation of our liberty and the promise of equality. I love Abraham Lincoln. I'll be discussing the speech all day today:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Lincoln Memorial

'Asshole of the Day'

What do you know? A lot of these pricks stalking around the tubes these days, it turns out. I dealt some assholes yesterday myself, bunch of ASFLs. Goes with the territory, I guess. Progressive losers just hate --- and I mean, really, really hate --- my moral clarity. That, and try as they might they just can't beat me into submission. And believe me, these idiots are big blowhards slamming face first faster than you can say narcissistic personality disorder. Of course, now they're insinuating death threats, natch. The left's satanic's verses. I deal with it, frankly, since you gotta stand up these commie pricks, and I'm just the guy to do it. The keep beating their brains trying to take me down. I'm still standing. Dickwads.

Anyway, see Amy Alkon's post. She's a beauty.

David Letterman Responds to Death Threats

At NYT, "Letterman Responds to Death Threats in Monologue."

W. James Casper: 'I Was in the Pool!!'

Here's a follow-up to "W. James Casper H8® — Was That Wrong?"

And you know, it's just sad. W. James Casper claims to have children too. Poor kids. Probably would be better off as wards of the state. The bad dad sponsors so much hatred and threats at his website it's almost criminal that he's got any custodial responsibilities. (That is, if he's not lying about actually having a family, and considering the epic loser status we're dealing with here, well, who the hell knows?!!) W. James Casper's moral compass is more shriveled that George Costanza's scrotal sac: "I was in the pool!! I was in the pool!!" And note how W. James Casper's got even less hair than George, and twice the weight, as far as I can tell, so hey, it's a pretty good fit, ASFL:

RELATED: "W. James Casper is a Coward, a Fraud, and a Liar."

Ezra Levant on the Situation in Libya

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Moammar Gadhafi - Still Not Dead":

'ScamProf' Law Professor Paul Campos Interviewed at Wall Street Journal

Ann Althouse pretty much nailed it the other day, in an update to her post on epic law prof loser and Lawyers, Gun and Money blogger Paul Campos:
I'd say Paul Campos is doing just fine. He should keep up the graphomania, hook Oxford University Press again, and grasp the fame and money that comes from writing a pithy polemic that hits right in the zone as people question the value of a legal education.
Yep, see WSJ, "A Q&A With the Creator of ‘Inside the Law School Scam’."

I have a neat little related story on this, but that'll have to wait for another post.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Nate Silver Has a Neat Graphic on the Republican Presidential Field

Silver's badly overrated as a political analyst, but this one's worth a look. See: "There’s Room for More G.O.P. Candidates." (At Memeorandum.)

And Reliapundit's on the same wavelength: "NATE SILVER: PRETTY CHARTS, BUT FAULTY REASONING."

Gaddafi Loyalists Hold On in Libya

At New York Times, "Loyalist Holdouts Fight Rebels in Tripoli."
TRIPOLI, Libya — Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi remained at large Monday, and loyalist forces still held pockets of the city, stubbornly resisting the rebels’ efforts to establish full control, but there was little doubt that the Libyan leader’s four-decade grip on power was ending.
Also at WaPo, "Battle for Tripoli not yet over as Gaddafi loyalists strike back." And Memeorandum.

VIDEO: Bill Whittle's Talk in Newport Beach

Okay, one one more entry to hold readers until tonight.

At the Correspondence Committee:
These videos are absolutely worth the time.
I ask Bill a question at about 15:30 minutes at the third video, Q & A:

PREVIOUSLY: "Bill Whittle in Newport Beach!"

'Till the World Ends'

Britney will hold you over until I'm back online later this afternoon:

Mountain Rebels May Have Turned Tide in Tripoli

I checked the headlines as I woke up to see if Gaddafi was gone, but not quite yet.

And at LAT, "Libya's gritty mountain rebels may have turned tide in Tripoli":

With attention focused on important cities and bigger battles to the east, Moammar Kadafi may have underestimated the tenacity of the uprising in the western mountains.

Plus, "Libyan rebels tighten grip on Tripoli as Kadafi stays in hiding."

And at Foreign Policy, "Obama: Rebel government in Libya must step up now," and WaPo, "World leaders call on Gaddafi to surrender."

Pianist Yuja Wang's Sexy Dress Rocks the Hollywood Bowl

Except she wasn't there to rock the house.

At LAT, "Classical gasp: Yuja Wang's dress at the Bowl causes a crescendo":

Yuja Wang

Pianist Yuja Wang struck a chord at the Hollywood Bowl this month and not just with her performance of Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto. The 24-year-old Chinese soloist had necks craning, tongues wagging and flashbulbs popping when she walked on wearing an orange, thigh-grazing, body-hugging dress atop sparkly gold strappy stiletto sandals.

In particular, Wang's outfit was a hot topic at the concert and continued after Times music critic Mark Swed's review appeared in print and online. While Swed praised her delicacy, speed and grace at the piano, his fashion comments — including the observation: "Her dress Tuesday was so short and tight that had there been any less of it, the Bowl might have been forced to restrict admission to any music lover under 18 not accompanied by an adult" — have touched off a spirited debate among music critics and bloggers about what constitutes appropriate concert attire and conversely, whether a critique of a performer's clothes has any place in a music review.

It should be noted that while the Los Angeles Philharmonic has a very specific dress code for members of its orchestra (several ones, actually, depending on the time of day and season), it does not apply to soloists. They, according to an L.A. Phil representative, are informed what the orchestra will be wearing and can choose whatever they feel is most appropriate. "For women that's traditionally an evening gown," the rep said, "but that's not always the case."
God, that staid. Bunch of poofters.

More pics at the link. (And Cameron Carpenter's cool.)

