Showing posts sorted by relevance for query W. James Casper. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query W. James Casper. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Update on Zilla's Resistance Honor Roll

A follow-up to my earlier entry: "Conservatives Stand Up! — Zilla's Resistance Honor Roll Keeps Getting Bigger!" And Zilla's is here: "Stand Against Evil - Never Let it Win."

I didn't get a chance to link everybody up last time, and I've also been getting support via e-mail. Maggie Thornton sent this, "Harrassment":
Donald, the Left must deeply hate that you have classrooms of young minds in front of you every day. You are in their dominion, Education, and they believe they own it. How dare you treat with those they believe they own. You are their nightmare. Then you are bold enough to leave the classroom and share with your blog readers the insanity of promoting the destruction of capitalism and all that made this country great. You write from strength, with passion, and moral vision. I will pray that you be given the energy and will to prevail against this evil. Never forget that you are on a good and righteous mission.

I don't, Maggie. And I appreciate the support.

And Jimmie Bise published a response to the progressives at his blog, "Beware the Howling Mob." Jimmie starts with a discussion of Ann Coulter's phenomenal book, "Demonic," and then writes:
My friend Zilla has been the subject of the left-wing mob, to the point where she ingeniously erected a Troll Tollgate which allows people to yell at her to their heart’s content so long as they fill up her tip jar for the privilege. Thus far, though, Zilla’s thuggish trolls have restricted their activities to childish rants in the comment sections of her blog posts.

Donald Douglas, on the other hand, has suffered that and far more. Left-wing agitators have gone after him, very personally and directly. They have dedicated a blog to his personal destruction and have attempted to get him fired on several occasions over the past three years. So far, they have failed, but their efforts have cost Donald countless hours of his time and, I will assume, some nontrivial amount of money to defend himself from the baseless attacks.

And all he did was give voice to his conservative political opinions.

Smitty, in a post on the subject, noted that it is not sufficient to the left that they prove their ideological opponents wrong. They must oppress. They must take away your ability to speak freely. We can complain about how unfair they are to us, but it won’t matter. They will not change. That is what they do. That is who they are. Progressivism over the decades is nothing but instance after instance of pure power politics: the rule of the howling mob, the haughty “We won”, the vicious “push back twice as hard”.

Here’s the thing, though. That exercise of power requires a faceless mob. When we begin to name and shame the offenders, the power diminishes. Their mob tactics require that they remain numerous and anonymous and that the victim remain isolated. When we band together and identify them as the thugs they are, their courage runs away like water.

It’s time we made the cowards run.
Just keep an eye on these people, Jimmie, and don't let your guard down. They're merciless bastards!

Also, Tania at Midnight Blue stands up as well: "A Progressive Attack on Conservative Blogger." And at Invincible Armor, "Stand With American Power Against Intimidation and Harassment."


And very interestingly, The Independent Realist has administered a brutal flogging to stalking asshat W. James Casper. In fact, Independent Realist engaged RACIST = REPSAC only to come away convinced he wasted his time on an epic loser. See, "Repsac3, W. James Casper — The Final Word." And from the conclusion there:
So there you have it. The whole sordid story of my involvement with a paranoid delusional. I gave him his chance to defend himself, and instead he now spends his days and nights tapping away on his keyboard writing post after post about the evil me and the conspiracy I am leading to ban him from the internet. The comment queue for this blog is filled with his rants are his blogs. As I have no desire to fuel his paranoia any further (not to mention that I don't enjoy playing games with the mentally ill), I am done with him. He cannot be rational or logical, and has slid down into irrational delusions. I fear for his sanity, and I can only hope that he will seek professional help, and not harm himself or others.
The Independent Realist has two other entries, here and here. Amazing isn't it? It took Independent Realist about two seconds to pin down W. James "Costanza" Casper. The idiot's completely deranged. It's too freakin' obvious. Indeed, Casper the hate-blogger responded with some incoherent ramblings attempting to deflect Independent Realist's devastating takedown, only to get hammered by one of his own progressives in the comments! His commenter calls out RACIST = REPSAC as crossing the line, indicating that Casper's campaign of intimidation is becoming "a real drag." Of course, you can't help someone who refuses wise counsel. RACIST = REPSAC's a nut case. A raving hatemonger and lunatic. He rambles at the post, spewing lies about how he's going to stop stalking me, and then says screw it, and starts up again with a new sets of rants.


Kudos to The Independent Realist. Thanks for taking this idiot Casper out back for a smackdown! The dude needs some help, no doubt. Sad.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


W. James Casper is pure hatred. His whole blogging world is all about sponsoring threats and seeking to destroy others. He's allied in yet another campaign of hate (top result is American Nihilist's satanic program of death and destruction). Freakin' commie asshat. Because RACIST = REPSAC = HATER has come to this, thinly veiled death threats, this post is for the record.

