Friday, July 29, 2016

LBGT Group 'First Lady Bill' Seeks Hillary's Election to Destroy the 'Gender Binary'

Here's a real LGBT group on Facebook, First Lady Bill.

Now, I get it. Homosexuals are all into gender fluidity and what not. But by grotesquely feminizing Bill Clinton into the "First Lady," that means Hillary's a man. So, homosexuals want to negate the genuinely historic achievement of the first woman nominated on a major party ticket, and of course possibly the first woman elected president.

These people aren't just bizarre, they're freakin' insane.

According to the group's website:

Hillary's campaign is all about breaking barriers...

Barriers that keep women stuck being paid less than men - for the exact same work. Barriers that have transgender people being targeted for discrimination in bathrooms across the country (this pisses us off). Barriers to equality that make it still legal in most states to fire people simply for being LGBT. Now, more than ever, we need a president who can break down gender discrimination barriers that hold back equality for all Americans. That's why we're with her!

Sexist, homophobic and transphobic gender "rules" are a drag. And what better way to highlight the "herstoric" importance of putting a woman in the White House than having fun with her husband in drag as "First Lady"? We're all about making voters grin and putting a little more "party" in our political party. “Bill for First Lady” is a can’t-help-but-smile way to say “Hillary for president!"

Why was the idea of a woman president once considered absurd? Why is a man in a dress now thought by many to be somehow demeaning? Rigid gender rules have shoved generations of Americans in boxes - from women being excluded from "men's" jobs (and forbidden from wearing pants), to boys being told they can't wear dresses, to a woman being denied the right to marry another woman, to transgender and intersex people being forced to conform to one side or the other of an arbitrary gender binary and punished violently by society for simply being themselves. The fight for trans, lesbian, gay, bi and women's equality is the fight against society's gender police from dictating to anybody who they can be and how they should live or dress based on other people's idea of their gender. Hillary's campaign is breaking the ultimate glass ceiling by putting a woman in the White House. The campaign is using this herstoric moment in history to break down other oppressive expectations about gender. A woman president? Hell yeah. A character that's a straight cisgendered former president with hairy legs in high heels? Why the hell not? If we are truly to be a "free country" that also means when it comes to gender that there are NO rules - except to let people be who they are and hold no one back. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

With a focus on creating youthful viral videos, catchy campaign memes and sharable social media content, as well as live "Bill" campaign events in cities and on college campuses across the nation, PAC (Political Action Committee) is a strategic effort to move, motivate and inspire younger voters to get involved. As a Federal Election Commission (FEC) officially registered independent expenditure committee, PAC's campaign is independent, and it does not make contributions to, or coordinate its spending with, any candidates or political parties in accordance with federal elections law.

We're using humor and heart to help make history. Join the campaign!
Look, this is classic hard-left boilerplate cultural Marxism. We need to tear down all differences in gender to make America truly free and equal.

Folks already know the unending stream of nightmares this movement's already caused, from "gender neutral" bathrooms to "trans girls" (really boys) competing in girls' athletic competition (violating girls' and women's right to equal protection of the law). I've blogged this considerably already, but frankly the most egregious stories are still coming to light.

So if Hillary's election really is all about breaking down the "gender binary," then that's all the more reason to reject her and the Democrat Party's coalition of reprobates and sexual freaks.

What Ideological Role Reversal of the Parties?

Look, I'm not as hard on mainstream media flacks as a lot of conservatives, but this idea that the parties have switched places is just bizarre. The party in power is naturally going to argue everything's okey dokey, and the party out of power's going to argue the country's going to hell in a hand-basket.

And ideologically, David Horowitz argued that Hillary's agenda "neo-communist" on Twitter last night. Frankly, I was rolling my eyes at the big government laundry list she rolled out. And the argument for "change"? What a pathetic joke. It's more of the same. Big government and more "rights" for everyone, as if we never had the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

But see Karen Tumulty and Robert Costa, at WaPo, "We are witnessing a visceral shift in the way the parties speak to the country":

The visceral shift in the parties’ political narratives represents a profound break from the way they have often spoken about the country and themselves.

Going at least as far back as Reagan, Republicans have prided themselves as being the party of optimism and confidence, leading an exceptional country whose greatness was coded into its DNA.

Going back further, to Franklin D. Roosevelt, it has been the Democrats who have made common cause with the aggrieved and the left behind, who have been criticized for dwelling too much on the nation’s flaws and being squeamish about asserting power internationally.

For some Republicans, it is an unsettling juxtaposition.

“The Democrats used to be the party that said people are being taken advantage of and it’s time to settle the score. Now that’s the Republicans’ message,” said Stuart Stevens, who in 2012 was GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s chief strategist. “To let them become the optimistic party that wants to lift us up and unify America, it’s a disaster for Republicans.”

Or maybe it is smart positioning, given that parts of the country are in a prolonged funk, as evidenced by the fact that polls since 2009 have consistently shown more people believe it to be headed in the wrong direction than the right one.

That creates a challenge for those who have been running the country during that time to make a stay-the-course argument. It is compounded by voters’ historic reluctance to leave the White House in any party’s hands for more than two consecutive terms.

“You really can’t afford to paint an unrelentingly dark picture of the country. To do that is to say, in effect, that your predecessor has failed,” said William A. Galston, a Brookings Institution senior fellow who was a top adviser to Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign.

So the themes being sounded by each party reflect the natural cycle of being in and out of power.

But there are other factors at play this year that amplify what would have been happening anyway.

The Republican Party’s once-omnipotent establishment has ceded control to a vocal faction fixated on issues such as illegal immigration and their angst over the reweaving of the social fabric.

“There have been so many changes in the culture that to many Americans, it’s an unrecognizable country,” said William J. Bennett, a prominent conservative voice going back to his time in Reagan’s Cabinet...
That's not an ideological shift. There may be a difference in how the parties communicate their messages, but the Republican message is deeply conservative, concerned with destabilizing and damaging changes that the Democrats have wrought on our country. Combine that with the realism of Trump's appeals to law and order and national security, in contrast to the rainbows and unicorns of Obama's speech Wednesday night, and the differences could hardly be sharper. But again, it's not ideological. It's existential.

Read the whole thing at the link.

Bernie Sanders Supporters Chant 'No More War' at #DemConvention

I pretty amazing moment last night.

Bernie's Thrilled With Hillary's Nomination


He was just bowled over last night.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Perfect Philly Cheesesteak (VIDEO)

I don't recall ever visiting Philly. I passed by on Amtrak in 2007, in route from D.C. to New York City, heh.

I do enjoy Philly cheesesteaks though, lol.

Jersey Mike's makes some great sandwiches nearby, and my youngest kid's been devouring their cheesesteaks of late.

But watch, at CBS This Morning, yum:

SJW Anti-Semites Voice Their Hatred for Israeli Actress Gal Gadot

This isn't surprising at all.


Gal Gadot photo proxy_zpsdcqrlfgc.png
Breitbart's Big Hollywood section showed how SJW anti-semites and anti-Israelists are voicing their hatred for Israeli actress Gal Gadot, star of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, because of her pro-Israel and pro-IDF standings. The paragraph at the end is something I'd like to follow up on:
The anti-Gadot tweets are somewhat ironic considering a majority of the same people would frequently advocate for such a large movie portraying a strong female lead, however Gadot’s political views distance herself from the crowd, and she now appears to just be another target in the crosshairs of social justice.
Tsk-tsk, just another thing for hateful leftists to hate.

Remember, these are people who would kill you given the chance.

More at the link.