Ten Years After September 11, 2001

The anniversary's coming up pretty quick.

Zilla's got some reflections: "No Quarter."

It's Over. The U.S. is Toast. I Give Up!

From the House of Sunny Socialist Lobotomies.

I rest my case even before you listen. We're screwed.

Libya Celebrates

At London's Daily Mail, "Tyrant's sons 'held by rebels': Celebrations in capital amid claims Gaddafi has run away 'like a coward'."

Updates later...

'I Think You Would Have to Be Racist to Even Think He Was Talking About Barack Obama'

If you've seen the Ed Schultz segment, just scroll forward to 1:20 minutes.

Via Hot Air.

'The Tea Party Can Go Straight to Hell'

Rep. Maxine Waters announces her post-civility tour:

Conditional Pregnancy

I have a lot of pro-choice women in my classes, so this story just seems so foreboding. DNA tests can now determine the sex of the child at 7 weeks, so it's quite easy for a pregnant mom to decide to abort. Audrey Chapman, a health bioethicist cited at the piece, says this:
“I think over the long run this has the potential of changing attitudes toward pregnancy and to family” ... “Women may be less invested in their pregnancies earlier than they are later, and the question has been raised whether women will look at their pregnancies increasingly as being conditional: ‘I will keep this pregnancy only if.’ ”
Read it all at New York Times, "If You Really, Really Wanted a Girl ..."

Iron Dome Missile Defense System Intercepting Grad Rockets

At Double Tapper, "Video: Iron Dome saving lives."

And some perspective at A Soldier's Mother.

BONUS: At Jerusalem Post, "More rockets fired at South despite reports of ceasefire."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

'Operation Mermaid Dawn'

At Telegraph UK, "Libya: how 'Operation Mermaid Dawn', the move to take Tripoli, unfolded."

At at Wall Street Journal, "Libyan Rebels Reach Tripoli":
Libyan rebels poured into Tripoli on Sunday after seizing a nearby military base, as fears of a bloody fight gave way to scenes of jubilant rebels surging toward the city's center and meeting little resistance from Col. Moammar Gadhafi's defenses.

Meanwhile, Sidiq al-Kibir, the rebel leadership council's representative for the capital, said Col. Gadhafi's son and onetime heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, has been arrested, according to multiple wire reports.

As rebels pushed into the capital's western edge, they were greeted by exultant residents waving rebel flags, as Col. Gadhafi's grip on the capital appeared to be slipping.

In an audio recording aired on state television late Sunday night, Col. Gadhafi, who has ruled the oil-rich country for 42 years, claimed he was still in Tripoli and urged Libyans to defend their homeland against the rebels. "I am with you here, I am in Tripoli," he said. It wasn't immediately clear whether the tape was live or prerecorded.

On Sunday, rebel officials said a number of security personnel had defected, including commanders from the external security service, which gave rebels access to antiaircraft missiles.

The officials said rebels were negotiating with the bodyguards of another top general in Tripoli for him to be handed over to the rebels.
And now a long thread at Memeorandum.

Libyan Rebels March on Tripoli: Reports of Gaddafi's Son Captured; UPDATE!! Muammar Gaddafi Flees to Algeria!; Breaking: Gaddafi in Hiding!

Allahpundit has a big report, "Breaking: The end of Qaddafi? Update: Qaddafi shot dead? Update: Or not; Update: Qaddafi’s son captured."

And you gotta love this video, with the Libyan news anchorwoman brandishing a gun and pledging to die for the regime:

See also Robert Stacy McCain, "Qaddafi Cornered as Rebels Attack Tripoli."

And the Lede has a live blog, "Latest Updates on the Battle for Tripoli":
5:36 P.M. Rebels Claim They 'Control Most of the Capital'

Waheed Burshan, a spokesman for Libya's National Transitional Council, told Al Jazeera English a few minutes ago that the rebels have indeed captured Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, the son of the Libyan leader, and now "control most of the capital."
Also, at Telegraph UK, "Libya conflict: Final battle for Libya under way as rebels advance on Tripoli."

3:22pm PST: Fox News is reporting that Libya's Muammar Gaddafi has flown to Algeria, and also at Israel Matzav:
Israel Radio has just reported that Muammar Gadhafi has fled and the city of Tripoli has fallen. More to follow.

What happens next remains to be seen.
Britain's Sun newspaper has this, "Gaddafi hides as rebels swarm into Tripoli":
LIBYAN tyrant Colonel Gaddafi was tonight in hiding and clinging to power by his fingertips as rebel forces swarmed into the heart of Tripoli.

The major advance to within half a mile of the capital's iconic Green Square centre had former loyalists predicting the end of Gaddafi's 42-year rule was perhaps just hours away.

Downing Street called on the 'Mad Dog' dictator to step down immediately to avoid further bloodshed amid reports that his sons Seif and Mohammed had been captured by opposition fighters.

Thousands of wildly celebrating civilians lined the streets of Tripoli to welcome the rebel column; there was no resistance from Gaddafi's few remaining forces after a six-month uprising.

Carl Salonen Libelous Workplace Allegations of Child Pornography and Sexual Harassment at Long Beach City College

Below is an e-mail communication sent to my college by libelous hate-blogger Carl Salonen. This is just one of a number of communications that were sent to the offices of Eloy Oakley, President of Long Beach City College, Doug Otto, President of the Long Beach City College Board of Trustees, Dr. Jack Scott, Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, and Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California.

