Sunday, February 21, 2010

Governor Schwarzenegger Proves, Once Again, Why He's California's Worst Governor in Decades

The story's at ABC News and Memeorandum, but Left Coast Rebel's got the beat down, "Arnold Schwarzenegger, Expert on Fiscal Conservatism Says the Tea Parties 'Not Going Nowhere'":

MORAN: Governor Schwarzenegger, is the Republican Party, your party, the party of no right now?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, you know, they have the big opposite position. I mean, because first when it come to the party itself, they have to do everything they can in order to win in November. So they're going to say no to everything, they're going to say it is not good but Obama is --

MORAN: So they are the party of no.

SCHWARZENEGGER: They're the party of no, and at the same time, I think that there are a lot of people that are disenchanted and dissatisfied and they're angry and this is why you have the Tea Party and all of those things. The Tea Party is not going to go anywhere. I think the Tea Party is all about just an expression of anger and dissatisfaction and I see it in California when people come up to me and says, you know I'm angry that you guys don't get along in Sacramento. I'm angry that they're not getting along in Washington. I'm angry that nothing gets done. I'm angry that I'm unemployed. I'm angry that people are losing homes. I'm angry that businesses are losing their businesses and all of those kind of things. And the economy is down.

But that's only the case in California. That's not only the case in America. That's the case all over the world. If you read six newspapers from different parts of the world, you will see the headlines are pretty much the same. They're all angry at their leaders because the economy is down and the world basically has one-third less wealth right now. And so that makes people angry.

Understanding the Surge

Via Great Satan's Girlfriend, from The Institute for the Study of War, "Understanding the Surge." Grab a cup of coffee or some popcorn. This documentary is a little over a half-hour long. Quite moving, my favorite part is at about 20 minutes, when American forces went door-to-door, winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. This was on top of the military strategy of clearing insurgent strongholds one by one, with the most intensive human resource investments imaginable in wartime. Leftists told the American public that the U.S. military bribed the insurgents to lay down their arms and walk away from battle, but the most crucial successes in the surge strategy came even before the renowned Anbar Awakening. It's quite a film:

RELATED: David Belavia, "Our Mission is Finally Accomplished… Anyone Care?" (via Sistah Toldjah at Right Wing News).

James B. Webb: Intolerant Sexist Pig

I discussed earlier "The Narrative" in American politics. The Narrative is the ideological construct that claims an ineluctable progress toward full equality in the U.S., and to challenge that project is to be subjected to the most vile attacks of "racism," "sexism," and "homophobia." Of course, leftists refuse to hold themselve up to the same standards they hold conservatives, which is a reminder that it's not equality these folks are about, but totalitarianism.

Anwyay, I mention this after noticing that James B. Webb, one of the great purveyors of The Narrative, has once again exempted himself from it. In a post from a few weeks ago ("Ayla Brown Is Available, And I'm Interested"), JBW disrespects my beautiful friend Suzanna as "Sweetits." Pleading and pumping about how ready he is for Scott Brown's daughter, we're treated to this burst of sexist objectification and anti-feminine infantilization:

Yes, I was spurned by Sweetits but I have a good feeling about this one. Ayla, I'm a relatively poor man, I have no real power or influence over anyone, I drink way more wine than any healthy human being should and I prefer not to cook or clean. Come and get it, girl! She'll be in good hands, Senator-elect Brown. Good, busy hands.

Contrary to JBW's claims at his post, I've never insinuated he's gay. But no one needs to insinuate anything about his blatant sexism and progressive hypocrisy. It's just right out there for everyone to see.

So typical of the left, I might add.

RELATED: "Leftists Are Liars, and I'll Show You..."

Questioning 'The Narrative'

A super big thanks goes out to my good friend Grizzly Mama.

After reading last night's piece, "Leftists Are Liars, and I'll Show You...," she suggested that I head over to her "beloved" Weekly Standard to read Jeffrey Bergner's, "Can Republicans Govern? Not unless they change The Narrative." And wow! This is a phenomenal piece. The Narrative is the ideological construction of an ineluctable progress towards full equality in the U.S., and to challenge that project is to open oneself up to the most vicious attacks of "racism," "sexism," and "homophobia." Bergner argues that The Narrative is a bipartisan project, and Republicans in fact need to think outside of that box if they're going have any hope of not only governing, but in providing a sustainable governing vision for the future.

a beefy article, but worth your time. With that in mind, enjoy these passages as an appetizer:
From time to time individuals break out of The Narrative. Leading radio talk show hosts do this, rhetorically, and are subjected to vicious personal attacks for their trouble. This is because The Narrative denies any legitimacy to a genuinely different point of view; any such view has been predefined as backward, regressive, self-interested, and evil. There can be no reasonable debate with opponents of The Narrative. When opponents, or even mere skeptics, question not just one or another policy notion but the story itself, the political left goes into overdrive. The entire machine is activated—political progressives, left-wing bloggers, the mainstream media, academics, late night TV hosts, and the arts community all descend with fury to attack the intelligence, the background, and the character of anyone who questions The Narrative. To question The Narrative is to question the self-ascribed virtue of the left ....

