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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query nihilist. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

James Casper, Stalking Nihilist, Ignores Calls for Civility and Peace in Wake of Arizona Shooting

I've had few dealings with stalking asshat James Casper since he revealed his first-class progressive racism late last year. I do see the hate blog American Nihilist at my Sitemeter on occasion, so I know what these freaks are up to. Or, what they're not up to, actually. It turns out that since the Arizona shooting on January 8th, RepRacist3 hasn't authored a single commemoration for the fallen at his blogs, nor has he denounced the hate and libel on the progressive left. Of course, it'd be just more typical progressive hypocrisy, but RepRacist3 claims to be all about goodness and love: "I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm letting those I disagree with be just as wrong as they want to be for the next 24 hours or so ..." Being respectful of others only applies on opportunistic holidays, apparently. Christmas is a day to score political points, it turns out, as RepRacist3 claims to be all about transcendance and Yuletide cheer (as if December 25th was some political cease-fire day). But then shortly after the New Year dawned, when blood flowed on Tucson's streets, RepRacist3 went silent. What's up with that? Evil. Instead of well-wishes, we have Reppy's demonic henchmen Fauxmaxbaer posting sick screeds attacking my comprehensive reporting as alleged "exploitation." There is no bottom too deep for these vile beasts. And yet, there's rejoice for those entering the Gates of Hell, for a new level of epic godlessness has demonstrated its world historical totalitarianism at American Nihilist. And note that when my regular commenter Bartender Cabbie called them out for unhinged stalking, they wasted no time pumping out lame responses in the comments. They'd rather noxiously allege "bullying" than publish a public prayer for the too-soon-an-angel Christina Green.

I've made screencaps of RepRacist3's blogs. Folks can see for themselves. Clearly civil discourse is a hammer with which progressives suppress dissent. When the times really call for kindness and deliberation, we get silence instead. So unoriginal --- and hateful. So here's a challenge to RepRacist3: Make good on the sentiments of the one-day holiday well wishes by deleting American Nihilist. Follow that up with a new effort --- something good and truly decent --- dedicated to the memories of the fallen, and use that initiative to promote a genuine dialogue of peace and harmony with fellow Americans. I blog about any and all things under the sun, and I pray for those who are suffering. RepRacist3 runs a hate-filled stalking operation with pudd-fiddling Fauxmaxbaer. Never do they post a prayer for the grieving, and never do the denounce the evil in their midst. Thus, do everybody a favor and hang it up. Move on. If you can't do it, it's simply one more confirmation that you're nothing about goodness and cheer, and all about denying reality and destroying political enemies, even in times of tragedy.

American Nihilist Arizona

Wingnuts and Moonbats

What'd I Say

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pot Calls Kettle! Look Out for Those Opportunistic Nihilists!

Firedoglake's probably the last place you'd expect bloggers to throw around epithets like "nilhilist," but that's exactly the case here:

George Packer's New Yorker article asking if conservatives have "run out of ideas" caused quite the stir in the Right Blogosphere this past week. And right bloggers proved Packer wrong: as it turns out, they didn't have any "ideas" to start with. They have obsessions and vindictiveness in plenty, but ideas? Not really.

To me, the response to Packer's piece is far more illuminating than the actual article, which is rather banal. If "movement conservatism" has failed, as I sincerely hope it has, I'd argue that this is because too many of its proponents believed their own press and became persuaded that "movement conservatism" was ever an intellectual movement at all, as opposed to an essentially nihilist politics of vicious opportunism, where the entire goal is power for its own sake.

Packer is of course discussing the GOP's rather bleak electoral prospects this year, especially in the House and Senate. (He pretends to believe that McCain is a new kind of "post-partisan" candidate, a common form of elite journalist wishful thinking that ignores, for openers, Hagee and Parsley.) He speaks to a number of conservative writers, like David Brooks, Ross Douthat, David Frum, and Pat Buchanan. The Brooks part has gotten the most attention, perhaps because of Brooks' admission that "You go to Capitol Hill—Republican senators know they’re fucked," which is of course hugely entertaining. But the overall thesis is that the period of GOP dominance just may be over, because the Nixonian "Southern Strategy" as well as other mechanisms for splitting the old FDR coalition may just have finally run out of steam.

First, I think Packer's late to the party. Karen Tumulty made the case for the ideological decline of the GOP over a year ago, and at that time the thesis wasn't all that novel.

But for FDL to attack GOP partisans for the "nihilist politics of vicious opportunism" is like the pot calling the kettle black.

What's nihilism, in any case? I routinely deploy the term to identify hard-left terror-backing defeatists, many of whom are the main supporters of the Democratic Party.

I generally refer to my politcal opponents as "nihilist" in this sense:

An approach to philosophy that holds that human life is meaningless and that all religions, laws, moral codes, and political systems are thoroughly empty and false. The term is from the Latin nihil, meaning “nothing.”

Nihilist political philosophy's also identified with postmodern ideological movements, which privilege the notion that there exists no objective morality.

Postmodern nihilists on the left include those who've joined together in an anti-American alliance of socialism and Islam to destroy alleged American neo-imperialism worldwide. These are the same folks on the American left who call for the murder of American military service personnel as a putatively legitimate form of antiwar protest. Today's nihilists include the overwhelming majority of congressional Democrats who voted to authorize the war in Iraq in 2002, and within three months of the toppling of Saddam Hussein turned around to denounce the Bush administration for launching a "provocative and unnecessary" war.

That's opportunistic nihilism!

I also include
Firedoglake as fundamentally, radically nihilist, root and branch, in its program of demonization, anti-Semitism, bereft of any shred of true traditionalism and essential value.

As always, I'll have more.

Until then, see Dr. Sanity, "
The Children of Postmodern Nihilism."

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Navigating Past Nihilism

Back during the racist Pale Scot episode, BJKeefe rejected David Horowitz's equation of leftist ideologies with the doctrines of epistemological nihilism. Of course such references are common, so I responded in the comments:

The left has recycled Soviet Marxism-Leninism, giving a pass to the murder of 100s of millions. When those apologies for totalitarianism --- what leftist refer to as "actually existing socialism" --- become a defense of a failed ideology, all you have left is utter nothingness, hence nihilism.
In response, BJ babbled something about my attempting to "twist the definition of nihilism to fit your own preconceived notions."

Well, actually not, according to
1a : a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless b : a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths.

2a : a doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility b capitalized : the program of a 19th century Russian party advocating revolutionary reform and using terrorism and assassination
I tend to focus on the rejection of moralism (1b), which is clear in my longstanding discussion of the anarcho-socialist and the neo-communist left, but also the left's ideology of death and destruction (2b).