I previewed my thoughts on this the other day. See: "The Claims of Grievance-Bearing Identity Groups Will Always Prevail Over Fairness." As noted, Carl Salonen's entire hate program is predicated on malice and lies. As I will show later, he made allegations not to correct any perceived injustices, but to destroy a political enemy. His attacks went from what most of us online know as "flame wars" to something else entirely: A specific campaign to harm me personally, by slandering my reputation and by possibly bringing about the termination of my employment. And it was all based on lies. As I noted many times, progressives will sink to the lowest depths of utter depravity to silence and destroy those with whom they disagree and those they hate. Law Professor William Jacobson once wrote on the earlier campaigns of harassment against me:
We don’t all just have to get along. But there are certain lines which should not be crossed, and trying to disrupt another blogger’s employment crosses that line. Can we at least agree on that?
Progressive do not agree on that, because they live by the rule of the mob.

Now, first notice the subject line of Carl Salonen's e-mail: "Invasion of Privacy, Slander, Libel, and Who Knows What Else."

None of this is true:

* I have not invaded the privacy of Carl Salonen.

* I have not slandered or libeled Carl Salonen.

* And there is no "who knows what else."

Now, to continue, let's go to specifics.

First, President Oakley does not hold a Ph.D. Thus Carl gives him a backhanded insult by not doing his research before complaining, since President Oakley would no doubt like to have a Ph.D. and there's a norm in the academy that a college president have that kind of distinction. Thus the slight. Idiotic hubris gets Carl Salonen off on the wrong foot.

Second, as noted previously, I am not posting pictures or videos of underage women. There's only been one specific claim that I've blogged underage women, which was first posted (and made into an urban legend) at the disgraced academic hate blog Lawyers, Guns and Money. Specifically, with permission, I posted a picture of GSGF's blog buddy Lauren, who at the time of the photo was 21-years-old. See GrEaT sAtAn"S gIrLfRiEnD, "Soft Power." I have never posted pictures of "underage women" at this blog. Carl Salonen only makes allegations. He provides no evidence to support them.

Third, Carl Salonen claims that I "make" students go to my blog to view "said images" of allegedly "underage women." This is one more of those false legends that's been spread around at the laughingstock hate blog Lawyers, Guns and Money. The allegation holds that I assign students to read my blog. I've never assigned students my blog (all one has to do is review course syllabi, which are the legal records for college classes). I have used my blog in the classroom, although I no longer do so, primarily because of the attack campaign launched by Lawyers, Guns and Money three or four years ago. Besides, there's a separate question of academic freedom, although I don't raise that issue because I obviously wouldn't advocate many of my blog postings for classroom consumption. At issue really is the propriety of outside complaints in and of themselves. My college at first did not take seriously Carl Salonen's complaints. Indeed, they considered them harassment from a party with no legitimate business with the college. It was after I inquired about a second set of complaints (from Lawyers, Guns and Money) that I was informed of Carl Salonen's slanders. The utter depravity and outrageousness of the allegations forced me to obtain legal counsel. I'm thankful for the help I received, although it's a disgrace that such a step was even necessary, given my rights as a professor and citizen. But recall, "The Claims of Grievance-Bearing Identity Groups Will Always Prevail Over Fairness."

Four, Carl Salonen slurs my name with sleazy insinuations, such as "I'm sure you've heard the name in other contexts that have brought less than praise to LBCC." I have a fine reputation at LBCC. I have fine relations with my colleagues and I've built longstanding mentor relationships with a large number of current and former students. I've even been featured in the Long Beach Press-Telegram, with a photograph, when I gave a talk on campus safety issues following the Virginia Tech shootings. And the college's recent panel on the "Facebook Revolution" in Egypt was extremely well received. Everything's just fine. And of course, there's never been any student legal complaints against me. Carl Salonen's mind is warped and his deeds are evil.

Fifth, Carl claims his "evidence" shows that I wrote blog posts about him while at work. While this seems to be a specific allegation, according to a review of all the blog posts in question (Carl Salonen submitted pdf copies of these) not a single post was written during either my contract teaching hours or while I was physically on campus. I often blog in the mornings from home before I leave for my classes, and Carl Salonen must have assumed that I'm in the office at 8:00am pounding away blog posts when more than likely I'm waiting to take my kid to school while reviewing the news online. Further, my college does not in fact prohibit faculty and staff from using college equipment to publish communications to social networking and communications websites. There are limits, of course, but no outright prohibition. If an issue were ever to be raised over such postings, a complaint would have to come from a student filing a formal claim or grievance. Thus, Carl Salonen falsely assumed that he could threaten my employment by claiming that I attacked him with college resources.

Sixth, and this is a doozy, Carl Salonen writes:
But that's not what concerns me. What concerns me is Dr. Douglas has apparently decided to invade the privacy of an innocent man based on the say-so of an admitted emotionally and mentally deficient woman.

My proof is attached in the various PDFs I have accumulated.

To-wit, he accuses me of being someone that I am not: TinTin, an anonymous blogger at a website called "Sadly, No!" which has on occasion mocked Dr. Douglas for factual error, erroneous conclusions and misinformation.

