Wednesday, January 19, 2011

James Casper, Stalking Nihilist, Ignores Calls for Civility and Peace in Wake of Arizona Shooting

I've had few dealings with stalking asshat James Casper since he revealed his first-class progressive racism late last year. I do see the hate blog American Nihilist at my Sitemeter on occasion, so I know what these freaks are up to. Or, what they're not up to, actually. It turns out that since the Arizona shooting on January 8th, RepRacist3 hasn't authored a single commemoration for the fallen at his blogs, nor has he denounced the hate and libel on the progressive left. Of course, it'd be just more typical progressive hypocrisy, but RepRacist3 claims to be all about goodness and love: "I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm letting those I disagree with be just as wrong as they want to be for the next 24 hours or so ..." Being respectful of others only applies on opportunistic holidays, apparently. Christmas is a day to score political points, it turns out, as RepRacist3 claims to be all about transcendance and Yuletide cheer (as if December 25th was some political cease-fire day). But then shortly after the New Year dawned, when blood flowed on Tucson's streets, RepRacist3 went silent. What's up with that? Evil. Instead of well-wishes, we have Reppy's demonic henchmen Fauxmaxbaer posting sick screeds attacking my comprehensive reporting as alleged "exploitation." There is no bottom too deep for these vile beasts. And yet, there's rejoice for those entering the Gates of Hell, for a new level of epic godlessness has demonstrated its world historical totalitarianism at American Nihilist. And note that when my regular commenter Bartender Cabbie called them out for unhinged stalking, they wasted no time pumping out lame responses in the comments. They'd rather noxiously allege "bullying" than publish a public prayer for the too-soon-an-angel Christina Green.

I've made screencaps of RepRacist3's blogs. Folks can see for themselves. Clearly civil discourse is a hammer with which progressives suppress dissent. When the times really call for kindness and deliberation, we get silence instead. So unoriginal --- and hateful. So here's a challenge to RepRacist3: Make good on the sentiments of the one-day holiday well wishes by deleting American Nihilist. Follow that up with a new effort --- something good and truly decent --- dedicated to the memories of the fallen, and use that initiative to promote a genuine dialogue of peace and harmony with fellow Americans. I blog about any and all things under the sun, and I pray for those who are suffering. RepRacist3 runs a hate-filled stalking operation with pudd-fiddling Fauxmaxbaer. Never do they post a prayer for the grieving, and never do the denounce the evil in their midst. Thus, do everybody a favor and hang it up. Move on. If you can't do it, it's simply one more confirmation that you're nothing about goodness and cheer, and all about denying reality and destroying political enemies, even in times of tragedy.

American Nihilist Arizona

Wingnuts and Moonbats

What'd I Say


JBW said...

I'm right there with you, Don. I too subscribe to the philosophy that anytime someone doesn't condemn something it automatically means that they endorse it. You know what else I've never heard Reppy condemn? The Khmer Rouge. Yeah, what a bastard, huh? Know what else? Diaper rash. The monster!

"(as if December 25th was some political cease-fire day)"

I know, right? In fact, one of my favorite quotes from him is when Jesus says, "You guys, I know it's my birthday and all but that doesn't mean we can't still destroy our enemies today! Hey, Judas, come over here: I'm gonna kick you right in the Galatians!"

Your evilometer must be working on overtime these days, what with so many of your enemies arrayed about you all bent on your destruction, Don. I even heard that they're gonna bring back the Fairness Doctrine (they're not of course but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be afraid of it and whine some more about liberal persecution)! I know you're not on the radio but I'm pretty sure it would still take away your free speech rights. It's like the Crucifixion all over again (and you're Jesus, duh!).

I also agree wholeheartdedly with this quote you endorsed from Kevin DuJan:

"Conservatives always seem surprised by the activities of the Left. In the last three years of running HillBuzz, I honestly have come to believe that’s because conservatives are by and large really good people by nature. They are stunned, perpetually, by the actions of the Left because the Left consistently does things conservatives can’t imagine one human being doing to another. Because they would never do these things to people, conservatives can’t imagine other people ever doing them."

Nailed it. You see, that's why Reppy's so mean to you: because you're just such a better person than he is and your super moral extra-goodness must drive him crazy. It also explains why he never posts prayers to your god for the grieving: he's jealous; jealous because your prayers are so kick ass your god probably wouldn't even be able to hear his over their pious awesomeness.

Do me a favor: take it easy on old Reppy and those other guys wallowing in their nihilist fever swamp, huh? It's not their fault that you're such a righteous blogger and all-around great guy. I know Jesus was all about judging other people he felt were inferior to himself and thus that's what he taught his followers (and I promise to kick Reppy in the balls for you when he and I both enter the Gates of Hell; you're welcome) so that's what you do too but try to show some mercy.

Yes, he should take down American Niiiiihilist for the good of the nation and of course the terrorists win if he doesn't but it's moral lights like yourself that will eventually make that dream come true. Your example of totally accepting reality and never going after your political enemies will eventually show him the way. Forgive them, Don, for they know not what they do.

Oh, one last thing: what the hell's a pudd-fiddler? Cheers.

AmPowerBlog said...

Ah, context, JBW.

RepHateMaster trolls the web extolling his virtues of civil debate, but when we really need it he's silent.

You too, come to think of it.

JBW said...

You're too entertaining, Don. Please don't ever change.