Monday, June 2, 2008

Deep Ties: Barack Obama and the Radical Left

Stanley Kurtz argues that Barack Obama's resignation from Trinity United Church of Christ does nothing fundamental to change his affinity to the views of Michael Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright:

Having now left Trinity United Church of Christ, can Barack Obama escape responsibility for his decades-long ties to Michael Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright? No, he cannot. Obama’s connections to the radical-left politics espoused by Pfleger and Wright are broad and deep. The real reason Obama bound himself to Wright and Pfleger in the first place is that he largely approved of their political-theological outlooks.
Note this passage especially:

Obama’s long-held and decidedly audacious hope has been to spread Wright’s radical spirit by linking it to a viable, left-leaning political program, with Obama himself at the center. The revolutionizing power of a politically awakened black church is not some side issue, or merely a personal matter, but has been the signature theme of Obama’s grand political strategy.
I'll say!