That's amusing to me, of course. While I am someone who has spent a great deal of time at "Sadly, No!" I am neither on the staff of "Sadly, No!" nor am I in any way shape or form associated with the people who run the site.
Where to begin? Notice the lie, for one thing: If my blogging included allegedly underage girls and allegedly making my students read those postings didn't concern Carl Salonen, he wouldn't have filed a complaint in the first place. He long ago slandered me on Twitter as a "child pornographer" and he obviously wanted to get those allegations spread all the way across California's educational system. That's how vicious smears work. Moreover, I never invaded the privacy of an "innocent" man. Information about Carl Salonen is posted all over the web. He applied for a trademark for an apparel line called "Young & Hung" and the listings are available to anyone on Google. And of course his Facebook and Twitter pages are there for all to see as well (he's taken down his Facebook page, however). I've never contacted Carl Salonen's place of employment. Indeed, I wouldn't even know his employer's contact information had Carl Salonen not filed his malicious complaints against me. In sum, everything I've posted or screencapped was available online for anyone to access. There is no expectation of privacy in those circumstances. Carl Salonen's like a bleating pig, whining about harms that exist only in his hate-filled imagination. And note too the lies about the "say-so of an admitted emotionally and mentally deficient woman." That would be Amy Alkon, who wrote about Carl Salonen here: "The Attack On My Book." Whether Amy Alkon is "emotionally and mentally deficient" is irrelevant. Not only does she show that Carl Salonen did indeed attack her book with fraudulent book reviews intended to deflate sales, and hence harm her personal economic livelhood, Carl Salonen bragged about doing so, and posted the same false book reviews to the comment threads at Sadly No! I still believe that Carl Salonen is more involved with the Sadly No! blog than he is willing to acknowledge. But without evidence, all we can do is highlight that which is documented. What's troubling is not just how dishonest are these allegations and excuses in the complaints at my college, but that Carl Salonen thought that it would be fun to try to destroy a woman who he himself claims is "emotionally and mentally deficient." He would bring harm to someone who he considers physically and psychologically inferior. That puts him right up there with Josef Rudolf Mengele, and the only difference in my opinion is that Carl Salonen hasn't had the chance to kill those whom he has targeted. I have no doubt that he's capable of that scale of evil. He's a sociopath. Given real power I shudder to think of the holocaust of hate he would attempt to bring about.

In any case, read the text below for further review of the allegations. Carl is right that I pulled my entries that claimed he is in fact "Tintin." I have insufficient evidence for those claims, and if Carl Salonen thought that was not enough to pull the posts, he could have filed a lawsuit against me for defamation. But again, that's not what Carl Salonen was out to achieve. I've learned a lot about Carl Salonen over the last few months, and he's not one to back off from a challenge nor is he one let others have the last word. What he can't do is win anything on the merits. He can't have an honest debate because he's fundamentally dishonest.

This post is now quite long although I also promised to debunk the other e-mail complaints that were submitted. And you don't want to miss this. Carl Salonen had the extreme temerity to threaten Long Beach City College President Eloy Oakley. I'll have that later.

-----Original Message-----
From: carlsalonen
To: eoakley
Sent: Mon, May 16, 2011 3:20 pm
Subject: Invasion of Privacy, Slander, Libel, and Who Knows What Else.

Dear Dr. Oakley,

I trust this letter finds you well. I'm fairly sure it will not leave you that way, sadly.

You have on staff an associate professor Donald Douglas. This is his university website:

This is his personal blog:

It seems Dr. Douglas has been rather busy lately, posting photographs and videos of possibly underage women in various states of undress (and of course, making his students go to his blog, thus viewing said images).

I'm sure you've heard the name in other contexts that have brought less than praise to LBCC.

You'll note with interest, I'm sure, the time stamps on his posts at his personal blog. Many if not most appear to occur during academic hours.

But that's not what concerns me. What concerns me is Dr. Douglas has apparently decided to invade the privacy of an innocent man based on the say-so of an admitted emotionally and mentally deficient woman.

My proof is attached in the various PDFs I have accumulated.

To-wit, he accuses me of being someone that I am not: TinTin, an anonymous blogger at a website called "Sadly, No!" which has on occasion mocked Dr. Douglas for factual error, erroneous conclusions and misinformation.

That's amusing to me, of course. While I am someone who has spent a great deal of time at "Sadly, No!" I am neither on the staff of "Sadly, No!" nor am I in any way shape or form associated with the people who run the site.

So Dr. Douglas is about to embark (based on his post of today, entitled "Outing TinTin") on a witch hunt. That's the implication I draw from his comments there and in other places.

Indeed, in that post, he makes reference to having temporarily taken down other, noxious posts that involved my identity, including a screencap of my Facebook page, my photograph and other personally identifying information.

Clearly, he has some hestitation now about his actions, but I'm afraid that is not enough. Dr. Douglas has decided to share his information with his compatriots and fellow right-wing bloggers (see the PDF from Stacy McCain's site entitled "Carl Salonen & The Left Wing Trolls...")

Dr. Oakley, it is within your power to prevent at least some of this, and as Dr. Douglas is a faculty member at your university and therefore represents you to the community, I must ask you to step in and put whatever influence you can to stopping this.

It's bad enough he's chosen to invade my privacy and my quietude but you'll note he's decided to also continue in his quest to pursue yet another individual and expose him/her.

As a matter of course, I am forwarding a hard copy of this letter and all attachments to the attorney general for the state of California, Kamala D. Harris, as well as to the Board of Trustees in care of Douglas Otto. Perhaps it will reach him in time for next week's meeting.

Thank you very much for your attention and have a nice day


Carl Salonen

Berlin Copes With Car Burning Surge

Via Google, here's the headline at Wall Street Journal, "Berlin Authorities Struggle to Stop Car Burning Surge."

BERLIN — German authorities are scrambling to contain and make sense of a surge in car torchings in the nation's capital that have raised fears that the vandalism spree could escalate into the broader, more dangerous forms of street crime that have recently hit other pockets of Europe.

Setting cars on fire has become a popular form of class protest and petty crime in recent years in Berlin, triggered in part by tensions over fast-rising rents and other forms of gentrification in this relatively poor city compared with other major German cities. But the latest spate—including some 60 cars torched in four nights—marks a sharp surge in the arson attacks. While previous car burnings were largely confined to Berlin's up-and-coming working class neighborhoods, such as Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain, the latest spate has rapidly spread to its more affluent western districts.

