Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ransoming Citizens, Europe Underwrites al-Qaeda Terrorism

At the New York Times, "Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda Terror":
BAMAKO, Mali — The cash filled three suitcases: 5 million euros.

The German official charged with delivering this cargo arrived here aboard a nearly empty military plane and was whisked away to a secret meeting with the president of Mali, who had offered Europe a face-saving solution to a vexing problem.

Officially, Germany had budgeted the money as humanitarian aid for the poor, landlocked nation of Mali.

In truth, all sides understood that the cash was bound for an obscure group of Islamic extremists who were holding 32 European hostages, according to six senior diplomats directly involved in the exchange.

The suitcases were loaded onto pickup trucks and driven hundreds of miles north into the Sahara, where the bearded fighters, who would soon become an official arm of Al Qaeda, counted the money on a blanket thrown on the sand. The 2003 episode was a learning experience for both sides. Eleven years later, the handoff in Bamako has become a well-rehearsed ritual, one of dozens of such transactions repeated all over the world.

Kidnapping Europeans for ransom has become a global business for Al Qaeda, bankrolling its operations across the globe.

While European governments deny paying ransoms, an investigation by The New York Times found that Al Qaeda and its direct affiliates have taken in at least $125 million in revenue from kidnappings since 2008, of which $66 million was paid just last year.

In news releases and statements, the United States Treasury Department has cited ransom amounts that, taken together, put the total at around $165 million over the same period.

These payments were made almost exclusively by European governments, who funneled the money through a network of proxies, sometimes masking it as development aid, according to interviews conducted for this article with former hostages, negotiators, diplomats and government officials in 10 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The inner workings of the kidnapping business were also revealed in thousands of pages of internal Qaeda documents found by this reporter while on assignment for The Associated Press in northern Mali last year.

In its early years, Al Qaeda received most of its money from deep-pocketed donors, but counterterrorism officials now believe the group finances the bulk of its recruitment, training and arms purchases from ransoms paid to free Europeans.

Put more bluntly, Europe has become an inadvertent underwriter of Al Qaeda...

Associated Press: 'Members of Congress are falling over one another to show their support for Israel...'

It's not just on Twitter. AP's lede at the article claimed "Members of Congress are falling over one another" to show support for Israel.

At Twitchy, "‘Like the title of a Hamas press release': This is how the AP does ‘objective journalism’."

Massive Flooding at UCLA After Water Main Breaks

Sunset Boulevard is shut down in both directions and UCLA's Pauley Pavilion is "threatened."

Islamic State's Black Flag Waves as Crowds Chant 'Death to the Jews' in Europe (VIDEO)

Coming to America?

From Nadette De Visser, at the Daily Beast, "ISIS’s Black Flags Are Flying in Europe." (Video here.)

And at Atlas Shrugs, "VIDEO: Al Qaeda and Islamic State flags in London’s tunnels."

Stacey Poole in Stars and Stripes

She's lovely.

At Egotastic!, "Stacey Poole American Flag Bikini Photoshoot."

VIDEO: Joe Arpaio, 'America's Toughest Sheriff', Speaks to Ramona Tea Party, San Diego County

At the Ramona Sentinel, "Illegal immigration tops Sheriff Arpaio’s talk at Ramona TEA’d forum."

Incitement to Genocide: How N.Y. Times' Coverage and U.N. Complicity Breed Anti-Semitism

From Phyllis Chesler, at Big Peace.

WAR CRIMES VIDEO: Islamic State Killing Fields in Iraq, Jihad-Suicide Martyrdom Operation — GRAPHIC!

ISIS released a new propaganda video, including images of mass slaughter in Iraq.

At Gateway Pundit, "HORROR! NEW VIDEO ~~>>> ISIS Terrorists Slaughter HUNDREDS
OF SHIITES in Iraq."

And London's Daily Mail reports, "The Islamic State Killing Fields: Terror group releases horrifying video showing drive-by shootings, suicide bombings and dozens of other victims rounded up and executed."

More at the Long War Journal, "Analysis: Islamic State advertises war crimes in video commemorating end of Ramadan."

VIDEO: Brazen Illegal Alien Criminals Protest Outside White House with No Fear of Arrest!

And these brazen illegals are boycotting any White House immigration negotiations, demanding that illegal aliens have a seat at the table!

Hey, and Japan could have dictated the terms of its surrender in 1945. Sorry General MacArthur, no U.S. occupation troops in Japan. We'll be good --- we promise!!

Heh, Reactions to Left-Wing Idiots' Seattle 'Die-In' Against Boeing

Heh, following-up from yesterday, "PHOTOS: Hamas' Useful Idiots Stage 'Die-In' Protest Against Boeing in Seattle."

Pat Houseworth was especially cracking me up:

Israel Rejects Hamas Cease-Fire Negotiated by Obama's Terror-Enabler John Kerry

From Josh Rogin, at the Daily Beast, "Inside the Kerry-Israel Meltdown":

On Monday, Secretary of State Kerry took to the podium at the State Department to say that he was working with Israel and Hamas to negotiate an extension of their temporary ceasefire.

“Today, we are continuing to work toward establishing an unconditional humanitarian ceasefire, one that…will stop the fighting, allow desperately needed food and medicine and other supplies into Gaza, and enable Israel to address…the threat posed by tunnel attacks—and to be able to do so without having to resort to combat,” Kerry said.

An hour later, the Israeli military sent a text message to all Palestinians to stay in their homes and resumed strikes inside Gaza.