Judging by its rhetoric, the left seems singularly threatened by Sarah Palin, but they can’t explain why. Because she’s attractive? So are most politicians, including the current president. Because she’s from Alaska? So are Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski. Because she lacks “experience”? So do lots of politicians, including the current president. Does anyone imagine that a few more years of “experience” will cause Sarah Palin’s critics to warm up to her? The left simply cannot supply a convincing rationale for its own mania. That a wife and mother is successful in public life and is also a conservative, populist reformer should not be possible. A political reformer opposed to the expansion of the federal government should be a contradiction in terms. Sarah Palin can undo by her simple existence every stereotype of the left’s Narrative. This creates a visceral threat. It cannot be permitted, or even laughed off—she must be destroyed. The threat to The Narrative is what provokes the name-calling and bizarrely substance-free personal attacks that have flowed relentlessly from Palin’s critics.

What if Republicans took back the House in 2010? Or, to enlarge the fantasy, what if Republicans enjoyed the numerical advantage of today’s Democrats in the House and Senate? Would they actually do anything to reverse the growth of government? Republican majorities would surely strive to slow the rush to national financial ruin and rein in unsustainable deficits, and that’s all to the good. Government-imposed equality might advance more slowly. But what are the chances it would be halted or reversed? For that matter, what did Republicans do as recently as five years ago, when they controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House?

So long as Republicans are enthralled by The Narrative, they will be stuck in rearguard actions. There will be no coherent set of policies toward which Republicans aim steadily over time, such as characterizes the progressive left. There will be only the (almost endearing) Republican embarrassment about governing at all.

So Republicans must ask themselves: Are they really ready to reverse the trend of more and more Americans becoming dependent upon government? Do they really deny the working assumption that most Americans don’t know what’s best for them, and that public policy must set them straight? Are they willing to act so that initiative does not meet bureaucratic obstacles at every turn, and regulations don’t hamper every creative venture? Do they actually disdain an ideal of justice that conjures up an image of well-fed and well-tended sheep?

What if Republicans aimed at a different story altogether? What if the story of America were one in which government imposed ever less control over citizens? What if they considered every policy initiative through this lens: Does it help Americans become less, rather than more, dependent on the government? Their goal would then be to create—as best they can, and over time—a nation of self-reliant citizens, not merely “consumers” and “providers” and “practitioners” and “beneficiaries” and “recipients” and all the other less-than-fully-human descriptors of the left.

What if our national history were recast and understood in this new light? What if we reminded ourselves that it was the Republican party of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass that ended slavery and the Democratic party that dragged its feet? That it was the Republican party that pushed through women’s suffrage? That Republicans like Senator Everett Dirksen were leaders in the civil rights legislation of the 1960s? The overthrow of slavery, the enfranchisement of women, the end of segregation all empowered people vis à vis their government. And these advances in citizen empowerment were then wrongly put to the service of (seemingly well-intentioned) egalitarian programs that result not in the improvement of America’s citizenry but in their perpetual dependence?
RTWT at the link. And thanks to Grizzly Mama!

'Black Hawk Down' is RAAACIST!!

You know, while this is serious business, rebutting the left's endless allegations of racism, I've been mostly mocking so far in my series on "racist movies." But it's beyond bothersome that "Black Hawk Down" is included and ranked at #27. And here's the caption:
Ridley Scott's account of the 1993 "Battle of Mogadishu" drew heavy fire for casting African-Americans, who neither look nor sound like Somalis, to portray them as an ignorant, extra dark and scary, bloodthirsty mob of villains with no legitimate cause to attack U.S. Army Rangers. Well, they've got their cause now.
I guess indigenous affirmative action quotas are de rigueur among leftists nowdays. But as anyone who's read anything on the Clinton administration's policy in Somalia knows, the firefight there actually did have "bloodthirsty villains" attacking U.S. forces. And of course Americans were in the country to provide massive humanitarian relief to non-combatant Somalis, who were facing catastrophic circumstances amid the country's civil war. According to the Wikipedia entry, U.S. forces delivered "48,000 tons of food and medical supplies in six months to international humanitarian organizations trying to help the over three million starving people in the country." So to be clear here, when you see all these leftist "racist" attacks on everything from the tea partiers to movies like "The Hurt Locker" and "Falling Down," these constitute, in their totality, powerful evidence for the vicious hatred of America -- in all of its manifestations -- that is the core of Democratic/leftist ideology (here, for example):

Reflections on the Peculiar Institution

From my 2006 essay, "Reflections on the Peculiar Institution":

I'm currently reading "Jubilee," by Margaret Walker. It's a novel of slavery. I'm really fascinated by it so far, and I've only read 50-plus pages ....
I was really moved by a passage I read, whereby one of the main characters, Vyry, along with her Aunt Sally, went to attend a Baptist Church meeting while on leave from the plantation. The meeting turned out to be no ordinary Sunday prayer session, as a number of abolitionists were there. They were agitating for a black uprising against slavery across the South. It was an envigorating speech! But Uncle Joe, one of the older black slaves from Vyry's plantation, was scared, and denounced talk of abolition as foolhardy:

That's foolish talk you talking boy, foolish and dangerous, too. Here you is ain't dry behind your ears and here you come talking bout how us gwine be free. Does you know how many hundreds and hundreds of years we's been slaves? Does you know how long since the white man brung us here from Afficky to this here America? You know how come? Well, you know what God told Ham, don't you? You know what we is, don't you. Just hewers of wood and drawers of water, that's what we is. That's our punishment for being black. Yall can swell up, swell on up if you want to, like a dead dog, until you bust. I knows what you think I is, but I'm telling you now bout getting free. You might be willing to die cause you ain't gotta die, and you might be willing to get whipped, but I ain't fixing to say die, and I ain't fixing to get whipped. Sho, us is uprising, niggers uprising all the time and look what happening. Ain't none of them uprising yet went free. Tell me one time they come free, I'm asking you? Just tell me one time. You know when us gwine free? I can tell you cause I knows. Us gwine free when the Good Lord say so and not before, when He come riding in His chariot bringing a Moses with Him. If He means for me to go free, I'm gwine go free one of these days...Lord knows I'd like to be ables to go wheresomever I wants to go, do what I wants to do, have my own farm, raise my own taters and cotton and corn, and be my own marster, man, and boss like you is, but I knows the Lord's will gwine be, and I'm waiting on the Lord...."
This was an extremely moving passage for me. My dad grew up in Jim Crow-era Missouri. Stories he told me, and stories told to me by his close friends, ring close to Uncle Joe's lament in "Jubilee." Blacks in the antibellum South grew strength from their faith in deliverance to the promised land -- the "old negro spiritual" that Martin Luther King spoke of in his "I Have a Dream Speech." I'll write some follow-ups to this post as I move through the book. It's quite good thus far.

Andrew Breitbart is RAAACIST!!

Allegations of racism. It's all they've got, and boy the left's cobags deploy them with extreme regularity:

As noted at IOWNTHEWORLD, "Breitbart is the new Bush. The Left-Wing Media HATES him like olive loaf. Why? Because he’s better than them."

See also the Washington Independent, "Andrew Breitbart Meets Daryle Jenkins of the One People’s Project" (via Memeorandum).

RELATED: "Leftists Are Liars, and I'll Show You..."

Obama Las Vegas Fail

At Politico, "In Sin City, Obama Clarifies Remarks."

Plus, "Vegas Mayor Refuses To Meet Obama: Goodman Demands Apology For Comments," and "Goodman Pleased About Obama’s Las Vegas Comments: Las Vegas Mayor Says He doesn’t Regret Not Attending Presidential Functions."

Obama Unveils Mortgage Plan to Help California, 4 Other States."

No Sheeples Here!

Theo Spark.

Freedom Defense Initiative

From Atlas Shrugs, "More Coverage of the FDI Event: Jihad: The Political Third Rail, 'Single Most Important Event of This Three-Day Conference'":

Clearly citizen journalists and other bloggers came away from the first Freedom Defense Initiative event with a more informed and intelligent take then the incompetent media. There has been thoughtful, informed analysis here and here. Alternative media has, in fact, become the only reliable, competent media.

When things calm down, I will post my observations. Pamela Hall will have video up of the whole event this weekend, and a DVD with outtake interviews will be available next week.

Here's an excerpt of Mark J. Koenig's trenchant analysis of the day's seminal event over at David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog -- do read it all ...
Also, check out the Freedom Defense blog. And at American Thinker, "Jihad: The Political Third Rail -- At CPAC."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Leftists Are Liars, and I'll Show You...

I'll be meeting with my vice president of human resources on Monday. Naturally, I'll utterly reject the campaign of smears and "racist" allegations that have been leveled against me.

And I say this without a hint of hyperbole: Reading the
comment thread you will find a truly mind-bogging stream of left-wing elitism, megalomania, hatred, and lies. But what's fantastic is that someone claiming to be a former student of mine popped into the comments to rebut the scurrility:

To be completely honest, when I took Prof. Douglas' poly-sci class he took a surprisingly unbiased approach to teaching and he was quite popular and likable. It wasn't until I started reading his blog that I found out how incredibly brainwashed he was. Go figure...
Considering everything else, I almost can't believe that someone had the decency to tell the truth. Yet it's funny that this student, after reading my blog, thinks I'm warped! And to some extent I consider that a failure, since I wasn't able to turn this person around a bit through my instruction. My teaching does tend toward American exceptionalism, although I don't indoctrinate. And when one has hundreds of students per semester, it's impossible to reach out to each and every one on an intimate basis.

