Thursday, June 25, 2009

James Webb, Atheist Hypocrite, Loves teh Gays

James Webb, of Brain Rage, was creepily interested in my post last night, "Democratic Values! Left-Wing Alaska Operative 'Ghoulshops' Trig Palin!"

In his entry, "American Power and Trig Palin 'Ghoulshopping', James agrees radical Linda Biegel's Photoshop of Trig Palin was indeed "ghoulish." But then he attempts to walk it back because it wasn't really Trig. It was "just" the "evil" Eddie Burke:

Now while I wouldn't go so far as Don in saying that he's a grotesque ridicule of Down Syndrome I will say that he does indeed look a bit ghoulish ...

Hunh ... (gasping here, eyes bulging out of sockets) ... WTF!! It's ghoulish or it ain't! Help me out, yo!

Oh, you know what? It's not ghoulish if it's Palin's baby, because the Palins are Wasilla hillbillies and Eddie Burke's ... well, he's a "Homophobic, Red Shirt, Bible-Thumping Nazi, Gay Bashing, Tea-Bagging Racist, White Guy Bigot!

Okay, gotcha! That makes it a-okay!

Actually, full snark stop here for a second ... it's not okay!

Weasel Zippers nails it: "Something this vile, mean spirited and vitriolic is the sole property of the left..."

And Texas for Palin adds this, "Shocked? Don't be. These are Democrats. It's what they do. It's who they are."

Conservatives for Sarah Palin have been updating their original post all day, for example, this shocker! "
Dr. Chill: Liar, Liar; Now They're Claiming That We Made the Photo Ugly."

But that's just the typical dishonesty and hypocrisy you get from the radical leftists.

Another quick example is James Webb's policy of tracking hit pieces on American Power back to ... wait for it ... American Power!

That's right! Can you believe it?!! This freak, James Webb, writes a post hammering me as representing "
everyday stupidity of right-wing religious neoconservatives." And then he tracks-back, twice, like a MOFO LINK WHORE - FREAKING A!!

I am not even kidding! Dude! You can't make this sh** up! Check the track-back links,
here and here! It's like, yo, he thinks I'm a bro or something!

And guess what? What's so wierd about it is that, yeah, I'm like totally cool with folks leaving their hits in my comments section. I'm a link whore myself, frankly. No shame in it, IMHO, as long as everyone reciprocates.

BUT JAMES WEBB FLIPPED A WIG WHEN I DROPPED MY BLACK FLAG PUNK POST IN HIS COMMENTS A WHILE BACK -or some such bunk, who knows WTF is up with this guy's hysterics??!!

It turns out that James Webb sent me a whacked, totally pissed-off HOLY HELL INDIGNANT e-mail to show it:

I warned you once before Don when you shamelessly linked some post about your skateboarding youth on a completely unrelated comment thread at my site. I left that link up and made it clear that I would delete any future comments not at least tangentially relevant to their posts ...
Okay, okay, what was it? Maybe my post wasn't "tangentially related." It's not like I was trying to rip the guy a new one with, well, stuff like:

The term 'sore losers' seems a bit simplistic and trite to explain this apparent derangement and never ending persecution complex but at this point I can't think of any other rational explanation for this type of behavior.
Sheesh, that's what I get for trying to be a homie! Man, remind me never to try to drop off an old punk rock post at some WANNABE-HIP dude's freaking blog! Forget about, ah ... you know, trying to be, like, friendly!!

But wait!!

That's not all!

James Webb hearts him teh gays, but he doesn't like it one bit when you call him out on it! Remember my post on "
How to Get a Blogger Content Warning"? That's where you can find some gay homo-sex blogs by clicking through James's OUT Campaign link. Alexander the Gay's blog pops right up (but wait, don't go there ... unless you're looking to see James' phat-hung Asian dudes!).

It's like I told folks: "Shoot, if you need a happening online portal to teh well-hung gays, James Webb is your man!"

But, boy, did the dude flip his stack at that one! James was steaming hotter than a spooge-soaked hunk of throbbing gristle!!

(Oh yeah, snark's back on here, just in case anyone takes this too seriously.)

I'm surprised too! James is down with the homosexuals, so you wouldn't think he'd get so pissed about giving folks the heads up on his gay-supporting atheism. I mean, really, James is totally down on the e-mails to his bro Andrew Sullivan, and
the Atlantic's barebacker even links to James blog! Now that is inside baseball! Switch-hitting too!


Come out, come out, wherever you are!!

Just be careful dude! With the support of
Linda Biegel, James is practically getting over there into Trig-Truther territory! And even more importantly, you've got to look out for that AIDS-related dementia! Pretty soon, we'll have to get Christopher Badeaux to put up a huge bio-piece nailing down James' descent into anti-neocon (anti-Semitic) madness!

But hey, everything's cool, alright?

I'm not going to delete James' spam links in my comments section. Just as long as he stays the f*** back, okay? I like teh gays ... really, some of my best friends ... But frankly, I don't do the flip-floppy on the side!

YouTube Censors Pro-Life Live Action Films

Via Cassy Fiano, "YouTube Removes an Anti-Abortion Video From Live Action Films:

Planned Parenthood Falsely Says Abortion Pictures Are "not Real" - Funny videos are here

Yesterday, Live Action Films posted the following video to YouTube...

