Monday, July 30, 2012

Atheist for #LGBT Rights Says Chick-fil-A 'Harms Mor Gays'

From Randall Reynolds on Twitter and Tumblr:

Amazing isn't it? So far progressive have produced not a shred of evidence that Chick-fil-A discriminates. Indeed, in his interview that kicked off the faux-controversy, Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy never even mentioned homosexuality or gay marriage. All he said was "guily as charged" when asked if he supported the traditional conception of marriage, and he mentioned biblical foundations for the family. Mark Steyn had the perfect report at his piece, "The Tolerance Enforcers: They’re ever more intolerant of anything less than total ideological homogeneity." And see J.D. Dyer, at Patheos, "Chick-Fil-A Is neither Hateful, Intolerant, nor Anti-Gay":
The premise behind the political anger being stirred up against Chick-Fil-A is basically from kindergarten: if you don't agree with me, you're hateful and you hate me. But in the world of adult responsibility, the very basis for freedom of conscience—intellectual and religious freedom—is freedom of contradictory expression. What demagogues today call "hatred" and "intolerance" is actually the essence of freedom: people being able to hold and advocate their own views, unmolested, no matter how much others dislike those views.
RTWT. And also Larry Schmidt, in the letters at USA Today:
It seems as if people on the left don't approve of free speech unless it is in line with their beliefs. They call for boycotts of companies that espouse opinions other than their own. This has got to stop. This is the United States of America, where everyone has the right to free speech.

Now, if the left could just curtail the right to freedom of speech they'd be cooking. And believe me, they're working on it!

Teachers Unions Go to Bat for Sexual Predators

From Campbell Brown, at WSJ:
By resisting almost any change aimed at improving our public schools, teachers unions have become a ripe target for reformers across the ideological spectrum. Even Hollywood, famously sympathetic to organized labor, has turned on unions with the documentary "Waiting for 'Superman'" (2010) and a feature film, "Won't Back Down," to be released later this year. But perhaps most damaging to the unions' credibility is their position on sexual misconduct involving teachers and students in New York schools, which is even causing union members to begin to lose faith.

In the last five years in New York City, 97 tenured teachers or school employees have been charged by the Department of Education with sexual misconduct. Among the charges substantiated by the city's special commissioner of investigation—that is, found to have sufficient merit that an arbitrator's full examination was justified—in the 2011-12 school year...
Continue reading.

And that's just New York.

My union's just as bad. See: "Teachers' unions should be ashamed -- Powerful lobby helped defeat bill to protect children."

Democrat union perverts. That's who you have controlling the schools. Society is FUBAR.

NBC Olympics Delay and Streaming Bring Complaints on Twitter

At NYT, "Olympic Viewers Have a New Reason to Complain, and the Means to Do It."

That's a good piece.

Twitchy has been on top of the controversy, "#NBCFail: Network’s Olympic disaster earns global social media mockery; NBC exec Schiller disses “whining”."

Jordyn Wieber's Tearful Failure in Women's All-Around Gymnastics Final

So much emotion. It's more fascinating than sad, frankly.

At the New York Times, "Americans Excel, but Wieber Is Out for All-Around":
When the 17-year-old Wieber — who has been described on different occasions as steady as a rock, as sure as a machine and as mentally tough as the great Nadia Comaneci — learned she was the odd woman out, she burst into tears.

“When this kind of disappointment happens, you can’t say anything,” said Martha Karolyi, the United States women’s national team coordinator. “It’s almost like when someone passes away. What to say? Anything you say, the situation is the same.
Watch here: "2012 Trials Day 2: Jordyn Wieber Key Routines."

BONUS: From Robert Stacy McCain, "The Olympic Princess Fantasy."

University of Colorado Stands by Dr. Lynne Fenton, Psychiatrist Who Treated Aurora Suspect James Holmes

At the Los Angeles Times, "Colorado school officials stand by Holmes' psychiatrist's record."

And check Robert Stacy McCain, "Did University of Colorado ‘Student Mental Health Service’ Director Blow It?"

Mitt Romney Takes Aggressive Stand Against Iran Nuclear Weapons

I checked yesterday for Maeve Reston's report, at Los Angeles Times, and it wasn't up yet. Here it is now, "Romney takes hard line on Iran in Israel speech":

Romney at Western Wall

PHOTO CREDIT: Bonney Kapp on Twitter.

Dennis Prager on Left's Fascist Attacks on Chick-fil-A

This ran a few days ago.

If you disagree with progressives, they will try to destroy you:

And in case you missed his book: Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph.

Theo's Sunday Hotties

You'll be taking your eyes off the Olympic Games with these ladies.

See: "Sunday Totty..."

Plus, "Bonus Babe..." and "Bedtime Totty..."

In Israel, It Was the Way Romney Said It

From Barry Rubin, at PJ Media, "Mitt Romney Captures Jerusalem":
Speaking to an often-cheering group of about 400 people in Jerusalem, Governor Mitt Romney gave a speech less notable for what he said than for the fact that the audience believed he was sincere in saying it.

At a beautiful outdoor setting with the Old City in the background, Romney declared his strong support for Israel, using phrases often heard from American presidents. He also proclaimed his view that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal capital. The difference, of course, is that those listening were less inclined to think that when President Barack Obama said similar things to AIPAC meetings he was describing his own views and policies.
Continue reading.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Enjoy the Sports, Expose the Politics: How to Enjoy the Olympics


And along the same lines, blogging on the anti-Semitic politics of the IOC, Glenn Reynolds wrote: "I don’t care about the Olympics. They’re a sham and a scam, a mixture of corruptocrats and worse."

So I thought about it. I do care about the Olympics. As a boy, the Olympics helped build my love of sports and the spirit of competition. I have really strong memories, especially of 1972, when so many athletes just rocked the world with their performances. I was mesmerized by it. And of course, the murder of the Israelis was my introduction to Middle East politics. I was only twelve, but the image of the Black September terrorist, looking over the ledge at the Olympic gardens, is indelible. Stormbringer has thoughts on that, "I REMEMBER THE MUNICH OLYMPICS":
I remember looking at the image of Palestinian terrorists in the Munich Olympic village, on TV and on the covers of the news magazines. The Munich Olympics were supposed to be a celebration, another step further in the rehabilitation of Germany's standing as a member of the world community.

Instead we got horror. We saw the face of international terrorism, and an atrocity against humankind unfold before our very eyes.

We could barely comprehend what we were looking at. It was to the 1970s what 9/11 was to the 00's - a game-changer...
Keep reading.

Stormbringer casts shame on the IOC, as we all should.

But I keep thinking back to the great athletic moments of 1972. Mark Spitz, especially, but also others, like Olga Korbut, who captured the world's heart with her performance and emotion during competition --- and frankly showed us the human side of the Soviet Union during a high period of Cold War conflict:

Olga Korbut

And there are other memories, from other Olympics, that stay with you. I think Greg Louganis at Seoul in 1988 is one of those, a spectacular sports achievement. So I can't completely dismiss the games, despite all the horrible political correctness and anti-Semitism. I just try to enjoy the sports and, now more than ever, expose the hatred and double-standards the drive the politics behind the scenes.

Note: As this post goes live, NBC just broadcast American Dana Vollmer's world record swim in the 100m butterfly. The smile on her face summarizes the joy of the competition for so many. More on that at the New York Times, "American Swimmer’s Four-Year Comeback Is Completed in Last Stretch."