No doubt there's a long body of Western philosophy that examines the impact of nihilism on scientific developments and social thought. Thus, folks into these more refined discourses on nihilism --- that to which I suspect BJKeefe alludes, but does not elaborate --- may find the discussion from Sean Kelly interesting, at New York Times, "
Navigating Past Nihilism":

“Nihilism stands at the door,” wrote Nietzsche. “Whence comes this uncanniest of all guests?” The year was 1885 or 1886, and Nietzsche was writing in a notebook whose contents were not intended for publication. The discussion of nihilism ─ the sense that it is no longer obvious what our most fundamental commitments are, or what matters in a life of distinction and worth, the sense that the world is an abyss of meaning rather than its God-given preserve ─ finds no sustained treatment in the works that Nietzsche prepared for publication during his lifetime. But a few years earlier, in 1882, the German philosopher had already published a possible answer to the question of nihilism’s ultimate source. “God is dead,” Nietzsche wrote in a famous passage from “The Gay Science.” “God remains dead. And we have killed him.”

There is much debate about the meaning of Nietzsche’s famous claim, and I will not attempt to settle that scholarly dispute here. But at least one of the things that Nietzsche could have meant is that the social role that the Judeo-Christian God plays in our culture is radically different from the one he has traditionally played in prior epochs of the West. For it used to be the case in the European Middle Ages for example ─ that the mainstream of society was grounded so firmly in its Christian beliefs that someone who did not share those beliefs could therefore not be taken seriously as living an even potentially admirable life. Indeed, a life outside the Church was not only execrable but condemnable, and in certain periods of European history it invited a close encounter with a burning pyre.

Whatever role religion plays in our society today, it is not this one. For today’s religious believers feel strong social pressure to admit that someone who doesn’t share their religious belief might nevertheless be living a life worthy of their admiration. That is not to say that every religious believer accepts this constraint. But to the extent that they do not, then society now rightly condemns them as dangerous religious fanatics rather than sanctioning them as scions of the Church or mosque. God is dead, therefore, in a very particular sense. He no longer plays his traditional social role of organizing us around a commitment to a single right way to live. Nihilism is one state a culture may reach when it no longer has a unique and agreed upon social ground.
More at the link, but that sounds fair enough to me, if a bit minimalist. Basically, societies that have lost an agreed upon consensus of the appropriate, of the boundaries of social mores and values, have become nihilist in the sense Sean Kelly offers. It's not just a matter of religious faith but the social construction of moral right and political order. To the extent today that radicals attack traditional values as extreme --- attacks on proponents of heterosexual marriage, for example --- we've clearly lost a good deal of the decency that derives from a more fundamental set of commitments. The left not only rejects those commitments, but is intent to literally destroy those who stand in the way. Recall Diana West's essay following the passage of Prop 8 in 2008: "The State is Being Set." And the left's dishonesty and anti-intellectualism continued in the federal courts. See Michelle's, "Judicial activism + far Left radical activism = Courtroom intimidation."

And of course this is true in so many other areas, on issues of war and peace, the science of climate change, and the existence of Israel. The anti-intellectual foundations of the today's left --- foundations that are in essence nihilist as discussed --- are destroying individuals and societies. Melanie Phillips' book covers much of this ground as well: The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power.

Back over at Kelly's essay, the discussion assesses whether societies can reach accomodation over values, perhaps so that the ideal of faith in God is not the sine qua non for a life of virtue. Specifically, we could reject the notion that non-believers are automatically nihilist, and Kelly cites the great American novelist Herman Melville for inspiration. So yes, the debate might continue. But for me it's not so much faith per se, but that of commitment itself to the pursuit of the good, and what we've seen repeatedly is how the left rejects that goodness, and when leftists can't win fair and square they resort to dishonestly, intimidation and violence. As Kelly notes earlier in the essay: "The threat of nihilism is the threat that freedom from the constraint of agreed upon norms opens up new possibilities in the culture only through its fundamentally destabilizing force."

And one of those agreed commitments is that we treat those of different races with respect --- that is, we don't abuse them with racist attacks and, even worse, defend those attacks with the most reprehensible evasions and distortions of truth imaginable. But unfortunately, that's the going program at RepRacist3's dungeon of nihilist hatred, where folks there think of me as the opposite of albino Johnny Winter. Nope, no colorblindness at RepRacist3's
stalking nihilist asshat central:


These are bad people, well outside the accepted normative commitments of decency and right in society.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Walter James Casper, Hate-Troll and Pathological Liar, Lamely Tries to Score Political Points With Hilarious Make-Believe Abomination

Let me just start by being unequivocally clear: F-k you, Walter James Casper III.

F-k you and the bareback rim station perverts you rode in on. I'm just all torn up about your faux-outrage and political opportunism that, oops, now might be a little over the top and something of which you thought better, you depraved lunatic: "(Edited out... Not something to score points with)..." So, you thought you'd just post this over at the Other McCain's to, what, force conservatives to abandon old Donald?
I defy anyone sane and decent--and that includes some of Donald Douglas' biggest supporters, and especially anyone who has ever been swatted, or who chose to leave their home to protect their family from possible bad behavior by those they blogged about--to say that the post below is not very creepy, or that doxing someone with whom you disagree over the internet is EVER justified.
Oh brother. Talk about a junior high school drama queen. Grow up, Casper, you vile Internet troll and moral reprobate. You posted that to the Other McCain last night, at what, 3:30am eastern time? You think you've been doxed? That would be terrible, you know, to put someone's safety at risk. Just terrible! (Of course, you know first hand about putting people at risk, don't you, you hypocritical creep?)

Repsac3 photo Repsac3_Photo.jpg
Honestly, I don't care what my co-bloggers think or do. They're not being stalked by an obsessive-compulsive hate-troll who's allied with and abetted vicious personal attacks on me, my family, and my livelihood.

Dear readers will note that Repsac's exhortations to contact my workplace are still posted, "DEFAMATION - DONALD STYLE" (which included this attack in its original form):
We know these behaviors all too well, and why some of you bother with this pinhead is beyond me. The Coward is not welcome at The Swash Zone; we delete his comments immediately. More disturbing are the comments and e-mails left by his followers: Profane, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic … worthy of report to the FBI. What to do?

If the Coward or any of his followers harass you online you, contact President [XXXX XXXXXX at (XXX) XXX-XXXX or Executive VP of Academic Affairs [XXXXXX XXXX at (XXX) XXX-XXXX and describe the harassment. For serious online abuse or defamation, there is always this option ([lawsuit] in progress).
This was posted by (O)CT(O)PUS (libel blogger David Hillman of the Swash Zone). And it was completely authorized with the invitation and permission of hate-stalker Walter James Casper III.