It has since been removed by YouTube with no detailed explanation other than a “violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines”.

Here are YouTube’s community guidelines that could be considered relevant to this particular video ...

Read the whole thing, here.

YouTube took Live Action's videos down, but left up the clips of Neda Soltan's murder in Iran. Hmm ... must be
a neocon/Ahmedinejad thing? Either that, or they didn't want to miss the ad revenue.

See also, Jill Stanek, "
Mainstream Media's Selective Censorship of Iconic Images, Even TODAY."

Michael Jackson Dead at 50

TMZ was reporting it first (The Blog Prof has links and Memeorandum), and then the Los Angeles Times, "Michael Jackson is dead [Updated]." Both Fox News and CNN held off on reporting, until a few minutes ago, absent confirmation. I was never one to be too hard on Michael Jackson. Reclusive and enormously wierd (and perhaps criminal), Michael Jackson, and earlier, with The Jackson 5, was more than a cultural icon in my family. Like Farrah Fawcett, Jackson's death engenders "wistfulness." I truly feel older today.

Mojtaba Khamenei, Revolutionary Guard, Key to Power in Iran

From the Los Angeles Times, "Iran supreme leader's son seen as power broker with big ambitions":

There are few anecdotes about him, and pictures, at least ones that have appeared in public, are scarce. But Mojtaba Khamenei, the son of Iran's supreme leader, wields considerable power and is a key figure in orchestrating the crackdown against anti-government protesters, analysts say.

The younger Khamenei operates tucked behind an elaborate security structure, an overlapping world that stretches from Iran's Revolutionary Guard corps to the motorcycle-riding Basiji militiamen.

Analysts and former dissidents describe him as the gatekeeper for his father, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a reclusive son whose political instincts were sharpened in a post-revolutionary Iran where affiliations with security and intelligence services were just as important as Islamic ideology ....

"Mojtaba's hands are well into the [Revolutionary Guard] hierarchy," said Said Idriss, an Iranian expert with Cairo's Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. "Like all conservatives, he is keen not to let any reformers reach power because then many questions will be raised regarding the financial management of the country and the billions of dollars conservatives use to support their regional political agenda.
The video above, from Al Jazeera, on the Revolutionary Guards, discusses the monopoly on the use of force in Iran.

Despite rumors of dissension, the police apparatus appears unified and in full control. From Con Coughlin, "
Is Iran's Ruthless Crackdown Working?":
The effectiveness with which Iran's security forces have dealt with the worst outbreak of political violence since the 1979 Islamic revolution illustrates the scale of the challenge faced by the Green Revolution's supporters in changing the way the country is governed.

From the moment Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country's supreme leader, issued a stark warning declaring the protests to be illegal, the regime has moved quickly and forcefully to suppress the pro-reform movement.

And, to judge by the diminishing numbers of protesters who are prepared to risk their lives demonstrating against the result of the recent presidential election, the tactics appear to be working.
More at the link, and also the BBC and Memeorandum.

Democratic Scheme Shuts Down July 4 Atlanta Tea Party!

I saw Obi's Sister's report last night, "Very Sad News":
The Atlanta Tea Party, scheduled for July 4th at Gwinnett Place Mall, has been cancelled.
But via Glenn Reynolds and Bob Owens, it turns out that top Democratic Party donors schemed to have the event shut down, "Large Democratic Donors Help Shut Down July 4 Atlanta Tea Party":

A real estate company whose owners have contributed heavily to Democratic causes apparently used articles and content on conservative blogs to justify bringing about pressure to shut down an Atlanta tea party protest scheduled for the Fourth of July — an event that organizers estimated would attract 20,000 people.

The apparent plot was uncovered when blogger and radio talk show host Andrea Shea King noticed an unusual amount of traffic coming to her site earlier this month.

On Jun 16,
Andrea Shea King emailed me, questioning a heavy burst of Sitemeter traffic coming from She included screencaps of the traffic, two of which are reproduced below (click to enlarge).
Go to the post for the screencaps and concluding analysis.

As Glenn says, "
Well, I guess that means they’re afraid."

They should be: The Obama/Democratic agenda is shaping up as

Possible Iran Runoff Election!

From Iran Bureau, "25 June: Possible compromise?":

The following is from Mehdi Noorbaksh, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology:

There is a possibility, and I am saying a possibility, for a compromise on the election result among the involved parties in Iran in the next couple of days. I received a call from Iran late last night indicating that there is a possibility for a runoff between Mousavi and Ahmadinejad. There are a few points that we should consider in this context.

1. The Guardian Council all but acknowledged election irregularities a few days ago and indicated that it involved 3 million votes. This body did not restrict these irregularities to a few thousand or even a hundred thousand votes, but millions. That was a face saving gesture to open the door for a possible future compromise in the event of mounting pressure. There are other irregularities having the same nature. Many districts, up to 170, show voter turnout of 95% to 140% of the eligible voters.

2. Ali Larijani, the head of the Iranian parliament, is trying to convince the leadership on the side of the supreme leader to give national TV time to Mousavi to talk to the Iranian people. In his TV talk a couple of days ago, Larijani was critical of the Iranian national TV for not allowing Mousavi to use that medium of communication to talk to the Iranian people. He also announced that a few members of the Guardian Council were biased toward one candidate, namely Ahmadinejad, in the election.