They also come amid a wave of street violence across other parts of Europe—most notably riots in London and other U.K. cities this month—that so far has largely left Europe's largest economy relatively unscathed. Elsewhere on the Continent, violence has erupted in countries chafing under austerity measures, such as protests marred by police clashes in Spain and Greece and the deadly firebombing of an Athens bank building just over a year ago.

In Berlin, the circumstances behind the rash of car torchings appear largely local, but many residents and crime experts believe growing economic tensions within the city limits play a role. While Germany's national unemployment rate hovers around 7%, in Berlin it remains stuck at 13.5%. Meanwhile rising rents and real-estate prices are displacing more of its poorer residents from its central and increasingly trendy neighborhoods.
And checking back at that Google search, a number of articles have mystified titles, such as "Is 'Tourism Fatigue' Behind Berlin Arson Wave?", at Spiegel, and "Berliners Still Can't Work Out Who's Torching Their Luxury Cars," at Business Insider. But c'mon, there's no mystery. Business Day nails it, "Berlin’s far left vents fury on ‘fat cat’ cars":
ARSONISTS had set fire to 26 cars in Berlin in the past two days, mainly Mercedes-Benzes, BMWs and Audis, police said yesterday, bringing the number torched in the city this year to at least 138.

Far-left extremists were targeting German luxury cars, symbols of the country’s wealth and export prowess, police said.

"The arsonists want to hit what they say are ‘fat cats’," Berlin police spokesman Michael Gassen said. A special unit was investigating the fires as political crimes after the police received letters claiming responsibility that derided globalisation, gentrification and rising rents, he said. No arrests have been made in the most recent string of attacks.

The fires come amid worsening economic data and political discontent in the country. German growth, last year the motor of Europe’s recovery, almost ground to a halt in the second quarter. Gross domestic product, adjusted for seasonal effects, rose 0,1% from the first quarter, the Federal Statistics Office said this week.

Almost two years into the European debt crisis , restiveness over Germany’s contribution to rescues is weighing on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition as voters rebel over providing aid to fellow euro-zone countries.

When Germany in 2009 experienced its worst recession since the Second World War , a record 221 cars were torched.

A key factor in the unrest is that about 40% of youths are either without a high school certificate or a paying job, said Johannes Becker, head of the Centre for Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg. "In Britain … people are predisposed to jumping on the bandwagon . They see that something is up and want to be part of it, to add some fuel to the fire, as it were. With these cars in Berlin, they are in contrast consciously trying to send a message."
See? That wasn't hard. Far left groups are seizing the moment to heighten revolutionary tensions, but since it's not likely any of the European democracies are at risk of their governments being overthrown, the violence ends up being purely anarchist and nihilist. And that's all you're going to get from the progressive, neo-communist left. It's all of a piece. And it's not only murderously destructive, it's morally reprehensible. Freakin' ASFLs.

Weekly Republican Address, 8/20/11: Ohio Governor John Kasich

I really like Gov. Kasich. He's a follow-back guy on Twitter, which I thought was cool. And his presentation here just sounds like so much common sense. It's almost ridiculous how much optimism bursts forth from what he has to say. A can-do spirit is what this country needs amid endless progressive gloom-and doom and recrimination. Here's wishing Ohio luck and hopefully we'll see Kasich on the presidential campaign trail sometime in the future:

'Trannies are pretty much at the bottom of any “courage” measurement system, somewhere below wedding planner and used car salesman'

That's Kathy Shaidle, "Mentally ill castration fetishist has a newspaper column, and I don’t."


I'm surprised RACIST = REPSAC = CASPER didn't invent that one. See, "Hate-Blogger™© W. James Casper and the Pro-Pedophilia Movement."

Is Rick Perry 'Pro-Sharia'?

I put "pro-sharia" in quotation marks since you'd have to be a Muslim extremist to favor sharia law over Western constitutionalism. But there's some big debate on Rick Perry's warm ties with the Aga Khan organization, which apparently funds some kind of Islamic awareness education program in Texas. And earlier I saw this big write-up at Bare Naked Islam, but didn't pay too much attention: "Don’t know if there’s any truth to the rumor that Rick Perry’s daughter is married to the Muslim son of the Aga Khan…but there sure is a lot of information out there about Perry’s Islamo-pandering in Texas as well as his not having a problem with construction of a tower of terror in the form of the Ground Zero Victory Mosque in NYC."

Anyway, I also saw Pamela Geller writing about all of this earlier as well, and now here's this: "PAMELA GELLER IN THE AMERICAN THINKER: SMEARING GELLER ON PERRY."


Lots of information so follow the links.

As I noted last week, Rick Perry's been under the radar and Americans are just now learning about him, which is the purpose of political campaigns. But Islam in America is largely driven by a subtererranean supremacy agenda that you won't learn about in the terror-coddling press. And if Perry turns out to be the GOP field's Grover Norquist, then I'll campaign against him aggressively.

Expect updates.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

BWAHAHA!! Paul Campos, Law Professor and Asshat Blogger at Lawyers, Guns and Money, Outed as 'ScamProf'

At left, freakin' asshat Law Professor and LGM blogger Paul Campos, a.k.a ScamProf.


See The Tax Prof, "Anonymous Law Prof Behind Law School Scam Blog Outs Himself: Paul Campos."

And here's this, from Brian Lieter, "Update on ScamProf":

ScamProf is the failed academic who has done almost no scholarly work in the last decade, teaches the same courses and seminars year in and year out, and spends his time trying to attract public attention, sometimes under his own name, this time anonymously. These are important facts about ScamProf, since he is indeed scamming his students and his state, and his initial posts were tantamount to a confession that he's not doing his job. His colleagues, in any case, now know who he is, and are quite understandably angry, since the reckless generalizations are naturally read as commentary on them. After we called him out Monday, ScamProf pulled back a bit, and switched gears and stopped projecting his own failures on to all his professional colleagues and started actually writing about the economics of legal education...
OMG, that is harsh! Couldn't have happened to more dickish guy. Shoot, those assholes at Lawyers, Guns and Money are busting the balls off the epic dick-meter scale! Keep it up guys! And stay classy, ROTFLMFAO!!