'I intended for American Nihilist to be a one off joke on the silly "nihilist" meme you created. I sent invites to all the "nihilsts" I could find, thinking we'd all just have a quick laugh at the expense of the silly little meme, & that'd be it... But some of 'em wanted to sign up, and once they did, and started writing--in character--it became something better than the one off joke I intended...'

Yeah, it became a repository of hate.

Scroll through W. James Casper's record of hate at the link.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Progressive Trolls? Update on W. James Casper, Commissar of State Security, People's Commissariat for Internet Affairs

The Lonely Conservative responds to John Hawkins and American Power: "The Death of Independent Conservative Blogs?"

Last night I mentioned how my comment threads have been destroyed by progressives, and she writes:
I know what he means about the progressive trolls. Sigh.
Yeah. Sigh.

That reminds me of W. James Casper.

I continue to have private communications with readers who indicate they've never seen someone as evil as this. He's a communist storm trooper, and ultimately I see no difference between W. James Casper's hardline program and the totalitarian terrorism of the insurgents at this video.

He's a bad man:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Walter James Casper's Civility Bullshit Enables Hatred and Racism

Ann Althouse designated a full blogging tag to "civility bullshit," which any simpleton halfwit knows is the left's meme to shut down criticism and debate.

I shake my head at this, but as conservative as she may be, Dr. Gina Loudon does no favors by disclaiming how "civil" her segments are going to be. Debate (and disagreement) is in fact not "civil" by its very nature. People defend a position and get fired up, and sometimes tempers flare. But it's especially lame to indicate how civil you're going to be when engaging people who are objectively uncivil and decidedly vicious.

I elaborated the point earlier today, "#Murrieta Protesters @CassandraRules and @BeautifulChaosJ Spew Lies and Hatred, Not 'Civility'." The two Murrieta women had a posse of hate-breathing racists at the ready. Racist and foul-mouthed, these are the last kind of people to lend the benefit of the doubt.

I think "Cassandra" responded as soon as I tweeted the post, and I dutifully engaged her and her hateful followers for some time. And boy, she's got some vile, genuinely demonic followers: leftist anti-colonialists spouting anti-nation-state excuses for anti-Zionist Jew-hatred; Israel-bashers cravenly and stupidly claiming to hate Israel is not anti-Semitic; anarchists with "V for Vendetta" avatars spewing sick disgusting venom and anti-Semitism; and 9/11 truthers blaming Israel for September 11.

I had hundreds of tweets polluting my mentions. Here's just one example of the disgusting effluence:

And for the life of me, I could have sworn Walter James Casper tucked tail last January when Robert Stacy McCain administered the smackdown of a lifetime, "Portrait of a Stalker Troll: @Repsac3, Also Known as Walter James Casper III."

But I guess not. I reported the other day that he's once again stalking my blog, "Stalking Hate-Troll Repsac3: Still Stalking. Still Hatin'. Still Trolling."

And like he did with Tara Dublin and various others, hateful Repsac3 trolled my Twitter conversations today, spewing his civility bullshit:

As longtime readers recall oh so well, Walter James Casper's a despicable leftist troll, a vile scum-sucking racist, and a longtime Jew-hating OWS-backing anti-Semite. I thought he'd hit bottom, but he's like a pig in the slop. He's invigorated when boosting the most reprehensible people, whether it's KKK-style racists, far-left anti-Israel ghouls, and now Aztlán open-borders Nazis and their pro-"Palestinian" eliminationist supporters online.

As always, block, ban and report the f-ker. I've never encountered such obsessive evil in my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

F*** You, Douglas! — W. James Casper = COBAG = Repsac3!!

I'm just now getting to this, but W. James "Costanza" Casper = RACIST = Repsac3 had an entry for "civility week" earlier, at my blog post on "Tolerance of Islam":


Fuck you, Douglas...

You post about me, I'll almost certainly comment, like it or don't...


(If you really wanted to be left alone, you wouldn't engage, would you?)
This is someone who has completely abandoned the slightest adherence to social norms and decency. So, for the record: I've never said no interaction. Idiot RACIST Repsac3 is BANNED from commenting at American Power. That is, NO ENGAGEMENT AT MY COMMENT THREADS, DUH!! Bird-brained W. James Casper, whose immorality is boundless, again reminds us of George Costanza. Click the image to watch. Unable to control his impulses, George eats a chocolate eclair out of the garbage pail. Jerry says to him, "Well, you my friend have crossed the line that divides man and bum. You are now a bum." And in our most recent despicable attack by RACIST Repsac3, our sick obsessive stalking asshat (and non-friend) has crossed the line that divides a restrained and respectable citizen from a profane and clinically deranged progresssive cobag: "You are now a complete cobag."


