Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs: 'Arafat Truther'

I saw this earlier and wasn't going to post, but Israel Matzav administers the epic smackdown, and it's worth spreading viral. See: "It's come to this: Chuckles the Clown becomes an Arafat truther":

Charles Johnson Arafat Truther
...just when you thought that Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs could not possibly sink any lower, we find that @Lizardoid is now giving credibility to the notion that 'someone' ('Israel is going to be the most likely suspect') poisoned Yasser Arafat. I would rate that as being the Middle East equivalent of claiming that George W. Bush hired 19 hijackers to fly two jets into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and one into the ground in Pennsylvania on 9/11/2001.

Yes, Charles Johnson - the guy who gave so many of us our start in conservative blogging - has become an Arafat truther.
Also at Diary of Daedalus, "According to al Jazeera":
This is just a sign of Charles now embracing all he was once against. His past support of Israel was one of the major hindrances for the Left to embrace him. Clearly this post is a wink and nod to the Israeli haters on the Left. Will Charles soon be linking to Hizb’Allah’s al Manar next?