3. There is report that Rafsanjani has succeeded to get the signatures and support of many of the high clerics in Qom denouncing the election. If they openly denounce the election that could be a colossal blow to the supreme leader, and the much diminished legitimacy of the institution of Velayat-e Faqih and his authority.

4. The Guardian Councils’ investigation of the vote fraud has been extended, possibly to gain more time in negotiating a solution to the conflict.
More at the link (or e-mail me for a full copy of the report).

The Washington Post has the story, "
Possible Runoff Vote, Power Struggle in Iran." And from the Los Angeles Times, "Iran Opposition lLader Mir-Hossein Mousavi Lashes Out; 70 Professors Arrested."

More news at The Lede, "
Latest Updates on Iran’s Disputed Election," Nico Pitney, "AHMADINEJAD LASHES OUT: Compares Obama To Bush," and Ed Morrissey, "Ahmadinejad Snubbed by Iranian Parliament."

Check updates at
Memeorandum as well.

Farrah Fawcett, 62, Was America's '70s Pinup

Farrah Fawcett has died.

The Los Angeles Times has an obituary, "
Farrah Fawcett dies at 62; actress rose above 'Charlie's Angels'":

Farrah Fawcett, who soared to fame as a national sex symbol in the late 1970s on television's campy "Charlie's Angels" and in a swimsuit poster that showcased her feathery mane and made her a generation's favorite pinup, died today. She was 62.

Fawcett, whose celebrity overshadowed her ability as a serious actress, was diagnosed with a rare anal cancer in 2006, died about 9:30 a.m. at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, said Paul Bloch, her publicist.
Three months after she was declared cancer-free in 2007, doctors at UCLA Medical Center told her the cancer had returned, spreading to her liver, and she repeatedly sought experimental
treatment in Germany.

As an actress, Fawcett was initially dismissed for her role as Jill Munroe in "Charlie's Angels," one of the "jiggle" series on ABC-TV in the late 1970s.

But she transformed her career and some popular perceptions in 1984 with "The Burning Bed," a television movie about a battered wife that brought her the first of three Emmy nominations. She further established herself as an actress in the play and later feature film "Extremities," about a rape victim who takes revenge on her attacker.

For many, the poster of her wearing a wet one-piece swimsuit and a blinding smile endured.
More here. A photo slideshow is here.

Photo Credit: Times of London.

Palin Hits Back at 'Malicious' Photoshop of Son Trig

Via Riehl World View, CNN reports that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has denounced Democratic blogger Linda Kellen Biegel, who posted a nasty Photoshop of Palin's son Trig to her website, Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis.

That's Ms. Biegel below, carbo-protein-loading for her next round of attacks on the Palins.
No Sheeples Here! has more information:

Dan Riehl, who features Biegel's Facebook photo to the right of an earlier post, adds this:
Apparently Linda Kellen Biegel thinks it funny to alter an image to portray Trig as her "humorous" version of what a child with Down's syndrome would look like.

At right is what Linda Kellen Biegel's un-altered picture looks like.

Need I say more?

She must be relying on PETA to protect her. But I doubt they'll want that face for one of those warm fuzzy billboards during "Hug an Animal" week.
See Memeorandum as well, for example, Sister Toldjah, "Yet Another Sterling Example of Liberal “Compassion”."

But see especially, Conservatives for Sarah Palin, "
Obsession Clouds Common Decency ."

More Weenie Diplomacy? Venezuela and Syria

"Can't have the Iranian diplomats over for hot dogs? Then kiss and make up with their friends."

That would be President Barack "Buns" Obama making nice with Venezuela and Syria.

Get the full story from
Fausta, at Real Clear World.

Hope Fades but Anger is Alive in Iran Crackdown

From the Washington Post, "Hope Fades but Anger is Alive as Iran's Rulers Crack Down":

Standing in Tehran's grand Vali-e Asr Street amid a sea of green, the opposition's signature color, Mehrdad was sure Iran was on the verge of a change for the better.

He pulled out his cellphone and started filming the crowd around him: the girls in green head scarves, the ladies in traditional chador with green bands around their wrists, the middle-aged couple holding hands as they marched. All were supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, the man Mehrdad was certain would be the next president of Iran.

That was two weeks ago. Now everything has changed.

"I deleted those movies," said Mehrdad, a tall 31-year-old who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition that his last name not be used. "What if they find those on my cellphone? I could be arrested. Actually, I could be arrested even for wearing green."

Mehrdad is one among millions, part of a movement that has gone in a matter of days from the exultant hope of reforming Iran's government to the disappointment of facing down leaders who have labeled them terrorists and hooligans. For now, at least, the millions are largely silenced. Only small groups venture out to demonstrate, and when they do, they are suppressed violently.

But their anger remains.

More at the link.

Hat Tip: Lucianne. See also, Ryan Mauro, "Regime Change in Iran: Yes, We Can."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Who’s Funding the Obamacare Astroturf Campaign?

Care of The Rhetorican, check out Michelle Malkin's new piece, "Who's Funding the Obamacare Campaign?":

If you believe the White House, there are 30 million Americans who support a government health care takeover. But if you look at the funding behind the Obamacare Astroturf campaign, it’s the same few Leftist billionaires, union bosses, and partisan community organizers pushing the socialized medicine agenda. Let’s connect the dots.