The Tax Prof has a little roundup, and check the comments at Althouse, "'Anonymous Law Prof Behind Law School Scam Blog Outs Himself: Paul Campos'."

Prospect of Recession No Longer a Fringe View

From Tom Petruno at Los Angeles Times, "After a two-year rebound, recession risks rise":


The U.S. economy has officially been out of recession for two years, but fear of falling back into the abyss has dogged the recovery every step of the way.

Now, the prospect of recession no longer is a fringe view.

"Recession is not inevitable, but I think there's better than a 50-50 chance now," said Bill Gross, the respected investment chief at bond fund giant Pimco in Newport Beach.
Continue reading. Petruno tries heroically to look at both sides of the story. But unless we get some substantial GDP growth in the third and fourth quarters, and the unemployment rate declines, there's simply no way to put lipstick on this pig.

More Julia Lescova!

She's on Twitter!

And click on that photoshoot here.

Julia Lescova

PREVIOUSLY: "PHOTOS: Julia Lescova Guess Lingerie."

Muammar Gaddafi On Verge of Defeat

Well, I hope this is accurate. Let's finish up with this regime change business in Libya and move on. The silver lining for the Democrats is that Obama will be able to claim some kind of victory, which will help leftist talking points, since I can't think of a least well-conceived U.S. military intervention.

Anyway, at Miami Herald, "Heavy fighting surrounds Gadhafi stronghold of Tripoli." And at Telegraph UK, "Libya: Gaddafi faces final battle as fighting erupts in Tripoli." Also, at New York Times, "Heavy Fighting Reported in Tripoli; Rebels Encircle City."

Government-Funded Wealth in Washington D.C.'s Suburbs

This is pretty fascinating, especially given the national angst about taxing and spending. At WaPo, "Government dollars fuel wealth: D.C. enclaves reap rewards of contracting boom":
Millions of dollars worth of federal contracts transformed Anita Talwar from a government accounting clerk into a wealthy woman — one who can afford a $2.8 million home in the Washington suburbs with its own elevator, wine cellar and Swarovski crystal chandeliers.

Talwar, a 59-year-old immigrant from India, had no idea that she and her husband would amass a small fortune when she launched a company providing tech support to the federal government in 1987. But she shrewdly took advantage of programs for minority-owned small businesses and rode a boom in federal contracting.

By the time Talwar sold Advanced Management Technology in 2004, it had grown from a one-woman shop to a company with more than 350 employees and $100 million in annual revenue — all of it from government contracts.

Talwar’s success — and that of hundreds of other contractors like her — is a key factor driving the explosion of the region’s wealth over the last two decades. It also has exacerbated the gap between high- and low-wage workers, which is wider in the D.C. area than almost anywhere else in the United States.

Washingtonians now enjoy the highest median household income of any metropolitan area in the country, and five of the top 10 jurisdictions in America — Loudoun, Howard and Fairfax counties, and Falls Church and Fairfax City — are here, census data shows.

The signs of that wealth are on display all over, from the string of luxury boutiques such as Gucci and Tory Burch opening at Tysons Galleria to the $15 cocktails served over artisanal ice at the W Hotel in the District to the ever-larger houses rising off River Road in Potomac
This isn't something to be proud of. The Washington Leviathan is the capitol's biggest driver of wealth, either through government contracting, or through government employment. It's a situation Mark Steyn discusses in America Alone. We've given up freedom to an ever increasing bureaucratic establishment that's the arbiter of material success. And it's self-fulfilling. If you want more people to be successful expand the size and scope of government. Somehow I think James Madison wouldn't have been pleased.

BONUS: See if you can make heads or tails of these two letters to the editor, which are critical of the posts coverage of the government-funded suburban luxury. (There's a reverse kind of outrage, not at the luxury itself, but to the possibility that such media coverage might create a backlash to government largesse.)


Avril Lavigne is punky:
You know that I'm a crazy bitch
[voice] I do what I want when I feel like it
All I wanna do is lose control
But you don't really give a shit
[voice] you don't let it go let it go with it
cause you're fucking crazy rock'n'roll

Obama Down to 35 Percent Approval in Pennsylvania

The report's at The Morning Call, "Dismal poll numbers for Obama in PA." And also from Ed Morrissey, "Obama approval rating in PA plummets to … 35%." (Via Memeorandum.) And that's a real nice analysis. Pennsylvania's a "deep-blue state" apparently, with Democrats holding a 50.9/36.9 registration advantage over Republicans late last year. This can't be good news. But then again, once this administration achieved the Obama downgrade, I said that's all she wrote. I don't think Obama will be reelected.

Obama Hope

PHOTOS: Julia Lescova Guess Lingerie

At Fox News, "EXCLUSIVE: Julia Lescova Is New Face of GUESS Lingerie."

'Off the Liberal Plantation'

Congressman Allen West is a great guy:

And at USA Today, "Waters bites back at West for 'plantation' comments."

Liberals Progressives Aren't Funny, They're a Riot!

Actually, Ann Coulter's a riot!
Liberals Progressives love mobs because rioting and anarchy is their path to power.

Making sound proposals based on facts and logic is not their metier. Issuing impossible promises to the easily fooled is their specialty. For more on this, see "The 2012 Democratic Platform."

The entire Democratic Party is currently promising to "save" Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in their present form. According to Obama's own Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, in less than 10 years, spending on those three entitlement programs, plus servicing the national debt, will consume 92 cents of every dollar in the federal budget.