The resumption of violence was the latest example of just how disconnected Kerry’s whirlwind diplomatic efforts have been from the combatants he’s trying to get to stop fighting. The Israeli government has been particularly vocal in its criticism of Kerry’s peacemaker attempts. But in the Palestinian camps, there has been public discontent, too.

Ever since Kerry left the region Friday for Paris, he has been scrambling to patch together a series of short-term humanitarian ceasefires: first 12 hours, then another 4 hours. He was working on an extension Monday when the two parties decided to move on and resume their fighting. Kerry seemed unaware—or unwilling to admit—that his latest plan for a ceasefire extension was about to be rejected.
And the fact is, Kerry was pushing the Hamas cease-fire. At Free Beacon, "Israeli Officials, Press Criticize John Kerry’s Ceasefire Proposal: Kerry 'completely capitulating' to Hamas' demands."

20-Year-Old Nick Fagano, Killed by Lightning Bolt at Venice Beach, Was Set to Start at USC

Sometimes your number's just up.

Just a young kid looking to move forward, starting business school at USC after attending community college, and then struck by lighting.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Man killed in lightning strike was about to enter USC."

PREVIOUSLY: "VIDEO: Lightning Strike Kills Man at Venice Beach in Los Angeles."

Group of Illegal Aliens from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka Caught Entering Texas from Mexico

On Twitter yesterday, WTF!

And see Breitbart.

Africa's Ebola Virus Only a Plane Ride Away from U.S.A.


Naftali Bennett: IDF Operation 'Ripping Hamas Apart'

At Arutz Sheva, "Bennett: IDF Operation Must Bring Hamas 'To Their Knees'":
Economics Minister says war with Gaza terrorists 'ripping Hamas apart' and must go all the way; urges public to support PM's efforts.
Earlier Tuesday Bennett linked Israel's war with Hamas and Islamic jihad to the wider struggle against radical Islam.

“Radical Islam seeks to erase the Jewish state from the face of the earth,” he explained. “They do not seek a strip of land or a Palestinian state. Only our annihilation. [Ayatollah] Khamenei in Iran. Nasrallah in Lebanon. Haniyeh in Gaza. Meshaal in Qatar. All of the jihadist arms that are waiting to see how we respond."

Nick Slams Andi for 'Making Love to Him' on Bachelorette Final Rose (VIDEO)

I never liked Andi after last season's the Bachelor with Juan Pablo. She seems like a bitch to me. But my wife wanted to see this season's finale of the Bachelorette, and it took a dishy turn when Nick called her out for having no-commitment sex.

At Us Magazine, "VIDEO: Bachelorette After the Final Rose Recap: Andi Dorfman's Runner-Up Confronts Her About "Making Love" to Him."

Sarah Palin Launches Her Own Television Channel

At the Los Angeles Times, "Sarah Palin launches online channel."

Democrat Natalie Tenant Turns Out the Lights at the Obama White House: 'Where do they think their electricity comes from?'

From Chris Cillizza, at the Washington Post, "One of the most anti-Obama ads of the election is being run by a Democrat in West Virginia."

It's not easy being a Democrat in West Virginia these days. President Obama is deeply unpopular in the state -- thanks, at least in part, to his recent push to cut emissions at coal plants. Natalie Tennant, the party's longshot nominee for the state's open Senate seat knows it-- and in her first ad of the campaign she is doing everything she can to make clear she and Obama aren't too friendly...
And from Patricia Murphy, a the Daily Beast, "Red State Democrats Ditch Obama":
In West Virginia Senate candidate Natalie Tennant’s latest ad, she hits a switch, plunges the White House into darkness, and promises, “I’ll make sure President Obama gets the message” on the importance of the West Virginia coal industry to the rest to the rest of the country.

But what Tennant does not mention is that she is a Democrat running to replace retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a detail probably best left unsaid in a state where President Obama’s latest approval rating was just 25 percent, the second-lowest of any state in the country...

'The Military Occupation of Gaza Can Continue Until the Military Threat Is Over...'

A great commentary from Alan Dershowitz.

And why is Marc Lamont Hill still on TV? God, I don't think I've ever heard him say an intelligent thing. And screw Peter Beinart. He's a freakin' embarrassment to decency. No, to humanity. Sheesh.

ESPN's Stephen A. Smith Apologizes for 'Provocation' Comments (VIDEO)

Truth Revolt reports:
Friday Stephen A. Smith made the grave mistake of attempting to discuss domestic violence as a male on live television, cautioning against coming to conclusions about Ray Rice’s apparent abuse of his then-fiancé, now-wife without full knowledge of the event.

“In Ray Rice’s case, he probably deserves more than a two-game suspension, which we both acknowledged,” said Smith. “But at the same time, we also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about elements of provocation. Not that there’s real provocation, but the elements of provocation...”
And at the Other McCain, "An Ill-Advised Apology":

This is another sad example of the harmful impact of feminism’s totalitarian impulse to suppress dissent. Anyone who has seriously studied domestic violence knows that, in many cases, bad relationships are characterized by toxic emotions on both sides. You’ve got two people with uncontrollable tempers — often drugs or alcohol are involved, and often one or both partners were raised in households where abuse and violence were a problem — and when they get into an argument, the argument turns into a physical fight.