In any case, Captain Fogg and Comrade Repsac3 mounted an aggressive rebuke of the student's comments (check the thread). It just doesn't fit their program of destruction to find that -- HELP ME RHONDA!! -- I really am a gentleman and a professional. And that's the thing: Leftists count on the decency of people to prevail in their progressive agenda. I mean people just cringe at the thought of being accused of racism, and folks bend over backwards lest they offend others in the slightest. But when someone like myself sees through the left's totalitarian baloney, and when I stand up for what's right, I'm excoriated and hounded, with real attempts to destroy my livelihood. And to that end, Comrade Repsac3 has written yet another libel-post to smear my name and maliciously impugn my reputation. See, "
Donald Douglas - An Ethical 'Push-me, Pull-you'."

Last night I cited Deborah Frisch's malicious attack on Jeff Goldstein, at Protein Wisdom, in 2006 (see, "
Jeff Goldstein Knows a Thing or Two About Low-Life Leftist Scum"). Frisch had announced a deathwish on Jeff's child (more on that below). But what really kills me is this bald-faced lie from Captain Fogg at Repsac3's comments:

It's probably a shame that none of his readers will ever see what I actually wrote to the Donald, nut only the patched together redaction wrapped around a bundle of straw with a target painted on it. He and his cohorts who scream about censorship all use comment moderation and nothing I've written to them, no matter how rational or sincere an attempt at communication ever see the light of day until it's been gutted, skinned and had horns grafted on to the carcass.
I responded with a comment at the post:


Capt. Fogg: You're the biggest liar I've seen in a very long time. I seriously could not live with myself if I routinely spit out the most vicious lies and slanders on the scale that you do. It's completely reprehensible, and you should be ashamed, and if libel laws were tougher you've have a bit of that coming as well, you sucking tentacle of death.

You write: And "Nothing I've ever written them ..." has seen the light of day.

Say what? I published your comment at my blog, you asshole,
here. And then I wrote an entire post in rebuttal, here.

You are nothing but an evil stump of a man, a miniscule little prick, and your lies right here prove it.

And you Comrade Repsac3, your posts are despicable smears and distortions. How can you possible compare anything I've ever written to Deborah Frisch, who attacked Jeff Goldstein in classic leftist deathwish style: "You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one JonBenets your baby" ... "I reiterate: If some nutcase kidnapped your child tomorrow and did to him what was done to your fellow Coloradan, JonBenet Ramsey, I wouldn't give a damn."

How dare you spread lies about me here at this post. I've never wished someone's child dead. That is truly diabolical. It blows the mind that you'd even put me in the same breath as Deborah Frisch. She deserved exactly what she got and then some. And of course, Daily Kos wouldn't denounce her. They're all about hate and death as well -- contractors in Fallujah had it coming, and the Jewish state should perish from the earth -- and you of course endorse it whole hog!

And like Captain Fogg, this post proves you to be someone without a shred of morality, which is exactly what I wrote in the Goldstein post last night. You make it too easy, just too damned easy. There is a universal right in the world, Comrade Repsac3, and you've repeatedly demonstrated that you stand outside of it

These people are like hyenas on the scavenger hunt, but not quite powerful enough to destroy the Lion King of the savannah. Yet they'll attempt anything to destroy me, to the point of hatching the most evil plot imaginable. It's happening now. There are simply no moral restraints for leftists, none. And frankly, this is exactly what I wrote last night at my post. Interesting how things are turning out today, with the anonymous student's comments and Captain Fogg's bald-faced lies. I'm sure I'll have lots of reading material to share with the vice president at my college!

Andrew Breitbart Rocks CPAC!

I love the entry at Weasel Zippers, "Andrew Breitbart's Kick Ass Speech At CPAC ... He Calls Out SEIU, ACORN, MSM, John Podesta, NYT, Lib Universities/College Profs ... 'Bring It On!' ... 'The Gig Is Up ... You're Not On The American Team'."

Also, Yid With Lid, "
CPAC Saturday Morning, Breitbart Wows, Allahpundit Gets Friendly." And Sharon Soon, "Andrew Breitbart Thinks the MSM … Well, Sucks":

It's not an easy job to fight the vile, vindictive, unreined media, and it explains why so few are willing to take the risk of being attacked. Conservatives shoul be thankful for guys who are.

For years of my life, I've been on the defense. I greatest fear was being attacked. What if someone called me a racist? What if I wasn't around to defend myself? Then one day I realized that it was okay. And I now love the thing I feared most. I'm not on the defense anymore - I'm on the offense. Bring it on!

The full background, with transcription, is at Newsbusters, "Breitbart to NY Times Reporter for Alleging Racial Tones at CPAC: 'You’re a Despicable Human Being'."

Plus, Andrew puts the pedal to the metal, at
Big Journalism, "Breitbart Confronts Blumenthal at CPAC" (via Memeorandum). Watch the video here.

I Only Wanna Place to Rest My Head ... If Looks Could Kill I Might As Well Be Dead...