Newsweek Circles its Final Swirls Down the Drain

The 1988 presidential campaign is memorable for how the MSM attacked George H.W. Bush as a wimp. Could he beat the "wimp factor," a Newsweek cover story proclaimed in 1987? Bush went on to win the election, over a candidate who perfectly demonstrated Democrat wimpiness by staging a photo-op in a tank: "Compared with the dashing WWII pilot Bush, the little Dukakis came off a clown, and the photo op blew up in his face."

And for some reason, the bright lights at Tina Brown's Newsweek thought it'd be a good idea to do it again, featuring a Michael Tomasky cover story, "Mitt Romney: Too Wimpy for the White House?" (Via Memeorandum.) And clearly, reading the article, the wimp analogy doesn't work. Indeed, Tomasky ties himself into contortions trying to make the comparison to Bush 41. Soon he's reduced to admitting that Romney's "more weenie than wimp," which is followed by a gratuitous reference to WaPo's bullying hit piece from May --- which reported the hugely important news that Romney cut off a classmates locks decades ago. Yeah, I know. The Newsweek wimp factor attacks are just plain lame --- lame in 1987 for Bush 41, and lame for Romney now. Polls already show that most people won't change their personal perceptions of the candidates. And for the undecided, a rash hit piece is frankly going to make jack's worth of difference. Mostly, by now we're just being made to watch Newsweek take its last breaths, something Ed Driscoll notes quite well, "Newsweek Pretty Much Just Phoning It In Now." (Via Memeorandum.)

It's too bad too. At one time I used to enjoy reading Newsweek, but it jumped the shark a long time ago. Sad.

Romney Wimp Newsweek

PREVIOUSLY: "Newsweek Projected to Lose at Least $22 Million This Year."

FLASHBACK: "Newsweek's Arizona Shooting Cover Story Wraps 'Assassin' in American Flag."

It's a death rattle for this magazine, not worth the $1 that businessman Sidney Harman paid for the rag.

Mitt Romney in Israel: Stopping Iran Nukes 'Must Be Our Highest National Security Priority'

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Romney's Remarkable Speech in Jerusalem."

It's remarkable, indeed.

The New York Times reports, "In Jerusalem, Romney Delivers Strong Defense of Israel."

Also at the Right Scoop, "FULL SPEECH: Mitt Romney Speaks in Israel."

Plus more at Memeorandum.

Syria's Lightly-Armed Rebels No Match for Armed Forces of Bashar al-Assad

At Telegraph UK, "Syria's rag-tag rebels will be mauled by President Assad's firepower, but they can fight an effective guerrilla war":
Like rebels in Libya, the poorly armed Syrian fighters who are attacking President Assad's armoured forces can learn from their mistakes and become a fearsome force.

RNC 'Again' Advertisment Hammers Obama on 'Stimulus' Programs

Via Right Wing News:

And the press release from the RNC: "Republican National Committee Airs TV Ad “Again”."

BONUS: Just scroll through Michelle's archives for "stimulus." What a Democrat boondoggle.

13th Victim: Ashley Moser, Mother of 6-Year-Old Victim Veronica Moser-Sullivan, Miscarries After Being Shot in Colorado Massacre

At Telegraph UK, "Colorado Batman shooting claims its 13th victim."
The Colorado cinema massacre has claimed its 13th victim as a pregnant mother who survived the attack suffered a miscarriage following surgery.
Ashley Moser
Ashley Moser, 25, was eight weeks pregnant when she was hit once in the stomach and twice in the neck during the mass shooting.

Her six-year-old daughter Veronica Moser was among the 12 people killed and 58 injured when gunman James Holmes opened fire during a screening of Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, Colorado on July 20.

Miss Moser, who is expected to be paralysed, lost her baby after undergoing surgery related to her injuries.

In a statement her family said: "Ashley is recovering from an additional surgery she had this morning. Tragically, the extreme trauma she sustained also caused a miscarriage.
That's an unfathomable amount of pain and tragedy.

Continue reading at the link.

Also at Newsmax, "Unborn Baby Is Latest Victim of Theater Shooter." And the Los Angeles Times, "Colorado shooting victim miscarries; her 6-year-old girl was killed."

RELATED: Robert Stacy McCain has more, "Did University of Colorado ‘Student Mental Health Service’ Director Blow It?"

Mayor Edwin Lee Warns Chick-fil-A on Coming to San Francisco — Lying Fascist Repsac3 Denies It, Shills for Left's Anti-Free Speech Thugs

So far all the reports out indicate that San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee has warned Chick-fil-A about opening a store in the city.

See the San Franscisco Chronicle, "Mayor Ed Lee warns Chick-fil-A against coming to San Francisco":
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee has joined in the growing chorus condemning Chick-fil-A for the national chicken chain’s much-publicized anti-gay views.

After mayors in Boston and Chicago recently expressed their disapproval with Chick-fil-A and its intolerance, Lee followed suit and took to his Twitter account late yesterday, firing off two successive tweets. The first one conveys his disappointment with the chain’s lack of values, and the second one takes it up a notch, suggesting that Chick-fil-A don’t even think about opening in San Francisco.
The mayor's tweets are embedded at the report.

It's clearly threatening. And the Los Angeles Times agrees, "San Francisco is the third city to tell Chick-fil-A: Keep out":
First Boston. Then Chicago.

The next city to tell Chick-fil-A to keep out? San Francisco.

Edwin M. Lee, mayor of the progressive city, tweeted Thursday night: "Very disappointed #ChickFilA doesn't share San Francisco's values & strong commitment to equality for everyone."

He also added a warning to his subsequent tweet: "Closest #ChickFilA to San Francisco is 40 miles away & I strongly recommend that they not try to come any closer."

Until Thursday, San Francisco had stayed mum on the debate, which began when Chick-fil-A's president, Dan Cathy, went on the record as saying his Atlanta-based chicken chain operated on biblical values and opposed same-sex marriage.
Pretty straightforward, obviously.

But not for fascist hate-blogger Walter James Casper III, a.k.a Repsac3, who attacks Aaron Worthing on Twitter with denials of the threat:

The despicable hater Repsac3 is lying again, no surprise.

A threat does not have to warn of physical harm. "Threat" could be financial injury, for example. In other words, a threat is any kind of caution, as points out:
threat   [thret]
1. a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace: He confessed under the threat of imprisonment.
2. an indication or warning of probable trouble: The threat of a storm was in the air.
3. a person or thing that threatens.
There's nothing there about a threat requiring violence. But that doesn't matter to Walter James Casper III. He lies about everything.

And he organizes his hate campaigns with others online:

That's something I've mentioned previously, regarding Repsac's intimidation and stalking campaign against this blog. See: "Intent to Annoy and the Fascist Hate-Blogging Campaign of Walter James Casper III."

He's a liar and an Internet predator. People should avoid him, block him on Twitter, and report him to the proper authorities.

PREVIOUSLY: "Repsac3, Hate-Addled Internet Predator, Screams 'Liar' at Virtually Entire World on Politicization of Colorado Shooting."

Just Half of American Voters Identify Obama as Christian

And the number of Americans identifying Obama as Muslim has increased since 2008.