Previously, "'Wonder Woman' Trailer Debuts at Comic-Con (VIDEO)."

I'll be out to see this movie as soon as it hits the screens. Screw the SJWs.

The Case for Paper Ballots

The voting machines in Irvine print a paper copy of your electronic ballot before you press "vote." In theory, the paper record would be used to substantiate voters' intentions in the case of fraud allegations. I like it, although who's to say those paper rolls don't get incinerated at just about the same time one of the candidates cries foul. (Around here, it'd be Republicans alleging voter fraud against the local Democrat Party machine, heh.)

But See Glenn Reynolds, at USA Today, "After DNC hack, the case for paper ballots. Are paper ballots really a superior technology to voting machines? Absolutely" (via Instapundit):
Somebody — probably, though not certainly, Vladimir Putin’s intelligence apparatus — has hacked the Democratic Committee’s email servers and released some of what it found via the Wikileaks site.  As Harvard law professor Jack Goldsmith notes, this is something new:  Although meddling in foreign elections is old stuff for intelligence agencies (including our own), this sort of email release is unprecedented.

As disruptive as the DNC email release has been, there’s room for something much worse:  A foreign government could hack voting machines, shut down election computers, or delete or alter voter registration information, turning Election Day into a snarled mess and calling the results into question regardless of who wins.

Worse yet, hackers are already working on this.

Voting systems rely on trust. Voters have to trust that their own vote is recorded and counted accurately; they also have to trust that the overall count is accurate, and that only eligible voters are allowed to vote. (When an ineligible voter casts a vote, it cancels out the vote of a legitimate voter every bit as much as if his or her ballot had simply been shredded.)

The problem is that electronic systems — much less the Internet-based systems that some people are talking about moving to — can’t possibly provide that degree of reliability. They’re too easy to hack, and alterations are too easy to conceal. If the powers-that-be can’t protect confidential emails, or government employees’ security information, then they can’t guarantee the sanctity of voting systems...
Boy, that would be a mess. A very nasty mess.

Keep reading.

Israeli Flag Burners at #DemConvention (VIDEO)

Yes, but it's not just Israeli flag burners. It's leftists altogether.

Radical leftists, of all stripes, form a common enemy to the U.S., to Israel, and to our shared Western culture and humanity.

Don't ever forget it. The hatred's been on display, in the streets and in the hall, at the Democrat Convention in Philly.

From William Jacobson, at Legal Insurrection, "Israeli flag burners at Dem Convention are our common enemy."

And related, from earlier, "The Face of the Democrat Party #DemsInPhilly #DemConvention."

Francesca Valle Threatens Workplace Harassment Over a Facebook Post

Here's the thread from yesterday, which prompted this private message, which I just read moments ago:
Hey Donald.

I wanted to reach out and share some perspective. Yesterday, after you jumped on my thread w your psudeo [sic] insults, unsolicited and unwelcomed, you were criticized by both me and some other FB members. You then proceeded to tag me in a thread you posted on your page, further belittling me and attempting to stir the pot. I didn't really bite. And apparently, no one else did either. I've looked at the results of that behavior this morning and garnered this outcome. My "blathering" picked up a decent amount of traction. My post was shared half a dozen times and I've had a couple folks direct message me w encouragement to ignore your seemingly overt and rude behavior. Your post got one like. That's it. One. No shares. No commentary. And obviously, little agreement. So, my question is why all this energy towards such a minuscule outcome? Why piss in my yard? I have done nothing but spread a message of peace and love. Would you behave that way w someone like, I don't know, Pope Francis (one of my role models)? I feel you cause more damage for your cause than good.

Furthermore, I am sure I won't be the first to take such an action, but I have screen shot this incident and am going to write LBCC asking what their policy is on public decorum for professors. I truly feel it inappropriate for you to behave in such a way, publicly, as a man who is responsible for teaching young minds appropriate and responsible discourse in politics. I assume they must be aware already of such indiscretion, but perhaps if enough people bring it to their attention, it will make a difference. You, like me, are an educator. And I would expect more maturity and thoughtfulness.

I've attempted to be friendly and work towards civil discourse. I've defended you in the past. Yesterday was disappointing, to say the least. I wish you well. And I hope you find peace sooner than later. I haven't blocked you because I don't feel that accomplishes much in the grand scheme of things. In fact, I believe your behavior yesterday worked in my favor. The age of the bully is coming to a close. Though if you are an avid watcher of fox news, I can imagine you may feel differently. I hope you find some more effective means of leading and making change. In the meantime, may you enjoy your freedoms and privileges as much as I do mine.

Good luck.

Francesca Valle
Vocalist/ Coach / Music Producer / Multi-Instrumentalist / Artist & Singer ... Musician, Teacher at California Music Studios and Owner at Bugbyte Studios
Lives in San Diego, California 

My response:
You are a child, Francesca. Clearly, you measure your worth by "likes," "shares," and "friends" on social media. I feel sad for you. I will put your threats in a blog post right now, and I'll contact my attorney. You wouldn't be the first to threaten my livelihood for the HORRIBLE act of sharing my opinion. If you've followed my writing online you'd know that leftists have been trying to get me fired for years for my views, which are politically incorrect to totalitarian leftists. You're just the latest illiberal stooge, and not a very original one at that. The college won't bat an eye about my private, free-speech activities, but knock yourself out. I know you want to feel superior. Just know that you are most certainly not, since efforts to harass those of different opinions are the height of intolerance and "bullying." Oh, and "peace," since that's the uber cool progressive way to blow off bullies (like you) who ultimately aren't worth the time.

Cheeky Emily Ratajkowski

At the Sun U.K., "WHAT A PEACH: Watch the moment cheeky Emily Ratajkowski has her bum grabbed and spanked in a saucy video she posted on Snapchat - Model shows off playful side in x-rated clip."

The Barbarians Must Be Stopped

From Professor Michael Curtis, at American Thinker:
Everyone admires the intriguing puzzles and solutions in the stories of Sherlock Holmes.  In The Adventures of Silver Blaze, the curious incident of the dog that did nothing – did not bark – in the night was the clue toward solving the mystery.  Sherlock is needed to solve the mystery of why, on July 25, 2016, at the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, the 61 speeches may have been full of bite, but none uttered a whisper, let alone a bark, about the menace of ISIS and Islamist terrorism.

The mystery deepens with the appalling news a few hours after the end of that first day that two Islamist terrorists, armed with knives, had entered a Catholic Church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, a few miles from Rouen in Normandy, France, during morning service on July 26, 2016. They forced the octogenarian priest, Father Jacques Hamel, to kneel and filmed his death as they slit his throat.  They took nuns and others hostage before they were killed by French police.  ISIS promptly called them "two soldiers of the Islamic State."

Another terrorist referred to in the incident by the French police is a 24-year-old Algerian computer student named Sis Ahmed Ghlam, known to the authorities since he was arrested in April 2015 after he had called for an ambulance after he shot himself in the leg.  He was arrested on suspicion of planning "imminent" terror attacks.  In his car, the police discovered weapons including Kalashnikovs, a police-issued pistol, and bulletproof vests.  Even more important, they found plans for terrorist attacks on other churches, including the Sacré-CÅ“ur Basilica in Paris.  This terrorist is in prison charged with the murder of a 32-year-old woman who was shot three times in the head.

The barbarity committed in the church in Normandy is now added to the list of horrors executed by Islamist terrorists and followers of ISIS.  It does not take a Sherlock to remember them, in London, Toulouse, Paris, Brussels and the Maelbeek metro station, Nice, Munich, Cologne, Würzburg, and Ansbach.