And that's just one example of the hatred that racist Repsac has enabled and encouraged and participated in during his more than five years of utterly deranged harassment of American Power. Nothing is beyond the pale for Casper. Seriously. Carl Salonen? Now Casper's best buddy and top commenter at American Nihilist? Boy, not too worried about situational ethics, I guess. Casper's longtime friendship with Salonen is a ringing endorsement of these kinds of attacks: "Carl Salonen Libelous Workplace Allegations of Child Pornography and Sexual Harassment at Long Beach City College." If anyone should be abandoned maybe Salonen's a good place to start, no? Seems to me if someone's outraged at even the idea of doxing they would express equal outrage at actual cases of workplace harassment and intimidation, where the perpetrator even bullied the Attorney General of California's office in an attempt to have me fired. But no. Such despicable Internet bullies are welcomed open arms at the hate-site American Nihilist. Folks can see why I'm all lulz over racist Repsac's pathetic bawling.

In any case, the transparency of Repsac's "accuse the accusers" tactic is pretty hilarious. As Robert Stacy McCain wrote the other day:
Another characteristic of cyberstalkers is their resort to psychological projection: They are not obsessed with you — no! — you are obsessed with them, and don’t you dare accuse them of harassing you — of course not! — you are instead harassing them. This kind of “accuse the accusers” tactic serves two purposes for the troll: First, it is a psychological rationalization by which he justifies his behavior and, second, it serves to obfuscate the situation in the eyes of law enforcement or other authorities.

Something else: The conflict between Casper and Professor Douglas is not about politics, nor is it about Professor Douglas.

That is to say, Casper’s espousal of left-wing political ideas is not the reason for his behavior, but simply a pretext, and if he weren’t harassing Professor Douglas, he’d be harassing some other target, selected more or less at random. There is, of course, a specific history to the conflict between them, but it is ultimately irrelevant. There are plenty of people every bit as left-wing as Casper who are not obsessive stalkers, and there are other conservative bloggers who might just as easily become targets for stalking, if ever they attracted the attention of such a grotesquely deformed personality as Casper.

Walter James Casper III has spent years smearing and harassing Professor Douglas, trying to get him fired from his job. This could (and in fact, often does) happen to any blogger who has a day job.

To get an idea of the pathetic nature of Casper’s obsession, he has devoted an entire blog, called “American Nihilist,” to his anti-Douglas jihad. In the past six months, that stalker site has attracted an average of about 15 visitors a day. By contrast, Professor Douglas’s blog has averaged nearly 2,000 visitors daily...
Still more at the link.

Walter James Casper's a despicable lying half-wit douchebag --- which is to say, he's a regressive leftist. No one cares what happens to him. He deserves whatever malicious fate awaits him. I couldn't care less, although his predicable political opportunism is hilarious, and you gotta give it up for his moral relativism and situational ethics. I mean really, this whole spiel, "OMG, this is infinity times worse than whatever evil things I've done to Donald Douglas in the past and OMG I can't believe any of Donald's conservative friends would ever again have anything to do with him," is just a little too obvious and just a tiny bit desperate.

Get a life, Casper. I suggest you start by closing up shop at your stalking "jihad" blog American Nihilist, which clearly is the source of all your problems. And after that, get some psychological treatment to deal with all of your clearly acute issues of lying, projection and pathetic victimization. Man, that's just sad.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


W. James Casper is pure hatred. His whole blogging world is all about sponsoring threats and seeking to destroy others. He's allied in yet another campaign of hate (top result is American Nihilist's satanic program of death and destruction). Freakin' commie asshat. Because RACIST = REPSAC = HATER has come to this, thinly veiled death threats, this post is for the record.

'I intended for American Nihilist to be a one off joke on the silly "nihilist" meme you created. I sent invites to all the "nihilsts" I could find, thinking we'd all just have a quick laugh at the expense of the silly little meme, & that'd be it... But some of 'em wanted to sign up, and once they did, and started writing--in character--it became something better than the one off joke I intended...'

Yeah, it became a repository of hate.

Scroll through W. James Casper's record of hate at the link.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Pale Scot at American Nihilist

I'm not sure, but I doubt that this is the original Pale Scot, since the author of the racist comments a BJ Keefe's didn't sign in with a Blogger account and appeared more sophisticated than this new "Pale Scot" comment at American Nihilist. Either way, it's just one more example of real live leftist racism, not the made up kind, for example, the alleged "racism" of my Obama gangsta posts. No. This is genuine:


I've commented a lot on this stuff recently, but I have to say: Everyone is way too freaked out over racism (see TrogloPundit on that). But if leftists are gonna go around attacking opponents of "racism" you'd at least expect them not to tolerate it at their own blogs. But they do, over and over again. So let me sum up: There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" and being "racist." I'm often very "politically incorrect," but never racist. Leftists uniformly attack "political correctness" as "racism," but they rarely --- if ever --- denounce the genuine racist white supremacism within their own ranks.

I think the folks at American Nihilist owe me an apology.

(Added: I've been actually trying to avoid these issues so as to focus on the elections, etc. But the recent attacks on myself and others, like Pamela Geller, have provided lots of material, so what can you do? It's just kinda funny how fast the leftist double-standards are revealed. These people hate. They have no values. They're freaks.)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Mindless, Nihilistic Dirge In Praise of a Godless Universe

From Kathy Shaidle, "Where’s Guy Fawkes when you need him?":
In honor of goddam Jack Layton, the goddam bells on the goddam Peace Tower played goddam “Imagine” — a mindless, nihilistic dirge in praise of a Godless universe.
Kathy's talking about the Ottawa Peace Tower, and the memorial for the late New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton.