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bwahaha! Lying Hate-Troll Now Says He Claimed Aasiya Hassan Murder Would Be Honor Killing All Along!

When all you've got are lies and allegations of "racism," naturally all you can do is respond desperately with more lies and pathetic allegations.

For quoting his very own unequivocal words, "In fact, you are telling a fairy story...," Walter James Casper calls me a liar and claims that he said Mrs. Hassan's murder by beheading would be an honor killing all along.

Now that's dishonesty.

The remark that "In fact, you are telling a fairy story..." is a stand-alone statement. Hate-troll Repsac's comment about "This may turn out to be an honor killing" was a throwaway line, a rhetorical sop. After denouncing me, claiming "you might just as well be telling a fairy story," Repsac can't be more clear: He's completely unequivocal with this statement, "In fact, you are telling a fairy story..."

When you state a fact there's no wiggle room. He denounced me and those who I cited at the blog as bigots and racists for spreading allegedly false "hatred" to smear Mo Hassan as some stereotypical Muslim.

Well, here's a harsh fact: Mo Hassan beheaded his wife in a ritual Islamic slaughter, a religious honor killing, and he was convicted at trial, and experts were proved right from the beginning.

Pathetic little Repsac's still playing the same old games he always does. He denies his own words, which are there for everyone to see. It's the old, "I'll let readers judge for themselves" ploy, attempting to cast doubt on the fact that lying Walter James Capser is indeed a liar.

What a dirtball, sleezebag and loser.

Typical, that's for sure.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Oops! Las Vegas Occupy Hoists Palestinian Flag — Racist Walter James Casper III Hardest Hit!

Well, another inconvenient fact for the deranged Occupy backer.

At Marathon Pundit, "Occupy Las Vegas Obamaville and Its Palestinian Flag."

What's this? The Gaza Strip?

No, it's the west entrance of Occupy Las Vegas, what its occupiers like to call Area 99. Where they are camped is an old parking that was adjacent to a building that probably was torn down to make way for something that would be bigger and better--prior to the start of the Great Recession--which has hit Vegas hard. But the Palestinian cause has nothing to do with our economic struggles.

Here's an ugly fact: There is a persistent strain of anti-Semitism within the Occupy Wall Street movement...
And notice the language there: An "ugly fact." Not an "ugly opinion." Or an "ugly fringe kook." Nope. The persistent, deep-seated strain of the Occupy Wall Street movement is hatred of Israel. It's everywhere. (Or, "occupy wherever you are," like the Jewish state.)

And following the links take us to Atlas Shrugs, "More Anti-Semitism from Obama-Endorsed #OccupyChicago."


And that's "More Anti-Semitism from Walter James Casper III-Endorsed #Occupy-Chicago." See: "Racist Walter James Casper III Doubles-Down on Endorsement of Revolutionary Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street."

When you hoist the Palestinian flag it's an incitement to terrorism against Israelis. That's what that these murderous people are all about.

RELATED: "Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh Calls for Expulsion of Israel from 'Blessed Land of Palestine'."

Previously: "Occupy Wall Street Embodies the Soul-Crushing Stagnation of the Status Quo"; "Occupy Wall Street and the Jews"; "Christmas Smear: MSNBC Hack Ed Schultz Slurs Tea Partiers as 'Sewer Rats' — Assploding Hypocrite W. James Casper HardestHit!"; and "Manifesto: Occupy for the Revolution."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Walter James Casper III: Jewish 'Neocons' Should 'Stop Whining' About Being Slurred as 'Puppet Masters' for Bush/Cheney War Cabal

ICYMI, on Sunday the New York Times published Maureen Dowd's anti-Semitic screed, "Neocons Slither Back." The essay was a despicable attack on the GOP ticket reprising some of the oldest anti-Jewish slurs known to history. Dowd was widely ridiculed, and not just by the "evil" neoconservatives. The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, a Jewish moderate who served in the IDF, hammered MoDo, "Happy New Year, Puppet Masters." Highlighting the essay's attack on Romney advisor Dan Senor as the "puppet master" mouthpiece for the GOP ticket's "Manichaean worldview," Goldberg writes:
Maureen may not know this, but she is peddling an old stereotype, that gentile leaders are dolts unable to resist the machinations and manipulations of clever and snake-like Jews...