The world, particularly the West, is facing a major threat to civilization and the way of life of democratic societies.  British authorities have recently made it known that they disrupted seven plots to attack the U.K. in the last 18 months.  French president François Hollande has again, after the murder in the church, declared that ISIS has declared war on the West and must be fought using all means possible.  Indeed, ISIS is fomenting a war of religions, boldly announcing that a major target is Christians across the world and even aiming at the assassination of Pope Francis.

Presidential candidates and political party conventions in the U.S. as well as authorities in European countries must devote their attention to and prepare solutions for the continuing terrorism of contemporary barbarians who are now within our gates, not simply at them.

Western democratic systems are based on tolerance and respect for others and on honorable efforts to eliminate or at least limit prejudice in society.  With societies based on free speech and expression, this has always been difficult to sustain, but it has become much more difficult with the prevalence of social media.  Those defending the West recognize that new and changing technologies make it difficult for them to obtain sufficient accurate information to forestall planned terrorist attacks.

Strong, immediate action by the West is crucial.  At bottom, Western leaders, especially those in the White House, must recognize the enemy, "radical Islamist terrorism," not evade the truth by euphemisms or political correctness.  This means the use of forceful methods – plainly speaking, war – against the enemy so relentlessly anxious to destroy the West...
Nothing's gonna change.

Nothing's gonna change until the voters in the Western democracies decide to vote the corrupt terror-coddling leftist bastards out.

Brexit was a good start for Britain, and Americans have a chance to restore sanity in November. France goes to the presidential polls in 2017. Also in 2017 is Germany's parliamentary elections.

I'll be keeping an eye on these developments, naturally. And with luck, we'll see some real change, and people won't lose the freakin' minds, not least of whom myself, heh.

But keep reading.

Depraved Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Goes on Warpath After Charges Dropped in Freddie Gray Case (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Charges Dropped Against Remaining Officers in Freddie Gray Case (VIDEO)."

This is one angry bitch. One depraved angry black bitch.

It's enough never to want to visit Baltimore. Sheesh.

A political prosecution, in the name of social justice and "Black Lives Matter."

It's no wonder it all went out the window, going splat on the pavement like an exploding watermelon.

At the Baltimore Sun, "State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby assails police, pledges to pursue reforms":

Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby came out swinging Wednesday after she dropped the charges against the remaining police officers accused in the death of Freddie Gray, slamming the criminal justice system and saying police were too biased to investigate themselves.

In a fiery news conference at the Gilmor Homes housing project, the prosecutor said that without sweeping reform to police and the court system, "we could try this case 100 times, and cases just like it, and we would still end up with the same result."

Mosby told The Baltimore Sun that she planned to pursue such reforms — including the ability of prosecutors to use independent investigators.

Mosby charged six officers in Gray's arrest and death last year. Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry G. Williams acquitted three of them, saying prosecutors lacked the evidence to prove their cases. Mosby dropped charges Wednesday against the other three.

"I wanted to be able to expose the systemic issues," she said. "And I think that's one of the reasons why we said we should probably [drop the remaining cases]: so we can try to work toward a solution."

The Baltimore police union called Mosby's comments "outrageous, uncalled for and simply not true." Former Police Commissioner Anthony Batts called Mosby "immature, incompetent and vindictive." Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the prosecutions were "disgraceful" and Mosby "ought to prosecute herself."

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said she supported Mosby but questioned whether she had gone too far in her criticisms of the criminal justice system...
Well, she's obviously not building a winning coalition for the future.

But keep reading, FWIW.

The Face of the Democrat Party #DemsInPhilly #DemConvention

Via Tania Gail:

His group? He's a classic progressive Democrat:

The ISIS Moms of the Democrat Convention


It's Ann Coulter, as provocative as ever.

Whatever questionable choices were made at the Republican National Convention last week, I didn't hear of a single speaker whose sole accomplishment was raising a delinquent who attacked a cop.

But as the country reels from the cold-blooded murder of five policemen in Dallas and three in Baton Rouge, Lezley McSpadden, mother of Mike Brown, America's most famous cop-assaulting criminal, appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention.

Welcome to Hillary's convention, celebrating the anti-police group Black Lives Matter!

The whole raison d'etre of BLM is the belief that cops are wantonly killing "black bodies." But only four of the dead black kids being honored were even killed by cops. Two were murdered by black gang members.

Of the four deaths that involved the police, all the victims were fighting the cops when they died.

In this regard, I notice that six of the nine "Mothers of the Movement" have different last names from their snowflakes. The children with the same names as their mothers were the two who were gunned down by black gangs, as well as one schizophrenic, who, unfortunately, had grabbed an officer’s baton and was hitting him with it when he got himself shot.

After massive, enormously expensive investigations, only one officer in any of these four cases was convicted of any offense: involuntary manslaughter for the 2009 shooting by a BART police officer of Oscar Grant -- who was in the process of being arrested for an enormous public brawl when he was shot.

Contrast his death with the deaths of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton and 16-year-old Blair Holt. Hadiya was shot in the back by black gang members, while in a Chicago park with her friends -- who were mistaken for members of a rival gang. Blair was riding a school bus when a black gang member boarded the bus and began shooting.

The police are trying to get these criminal gangs off the street! And their job would be a lot easier without thugs like Mike Brown violently attacking them.

It would be a lot easier if they weren't being constantly harassed by BLM and their lunatic accusations of racist policing.

It would be a lot easier if they were not being targeted for assassination and mass murders by homicidal nuts ginned up by BLM. (Shooting deaths of police are up 78 percent so far this year.)

And it would be a lot easier without a group -- officially supported by the Democrats -- leading marches down city streets, chanting, "What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”

Why does the Democratic platform endorse Black Lives Matter? And, most importantly, why was Mike Brown's mother on stage at the Democratic National Convention?

As absurd as BLM's other cases are, none have been so authoritatively disproved as the yarn about "gentle giant" Brown begging for his life from Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson before being shot in the street like a dog.

Within a few weeks of the "hands up, don't shoot" narrative being broadcast as fact from every media outlet, we saw the video of the "gentle giant" robbing a store and roughing up the clerk shortly before his encounter with Officer Wilson.

This was followed by extensive investigations by both a grand jury and a Department of Justice led by the most racist, anti-police attorney general we've ever had, Eric Holder. But even Holder's Justice Department had to concede the whole "hands up don't shoot" story was a bald-faced lie...
Keep reading.

Lissy Cunningham Rule 5

I posted Ms. Lissy for Rule 5 back in April of last year.

BONUS: At the Sun U.K., "Lissy from Manchester is a total knockout..."

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Charges Dropped Against Remaining Officers in Freddie Gray Case (VIDEO)


The whole thing is a bloody political scandal --- totally emblematic of the racialization of law and justice in the Obama era.

At the Baltimore Sun, "Prosecutors conclude Freddie Gray case with zero convictions against officers."

Syrian Migrant Denied Asylum Died When Bomb in His Backpack Exploded Mysteriously in Ansbach, Germany

That's not a parody.

This headline is still up at this Reuters piece on the Ansbach suicide jihad attack:

Syrian Migrant Dies When Bomb Goes Off Mysteriously in His Backpack photo Reuters-Syrian-migrant_zps0y87v5i9.png

The BBC also had a passive headline, but changed it after some backlash.

See Blazing Cat Fur, "BBC, Reuters Paint Jihad Suicide Bomber as “Syrian Migrant Killed In German Blast”."