On Thursday, a national “grass-roots” coalition called “Health Care for America Now (HCAN)” will march on Capitol Hill to demand universal health care. The ground troops won’t have to march very far. HCAN, you see, is no heartland network. It is headquartered at 1825 K Street in Washington, D.C. – smack dab in the middle of Beltway lobby land.

In fact, 1825 K Street is Ground Zero for a
plethora of “progressive” groups subsidized by anti-war, anti-Republican, Big Nanny special interests. Around Washington, the office complex is known as “The Other K Street.” The Washington Post noted in 2007 that “[i]ts most prominent tenants form an abbreviated who’s who of well-funded allies of the Democratic Party… Big money from unions such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, as well as the Internet-fueled MoveOn, has provided groups like those at 1825 K Street the wherewithal to mount huge campaigns.”

MoveOn, of course, is the recreational political vehicle of radical liberal sugar daddy George Soros. The magnate’s financial fingerprints are all over the HCAN coalition, which includes MoveOn; the action fund of the Center for American Progress (a Soros think tank); and the Campaign for America’s Future (a pro-welfare state lobbying outfit).
Read the whole thing, at the link.

Plus, check out Michelle's forthcoming book, Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies.

Democratic Values! Left-Wing Alaska Operative 'Ghoulshops' Trig Palin!

A top Alaska Democratic Party operative once again proves the everyday demonology of left-wing secular progressives.

Gateway Pundit and Conservatives for Sarah Palin, it turns out that Linda Kellen Biegel, the publisher of Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis, has Photoshopped a ghoulish picture of Trig Palin at her blog. She's also linked by the Alaska Democratic Party website:

From Conservatives for Sarah Palin:
Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. Is this the position of the Alaska Democratic party? Keep in mind that she was the official Alaska blogger for the DNC.

Does Bob Poe,
who attended a Q&A with Linda Biegel, approve of this?

Actually, why don't you email
Bob Poe himself to find out...
And she's linked at the Alaska Democrat's website!

this link for the e-mail addresses to Alaska State Democratic Party officials.

Biegel's Facebook link (available from a public Google search). Send her a "friend" request with a personal message!


UPDATE: Celtic Diva's response is here. And this is what it's all about:

When folks like this think a radio talk show host is a "Homophobic, Red Shirt, Bible-Thumping Nazi, Gay Bashing, Tea-Bagging Racist, White Guy Bigot," it's pretty clear they're not losing sleep over "ghoulshopping" Trig Palin into a grotesque ridicule of Downs syndrome.

More information here:
For those of you who might be unaware, Linda Kellen Biegel was one of the people who filed a frivolous ethics complaint against Gov. Palin. Her complaint claimed that the governor abused the Ethics Act because she wore a jacket with ... the logo of the company that sponsors her husband in the Iron Dog snowmachine race. Biegel's ridiculous complaint was, of course, dismissed, but not after costing the governor thousands of dollars in legal debt to defend herself. You can donate to the governor's legal defense fund, The Alaska Fund Trust, here.Biegel's use of this sick photoshop is part of her efforts to raise money for her next frivolous ethics complaint.

Well, They Didn't RSVP...

Here's Allahpundit on President Obama's reversal on the Iranians and 4th of July hospitality:

I wonder what changed his mind. Was it the mass head-cracking today in Baharestan Square? Or, like me, did he read the story about regime filthbags evicting Neda’s grieving family from their home and find himself consumed with righteous rage? Probably not the latter. President Spock doesn’t do rage.
Also, Jennifer Rubin:
The president has rescinded his invitation for hot dogs with Iranian diplomats after days of criticism from the blogosphere, members of Congress, and conservatives. Once again the Left has been marched up the hill to defend the inexcusable (How rude to disinvite someone with whom we may have to “engage”! How petty!) only to abandon the position when common sense or political necessity intervene.

This is a pattern of course — on the president’s language on Iran, on release of detainee abuse photos, on Chas Freeman, and sort of on a Truth Commission. One would think the Right has more influence with this administration than do those who launched his campaign and put him in the White House ...
Plus, Ed Morrissey, "Weenie diplomacy now out?"

Professor Paul Rahe on Iran Uprising

Power Line has published comments on the Iran uprising from Paul Rahe. He is a Professor of History and Political Science at Hillsdale College, and the author of Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, and the Modern Prospect. :
From all of this, the supporters of George W. Bush's policy in Iraq should draw consolation, for the elections that took place in that country under the American aegis contributed mightily to the discontent in Iran. The people of Iran were witness to the emergence within Iraq of a secular republic sponsored by an Iranian cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, possessed of an erudition and an authority rivalling and arguably surpassing that of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They were witness to elections that were really free and to public debate open in ways that debate within the Islamic Republic is not. Morever, in Quom, the stronghold of the Shiite clergy, the clerics who most fully command respect have long rejected, as contrary to Shiite tradition and the interest of Islam, the path of direct clerical rule pursued by Khomeini.
Read the whole thing at the link.

Bloodbath in Tehran: Obama, Stunning Abdication of Leadership

Ongoing coverage at Atlas Shrugs, Nice Deb, Steve Schippert, and Glenn Reynolds.