Okay, more on the The Damned, as promised. I imagine the band is beyond the experience and sensibilities of a lot of my readers, but for a time I was really into their sound. One night in about 1981, my friend Potato Head (Skatemaster Tate) called to say The Damned was playing an impromptu gig at the Whiskey a-Go-Go. And off I went. They played a half-a dozen concerts in SoCal in the space of a week or so, and I nearabouts saw every one. More recently, I saw them play the House of Blues in Anaheim in 2006. The live clip below is good, but check the lyrics and listen to the studio version at bottom. The band's Wikipedia entry is here. In many respects, the group's as important as The Clash and The Sex Pistols, but less appreciated commerically. (Joe Strummer and Mick Jones apparently made an uncredited vocal appearance on The Damned's 1976 album, Machine Gun Etiquette, so it's all of piece if you're a punker.) Enjoy:

PREVIOUSLY: "The Buzzcocks, The Damned to Play the O.C.'s 'MusInk' Festival," and, "The Damned - 'Dozen Girls'."

Ann Coulter at CPAC: 'Since Obama Was Elected, For the First Time in My Life I'm Sometimes Not Proud of My Country'

Ann Coulter's in the news today, and not just for her appearance at CPAC:

See Mediaite, "Keith Olbermann Owes Ann Coulter an Apology," (via Memeorandum), and Weasel Zippers, "Olbermann Talking About Ann Coulter: 'If This Guy Wants To Live His Life As A Woman, I'm Going To Back His Choice Up 100%'."

The "Since Obama Was Elected" line comes at about 6:55 minutes into the viddy.

'Peace Activist' Sean Penn Attacks Paparazzo in Brentwood!

LCR has the report, "Communist Useful Idiot Actor Sean Penn Charged With Battery, Vandalism in Los Angeles (Here's Hoping)." And here's the video from TMZ.

Penn's a great actor, but god he's a disgusting caricature of the hypocritical Hollywood communist. Nice language there as well.

Alexander Haig, 1924-2010

The Washington Post has an obituary, "Alexander Haig, Former Secretary of State, Dies at 85" (via Memorandum).

I think Haig was a fine man, but I doubt he could ever live down the ridicule from his statement in 1981, following the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, that "As of now, I am in control here in the White House pending return of the vice president and (I am) in close touch with him."

More at the Los Angeles Times, "Voices -- Alexander Haig, 1924 - 2010." The Times features screencaps from articles of the day, for example: "White House Says Haig Took Correct Action."

ADDED: From No Sheeples Here!, "Alexander Haig, Former Secretary of State, Has Died."

'Falling Down' is RAAACIST!!

Gee, I guess I have a new hobby!

It's called "Let's Mock the 'Racist' Victimologists"! Whoopee!!

Racism!! Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Okay, let's put on our "racism radar" and talk some more about "racist" films. How about "Falling Down"? It's not like you wouldn't come across a couple of vatos like this, right? Seriously. Well, let's just say there are some parts of town left better unexplored. Oops,can't say that - that's RAAACIST!!

Got to hand it to that SEK! Man, that dude's got the PC goods, yo!

My God! Even More Movie RAAACISM!!"

Britney Spears' 2010 Candies Photoshoot Reach-Around

Guyism has the pics, "Britney Spears is the New Face of Candies… Seriously."

The video is here.

Plus, a link-around for my friends (in no particular order):

* Hall of Record, "Testing BlogPress and Photo Upload."

* MAinfo, "Herman Cain Rocks CPAC!"

* The Daley Gator, "Now that is a good reach around."

* A Conservative Shemale, "Here is where I learn my lesson about skipping an FMJRA Saturday."

* The Rhetorican, "What Can Olbermann Learn From CPAC?"

* The Blog Prof, "Video: CPAC Blogger of the Year Ed Morrissey Introduced by Special Guest Rush Limbaugh."

* Blazing Cat Fur, "
Jennifer Lynch Hides Behind Ruse of "Solicitor Client Privilege" to Cover Up Effort to Keep CHRC Staff From Reading Blazingcatfur!"

* Snooper Report, "
Obama - Unbelievable Crook."

* Left Coast Rebel, "
Obama and ACORN: New Video From Rep. Darrel Issa Proves the Obama/ACORN Alliance (and Obama's Lies)."

* Legal Insurrection, "
Think Progress Targets Scott Brown Over IRS Plane Attack."

* Grandpa Johns, "
Republicans: Return to Your Roots."

* Three Beers Later, "
Back Door Man..."

* Snark and Boobs, "
In Crystal Mangum, Duke Rape Accuser, Leftist Tactics Come Home To Roost."

* Carol's Closet, "
I Have Made My Choice." [On Marco Rubio]

* Reaganite Republican, "
Czech Top-Model: Eva Herzigová."

* TrogloPundit, "
I know what you’re thinking: what does The TrogloPundit have in common with a bunch of glamorous and sexy supermodels?"

* Astute Bloggers, "

* Pat in Shreveport, "
Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: The Spring Fever Edition."

* Theo Spark, "
Saturday Totty ..."
And don't miss WyBlog who gets a generic link imploring him to update -- with hotties, preferably!

Plus, the obligatory link to Smitty at Babe-Blog/FMJRA Central.