This reminds me of idiot Bonejob Brendan Keefe, who murderously hates David Horowitz, because the latter has rightly excoriated radical socialist progressivism as a nihilist project of hate, demonization and destruction. Sometime back, I commented at Bonejob's, and he whined like a child:

I would say in particular that this phrase from your blurb of his book -- "the freakish nihilism of the radical left" -- doesn't even make sense in light of what this book of his is supposed to be about: "the Left has continued to advance its socialist schemes …" Stipulating for the moment that We have such an Agenda, it can hardly be said to be nihilist to have one -- to seek to advance a different social order (or to foist one upon you, if you insist) is not at all the same thing as wanting to do away with any and every social order, just for the sake of destruction.
Blah. Blah. Blah. Bonejob has no reply to David Horowitz or to the right's perfectly accurate description of progressivism as sick, disgusting nihilism, and I hammer idiot Bonejob for his ignorance:
And seriously, you should at least read the book (cited at the link below) before you blow off "nihilism." The left has recycled Soviet Marxism-Leninism, giving a pass to the murder of 100s of millions. When those apologies for totalitarianism --- what leftist refer to as "actually existing socialism" --- become a defense of a failed ideology, all you have left is utter nothingness, hence nihilism. Try to fit that into your vocab, big boy.
It goes on like this, with Bonejob continuing to act like a child, typing some kind of dissing epithet, "Blargh," and finally throwing up his hands in defeat:
I was not typing "Blargh" in response to your effort to twist the definition of nihilism to fit your own preconceived notions. It was in response to everything else.
For Bonejob, "being your age" means calling your opponents crazies worthy of being mocked. It means adopting a postmodern collectivist epistemology that rejects the accepted usage of words such as nihilism. That's typical, since progressives can't respond to arguments on the merits, and frankly must resort to outright lies and intimidation to win the day. It's pathetic. David Horowitz knows whereof he speaks when pointing out the true nature of leftist ideology as a nihilistic project of hate and nothingness.

And that brings me back to Kathy Shaidle, because she's right on. For as much as I love The Beatles, John Lennon's "Imagine," while beautifully idealistic, is ideologically evil. And that's why progressives love it. Their idealism is not about improving the world but destroying it. Every left-wing progressive scheme of grand 20th-century state-level socialiist "improvement" ended in the camps. And despite the 100s of millions who have been exterminated on the road to leftist heaven, they keep trying. That's nihilist. It's so despicably stupid as to make pure evil simply banal. And Kathy links to Dennis Prager, "Why the Right Fears Transforming America -- and the Left Seeks It," who writes:
Lennon's utopia is our dystopia. A world without God to give people some certitude that all their suffering is not meaningless is a nightmare. A world without religion means a world without any systematic way of ennobling people. A world without countries is a world without the United States of America, and it is a world governed by the morally imbecilic United Nations, where mass murderers sit on its "human rights" councils. A world without heaven or hell is a world without any ultimate justice, where torturers and their victims have identical fates -- oblivion. A world without possessions is a world in which some enormous state possesses everything, and the individual is reduced to the status of a serf.

Liberals [progressives] frequently criticize conservatives for fearing change. That is not correct. We fear transforming that which is already good. The moral record of humanity does not fill us with optimism about "fundamentally transforming" something as rare as America. Evil is normal. America is not.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Iraqis Rejecting Islamic Extremism, Bush Doctrine Cited

Abe Greenwald has an awesome post on the implications of events covered in this morning's New York Times story, "Violence Leaves Young Iraqis Doubting Clerics."

Iraq's young radical extremist are renouncing not just terrorist violence, but the nihilist religious doctrines justifying it.

Here's Greenwald:

Question: What is the most extraordinary thing about the following extraordinary sentence?

BAGHDAD — After almost five years of war, many young people in Iraq, exhausted by constant firsthand exposure to the violence of religious extremism, say they have grown disillusioned with religious leaders and skeptical of the faith that they preach.
Answer: It is the lead of a story in today’s New York Times. The paper of record, which for the past few years could accurately be described as a body count with a styles section, is now acknowledging the realization of the most ambitious goal of the Iraq War: the de-radicalization of Muslim citizens. This is, in its way, more important than political reconciliation and even more important than hunting down al Qaeda. This is the long war stuff, the hearts-and-minds stuff.

The goal was to offer freedom as an alternative to extremism; the criticism was that it was a dream; the reality is that it is happening. From the Times:

Such patterns, if lasting, could lead to a weakening of the political power of religious leaders in Iraq. In a nod to those changing tastes, political parties are dropping overt references to religion.
And the revelations don’t end there. Sabrina Tavernise, who wrote the piece, notes that the extent of Iraqis’ wholesale rejection of jihad is unique in the region:

The shift in Iraq runs counter to trends of rising religious practice among young people across much of the Middle East, where religion has replaced nationalism as a unifying ideology.
It is impossible not to infer that the Bush Doctrine and the commitment of the men and women in uniform has facilitated this shift. Far from “creating more terrorists” as the failed cliché goes, the war has helped to nurture an appreciation for liberty among Iraqi youth.
Greenwald's absolutely right to note the epochal nature of this development, and the essential, continuing vindication of the Bush administration's Iraq policy. Greenwald also note the obvious: That these developments will not be recognized by Bush-bashers and America-haters who want nothing more than the U.S. to fail in Iraq. The antiwar forces will spin these developments in the most deranged ways imaginable.

For example, as al Qaeda has resort to even more barbaric tactics than previously imagined (
stapping remote-control bombs to mentally-impaired Iraqi women), our nihilist leftists at home praise such developments as "brilliant strategic adaptations" in the fight to kill more and more Americans and Iraqis.

Even as
the New York Times piece itself notes that...

Violent struggle against the United States was easy to romanticize at a distance.

“I used to love Osama bin Laden,” proclaimed a 24-year-old Iraqi college student. She was referring to how she felt before the war took hold in her native Baghdad. The Sept. 11, 2001, strike at American supremacy was satisfying, and the deaths abstract.

Now, the student recites the familiar complaints: Her college has segregated the security checks; guards told her to stop wearing a revealing skirt; she covers her head for safety.

“Now I hate Islam,” she said, sitting in her family’s unadorned living room in central Baghdad. “Al Qaeda and the Mahdi Army are spreading hatred. People are being killed for nothing.”
...Our nihilist, freedom-hating defeatists explain it all away as a fluke, a rejection of the point that allows the antiwar cadres to blame it all on the occupation.

The antiwar defeatists are the same forces who compared the Taliban's 12 year-old boy terrorists - who inflict beheadings and live-immolations on their hostages - to the Catholic Church's scandals of homosexuality.

Nope, it's all
moral relativism. Indeed the U.S. is even worse than our enemies, claim the antiwar types: The Bush administration's is the new Nazi regime.

We're winning in Iraq: The
administration sees it, the military sees it, the American people see it, and Iraqis themselves see it - as they increasingly renounce their own religion's fight against the historic forces of freedom.

Yes, that's victory, on the largest scale imaginable.

See more at

Thursday, October 1, 2009

American Nihilist Defends Suspected Terrorist Najibullah Zazi: Blames U.S. Imperialism!

Here's more of the standard-fare anti-Americanism we can expect from the demonic boys at American Nihilist, "Locking up the Innocent." The piece is defending Najibullah Zazi, who has pled not guilty to allegations the he's the mastermind of what's being called "one of the most serious terrorist attacks on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001."

the comments, from Dr. Obama Biobrain:

The man pled not guilty, yet they're keeping him in jail anyway. What part of "not guilty" don't they understand? It might make sense to keep him locked up if he had admitted he was guilty, I mean, assuming he wasn't making a joke. But someone who says they're not guilty? What sort of justice system is this? Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?