Donald Trump Tweeted #CrookedHillary for Day 3 of the #DemConvention


He's trolling:

Hillary Clinton Getting Negative Polling Bounce During Democrat Convention?

Actually, it's too early to say whether she's getting a bounce. We'll know for sure when CNN does it's snap poll tomorrow night, after Hildebeast gives her acceptance speech.

Either way, it's no doubt true that Donald Trump got a very nice bounce coming out of Cleveland. Indeed, the L.A. Times presidential tracking had him up over Clinton this morning by almost 7 points.

See Hot Air, "LA Times tracking poll has Trump out to his biggest lead of the year."

L.A. Times Tracking photo la_zpsbngsvz86.jpg

And at Twitchy, "USC/LA Times tracking poll shows Hillary Clinton getting negative bounce during convention."

A Career Sexual Predator Makes the Case for Hillary at the #DemConvention (VIDEO)

From Daniel Greenfield, at FrontPage Magazine:

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell.”

Those were the words of a woman who was raped and beaten into a coma when she was twelve years old. Instead of helping that twelve year old girl, Hillary Clinton aided her rapist. She falsely accused the abused child who would never be able to have a family of her own after the assault of “a tendency to seek out older men”. Then Hillary Clinton was recorded on tape laughing at how her client had failed a lie detector test while relishing describing how she had gotten him off.

Tonight’s Democratic National Convention theme was "A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families". But this was how Hillary Clinton’s “fight” for children and families really began. And Tuesday’s highlight was an address by a career sexual predator whom she covered up for and whose victims she smeared.

That sexual predator was her husband, Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton put even more women through hell than Hillary did. And he isn’t done just yet. Amid the freakshow of the Carter mummy phoning in, the mothers of criminals, random mildly famous celebrities, the Sandernista walkout and Howard Dean doing the scream that ended his career one more time, the other Clinton took the stage.

In an evening featuring discussions about sex trafficking, the highlight was a sexual predator. In an evening that featured 9/11 victims, the highlight was the man who left America vulnerable to 9/11 and refused to take out Osama bin Laden.

And Bill being Bill, the lying didn’t take too long to get started.

Bill Clinton told the hooting and yapping DNC audience that Hillary Clinton wanted to help child abuse victims. But a child rape victim back home knows the truth and we know the truth.  He got up on stage and lied again about the Children’s Health Insurance Program, one of those things which, like bringing peace to Northern Ireland and landing under fire in Bosnia, Hillary Clinton can’t stop lying about.

In Bill Clinton’s new version, Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch didn’t exist and Hillary Clinton got it all done.

But the Clintons always have a thousand new versions of every lie that they tell. And Bill’s entire speech was one big lie. The version of Hillary Clinton that he describes, an obsessive crusader for children who is also a devoted wife and mother has only one tiny problem with it. It’s an expert work of fiction.

The real Hillary Clinton hit up the Boys and Girls Club for $200K to speak for them. The real Hillary saw every non-profit organization working for education, children and any combination of the two as a piggy bank to loot for her greedy husband and herself. The real Hillary, the one revealed by the emails, is incapable of doing basic tasks and requires a horde of assistants to do anything for her.

The image of Hillary Clinton on her “hands and knees” putting liner paper in Chelsea’s dorm drawers is as real as Bill Clinton’s family values. The real Hillary Clinton requires people to pose before she steps into the picture so they don’t waste her time. The real Hillary Clinton laughed at the thought of a rapist beating a child into a coma and then getting off. The real Hillary Clinton has never met a charity she didn’t steal from. The real Hillary Clinton dislikes people and has her assistant elbow them out of the way.

Bill Clinton claimed that they never intended for Hillary to run for office in New York until New York Democrats “urged Hillary to run”. Then they offered to sell her the Brooklyn Bridge at a discount.

The Clintons didn’t move to New York for their health. They did it as part of a long term plan to get back into the White House. Tonight was a major step in the fulfillment of that plan...
Keep reading.

Have Fears of Terrorism in 2016 Made the World Crazy?


I don't think so. Populists worldwide are the sane ones. It's the leftist elites who continue to double-down who've gone off the deep end.

At Der Spiegel, "Apocalypse Now: A Year of Crises, Shocks and Fears of Terror":
Ansbach, Munich, Würzburg, Nice, Brussels -- in light of the many horrific news stories, many are asking: What's the matter with 2016?

Has the world gone mad? This question is occupying the minds of many people these days. It feels like the world is out of step, that multiple crises are encroaching upon us and that the distant world of international politics is about to get dangerously personal. How are we supposed to deal with the feeling of living in an era that we no longer seem to understand?

"I'm tired of living in interesting times," a Twitter user wrote several days ago. His words were retweeted more than 1,000 times. Everyday, people on social media ask: What is wrong with 2016? When will it be over? What more does it have in store for us?

This year, international political events have overlapped in an unsettling way. Something seems to be coalescing and brewing, though it's not yet clear what. Each new development seems to come a bit faster than the last. It may have begun with the Arab Spring in 2011, but it also continued with the wars in Libya and Syria and was further exacerbated by the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the latest terrorist attacks. We are witnessing the destabilization of the world as we've known it since 1989.

When our phones began vibrating a week ago Friday with breaking news alerts about the military coup in Turkey, we were still processing our shock over the terrorist attack in Nice, France. Each shock fades quickly in light of the next one. On Sunday, a Syrian refugee detonated a bomb outside an outdoor concert in Ansbach, Germany. Last Friday, an 18-year-old student shot and killed nine people in Munich, most of them teenagers. And only days before that, a 17-year-old asylum-seeker in Würzburg attacked a group of Chinese tourists with an ax.

It was only a month ago that a majority of British voters decided to leave the European Union. The United States is shaken by racial unrest, the massacre in Orlando -- and the rise of the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

With that, 2016 was really only the worst year since 2015, the year of the great refugee crisis. And 2015 was only the worst year since 2014, the year of the war in Ukraine.

We are living in an age of shocks and crises that could well be traumatizing in their rapid succession and concentration, since it's not yet clear whether they're only a temporary jolt or the beginning of a trend with no end in sight. Of course, the sheer number of conflicts has remained constant in recent years. But there is much indication that we find ourselves in a new era of global instability. The biggest geopolitical stories of our time are the destabilization in the Middle East, the European security order and the European Union. In addition, there has been a societal shift in many Western countries: Many citizens are angry at the elites, because they see themselves as victims of globalization, free trade and migration. This anger has enabled the rise of political movements from the fringe to the mainstream in only a few years: Donald Trump, the Brexit movement, Front National and the Alternative for Germany, or AfD. The classic political camps are dissolving as the battle between the political left and the right is replaced by one between Isolationists and Internationalists.

Every now and then, there are phases in international politics during which more happens in the span of a few weeks than would otherwise happen in decades...
Still more.

ICYMI: Go back and read Douglas Murray's piece, "Europe's Jihad Summer."

Obama Rallies Democrats for Clinton

I'm not watching the convention at all tonight. I can't stand these people.

Once again, a live blog, at WSJ, "Tim Kaine accepts vice-presidential nod, attacks GOP nominee as untrustworthy."

Europe's Jihad Summer

Following-up, "An Abomination Against Islam and Christianity?"

From the excellent Douglas Murray, at the Spectator U.K., "Europe’s terror summer: will politicians now accept the reality of Islamic terrorism?":

How is your Merkelsommer going? For now, Britain seems to be missing the worst. True, a couple of men of Middle Eastern appearance tried to abduct a soldier near his base in Norfolk for what was unlikely to have been an interfaith dialogue session. But Britain’s geographical good fortune, relative success in limiting weapons and our justified scepticism of the undiscriminating ‘open borders’ brigade mean that we have so far been spared the delights of what Angela Merkel’s growing army of critics refer to as her summer of terror.