The Obama administration has
rescinded its 4th of July invitations to Iranian diplomats. Melanie Phillips comments:
What a disgrace that this man is leader of the free world; and at such a point in history. If he had put America stoutly behind the protesters and championed them against the regime, by now they might have toppled it. There are signs today that even the fawning American media is appalled.
Here are more viideos via iReport, uploaded today:

And check this report from Australia's ABC News, "'Blood Everywhere' in Fresh Iran Crackdown":
There are reports of another brutal crackdown in Iran, with websites, internet bloggers and eyewitnesses all talking of a bloodbath in Tehran.

The reports suggest thousands of police and pro-government militia have used firearms, clubs and teargas to suppress another opposition rally.

There is even one account of a nine-year-old girl being shot.

Hussein Obama: Pandering to Islamic Radicals

From Anne Bayefsky, "A Weak American President":
President Obama has staked his reputation on being a human rights guru to people around the world. But his remarks at Tuesday's news conference and behavior since taking office have instead exposed a different persona--that of human rights charlatan.

On June 15, three days after the phony Iranian elections and the same day that seven Iranian demonstrators were murdered, Obama's UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, made a speech in Vienna promoting the Saint Obama vision: "The responsibility to protect is a duty that I feel deeply. … We must prepare for the likelihood that we will again face the worst impulses of human nature run riot, perhaps as soon as in days to come. And we must be ready. … We all know the greatest obstacle to swift action in the face of sudden atrocity is, ultimately, political will. … It requires above all the courage and compassion to act. Together, let us all help one other to have and to act upon the courage of our convictions."

A week later there were multiple casualties, injuries and threats, and 46 million voters wrenched away from that doorway to freedom that had opened--if only a crack. But when the president was asked Tuesday: "Is there any red line that your administration won't cross where that offer [to talk to Iran's leaders] will be shut off?" He answered: "We're still waiting to see how it plays itself out" ....

This Iranian government has told us in deeds, as well as in words, exactly what path it has chosen. President Obama has told us his path also: pandering to Islamic radicals and empty posturing. Ironically, the rest of the world claimed they wanted a weak American president whose foreign policy would read "apologize, capitulate and stand down." Now that they have what they asked for, real human rights victims are being forced to pay the piper.
P.S. Can somebody get Reihan Salam a clue!

Obama Health Takeover! All Taxes on the Table!

Via Midnight Blue, "Everything Is On The Table" (link):

Also, Amy Walter, "Not In My Health Plan: Would-Be Reformers Must Convince Voters That An Overhaul Won't Affect Their Care."

Sanford Admits Affair and Explains Disappearance

Via Dan Riehl, "Scratch Sanford For 2012":
Update: Admits affair. Resigns as Chair of GOP Gov's Assoc.
And the New York Times, "Gov. Sanford Admits Affair and Explains Disappearance":
Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina, apologized in a rambling news conference on Wednesday for having an extra-marital affair with a woman in Argentina, ending a mystery over his week-long disappearance that had infuriated lawmakers and seemed to put his rising political career in jeopardy.

Governor Sanford admitted he had been in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since Thursday, not hiking on the Appalachian Trail as he told his staff. In revealing an affair that had gone on for about a year — and which he had disclosed to his wife, Jenny, five months ago, he said: “This was selfishness on my part.”

Mr. Sanford announced on Wednesday that he was resigning his position as chairman of the Republican Governors Association.

In an interview with The State newspaper of Columbia, S.C., on Wednesday morning, Mr. Sanford said he had taken an unplanned trip to the South American country to recharge after a difficult legislative session in which he battled with lawmakers over accepting a portion of the federal stimulus funding.

He had considered hiking the trail, he said. “But I said ‘no’ I wanted to do something exotic,” Mr. Sanford told The State. “It’s a great city.”

Only at the news conference did he reveal why he traveled there.
Michelle Malkin:
It’s the only fitting word for a man who abandons his wife and four sons on Father’s Day weekend to indulge his “overdrive” on an Argentinian fling.

Mark Sanford: Bastard.
Also, The State, "Sanford admits affair, apologizes to family."

For analysis see, "Curse of the 2012 GOP," and Memeorandum.

Iran Parliament Crackdown! Bloody Sniper Video! Frantic Callers!

Readers should go to Twitter #IranElection for the phenomenal output of information coming out of Iran right now. Lots of information at Memeorandum!

Here's a video of apparent sniper attacks, dated today:

Here's a YouTube clip, "Brutality in Iran," featuring a panicked phone call to CNN's Wolf Blitzer:

ABC's Lara Setrakian tweets from Iran:
source: they are beating people severely. helicopters all over the city finding protesters & telling guards so they go attack #iranelection ...
Here's another, from parishki:
CONFIRMED/URGENT RT: Police Are Checking Cells for Videos & Pictures: Transfer Files, Wipe Clean Phone Memory #iranelection #gr88
Check some of the others blogging:

* Atlas Shrugs, "IRAN: DAY 12 OF THE REVOLUTION - How could Obama do nothing? 'Blood everywhere' 'militia with axe chopping ppl like meat" 'militia beating one woman with baton on ground - she had no defense nothing - sure that she is dead'."

* Gateway Pundit, "CRACKDOWN IN BAHARESTAN SQUARE!... 3 People Shot-- Police Will Not Allow Protesters to Assist Them ...Update: 1 Woman Dead ...Update: Several Dead."