And the main thing to remember is that this guy's an Afghan immigrant, so we really owe him something. After all, we sent our imperialist troops to his country, sullying his native land with our impure materialism and infidel religion, and we were guilty as hell. Yet our troops roam free, even after admitting to the murders of thousands of his people, while this guy remains locked up for merely wanting to murder ours.
In other words, Americans deserve whatever Zazi and his allies are ready to dish out.

Great. Real patriots over there at American Nihilist.

For the full details, see Atlas Shrugs, "
NY Jihad Raid Goes National: Denver jihad plot suspect admits Al-Qaeda ties," and "FBI: Notes on Jihad bomb-making in Zazi [the nazi's] handwriting - Target NYC,"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Jesus Christ: Dead Nihilist of the Week?

Where do we draw the line on respectable blogging? Is there no standard below which leftists will sink to ridicule and demonize?

To wit, at Repsac3's attack blog, American Nihilist, we have this post from Truth101, "
Dead Nihilist of the Week - Jesus."

Folks can read the whole thing at the link, but even those who are but moderately religious would recoil at the blasphemy. Indeed, I have received this e-mail from a reader commenting on Repsac3 and his fellow bloggers:

The more I read the things these guys write, the more appalled I am at the way they seem to revel in their godlessness, as evidenced by their mockery and ridicule of God, and the Bible.

If they were as wise as they believe themselves to be, they would realize how close they have come to blasphemy, and instead of being in derision, they would be in fear - and since they are so familiar with the Bible, they should, also, know about this verse: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good," Psalm 14:1.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Democratic Epic Moral Fail!

Regarding my recent blogging on the Democratic nihilists, Skye from Midnight Blue asks,"Why bother with Casper? He is an embarrassment even with the fringe folks."

Democratic blogger, epic moral fail, at bottom, jonesing for traffic.

Why? Well, with all due respect to my beautiful friend Skye, I mainly do it because it's worth highlighting the total moral bankruptcy and infinite hypocrisy of these freaking idiots.

Nihilist netroots bloggers called out conservatives for their outrage on the Linda Biegel story. What's the problem with a little Photoshop of Trig Palin as a ghoul? It's not about the baby. It's the "evil" "
Homophobic, Red Shirt, Bible Thumping Nazi, Gay Bashing, Tea Bagging, Racist, White Guy, Bigots."

Well, remember John Hawkins' suggestion, that it's "
time to give them a taste of their own medicine"?

It turns out when you turn the Photoshop tables, the nihilists don't like it one bit! Here's this from Repsac3, in response to
my Photoshop yesterday on the "Commissariat for Internet Affairs":

A college professor with a Ph.D., and this is the level of discourse you're choosing?

As before, all I can say is wow.

If I were your employer, your student, or your friend, I'd be embarrassed to have to admit it.

Politics of the personal, at it's finest.

And worst of all, not even funny.

A loss on all counts.

Sad, to see what you've become. But I guess I should've expected it. The hinges have been coming off for awhile.

My sympathies to all those who knew you back when...

Hmm ... pretty indignant right?

The increasingly frequent "wow, just wow" line is when leftists realize they're TOTALLY F*****!!

I don't recall Repsac3's outrage, or that of his radical allies, at
David Hoogland Noon's Photoshop of me from last year. Nope, it's totally cool when it's done by your side!! No matter that nihilist Noon boasts a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Hey, anything to take down the "evil" neocons! Even left-wing anti-Semitism is cool with these jerks.

What was that Black Flag song again? Oh yeah, "
No Values":
I've got no values
Nothing to say
I've got no values
Might as well blow you away
And they would too. They would blow away Sarah Palin if they had the chance. Look how they've mercilessly stalked the Palin family for almost a year now. Recall how this whole controversy erupted? With the awful, just reprehensible Photoshops of Baby Trig? Hey, no problem for the Democrats. The leftists are fully down with it! And it's understandable. "Sarah Palin is the most dangerous threat to the Obama administration with no close second." And to the radical left as well.

Of course, look at this picture ... this is who the nihilist leftists want to destroy:

And what does Brain Rage have to say about Trig Palin? It's all at the blog:
There's nothing worse than an ugly baby....
And about Trig's mother, Governor Palin?
... an incurious dullard.
A Downs child? An "ugly baby."

God help these people, seriously? I blog about this stuff all the time. It's time consuming, I know. And like Skye, many others have said, "don't waste your time on these moral reprobates."

The point's well taken, but you have to see it to believe it, so I continue to blog this stuff, to get this pure hate out in the open for all to see. John Hawkins is right: You have to get down and dirty, but you can never GET THAT DIRTY.

Repsac3 and James "Barebacker" Webb are not some fringe contingents of the Democratic Party. These people ARE the Democratic majority.

Even this morning, James "Barebacker" Webb has a post up saying it's all a joke, and that American Power has suffered a "
Humor Fail."

Actually, the post in question
wasn't comedy. My parody was only half in jest, as anyone familiar with the left's secular demonology knows.

Besides, we can just appeal to the marketplace of ideas to see who's really epic fail here.

Let's compare: Here's my
traffic report for last week:

Here's James Webb's traffic report for last week:

So, my friends. There you have it. James B. Webb. Total. Epic. Moral. Fail.

Pretty freaking lousy blogging too! See Robert Stacy McCain, "
How Not to Get a Million Hits On Your Blog, And Not Score With Hotties. Ever."



Cartoon Credit: David Horsey.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dana Pico Closes Common Sense Political Thought

My friend Dana has ended his blog. See, "The death of CSPT." Dana emailed to sound me out before he went ahead and pulled the plug. Here's my response:
Close it down only if it's not fun for you, Dana.

I'm sorry you lost Sharon and any others. Would they come back to your blog if you screened commenters? It's the Internet. I went to comment moderation because I had one troll, W. James Casper, who runs a whole blog designed to mock and ridicule me, and now to organize attacks on my employment. Casper always has to have the last word and he's "never wrong", so after allowing him for years I finally started moderation, and my comment section basically died. But I don't blog for the comments. I blog to get my ideas out there. Comments and great commenters are an added bonus, but it's also extra work. So, I'd only close it down if losing a great commentariat is a bummer for you. Otherwise, keep blogging and go with the flow. I love the winter photos, so you'll always have things others would like to read and repost.

I went over there to check the comments, because Dana said that things had gotten personal at the threads. Folks were making threats and posting real names and workplace information. Here's one comment at this post:
Hube, now you go public with a private email! That is a breach right there.