See Pew Research, "Little Voter Discomfort with Romney’s Mormon Religion: Only About Half Identify Obama as Christian":

Obama Muslim
The new survey on religion and politics finds that nearly four years into his presidency the view that Barack Obama is Muslim persists. Currently, 17% of registered voters say that Obama is Muslim; 49% say he is Christian, while 31% say they do not know Obama’s religion.

The percentage of voters identifying Obama’s religion as Christian has increased since August 2010, from 38% to 49%, while there has been little change in the percentage saying he is Muslim (19% then, 17% today). Still, fewer say Obama is Christian – and more say he is Muslim – than did so in October 2008, near the end of the last presidential campaign. The increase since 2008 is particularly concentrated among conservative Republicans, about a third of whom (34%) describe the president as a Muslim.

Overall, 45% of voters say they are comfortable with Obama’s religion, while 19% are uncomfortable. Among those who say Obama is Christian, 82% are comfortable with Obama’s religious beliefs. Among those who describe him as a Muslim, just 26% are comfortable with his beliefs.
RELATED: "The Obama Administration Has Lost its Senses on Muslim Brotherhood."

Caroline Glick argues the administration's selling out U.S. interests to the Islamists.


BONUS: At Politico, "Eric Cantor defends Michele Bachmann."

Rosie Jones Kicks Off London Summer Olympics for 'Loaded' Magazine UK

That's the spirit.

Rosie Jones
See: "Forget the Olympics, Loaded gets Rosie Jones to celebrate the summer."

Also at Egotastic, "You Know Who Knows How to Celebrate the Olympics Properly? Rosie Jones..."

Hope Solo Bashes Brandi Chastain on Twitter

Fox Sports has screencaps.

And see Christine Brennan, at USA Today, "Hope Solo wrong to criticize Brandi Chastain TV commentary":

Hope Solo
LONDON – U.S. soccer goalkeeper Hope Solo has had the most bizarre couple of weeks. She simply cannot stay out of the headlines.

After a positive drug test that was explained away as an honest mistake and some risqué quotes appearing in a national magazine about sneaking celebrities into the Beijing Olympic Village, Solo now has outdone herself by unleashing a Twitter barrage against American soccer icon Brandi Chastain, the hero of the 1999 World Cup.

Chastain, now an NBC commentator at the Olympics, was critical of the U.S. defense and goalkeeping in the Americans' first game, a 4-2 come-from-behind victory against France. As the USA fell behind 2-0, she definitely was not alone in her commentary about what appeared to be a confused U.S. defensive effort at the beginning of the game.

On Saturday in the USA's 3-0 win against Colombia, Chastain singled out U.S. defender Rachel Buehler, who had committed a first-half turnover. Solo didn't like it, not one bit. So she told her 471,673 followers on Twitter all about it, taking four different shots at one of the great names in U.S. soccer history, who happened to just be doing her job commentating on the team she helped to make famous.

It all seems so silly...
Continue reading.
More at Google.

Obama Runs 'The Choice' Ad During London Olympic Games

This clip ran yesterday around Noon while I was watching the London games. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.

But it's boilerplate Democrat class warfare. O slams Romney's plans for "tax cuts for the wealthy," what else? And doesn't say a word about his failed policies for the past four years. There's the lame talk about helping the "middle class," as well, as if his administration even cares about them. Folks like that are frankly "clinging" to their guns and religion, as polls show over and over again. For some reason, though, people like O personally, while disliking his policies. He's like a snake charmer I guess. See LAT, "Obama outranks Romney on likability, polls show":

WASHINGTON — The economy is in the tank and hopes for quick improvement are dim. Most people don't like the direction the country is headed and many blame President Obama. And his GOP rival scores better on the top issues. So why isn't Obama doing worse in the polls?

One likely reason: Voters like him more than Mitt Romney.

Obama's job approval ratings long ago plummeted from his halcyon postelection days. But the president's favorability — the catchall measure that pollsters say reflects voters' gut feelings about a politician — has been resilient. Despite a recession, a sluggish jobless recovery, an oil spill, an unpopular healthcare law and a string of ugly tussles with Congress, Obama's favorability is 54%, according to a recent USA Today-Gallup poll. Respondents were essentially divided on Romney, who had a 46% favorability rating. When asked about likability, respondents favored Obama, 60% to 30%.

Included in that barometer is a group of personal traits more consequential than just being nice. Obama gets high marks on honesty and trustworthiness. And most voters say he shares their values and cares about people like them.

And, by some accounts, voters really like the president. Two-thirds of voters surveyed recently by the Wall Street Journal and NBC said they liked Obama personally.

Romney, the unofficial Republican nominee, was personally liked by 47%.

"Basically, it looks like Romney's personality is holding him back and Obama's likability is helping him," said Jeffrey M. Jones, managing editor for the Gallup Poll. "It seems frivolous, but it matters."
Well, maybe that'll help him.

I personally like someone who doesn't mind putting his hand over his heart during the national anthem, but hey, O's got that soulful smile and down home swagga, so that's something, at least.

The Obama Administration Has Lost its Senses on Muslim Brotherhood

Well, it's lost its senses on just about everything involving decency and common sense, so it's no surprise.

See Caroline Glick, "The Muslim Brotherhood's American Defenders."

RELATED: At FrontPage Magazine, "Caroline Glick Joins David Horowitz Freedom Center."

And Glick is speaking Monday in Los Angeles, "Caroline Glick: Israel on the Eve of U.S. Elections."

Don't Cross the Progressive Forces of Hatred

Mark Steyn's commentary on the left's assault on Chick-fil-A, "Don't cross the forces of tolerance."
To modify Lord Acton, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, but aldermanic power corrupts all der more manically. Proco "Joe" Moreno is Alderman of the First Ward of Chicago, and last week, in a city with an Aurora-size body count every weekend, his priority was to take the municipal tire-iron to the owners of a chain of fast-food restaurants. "Because of this man's ignorance," said Alderman Moreno, "I will now be denying Chick-fil-A's permit to open a restaurant in the First Ward."

"This man's ignorance"? You mean, of the City of Chicago permit process? Zoning regulations? Health and safety ordinances? No, Alderman Moreno means "this man's ignorance" of the approved position on same-sex marriage. "This man" is Dan Cathy, president of Chick-fil-A, and a few days earlier he had remarked that "we are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives" – which last part suggests he is as antipathetic to no-fault divorce and other heterosexual assaults on matrimony as he is to more recent novelties such as gay marriage. But no matter. Alderman Moreno does not allege that Chick-fil-A discriminates in its hiring practices or in its customer service. Nor does he argue that business owners should not be entitled to hold opinions: The Muppets, for example, have reacted to Mr. Cathy's observations by announcing that they're severing all ties with Chick-fil-A. Did you know that the Muppet Corporation has a position on gay marriage? Well, they do. But Miss Piggy and the Swedish Chef would be permitted to open a business in the First Ward of Chicago because their opinion on gay marriage happens to coincide with Alderman Moreno's. It's his ward, you just live in it. When it comes to lunch options, he's the chicken supremo, and don't you forget it.
Continue reading.

Well, they're despicable fascists. More here.

A Homosexual Civil Union Ends in Abduction

This is interesting, at the New York Times, "Which Mother for Isabella? Civil Union Ends in an Abduction and Questions":
MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Lisa A. Miller and her daughter, Isabella, started their fugitive lives here in the fall of 2009, disguised in the white scarves and long blue dresses of the Mennonites who spirited them out of the United States and adopting the aliases Sarah and Lydia.