The Democrats are openly lying to voters. It is a mathematical impossibility for these programs to continue without major reform now, or complete bankruptcy later -- and not very much later.

But Democrats' real achievement has been in destroying the family, and thereby creating an endless supply of potential rioters.

CPAC Day Two

Progressives Desperate to Discredit Texas Economic Success

At WSJ, "The Texas Jobs Panic: Liberals Progressives Try to Discredit the Lone Star State's Economic Success":

Rick Perry is not the subtlest politician, but he looks like Pericles next to the liberals falling over themselves to discredit job creation in Texas. We'd have thought any new jobs would be a blessing when 25 million Americans are looking for full-time work, but apparently new jobs aren't valuable jobs if they're created in a state that rejects Obamanomics.
Read it all at the link.

I touched on some of these themes earlier. See: "Rick Perry Touts Downhome Résumé."

The Two Minus One Pregnancy

I saw this at New York Times last week.
For all its successes, reproductive medicine has produced a paradox: in creating life where none seemed possible, doctors often generate more fetuses than they intend. In the mid-1980s, they devised an escape hatch to deal with these megapregnancies, terminating all but two or three fetuses to lower the risks to women and the babies they took home. But what began as an intervention for extreme medical circumstances has quietly become an option for women carrying twins. With that, pregnancy reduction shifted from a medical decision to an ethical dilemma. As science allows us to intervene more than ever at the beginning and the end of life, it outruns our ability to reach a new moral equilibrium. We still have to work out just how far we’re willing to go to construct the lives we want.

Jenny’s decision to reduce twins to a single fetus was never really in doubt. The idea of managing two infants at this point in her life terrified her. She and her husband already had grade-school-age children, and she took pride in being a good mother. She felt that twins would soak up everything she had to give, leaving nothing for her older children. Even the twins would be robbed, because, at best, she could give each one only half of her attention and, she feared, only half of her love. Jenny desperately wanted another child, but not at the risk of becoming a second-rate parent. “This is bad, but it’s not anywhere as bad as neglecting your child or not giving everything you can to the children you have,” she told me, referring to the reduction. She and her husband worked out this moral calculation on their own, and they intend to never tell anyone about it. Jenny is certain that no one, not even her closest friends, would understand, and she doesn’t want to be the object of their curiosity or feel the sting of their judgment.

This secrecy is common among women undergoing reduction to a singleton. Doctors who perform the procedure, aware of the stigma, tell patients to be cautious about revealing their decision. (All but one of the patients I spoke with insisted on anonymity.) Some patients are so afraid of being treated with disdain that they withhold this information from the obstetrician who will deliver their child.
Of course they can't tell anyone. What they've done is an abomination. There's more at that link above, but I'm reminded of the story by David French, at National Review, "‘Selective Reduction’ and Self-Indulgence."

Hate-Blogger™© W. James Casper and the Pro-Pedophilia Movement

W. James Casper = RACIST = REPSAC3 is all about live and let live and if it feels good do it. When conservatives express traditional moral values he attacks them as bigots. Like the endless progressive claims of "racism," W. James "Barebacker" Casper screams "BIGOTRY!!" like a headless horseman charging along full-steam until the word is denuded of all meaning. It's just an epithet for attacking folks because they find, say, male-on-male anal intercourse deviant and they don't believe that marriage can be defined outside of its essential meaning as biological union of man and woman for the lifelong purpose of love and regeneration of family. Same-sex partners cannot do that. And society is being forced to change the normative and legally accepted practice of marriage and turn it into something that it's not. And as we've seen in recent posts, today's truly extremist hatred and demonology is the exclusive domain of the progressive left. And W. James Casper is right up there as among the worst of the worst radical hate-bloggers in the world. No facts can get inside that warped mind. No outrage is evil enough to make W. James Casper speak up and cry, "Enough!'' Hate envelops all sense and meaning and moral right. Decency has been obliterated. Frankly, the dude's insane, so obsessed with this blog that it's consumed him. He's been warned of his perversion, and he's even admitted he can't stay away. It's a clinical derangement, no doubt. A sick stalker and hate-blogger, God help him. And while that's just sad, even worse is how badly he's being used by the netroots progressive fever swamp goons, who'd put a bullet in his head faster than sharing their last crust of bread. That's what communists do. They've driven God from their realm. Death and excoriation of the good is all that's left for them. It's pathetic.

In any case, considering that no social perversion is out of bounds for W. James Casper's sick socialist rim-station ideology, I'm putting money on it that he's down with the APA's push to legalize pedophilia. All American Blogger has a big write-up, "The Shadow Sexual Revolution – The Push To Legalize Pedophilia."
The current movement to legalize and normalize pedophilia may seem unrealistic to some. I have yet to have someone agree with me when I claim that it will be legal in the next 25-30 years. But there are many, as I have detailed here, who see pedophiles as an oppressed minority. They see the road to freedom as being the same road homosexuals marched down. The first step would be the removal of pedophilia as a mental illness, a move the APA has already considered. Then, using the research of Kinsey and others mentioned above, the move would be made to abolish the age of consent. With the seeming support of science, this could be possible and it would effectively legalize pedophilia. With the legal burden lifted, the effort would then shift to normalization and acceptance. This is done by pedophiles casting themselves as a minority, a victim of a culture that rejects them. March after march makes the sight of a fifty year old man giving a six year old boy a deep tongue kiss nothing more than a sign of America’s tolerance, regardless of who gets hurt.