If you don’t know what you did to out me, that’s on you, Hube. I choose to use my first name on this blog, which both you and Hitchcock arbitrarily revoked. Is this what you call behaving with honor in public.

All I ask of you, and Hitchcock, is that we keep our discourses civil, free from the personal attacks. Apparently that is too much to ask of you, Hube.

So yes, Hube, if the personal attacks continue, in retaliation your identity will then be revealed by me, as you have already done to me. Disagree with me all you want, that is fine, but cease the personal attacks. Do I have to spell out to you what a personal attack is? Perhaps, as a warning, I should point out to you first if you use one. Or just take a look at every Hitchcock post addressed to me – there you will find a million examples. Since Dana has refused to follow through on his requests for civility, ignored by you and Hitchcock, I will act when I am victimized and bullied by you too.

And don’t forget, Dana, your blog is in the public domain. You can certainly maintain your devotion to free speech and simultaneously exert your influence in order to minimize the personal attacks, which certainly contaminate your blog. What has happened to your standards, Dana?
One of the other commenters enters after that to suggest it's not fair to pull Dana into a fight between those two. But actually, it's Dana's house, and Dana has decided that things have deteriorated out of control and he wants to start fresh.

Now, compare that to my stalker and demonic hate blogger Walter James Casper III. That hate-blogger has repeatedly claimed that he started American Nihilist as a joke, but once the blog become the online repository for attacks against my workplace, not once has Walter James Casper rejected the attacks or denounced the hate. To this day commenters there, some of the very people who have launched attacks against me only to get burned, continue to scheme and organize for additional rounds.

If Walter James Casper III had even a shred of the decency as my good friend Dana Pico he'd call it a day at American Nihilist and pull the plug. Casper said it was all supposed to be a joke. Now some commenters have decried Walter James "Costanza" Casper III for his "legalisitic" blogging that has just become a "drag." But Casper is driven by pure hatred. Even after being roundly denounced around the Internet as a clinical stalker and sociopath, he continues his smears and lies for no other purpose but to destroy me. He's even taken his attacks to my personal space, sending threats and taunts via email. Hate-blogger Walter James Casper III should look to the example set by Dana Pico. Sometimes things just get out of control. Dana Pico has denounced the threats and hatred. He's giving it a fresh start on another blog. Walter James Casper should also denounce the threats and hatred and give it up. Retire American Nihilist and start fresh in an effort to salvage any thread of decency that might be left.

PREVIOUSLY: "Continuing Lies by Cowardly Hate-Blogger W. James Casper in Left's Demonic Workplace Intimidation Campaign."

Sunday, January 18, 2009

About the Comments

Here's this from one of the leftist commenters at my post yesterday: "I have noticed a lot of your former commenters have abandoned this page."

This is the second or third time I've seen observations like this in the comment threads at recent posts. Some of the lefties apparently sense a victory of sorts, that they've defeated me, or driven away readers. So, I thought I'd respond and put things in perspective around here.

Yes, some commenters have decided they'd rather not participate in the comment threads. As noted previously elsewhere, I routinely get e-mails from readers thanking me for my work here, and urging me to keep it up. Norman Gersman, a fine man who wrote
a guest post at American Power two weeks ago, is one example.

But let me share, by permission, a couple of remarks from readers who wish to remain anonymous:
Donald ... you've given me a lot of hope over the past year. One day I hope, my friend, we will clink our glasses and discuss our world and the greatness of our country together!

Keep the home fires burning, while I am reluctant to post in your blog due to some nefarious posters, I do appreciate your existence, because it gives me a sense of security to know that you are out there, with my similar interests and beliefs at your core!
I have highlighted the key portion above on the nature of the "progressive" commenters. The adjective "nefarious" is particularly interesting in this context, as it's defined as "extremely wicked" and its related and synonymous terms include "abominable," "debased," and "heinous," among many others.

These words correspond with the feelings of another reader here, who often tells me she is "horrified" at the unspeakable monstrosity of the left's ideological amorality and the ready nihilism in the threads:

Donald ... I just got caught up on your blog, since yesterday ...

To say that the commenters are really bad, is being too kind. Honestly, I can hardly read them, anymore. They make me sick. After reading the few that were posted the last time I checked, I kept asking myself 'whose children are they ... what kind of people instilled in them, the horrible mindset that they have? ...

I am really sick in my very soul, Donald. I can't believe that there are people like that, who really think like that. It sickens me in a way that I can't even describe. And to think that for every single one of the worst commenters, there are thousands more, with even worse, and more depraved ideologies. Knowing that it is only going to get worse after the inauguration, only makes it more devastating. I can't believe that things will ever be right in our country again ... not ever.

The radical progressives, the perverted, God-hating liberals laugh in His face, and deride people with true morals, and reverence for God. If only they knew how short their time will be for doing that, and the terrible consequences of it. Those commenters think that they are so clever, and laugh at you for your determination in exposing them for what they are ... but did you notice that Repsac3 ... Why do they keep coming back, I wonder? I don't comment anymore, because I don't want any of them ever coming to my blog, for any reason.

Again, these readers are anonymous. I wish they could comment on my blog, and they may sometime, but it's up to them if they feel safe and not unclean. People know that I try to respect most commenters, even those who disagree with me, and people of all persuasions are free to participate at my house, as long as they don't attack me or other posters with racism, anti-Semitism, or personal threats.

But let me dwell on Repsac3 for a minute, since my second reader above mentioned him. While he's by no means the only one causing literal fits of incredulity and moral horror, Repsac3 and his "progressive" blogging alliance truly illustrate what's wrong with the contemporary ideological left in American politics today.

I use the term "nihilist" frequently. Nihilism as philosophy goes back to Friedrich Nietzsche and the ideology of nothingness. But there are many strands, and some more recent philosophers describe a "postmodern nihilism" that's closest to my usage. Hyperdictionary suggests nihilism is a "complete denial of all established authority and institutions," and Merriam-Webster discusses nihilism as "a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths."According to Wikipedia: "Postmodern and poststructuralist thought deny the very grounds on which Western cultures have based their 'truths': absolute knowledge and meaning, a 'decentralization' of authorship, the accumulation of positive knowledge, historical progress, and the ideals of humanism and the Enlightenment."

Perhaps folks can quibble on the fine details and epistemological foundations. I simply use "nihilist" as my shorthand for the radical secularists who are out to destroy America's traditional culture and institutions.