Now 10, Isabella Miller-Jenkins has spent her last three birthdays on the run, “bouncing around the barrios of Nicaragua,” as one federal agent put it, a lively blond girl and her mother trying to blend in and elude the United States marshals who have traveled to the country in pursuit.

She can now chatter in Spanish, but her time in Nicaragua has often been lonely, those who have met her say, long on prayer but isolated. She has been told that she could be wrenched from her mother if they are caught. She has also been told that the other woman she once called “Mama,” Ms. Miller’s former partner from a civil union in Vermont that she has since renounced, cannot go to heaven because she lives in sin with women.

Isabella’s tumultuous life has embodied some of America’s bitterest culture wars — a choice, as Ms. Miller said in a courtroom plea, shortly before their desperate flight, “between two diametrically opposed worldviews on parentage and family.”

Isabella was 7 when she and Ms. Miller jumped into a car in Virginia, leaving behind their belongings and a family of pet hamsters to die without food or water. Supporters drove them to Buffalo, where they took a taxi to Canada and boarded a flight to Mexico and then Central America.

Ms. Miller, 44, is wanted by the F.B.I. and Interpol for international parental kidnapping. In their underground existence in this impoverished tropical country, she and Isabella have been helped by evangelical groups who endorse her decision to flee rather than to expose Isabella to the “homosexual lifestyle” of her other legal mother, Janet Jenkins.

In a tale filled with improbables, an Amish Mennonite sect known for simple living and avoiding politics has been drawn into the high-stakes criminal case: one of its pastors is facing trial in Vermont on Aug. 7 on charges of abetting the kidnapping.

The decade-long drama touches on some of the country’s most contentious social and legal questions, including the extension of civil union and marital rights to same-sex couples and what happens, in the courts and to children, when such unions dissolve.

In this case, the passions of any divorce were multiplied by Ms. Miller’s born-again conversion to conservative Christianity and her denouncing of lesbianism as an addiction. Ms. Miller repeatedly prevented Isabella’s court-ordered visits with Ms. Jenkins until an exasperated Vermont judge said he would transfer custody.
Man, they left the hamsters to die? That's harsh.

And it's more than an "addiction." It's a perversion. It's too bad Ms. Miller got involved in it in the first place. Things aren't likely to come out too well, no matter what happens. It'll be especially bad if the child has to grow up in that homosexual lifestyle after all. A tragedy.

Oh, and the key thing here is that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, not an innate condition --- something that's going to rile the hate-addled progressives throughout the day.

Continue reading.

Hollywood Reflects on Film Violence in Wake of Colorado Massacre

At the Los Angeles Times, "Hollywood trying to avoid villain role in film violence."

I doubt we'll see much change in the industry. And I doubt consumers want it.

Target Launches $5 Million Campaign for Education

Target put together some excellent clips for this advertisement, which has been running throughout the Olympic Games. The amazing responses to being accepted are genuine and beautiful. They remind me of being accepted to graduate school. It's an amazing thing, a feeling of incredible accomplishment.

The press release is here.

Ryan Lochte Wins Men's 400m Individual Medley

It would have been a lot more interesting without NBC's tape delay --- the all day tape delay, seriously. I'd been reading about Phelps' collapse since morning time. But nothing really illustrates how bad it was than watching the race itself. See: "It's Ryan Lochte's time in 400 IM."

And here's Bill Plaschke, at the Los Angeles Times, "London Olympics: Without burning desire, Michael Phelps flames out":

LONDON — The torch wasn't exactly passed. The torch was fumbled and dropped and floating alongside the thrashing Michael Phelps before Ryan Lochte cradled it in his giant grip and sprinted to the wall.

Lochte became the best swimmer in the United States on Saturday night, but it didn't happen the way it was supposed to happen. He didn't steal the title in a dramatic duel with one of the greatest of Olympians. He casually picked it off the weary flotsam of a shrugging hero who seems less interested and more confused with every lap.

Ryan Lochte shined, but the bigger story was Michael Phelps' sinking.
Keep reading. It's a brutal commentary.

Nancy Pelosi Claims Republicans Exploiting Jews as Excuse for Tax Cuts

Truly bizarre.

At the Weekly Standard, "Pelosi: Republican Jews 'Being Exploited'."

God, that's really terrible, but typical for this brain-dead woman.

RELATED: At iOWNTHEWORLD, "Known racist, anti-Semite, to become a senior adviser to Nancy Pelosi." Well, that makes sense.

Jeff Bezos Pledges $2.5 Million in Support of Same-Sex Marriage

It's not like he doesn't have the money or anything.

At Los Angeles Times, "Jeff Bezos pledges $2.5 million to help same-sex marriage in Washington."

PREVIOUSLY: "Conservatives Block Homosexual Marriage Law in Washington State."

Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal

This story's been developing all week, with Robert Pattinson moving out of the couple's home, at Telegraph UK: "Robert Pattinson 'leaves Kristen Stewart' after her affair."

Kristen Stewart
And here's this at Radar Online, "Kristen Stewart Cheating Scandal: Rob Pattinson Wants ‘Man To Man’ Talk With Married Director":
Robert Pattinson isn't only heartbroken over his girlfriend Kristen Stewart cheating on him, he's curious about what really happened and has exclusively learned he wants to go straight to the source, Rupert Sanders.

Devastated after photos were released late Tuesday night revealing that Kristen, 22, had an affair with the married director, 41, Rob moved out of the Los Feliz home he once shared with Kristen on Thursday.

"Rob wants to have a man to man chat with Rupert to find out exactly what happened between him and Kristen," a source close to the Twilight star exclusively told
It's a pretty sordid deal all around.

See also Daily Mail, "Kristen Stewart 'to write Rupert Sanders' wife Liberty Ross letter of apology' for 'momentary indiscretion' with director husband," and "Not so sweet and innocent: How Kristen Stewart 'took Rupert Sanders's young daughter for ice cream TWO months ago'."

PHOTO CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons.

Chicago Has Highest Murder Rate of World's 'Global Cities'

At 5 NBC Chicago, "The Deadliest Global City" (via Steve Bartin).

This is why national media hacks don't cite Chicago amid all their cries for gun control, a point that eludes idiot progressive Roy Edroso at the Village Voice.

Bob Costas Keeps Promise, Honors Israeli Athletes With Moment of Silence During Opening Ceremonies

At the Hollywood Reporter, "Bob Costas Fulfills Promise to Call Out IOC Over Refusal to Honor Munich Massacre."

He's a good man.

More at Israel Matzav, "Video: Bob Costas' moment of silence."

USS Somerset is Christened

The Somerset is the third and final Navy ship to honor those fallen on 9/11. It's named after the passengers of Flight 93 who brought the plane down in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, PA.

See the Los Angeles Times, "USS Somerset -- third and final 9/11 tribute ship -- is christened."

USS Somerset
Flight 93, which originated in New Jersey, was the only plane that did not reach its intended target; investigators believe the terrorists were aiming for the White House or the U.S. Capitol.

“The men and women of Flight 93 … thought they were going to San Francisco to work, to play, to learn; to live their lives in peace while others guarded them,” Navy Rear Adm. David Lewis told the Associated Press. “Instead they found themselves in a war, on the front lines, in the opening battle. It was a new kind of war, one with new rules, maybe no rules at all. They had no preparation, no training, no guidance.