It is now a fortnight since Mohammed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ploughed a truck along the Nice seafront, killing 84 people. The following Monday Mohammed Riyad, who said he was from Afghanistan but almost certainly came from Pakistan, screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ while hacking with an axe at his fellow passengers on a Bavarian train. The next day another Mohammed, this time Mohamed Boufarkouch, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and stabbed a Frenchwoman and her three daughters (aged eight, 12 and 14) near Montpelier. Mixing things up a little, that Friday’s shooter in Munich was a child of Iranians called Ali David Sonboly. Skip forward a couple of days and a ‘-Syrian asylum seeker’ with a machete was hacking a pregnant woman to death in Stuttgart. The next day another ‘Syrian asylum seeker’, Mohammad Daleel, carried out a suicide bombing outside a bar in Ansbach, Bavaria. And a little over 24 hours later two men shouting the name of Isis entered a church in Rouen during Mass, took the nuns and congregation hostage and slaughtered the priest with a knife.

Although the public know what is going on, the media seems loath to find any connection between these events. Indeed, the same papers that blame an exaggerated spike in ‘hate crime’ on everyone who voted for Brexit seem unwilling to put the blame for these real and violent attacks on the individuals carrying them out. ‘Syrian man denied asylum killed in German blast’ was the Reuters headline on the Ansbach story, neatly turning the suicide bomber into the victim and the German asylum system into the perpetrator. As Reuters went on: ‘A 27-year-old Syrian man who had been denied asylum in Germany a year ago died on Sunday when a bomb he was carrying exploded outside a music festival.’ How terrible for him to lose his bomb in such a way.

The more complex story of the Munich shooter allowed everyone to double-down on their favourite explanations for violence. Inadequate welfare provisions, unsuitable town-planning and bullying were all wheeled out to explain why Ali David Sonboly started shooting in a McDonalds. Others were a little too keen to claim him as an Isis warrior, when it seems he wasn’t. The BBC got around the problem by excising the ‘Ali’ and all reports of his religion. Instead, speculation about the shooting happening on the fifth anniversary of Anders Breivik’s terrorist assault in Norway meant that every-one could ignore the Muslim eyewitness who heard Sonboly shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and headline on Breivik instead. Meaning that in Europe in 2016 a child of Iranian parents can be portrayed as a white supremacist, while no amount of Mohameds shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ can be said to have any connection to Islam.

Sections of the media and political class seem determined to stop the public coming to any conclusions. But most of us probably did that a long time ago, and these conclusions are being reinforced on a daily basis.

For the time being, the acceptable thing is to blame Isis. There is sense in that. The German train attacker had an Isis flag at his home, the Ansbach bomber left a video pledging allegiance to the group, and at least one of the Rouen church attackers had tried to travel to Syria to join them. The extent to which the group is involved varies, and they undoubtedly talk up their capabilities, but their ability to inspire as well as direct will be a problem as long as they exist.

However, opinion polls show that the European public know that the problem is bigger than that. Before Isis there was al-Qaeda. After Isis there will be something else. A poll carried out two years before the Charlie Hebdo attacks showed that 74 per cent of the French public believe Islam to be an intolerant religion incompatible with the values of the French state. The reaction of most politicians to findings such as this is that the public don’t know enough about Islam or haven’t experienced enough Islam. On the contrary many French people — like the Christians of the Middle East — have experienced quite enough, and do not like it. Mainstream politicians cannot agree with this, not least because they (and Merkel in particular) are responsible for the massive upsurge of Muslim migration into Europe that is fundamentally changing its future. But this is a gap which they must at some point bridge...
Still more.

An Abomination Against Islam and Christianity?

I've scoured the Independent's website, and I don't see a corresponding editorial to match the newspaper's front cover yesterday.

I'm racking my brain here to see what was the "abomination" against Islam?

The Independent's Lizzie Dearden authored the piece. The final print copy may have been edited after the front page image was posted, but still. It's no an "abomination" against Islam. It is Islam:

Here's Lamblock on Twitter:

And Douglas Murray also shocked at this:

Leftists Outraged After Donald Trump Says Russia Should 'Find' Hillary Clinton's 'Missing' Emails


I had the press conference on this morning, but I was flipping back and forth between Fox News and CBS This Morning. It turns out we have a new outrage du jour.

See the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton's Missing Emails."

AP's got the comments at the video below.

And at the Los Angeles Times, "Donald Trump invites Russia to hack into Clinton's emails, an extraordinary step for a presidential nominee":
Donald Trump dared a foreign government to commit espionage on the U.S. to hurt his rival on Wednesday, smashing yet another taboo in American political discourse and behavior.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’ll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said, referring to deleted emails from the private account Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State. “I think you’ll probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Trump made the taunt during a lengthy and unusual news conference in Doral, Fla., in which he also suggested the Geneva Convention treaties protecting prisoners of war are outdated, told a reporter asking a question to “be quiet” and said the fact that the Democratic National Committee may have been hacked was because foreign leaders lack respect for the U.S. government...

Also, the inevitable allegations of "criminal" statements, at the Daily Beast, via Memeorandum, "Donald Trump's Call for Russia to Hack the U.S. Might Be a Felony."

Heh, still more, at Hot Air, "Today’s liberal hot take: Let’s charge Trump with a crime for asking Russia to find Hillary’s e-mails":
I won’t pretend to know the ins and outs of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act but I will point out to you that Trump didn’t use the word “hack” this morning. He asked Russia to “find” her missing e-mails, which may sound like splitting hairs but would doubtless be flagged by his lawyers in court as proof that he wasn’t necessarily encouraging criminal activity. By “find” he could have meant obtaining them from a third-party who already has them. And he wasn’t talking about a prospective hack; he was assuming that they’d already harvested the contents of her private server years ago. He was encouraging a leak. The hack has, presumably, already happened...
More at that link.

And the last word goes to Katie Pavlich, on Twitter:

Père Jacques Hamel — 1930-2016 — Martyr of Islamic Terrorism

From Marine Le Pen's niece, Jean-Marie Le Pen's granddaughter, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen:

RELATED: At the Mirror U.K, "Marine Le Pen's niece enrols in the ARMY as she calls on France to 'kill Islamism'," and Breitbart London, "Marion Le Pen: Christians Must Stand Up to Islam; Young Patriots Should Join the Military Like Me."

When Marine makes the presidential runoff next year, you're going to see the European left go into the biggest tizzy since George W. Bush took the U.S. to Iraq. It's going to be seismic. Radical leftists will pull out all the stops to destroy the French National Front.

PREVIOUSLY: "Europe's Terror Storm."

Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee Throw Alan Grayson Under the Bus!


Following-up from yesterday, "Alan Grayson Threatens to Have Reporter Arrested After Question About Domestic Abuse Allegations."

He better go easy on those threats. He's not going to have any support on the progressive left, lol.

At WSJ, "Liberal Groups Withdraw Support for Florida Senate Candidate Following Abuse Allegations":
Two prominent liberal groups withdrew their endorsements of Rep. Alan Grayson in the Democratic primary for a U.S. Senate seat in Florida after his ex-wife disclosed police reports containing allegations of domestic abuse on Tuesday.

Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee said in a joint statement that they were withdrawing their support for Mr. Grayson, the first rescission of an endorsement in the history of either group, after Mr. Grayson’s ex-wife released police reports to Politico alleging the lawmaker had abused her in a series of incidents from 1994 to 2014.