Repsac3 has long had a particular obssession with my blogging, and he's made an endless project in futility of trying to put me down. He does not make arguments, nor does he write his own essays. He offers usually unrelated red herrings and evasions, and shifts the burden of proof away from central assertions identifying his "progressive" anti-American project. He denies his postmodernism while constantly spouting its central tenets. When confronted with the extreme radicalism of groups like International ANSWER, the leading hardline Stalinist organization which has been leading demonstrating against Proposition 8 and Israel's Gaza incurson, Repsac3 writes long, incoherent disavowals that such protesters have anything to do with "progressives."

This is part and parcel to the postmodern project. As Dr. Sanity indicates this morning, "don't waste your time looking for any sense or consistency in the contradictory demands and rhetoric of the political postmodern demagogues. They will say whatever they need to say in order to obtain and keep power."

Indeed. It is all about power, and more: To Repsac3 and his allies, traditionalism is all a joke. Conservatives are just plain evil. They are a bunch of clinically-deranged extremists spouting racism and archaic values of hierarchy. Repsac3 has literally said he is "laughing" at me and my readers, and he's created a whole new blogging platform to prove it: "American Nihilist."

At risk of feeding the monster, I'm responding here nevertheless to respond in general to this attack on traditionalism, and also to express my disappointment with what's franky the childishness in folks like this. A look at
the blog, first of all, shows the inclusion of links to J.D., who is not welcomed at American Power because of his rancid anti-Semitism. Repsac3 links to Andrew Sullivan as well, an anti-Semitic who last year proved beyond any doubt that radical progressivism and wild homosexual licentiousness are acceptable practices at the top levels of mainstream journalism. Repsac3 also links to The Swashzone, a group blog to which he belongs, and whose proprietor has sent to my inbox empty yet wicked e-mail threats against me and my family.

These are bad people, and while it may be a "waste" to chronicle and repudiate them, recall that this is why I initially started blogging, as I wrote in April 2006: "No other single topic or object of analysis in my entire career as a political scientist has worried me as has contemporary anti-Americanism."

People like this have no foundations of universal right and good. They prescribe to a cultural self-actualization of "free to be me" and the denial of Judeo-Christian nationalism. Repsac3 has identified himself as Unitarian, which has been described as a "theologically liberal religion" that rejects the bulk of Christian tradition. That makes sense. In response to my post yesterday defending the Anglo-Protestant model of American national identity, Repsac3 said "I see our traditions & ways of thinking ... taken from our varied national & religious backgrounds."

There you have it: varied national and religious backgrounds ... that is, a postmodern relativism of equality of all groups, traditions, cultures, and norms. With that, it is impossible to denounce the evil in our midst and in the world, because all cultures have moral equivalence and relative worth. It's no wonder that people like this have invested so much hope and irrational love in Barack Obama, himself America's first truly postmodern president. These people hate America, and they'll destroy this country or die trying.

Only God knows if the next fours years will go well for the United States. My readers, as seen in the e-mail comments above, are concerned and even fearful of a virtual end times. I am trying simply to fight the good fight, and I know that what I do is grounded in a humble decency that has not forsaken this country's values for a radical secular humanism that is truly nihilist, anti-American, and self-evidently dangerous.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Totalitarian Faith

I've noticed lately that radical progressives get particularly pissed when you call them out as nihilist. I discussed this recently in a lengthy essay, "Anti-Intellectualism and the Marxist Idea." At issue there were some of the objections of BJ Keefe from September, and he reissued them just last week, and I responded again, "Navigating Past Nihilism." While BJ claimed I had "twisted" the meaning of nihilism, he never did actually offer his own definition. The issue has popped up again, as Amanda Marcotte has gotten peeved at my descriptions of leftists as nihilist, and she's spouted off her frustration on Twitter and in at least two posts at Pandagon. She has, for example, attempted to smear me as a "moron" who "pretends" to know what nihilism means. It's fair to say that nihilism is deployed with a range of meaning, although it's not fair for leftists to attack me for ignorance while simultaneously refusing to provide a counter exegesis. As noted, my traditional usage focuses on leftist abandonment of historical norms of morality, along with the concomitant campaign of destruction on Judea-Christian ethics.


In recent posts I've focuses more narrowly on Friedrich Nietzsche's thesis of the social obliteration of God. And unbeknownst to poor Amanda, I've provided a dictionary definition at "Navigating Past Nihilism," and the link there goes to Professor Sean Kelly's recent piece at New York Times. So basically, leftist lamebrains cited here and elsewhere can just STFU.

In any case, I'm reminded of David Horowitz's
The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America's Future. He writes, at pages 28-29, on a June 1990 forum held by the Organization of American Historians. The prominent author Christopher Lasch announced that the West had "won the Cold War," upon which he was immediately denounced --- with "outrage and scorn" --- by the radical historians in attendance. Horowitz indicates how the episode reveals the left's epistemic closure on the failures of revolutionary socialism:
The refusal to confront the past meant that leftists could resume their attacks on the West without examining the movements and regimes they had supported, and thus without proposing any practical alternative to the societies they continued to reject. The intellectual foundations of this destructive attitude had already been created, in the preceding decades, in a development that Allen Bloom described as the "Nietzcheanization of the Left" --- the transformation of the progressive faith into a nihilistic creed.

Nihilistic humors have always been present in the radical character. The revolutionary will, by its very nature, involves a passion for destruction alongside its hope of redemption. While the hope is vaguely imagined, however, the agenda of destruction is elaborate and concrete. It was Marx who originally defended this vagueness, claiming that any "blueprint" of the socialist future would be merely "utopian" and therefore should be avoided. The attitutude of the post-Marxist left is no different. Since the fall of Communism, radical intellectuals have continued their destructive attacks on capitalism, as though the catastrophes they had recently promoted posed no insurmountable problem to such an agenda. "I continue to believe," wrote a radical academic after the Soviet collapse, "that what you call 'the socialist fantasy' can usefully inform a critque of post-modern capitalism without encouraging its fantasists and dreamers to suppose that a brave new order is imminent or even feasible."

But how could a responsible intellect ignore the destructive implications of such an attitude? The socialist critique is, after all, total. It is aimed at the roots of the existing order. To maintain agnosticism about the futures that might replace the reality you intend to destroy may be intellectually convenient, but it is also morally corrupt ....