Andrew Breitbart at CPAC: Conservatives 'Have Contempt for Mainstream Media'

Via Gateway Pundit, Andrew issues a long and justly-deserved denunciation against Rachel Maddow, but I like the discussion at about 2:45 minutes: "The one thing these people do have in common is contempt for the mainstream media." Watch it:

Also, at Political Hotsheet, "Breitbart: Conservatives to Go "On Offense" Against Media, Professors."

CPAC Highlights

CPAC's starting to wind down. I'll be updating here with reports and video throughout the day. First thing to note, via Midnight Blue, is that young attendees booed Ryan Sorba's denunciation of GOProud, the Republican gay rights group:

But the issue sounds a bit more complicated in Brianna Keilar's report, "Gay Republicans Draw Support, Concern at CPAC."

Also, the John Birch Society was a sponsor of the event, which has caused some controversy as well. See, Powerline, "Return of the John Birch Society?." And at ABC News, "Far-Right John Birch Society 2010" (via Memeorandum).

More on the topsy-turvy event at Los Angeles Times, "Republicans Revel, and Clash, at CPAC Conference."

Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm Gonna Set the World Alight...

More from The Damned, who are playing the O.C. tomorrow. Three versions of "Ignite" for you, the lead track on Side One of the band's blockbuster 1982 LP, "Strawberries." The studio version is at bottom, so compare and contrast to the live perfomances:

Twilight comes and the mood's complete
Gonna hit the street grab some of that night time beat
My heart is beat beat beating like a drum
The night is in my veins we're gonna have some fun tonight

Light the fuse I must ignite
I'm gonna set the world alight
Light the fuse I must ignite
I'm gonna set the world alight

I wanna see you burn

I killed the cigarette I killed the light
I'm killing time the heat kills me on a hot summer night
I'm gonna dream a life live a dream
Hell for leather in my scheme of things tonight

Light the fuse I must ignite
I'm gonna set the world alight
Light the fuse I must ignite
I'm gonna set the world alight

My God! Even More Movie RAAACISM!!

Jesus, I'm on a roll here tonight!

But I'll tell you, with the radical left it's like taking candy from a baby!

And think about it: Just as folks were getting a little thread going on my "
Hurt Locker" post, I find this: "The 50 Most Racist Movies." It's from the Complex Media Network, and we're told to put on our "racist radar." Not too hard for the Democrats, actually.

Okay, here's a little game: Guess which which of my wicked little recent attack-masters gets the hat tip, Captain Fogg, Comrade Repsac3, David Hillman, Green Eagle, James B. Webb, TNLib, RockyNC, SEK, or TRUTH 101?

Answer: Wrong if you picked this
extremist storm-trooper of hate, although you were close of you picked this despicable smear-merchant.

But the winner is ...

And the "
Gremlins" were racist? Who knew?

Jeff Goldstein Knows a Thing or Two About Low-Life Leftist Scum

The context is a little different, but this brief snippet does capture the despicable essence of sleazebag David Hillman. From Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom:
One of the problems with posting on a political site under your own name is that those who disagree with your politics — if they don't have particularly solid ethics or scruples — can (and will) attempt at every turn to damage your reputation ...
Or attempt to just destroy you altogether, but you get the idea.

More at
the link.

Some background on Goldstein's bona fides in this area is here, "
The Great Blogosphere Brawl."

A Daily Kos blogger commented on the case, in typical leftist demonic fashion. An excerpt:
You know what I think is really sick? When Michelle Malkin posted slanderous and defamatory comments about the Chancellor of the University of Santa Cruz for allowing antiwar protesters to protest military recruiters on campus, pushing the Chancellor to take her own life. I also think it's sick that Michelle Malkin on her own blog has posted comments in which she trivialized the rape and murder of the teenage Iraqi girl by American G.I.s.
Check all the links above, but basically, there are no facts or truth to leftists, just the goal of total destruction.

My Big Fat RAAACIST Haircut Picture!

It's from the same day as, "After Shopping..."

Yep, that's me: The Big Fat RAAACIST!!! Read all about it, here (with recent updates)!

Also, got a nice bit of support from my good friend BCF, who suggested: "These people are absolute low lifes."

You can say that again!

'The Hurt Locker' is RAAACIST!!

I promised to update a bit on "The Hurt Locker." I've posted a couple of times on the movie, although I did not write a review. I need to see it again to be able to write something fresh. I can tell you though, it's a great flick, and this was nowhere near my reaction:

I would argue that the film is certainly racist/orientalist in the way in which the Iraqi population is portrayed. Iraqis are depicted as either villainous or as an undifferentiated mass of passive spectators and victims. There are no images of Iraqi women which do not depict them either wailing or otherwise "hysterical". The English speaking Iraqi men, all of whom have bit parts, are completely emasculated. The American soldiers are generally depicted as brave (if insanely reckless in a cowboy fashion) and highly competent.

The one chance that the writer and director had to stage a dialog between the protagonist and an Iraqi professor is completely squandered as the professor's "hysterical" wife throws the protagonist-intruder out of her home. Perhaps I should be thankful that the writer and director did not choose to try to speak for "the other."