“And they performed superbly.”
PHOTO CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons.

The Left's Orwellian Assault on Chick-fil-A

From Arnold Ahlert, at FrontPage Magazine:
One of the more blatant displays of progressive thuggery is playing itself out in Boston and Chicago. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino threatened to keep fast food franchise Chick-fil-A from opening any restaurants in that city because he doesn’t want any business operating there “that discriminates against a population.” In Chicago, Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno announced that he will pursue the same course in his district for the same reason. “If you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want you in the 1st Ward,” Moreno told the Chicago Tribune. Such “tolerance” is based on an effort to deliberately mischaracterize as anti-homosexual what Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy said about traditional marriage. That mischaracterization has been aided and abetted by a media more than willing to amplify the distortion.
Continue reading.

Previously entries at the link.

Right-Wing Attack on 'You Didn't Build That' is Racist!

Yeah, well, everything's RAAAAACIST if it involves hammering "The One."

Matt Welch has the epic rebuttal, "Liberal Columnist: Obama's "black dialect" Explains Why "You didn't build that" Outrages People."

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mike Huckabee Slams Left's 'Hate Speech' on Chick-fil-A

Huckabee interviews Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage:

Previous entries are here.

RELATED: At Fox News, "Philadelphia to Consider Resolution Condemning Chick-fil-A." These people are not too smart.

Red Arrows Olympics Ceremony Flyover

This is cool.

At Telegraph UK, "Inside Red Arrows cockpit as it conducts London 2012 Olympics fly-past."

More video, inside the cockpit, here.

Sarah Palin Supports Chick-fil-A — Progressives Respond With Vile Misogynist Attacks: 'C*nt-fil-A'

William Jacboson had this earlier, at Legal Insurrection, "Sarah Palin visits Chick-fil-A, civility and new tone ensue on Twitter."

And here's the update, "Palin stops at Chick-fil-A, left responds with misogyny and sexism."

Sarah Palin Chick-fil-A

BONUS: Now we have the leftist mayor of D.C. joining the progressive hate-attacks, "Gray opposes Chick-fil-A expansion; calls it ‘hate chicken’" (via Memeorandum).

And Doug Powers has some progressive backtracking at Michelle's, "Rahm Emanuel’s office: He never said he’d block Chick-fil-A from opening here, just that their values aren’t Chicago’s" (via Memeorandum).

Fascism doesn't fly, it turns out.

Keep a spotlight on progressive hate. It's all they have.

Added: From Marooned in Marin, "Corrupt DC Mayor Attacks Chick-Fil-A As "Hate Chicken," Use 9/11 Anniversary To Promote 'Peace & Tolerance'."

Video of Hezbollah Abduction of Israeli Soldier Ehud 'Udi' Goldwasser

At the Times of Israel, "Here’s the evidence Hezbollah is a terror group, says soldier’s widow of 2006 attack footage."

Karnit Goldwasser, whose husband Ehud was killed along with fellow IDF reservist Eldad Regev by Hezbollah in the attack that sparked the Second Lebanon War in 2006, said Saturday that footage of the attack, released on Friday by Hezbollah, proves that it is a terrorist organization.

Goldwasser was speaking days after the European Union rejected an Israeli request to brand the Lebanese Shiite group a terrorist organization, saying it needed “tangible evidence” to do so. She said that the footage of the attack — which stops at the moment that Hezbollah gunmen, having crossed the border into Israel, converge on the soldiers’ stricken Hummer jeep and prepare to drag them out — constituted precisely such evidence. “If that’s not terror, what is?” she asked.

She noted that since the film is cut before Regev and Goldwasser are seen, it is not clear whether they were alive or dead when captured. “Maybe they captured them alive and killed them.”

Karnit Goldwasser added that Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah “has not seen the light of day” since the attack, and that she hoped his end would be “the same as [Osama] bin-Laden’s and Mughniyeh’s.” Imad Mughniyeh organized the cross-border attack and a series of other major Hezbollah terrorist actions. He was assassinated in Damascus in 2008.
What's interesting is how the Hezbollah forces are outfitted like army regulars, not as rag-tag terrorist irregulars. Hezbollah looks like the troops of a national military organization, which goes to tell you something about the nature of the threat to Israel along Lebanon's southern border. It's Iran's proxy army.

Neuroscience Ph.D. Program Can Be Isolating, Competitive, and Highly Demanding

At the Los Angeles Times, "Colorado suspect's field of study was rarefied and rigorous":

AURORA, Colo. — James Holmes inhabited an academic world so wondrous it could unlock the chemical code to human behavior, so complex that few outside the nation's brilliant cloister of neuroscientists could begin to comprehend it.

The graduate neuroscience program at the University of Colorado-Denver's Anschutz Medical Campus ranks among the top third of graduate programs in neuroscience — the study of the brain, its 100 billion nerve cells, and the connections among those cells that control thought and action.

"If I go to a bar and somebody asks me what I do, all I say is research," said David Cantu, who got his doctorate from the program. "If I'd tell people I was specializing in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and how it pertains to cell deaths … people's eyes would start to glaze over."

It's the same program that Holmes, suspected of killing 12 patrons and injuring 58 at a movie theater last week, recently dropped after his first year.

Interviews with top directors of the university's graduate program, and others outside the school, provide a glimpse into the lives of those who choose such a rigorous course of study. The Colorado program has been largely shuttered to public view since Holmes' arrest July 20, a month after he announced plans to abandon his graduate studies there.

The interviews on that campus were conducted on the basis that Holmes not be discussed, but what emerges is a vivid portrait of the intense world in which the 24-year-old student lived over the last year.

In this rarefied and often high-pressure environment, students who are already near the best of their game are asked to exponentially expand their capabilities, frequently under stiff competition, and often in isolation.
Continue reading.

Holmes couldn't take the pressure, for a variety of reasons, and his academic problems seem to be the main cause of his psychological meltdown --- and the massacre.


* "Suspect James Holmes Was Seeing Psychiatrist at University Before Massacre."

* "Suspect James Holmes No Easy Fit for Mass Murderer Profile."

* "Suspect James Holmes' Rapid Descent."

* "James Holmes' Academic Frustration and Social Isolation."

RELATED: The suspect's father Robert Holmes is a lead scientist at FICO with degrees from Berkeley and UCLA. He may have put a lot of pressure on James, who was adopted. See: "James Holmes Snapped After Failing Key University Exam. Couldn’t Live Up to His Brilliant Father." And "Did Colorado maniac snap after failing to meet expectations of brilliant academic father? Killer bought guns after failing key university exam."

BONUS: At WPTV News 5 (West Palm Beach), "James Holmes, theater shooting suspect: Psychiatrist Dr. Lynne Fenton had treated him in the past."

Munich and the Politics of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

Ilya Somin has commentary, at Volokh (via Instapundit).

Limor Livnat

And see Benjamin Weinthal, at National Review, "Why Did the IOC Refuse to Honor the Munich Victims?"

PREVIOUSLY: At the Times of London, "No Munich tribute as Olympics open with dazzling ceremony."

EXTRA: At USA Today, "London Olympics pauses to honor dead Brits, not Israelis":
In the worst decision of the Opening Ceremony, the International Olympic Committee allowed one moment of silence to be held - just not the one that it should have permitted for the past 40 years.