Doesn’t anybody watch C*O*P*S? The police show up in response to a domestic disturbance call, and they encounter the scruffy tattooed brute and his foul-mouthed tattooed live-in girlfriend.
Both of them are bad drunk, and the police have to question them separately to try to figure out what actually  happened: How did it start? Who hit who? Each partner points the finger of blame at the other, and the police have to sort out the evidence and testimony. Has one or the other partner got a bruise or a busted lip? Does one of them admit doing something that can be considered assault?

Most of the time, it’s the guy who gets handcuffed and put in the back of the patrol car, but as you watch these  C*O*P*S episodes — unedited, unstaged — quite often your sympathy for the female victim is tempered by the fact that (a) she had, after all, chosen to move in with this wretched boyfriend, and (b) she’s not exactly a meek and helpless type. She’s drunk, she’s got a Marlboro hanging out of her mouth, and she’s cussing like a sailor. Lowlife women have a habit of gravitating toward lowlife men, and the fact that their relationships are fraught with ugly violence is an unfortunate but predictable reality. It is what it is.
Here's the "offending" segment: "Stephen A. Smith to Women: ‘Don’t Do Anything to Provoke’ Men Into Beating You."

Monday, July 28, 2014

Michelle Nunn Campaign Strategy Memo

Well, this is interesting.

At the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "Embarrassing leaked campaign memo spells out Nunn's strategies, vulnerabilities."

And at National Review, which first reported on the memo, "Michelle Nunn’s Campaign Plan." A Scribd version of the memo is at the link. (Via Memeorandum.)

William Jacobson has an analysis, at Legal Insurrection, "Michelle Nunn’s Campaign Plan is “Confidential, Proprietary,” and 100% on the Internet."

Michelle Nunn is a terrible candidate. And her opponent David Perdue is a very formidable Republican who comes from a respected family with a long line of political experience and elected office.

And Michelle Nunn is supposed to be one of the Democrats' best shots to pick up a Republican-held seat? Good luck with that.

100 Years Ago Today: Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

When I was going to sleep last night, actually early this morning because it was after Midnight, I noticed it was July 28th, and I thought about that for second. One hundred years ago. Wasn't that the start of World War One? Then I googled it: July 28 1914. Nothing dramatic at the results, besides a few newspapers with WWI coverage.

Then this morning, after I got up and starting web surfing, I checked over at RealClearHistory for more. Seen there:

* Samuel Chi, "Top 10 Battles of World War I."
* David Reynolds, "How WWI Shaped Our World."
* Alan Taylor, "The Great War: A History in Photos."

Plus, commentary at Grim's Hall, "100 Years ago today..."

I'll have more blogging later...

Monday #Rule5

Well, here's a babe-blogging break from all the global "tranquility."

At Theo Spark, "Benghazi Black Friday Bedtime Totty..."

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
Also at Blackmailers Don't Shoot, "Rule 5 in Honor of Comic-Con 2014."

And Dana Pico, "Rule 5 Blogging: Hot Active Duty Babes!"

At the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Mind the Gap."

90 Miles, "Morning Mistress."


Your Crazy Uncle Bubba, "Face Time!"

The Daily Smug, "William F Buckley Jr & Saul Alinsky - Mobilizing the Poor."

And SDA, "An Exceptionally Long Strike on Canada's Left Coast."

At Soylent, "Bath Night Bubblicious."

Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 Flashback: Sarah Willis."

See the Nug, "Hot Girls at Random!"


And Pirate's Cove, "If All You See……is a horrible flooded Earth due to Someone Else using a hair dryer, you might just be a Warmist."

The Hostages, "Big Boob Friday."

At Doubletroubletwo, "Random Hotties ... Enjoy :-)."

Knuckledraggin', "Guess which girl will never drown."

Odie has, "More Blondishness ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style."

And from Proof, "Friday Night Babe: Coco Ho!"

See the Chive, "Turn that frown upside down, we’ll Find Her (38 Photos)."

And at Egotastic!, "Jessica Alba Wins Comic-Con Hottest Looker (She Wins Hottest Looker Everywhere)."

VIDEO: Five IDF Soldiers Killed in Gaza as Netanyahu Rejects U.N./Hamas Cease-Fire Call

At the Jerusalem Post, "Five IDF soldiers killed in Gaza as army death toll rises to 48."

Also at Arutz Sheva, "Names of Four Killed Soldiers Released," the Times of Israel, "4 soldiers killed in mortar attack, as PM says Gaza op goes on, vows to counter tunnels."

Four soldiers were killed by a mortar shell. A fifth died while fighting inside Gaza.

Poll: Young People Say Israel 'More to Blame' for Gaza War, Leftists Torn Between Israel and Hamas!

Young people are completely FUBAR, with almost 3-in-10 saying Israel is to blame:
Among Americans under 30, 29% say Israel is most responsible for the current violence compared with 21% who blame Hamas. Pluralities of all other age groups lay more blame for the violence with Hamas, than Israel.
Of course, conservatives and independents put the blame squarely where it belongs: on Hamas.

At Pew, "Hamas Seen as More to Blame Than Israel for Current Violence: Deep Partisan Divide in Reactions to Mideast Fighting."

And those poor leftists are torn --- torn! --- between blaming Israel and Hamas:
Liberal Democrats are evenly divided with 30% blaming Israel for the violence and 30% blaming Hamas. Conservative Republicans give more blame to Hamas than Israel by a wide 70%-6% margin.

PHOTOS: Hamas' Useful Idiots Stage 'Die-In' Protest Against Boeing in Seattle

These idiots might as well go to Gaza, where Hamas would use them as human shields.