This sinister stereotype became a major theme in the discussion of the Iraq war, when critics charged that Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, among other Jewish neoconservatives, were actually in charge of Bush Administration foreign policy. This charge relegated George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Stephen Hadley and the other Christians who actually set policy to the status of puppets.
Actually, Maureen does "know this," for this is hardly the first time she's attacked Jews with vicious anti-Semitic tropes. So why bother with it, if it's getting so routine? Well, I found it particularly interesting to note how many vile thugs of the left doubled down to defend the hatred. Of course, long-standing Jew-bashing troll Walter James Casper III, a.k.a. Repsac3, couldn't resist piling on the anti-Jew attacks. The vicious Repsac calls Jewish outrage at such "blood sucking" attacks as nothing more than "neocon whining." That figures, naturally, since Repsac3's on record as a huge backer of the eliminationist, anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street movement.

And it's fitting that Repsac3's linking Kevin Drum, the dumbest progressive blogger this side of Matthew Yglesias. At that link, Drum spills out the stupid: "There's nothing anti-Semitic in Dowd's column..."

Actually, there is something anti-Semitic: Dan Senor, for one thing, is Jewish. Moreover, as The Future of Capitalism points outs:
...depictions of Jews as snakes or puppeteers are classical anti-Semitic images, right up there with blood-sucking. The snake image has roots in the Christian Bible; the puppet-master goes back at least to Nazi Germany, and when Glenn Beck used it to talk about George Soros, who, unlike Dan Senor, has actually been hostile to Israel, the left was all over him for it.

More of those leftist double-standards. It's only racist when the other side does it.

And it wasn't just the reprehensible Internet loser Walter James Casper III spreading the hate. Barbara O'Brien at Mahablog piled on as well, lamely attempting to justify anti-Semitic puppet master slurs because these are just the same as the "old Robert Heinlein novel about slugs from outer space that invade earth," or something. I know. She's so f-king stupid it hurts.

Anyway, I could go on like this, but again, why bother? Progressives are anti-Israel and they hate Jews, especially Walter James Casper III.

More of that at Memeorandum.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Update On Big Talking Harassment-Blogger Capt. Fogg of 'Human Voices'

Well, speaking of progressive totalitarians, cowardly left-wing hate blogger Capt. Fogg has been talkin' shit at Racist Repsac's harassment blog. I'm not commenting at Casper's, but I've had enough of his weaselly attacks and harassment, and I've had enough of his sponsorship of the hate. So to be clear: If folks are going to congregate at a criminal harassment blog, and if they're going to continue to coordinate their attacks against me and my livelihood, I'm going to continue calling them out. Fogg's a pseudonymous pussy. Get these people out into the real world, using their real names, and then report them to the authorities for criminal harassment. Don't back down to these losers, ever. See: "California Penal Code Section 653m on Criminal Harassment With Intent to Annoy: Report on Unwanted Illegal Contacts by Fascist Hate-Blogger Walter James Casper III."

Comments are closed at this post.

If I get comments or emails from these thugs, or other offline complaints, I'll be updating my reports to the police. And as to justify their continued harassment, some are now claiming (without documentation) that California has no jurisdiction in the matter. So the progressive harassers should beware of my seriousness: I will take it to the federal level if necessary. After I check back with local law enforcement, I will also report unwanted contacts to my congressman's office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Department of Justice. See U.S. Code 18 Section 2261A, and especially U.S. Code 47 Section 223, which makes it a crime to use electronic equipment to engage in online harassment with the intent to annoy:
(a) Prohibited acts generally

(1) in interstate or foreign communications—
(A) by means of a telecommunications device knowingly—
(i) makes, creates, or solicits, and
(ii) initiates the transmission of,
any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication which is obscene or child pornography, with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another person...
To reiterate: Walter James Casper III and his progressive totalitarians are not going to continue to harass with impunity. They will not conspire to harass without consequence. These people are engaged in criminal activity and it needs to stop.

All appropriate law enforcement agencies will be notified, local, state, and federal.

PREVIOUSLY: "W. James Casper's Demonic Band of Progressive Totalitarians."

RELATED: At Zilla's, "Stand Against Evil - Never Let it Win."

Monday, July 21, 2014

Walter James Casper 'Reaching Out' to Anti-Israel #ANSWER Communist 'CassandraRules'

Following up from my previous entry, "Los Angeles #Gaza Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel and Death to the Jews."

Just wanted to get on record how my racist, anti-Semitic hate-troll stalker is "reaching out" to the ANSWER communists I've been covering at the blog. Seriously. This dude is one messed up stalking troll:

She's not a good person, an America-bashing anti-Israel Jew-hater. Just Repsac's kind. Israel is no different from Nazi Germany. BDS much?

Bonus "Cassandra" tweeting an upside down American flag from the Anaheim anti-brutality protest:

And one of "Cassandra's" Anonymous pals, death-wishing Israeli Jews:

You can see why Repsac's "reaching out" to these demons. Sheesh.