After saying there would be no moment of silence to honor the 11 Israeli athletes and coaches who were killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics, the IOC permitted a video tribute to the 52 people who were killed in the suicide bombings in the London transit system the day after the city won the Games in 2005.

That was kind, and fitting, but it only served to highlight the extraordinarily bad judgment the IOC has shown in the matter of the Israelis, who were killed simply because they were Olympians living in the Olympic village...
No doubt. NBC didn't even play the terrorism tribute on U.S. television, perhaps attempting to avoid the controversy. See: "Here's the Opening Ceremony Tribute to Terrorism Victims NBC Doesn't Want You to See." (Via Memeorandum.)

London's Daily Mail is World's Most Visited Website

As regular readers know, I usually post from London's Daily Mail a couple of times a day. It's an awesome newspaper, boasting an ample pool of right-leaning articles and a ready supply of scantily-clad hotties. What more could you ask for?

Indeed, for the longest time I've been meaning to post Ed Driscoll's piece from a few months back, "Gray Lady Down: Has the London Daily Mail Overtaken the NY Times?"

Well, as the Guardian reports this morning, there's no need for that question mark. See, "Mail Online's 69% revenue growth suggests paywalls not the answer":
Been bored today? Chances are you logged into Mail Online. Seven clicks later, you remembered who you were. Mail Online is the biggest newspaper website in the world. Comscore says 6.5m unique browsers turn up daily, and as the parent company's trading statement showed today the money is beginning to roll in.
Read it all the link. But the key comparison there is to the Times of London, and now just clicking over to it we find that it's behind the paywall, which is too bad.

The Times' paywall model is probably maxed out, with little additional revenue growth expected. While at the Daily Mail growth has taken off with no limits in sight.

As for back stateside, both the New York Time and Los Angeles Times are using paywalls. I subscribe to LAT as the local paper, or I wouldn't be able to read it online otherwise. And the New York Times is prioritizing Google views, so if you cut and paste articles into your browser you can bypass the paywall, which at 10 views per month happens right away in my case.

Anyway, that's enough for now. Time to get back over to some of the hotties at Daily Mail!

Focus on Romney's Trip to Israel

At the New York Times, "Romney Faces Perils and Opportunities in Israel."

For Mr. Romney, the trip is a critical opportunity to show statesmanship, especially after a less-than-perfect London trip, and to highlight his relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, whom he frequently describes as an “old friend.” But the perils include appearing critical of a sitting president from foreign soil.

For Mr. Netanyahu, a right-leaning leader whose relationship with President Obama has been rocky at best, the visit is a chance to ratchet up the pressure on the administration over the Iranian nuclear threat, but he must be careful not to be seen as partisan or meddling.
He's going to be fine.

Added: From the Times of Israel, "Romney can expect a warm welcome in Israel."

Opening Ceremony Hits All the Right Notes

Bill Plaschke, at the Los Angeles Times, "For openers, London puts on a smashing show":

LONDON -- Was that an opening ceremony or a night at the pub? Were the 2012 Olympics being honored or noogied?

Was that really James Bond tumbling out of a helicopter into the stadium with Queen Elizabeth II? Were those really a passel of flying Mary Poppins conquering one giant Voldemort?

And that compelling British national anthem sung by an inspirational choir of deaf and hearing children.… Were those kids really wearing their pajamas?

Whatever it was Friday night, it was bloody well wonderful.

After seven years of worrying how it would impress the world, London decided to be its dizzy, disjointed self, welcoming the Olympics to its cluttered backyard with a wink and nudge and belly laugh that should resound through these Games' history.

It might not have contained the tradition of Athens or the majesty of Beijing, but London's third opening ceremony was an absolute charm.
Continue reading.

Don Perry, Chick-fil-A Vice President for Public Relations, Dies Unexpectedly — Progressives Celebrate on Twitter

The Los Angeles Times reports, "Chick-fil-A's PR chief dies suddenly amid gay-marriage imbroglio."

And the left's response at Fire Andrea Mitchell, "Left wingers celebrate the death of Chick-Fil-A spokesman Don Perry on Twitter." And Twitchy, "PR VP for Chick-fil-A has died; Left responds with viciousness."

Rosanne Barr's been aiming rapid-fire hate at Chick-fil-A, including wishing cancer on the people who eat the company's food. Apparently she's apologized, but there's still a lot of vile tweets in her timeline:
Plus, CNN has another report uploaded to YouTube, "Chick-Fil-A gets the boot."

And here's a commentary from Jack Nicas, at WSJ, "First Amendment Trumps Critics of Chick-fil-A" (via Google):
CHICAGO — The First Amendment is coming to the rescue of a chicken-sandwich chain that has drawn the ire of politicians outraged by its president's public opposition to gay marriage.

One by one, local officials here and in Boston have revised their comments regarding the entrepreneur's stance against gay marriage, tiptoeing between their disapproval of remarks he made on the subject and his right to say them.

Last week, Dan Cathy, president and chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A, a closely held company based in an Atlanta suburb that operates 1,600 fast-food restaurants in 39 states, said he opposed gay marriage and supported the "biblical definition of the family unit."

The comment sparked a public backlash that included same-sex "kiss-in" protests at Chick-fil-A restaurants and social-media campaigns to boycott the chain. Public officials from Boston to Chicago announced their opposition to the company's expansion in those cities.

Chicago Alderman Proco Moreno wrote in the Chicago Tribune Thursday, "Because of [Mr. Cathy's] ignorance, I will deny Chick-fil-A a permit to open a restaurant in my ward."

On Friday, Mr. Moreno conceded that free-speech rights trump his authority on the issue, and shifted his focus from Mr. Cathy's remarks to potential discriminatory policies at the fast-food chain. He said he would reopen talks with Chick-fil-A, but pledged to fight the company until it amends or clarifies its anti-discrimination policy.

Chick-fil-A, which promotes its Christian values and is closed Sundays, said in a statement that the "culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect—regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender."

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino have similarly sought to clarify earlier statements that they opposed Chick-fil-A, saying they never intended to legally block the chain's efforts for new restaurants in their cities.

"The mayor simply said that Chick-fil-A's [president] does not share Chicago's values," Mr. Emanuel's spokeswoman said in a statement. "If they meet all the usual requirements, then they can open their restaurant just like any other business." The clarifications comes as legal experts said there are no legal grounds to block a company's land-use application because of an executive's political views.

Alan Weinstein, a professor of law at Cleveland State University who specializes on the intersection of land-use law and constitutional issues, said he has seen officials try to use zoning laws to block adult stores or religious institutions, but never a commercial enterprise because of political views. He said that beyond the First Amendment, "in the land-use sphere, the government has no legitimate interest" in the political views of an applicant.
Yeah, the land-use angle has really messed up the idiot left-wing fascists. For some stupid reason, the progs are are now justifying unconstitutional discrimination against Chick-fil-A because Republicans have (allegedly) passed local ordinances against abortion clinics. Or something? It's ridiculously idiotic, but that's the hate-added homosexuals for you. The argument might make sense if Republicans were discriminating against businesses that supported abortion rights --- that is, there's no valid comparison here, and hence it's simply a way for progressives to say, "Yeah, stick it to the f-kers. They've been jackin' us on abortion so f-k 'em." See the socialist idiot (and fascist idiot, apparently) Freddie deBoer at Balloon Juice, "A Simple Observation on Chick-Fil-A."