There is the requisite paternal engagement with an Iraqi child. However, the child apparently is indistinguishable to the protagonist from all of the other masses of poor Iraqi children who chase and throw rocks at military vehicles.

The film may not be quite as aggressively racist as "Blackhawk Down," "300," or "Zulu," the defining films in terms of racist war genre, but it is certainly a contender. There are thankfully no scenes in which a brown or black horde attacks an outnumbered group of mainly white heroes. In terms of the anti-Arab content, the film is not as bad as "True Lies" or any of the worst Hollywood films in the anti-semitic/anti-Arab genre, mainly because it does not really engage "the other" at all... so none of the more complex racist tropes are brought forth. Nevertheless, the film does continue the long tradition documented in Reel Bad Arabs.
This is such a twisted take on the film that even the commenters there (and this is an leftist academic blog) take big issue.

Tea Parties Attract First-Time Activists

Great piece from WSJ, "Tea-Party Drive Steeped in Political Novices: Movement Attracts First-Time Activists Mad About Debt, Expanding Government; Incumbents in Both Parties Face Risks":

The "tea-party" movement brewing in the 2010 elections is being driven in part by a potent force: first-time activists.

Matthew Clemente, a 20-year-old college junior, says he wasn't politically active until recently. But working at his family's Purchase Street Market in Worcester, Mass., in 2008, he says, he saw that business was down because many of the regulars were in hard-hit construction and contracting businesses.

"The taxes my dad was paying were laying on him hard, and you see these failed banks getting billions in taxpayer money after making bad investments and not playing by the rules," Mr. Clemente says. "It was disheartening."

An outlet came in 2009 with a tea-party meeting in Worcester. There, he heard stories similar to his own, he says, of individuals trying to do the right thing only to see the government bailing out others.

He is now an activist with tea-party organizations in Boston and Worcester and says he hopes to have a strategy session in the near future to focus on the 2010 elections. He also joined FreedomWorks, a Washington, D.C., group that coordinates local activities, and has become its state coordinator.
More at the link.

Top Photo: Midnight Blue, ""
Tea Party 3 - Independence Hall - July 4th."

Up a Creek?

Another pic from "Shopping the O.C.!":

The Joe Stack Tragedy - UPDATED!!

I've been preoccupied by the left's campaign of personal destruction against American Power. So frankly, I haven't had time to really follow the Joe Stack story. What I have noticed is that just as expected, leftists couldn't wait to use the tragedy to attack anti-tax activists and the tea party movement. And I don't have a problem with that, for the most part. Clearly the man had political motives, for no one would fly a plane into an IRS building without some deep-seated grievances. And sadly, lives were lost. It's big news. And I know there's a suicide note, etc., but I'll take a closer look at that later, as well as some of the other information available.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times has the straight news report, "
Suicide Pilot Crashes Into Building in Texas Housing IRS Offices."

And also, from ABC News, "
Texas Plane Crash: Wife of Joe Stack Calls Attack 'Unimaginable Tragedy': Authorities Investigating Whether Explosives on Plane When it Crashed" (via Memeorandum):

The wife of the suicidal Texas pilot who slammed his plane into an Austin office building called the attack today an "unimaginable tragedy."

Sheryl Stack, who was mentioned in the hate-filled suicide note thought to have been left by her husband, issued a statement extending "my sincerest sympathy to the victims and their families."

"Words cannot adequately express my sorrow or the sympathy I feel for everyone affected by this unimaginable tragedy," she said.

Sheryl Stack said she would not answer any questions because of the ongoing investigation.

The sheer volume of flames and smoke pouring from the Austin office building after A. Joseph Stack slammed into with his plane has prompted authorities to investigate whether he had some kind of explosive on board, sources told ABC News.

Stack, 53, topped off his single engine Piper Cherokee with fuel before crashing into the IRS offices in a kamikaze mission designed to punish the government he believed wronged him.

The full tank of fuel is believed to have contributed to the force of the explosion and subsequent fire, which investigators believe was probably a deliberate tactic by Stack.
As for the politicization, Matthew Yglesias has a comment. And Spencer Ackerman responds with an encore of his total lack of seriousness:

We can’t just play defense in this fight. What Yglesias fails to understand is that the ideology Stack subscribed to is the problem. All across the country are sleeper cells preaching hatred of the tax code, gathering in public to denounce the results of a democratic election and sow the seeds of sectarian violence. They even have a major television network sympathetic to their sick agenda. The threat is there for all to see.

The proper response is to go on offense. Intelligence is crucial to anticipatory self-defense, so we must authorize the use of enhanced interrogation methods to break their determined resistance. Similarly, we need to authorize lawful methods of widespread data collection, known as the Teabagger Surveillance Program, to enable us to gather the dots necessary for putting together the puzzles of future attacks. Working with our partner intelligence agencies overseas, we will rely on humane but tough methods employed by our partner agencies in more appropriate legal environments. The gloves are off.

Of course, we have determined that as long as this Long War continues, it will be necessary to conduct the same sorts of detention operations that have featured in all previous wars. Accordingly, we ought to work to design a military commissions system for trying detainees for their war crimes. To rule out its applicability on American citizens would only encourage future radicals to recruit Americans.