There are some things we should not tolerate. The legalization and normalization of pedophilia is one of those things.
W. James Casper repeatedly claims that we shouldn't object to consenting homosexual couples engaging in any sex acts they see fit. Well, 5'll get you 10 that W. James Casper will offer the same kind of weaselly moral-free logic on the legalization of pedophilia debate. Hey, gay men knitting? Fine and dandy! Rim-station partying between CONSENTING adult homosexual extremists? No problemo!! Man-boy CONSENTING relations? Well, for Hate-Blogger™© W. James Casper, the more the merrier, right??!! Whoo hoo!! Nihilists of the world unite for some rough man-boy action!!

Think Again: War

From Joshua Goldstein, at Foreign Policy. It's a lively discussion. I like this part:
"A More Democratic World Will Be a More Peaceful One."

Not necessarily. The well-worn observation that real democracies almost never fight each other is historically correct, but it's also true that democracies have always been perfectly willing to fight non-democracies. In fact, democracy can heighten conflict by amplifying ethnic and nationalist forces, pushing leaders to appease belligerent sentiment in order to stay in power. Thomas Paine and Immanuel Kant both believed that selfish autocrats caused wars, whereas the common people, who bear the costs, would be loath to fight. But try telling that to the leaders of authoritarian China, who are struggling to hold in check, not inflame, a popular undercurrent of nationalism against Japanese and American historical enemies. Public opinion in tentatively democratic Egypt is far more hostile toward Israel than the authoritarian government of Hosni Mubarak ever was (though being hostile and actually going to war are quite different things).

Why then do democracies limit their wars to non-democracies rather than fight each other? Nobody really knows. As the University of Chicago's Charles Lipson once quipped about the notion of a democratic peace, "We know it works in practice. Now we have to see if it works in theory!" The best explanation is that of political scientists Bruce Russett and John Oneal, who argue that three elements -- democracy, economic interdependence (especially trade), and the growth of international organizations -- are mutually supportive of each other and of peace within the community of democratic countries. Democratic leaders, then, see themselves as having less to lose in going to war with autocracies.
What caught my attention is that I assign Bruce Russett and John O'Neal, "International Systems: Vicious Circles and Virtuous Circles," for my first week's readings for World Politics. It's in Russell Bova, ed., Readings on How the World Works:Current Issues in International Relations.

Violated Online: How Online Slander Can Destroy Your Life & What You Must Do to Protect Yourself

Robert Stacy McCain links with, "‘Violated Online’: The Vicious Arts of Internet Character Assassination."

That's definitely something I'll be checking out.

PREVIOUSLY: "The Claims of Grievance-Bearing Identity Groups Will Always Prevail Over Fairness."

I'll tell you right now, it sure helps to have a lawyer.

Russians Pine for Old Soviet Union

At NYT, "20 Years After Soviet Fall, Some Look Back Longingly."

The article notes that "Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin, called the fall of the Soviet Union the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century”."

That's a wistfulness for great power status tempered by some Great Russian Nationalism. I doubt too many Russians are all that nostalgic for communism. Stability and economic security in general mean more that the stale old Soviet ideology.

Recall as well that Foreign Policy had that big 20 year retrospective on the fall of the Soviet Union, "Revolution Road." It's worth a look.

NewsBusted: 'Obama campaign will try to destroy Romney's character during campaign'

Via Theo Spark:

Sarah Palin Releases Campaign-Style Iowa Video

A report at Los Angeles Times.

Also at The Other McCain, "If Sarah Palin Isn’t Running for President, Why Is She Releasing This Iowa Video?"

Northrop Grumman Bails Out of Los Angeles, Ending Headquartered Relationship Dating From 1939

At Los Angeles Times, "Northrop execs bail out of L.A., but the firm is still grounded in the region":

Northrop Grumman Corp., the last big-name aerospace company headquartered in Southern California, is headed out of town this week.

The nation's second-largest military contractor, founded in 1939 by visionary aircraft designer Jack Northrop, is officially moving its main office to Falls Church, Va., on Monday. It is a milestone for the corporation that along the way absorbed big names like TRW Inc., Litton Industries Inc., Westinghouse Electronic Systems and Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical.

Today, the company is an industry giant with about $35 billion in annual sales, building such things as sophisticated satellites, high-flying spy drones and the ghostly B-2 stealth bomber. While 300 members of its corporate staff departs, it still will have about 30,000 jobs in the Southland and remain one of the region's largest private employers.

The company joins an exodus of military companies — including Lockheed Martin Corp., Science Applications International Corp. and Computer Sciences Corp. — that have abandoned the Southland since the mid-1990s in favor of headquarters nestled nearer to decision makers in Washington.

"This is an important move for the company, and it's one that we believe will improve the effectiveness in serving the nation and our customers," said Northrop Chief Executive Wesley G. Bush in announcing the decision to move the company back in January 2010. "The proximity to Washington enables us to be a more integrated part of the federal process."
More at that top link.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Julie Henderson Bodypainting Rule 5

She's beautiful:

More bodypainting here.

Also, at Maggie's Farm, "Friday morning links."

And from Randy's Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart - Carissa Rosario," and Zion's Trumpet, "Model Julia Lescova."

BONUS: From Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 News: 19 August 2011 A.D."

Michelle Malkin: 'Smacking Down Progressives of Pallor'

A superb beating.

Head over there and read the whole thing:

Video c/o The Other McCain, "I Would Very Much Like to Say That Janeane Garofalo Has Lost Her Mind …"

Jennifer Perez and Nadege Tandoh

Those are the names of the two Widener University law students who made egregious allegations against Professor Lawrence Connell. They are identified at the Delaware Law Weekly, "Controversy Continues at Widener After Connell Suspension" (via William Jacobson).

Also at Newsworks, "Delaware law professor sues two students and Widener Law."

PREVIOUSLY: "The Claims of Grievance-Bearing Identity Groups Will Always Prevail Over Fairness," and "Charlotte Allen: 'The Mess at Widener Law School'."