At KING 5 News Seattle, "Israel protesters conduct 'die-in' outside Boeing."

And on Twitter:

Caroline Glick: John Kerry Pushing Hamas Cease-Fire Proposal While Waging Economic Warfare on Israel

Man, she's on fire. Secretary Kerry is pushing as "a cease-fire that allows Hamas to regroup."

She will get your blood boiling.

Stay with the video. Caroline's the best! The left is "opposed to Israel's existence."

Caroline Glick Interview on Steve Malzberg Show

Caroline comments on John Kerry's "incredible contempt for Israel."

CBS News/New York Times Battleground Tracker: Republicans Positioned to Take Senate in November

100 days out. That's the mantra this week as we're just over three months away from the November election, and the consensus view is that the GOP is well-positioned to take the Senate, although a number of races are extremely tight and things could change.

At CBS News, "Republicans narrowly favored to capture Senate in November."

Dr. Gina Gentry Loudon's 18-Year-Old Daughter Lyda Loudon Dating 57-Year Old 'Ray Donovan' Star Steven Bauer

Hat Tip: Wombat Socho at the Other McCain, "LIVE AT FIVE: 07.28.14."

At Us Magazine:

She's the daughter of Dr. Gina Loudon, of whom I've had some disappointment of late. Recall, "#Murrieta Protesters @CassandraRules and @BeautifulChaosJ Spew Lies and Hatred, Not 'Civility'."

My 18-year-old son was shaking his head, saying, "I'm all for freedom." So there's that.

#GOP Senate Prospects Brighten: Strong Candidates, Obama's Sagging Approval Expand Party's Map

At the Wall Street Journal, "Prospects Brighten for Republicans to Reclaim a Senate Majority" (via Google):
With 100 days to go until the midterm election, unexpectedly strong bids by several Republican candidates and President Barack Obama's continued sagging approval ratings are boosting GOP chances of capturing a Senate majority.

A battery of recent polling shows Republican candidates mounting competitive bids for at least 10 Senate seats now held by Democrats, including in Iowa and Colorado, states that have been leaning Democratic in recent years. Many Republican candidates have narrowed their opponents' fundraising advantage, according to the latest campaign-finance reports. And a series of international crises has dealt the president some of the lowest approval marks of his second term, weighing on his party's candidates.

"A lot of times, a party has to run an inside-straight to win the majority," said Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report who handicaps congressional campaigns. "Instead of having five cards in their hand, the Republicans have about 10."

The GOP needs a net gain of six seats for a majority in the Senate, which now has 55 Democrats and allied independents. Republicans have long been expected to contest seven Democratic-held seats in states that voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. But now the GOP is also waging solid campaigns in at least three states that backed Mr. Obama.

Still, Democratic incumbents have remained resilient after weathering millions of dollars in negative advertising. North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan, for example, holds a narrow lead in publicly available polling after absorbing $18 million in negative ads, far more than the amount spent on ads supporting her, her campaign said. Democratic prospects also are making serious bids for Republican seats in Georgia and Kentucky, the only two GOP-held seats that are thought to be possible Democratic pickups this year.

But Republicans are favored to win Democratic seats in Montana, South Dakota and West Virginia, and GOP challengers are pushing incumbent Democrats to the brink in Alaska, Arkansas and Louisiana, as well as North Carolina. Races for Democratic seats in Colorado and Iowa are now genuine tossups, with some analysts saying the same of Michigan.

This year's map clearly favors the GOP even as Democrats continue to lead on the question of which party Americans would rather see control Congress, according to a compilation of polls by the website Real Clear Politics. The Republican Party also remains far less popular than the president or the Democratic Party, public-opinion surveys show, particularly among women.

But Republicans this year are betting on an anti-Obama message, linking Democratic candidates to a president who is unpopular in many of the battleground states. Democrats, meanwhile, are doing what incumbents typically do when facing a negative election environment: building campaigns around local issues and reminding voters of all the things they do in Washington to help people back home.

Republicans have been here before. In each of the past two elections, the party failed to capitalize on a favorable map to recapture the majority. And to win this year, Republicans would likely have to do something the party hasn't done since 1980: beat more than two incumbents.

Sitting Democratic senators in the four most competitive battlegrounds—Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina—remain at risk but carry financial advantages and, in three cases, family names that are identified with long service to the state. Polls show close contests in each race, and all four Democrats ended June with more money in their campaign accounts than the Republicans running against them, according to Federal Election Commission data.

"All of these red-state Democrats knew they would have difficult campaigns. They've prepared for difficult campaigns, and they're all experienced politicians," said Democratic pollster Mark Mellman, who is working for Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu. "They all have a path to win."

By the end of June, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee had raised $25 million more than its Republican counterpart, allowing the committee to spend freely on television ads and turnout opeartions. Democrats in seven of the 10 most competitive races also ended June with more money than their Republican rivals.

But the edge is diminishing in some states. In Colorado, where Democratic Sen. Mark Udall is defending his seat, Republican Rep. Cory Gardner trails in cash on hand by $2.3 million, according to campaign-finance reports. That gap is smaller than the $3.8 million lead that Mr. Udall held at the end of March.
There's a great graphic at the click through.

It think they'll do it. Republicans will take the Senate. They'll at least get the six seats needed for the majority. And if current events continue to dog the president, I expect they'll get more than that. The only bummer here is that Kay Hagan's looking stronger than I'd hoped for, but what can you do? It's gonna be good.