RELATED: At the New York Times, "Mayor Says Banning Chick-fil-A Is Wrong."

Friday, July 27, 2012

2012 London Olympic Games Opening Ceremony

It's starting.

At NBC, "Britain stages a spectacular welcome for the world."

And at CNN, "London 2012: Live blog."

4:45PM Pacific: At the Guardian, "The best of today's pictures in the build up to the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony."

5:17PM Pacific: The New York Times is live-blogging: "Live Coverage of the Opening Ceremony."

5:28PM Pacific: London's Daily Mail has a thrilling roundup: "Going for gold! Team USA (complete with Made in China berets) makes star-spangled entrance at London 2012 Olympics."

5:44PM Pacific: More spectacular photos at Daily Mail: "Britain fires up the world: London gets the 2012 Games under way with the Greatest Show On Earth (rounded off by Macca, of course)."

5:51PM Pacific: Yes, I've been think the same thing, at WSJ, "Olympic Boos for NBC Arrive With No Delay."
During the opening ceremony to the 2012 London Olympics, many U.S. viewers were upset they couldn’t watch it live. NBC waived its right to live-stream the ceremony, choosing to show it on tape delay later in the evening, during primetime coverage.

Viewers vented their frustrations on Twitter. Some expressed anger at NBC directly. Others said they were disappointed they couldn’t watch the ceremony while simultaneously live-tweeting it, as British viewers did. We called NBC for comment, and will update this post if they respond.
Check the link for the response.

6:07PM Pacific: Now at the Times of Israel, "No Munich tribute as Olympics open with dazzling ceremony":
Israel TV commentary goes silent for 30 seconds in tribute to the Munich 11 as Israeli team enters stadium. Flag-bearer Shahar Zubari sports national flag cut into his hair-do. IOC chief Rogge, who rebuffed Munich campaigners, hails Olympic spirit. Sports Minister Livnat stands, head-bowed, to honor victims.

The London Olympics 2012 opening ceremony made for riveting viewing for almost four hours on Friday night. Its artistic content was overseen by director Danny Boyle, and was eccentric, compelling, and frequently surreal. Then came the delegations of athletes. And then the speeches.

Sports Minister Limor Livnat, wearing a black ribbon on her arm, stood in head-bowed, silent tribute to the 11 murdered Israeli athletes of Munich 1972, as International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge spoke — an image not shown on the Olympic feed broadcast by Israel’s IBA.
6:23PM Pacific: At the Times of Israel, "Sports minister stands silently at Olympic opening event":
Limor Livnat’s tribute to murdered Munich athletes, during IOC president’s speech, not broadcast on official Olympic TV feed; Israel TV shows picture after ceremony ends.
Limor Livnat

6:32PM Pacific: At the Los Angeles Times, "Let the Olympic Games begin: Unity is message as youth light torch":
LONDON -- Organizers of the London Olympics did exactly what they intended.

They surprised the world.

Roger Bannister, the first man to break the four-minute barrier in a mile race, did not take the final torch leg to light the Olympic flame as many had expected. Instead it was a ceremony of inclusion.

Seven young athletes, the hope of the sports future in Britain, were joined by past icons in the torch ceremony Friday night in the opening ceremony. The youngsters moved to the center of the field of play and each lighted a stem that ignited more than 200 petals. This eventually converged into a "flame of unity."

Others thought to be in contention for the final honor were rower Steve Redgrave, decathlete Daley Thompson and even soccer icon David Beckham. Earlier in the week, one bookmaker, anticipating the choice of Bannister, quit taking bets on him.

Beckham, of course, was involved in the torch's journey to Olympic Stadium, driving a speedboat on the Thames with soccer-playing youngster Jade Bailey aboard. Bailey handed the torch to Redgrave, who carried it into the stadium.

It culminated a magical night in London, the return of the Olympic Games here for the third time. The last time was 1948, and, often, the opening ceremony felt like it took 64 years to complete, a long journey deep into the night ... and morning.

The ambitious production, engineered by filmmaker and artistic director Danny Boyle, took more than 3 hours 45 minutes. Occasional rain fell on Olympic Stadium in the early part of the program.

But the showers were long gone by the time the youngsters supplied the emotional punch.
7:56PM Pacific: At the New York Times, "A Five-Ring Opening Circus, Weirdly and Unabashedly British":
LONDON — With its hilariously quirky Olympic opening ceremony, a wild jumble of the celebratory and the fanciful; the conventional and the eccentric; and the frankly off-the-wall, Britain presented itself to the world Friday night as something it has often struggled to express even to itself: a nation secure in its own post-empire identity, whatever that actually is.

The noisy, busy, witty, dizzying production somehow managed to feature a flock of sheep (plus a busy sheepdog), the Sex Pistols, Lord Voldemort, the engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a suggestion that the Olympic rings were forged by British foundries during the Industrial Revolution, the seminal Partridge Family reference from “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” a group of people dressed like so many members of Sgt. Pepper’s band, some rustic hovels tended by rustic peasants, “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” and, in a paean to the National Health Service, a zany bunch of dancing nurses and bouncing sick children on huge hospital beds.

It was neither a nostalgic sweep through the past nor a bold vision of a brave new future. Rather, it was a sometimes slightly insane portrait of a country that has changed almost beyond measure since the last time it hosted the Games, in the grim postwar summer of 1948.

Britain was so poor then that it housed its athletes in old army barracks, made them bring their own towels and erected no buildings for the Games. The Olympics cost less than £750,000, turned a small profit and made the nation proud that it had had managed to rise to the occasion in the face of such adversity.

There was that same sense of relief intermingled with self-satisfaction this time. But such was the grandeur of 2012, even in these tough economic times, that 80,000 people sat comfortably in a new Olympic Stadium, having traveled by sleek new bullet trains and special V.I.P. road lanes to a new park that has completely transformed once-derelict east London.

A little rain fell, but it hardly mattered. Queen Elizabeth II was there, after co-starring with a tuxedoed Daniel Craig, also known as James Bond, in a witty video in which she appears to parachute from a helicopter (in fact, she entered the park the usual way). Looking mystified at times — the ceremony was pitched to a generation different from hers — she presided over a bevy of lesser royals and Prime Minister David Cameron.

The first lady, Michelle Obama, was in the audience to cheer on the United States athletes, who, it must be said, did a lot of cheering for themselves anyway during the athletes’ procession. And Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, was there, too, although he was practically Public Enemy No. 1 around here after he appeared to question the British capacity for enthusiasm, something only Britons are allowed to do...

Israel Underwhelmed by Surprise Munich Memorial

At the Jerusalem Post.
Families say unannounced minute of silence in London was a PR stunt aimed at deflecting criticism against IOC.
Also, Limor Livnat, Israel's Minister of Culture and Sport, will protest at the opening ceremonies. See: "Limor Livnat to stand in protest at Games opening ceremony."

More from Paula in Israel, "Munich 11 - They're All Gone."

Palestinians Cheer IOC's Rejection of Moment of Silence for Munich Massacre

At Yediot Ahronot, "Palestinians welcome IOC's rejection of moment of silence."

Munich massacre


More at Memeorandum.