Copies of the police reports couldn’t immediately be independently obtained. A lawyer for Mr. Grayson said the reports were authentic, but didn’t accurately reflect what had occurred.

“This is more of the same nonsense and untrue allegations that we’ve heard for years,” Mark NeJame, an attorney representing Mr. Grayson, said Tuesday.

Mrs. Grayson wasn’t available for comment...
He's a bully and a blowhard. I hope he chokes on his own tears.

Democrats Completely Fumble National Security, Giving Donald Trump Huge Opening

The leftists in Philly have completely ignored national security. They won't even mention Islamic State.

Here's this from yesterday, at Politico, "PolitiFact: Democrats never mentioned terrorism on Day One of DNC."

That's a big mistake. Big. Even the leftist Washington Post is reporting the huge opening this gives Donald Trump.

From Jenna Johnson, "Democrats’ near-silence on national security may give Trump an opening":
PHILADELPHIA — Democrats opened their convention with an emphasis on inclusion and public service, and little mention of law and order or the rise of the Islamic State — a stark contrast to the Republicans’ focus on homeland security at their convention in Cleveland last week.

Hillary Clinton has made a strategic calculation to present an optimistic view of America and its place in the world as she is formally nominated this week. It’s a bet that voters will reject what her campaign calls the inaccurate fear-mongering of Republican nominee Donald Trump.

But some Democrats worry that the contrast could help Trump make up in rhetoric for a lack of traditional national security credentials.

“My hope is that people will see through this,” said Michèle Flournoy, a former senior Pentagon official under President Obama and a Clinton supporter. “It’s policy by bumper sticker. There will be some people who will find the strength of his rhetoric very appealing.”

None of the prime-time speakers on the Democrats’ opening night, Monday, dwelled on security in the traditional sense — either U.S. military readiness or safety on the streets. On Tuesday, many Republicans jumped to say that the threat from the Islamic State went unmentioned.

Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort sent this Twitter message Tuesday morning, using another name for the Islamic State:

“Clinton Mentions at DNC Last Night: 208. Trump Mentions at DNC Last Night: 96. ISIS Mentions at DNC Last Night: 0 (!!!)”

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was pressed Tuesday about the silence from Monday night’s lineup of speakers on a major issue in the minds of voters — terrorism.

“This is not a problem that is going away. It needs an intelligent and resourced and fulsome strategy, but the wrong strategy is to split away our alliances and to divide our country,” Podesta said at a Wall Street Journal luncheon here. “We need everyone in this fight together.”

Several Democrats said the structure of the convention is deliberate, with an initial focus on bringing the divisive primary contest to a respectful close, as well as on Clinton’s biography as an advocate for children and families.

Her national security bona fides and an examination of where the country stands after nearly eight years of the Obama presidency are subjects for later in the week, several Democrats said, although there is an effort to avoid much mention of Clinton’s onetime support for the Iraq War.

Clinton’s attempt to offer a sunnier vision of American leadership comes along with a concerted strategy to make the case that she is more knowledgeable and experienced on national security issues...

Democrat Party Operative Spills the Beans on the Left's Totalitarian 'Gun Control' Agenda


This is pretty crazy.

It looks like James O'Keefe has pretty much destroyed this lady Mary Bayer's political career.

At the Rebel Media, "“You say sh*t like that and people buy into it” Democratic delegate admits 'gun control' is code for wanting to ban all guns."

The woman's on video saying "you gotta elect Democrats" to pass "common sense" gun control legislation, which is really just a "bait and switch" to get a total "ban" on firearms.

Pretty wild.


And check this out, lol. Confronted with her own words and picture printed on a placard, she steals the sign and runs into a convenience store, protected by security.

Heh. Now that's classic a Democrat Party operative!

Wednesday Cartoon

From A.F. Branco, "DNC Soft Sell."

Branco Cartoons photo DNC-Sell-Job-NRD-600_zpsm9celevh.jpg

Islamic Jihad Could Bring the National Right to Power Across Europe

Well, at this point, that's not such a bad idea. And remember, the "far-right" is an epithet used by elites to smear populists whose policies they don't like.

The "far-right" is really the center. It's leftists who've gone so far to the other side that they've had to lie about their socialist extremism.

But see Con Coughlin, at the Telegraph U.K., "Islamic terror could drive Europe into the arms of the far-Right":
In Germany, the government’s failure to grasp the public’s mounting resentment towards Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door policy in handling the migrant crisis has caused the remarkable rise of the Alternative for Germany party, which won almost 25 per cent of the vote in a state election in Saxony-Anhalt in March, almost beating Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrats.

In France, meanwhile, Front National leader Marine Le Pen has been quick to exploit the wave of anger directed towards President Francois Hollande over his handling of the terror threat. On Tuesday, commenting on the attack at Saint-Etienne-du Rouvray, she accused the entire French establishment, both Left and Right, of sharing “immense responsibility” for creating the circumstances in which Islamist terrorists can operate in France.

The prospect of Right-wing nationalists exercising real political power in France and Germany is one that even the most ardent Brexiteer will view with dismay.

But the longer Isil is able to maintain its terrorist offensive against Europe, then the more likely this becomes, especially if the fanatics continue to attack soft targets like the church selected in Tuesday’s attack.

For all the Republic’s secularist pretensions, Catholicism remains part of France’s national identity, and the murder of an elderly priest is just the kind of attack that could provoke sectarian tensions of the sort we are more used to seeing in the Middle East, as opposed to the heart of Europe.

This is just the kind of political chaos Isil wants to create in Europe, which is why its political leaders must steer clear of this simple but deadly trap.
Um, I think there's enough "political chaos" in Europe right now without worrying about being pushed by Islamic State. Growing "secularist pretensions" aren't the problem. Appeasement is. If it takes a nationalist party to beat back that syndrome, the Europeans will thank their lucky stars they found a recipe for survival.

What Will Barack Hussein Do After He Leaves Office?

Well, I'd like to never hear from him again, but I doubt that's going to happen, unfortunately.

This is an interesting piece, otherwise. Did you know former presidents get a $200,000 annual salary, plus an expense account on top of that? Yep. George W. Bush "received an allowance of nearly $1.1 million in 2015."

Heh. Must be rough.

At USA Today:

Two Bulls Escape Slaughterhouse in West Baltimore (VIDEO)


I would've liked to have seen that.

At CBS News 13 Baltimore:

Was Bill Clinton 'Never Sexually Attracted' to Hillary?

Ann Althouse watched the convention on C-SPAN last night, and I guess she waited until this moment to blog her thoughts about it.

See, "Maybe watching the convention on C-SPAN isn't such a good idea":
The main thing last night — other than the ritual of the roll call (the cut-short ritual) — was a speech from Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was allowed to do his thing and talk and talk and talk. He went last and so: let Bill be Bill. Some people find him charming. But even those of us who do drift into when-will-it-end mode eventually or we've fallen asleep. Bill's idea for the speech was just to tell the story of his half century of life alongside of Hillary — tell it as if it's the most charming, beautiful tale of a guy from Arkansas who somehow got to weave his story together with the most hard-working do-gooder who ever appeared on Earth.

At Meadhouse, the feed got paused a few times to make comments about his failure to mention how he cheated on her time and again over the decades and how (we think) he's still doing it now. Was he never sexually attracted to her? Did they have an agreement about it and, if so, was it just don't let the public see what you are doing? These were topics of conversation during one of our many pauses.
Oh, he was attracted to her, it's just that Hillary alone wasn't enough to satiate his desires. Bill Clinton's a man of insatiable desires, heh.