PREVIOUSLY: "Odds of a GOP Wave."

Professor Fernando Guerra: Local Governments Step Up as Obama Has "No Coherent Policy' on Border Invasion

I've never met him, but Dr. Guerra's a Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles at Loyola Marymount University.

He's got a good analysis --- especially on Obama's FUBAR border (non)policy --- although I disagree on the impact of the border invasion on the political mobilization of parties' core constituencies. Sure, the Republican base is already fired up, but I don't see how the border invasion increases Democrat Party mobilization. The Dems already have a huge enthusiasm gap going into November. And polls have shown a significant increase in support for greater border security, a trend that's put the Democrats on the defensive. See National Journal, "Immigration Isn't A Slam-Dunk Issue for Democrats Anymore."

But we'll see.

Also, at NewsMax, this sounds about right to me, "Dick Morris: Border Crisis Could 'Wipe Out' Democrats in Midterms."

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism: A Global Contagion of Hatred Is Now Breaking; It's Fully Encapsulated by the Left

The global left right now is engaged it what is being called the most violent campaign of anti-Semitism since the 1930s.

I've been on top of these developments for weeks, as has Professor William Jacobson. See, "Anti-Semitism on open display in the name of anti-Zionism."

Meanwhile, that ghastly hate-driven troll Walter James Casper tweets a defense of the global left's anti-Semitism. As always with Repsac hate-troll, it's just "a few bad apples," as it always is when the left's hatred and ideological violence is on display.

Of course Repsac's a liar. Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. The global campaign is anti-Jew, because no other state is singled out for the same demonization and deligitimation as Israel. Apartheid exists literally across the Arab world, but only Israel is attacked as an "apartheid state." No other country in the world is subject to an ongoing genocidal campaign of extermination. If you're on the side of the global left, you're on the side of the left's hoped-for Holocaust.

It's anti-Semitism straight up, and Repsac3's down with it:

Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism in #Britain as Jewish People Face Backlash Over Bloodshed in Gaza

And remember, it's a rising tide of leftist anti-Semitism.

At London's Daily Mail:
Jewish people in Britain are enduring a backlash of attacks, bomb threats and anti-semitic insults fuelled by the bloodshed in Gaza.

More than 100 hate crimes have been recorded by police and community groups this month, more than double the usual number.

Community safety groups fear the total could be the second highest ever recorded, after an explosion of violence during the 2009 Gaza war.

In several disturbing cases attackers have invoked the Holocaust and even shouted: ‘Heil Hitler’ at victims...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

NBC's Richard Engel During #Gaza Cease-Fire: 'Didn't see Hamas men out helping with relief and recovery...'

The world saw dramatic photos of the horrendous carnage in Gaza during the 12-hour cease fire. NBC's Richard Engel was on the ground, and --- no flaming right-winger he --- reports that he didn't see "Hamas men" breaking out bread sticks and brooms.

Hottest Instagram Babes This Summer!

Some nice women, lol.

At the College Pill (via Linkiest).

VIDEO: Lightning Strike Kills Man at Venice Beach in Los Angeles

At the Los Angeles Times, "1 beach-goer dead, 8 hurt when freak lightning storm hits Venice."

And the number injured may be as high as 14. The man who died was swimming, according to KABC-7 Los Angeles.

More from CBS News Los Angeles:

'Think Progress' — and Karoli LOL! — Punk'd by Parody Claiming Michele Bachmann Wants Illegals in 'Camps'

Boy, the leftist stooges at "Think Progress" -- and leftist loon Karoli lol! -- must have been really jonesin' for some dirt to smear Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. I mean look at their posts. They've got cut and paste from virtually the entire parody site KCTV7 News, as seen here: "MICHELE BACHMANN SUGGESTS LABOR CAMPS FOR IMMIGRANT CHILDREN."

And lol here's "Think Progress," where the idiots forgot to, you know, think: "CORRECTED: Bachmann And Migrant Children."

And at Crook and Liars (and Retards), "Crazy Eyes Bachmann Wants Central American Children Put In Indoctrination Camps (UPDATED)."

Karoli even had a Memeorandum thread to broadcast teh stupid.

And as Jonah Goldberg noted earlier, that's some correction lol:

Former Irvine Mayor Larry Agran Under Fire as 'Great Park' Execs Say Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Wasted

The Irvine Great Park development project, which has been under planning since the early-2000s, has been a slush fund for the local Irvine Democrat Party machine. Former Mayor Larry Agran, who ran for the Democrat presidential nomination in 1992, is pushing back hard against allegations that the city wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on the Great Park boondoggle.

At the Costa Mesa Daily Pilot, "Great Park execs testify to dysfunction, waste of millions":

 photo Official_City_Portrait_of_Larry_Agran_zps309e7b7a.jpg
Irvine Councilman Larry Agran is brushing off scathing testimony from current and former Orange County Great Park executives that allege millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted through poor budget planning and incompetence under a dysfunctional management system.

Among the allegations are that powerful consultants, one with close political ties to Agran, were authorized to run the project above the direction of city staff members.

The allegations were revealed July 21 through the release of testimony given over the past three months as part of the Great Park forensic audit approved by the Irvine City Council last year. The audit is examining more than $200 million spent on the Great Park so far.

The cost of the audit has risen to more than $1 million, and a final report is expected by September. Four of the audit depositions were released July 21 on a public records request.

Agran served as chairman of the Great Park Corp. for five of the seven years, 2005-12, covered by the audit. The corporation was folded into city operations in 2013.