Racist stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper III. One sick mofo, man.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

#OKBeheading Suspect Screamed 'Islamic Phrases' During Attack, Posted #ISIS Hand-Sign Photos to Facebook, But Repsac3 Smears 'Right Wingers' for 'Bigotry'

Following-up from yesterday, "Wait for It! Repsac3 on #OKBeheading: Attacking Islam Just Because the Suspect Tried to Convert Coworkers is Racist!!"

No surprise, but Walter James Casper III is doubling-down on his ideological hatred:

Problem is, it's not "jumping to conclusions" when mainstream media sources report that the suspect screamed Islamic exhortations before the beheading (most likely "Allāhu Akbar!"). I mean, seriously. The suspect was proselytizing, according to coworkers. His actions were clearly religiously motivated:

And at the suspect's Facebook page, photos posted there express solidarity with the Islamic State, and then some:

So, no. No one's "jumping to conclusions." It's patently obvious that he murdered in the name of Islam.

Actually, it's Repsac3 who's a proven bigot and a racist --- something I've documented here for a long time. Walter James Casper is an epic hater and liar. His own tweets are self-refuting and utterly depraved, outside the bounds of basic decency. Man.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Democrats Don't Have a Turnout Problem. They Have a Complete Repudiation of Radical Leftism Problem

One of the things that always cracks me up is the political cluelessness of hate-troll Walter James Casper III.

Get a load of this tweet the idiot posted last night:

The problem, of course, is that the Democrats aren't just facing a turnout or enthusiasm problem. The fact is the entire edifice of Obamaism has been found wanting and voters are saying take this far-left Democrat Party and shove it.

The repudiation of the Democrats today will be the repudiation of all that Walter James Casper stands for. He is reviled. Crush the bastard. Crush him and his degenerate party of race-baiting, women-hating, economic stagnation, and social decay.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bwahaha! Hate-Addled Stalker Walter James Casper Cheers Blogger's Automated Anti-Splogger Take-Down of American Power!

After almost seven years of uninterrupted blogging, American Power was taken offline due to an erroneous flagging by Blogger's automated anti-splogger software system. Indeed, there was some major Google glitch last night while I was watching the Angels game. I had to go through extra security just to log onto my Chromebook (the login function asked for a phone number to text me an additional password). And it turns out that the blog was affected too. American Power was taken down.

Bob Belvedere tweeted:

No big deal, actually. I didn't feel much like blogging anyway after the Eric Hosmer crushed that 11th inning home run. I hit the sack.

So, I was out cold at 5:33 this morning when Blogger sent this email:
Hello, We have received your appeal regarding your blog Upon further review we have determined that your blog was mistakenly marked as a TOS violator by our automated system and, as such, we have reinstated your blog. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the meantime and thank you for your patience as we completed our review process. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.
I got up and checked my iPhone and American Power was already loaded in the phone's browser. I got some coffee at 7/11 and got back to my normal blogging routine --- to the bitter consternation of my obsessed hate-addled stalking troll Walter James Casper III, who tweeted:

The sick f-ker Repsac checks my blog multiple times per day, while denying his sick obsessive program of stalking and harassment.

Reppy's been consumed by ideological hatred --- and a deep psychotic personal animus against yours truly --- since 2008, when the dirtbag loser first started stalking me, in the comments at Biobrain's blog.

Oh well, perhaps Reppy will someday, at long last, seek out the psychiatric help he so badly needs.

Meanwhile, his decidedly odd cheering of Blogger's automated splog-flagging system reveals just how far Reppy's descended into the nihilist pit of deranged, demonological hatred.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

According to Repsac3, Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing, No Matter the Circumstances, Makes You Guilty of 'Bigotry'

Honor killings are by definition murders committed by Muslim fathers or husbands against their daughters or their wives. So, if a Muslim man beheads --- beheads! --- his wife after alleging that the wife had disrespected and dishonored him, as in the case of Mo Hassan, who murdered his wife Aasiya, then that person has committed a classic honor killing.

It's not hard. Or, it's not hard as long as you don't have an Islamo-enabling agenda in which you attack people as racist for identifying the obvious.

That is ideological hatred, and it's lies and dishonesty, which perfectly explains Walter James Casper when he tweets such malignantly stupid leftist codswallop:

Repsac's not only a liar, he's literally mentally deranged. By his logic no one could ever call out a Muslim murderer for honor killing without being attacked as a bigot and a racist. And so, poof!, by Repsac's logic, the crime of honor killing would simply disappear! Of course, that's why fanatical terror-enablers like Repsac (and CAIR) cry "bigotry!" until the end of days. Note that following the logic further makes Repsac an accomplice to Islamic murder, which certainly fits, because progressive ideology is all about coercion, violence and death.