* Hot Air, "Massacre near Iran’s Parliament? Audio: Eyewitness describes massacre."

* The Anchoress, "Massacre in Tehran? – UPDATES."


* The Lede, "Latest Updates on Iran’s Disputed Election":

Update 2:10 p.m. The Associated Press reports on Wednesday’s clashes:

Protesters and riot police clashed in the streets around Iran’s parliament Wednesday as hundreds of people converged on a Tehran square in defiance of government orders to halt demonstrations demanding a new presidential election, witnesses said.

Security forces appeared to vastly outnumber the demonstrators, and they beat protesters gathered on Baharestan Square with batons and fired tear gas canisters and rounds of ammunition into the air, witnesses told The Associated Press. They said some demonstrators fought back while others fled to another Tehran plaza, Sepah Square, about a mile (2 kilometers) to the north.

A helicopter could be seen hovering over central Tehran, where a witness told the AP that the area was swarming with hundreds of riot police who were trying to prevent people from gathering even briefly. Thousands more security officers filled the surrounding streets, said the witness, who declined to give his name for fear of government reprisals.

Obama Woos Mullahs, Betrays Iran's Protesters (GRAPHIC!)

Here's the Washington Times, "EXCLUSIVE: U.S. contacted Iran's ayatollah before election."

The Rhetorican adds this:
This overtures from the administration to the Iranian regime put Obama’s apathy towards the Iranian protesters in perspective. Seems Obama was playing it cool towards the uprising in the hope he could still score a date with the regime, like a wary suitor waiting for a cue from a skeptical beloved.
More at Memeorandum.

Obama Shamelessly Throws Himself at the Iranian Mullahs

From Dr. Sanity's morning post, on President Obama's Fourth of July invitation to Iran's mullah diplomats:

Are you proud to be hosting a bunch of murderous, lying thugs on our national holiday of freedom and liberty? Are you proud of Obama's simpering, fawning behavior when it comes to the Iranian "Supreme" Leader? Maybe all we needed to do with Saddam was to invite him for coffee and donuts at the White House to seduce him into change his genocidal ways? ...

Iran Vows To Make Example of Arrestees

I'm putting aside my distrust of NBC's bias to shared this video. Check out Richard Engel's report on Iran, from last night's NBC Nightly News:

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Also, from the Washingotn Post, "Iran Vows To Make Example of Arrestees":
The Iranian government stepped up pressure Tuesday on opponents challenging the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, setting up a special court to try detained protesters, carrying out new arrests and launching a campaign to publicly vilify those calling for a new vote.

Authorities also formally rejected the opposition's demands to annul the disputed June 12 presidential election on grounds of massive fraud and set a deadline of mid-August for Ahmadinejad's inauguration and the confirmation of his new cabinet.

But in an apparent effort to assuage the opposition, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, agreed to give a powerful supervisory body an additional five days to review the complaints of fraud.

President Obama's remarks Tuesday on the tumult seemed to strike a chord with at least some opposition supporters in Iran.

In an affluent North Tehran neighborhood, where people watched Obama's White House news conference on a big-screen satellite television, one woman commented: "He is following the right line. He should not give the regime an excuse to blame the U.S. for the protests."

Reporters "should grill him on human rights," a man said of Obama, while trying to work around censored Web sites on his computer.

On a day of relative calm after security forces broke up protests Monday, the government vowed to make an example of detained "rioters" and teach them a lesson. Hundreds of Iranians have been arrested in the past 10 days since the Interior Ministry declared that Ahmadinejad outpolled his nearest rival, former prime minister Mir Hossein Mousavi, by nearly 2 to 1. Mousavi has vowed to continue protesting despite a government ban on demonstrations and a public warning from Khamenei.

Truckloads of police in riot gear deployed at Tehran's main squares Tuesday to prevent a recurrence of the protests, and there were no signs of significant opposition gatherings.

A senior official of Iran's judiciary, which is controlled by the ruling Shiite Muslim clerics, said Tuesday that a special court would try detained protesters, the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported.

"Those arrested in recent events will be dealt with in a way that will teach them a lesson," the official, Ibrahim Raisi, was quoted as saying. "The rioters should be dealt with in an exemplary way, and the judiciary will do that." Raisi did not elaborate.

Protecting the Transgendered, Normalizing Deviancy?

At the New York Times, "New Protections for Transgender Federal Workers."

I can't help thinking how much the moral universe would be improved if President Obama decided to put a fraction of the effort protecting unborn children as he does for protecting transgendered workers ...

Pam's House Blend has a post on this, but Hilzoy really captures the postmodern zeitgeist:

Discrimination against transmen and transwomen is just wrong, and it's pervasive. Transitioning to a different gender is a tough enough process without worrying about whether you're going to lose your job as a result. And people can be pretty antediluvian about these things: they freak out about who gets to use what bathroom, etc., etc., ad nauseam.
You think?

Here's Reliapundit, who hearts him some capitals, "





Hat Tip: Memeorandum.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama: "How Many More Have to Die..."

The Lede reports that another protest is called for tomorrow "outside Iran’s Parliament at 4 p.m. on Wednesday (which is 7:30 a.m. in New York)." And opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi plans to attend.