"It's the kind of gossip and backbiting that's part of any major project," Agran said after stating he had not read the depositions two days after they were released.

Assistant city manager Mike Ellzey has functioned as the Great Park chief executive since shortly after he was hired by Agran in 2008. Ellzey told investigators he immediately encountered an unusual power structure in which consultant Arnold Forde, under a contract to his PR firm Forde & Mollrich, had more decision-making power than he did as CEO. Forde has served as a strategist in several of Agran's City Council and mayoral campaigns.

Ellzey submitted that with Forde as his right-hand man, and Yuhedi Gaffen of the design management firm Gafco, Agran created a "triumvirate of power" within the Great Park Design Studio. He testified the Design Studio routinely operated ahead of proper oversight by city staff members.

"That was just wrong," Ellzey stated in his deposition on June 18. "It was just wrong that a contractor/consultant was directing a public body."

Similar testimony was offered by former Great Park CEO Walter Kreutzen, former Chief Financial Officer Colleen Clark and former Manager Mary Ann Burgess. Ellzey is the only one among the four that remains attached to the Great Park project.

Ellzey said excessive contracts, with sloppy invoicing and design work that often could not produce deliverables, churned through millions of Great Park funds. Forde & Mollrich was paid $100,000 per month for public relations work — a figure Ellzey placed as much as 300% too high.

The release of the depositions hasn't moved Agran from his stance that the entire forensic audit is nothing more than a "political witch hunt," as he has stated in the past.

A "witch hunt," because public accountability for a leftist Democrat taxpayer boondoggle is all about politics. What a typical big-government leftist. Siphoning money off the public purse for his own cronies. The park's budget is over $200 million and after more than a decade all they can show for it is balloon rides.

Freakin' crook should do time. He and his leftist city council thugs and cronies. Sheesh.

VIDEO: Israel Ambassador Gets 'Thunderous Applause' at Huge Hungarian Pro-Israel Rally in Budapest

Hungarians standing up against lefitst, Hamas anti-Semitism.

Photos from Janos Kis, "Pro-Israel demonstration in Budapest."

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

Branco Cartoon photo D-Shied-590-LI_zps6c29735e.jpg

Also at Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES," and Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies" (from 7/18).

More at Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Roundup..."

CARTOON CREDIT: Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Israeli vs Hamas Defense Shields."

VIDEO: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Confronts NBC's David Gregory on Pro-Hamas Propaganda

A great interview.

Watch, "Israeli PM Netanyahu Confronts NBC’s David Gregory - FULL INTERVIEW 7/27/2014."

Also at Fire Andrea Mitchell, "Netanyahu schools NBC hack David Gregory over pro-Hamas propaganda (Video)," and MRC, "Benjamin Netanyahu Confronts NBC’s David Gregory Over Claim That Israel Targeted a U.N. School."

PHOTOS: Bodies from Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Shot Down Over Torez, Ukraine

At Time, "Photo Essay: Malaysia Airlines Ukraine Crash: ‘Unreal’ Scenes from Photographer Jerome Sessini."

 photo photo17_zps0349d061.jpg

CAPTION: "The body of a passenger, still strapped into his seat, rests in a wheat field in eastern Ukraine."

And see this week's cover story, "In Russia, Crime Without Punishment."

Dana Bar-on: Hamas 'Has Found a Way Into Our Homes Now...'

The Israeli Defense Forces, a week or so back, killed 10 Hamas terrorists who had infiltrated into Israel through tunnels built under the kibbutz at Nir Am, located near the border at Gaza in Southern Israel.

The Jerusalem Post reports, "WATCH: 10 terrorists killed attempting to infiltrate Israel through tunnel." Also at the Times of Israel, "Israeli southern border towns empty, adjust to tunnel threats":
Earlier this week 10 Gaza terrorists dressed in Israeli army uniforms popped out of the ground less than a mile (1.6 kilometers) away. They killed four Israeli soldiers before an airstrike killed them, preventing them from moving deeper into the country.

Most of Nir Am’s 350 residents had already been relocated to safer areas in central and northern Israel, as happened in two previous wars with Hamas terrorists in Gaza, kibbutz spokesman Ofer Liberman said. Those remaining were shocked as Israeli troops entered the agricultural community in full combat gear fearing that gunmen had sneaked inside.
At the video, Dana Bar-on, who lives at Mir Am, shares her experiences and feelings --- and note especially how she's heartbroken at the civilian casualties in Gaza. She cries. But she explains that she loves the IDF --- who are friends and brothers and uncles --- as they always try to protect civilian lives, while protecting Israeli citizens from the Hamas terrorists burrowing below, attempting to murder the Jews in their homes.

A riveting clip, especially the second half, so stay with it, via Elder of Ziyon, "Saving Dana Bar-on."

VIDEO: Wide Open Spaces: Aerial Report Shows No Border Fence for Miles Along Arizona/Mexico Border

American Border Patrol's Glenn Spencer recently videotaped aerial footage of miles of the Arizona/Mexico border. See "Open-Borders Arizona."

And Infowars has this report:

BONUS: From 2008, "ABP's Border Cams Featured on Fox News."

GRAPHIC VIDEO: Dozens of Civilians Dead as Ukaine Artillery Pounds Rebel-Held City of Horlivka

Video, "Ukraine: Dozens dead after Ukrainian troops shell Gorlovka *GRAPHIC*," and "RAW: E. Ukraine city of Gorlovka under heavy bombardment."