"Bigot" (like "racism") is a term that has been drained of all meaning. It's simply a bludgeon used by leftists --- who've already lost the debate --- to silence their political enemies.

In 2009 Walter James Casper was wrong from the start. Those who he attacked as racist then --- and who he continues to falsely attack today for "bigotry" --- were right all along.

This pattern of progressive deception and lies is why Repsac was banned from this blog. He's an evil man, a genuine and proven racist and bigot himself, ideologically deranged, and burning with cancerous hatred.

A sad spectacle all around.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why Does Walter James Casper III Deny Evil?

It's a rhetorical question.

I know why Repsac3 denies evil. To confront it you have to perceive the world in terms of right and wrong, just and unjust, good and bad.

Leftists universally refrain from this dichotomy because they must to invert morality to achieve the perverted political agenda. From homosexuality (good and virtuous) to the war against Islamic terrorism (criminal and imperialistic), the left cannot elevate moral righteousness without undermining its own agenda, which is to undermine all that's right and good.

Here's Jonah Goldberg on Twitter yesterday:

And here's Walter James Casper III on Twitter some time back.

There is evil in the world. If you don't confront it you are joining it. Repsac3 long ago went over to the dark side, which is why I will continue to expose his demonic political agenda and fight back against his stalking and harassment.

Same as it ever was.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

American Power Surges to #74 at Wikio Top Blogs: Hardest Hit — W. James 'Costanza' Casper

I don't bother with these rankings all that much. This time I'm mostly surprised that my blog surged 16 spots to #74 from #90 in September. Half the battle is just stayin' in the ball game, adding something original or worthwhile to the debate now and then. And of course keepin' tabs on the dickwipe commies. Speaking of which, this burns W. James "Costanza" Casper, who claimed some time back (at the top result):


... aside from your sycophants, fewer and fewer people are taking your schtick seriously... You may still get your precious hits--dreck often does--but that doesn't mean folks respect you or what you have to say...

Nobody respects what I have to say, nobody like the New York Times or anything, at "The Occupy Wall Street Quiz."

See that? Wishing hate, once again. W. James 'Costanza' Casper is just a hatemongering blog troll, living in his own nihilistic hell, looking to do harm, recruiting progressive asshats and commies, stalking and monitoring, endorsing and sponsoring workplace attacks, and God knows what other Satanic acts. As I've documented here numerous times, RACIST = REPSAC is a coward, fraud, and a liar. And that's just totally pathetic. ASFL.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More Democrat Assploding 'We Are the 99%' Hypocrisy

From Doug Powers, at Michelle's, "Pelosi Spends the Holidays Sacrificing on Behalf of Her Beloved 99%."

And see Hawaii Reporter, "While President Obama Arrives in Hawaii Amidst Security and Fanfare, Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Slips Quietly into Big Island Resort."

It's just too easy to pin these idiots down for their sick redistributionist ideological hypocrisy.

See: "Pelosi: Occupy Movement Enhances Dems’ National Message."

PREVIOUSLY: "Whoo Hoo! Michelle Fields Calls Out Hypocrite Statists on Tax Hikes for 'Patriotic Millionaires'," and "Christmas Smear: MSNBC Hack Ed Schultz Slurs Tea Partiers as 'Sewer Rats' — Assploding Hypocrite W. James Casper Hardest Hit!"

Oh, and something assploding hypocrite Walter James Casper III conveniently ignored in his stupidity-induced rejoinder this morning: "Occupy Wall Street Plans 'American Spring' to Bring U.S. 'One Step Closer to Revolution'." But of course, it's just a "few" on the "fringe" here and there, right? Not representative of anything? Nope. Wrong. The Jew-bashing revolutionary comrades ARE the movement. Democrats are piggy-backing out of pure progressive opportunism, just like racist Walter James Casper III.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Yes, Indeed, Let's Be Mindful of What 'the Left has already accomplished...'

Demonic hate-troll Walter James Casper tweets:

Oh, and we have "further to go"?

Right. We certainly wouldn't want to waste any time destroying the rest of the moral and strategic order that's taken decent society decades to build. The 1960's saw the rise of the most "destructive generation," and pity the next generations of Americans, who will live in greater danger and less prosperity than those who came before.

But according to vile Utopian assholes like Walter James Casper III, all of this is progress.

Let’s accept, arguendo, that the outgoing DIA chief is right, and that we are now in an era of danger similar to the mid-1930s. How did we get here? It’s worth looking back into the mists of time — an entire year, to Labor Day weekend 2013. What had not happened then? It’s quite a list, actually: the Chinese ADIZ, the Russian annexation of Crimea, the rise of ISIS, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fall of Mosul, the end of Hungarian liberal democracy, the Central American refugee crisis, the Egyptian-UAE attacks on Libya, the extermination of Iraqi Christians, the Yazidi genocide, the scramble to revise NATO’s eastern-frontier defenses, the Kristallnacht-style pogroms in European cities, the reemergence of mainstream anti-Semitism, the third (or fourth, perhaps) American war in Iraq, racial riots in middle America, et cetera and ad nauseam.