To raise the socialist ideal as a critical standard imposes a burden of responsiblity on its advocates that critical theorists refuse to shoulder. If one sets out to destroy a lifeboat because it fails to meet the standards of a luxury yacht, the act of criticism may be perfectly "just," but the passengers will drown all the same. Similarly, if socialist principles can only be realized in a socialist gulag, even the presumed inequalities of the capitalist market are worth the price. If socialist poverty and socialist police states are the practical alternative to capitalist inequality, what justice can there be in destroying capitalist freedoms and the benefits they provide? Without a practical alternative to offer, radical idealism is radical nihilism --- a war of destuction with no objective other than war itself.
And from page 57:
Totalitarianism is the possession of reality by a political Idea --- the Idea of socialist kingdom of heaven on earth; the redemption of humanity by political force. To radical believers this Idea is so beautiful it is like God Himself. It provides the meaning of a radical life. This is the solution that makes everything possible; the noble end that justifies the regrettable means. Belief in the kingdom of socialist heaven is faith that can transform vice into virtue, lies into truth, evil into good. In this revolutionary religion, the Way, the Truth, and the Life of salvation lie not with God above, but with men below --- ruthless, brutal, venal men --- on whom faith confers the power of gods. There is no mystery in the transformation of the socialist paradise into Communist hell: liberation theology is a satanic creed.
Amanda Marcotte has offered no definition nor defense of nihilism. She has however attacked those of faith as insane, citing atheist phenomenon Richard Dawkins as her source of authority: The God Delusion. It's easy to understand why, for by rejecting the eternal goodness of God, she can justify the destructive radical progressivism that drives her ideological program. That program is nihilist. It is, following Nietzsche, the utter abandonment of the social commitment to morality and right. She, like her fellow radicals, rejects morality in favor of hedonism and license, and hence rejects any larger meaning within a body of faith that is God.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Some time back, (O)CT(O)PUS, the anonymous proprietor of The Swash Zone, began leaving the most awful comments on my blog. These were plainly trolling and abusive drive-by taunts. I tolerated them for some time and then finally I sent him an e-mail as follows:


My blog, my rules, hello?

You've said your piece on your own blog. Maybe you've gotten some of your derangement off your chest.

You're free to comment on my blog as long as it's germane to the post, of which your earlier comments we're not.

Follow the rules, or be banned...

A few months later, I left a couple of comments at The Swash Zone, at entries posted by Captain Fogg and Repsac3, as the blog is a group effort. I frankly didn't make the connection to (O)CT(O)PUS (who I later realized runs the place), and for that transgression I received this threatening warning in my e-mail inbox:

The ALL-CAPITALS format in BOLD TEXT are in the original.

I have to admit this caught me off-guard, and recall this stuff isn't new, as I've received hate-mail and death threats before.

But I want to draw readers attention to the stark differences here in the comparative responses: My original e-mail simply requested of (O)CT(O)PUS that he abide by a standard of decency and relevancy. He was free to comment at my blog without personal attacks on me or my readers. No threat was made or implied. (O)T(O)PUS in return, and in response to comments at posts he had not written, and that were not directed at him, threatened my livelihood, and my employers (oddly enough).

There's a real cheap cowardice at work here that's not only annoying, but downright creepy.

Considering this, it's even more bothersome to find
a whole new post dedicated to this threat at American Nihilist, a blog set up by Repsac3 to ridicule and smear me for fun and a bit of revenge (the only relief available in the face of the intellectual incompetence inflicting these demons).

Entitled "
DEFAMATION - DONALD STYLE," (O)CT(O)PUS is responding to my take down of Captain Fogg, who implicitly called for the execution of Rush Limbaugh in a post last month. (O)CT(O)PUS gets fairly vicious at the post, but it's the conclusion that's out of this world:
We know these behaviors all too well, and why some of you bother with this pinhead is beyond me. The Coward is not welcome at The Swash Zone; we delete his comments immediately. More disturbing are the comments and e-mails left by his followers: Profane, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic … worthy of report to the FBI. What to do?

If the Coward or any of his followers harass you online you, contact President Eloy Oakley at (562) 938-4122 or Executive VP of Academic Affairs Donald Berz at (562) 938-4127 and describe the harassment. For serious online abuse or defamation, there is always
this option (case file in progress).
So notice here: Not only has (O)CT(O)PUS now escalated his campaign of harassment with a public call to threaten my employment, but he's accused me of online abuse and defamation without one shred of evidence.

It's been almost six months since I first e-mailed (O)CT(O)PUS and I haven't heard one word from my college administration or from a plaintiff's attorney. It's funny too, because
Repsac3's blog is all about abuse and defamation, for example in the next post to follow (O)CT(O)PUS', where Truth101 impugns my reputation by smearing me as "Donald the Dog."

And remember, all of this is taking place at a blog called "
American Nihilist," which (if you click the link) is a website specifically designed for a demonic campaign of personal attacks against American Power.

What's all very interesting here is that each and every one of my antagonists goes by an anonymous online handle. Now that's cowardly. And worthy of a little analytical consideration.

Readers may recall that I noted,
in response to TBogg, that I'm reading David Denby's Snark. Denby's extremely liberal, so a lot of his stuff is suspect, but I have to admit he's got one of the best discussions of online anonymity I've seen so far:

People who start their own blogs almost always identify themselves, but many snarking writers exercise power anonymously, hiding behind a handle, attacking people who appear in public, who run blogs, or other commenters. The insults come out of nowhere, as if waiting for the occassion. But why hide? This love of anonymity is amazing to me. If you have something to say, why in the world would you want to hide yourself? ....

The answer, of course, is that anonymous writers are either ashamed of what they're saying, or, alternatively, quite proud of what they're saying, but, in either case, they're not eager to confront anyone directly ... Anonymity frees us to attack whites, blacks, Muslims, men, women, gays, birders, arachnophobes, philatelists - frees us in a way that would be impossible in the office, at a cocktail party, in a bar, or a schoolyard ...
Denby continues with the notion that anonymity is inherently childish, something that's available to essentially non-grown-ups. But there's a totalitarianism to anonymity as well, for as Denby notes, "a phone call to the secret police is a much more serious act than a snarking post, but that's the kind of negative vibe anonymity can give off - it's not something to be played with; it has danger lurking in its secrecy."

And that's a perfect way to summarize the cyber-bullying of (O)CT(O)PUS and his demonic allies at
American Nihilist.

These people are manifestly ignorant pests of juvenile proportion. But they're totalitarian as well, in the classic standard of today's left where dissent against the Obamessianic line is not tolerated. But things have gotten to the point in which I can't ignore the abuse and attacks. While of course these idiots have no plausible case for a lawsuit, the opposite in my case is nearly true. "Donald the Dog" is pretty close to defamation, although these brilliant hacks don't have the faintest clue as to the inherent hypocrisy of their project.

If it's any consolation to me, it's simply the fact that what I do at American Power is working, and that's to expose the left's truly diabolical plotting for the death of moral right in this country, and when the left is reduced to pure babbling incoherence in failed attempts at intellectual parry, their only recourse is rank bullying.

As always, I'll stand my ground, even in court with legal representation if it comes to that.