At at WaPo, "Ukraine poised to try to reclaim Donetsk, its military says."

'UNRWA is not a neutral force attempting to do good things; it is an arm of Hamas, raising its children to hate, hiding its weapons, and allowing itself to provide human shields as Hamas attempts to attack Israel's citizens...'

From Paula Stern, at A Soldier's Mother, "What is UNRWA?"

Today's Feminists Can't Write for S***

An interesting piece, from Charlotte Allen, at the Los Angeles Times:

Heteronormativity and Gender Roles in Children's Movies

Another opus, from Robert Stacy McCain:

Saturday, July 26, 2014

VIDEO: Toronto Al-Quds Day Protesters Demand 'Destruction of Israel and the Jews on Our Streets...'

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Canada, this is your future."

Also at the Toronto Sun, "Both sides drawn to Al Quds Day rally."

VIDEO: Violence and Anti-Semitism at 'Gaza Solidarity' Protests Across Europe

Once again, a resurgence of the eliminationist hatred of the 1930s, located at the center of the global anti-Israel left.

At Telegraph UK, "Anti-Semitism on the march: Europe braces for violence."

More video, "Germany: Thousands of Berliners condemn Israel for Gaza operation."

The Degree to Which Barack Obama Is Now Phoning It In – Sleepwalking Perfunctorily Through His Second Term, Amid Golf Rounds and Dinner Parties – Is Astonishing

From Matt Lewis, at Telegraph UK, "Barack Obama has already checked out of his job":
If Nero fiddled while Rome burned, then Obama is dining out, golfing, and raising money while the world collapses.

Israel Extends Humanitarian Cease-Fire in #Gaza: Hamas Keeps Shelling Israeli Civilians

At WSJ, "Israel Extends Cease-Fire in Gaza: Gaza-Based Hamas Spokesman Rejects Extension, But Another Spokesman Says No Decision Made."

Also at Israel Matzav, "Yes, Israel accepted another cease fire rejected by Hamas."

Irina Shayk for Maxim

Nice, "Irina Shayk: Maxim July/August Cover Girl."

BONUS: At London's Daily Mail, "No beach needed! Irina Shayk finds a way to show off her enviable stomach without a bikini."

Russian Woman Does Striptease to Prevent Her Car from Getting Towed

It's a Ruptly video, "Russia: Watch this woman stage striptease to save her car."

Via Uproxx:

Chicago 'Gaza Solidarity' Protest: 'Hitler Would Be Proud'

Wow. Just wow.

Click through at Tabitha Bliss' tweet for a roundup.

Seriously. Just wow.

'We Are All Hamas!' Thousands Attend London's #Gaza Protest Glorifying Terrorism

More death to Israel protests, at Breitbart London.

Despite Public Backlash, Caltrans to Put HOT Lanes on 405 Freeway in Orange County

"High occupancy toll roads." HOT lanes.

Caltrans will install toll lanes along the 405 freeway in Orange Country, from Costa Mesa to Seal Beach, despite the public opposition from local transportation agencies across the board.

This really is an astounding case of state bureaucratic tyranny, and there will be a backlash.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Caltrans to put toll lanes on 405 Freeway in Orange County":
Diana Carey, a Westminster councilwoman who also represents the corridor cities, said the group will be looking at options to fight back against the proposal.

"They've really overstepped their bounds big time," she said.

'In the pre-transformed America, it was understood that the Commies had infiltrated Hollywood and academia. No one really expected subversion of the IRS...'

From Linkmaster Smith, at the Other McCain, "Just Relax In Your ‘Fundamentally Transformed’ Country, Americans."

Hamas' Depraved Strategy

A phenomenal editorial, at the Washington Post, "The U.S. should push for the disarming of Hamas in Gaza-Israel cease-fire":
THE DISTINGUISHING feature of the latest war between Israel and Hamas is “offensive tunnels,” as the Israeli army calls them. As of early Wednesday, 28 had been uncovered in Gaza, and nearly half extend into Israel, according to Israeli officials. The tunnels are the reason that the government of Benjamin Netanyahu decided last weekend to launch a ground invasion of Gaza, and they explain why that operation has strong support from Israelis in spite of the relatively heavy casualties it has inflicted. Most significantly, the tunnels show why it has been difficult to reach a cease-fire and why any accord must forge a new political and security order in Gaza.

Hamas’s offensive tunnels should not be confused with the burrows it has dug under Gaza’s border with Egypt to smuggle money, consumer goods and military equipment. The newly discovered structures have only one conceivable purpose: to launch attacks inside Israel. Three times in recent days, Hamas fighters emerged from the tunnels in the vicinity of Israeli civilian communities, which they clearly aimed to attack. The ­concrete-lined structures are stocked with materials, such as handcuffs and tranquilizers, that could be used on hostages. Other tunnels in northern Gaza are designed for the storage and firing of missiles at Israeli cities.

The resources devoted by Hamas to this project are staggering, particularly in view of Gaza’s extreme poverty. By one Israeli account, the typical tunnel cost $1 million to build over the course of several years, using tons of concrete desperately needed for civilian housing. By design, many of the tunnels have entrances in the heavily populated Shijaiyah district, where the Israeli offensive has been concentrated. One was found underneath al-Wafa hospital, where Hamas also located a command post and stored weapons, according to Israeli officials.

