Monday, February 6, 2012

Clint Eastwood: 'It's Halftime in America'

The U.S. bailed out Chrysler so this ad about halftime in America is deceptive. Most regular folks can't count on Big Brother to come to the rescue, as much as we love Clint Eastwood's grit and determination. It rings a little hollow in the end.

It went over pretty well, in any case. See CNN, "Chrysler is king of the Super Bowl spots."

And at Instapundit, "CLINT EASTWOOD LOSES RESPECT: “Would Dirty Harry ask for a handout?”"


Bartender Cabbie said...

More like the two minute warning in the fourth quarter.

locomotivebreath1901 said...

U.S. loses $1.3 billion in exiting Chrysler.

What really giga my bytes is the fact that not only were the American tax payers forced to give Chrysler $12.5 billion, but lost $1.3 Billion in the deal; centuries of bankruptcy laws were shredded; secured creditors screwed; those creditors' assets redistributed to Obama's union cronies and rights to pension fund shares were sold to FIAT, who now owns 53% stake in Chrysler; IE: Chrysler is not even an American owned car company, a car company that assembles much of its inventory in Canada with parts made in Mexico!!

Going not making my day, Eastwood!

locomotivebreath1901 said...

U.S. loses $1.3 billion in exiting Chrysler.

What really giga my bytes is the fact that not only were the American tax payers forced to give Chrysler $12.5 billion, but lost $1.3 Billion in the deal; centuries of bankruptcy laws were shredded; secured creditors screwed; those creditors' assets redistributed to Obama's union cronies and rights to pension fund shares were sold to FIAT, who now owns 53% stake in Chrysler; IE: Chrysler is not even an American owned car company, a car company that assembles much of its inventory in Canada with parts made in Mexico!!

Going not making my day, Eastwood!

LifeoftheMind said...

The former Mayor of Carmel shouldn't have done this. Chrysler like GM is stolen property. Anyone who buys a Chrysler car is functionally just a receiver of stolen goods. Chrysler/UAW is not part of the solution helping America get back after getting knocked down.

It is particularly unfortunate that the implied message of the images is that supporting the UAW/Obama is like supporting America recovering from 9-11 (the firefighter image) with the Tea Party protests shown as one of the threats. The reality is the opposite. The Tea Party are America's strength seeking the solution and the UAW/Obama are the problem. The Democrats attacked our response to 9-11 and attack our Constitution and the rule of law. The are on the other side.