All that was in the future just one year ago.

What is happening now is basically America’s version of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The President of the United States — supported to an exceptional extent by an electorate both uncomprehending and untrusting of the outside world — is Clarence the Angel, and he’s showing us what the world would be like if we’d never been born, Unsurprisingly, Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, and it’s a terrible place. Unfortunately we do not get to revert to the tolerable if modest status quo at the end of the lesson: George Bailey will eventually have to shell the town and retake it street by street from Old Man Potter’s Spetsnaz.

But the larger point here is not what’s happening, because what’s happening is obvious. Things are falling apart. The point is how fast it’s come. It takes the blood and labor of generations to build a general peace, and that peace is sustained by two pillars: a common moral vision, and force majeure. We spent a quarter-century chipping away at the latter, and finally discarded the former, and now that peace is gone. All this was the work of decades.

Look back, again, to Labor Day weekend 2013, and understand one thing: its undoing was the work of mere months.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Smear: MSNBC Hack Ed Schultz Slurs Tea Partiers as 'Sewer Rats' — Assploding Hypocrite W. James Casper Hardest Hit!

From Radio Equalizer (via Randy's Roundtable):

Walter James Casper III got all butthurt for being called out as a rabid anti-Semite ---  and that's on top of his history of sponsoring white supremacist hate rantings at his attack blog. Racist Repsac3 is whining about how "poor Donald" is so hateful --- HATEFUL, WAAAHHH!! --- but the idiot never has a word of condemnation for his sick puppy progressive allies, like loser Ed Schultz who slurred good people AS A GROUP just days before Christmas. That's bigotry.

Frankly, politics doesn't stop for the holidays, but if you're a pathetic racist anti-Semitic Occupy-endorsing Jew-bashing neo-commie, it's par for the course. Freakin' assploding hypocrite bigot. Walter James Casper III is despicable.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Walter James 'Occupy' Casper Continues Campaign of Lies: Childishly Whines About 'McCarthyism' While Endorsing Anarchists and Anti-Semitic Communists

My criminal stalker Walter James "Occupy" Casper III, a.k.a. "Hatesac3", continues to harass me and this blog with comments --- on top of his recent cyber threats to my family --- despite being banned long ago. This post is to record some key evidence in Walter James "Occupy" Casper's continuing campaign to undermine the foundations of the country with a clandestine Marxist program of communist subterfuge.

To put it plainly, "Hatesac3" can't stand the fact that today's Democrat Party is a socialist party with a large number of members in government who have allied with --- and provided aid and comfort to --- real live communists in furtherance of an ideological agenda that continues to shift this country away from its founding as a classically liberal democracy.

After a long rambling post of incoherent denials about the fundamental anarcho-communism and anti-Semitism riddled throughout the Occupy movement, "Hatesac3" dumps out this groaner of pathetic smear-mongering:
A political science professor who is alleging there are communists in the House and Senate? Communists?!? Somebody call Joe McCarthy...
Joe McCarthy investigated communists in government. McCarthy was right. He may have gone overboard, but the facts show that real communists had infiltrated the United States government. They were directed by Moscow and they were causing real damage to national security. Again, not all those accused by McCarthy were deemed national security threats, but when progressives throw out the "McCarthyism" card they're deceptively and malignantly casting a smokescreen in front of their support for Marxist-Leninist ideologies and goals. This is sinister. And that is why Walter James "Occupy" Casper continues his attempts hide behind the "McCarthyism" smear while working underground to destroy his political enemies through multifarious smear jobs, campaigns of workplace harassment and threats to freedom of speech, as well as cyber threats to the families of his enemies. Jonah Goldberg speaks truth to "McCarthyism":
Senator Joe McCarthy was a lout, generally speaking. But he was on the right side of history and, in a broad sense, of morality as well. If, in some sort of parallel-universe exercise, the same number of (now proven) Soviet-Communist spies, collaborators, sympathizers, and the like were somehow switched to Nazis, and McCarthy went after them with the same vehemence as he went after Reds, Joe McCarthy might well have universities and foundations named after him today. Just imagine if a ring of Nazi party members were found to be working in Hollywood, never mind the State Department, taking money from Berlin to advance the Nazi cause. Does anyone really think "McCarthyism" would still be denounced as an unmitigated evil, often put at the front of the parade of horribles alongside Hitlerism and Stalinism?