Europe's Terror Storm

At WSJ, "François Hollande declares war on Islamic State. Does he mean it?"

I think he wants to mean it. But rescinding the call to strip citizenship from convicted jihadists belies resolve.

But from the editorial:
The proper response to Islamic State is to go on swift and decisive offense, beginning with the eradication of its strongholds in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Mr. Hollande may have declared war on Islamic State, but so far the fight has been more symbolic than strategic. Unless that changes, Tuesday’s attack in Normandy will merely be one more of many horrors to come.
Read the whole thing.

It sounds like WSJ's editors aren't sold on the need for a strong domestic surveillance state apparatus. But it's not that on the home front. France isn't clueless, or lacking the administrative apparatus. The jihadist, Adel Kermiche, had long been known to authorities and was being monitored with an ankle bracelet. He was captured in Turkey trying to make it to Syria to join the Islamic State. He served time behind bars. France should've deported the fucker. That's the problem. Too many Muslims in France. Yeah, destroy Islamic State, but don't neglect the enemy within. Get rid of the vermin.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Julian Assange Timed WikiLeaks Release to Harm Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

Of course he did.

Assange is interviewed at Democracy Now! below.

And see the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Assange Timed WikiLeaks Release of Democratic Emails to Harm Hillary Clinton":

WASHINGTON — Six weeks before the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks published an archive of hacked Democratic National Committee emails ahead of the Democratic convention, the organization's founder, Julian Assange, foreshadowed the release — and made it clear that he hoped to harm Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the presidency.

Assange's remarks in a June 12 interview underscored that for all the drama of the discord that the disclosures have sown among supporters of Bernie Sanders — and of the unproven speculation that the Russian government provided the hacked data to WikiLeaks in order to help Donald Trump — the disclosures are also the latest chapter in the long-running tale of Assange's battles with the Obama administration.

In the interview, Assange told a British television host, Robert Peston of the ITV network, that his organization had obtained "emails related to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication," which he pronounced "great." He also suggested that he not only opposed her candidacy on policy grounds but also saw her as a personal foe.

At one point, Peston said: "Plainly, what you are saying, what you are publishing, hurts Hillary Clinton. Would you prefer Trump to be president?"

Assange replied that what Trump would do as president was "completely unpredictable." By contrast, he thought it was predictable that Clinton would wield power in two ways he found problematic.

First, citing his "personal perspective," Assange accused Clinton of having been among those pushing to indict him after WikiLeaks disseminated a quarter of a million diplomatic cables during her tenure as secretary of state.

"We do see her as a bit of a problem for freedom of the press more generally," Assange said.

(The cables, along with archives of military documents, were leaked by Pvt. Chelsea Manning, then known as Bradley Manning, who is serving a 35-year prison sentence. WikiLeaks also provided the documents to news outlets, including The New York Times. Despite a criminal investigation into Assange, he has not been charged; the status of that investigation is murky.)

In addition, Assange criticized Clinton for pushing to intervene in Libya in 2011 when Moammar Gadhafi was cracking down on Arab Spring protesters; he said that the result of the NATO air war was Libya's collapse into anarchy, enabling the Islamic State to flourish.

"She has a long history of being a liberal war hawk, and we presume she is going to proceed" with that approach if elected president, he said.

In February, Assange said in an essay that a vote for Clinton to become president amounted to "a vote for endless, stupid war."

Efforts to reach Assange for comment were unsuccessful, and a Clinton campaign spokesman did not respond to an inquiry. In November 2010, when WikiLeaks and its media partners began publishing the cables, Clinton strongly condemned it...

Democrats Nominate Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

Again, here's the Wall Street Journal's excellent live blog, "Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright to take the stage."

I'm not watching tonight.

I genuinely can't stand it. I can't stand these people.

Indeed, the only one I find myself minimally sympathetic to is Bernie Sanders, and that's surprising:

Los Angeles County Sand Fire Casts Ominous Pall Over Region (VIDEO)

There's been so much other news I've neglected to post on the Santa Clarita "Sand Fire."

Dave Swindle and Roger Simon tweeted photos. A charred sky is never very welcoming.

More, at LAT, "'The most frightening thing': 10,000 homes evacuated as Sand fire rages in Santa Clarita Valley":

There hung the sun, brazenly aglow in red. The sky around it, tinted a dusty rose. In the stifling air, ashes fluttered like snowflakes.

The effects of the Sand fire over the last few days have cast an ominous yet picturesque pall across the Los Angeles Basin, the sun and the moon eliciting comparisons to J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Eye of Sauron” and apocalyptic films.

But up in the Santa Clarita Valley, the largest blaze in Los Angeles County this year was no photo op. Raging in the steep, rugged mountains and charring more than 35,000 acres, the Sand fire plowed through homes and sent thousands fleeing as it swept through a landscape of desiccated fuel. Explosive and swift, it melted cars, downed power lines and left the air thick with smoke.

“This is a big animal,” said Mike Wakoski, a spokesman for the multi-agency wildfire effort made up of nearly 3,000 firefighters. Wakoski warned that the fire was scorching an average of 10,000 football fields a day and that containment would be slow...

Political Party Divisions: A Tale of Two Feuds (VIDEO)

Interesting, but I don't think comparing the divisions between the Democrats and Republicans works that well.

Even after the booing of Ted Cruz last week, it's clear that the Democrats have been way more divided. Frankly, Monday's convention looked like things were about to blow.

Oh well, see Cathleen Decker in any case, at LAT, "What's at stake in the Democratic and Republican family feuds":

If nothing else, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention showed that family feuds are not solely the province of the Republican Party.

Party stalwarts arrived onstage only to be treated dismissively — loudly so —  by many of the delegates. That followed a second day of protests by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, the second-place finisher, who was booed by many of his own backers for suggesting they should cast their November ballots for the winner, Hillary Clinton.

That followed Florida delegates yelling at the party’s chairwoman, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, on Monday morning, contributing to her decision to cancel her convention appearances.

“Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in,” Sanders had implored his supporters as they booed.

Real world or not, it should come as no shock after the campaign season America has witnessed that chaos has been visited upon both political parties as they seek to put their best faces forward in four-day television extravaganzas.

But the lines of division are not the same in each party.

Republicans saw last week that their party has been taken over by Donald Trump, the real estate impresario whose improbable campaign defeated more than a dozen candidates who, in more normal times, could have found success.

Trump channeled the economic and cultural concerns of Americans who felt spurned by more traditional Republicans, attracting them with bombastic words and spraying insults across many voter groups.

He succeeded to the point that delegates to his Cleveland convention roundly booed when his second-place finisher, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, failed to endorse Trump, saying that people should vote their consciences.

The Democratic problem is the opposite in many ways: Rather than taking over the party, many supporters of Sanders here remain on the outside, protesting. They do so despite his dramatic successes in winning votes, raising money, successfully liberalizing the party platform and contributing to the deposing of Wasserman Schultz, who will leave her post at the conclusion of the convention, months before her term ended.

Both feuds also look very different outside the convention halls...

Hardee's 'Fantasty' Bacon Three-Way Thickburger (VIDEO)


There's a fairly obvious double entendre at this commercial.

At the caption, "With bacon strips, bacon jam, and bacon crumbles, this burger is a bacon lover's fantasy":

Carl's Jr.'s not running this ad on the West Coast, for shame, lol.

One of the Normandy Jihadists Tried to Go to Syria

More on the slaughter of of the innocent French priest.