This photo is from the Boston Globe, "A Troubled Week in Iran":
A demonstrator heads towards Azadi Square during a rally in support of presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi in western Tehran June 15, 2009.
See also, Fox News, "Obama: 'Not Too Late' for Iranian Government to Peacefully Resolve Unrest":
Though some analysts see the protests on the streets of Iran as a potential tipping point that could eventually lead to the toppling of the regime, the U.S. president made clear that he's still interested in reviving diplomatic ties with the hard-line Islamic government.
For contrast, see Gateway Pundit. He's got tweets from Iran denouncing the administration appeasement:
Mr Obama how many more have to die for you to be hard and firm on dictator khamanei #IranElection #Neda #gr88 #Iran iran iran ...
Finally, don't miss Michael Ledeen, "Lessons Learned From Ten Days of the Iranian Uprising":
– Fifth, that there are cracks in the regime’s edifice, ranging from declarations of small groups of Revolutionary Guards calling on their brothers to defect to “the people,” to a phenomenon that is just beginning to be discussed here and there, mostly on the Net but originally in an Arab newspaper. Steve Schippert posted on it and did a first-class analysis. Steve starts with a report from al Arabiya that says senior ayatollahs have been meeting secretly in Qom to discuss significant changes in the structure of the Iranian state. In addition to the Iranian clerics, there was a foreigner: Jawad al-Shahristani, the supreme representative of Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the foremost Shiite leader in Iraq.

If this is true, it is, as Steve says, huge. Because it means that senior religious leaders in Iran are talking to the representative of an Iraqi Imam who believes, as most Shi’ites did before Khomeini’s heresy, that the proper role of religious leaders is to guide their people from the mosque, not from the political capital. In other words, they are talking about the most serious form of regime change ...
Photo Credit: The Boston Globe.

Added: CNN, "Clerics join Iran's anti-government protests," via Memeorandum.

A Final Solution to Understanding Andrew Sullivan

This essay is a genuine masterpiece, "Through the Looking Glass With Andrew Sullivan."

It desperately needs more links than the two now up at a Memeorandum, Patterico's Pontifications and RedState. A third I found while searching for the author, Christopher Badeaux.

I am unaware of Mr. Badeaux. I'm pleased to come across his work. I'm also extremely fascinated by
this comment at Solomonia, which mentions that part of the essay which is indeed most compelling:
Oh bravo. This is priceless, a must read.

I've been following the Iran story on Sullivan's blog, which otherwise makes me nervous - and couldn't help but encounter his piece on Froomkin and other references to "neocons".

I love the paragraphs in the linked story about his disdain for Bush, The Big Spender, juxtaposed with his admiration for President Obama, the Even Bigger Spender.

Great stuff.

Yes, great stuff, magisterial even.

I've noted lately that I'm in the middle of two of Sullivan's books, Virtually Normal: An Argument About Homosexuality and The Conservative Soul: Fundamentalism, Freedom, and the Future of the Right.

Yet, I'm still figuring out Andrew Sullivan. The woman's comment above offers an excuse to excerpt the a hefty portion of the passage in question. The key is Sullivan's anti-Semitism. I've blogged on this a couple of times recently. Only only Ace of Spades HQ has offered as comprehense an explication of Sullivan's Jew-hating as Badeaux here:

More than his fascination with the delivery of Trig Palin, more than his quixotic quest to convince anyone other than himself that the Catholic Church is a Protestant denomination, perhaps the largest image for which Andrew Sullivan has been known these last fifteen years is a political wanderer. A Brit unable to vote in this country, its governance ranks up there with his obsession with the Pet Shop Boys (in fairness, topics of roughly equal gravity) in the volume and intensity of his writings. Long-time readers of Sullivan – those who do not speak seriously of the Elder Gods – note that he was an iconoclastic supporter of Bill Clinton, who was disgusted by the Clintons by the time they left office; then an iconoclastic supporter of George W. Bush, who was disgusted with Bush by the time he left office; and is now a fairly open, unabashed, gushing admirer of President Obama. What’s interesting, though, is how his politics have changed in just four years.

Here he is discussing George W. Bush’s 2004 Convention speech:

THE END OF CONSERVATISM: But conservatism as we have known it is now over. People like me who became conservatives because of the appeal of smaller government and more domestic freedom are now marginalized in a big-government party, bent on using the power of the state to direct people’s lives, give them meaning and protect them from all dangers. Just remember all that Bush promised last night: an astonishingly expensive bid to spend much more money to help people in ways that conservatives once abjured. He pledged to provide record levels of education funding, colleges and healthcare centers in poor towns, more Pell grants, seven million more affordable homes, expensive new HSAs, and a phenomenally expensive bid to reform the social security system. I look forward to someone adding it all up, but it’s easily in the trillions ....

Barely four years later, here he is discussing Barack Obama’s Convention speech:

It was a deeply substantive speech, full of policy detail, full of people other than the candidate, centered overwhelmingly on domestic economic anxiety. It was a liberal speech, more unabashedly, unashamedly liberal than any Democratic acceptance speech since the great era of American liberalism. But it made the case for that liberalism - in the context of the decline of the American dream, and the rise of cynicism and the collapse of cultural unity. His ability to portray that liberalism as a patriotic, unifying, ennobling tradition makes him the most lethal and remarkable Democratic figure since John F Kennedy….