Now, I'm sure many people are rolling their eyes at this point. "It's not the same thing!" say those who believe that the lost jobs of a few Hollywood writers and the loyalty oaths reluctantly offered by some unjustly accused union officials are the American equivalent of concentration camps. Maybe, maybe not. The argument over which was worse, Communism or Nazism, will never be settled. Nor should we expect it to be. But even if you firmly believe that Nazism was more evil than Communism, as even Robert Conquest does, you must concede that Communism was evil enough. If the sight of an American Communist screenwriter being forced to take the Fifth Amendment before Congress and have his "career ruined" still fills you with blinding rage, it's indeed curious why the forced slaughter of millions by Stalin seems like a trivial event to you. After all, there were plenty of men and women invoking their "rights" as their heels left lines in the dirt on the way to the gulag. Needless to say, their careers were ruined too. And if the American Communists had had their way, much the same thing would have happened here as well. But, yeah, Roy Cohn's the devil.

Regardless, wherever you come down on McCarthyism, Communism, and the rest is a matter of opinion. What is a matter of fact — unmitigated, irrefutable, undeniable fact — is that there were hundreds of Communists working for Moscow, directly or indirectly, in the United States during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. The Rosenbergs were guilty and got what they deserved. Alger Hiss too. Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon, Morton Sobell, William Perl, Alfred Sarant, Joel Barr, and Harry Gold were all either pawns or lackeys of a foreign and evil foe. We know the Hollywood Ten were all Communists, but what else they were we can't know for sure, because they believed taking the Fifth was more important than protecting the country (and if you think it's unfair to cavalierly call people who devotedly followed the Moscow line for all their adult lives "Communists," I sure hope you don't ever call, say, President Bush a "fascist" on the basis of no evidence at all). The American Communist Party (CP-USA) was in fact a Soviet franchise.

In other words, you are free to describe McCarthyism as a witchhunt if and only if you are willing to concede that actual witches existed in our midst. The evidence — from declassified Venona transcripts, Soviet archives, memoirs, etc. — is still mounting, but what we have so far is plenty in itself. In 1996, Nicholas Von Hoffman wrote an essay for the Washington Post that caused no small amount of hysteria on the American Left, which has been milking its myths and denial for decades. McCarthyism was the product of the "paranoid style" in American politics. There were no witches — only zealots and brown-shirted bullies. The playwright Lillian Hellman declared: "The McCarthy group — a loose term for all the boys, lobbyists, congressmen, State Department bureaucrats, CIA operators — chose the anti-Red scare with perhaps more cynicism than Hitler picked anti-Semitism."

Yet, as Hoffman reluctantly conceded, these assessments were in turn lies, myths, and carefully constructed distortions. The reality was that "in a global sense McCarthy was on to something. McCarthy may have exaggerated the scope of the problem but not by much…
In other words, Walter James "Occupy" Casper III is ready to attack his enemies as "McCarthyites" while malignantly turning his eyes from the horrors of tens of millions killed in the name of the very ideology he's pushing.

And I've covered this ground before --- and repeatedly faced down all the denials by "Hatesac3" and his henchmen --- but here's David Horowitz on Representative Barbara Lee, "An Enemy Within":
REPRESENTATIVE BARBARA LEE, Democrat of Berkeley, was the only member of Congress who refused to defend her country under attack. The Los Angeles Times calls Barbara Lee a "liberal" and compares her to "anti-war" dissenters of the past, most notably Jeanette Rankin who cast the lone vote in the U.S. Congress against America’s entry into the Second World War and said after Pearl Harbor, "As a woman I can’t go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else." We are at war again, and it’s time to call things by their right names.

Barbara Lee is not an anti-war activist, she is an anti-American communist who supports America’s enemies and has actively collaborated with them in their war against America.
Continue at the link. And see Joseph Farah, "The truth about Barbara Lee."

Rep. Lee is just one of roughly nearly 100 members of the Democrat Party in Congress who are in fact communists in all but name. There's no need to keep going, since it's long ago been shown that Walter James "Occupy" Casper stands against all that is decent and good in America. I've chronicled his progressive hatred time and again. He's a stalking coward and an ideological snake. He has publicly endorsed the Occupy movement murderers, rapists, and anti-Semites. This is fact. And this is what Occupy is about. And I will continue to expose his deception because this is what today's left does. It's evil incarnate and people of decency have to expose these freaks to the light of truth.


* "Comrade Repsac3: Racist Commissar of State Security, People's Commissariat for Internet Affairs?"

* "W. James Casper is a Coward, a Fraud, and a Liar."

* "Manifesto: Occupy for the Revolution."

Also, at Zilla of the Resistance, "Stand Against Evil - Never Let it Win."