The depravity of Hamas’s strategy seems lost on much of the outside world, which — following the terrorists’ script — blames Israel for the civilian casualties it inflicts while attempting to destroy the tunnels. While children die in strikes against the military infrastructure that Hamas’s leaders deliberately placed in and among homes, those leaders remain safe in their own tunnels. There they continue to reject cease-fire proposals, instead outlining a long list of unacceptable demands.

And see Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "WaPo editorial: Why is the world ignoring Hamas’ depravity?"

Constitutional Tipping Point: Americans Must Stop Obama's Dictatorial Executive Amnesty (VIDEO)


And a great video clip, also featuring Sen. Ted Cruz:

PREVIOUSLY: "Obama to Ram Through 'Large Scale Expansion' of Rights to 'Shield' Illegal Aliens from Deportation — Tyranny!"

VIDEO: Around the World, Al Quds Day Protesters Demand Extermination of Israel and 'Death to the Jews'

Muslims across the world chant "death to the Jews," and the global anti-Israel left backs them in solidarity.

At the Jerusalem Post, "Protesters across Muslim world denounce Israel in al-Quds Day rallies":
Demonstrators call for "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" while expressing solidarity with Palestinians.

It's all of a piece.

As Europe ignites with the most violent anti-Semitism seen since the Holocaust, the left's Hamas supporters give legitimacy to protests for Israel's annihilation across the Islamic world.

Dark time, my friends. Dark times indeed.

Surprise, Anti-Semitic Harvard Professor Stephen Walt Blames AIPAC for War in Gaza

Back in 2006, when The Israel Lobby first came out, I still had a lot of respect for Professor Stephen Walt. When I was in graduate school, I admired Walt's work, and my dissertation built on some of his theories in the balance of power literature.

Sigh. The older the wiser, as they say.

It turns out that Walt is at it again, blaming Israel's self-defense policies on the "Israel Lobby," and once again positioning himself as one of the more disgusting and hateful commentators on Middle East international politics.

Check Walt's piece at the Huffington Post (not Foreign Policy, tellingly, where Walt still writes a regular column), "AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America's Morally Bankrupt Israel Policy."

Elder of Ziyon responds, "13 Questions for Stephen Walt."

The repudiations of Walt back in 2006 are just as powerful today. One of my favorites is from Eliot Cohen, at the Washington Post in April 2006, "Yes, It's Anti-Semitic."

I'll have more later, as always...

FLASHBACK: "Harvard's Stephen Walt Speaks at Code Pink's Move Over AIPAC! Summit, May 21, 2011."

Final Collapse of Obama's Failed Libya Policy as U.S. Abandons Embassy in Tripoli

It's over.

The U.S. is evacuating its personnel in Libya and abandoning the embassy complex in Tripoli for the "foreseeable future." Basically, we're done. Overthrow the dictatorial regime and refuse to put in ground troops and you're just creating a breeding ground for global jihad.

At Fox News, "US evacuates embassy in Libya amid clashes in Tripoli," and USA Today, "U.S. Embassy in Libya evacuated amid growing violence."

And at Atlas Shrugs, "Obama’s Epic Failure: U.S. Evacuates Embassy Compound In Libya Amid Jihad Fighting."

And from Walter Russell Mead, "As Libya Implodes, “Smart Diplomacy” Becoming a Punch Line":
The United States is pulling embassy staff out of Tripoli, and has issued a travel advisory that nicely outlines what a nightmare Libya has become. If Obama were a Republican, the press coverage of this stinking corpse of a policy flub would be quite different.

FLASHBACK: "Obama's Libya Intervention Created North Africa's Worst Terror State, Drug Trafficker, and Arms Exporter."

Villagers Near Malaysia Airlines Site Feel Abandoned and Overwhelmed — #MH17

A powerful report, at WSJ, "After Flight 17 Crash, Agony, Debris and Heartbreak in Ukraine Villages."

Read it all at the link.

Illegal Alien 'Emergency Funding' Stalls as Dems Refuse Changes to 'Inapplicable' '08 Human Trafficking Law

The majority of the illegal aliens streaming over our borders are grown adults, and thus the 2008 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Act is "inapplicable" to the current alien invasion.

No matter. The depraved open-borders Democrats won't approve changes to the law and thus have abandoned any chance of congressional approval of the administration's emergency funding request.

See the Washington Post, "Little hope in White House for emergency funds to stem influx of migrants at border," and the New York Times, "Obama Presses Central American Leaders to Slow a Wave of Child Migrants":

The debate over how to handle the migrant children has all but stalled on Capitol Hill, where Senate Democrats and House Republicans this week unveiled competing proposals for Mr. Obama’s request for emergency funds — each far less than the $3.7 billion the president initially requested.

A major issue dividing lawmakers is a 2008 law intended to combat human trafficking, but which has made it more difficult to quickly return Central American children to their home countries. Republicans refuse to support any legislation that does not change the law in order to expedite the deportation of the young migrants, and Democrats are reluctant to vote for any legislation that changes the law. Democrats say they fear it could hurt children who are fleeing dangerous situations in their home countries.
Democrats don't care about "children who are fleeing" their homelands. They just want amnesty or else. See National Review, "Gutiérrez: ‘I Think We Can Get 3 or 4, Maybe Even 5 Million People’ Amnesty via Executive Action."

Yeah, "executive action." I blogged about that yesterday, "Obama to Ram Through 'Large Scale Expansion' of Rights to 'Shield' Illegal Aliens from Deportation — Tryanny!"

The Moral Chasm Between Israel and Hamas

From General James T. Conway, at the Wall Street Journal.