I’ve said it before - months and months ago. I should say it again tonight. This is a remarkable man at a vital moment. America would be crazy to throw this opportunity away. America must not throw this opportunity away.

Know hope.

What’s remarkable here is what’s missing: Talk of tax reform, talk of control over rampant spending, talk of prudence. Remarkably, at the height of the Iraq War, Sullivan seemed fixated on spending, and with Iraq under control and terrorism muted and spending through the roof, his first focus was on the war powers of the Presidency. A cynic might say that Sullivan could only see Bush’s weaknesses and was inordinately blind to Obama’s.

But we’re not cynics here. Instead, we are devotees trying to track our way through Sullivan’s mental progression, disciples whose only hope lies in understanding how so great a man could so completely whipsaw from a critical view of a man he’d once supported to a sycophantic lay worshiper of another, equally obvious politician.

Some attribute this to President Obama’s pretty face. That’s demeaning. Some attribute it to George W. Bush’s stance on gay marriage – but that would be ridiculous, not merely because it would suggest that Sullivan is a one-dimensional writer obsessed with sex, but also because it would make Sullivan seem like an utter nutter for hating former Vice President Dick Cheney (a proponent of gay marriage and federalism) with the intensity of a thousand suns. (It would also raise questions about the man’s sanity in another way: Candidate Obama was clear that he opposed gay marriage, and occasionally likes to have a good laugh about angry, protesting gays. Yet Sullivan’s admiration continues.)

No. These are too prosaic, too common, too easy to destroy. What could drive a man from admiration and defense for a governor from Texas who hewed to Sullivan’s then-preferred doctrine of subsidiarity to calling him a war criminal? What could so completely rearrange a man’s entire view of the world – other, of course, than some terrible disease afflicting his mind?

The answer is obvious: The Jews.

One sign of a writer’s mental disfigurement, laziness, undiagnosed psychoses, or, obviously in the case of Sullivan, inhuman insight, is the gradual realization that the term “neoconservative” is a useful stand-in for “Jews whose loyalty belongs first to Israel, and then to the United States, if at all.” Sullivan has clearly reached this point, as one can note from some of his most recent thoughts.

Putting to the side that Danielle Pletka is not, actually, a neoconservative in the traditional sense of the word — she’s been a mainstream conservative, along the lines of John Bolton (who, despite all the boxes drawn online, also rejects the neocon label), for years — this really is a remarkable foray. It’s impressive not only for the acceptance of the blood libel to which the Left has grown too accustomed the last eight years; not only for the implicit suggestion that Sullivan and President Obama have the freedom of the Middle East at heart (a suggestion belied by every word from President Obama’s mouth since he accused the Jews of driving the U.S. into the Iraq War in 2002); but also for the conclusion summed up in the title of the post — “Neocons For Ahmadinejad.” A man who once praised the virtues of incremental change and guarded optimism now sees the public expression of these things as proof of support for a murderous puppet for a dictatorial regime, and therefore for the regime itself – so that America will be forced into a war against Iran.

We who only dwell in an I.Q. range between 100 and 200 would be disturbed were our writing to seem appropriate at The American Conservative or Mother Jones; indeed, for many of us, that would be a signal moment, the point at which we sit down, take a deep breath, and ask a physician for some mind-altering medication. Sullivan transcends such petty concerns, and adopts – presumably because no writing form, no matter how dipped in madness, can remain beyond his formidable talents – the paranoid style so beloved of chlorpromazine recipients the world over, in writing on the Washington Post’s decision to fire its disturbed columnist/blogger/hack, Dan Froomkin:

A simply astounding move by the paper - getting rid of the one blogger, Dan Froomkin, who kept it real and kept it interesting. Dan’s work on torture may be one reason he is now gone. The way in which the WaPo has been coopted by the neocon right, especially in its editorial pages, is getting more and more disturbing. This purge will prompt a real revolt in the blogosphere. And it should.

But this descent into anti-Semitic madness — a case of using indirects to find direction out, certainly — cannot be real. After all, Sullivan denies this canard as being unworthy of response. After all, many of his best friends are Jewish ....

Nixon Would Have Aborted Me!

Another reason to oppose abortion, "Tapes Reveal Nixon’s View of Abortion":

On Jan. 23, 1973, when the Supreme Court struck down state criminal abortion laws in Roe v. Wade, President Richard M. Nixon made no public statement. But privately, newly released tapes reveal, he expressed ambivalence.

Nixon worried that greater access to abortions would foster “permissiveness,” and said that “it breaks the family.” But he also saw a need for abortion in some cases, such as interracial pregnancies.

“There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white,” he told an aide, before adding: “Or a rape.”
My dad was born in St. Louis, Missouri. Some of his grandparents had been slaves. My mom was born in Hollywood, California. One of her great-grandfathers, on her dad's side, is said to have signed the Declaration of Independence.

You might guess I'm not so keen on the availability of abortion in the case of interracial marriages? Perhaps if my parents had not been in love I might not have been born? And now, what will the leftists say? They're all about civil rights, diversity and social progress? Would NOW think twice before a suction cutterage abortion for a black fetus? How about dilation and extraction, eight months after a white mother-to-be has second thoughts about the child's black father? Abortion is already racial genocide for the black community, where "One of every three black babies is killed before birth."

Maybe President Nixon would have aborted Barack Obama?

God have mercy ...