EXTRA: From Deborah Lipstadt, "No, Open Zion, Deborah Lipstadt Won’t Shut Up: Jews shouldn't be satisfied by an impromptu Munich commemoration."

Investors Flee Facebook

At the New York Times, "Facebook Delivers an Earnings Letdown":
SAN FRANCISCO — Unhappy with Facebook’s first financial report as a public company Thursday, investors fled the stock in droves even as Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s chief executive, extolled its growth prospects to industry analysts.

The disillusionment of investors was clear in after-hours trading, and when the market opened on Friday the depth of the disappointment was even more pronounced. Shortly before 11 a.m., the stock was down 14 percent, to slightly under $23 a share, a new low. That came on top of an 8 percent decline in regular trading on Thursday, even before the earnings announcement, on the chill from weak earnings from the social gaming creator Zynga, a major Facebook partner.

Since going public two months ago at $38 a share, Facebook has seen its stock lose 40 percent of its value.

Mr. Zuckerberg has rarely spoken publicly about the company he built in his dorm room eight years ago. But nothing he and his lieutenants said Thursday about their plans to make money by advertising to Facebook users seemed to reassure investors.

“Obviously we’re disappointed about how the stock is traded,” said David Ebersman, the chief financial officer. “But the important thing for us is to stay focused on the fact that we’re the same company now as we were before.”

The financial report for the company’s second quarter did contain some good news. Revenue was up 32 percent, beating analysts’ predictions. But profits were not impressive, and the total number of users inched up only slowly.

“With the unprecedented hype around the company’s I.P.O., some investors believe more upside would have materialized — higher revenues, higher earnings,” said Jordan Rohan, an analyst at Stifel Nicolaus.
This don't look so good, do they?

Why the Obama Campaign is Suddenly So Worried

"Four Little Words," according to Kimberly Strassel:

Kim Strassel
What's the difference between a calm and cool Barack Obama, and a rattled and worried Barack Obama? Four words, it turns out.

"You didn't build that" is swelling to such heights that it has the president somewhere unprecedented: on defense. Mr. Obama has felt compelled—for the first time in this campaign—to cut an ad in which he directly responds to the criticisms of his now-infamous speech, complaining his opponents took his words "out of context."

That ad follows two separate ones from his campaign attempting damage control. His campaign appearances are now about backpedaling and proclaiming his love for small business. And the Democratic National Committee produced its own panicked memo, which vowed to "turn the page" on Mr. Romney's "out of context . . . BS"—thereby acknowledging that Chicago has lost control of the message.

The Obama campaign has elevated poll-testing and focus-grouping to near-clinical heights, and the results drive the president's every action: his policies, his campaign venues, his targeted demographics, his messaging. That Mr. Obama felt required—teeth-gritted—to address the "you didn't build that" meme means his vaunted focus groups are sounding alarms.

The obsession with tested messages is precisely why the president's rare moments of candor—on free enterprise, on those who "cling to their guns and religion," on the need to "spread the wealth around"—are so revealing. They are a look at the real man. It turns out Mr. Obama's dismissive words toward free enterprise closely mirror a speech that liberal Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren gave last August.

Ms. Warren's argument—that government is the real source of all business success—went viral and made a profound impression among the liberal elite, who have been pushing for its wider adoption. Mr. Obama chose to road-test it on the national stage, presumably thinking it would underline his argument for why the wealthy should pay more. It was a big political misstep, and now has the Obama team seriously worried...
Continue reading.

Smokin'! — Britney Spears Steps Out in Slinky Sequins for 'X-Factor' Boot Camp


At London's Daily Mail, "Bringing the seXy Factor! Britney Spears steps out in tiny shorts and slinky sequins as her outfits appear to get even racier."

Suspect James Holmes Was Seeing Psychiatrist at University Before Massacre

Some news out that signals bad news for the University of Colorado Denver, IMHO.

At USA Today, "Defense: Shooting suspect seeing psychiatrist":
DENVER (AP) – Court papers say the former graduate student accused in the Colorado movie theater shooting was being treated by a psychiatrist at the university where he studied.

The revelation was disclosed Friday in a defense motion. The motion sought to discover the source of leaks to some media outlets that a package that James Holmes sent the psychiatrist contained a notebook with descriptions of an attack.

The motion says the package contained communications between Holmes and Dr. Lynne Fenton that should be shielded from public view.
And at the Los Angeles Times, "Colorado judge bars school from releasing James Holmes documents."

Plus, Holmes is claiming amnesia: "Batman killer claims he has amnesia and doesn't remember opening fire in crowded movie theater... as he complains the food in jail is making his stomach hurt."

Horrific Death: 12-Year-Old Amaro Viana Drowned in Boiling Hot Water After Watching Both Parents Murdered by Black South African Thugs

The legacy of Mandela.

At Telegraph UK, "South African 12-year-old drowned in boiling water after seeing parents killed":
A 12-year-old boy was drowned in boiling water after seeing his mother raped and killed and his father hacked to death by three men who broke into his home south of Johannesburg, South Africa.
And at London's Daily Mail, "The murders so brutal they shocked even South Africa: Couple shot dead, then son aged 12 is drowned in scalding bath."

So much for truth and reconciliation.

More at the San Francisco Chronicle, "Divided South Africa honors Mandela's birthday."

President Obama Has Traveled All Over the World — But Not to Israel

Not during his presidency, at least.

Via the Weekly Standard, "'Where's Obama?' Anywhere but Israel."

Also at Israel Matzav, "Where's President Obama?"

Bar Refaeli in Elle France

A nice pictorial, via Hollywood Rag.


Parlez-vous français? The French Elle is here.

Smokin' Supermodels, Then and Now

Some beautiful women.

At the New York Times, "When Beauty Fades: Supermodels as They Age Are Focus of Documentary."

Notice Paulina Porizkova at the clip, one of the greatest of all the Sports Illustrated hotties.

Those were the days.

U.S. Economy Skyrockets as Growth Surges at 1.5 Percent of GDP!

Just kidding.

The economy's not skyrocketing. See NYT, "U.S. Economy Slowed to a Tepid 1.5% Rate of Growth."

Ed Morrissey has more, "Breaking: Q2 GDP 1.5%; Update: 2011Q4 revised upward 1.1 points to 4.1%?"

VIDEO CREDIT: Marathon Pundit.


I wasn't even on Twitter yesterday, but I'll venture a guess "#RomneyShambles" was the leading hashtag.

The Independent UK has it, "#Romneyshambles: 'Some Americans just shouldn't leave the country', says Carl Lewis." (At Memeorandum.)

Also, at Althouse, "'Romney book: Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants'." (At Memeorandum.) Ann posts crucial excerpts from Romney's book, No Apology, something that Foreign Policy didn't do, because Romney's conservative, no doubt:
Now Foreign Policy — a respected journal? — ends its out of context squib with snark: "Its roads and houses are small? The trees probably aren't the right height either." I'm giving you the whole context that Foreign Policy didn't want to deal with. It's about the British decline into socialism. What do you say we take that seriously?

Socialism/capitalism — that's how campaign 2012 has been framed. Let's stare that issue in the face. Sorry if the Brits' feelings are hurt, but this is about us.
She's right, but no one can help Romney on the gaffes, except Romney. Get it together man, sheesh.

More from Robert Stacy McCain, "Ungrateful Limeys!"