At WSJ, "French Say One of Priest’s Killers Had Tried to Go to Syria":
The two attackers were killed by police upon exiting the church. Prosecutors said one of them was Adel Kermiche, a young man who was under court order to wear an electronic bracelet after trying to travel to Syria.

Kermiche, a 19-year-old who was born and raised in France, was detained in Turkey in 2015 while trying to reach Islamic State’s stronghold in northern Syria, French authorities said. He was ordered to wear the bracelet in March after French prosecutors placed him under investigation on preliminary terrorism charges.

Henria Bayouki, 19, a friend who attended summer camp with Kermiche, said she spoke to his family, who confirmed he was one of the attackers.

The knife-wielding men, one of whom was carrying fake explosives, entered the 16th-century stone church in this Normandy town and took five hostages, including Rev. Jacques Hamel, the parish’s 85-year-old auxiliary priest.

A nun who fled the scene told French TV she saw the attackers force Father Hamel to kneel before cutting his throat. The attackers recorded the attack and “did a sort of sermon around the altar in Arabic,” she said.

Another person knifed in the church was in stable condition, a prosecutor said.

Police surrounded the church and shot and killed the two men as they exited the building, the spokesman said.

Islamic State said via its media arm, the Amaq news agency, that the attack was carried out by two of its “soldiers” without providing evidence of any direct links to the attackers.

French President François Hollande said the attackers had sworn allegiance to the extremist group.

“We are faced with a group that has declared war on us,” Mr. Hollande said after rushing to the scene.

The gruesome nature of the attack—and the fact that it was carried out in a Catholic church in a predominantly Catholic country—provoked outrage across France, fueling calls for a broader crackdown on Muslim radicals.

“A new low has been reached,” said Marine Le Pen, leader of the anti-immigration National Front party. “The heart of our nation’s cultural identity has been intentionally struck.”

Authorities were also grappling with the possibility of another breakdown in France’s security apparatus as they investigated Kermiche’s involvement in this latest attack...
My prediction is that things do not get better. We will see more jihad terror in France.

And also, Marine Le Pen will make the runoff in the French presidential election next year. I'd like to say she'll be elected, but even that remains an unknown. Leftists would do anything to sabotage a so-called "far-right nationalist" from coming to power.

Sadly, it's a true nationalist that France needs as its savoir, far-right or not.

Terror Attacks In Europe Are Becoming a Daily Occurence

At Heat Street.

It's like I've been saying.

Cuck Conservatives Flock to the Progressives

Remember my post from the other day, "Louise Mensch Implores Me to Come Back to the Light."

I pretty much made my case for Trump at the post, but to reiterate the main point: My vote this November is a vote against the left, and to add to it, those so-called conservative "#NeverTrump" goons are frankly working to get Hillary elected, which would be essentially a third term for Obama.

If you're conservative, you're certainly not going to vote for the Democrats.

In any case, see Bill Quick's post, "Vox Day Eviscerates Andrew Klavan":
Vox Popoli: Conservatism in ruins:
It very much looks to me right now as if Trump is going to lose this election on pure incompetence and mean spirit. That might actually make it easier for conservatives to regroup in the ruins of the Republican Party. If he wins, we may need a new party of our own. But whichever way things go, I think we need to open a discussion about how conservatives can not only remain conservative but also win elections in modern America.

Is he even watching the political conventions? This sort of wishful thinking is why no one should bother paying any attention to a cuckservative like Klavan now or in the future. Conservatism is dying. Its diseased remnants are flocking to the progressives, as we always knew they would. And we watch them go with dry eyes and a grim smile, because we don’t need a bunch of useless cucks and moderates who were always happier shooting at their own side than the enemy.
I have never been a conservative. I will never be a conservative. I am delighted to see the conservative movement crumbling into dust. Conservatives conserve nothing, accomplish nothing, and stand for nothing. They will not defend the Church, they will not defend America, and they will not defend the West.

The Alt Right will. Join us, if you have the steel.

I gave up on the formal “conservative” movement a while back, when I realized that Hot Air was an apt name for what almost all of them were spouting, and than almost none of those politicians they supported ever had any intention of winning the war for America that the Leftists and other Democrats were waging on them...
Still more.

Michael Ramirez on the Normandy Jihad Attack

Here, "Normandy Church Attack 07-26-16":

Once again, the vile and wretched refuse of mankind have attacked the innocent.

Our prayers go out for the families of Father Jacques Hamel, and the nun who is fighting for her life. We pray. Our prayers go out for the people of ​France and for people everywhere who have fallen victim to these heinous acts of terror.

The terrorists who continue to commit these brutal acts, attacking an 84 year old priest and a nun, demonstrate what they truly are, cowards, who prey on the weak, helpless and defenseless.

As I have written before, these tragedies expose "those who subvert religion to justify brutal acts of barbarity. Only when the world can see these animals for what they truly are will the world unite against these emissaries of death and destruction."

But before you can go after evil, you must define it. It goes by many names; ISIS, ISIL, lone wolf, DAESH... but they all share one thing in common, the celebration of death in the name of radical Islam.

We pray for those who have been touched by terror.

Helpless Europe

Following-up, "'Shock' in France as 'Soldier' of Islamic State Murders Priest, Takes Nuns Hostage (VIDEO)."

Yes, Europeans are helpless as long as they refuse to grasp the reality of the situation, and of course socialist France won't do it. Perhaps Marine will be elected to the presidency next year, and they'll have a chance.

Meanwhile, here's Bret Stephens, at WSJ, "Is Europe Helpless?" (via Israel Matzav):
At last count, members of the European Union spent more than $200 billion a year on defense, fielded more than 2,000 jet fighters and 500 naval ships, and employed some 1.4 million military personnel. More than a million police officers also walk Europe’s streets. Yet in the face of an Islamist menace the Continent seems helpless. Is it?

Was France helpless in May 1940?

Let’s stipulate that a van barreling down a seaside promenade isn’t a Panzer division, and that a few thousand ISIS fighters scattered from Mosul to Marseilles aren’t another Wehrmacht. But as in France in 1940, Europe today displays the same combination of doctrinal rigidity and loss of will that allowed an Allied army of 144 divisions to be routed by the Germans in six weeks. The Maginot Line of “European values” won’t prevail over people who recognize none of those values.

So much was made clear by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who remarked after the Nice attack that “France is going to have to live with terrorism.” This may have been intended as a statement of fact but it came across as an admission that his government isn’t about to rally the public to a campaign of blood, toil, tears and sweat against ISIS—another premature capitulation in a country that has known them before.

Mr. Valls was later booed at a memorial service for the Nice victims. It would be heartening to think this was because he and his boss, President François Hollande, have failed to forge a strategy to destroy ISIS. But the public’s objection was that there hadn’t been enough cops along the Promenade des Anglais to stop the attack. In soccer terms, it’s a complaint about the failure of defense, not the lack of a proper offense.

Then there is Germany, site of three terror attacks in a week. It seems almost like a past epoch that Germans welcomed a million Middle Eastern migrants in an ecstasy of moral self-congratulation, led by Angela Merkel’s chant of “We can do it!” Last summer’s slogan now sounds as dated and hollow as Barack Obama’s “Yes we can!”

Now Germany will have to confront a terror threat that will make the Baader-Meinhof gang of the 1970s seem trivial. The German state is stronger and smarter than the French one, but it also surrenders more easily to moral intimidation. The idea of national self-preservation at all costs will always be debatable in a country seeking to expiate an inexpiatable sin.

Thus the question of whether Europe is helpless...
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