Wednesday, August 7, 2013

'Distributed Internet Reputational Attack'

Well, it turns out I haven't blogged about this Charles Carreon dolt, but Robert Stacy McCain has, taking off on Popehat's epic beatdown on that idiot.

See, "‘Distributed Internet Reputational Attack’? Charles Carreon’s Self-Evident Absurdity."

And following the links we see this at Popehat, "An Open Letter to Charles Carreon."

And (I'm laughing as I link this) go to Carreon's "Rapeutation" blog.

"Reputational Attack"? The lulz.

BONUS: Head back over to the Other McCain for more on this Carreon dolt, "The @Popehat Reign of Terror and the Censorious Douchebag Charles Carreon."