The important thing to remember is that this can’t be treated as a law enforcement matter. The military is most properly in the lead here, and so we need to use our military to go on offense, busting up the cells and meeting places and safe havens the extremists use to hone both their ideological and their combat skills
And we'll put Obama in the Hague as well, right Spencer?


UPDATE: Okay, I just read James Taranto at WSJ, "Pot Calls Kettle Stack: The Austin Attack and the Media's Stereotypes."

Joe Stack was no tea partier. Indeed, he comes off sounding quite a bit the leftist, but even then he's not deeply ideological, but instead alienated. It's terrorism, nevertheless, although people like Spencer Ackerman have completely illustrated their complete sellout to international jihad. There is a global religious/ideological struggle. It's existential. But I know folks like Yglesias and Ackerman see the U.S. as the real enemy, so they'll discount Islamist terror and highlight the lone crazy who spouts unintelligible, belligerent rants as on par to 9/11-scale attacks. Leftists are indeed internal enemies in that sense, although we'll get no movement toward greater security against any of these threats with people like Janet Napolitano in power.

Joe Stack's suicide letter is at the James Taranto piece.

Dude Bulldozes Home Ahead of Bank Foreclosure

From WLWT Cincinatti, "Frustrated Owner Bulldozes Home Ahead Of Foreclosure: Man Says Actions Intended To Send Message To Banks":

Like many people, Terry Hoskins has had troubles with his bank. But his solution to foreclosure might be unique.

Hoskins said he's been in a struggle with RiverHills Bank over his Clermont County home for nearly a decade, a struggle that was coming to an end as the bank began foreclosure proceedings on his $350,000 home.

"When I see I owe $160,000 on a home valued at $350,000, and someone decides they want to take it – no, I wasn't going to stand for that, so I took it down," Hoskins said.

Hoskins said the Internal Revenue Service placed liens on his carpet store and commercial property on state Route 125 after his brother, a one-time business partner, sued him.

The bank claimed his home as collateral, Hoskins said, and went after both his residential and commercial properties.

"The average homeowner that can't afford an attorney or can fight as long as we have, they don't stand a chance," he said.

Hoskins said he'd gotten a $170,000 offer from someone to pay off the house, but the bank refused, saying they could get more from selling it in foreclosure.

Hoskins told News 5's Courtis Fuller that he issued the bank an ultimatum.

"I'll tear it down before I let you take it," Hoskins told them.

And that's exactly what Hoskins did.
James Joyner has some ruminations on this.

I'm not trying to figure it out: It just sounds crazy, although I'm not surprised given our totally FUBAR housing market. (Via Memeorandum.)

As Disgusting as Joseph Goebbels?

Captain Fogg, who is one of the most bellicose bloggers I've ever encountered on the web, wrote this yesterday:

That people who are college professors can openly mock the idea that there is a history of black America worth regarding isn't sad, it's as disgusting as anything that ever came out of the mouth of Goebbels ....
And here's Captain Fogg's comment this morning, at my blog, at last night's post:

Just for the record, is it possible to be a bully for responding to repeated provocation even if the response is deemed excessive by the serial provocateur? If so, we would have to rewrite a bit of history, wouldn't we, since it would have been the US bullying the Japanese after December 1941 and the English after 1776, and al Qaeda after 2001 for instance. You're the professor, you should be able to explain that easily instead of hiding behind preemptive and absurd accusations of Marxist dementia and illicit relations with various bogeymen.

After all I didn't call you a bully when you accused me of planning to murder Rush Limbaugh when I suggested he be fired ...
Actually, Captain Fogg didn't suggest Rush Limbaugh should be "fired." He declared him a traitor and enemy of the state, and that's after suggesting that Fox News viewers were akin to Hitler's willing executioners:

The people who watch Fox usually don't watch anything else. They have no idea that the lies and distortions they've been hearing are often repudiated and disproved by all the other news services. They haven't a clue that one of the largest anti-American campaigns, indeed the most organized program of treason against truth, justice and democracy is broadcasting 24 hours a day. Fox is using and will use everything they can find to undermine confidence in our government and anything it does and as you can see is hoping our country will fall and our hopes will fail. To me, it constitutes as great a danger to our future as any foreign enemy or global economic collapse. Traitors, saboteurs, liars and purveyors of irrational hate, Fox News is the enemy and anyone who hopes not just for our survival, but our improvement owes it to the world to use every opportunity to expose them.
So frankly, Captain Fogg can bite the bone. He's launched merciless attacks on American Power more times that I can recount, starting at Libby Spencer's blog back in the day. Surely this execrable hate-master extremist would do the Schutzstaffel proud. Pure toxic evil, mark my words.

Indeed, all of these people are unprincipled bullies, the lot of them, a rogue demonology detachment of the first order:
Captain Fogg, Comrade Repsac3, David Hillman, Green Eagle, James B. Webb, TNLib, RockyNC, and TRUTH 101.