Thursday, September 2, 2010

Teenage Girl Throws Puppies in River

I'm a little late on this, but it's nevertheless unfathomable. At Telegraph UK, "Teenage girl throws puppies into a river in online video."

Click the image to watch.

No doubt JBW thinks this is hilarious — no evil in the world,
and all that, dontcha know?

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JBW said...

Never said that there is no evil in the world Don, just that you and your friends sound like children the way you refer to it. It doesn't surprise me that you'd say I find puppycide hilarious after you talked shit about my dead father over at my site but you still suck for doing it. I wonder: who's dead relative would Jesus make fun of?

Dennis said...

   /ˈivəl/ Show Spelled[ee-vuhl] Show IPA
morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.
harmful; injurious: evil laws.
characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.
due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.
marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition.
that which is evil; evil quality, intention, or conduct: to choose the lesser of two evils.
the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin.
the wicked or immoral part of someone or something: The evil in his nature has destroyed the good.
harm; mischief; misfortune: to wish one evil.
anything causing injury or harm: Tobacco is considered by some to be an evil.
a harmful aspect, effect, or consequence: the evils of alcohol.
a disease, as king's evil.
in an evil manner; badly; ill: It went evil with him.
the evil one, the devil; Satan.

AmPowerBlog said...

JBW: Quit making shit up, loser. I was doggin' you for your emotions. I didn't diss your dad. In fact, I think I inferred it, but my dad sucked in a lot of ways, and it wasn't funny. Thus, I can understand why you have deep emotional scars that prevent you from having meaningful relationships with cool dudes like me. You'll be cool once you settle down with a family, so there's hope.

JBW said...

Two things: 1) Dictionary definitions? Really? That's not going to make you sound like less of a child, and 2) You? Cool? And marriage too, huh? Yeah, I remember how much cooler most of my buddies got after they got married and stopped doing anything fun so they could get dragged to Bed, Bath and Beyond on the weekend. Enjoy, Lecter-Lite.